According to Livy November, 2014 VOLUME XXXXIV ISSUE III

November, 2014
According to Livy
Dear Members,
I would like to extend a warm welcome to our seasonal members who are returning to us. We have missed
you and are delighted to have you back. Our Garden Club year is back in full swing and we are in need of
your help and talents. As you recall, my theme is TOGETHER WE CAN. There isn't anything we can't do
when we all pitch in and work together.
Our first major project of the year, the restoration of the beautiful Japanese Lantern, has been completed..
Thanks to John Chrzczonowski, better known as John C, who spearheaded the work, which involved many
people both in and outside of the club. The lantern now stands proudly in Tuttle's Puddle, and is a reminder
of our long and interesting history. Sean Colson, a sculptor, put it back together and with the help of the Albritton family, it is
back on its pedestal for all to enjoy. Ron McCarty, curator of the Ca'd Zan and Larry Kelleher of the Historic Alliance helped us
obtain a grant for $1400 of the $4200 cost. Several of our members donated more than $1000 toward the cost and we applied for a
grant from District VIII. We welcome any another donations to offset the cost of the project. As you can see, TOGETHER WE
I was so proud of our club when we had the Garden Therapy Tea on October 16. Mary Fran Papineau and Mary
Deutsch and their helpers did an outstanding job decorating the Great Room and organizing the event. All of our guests seemed to
have a wonderful time enjoying the cookies and beverages as well as touring the gardens that Jean Hansen and her crew made so
beautiful. Mother Nature also came through with a beautiful day! I took a group on a garden tour and I had a woman in my group
who was 101. She had a twinkle in her eye, a lovely smile and as she got on the bus to depart, she gave me a big hug and said,
"I had a wonderful day." As she left, I thought to myself, TOGETHER WE DID SOMETHING WONDERFUL!
Our first Fundraiser, Mable's Vines and Finds is quickly coming up. I hope to see many members helping event chairs
Melanie Babineau and Jeanne Renderer and Fund Raising chair Emily Yaffe make this our most successful Plant Sale. TOGETHER WE CAN do it!
Barbara Rao and her Flower Show Committee have been hard at work for several months. This is one of our Community Education Outreach projects that we talk about in our Mission Statement which states " Preserving our tranquil botanical gardens and our historic landmarks while fostering appreciation and promotion of Florida gardening principles, floral design, and
civic beautification through education and programs for all." I hope we will have members both enter in horticulture and design
and also step up and help set up, tell friends and neighbors, pass out flyers, break down and clean up. Once again, TOGETHER
WE CAN make this an event to make us proud.
We will be having the Dedication of the Japanese Lantern on December 5th at 9:30 am. We will be inviting dignitaries from the City and County, as well as all the people who made restoration of the Japanese Lantern
possible. We thought that just before the opening of the Flower Show would
be a good time to do this so we can show these people what we do and also
what a beautiful facility we have. C J Danna is chairing this event and I encourage you to ask her what kind of help she needs. Invitations will go out
the first week in November. We will have a short ceremony and then refreshments on our beautiful back patio near the pond. I encourage you all to attend
this event.
As always, I look forward to working with all of you!
The Sarasota Garden Club welcomed guests from eight Independent/
Assisted Living facilities and their related components to a Tea and Garden tour on Thursday October 16th from 1:30 to 4:00. The theme focused
on the beauty of the gardens with an accent on “trees” in conjunction
with Sarasota having been honored as a “TREE CITY” and the Sarasota
Garden Club's nurturing of trees on the grounds. Further enhancement of
the theme was the gift to each facility of the Dr. Seuss book THE LORAX accompanied by a folder of follow up activities to be undertaken
when the guests returned to their respective facilities, an extension of
their visit and an opportunity to reach those from the facilities who were
unable to attend.
To the many Sarasota Garden Club members who participated in various
ways, we extend a wonderful THANK YOU. You helped to make a
beautiful day a wonderful success and memory for all who attended. You
made us all very proud to be Sarasota Garden Club members. As a fun
quote from Dr. Seuss says: “Don't cry because it's over, SMILE because
it happened.”
Mary Fran and Andy Papineau
Japanese Lantern
Design WorkshopWED NOV 19, 1 pm
John did it!
Here is a photo of the last
piece going up showing
John C. and Sean Colson,
the artisan who assisted with
the reconstruction. A piece
of history donated to Sarasota Garden Club 75 years
ago has lain damaged in the
pond for many years and
shines again thanks to the
dedication of one man and
the support of many others! Thank you, John, for
the wonderful gift to our gardens and our community!
November design program
will be a hands-on, take away
Thanksgiving type table design, Registration is a mustonly 20 places available. Fee
for materials is $20.and the
money is due by Nov 10 with
your reservation Call Sarasota Garden Club 941-9550875 and Barbara Rao (941493-4002) to register and for
more information.
Call by NOV 10 to
be included in this
fun class.
General Membership
What’s Happening: Meetings and Events
1 Mable’s Vines and Finds Plant/Garage Sale 9-4
3 Board of Directors 10 am
4 Succulent Society 7 pm
5 Library Committee 9:30 am
Floralia 9:30 am
10 C.O.N.A. 6 pm
11 Rented; it is also Veterans Day
12 Hort Study 9:30 am
13 Sierra Club 6 pm
15 Rented
17 General membership 10 am
18 Civic Beautification 10 am
Membership Committee 10 am
19 Design Study 1 pm
Appalachian Trail Club 6 pm
20 Butterfly Club 9:30 am
22 Rented
Sarasota is
November 17, 2014
Jono Miller, natural historian, environmental educator,
and activist who has worked for a third of a century to
understand and protect the wild places in Southwest Florida, will be our guest speaker.
He has provided leadership on protecting over 60,000
acres in Sarasota County and has received local, state, and
national awards for his efforts. A former Director of the
Environmental Studies Program at New College of Florida, he is now retired and working on a book chronicling
the natural and cultural history of our state tree, the cabbage palm, the subject of his masters thesis in the Florida
Studies Program at USF St. Pete.
1 Sarasota Orchid Club
“ Executive Board 8:30 am
“ Board of Directors 10 am
3 Library Committee 9:30 am
“ Flower Show and Holiday Boutique set up
4 Set up continued
“ Preview Party 5-7 pm. Free. Must RSVP; see right
5 Holiday Boutique and Flower Show 10-4
6 Holiday Boutique and Flower Show 10-4
7 C.O.N.A. 6 pm
10 Hort Study 9: 30 am
11 Sierra Club 6 pm
13 Rented
15 General Membership Meeting 10 am
16 Membership Committee 10 am
17 Appalachian Trail Club 6 pm
20 Rented
25 Christmas
26 Office closed
Jono will be sharing some of the natural features that
make Sarasota unique. This program is open to the public
and would be a good opportunity to invite friends and
potential new members.
-Judith Hydeman
Flower Show News
“Not Even a Mouse” is the title of our Small Standard
Petite Flower Show this December 5th and 6th with a Holiday Preview Party from 5-7 on Thursday December 4th.
The judging will have taken place in the afternoon. So,
come celebrate with the winners and purchase plants and
other holiday gifts, enjoy light refreshments at this special
free event. What a great way to kick off the Merry season. The party is FREE this year but you need to RSVP
by December 1 to Barbara Rao at 941-493-4002 or email
[email protected] . It is always fun to get an
advance view of all the wonderful entries in our flower
shows, so put this on your calendar and RSVP early!
January 2015
1-2 New Years Day: Office closed
5 Executive Board 8:30 am
“ Board of Directors 10 am
6 Succulent Society 7 pm
7 Floralia 9:30 am
“ Library Committee 9:30 am
“ Butterfly Club 4 pm
8 Sierra Club 6 pm
9 Fashion Show @Hyatt Hotel 11:30
12 C.O.N.A. 6 pm
The Petite aspect of the show is something brand new to
us. Our horticulturists and designers will stretch their talents in competition! The show is free and open to the public from 10-4 on both days.
To enter the show look for the schedule online and contact Clare Milligan [email protected] for Design and
Ginger Vance [email protected] for Horticulture
-Barbara Rao
Please note the early deadline of Nov 17 for the December issue of
The Blooming Chatter due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
DESIGN STUDY CLASS 3 : “More on Minis”–
Betty Call will show and discuss the 5 design styles and staging for
“Not Even A Mouse”
A Small and Petite Flower Show sponsored by Sarasota Garden Club
which will be Friday & Saturday, December 5 & 6 from 10am – 4pm
This is a chance to learn about how to create a Parallel, Synergistic and Stretch Design as well as understand
what staging options are being used and allowed to the Designer. Betty will also show and discuss the 4
Crafts: Wreath, Decorated Box, Ornament & Topiary. We want to make Entering Fun and Easy. Come and
learn what you will see at the Show!
Contact Show Chairman for more information on the Class & Show. [email protected]
Gardens In Paradise March 21, 2015
Sarasota Garden Club is putting on our Gardens in Paradise Tour in just 5 months! The Garden Selection
Committee has finished with the selection process. The gardens chosen are beautiful and will make our tour
another Premier Tour! Ginger Vance, as SGC Garden Liaison, will be working with garden owners and master gardeners to provide visitors with plenty of information about each garden.
Our new posters, flyers, and ticket forms are ready for printing. A newly designed SGC website is in the planning stages. Our events calendar for Publicity is filled with visits to the Farmer’s Market, Orchid Show, Palmer Ranch Springfest, and many more!! CJ Danna has a Publicity committee formed to help distribute flyers at
local businesses and events. She is still looking for volunteers to help with this very busy and fun committee.
Emily Yaffe has been contacting previous sponsors of this tour and is looking for new sponsors to help support us this year. She would appreciate your help with this important job by assisting her or offering a new
We need help setting up SGC for the event. This committee design a layout for the clubhouse and help distribute the lunches.
As many of our snowbirds return from up north we hope they will contact us to see where they can help. We
look forward to working with you on another successful Gardens In Paradise make it bigger and
better than ever!
Carol Johnson ([email protected]); Emily Yaffe ([email protected]),
Co-chairs of Gardens In Paradise
Notes from BOARD OF DIRECTORS Meeting October 6, 2014
President Livy Haynes called the meeting to order at 10 AM.
Virginia Haley of Visit Sarasota, and Michael Klauber of Sarasota Bayfront 20:20 explained the coalition’s vision and a long-term
master plan for the Sarasota Bayfront area”. The Vision Statement presented says : ”We support the creation of an articulated vision
and a long-term master plan for the Sarasota Bayfront area that will establish a cultural and economic legacy for the region while
ensuring open, public access to the Bayfront.” Our members agreed that it will be in our best interest to participate in the development of a long range plan for the area and that we must assess our own vision for 20 years from now and protect our interests by
supporting the group’s Vision Statement. Our participation will help the group to have enough members to have power when confronting developers.
Minutes of Sept. 8 meeting were approved.
Treasury Report -. Donations for the Lantern project are $1070; more are expected.
President’s Report: Goals are being met regularly 1. Newspaper coverage: two articles last month. 2.Programming : Tina and Gina
class popular. 3. Horticulture meeting : well attended and praised. 4. Communications within club: Sharon Davisson is forming a
calling committee for all events. 5. Community contacts: 11/7 – Healthy Living Florida Expo at the Hyatt invited us to provide a Zen
Garden [will be done by Kathryn and Martin Johnson of Bonsai Group and Pat Bonarek of Ikebana Group], in exchange for free
space to publicize our events such as the Fashion show and Gardens in Paradise. 3/7/15 Spring Fest at Palmer Ranch will give us a
table for display of GIP information and ticket sales. 6. Participation: newer members have extra meetings to become familiar with
activities and engage. All members must remember to record volunteer time regularly, which is important for future funding efforts,
such as applying for awards and grants. 7. Livy applied for a $500 District VIII grant for the lantern historical project.
FFGC Information: Opportunity drawing for big prizes at April State Convention . Get tickets from Penny Thomas. 2. Motto “Skip
the Straws” is ecology motto, due to dangers to wildlife. 3. Vote for amendment 1, land conservation.
Lantern update - Dedication will be 12/5 at 9:30 AM, just before the Flower Show opens to the public. Light refreshments on the
small patio for invited guests – John C. is making list. CJ will chair this and send the invitations.
Office Help Needed - Carol will be needing some help answering phones, please volunteer.
Committee Reports are on file from the following committees: Awards, Botanical Gardens, Communications, Community Projects,
Education, Fundraising, Garden Center, Horticulture, Hospitality, Membership, Programs, and Ten Year. All reports are on file with
Secretary Jan Johannesen and are available at any time for your review.
Following are condensations of some oral reports.
1. Ten Year Plan (divided into 2 Five Year sections): There are now four estimates for a security system. Painting will be done next
summer. We will vote next month after checking reviews on Angie’s List.
2. Botanical Gardens: The map for the Plan of 2011 is final. Repair of the Japanese Gate from San Francisco is being led by Wiley
Osborne. Tuttle’s Puddle future work will be decided after lease renewal talks are over. Jefferson Retirement Center has a grant for
landscaping and we will provide consultation. John C. and helpers are using old bricks to make border around east gardens.
4. Education : Schedules for Flower Show are ready and demonstrations are offered for horticulture and design.
5. Fundraising: Hyatt’s Healthy Living Expo will allow us to sell tickets for the Fashion Show (to be held there) and GIP. Sean
Colson (who helped John C. with lantern project) shared ideas for fundraising. Entre Nous will have a Home Tour Dec.6 &7 and
SGC members who buy tickets will receive a treat.
6. Membership: Newest idea is a luncheon , with stone soup made by new members working together.
7. Programs: Judith reported on the Oct. 20 and Nov. 17 General meetings
8. Publicity - CJ Danna is making posters and fliers for the Fashion Show and other events and needs more members on committee.
Respectfully submitted by Jan Johannesen, Recording Secretary
Complete minutes are on file.
A Big SGC Welcome to New Member Judith Jayson
Contact info is available in the office. Also, Sara Bagley and Lynn McVay have new contact info.
The Green Room News:
Sarasota Garden Club’s Commemorative Bricks
will have a special price reduction from the standard price of $75 to $60 for a limited time from November 1, 2014 to January 31, 2015.
Our Fashion Show and Luncheon will be at the Hyatt on January 9, 2015. We are very pleased that
Chef Judi Gallagher, noted restaurant and hotel consultant, food and wine editor and television personality, will be our guest speaker. Fashions will be
modeled from three boutiques: L Boutique, Eileen
Fisher and J. Jill. We will also have some special
guests from Cat Depot. And Nancy Colby will be
there with Mighty Lou.
Now is the time to order that special brick to be
placed in the Butterfly Garden at Sarasota Garden
Club to honor a loved one, a favorite pet, a marriage, anniversary, special event or, even yourself.
What a wonderful gift for Christmas, Chanukah,
Kwanza, a New Year, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s or
Father’s Day, Grandparents, or a special friend.
Order forms can be obtained at the Garden Club
Office or by mail by calling the SGC office at 941955-0875. REMEMBER – TIME IS LIMITED.
This is one of SGC’s annual fundraising events so
sell tickets to all your friends and neighbors. A reservation form is on page 9. This form may be copied and forwarded to your contacts list. Gift Certificates are also available for holiday gift giving or
just gifts in general. There will also be opportunities to win some very nice items that have been donated to the club for this event - a complete list will
in the December Blooming Chatter but for example
our friends at Critter Ridge have donated a 6’ triple
Pygmy Date Palm (delivered and planted), a value
of $375. Together we can make this an entertaining
day and have a successful fundraiser at the same
time. You do not want to miss Catwalk.
-Judith Hydeman
District VIII Recognizes Four SGC Volunteers
Left to right: SGC President Livy Haynes, Jeannie
Weyrick, Jeanne Renderer, Glenys Neely. Not shown
is Melanie Babineau
Interested in More Design Ideas?
SGC Members are invited by the Venice Area Garden Club to
attend two design presentations by Kymrie Zaslow, a wellknown CT designer who is back by popular demand.
At the Oct. 23rd District VIII meeting, our very
own "Silent Gardeners" were honored. Congratulations to Melanie Babineau, Glenys Neely,
Jeanne Renderer and Jeannie Weyrick.
First is a demonstration after the club’s 10 am November 6
business meeting. No reservation or special seating. The fee is
$5. for non-members. The location is the South Venice Community Center 720 Alligator Drive, South Venice. Second is a
workshop on Friday, Nov. 7: “Container Extravaganza: Make,
Modify & Manipulate Materials” from 11-4 at the Audubon
Building, 4002 Tamiami Trail, Venice (located behind South
County Administration Building). Cost $30 (includes flowers
and mechanics). Bring your own container, tools, bagged lunch
or snack. Seating is limited. Contact Tina Bird at 941-4454070 or [email protected] to reserve your space!
A Silent Gardener is never center stage, but always there when needed - pulling weeds in the
garden, gluing or painting for a project, working
in the kitchen or whatever the club needs to accomplish the task at hand. Silent Gardeners never complain, never brag, never expect recognition
- they just do it! Thank you!
Horticulture Study Group
Wednesday November 12th 9:30 a.m.
For the 3rd year we will have the popular "Make -One-Take-One" dish gardens program.
Jan Johannesen & Kay Weber will demonstrate how to make the 3-4" gardens. Every
participant will get to take one home.
This is a philanthropic project: we do these gardens as gifts to people in nursing homes. They need to be on
the smaller size to fit on a window sill or bedside table. Also needed are small figurines to help decorate the
gardens. Potting soil is furnished as well as gravel, seashells, & small stones . Bring your pruners &, gloves.
Any donation of smaller size plants would be greatly appreciated. For example; Christmas Cactus, succulents, jade plants, small bromeliads, cactus, kalanchoe, etc. Also bring small planters such as teacups , coffee
cups, small pots, cream pitchers ,or bowls. We have some planters donated already if you don't have one of
your own to bring. So come have a fun relaxing morning with us & take home a dish garden to enjoy in your
own home or give as a gift to a friend or neighbor. Last year we donated about 60+ gardens to the nursing
homes. I am challenging us to make even more this year.
Once again Carolyn Greene & Janet Leonberger have volunteered to deliver the planted gardens to The Pines
& Beneva Park . This is one of the programs that is giving to others, which is so timely during the holidays.
Cassie Johnson & C.J. Dana will be the co-hostesses for this meeting. SGC members are always free & guests
are always welcome for a $5.00 fee. Any questions e-mail me at kayw33 @
We-do-so-love-hands-on gardening,
Kay Weber & Judy Herman Horticulture Study Group Co-Chairs
More Green Room News…. Holiday Ornament Sale Sale Sale has Local Interest
The price has been slashed for Sarasota Garden Club’s collection of ornaments for the holiday season.
The ornaments are made by the same company that produces the special White House ornaments. These make lovely gifts for friends and family as they come in a presentation box that is thin and lightweight. The box slips easily
into a small padded envelope and the postage is minimal. Anyone receiving one of these quality ornaments will be
thrilled and they are not holiday specific and therefore may be displayed all year. The ornaments represent Sarasota
High School (original building that will soon house a museum,) Sarasota Opera House and, the Circus.
On Sale now at $10 each or two at $18. Available in the Green Room during SGC events. Supply is limited.
Sarasota Garden Club Webpage:
The Deadline for the December issue of Blooming Chatter is November 17.
Please E-mail articles to [email protected]
Blooming Chatter
is published 11 times yearly by the
Sarasota Garden Club, Inc.
Office Hours: 9 AM to 1 PM
Monday - Friday
Phone and Fax: (941) 955-0875
1131 Boulevard of the Arts
Sarasota, Florida 34236-4809