2015-05-25 Curriculum Vitae Jonas Vlachos Address Department of Economics Stockholm University 106 91 Stockholm Sweden Phone: +46-8-16 30 46 Email: [email protected] Married to Karin. Three children: Elias (2001), Vera (2003), Samuel (2005). Current academic affiliations and positions 2007 – Department of Economics. Stockholm University Professor (since 2015) 2006 – Research Institute of Industrial Economics Research associate Previous academic affiliations and positions 2006 – 2007 Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics Assistant professor 2002 – 2005 Research Institute of Industrial Economics Research fellow 2003 – 2004 University of Chicago, GSB Visiting Fulbright scholar (sponsor: Luigi Zingales) . Academic degrees and education 2015 Stockholm University Professor 2009 Stockholm University Docent/Associate professor 2002 Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden PhD in Economics. Thesis title: “Risk Matters: Studies in Finance, Trade and Politics”. Discussant: Professor Luigi Zingales, GSB University of Chicago 1995 – 1996 UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), Santa Barbara, USA Courses in economics, philosophy, American literature, political science. Financed by scholarship from University of Lund 1995 University of Lund, Lund, Sweden Undergraduate studies in economics, economic history, philosophy and mathematics. Major: Economics Teaching Labor Economics, Stockholm University (PhD). 2012Economics of Education, Stockholm University (PhD). 2013Financial development and crises, Stockholm University (masters). 2009Intermediate Microeconomics, Stockholm University (undergraduate). 2010Empirical Methods, Stockholm university (undergraduate). 2007-2009. 2015-05-25 Svenskt näringsliv i historisk och internationell belysning, Stockholm School of Economics (undergraduate). 2002-2006. Advising Dany Kessel (chair). Since 2014 Elisabeth Olme (chair). Since 2014. Joakim Jansson (chair). Since 2014. Felicia Brisman (co-advisor). Since 2013. Kiflu Molla (chair). Since 2009. Johan Egebark (co-advisor). Since 2010. Erik Sjöberg (chair). Finished 2013, first placement at University of Utah Jeawon Kim (co-advisor). Finished in 2011, first placement Arbetsförmedlingen. Publications “The Headmaster Ritual: The importance of management for school outcomes” (with Erik Grönqvist and Anders Böhlmark). Forthcoming Scandinavian Journal of Economics “Competition, Takeovers, and Gender Discrimination” (with Fredrik Heyman and Helena Svaleryd). Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2013, 66:2, 409-432. “Trade Finance in a Liquidity Crisis” (with Tore Ellingsen), in Trade Finance and Trade During the Great Trade Collapse eds Jean-Pierre Chauffor and Mariem Malouche, World Bank Publications, 2011. Abbreviated version of World Bank Policy Research Paper 5136. “The long-run determinants of inequality: What can we learn from top income data?” (with Jesper Roine and Daniel Waldenström), Journal of Public Economics, 2009, 93:7-8, 974-988. “Cross-Border Acquisitions and Corporate Taxes: Efficiency and Tax Revenues” (with PehrJohan Norbäck and Lars Persson), Canadian Journal of Economics, 2009, 42:4, 1473-1500. “Political Rents in a Non-Corrupt Democracy” (with Helena Svaleryd). Journal of Public Economics, 2009, 93:3-4, 355-372. “Do Entrenched Managers Pay their Workers More?” (with Henrik Cronqvist, Fredrik Heyman, Mattias Nilsson, Helena Svaleryd), Journal of Finance, 2009, 64:1, 309-339. “Best paper award” at the FMA congress in Stockholm 2006. “International financial liberalization and industry growth” (with Daniel Waldenström). International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2005, 10:3, 263-284. ”Financial markets, the pattern of specialization, and comparative advantage: Evidence form OECD-countries” (with Helena Svaleryd). European Economic Review, 2005, 49:1, 113-144. “Who Wants Political Integration? Evidence from the Swedish EU-Membership Referendum”. Journal of Public Economics, 2004, 88:7-8, 1589-1604. “Markets for Risk and Openness to Trade: How are they Related?” (with Helena Svaleryd). Journal of International Economics, 2002, 57:2, 369-395. Risk Matters: Studies in Finance, Trade and Politics. Dissertation, EFI studies no. 591, 2002. Working Papers “The Intergenerational Transmission of Cognitive and Noncognitive Abilities” (with Erik Grönqvist and Björn Öckert). CEPR DP 7908. R&R Journal of Human Resources 2015-05-25 "One Size Fits All? The Effects of Teacher Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Abilities on Student Achievement" (with Erik Grönqvist). CEPR DP 7086, IFAU WP 2008:25, IFN WP 779. “Firm and Skills. The Evolution of Worker Sorting” (with Christina Håkanson and Erik Lindqvist”, 2014. “Trade Finance in a Liquidity Crisis” (with Tore Ellingsen), World Bank Policy Research Paper 5136. “Does regulatory harmonization increase bilateral asset holdings?”, IUI WP 612, CEPR DP 4417. ”Does labor market risk increase the size of the public sector? Evidence from Swedish municipalities”, CEPR DP 5091. Reports and non-refereed publications ”Är vinst och konkurrens en bra modell för skolan?”, Ekonomisk Debatt 2012:4. Winner of the Myrdal prize for best article of the year in Ekonomisk Debatt. ”Systematiska skillnader mellan interna och externa bedömningar av nationella prov – en uppföljningsrapport” (med Björn Tyrefors Hinnerich), bilaga 5 i rapport ”Omrättning av nationella prov. Skillnaderna är för stora” till Skolinspektionen (2013). ”Systematiska skillnader mellan interna och externa bedömningar av nationella prov – en uppföljningsrapport” (med Björn Tyrefors Hinnerich), bilaga 4 i rapport ”Omrättning av nationella prov” till Skolinspektionen (2012). ”Friskolor i förändring”, kapitel 3 i Konkurrensens konsekvenser (red Laura Hartman), SNS Förlag (2011). ”Reformer och resultat. Kommer regeringens utbildningsreformer att ha någon betydelse?” (med Peter Fredriksson), Rapport till Finanspolitiska Rådet (2011). “Betygets värde – en rapport om skolkonkurrens och betygssättning”. Konkurrensverket (2010). "Finansiell integration for tillväxt och stabilitet" (med Helena Svaleryd), i Lars Oxelheim, Lars Persson, Thomas Persson (red) EU och den globala krisen, Santérus Förlag (2010). ”Välfärdsrådets rapport 2007: Svensk välfärd och globala marknader”, SNS Förlag (med Karolina Ekholm, Arne Bigsten och Torben Andersen). “The Euro: What’s in it for me? An Economic Analysis of the Swedish Euro Referendum 2003” (with Lars Jonung). SIEPS Report 2007:2. ”Är tillväxt bra för de fattiga? En sammanfattning av debatten” Underlagsrapport åt den offentliga utredningen Globkom (SOU 2001:96). ”Valfrihet i vården: en empirisk undersökning av preferenser hos allmänhet och personal” (with Anders Anell and Per Rosén), Institutet för hälso- och sjukvårdsekonomi. IHE arbetsrapport 1995:4. Academic presentations Linnéuniversitetet (scheduled, 2015); Royal Economic Society, Manchester (2015); Ratio, (2015); Finnish Economic Association, Helsingfors (2014); Aarhus Workshop on the 2015-05-25 Economics of Education (2014); National Conference of Swedish Economists (2014); Workshop on “Educational Governance”, Oslo (2014); NIFU annual workshop, Oslo (2014); University of London/ESRC conference on “The state and the market in education”, London (2014); IFAU project workshop (2014); Conference on “Schooling and Wellbeing”, Aarhus (2014); EALE Turino (2013); UCLS Economics of Education Policy Workshop (2013); SOLE Boston (2013); University of Trondheim (2013); Umeå University (2011, 2013); Aahlto University (2012); Gothenburg University (2012); EALE Bonn (2012); Tel Aviv University (2011); AEA Denver (2011); National Conference of Swedish Economists (2010); Aarhus University (2010); SOLE/EALE (2010); Lunds Universitet (2010); Linnéuniversitetet (2010); Ratio (2010); IFN conference “Beyond the resource constraint: Alternative ways to improve schooling”, Stockholm (2009); AEA San Francisco (2009); Econometric Society Winter Meeting, San Francisco (2009); Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam (2010); EEA, Milan (2008); EALE, Amsterdam (2008); SOLE, New York (2008); ESPE, London (2008); IFAU (2008); SOFI (2008), Stockholm University (multiple); IFN, Stockholm (multiple); European Trade Study Group, Athens (2007); First World Congress of the Public Choice Societies, Amsterdam (2007); University of Munich (2007); EEA, Vienna (2006); SNEE, Mölle (2006); ECGI Conference “Alternative views of Corporate Governance”, Zurich (2006); EBRD, London (2006); EEA, Amsterdam (2005); EEA, Madrid (2004); University of Chicago (2004); ECB Conference "Capital Markets and Financial Integration in Europe", Frankfurt (2004); SITE, Stockholm (2004); FIEF (2002); Gothenburg University (2003, 2012); Bocconi University-IGIER (2002); Georgetown University (2002); IIES, Stockholm (2002, 2008); Stockholm School of Economics (2002, 2009); Economic Council, Stockholm (2001); EEA, Lausanne (2001); NOITS, Copenhagen (2001); Swedish Agency for International Development SIDA (2001); Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stockholm (2000); International Atlantic Economic Society, Münich (2000). Refereeing American Economic Journal: Applied; American Economic Journal: Macro; American Economic Review; Berkeley Electronic Press: Applied; CESIfo; Economica; Economic Journal; Economics of Education Review; Education Economics; European Economic Review; IFAU; Journal of Development Economics; Journal of Emerging Market Finance; Journal of the European Economic Association; Journal of International Economics; Journal of International Money and Finance; Journal of Public Economics; Labour Economics; Regional Science and Urban Economics; Review of Economic Studies; Scandinavian Journal of Economics Organization of conferences and seminars organized Responsible for the main seminar series at the Department of Economics at Stockholm University, 2009-2013 (with Mikael Priks) “Beyond the resource constraint: Alternative ways to improve schooling”, May Stockholm 2009 (with Erik Grönqvist and Mikael Lindahl). Discussions and committees Grading committee at Kristoffer Milonas’ thesis defence (Stockholm School of Economics) Grading committee at Michihito Ando’s thesis defence (Uppsala University) Discussant at Eirin Molland’s thesis defence. NHH in Bergen Grading committee at Arna Vardadottir’s thesis defence (Stockholm School of Economics) Betygsnämnd vid Krystof Kablonski’s thesis defence (Uppsala University) Grading committee at Daniel Sunesson’s thesis defence (Stockholm School of Economics) Grading committee at Remo Juk’s thesis defence (Stockholm School of Economics) Discussant at Anders Böhlmark’s final seminar (Stockholm University) Discussant at Jeawon Kim’s lic thesis defence (Stockholm University) Grant evaluator for the Swedish research council (Vetenskapsrådet, UVK). 2013-2015. Selection committee for Western Finance Association. 2009-2011 2015-05-25 Research grants, scholarships and awards 2012 Myrdal Prize (best paper award) for ”Är vinst och konkurrens en bra modell för skolan?” in Ekonomisk Debatt (journal of the Swedish Economists Association) 2011 Riksbankens Jubileumsfond: SEK 3 750 000 2011 IFAU project support: SEK 625 000 2008 IFAU project support: SEK 250 000 2007-2009 Hedelius-Wallander grant: SEK 1 166 000 2007-2010 Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet): SEK 2 700 000 2007 IFAU project support: SEK 600 000 2006 Best paper award FMA congress 2003 Fulbright scholarship 2003-2006 Wallander scholarship for post-doctoral research: SEK 1 050 000 2002-2003 Bankforskningsinstitutet. Post-doctoral scholarship. SEK: 350 000 2000-2002 Bankforskningsinstitutet. Doctoral scholarship. 1999-2000 HSFR doctoral grant 1996-1999 Stockholm School of Economics, PhD-student scholarship 1995-1996 The California Scholarship, from University of Lund. 1994 Minor Field Study-grant, from SIDA Other professionally related activities Ongoing Popular writing Co-founder (2008) and regular contributor to the economics blog Ekonomistas.se. Regular columnist for Skolledaren since 2012. Numerous popular articles and op-eds. 2014 – Swedish Economic Association Board member (Nationalekonomiska föreningen) 2013 – SNS Board of trustees (Förtroenderådet) 2012 – SNS Scientific advisor to Skolkommissionen 2012 – Ministry of Finance Scientific advisor 2011 – 2014 Fores Member of scientific council 2011 – Swedish School Inspection Scientific advisor 2010 Statskontoret Research consultant 2007 SNS Member of Välfärdsrådet 2007 2005 – 2006 Ekonomisk Debatt Editor (Journal of the Swedish Economic Association) 2002 – 2003 The Economic Council of Sweden Secretary. 2000 – 2001 Globkom (UD/SIDA) Research consultant 1995 Swedish Institute for Health Economics, Lund, Sweden Empirical analyst 1994 – 95 Field Study in Namibia Financed by the Swedish development agency, SIDA. References 2015-05-25 Available upon request
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