ZMANIM Earliest Time for Tzizit & Tefilin: 5:48 am Best time for Shema before: 9:10 am Earliest time for Mincha: 12:04 pm Earliest time for Arvit with Minyan: 3:35 pm Sunset (Shkia): 4:38 pm * * ZMANIM TIMES REFER TO SUNDAY Prayer Times & Events of The United Mashadi Jewish Community of America Nov 14 to 21 21 CHESHVAN FRIDAY Baruch S h’Amar Mincha + Arvit Candle Lighting: 4:19 pm Shaare Shalom MYC Office Ohr Esther Main Sanc: 7:30 am, Middle Sanc. 7:00 am, 8:05 am 7:30 am ---Main Sanc: 4:25 pm , Middle Sanc. 4:25 pm --4:25 pm NOV 14 Shaare Rahamim ---4:25 pm Partly Cloudy 51/25 Oneg Shabbat with Rabbi Ben Haim Join us for a special Oneg Shabbat. This Shabbat Parashat Chayei Sarah at 8:00 pm at Shaare Shalom. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome. For more information please contact Parham Shaer at (917) 822-0499 22 CHESHVAN SHABBAT NOV 15 BARUCH SH’AMAR Mashadi Jewish Center Ohr Esther Shaare Rahamim Parashat Chaye Sara Early Minyan: 8:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am Main & Middle Minyan: 9:30 am Single’s Minyan: 9:30 am Youth Minyan: 9:30 am MINCHA Mashadi Jewish Center Early Mincha: TBA MINCHA 4:00 pm Ohr Esther Shaare Rahamim Early Mincha: TBA Early Mincha: TBA ----- 4:00 pm ALL MINCHA SRVICES ARE FOLLOWED BY SEUDAH SHLISHIT Late Arvit: 6:15 pm & 7:30 pm (NEW) SHABBAT ENDS: 5:26 pm Torah Stone Edition (Blue Cover) 106 Living Torah (Purple Cover) 100 Vagshal Publ. (Red Cover) 58 Sinai Publ. (Brown Cover) 27 F. Hakim Edition (Persian Tr) 34 Persian Tran (Ghermezian) 60 Haftarah 1136 1066 67 284 393 68 Mostly Sunny 47/42 David Newman: Special Guest at Ohr Esther This Shabbat Nov 15 - David Newman has worked in the Jewish communal sector for nearly 15 years. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Long Island (JCRC-LI) a beneficiary agency of UJA-Federation of NY. Kids Kiddush at Ohr Esther Special Kiddush table will be set up in Room 201 15 minutes before the main Kiddush Chulent, Tuna, Snacks & More! November 8th Kids Kiddush. Sponsored by Odelia & Effy Namdar Saturday Night Family Learning @ 54: NEW TIME NOW from 7:00-8:00 pm. Snacks and cool Raffle prizes every week. For more info please contact Ayzik Kohan, Fariborz Livian or William Dilamani. 23 CHESHVAN SUNDAY Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit Shaare Shalom MYC Office Main Sanc: 8:15 am, Middle Sanc. 8:00 am, 8:30 am Main Sanc: 4:00 pm, Middle Sanctuary: 4:20 pm NOV 16 Shaare Rahamim 9:00 am Showers 49/39 Father and Son Minyan: 9:30 am at Shaare Shalom 2014 Sisterhood & MYC Elections The supervisory council is pleased to announce the final list of candidates for the MYC and the Sisterhood for elections Sunday Nov 16, 2014, 9AM to 6PM, at Shaare Shalom synagogue. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing Sisterhood 2011-2014 and the outgoing MYC 2012-2014 for all their accomplishments. We salute all of the very capable candidates who have signed up to take part in these upcoming elections. We urge all community members to come out and show your support for these special candidates. All male and female community members 18 years and older are eligible to vote for the Sisterhood election. All male and female community members 16 to 36 are eligible to vote for the MYC election. SUPER SUNDAY EVENTS CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE SUNDAY, Nov 16 @ Our Synagogues Absentee Ballots Any eligible voter who will not be available to vote in person may request an absentee ballot by presenting their driver’s license to a member of the supervisory council in person before election date. To contact the supervisory council you may email [email protected]. For any eligible voter who may be in hospital we will accept the driver’s license to be presented by an immediate family members to get the absentee ballots. Referendum The Central Board is considering to shorten the term of the Sisterhood from 3 years to 2 years. The Central Board has this on their agenda for their Monday night meeting and if approved, on election day, there will also be a referendum for the community to approve this change. Mashadi Health Fair – Sun, Nov 16 The Mashadi Doctors will be hosting the annual Mashadi Health Fair on Sunday, November 16th at 12pm to 4pm at the 54 Steamboat social hall. Please join us for an event filled with complimentary services to promote health and wellness including: FREE FLU SHOTS - FREE CHOLESTEROL AND BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING - FREE ALLERGY. For more information please go to or refer to the flyers distributed in at our Synagogues. Coat Drive at Ohr Esther - Sun Nov 16th A Coat Drive has been organized on Sunday Nov 16th at Ohr Esther during Talmud Torah hours from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm. Please call Janet Hakimian with any questions at (516) 782-3806. Annual Israel College and Yeshiva Fair - Sun Nov 16 Come and discover the many opportunities in Israel for post-high-school students. Programs ranging from as short as a summer break to as long as a semester or a full year.There will be official representatives from various Schools, Colleges, Yeshivas, Seminaries, Volunteer Programs, Army Services and more. All institutions have been reviewed and approved to be compatible with our community. Additionally, Mashadi alumni from each of the programs will be available to describe their experiences and answer questions. Also, come and learn about the many scholarships available for students studying in Israel! Open to all students from ages 16 through College. Parents are encouraged to attend and ask questions. The event will take place next Sunday November 16th, from 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM at 130 Steamboat Rd. LIGHT DINNER WILL BE SERVED! Please contact Nathan Zaboulani at 516-244-3623 or Jordan Karmely at 516-984-5433 Tony Aziz at 516-423-1891 for more details. ADDITIONAL SHACHARIT MINCHA - ARVIT LOCATIONS ■ Kohanim Minyan: 4:00 pm – Mincha + Arvit ■ 98 Cuttermill Road, Room 284 N. (Namdar) at 4:00 pm (Mincha + Arvit ) - Room 444 S. at 1:45 pm (Mincha only) ■ 747 Middle Neck Rd, Room 206, 4:30 pm Mincha + Arvit ■ Mr. Zar’s Minyan, 1375 Broadway, 12th Floor: 4:00 pm. Mincha only ■ B.H Multi Minyan, 15 W. 46St, Floor 4, Mincha: 1:30 pm Mincha, 5:30 pm (Arvit) ■ Shaare Torah, 813 Middle Neck Rd, 10:00 pm (Arvit) 24 CHESHVAN MONDAY Shaare Shalom Main Sanc: 7:25 am, Middle Sanc. 6:50 am, 8:05 am 4:20 pm (Mincha + Arvit) Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit MYC Office 7:15 am --- NOV 17 Shaare Rahamim 7:15 am 9:00 pm (Arvit) 25 CHESHVAN TUESDAY Shaare Shalom Main Sanc: 7:30 am, Middle Sanc. 7:00 am, 8:05 am 4:20 pm (Mincha + Arvit) Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit MYC Office 7:30 am --- NOV 18 Shaare Rahamim --9:00 pm (Arvit) 26 CHESHVAN WEDNESDAY Shaare Shalom Main Sanc: 7:30 am, Middle Sanc. 7:00 am, 8:05 am, 4:20 pm (Mincha + Arvit) Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit MYC Office 7:30 am --- Mostly Sunny 50/45 Mostly Sunny 60/41 NOV 19 Shaare Rahamim --9:00 pm (Arvit) Partly Cloudy 48/32 Learn it Up is BACK!!! Ohr Ester at 8:30 pm. delicious dinner, followed by a variety of classes 27 CHESHVAN THURSDAY Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit Shaare Shalom Main Sanc: 7:25 am, Middle Sanc. 6:50 am, 8:05 am, 4:20 pm (Mincha + Arvit) FRIDAY Baruch S h’Amar Mincha + Arvit Candle Lighting: 4:14 pm MYC Office 7:15 am --- NOV 20 Shaare Rahamim --9:00 pm (Arvit) 28 CHESHVAN Shaare Shalom MYC Office Ohr Esther Main Sanc: 7:30 am, Middle Sanc. 7:00 am, 8:05 am 7:30 am ---Main Sanc: 4:20 pm , Middle Sanc. 4:20 pm ----4:20 pm Sunny 42/31 NOV 21 Shaare Rahamim ---4:20 pm Partly Cloudy 41/33
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