Order of Exercises MUSIC-UAmerican Army Life" (Dedicated to the G. A. R.) - Darnell PRAYERMUSIC-Selection, "Sextette from Lucia" Donizetti ADDRESS-By HARRY PRATT JUDSON, LL. D. Acting President of the University of Chicago Feist MUSIC-"Wizard of Oz March" CONFERRING OF DEGREES MUSIC-Hymn, uAmerica." Audience will please join in the singing. My country 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrim's pride, From every mountain side Let freedom ring. My native country. thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture thrills Like that above. Our fathers' God, to Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee I sing: Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God our king. BENEDICTIONMUSIC-UHaii Minnesota" Music by the University of Minnesota Cadet Band B. A. ROSE, Director Rickard -l I CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATION. THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE. AND THE ARTS FOR BACHELOR OF ARTS. Jessie Fremont Abbott, Minneapolis. Alma Clara Aldrich, Minneapolis. Adolph A. Anderson, Lanirford, S. D. Marie Atterbury, Anoka. Hattie Austin, Mlnneapolls. Carrie Agnes Bachtle, Mapleton. Florence Jeannette Baier, Minneapolis. Frank Morris Ball, Minneapolis. Arthur R. Barnes, Campbell. Elsie Mariam Barquist, Minneapolis. Vera F. Barrows, Minneapolis. Charles Walter Bergstrom, Mlnneapolls. Wilhelmina S. C. Beyer, St. Paul. Eva Maud Blasdell, Mlnneapolls. Julia Marie Blekre, Mlnneapolls. Maude Stewart Bliss, Minneapolis. Belle V. Bonsteel, Minneapolis. Gertrude Bowne, Duluth. Martha T. Broberg, New London. Theodore Arthur Buenger, St. Paul. Marjorie Louise Bullard, St. Paul. Polly Caroline Bullard, St. Paul. Bernice Vleva Bullock, Minneapolis. Florence Emma Burgess, Minneapolis. Louise Burwell, St. Paul. Georglanna Elmira Campbell, Princeton. Evelyn May Card, Minneapolis. Philip Emanuel Carlson, Cannon Falls. Florence Rose Castor, Waseca. Van Rennselaer Chase, St. Paul. Theodore Christianson, Dawson. Stephens Gilman Clark, Stlllwater. Guy Earl Clutter, Anoka. Ethel Clark Cockburn, Minneapolis. Earle Gladstone Constantine, St. Paul. Ida Christine Crogan, Minneapolis Harriet Marie Crooks, St. Paul. Allee Isabelle Currer, LeSeuer. Paul D. Danslngberg, Mlnneapolls. Raymond Grant Davidson, Sauk Centre. Jennie E. Dawson, Minneapolis. William Dawson, Jr. St. Paul. Florence Augusta Dickinson, St. Paul. Mary Louise Dlether, St. Paul. Francis Marlon Dolan, St. Paul. Isabel Sturtevant Dunn, Mlnneapolls. George Arthur Earl, Minneapolis. Nellie Mav Elliott, Fergus Falls. Frank Taggart Everhard, Minneapolis. Elizabeth S. Feller, St. Paul. Sadie Monica Fitzgerald, Litchfield . Fanny Xerlll'a Fllgelman, Minneapolis. 218. Orlow Bailey !<'lInders, Sutherland, Ia. Willis Hazeltine Frisbee, Sheldon, Ia. Anna Funk, Minnl\Rpolis. Edith May Garbett, Minneapolis. Mary Lucile Geary, St. Paul. Mary Colburn GoO', Minneapolis. Sara Goldman, St. Paul. Mabel Goodrich, Anoka. Mildred Clare Gordon, Minneapolis. Helen R. Gove, Minneapolis. Maud Graves, Minneapolis. Edna Lillian Greaves, Glencoe. Glenn Henry Greaves, Glencoe. Elizabeth Browne Greene, Sheldon, N. D. Frederick F. Grlebenow, Alexandria. Grace Gretchen Grygla, Minneapolis. Harriet I.. Hagen, Minneapolis. John Oliver Halverson, Madella. Mathilde K. Hansen, Minneapolis. Verna MaBelle Hanson Rochester. Elizabeth Hatch, LaMoille. Ruth Haynes, Minneapolis. Martha P. Hazzard, Minneapolis. Ernest A. Hellman, Redwood Falls. Patrick Robert Helly, Graceville. Charles Frederick Hellberg, Owatonna. Bertha Edith Herum, Hudson, Wis. Nellie Crags Heyd, St. Paul. J essie Bennett Hill, Minneapolis. Ruth Holway, Minneapolis. Jessie Helen Horn, St. Paul. Helen Rosina Hubbard, St. Paul. Luella Huelster, St. Paul. Mildred Estelle Huelster, St. Paul. Eva Hank Hunter, Anoka. Mildred Marlon Hunter, Tracy. Fred R. Huxley, Minneapolis. Ethel Indle Huyck, Minneapolis. Louise Irmen, Minneapolis. Mary Ives, Minneapolis. Genevieve Jackson, Minneapolis. Charles Eu,e:ene Johnson, Minneapolis. Edward Carl Johnson, New Richland. Ida Amanda Johnson, Minneapolis. David M. Jones, Wabasha. Lois Mary Jordan, Minneapolis. Minnie Brurbara Kaercher, Minneapolis. Hazel May Kaull, Redfield, S. D. Blanche Elizabeth Kinnard ,Minneapolis. Anna Isabel Knowlton, St. James. Albert Carl Koch, Peking, TIl. Arnol Otto Kramer, Preston. rl q Hettie Kummerer, Minneapolis. Myron Hall LaGrange, Minneapolis. Adelaide Lamphere, St. Paul. Lewis Larson, Atwater. _ Elsie Preston Leonard, Minneapolis. Horace Hardy Lester, Minneapolis. Lucretia Luelle Lewis, Cannon Falls. Edith Aida Llnkfield, Minneapolis. Anna Sylvia Lltowitz, Minneapolis. Avis LeGro Lockerby, Minneapolis. Eliza Serene Loe, Minneapolis. Ethel Marie Mcintyre, Minneapolis. Henry Clinton Mackall, Minneapolis. Corinne Frances McMlIJan, Minneapolis. Leola Louise Markus, Duluth. Ida Emella MArtinson, Maynard. Adeline Rhoda Marvin, Pine Island. Hattie Evelyn Marvin, Zumbrota. Klttybelle Mason, Minneapolis. Catherine MlIJar, Minneapolis. Roy Spencer MllIlsack, Minneapolis. Claude Guile Miner, Blue Earth. Carl Hpnry Moe, Minneapolis. Sarsfield Gprald Moran, Graceville. Marie Footner Moreland, St. Paul. Allee Anne Morris, Minneapolis. Guy Moses Morse, Minneapolis. James Z. Nebbergall, Sioux Falls, S. D. Clarence J. Neilson, Minneapolis. Clara Isabel Nelson, Litchfield. Wilhelmina H. Neumann, Little Falls. Iris Bailey Newkirk, Minneapolis. Fay Mar~aret Newton, St. Paul. Anna N. Nyquist, Ea~le Lake. Peter OIaus Okkelber~, Goodhue. Theresa Anna Olsen, Minneapolis. Mary Elisabeth Organ, Minneapolis. Ethel Gillette Palmer, Minneapolis. Florence Marie Palmstrom, Hastln~s. Grace Edith Papst, Minneapolis. Jarvis Montgomery Partridge, Grand RapIds. Sidnee Pattee, Minneapolis. Mabel Irene Patterson, St. Paul. Frederick Witter Payne, Lakefield. Arthur Leonard Peterson, Benson. Earl Pettijohn, St. Paul. Ruby Gwenlllan Phillips, Minneapolis. Allee Lydia Pomeroy, Minneapolis. Frederick Warren Putnam, Red Wln~. Irene Radcliffe, Minneapolis. Florence Marie Ralhle, Minneapolis. Edith Louise Reed, Minneapolis. Emma D. Ripley, Minneapolis. WIlliam Henry Rowe, Jr., St. James. Harry Eustace Ruble, Albert Lea. Albert Runnln~, St. James. Ella C. Ruscoe, Minneapolis. Charlotte Hammond Sanborn, Minneapolis. William C. L. Schaefer, St. Paul. Eleonora L. Schnell, St. Charles. Allee B. Schoch, St. Paul. Harriet Winslow Sewall, St. Paul. John Franklin Sinclair, Minneapolis. Mary Estella Slaven, Austin. Carroll Ninde Smith, Peking, Ill. Helen Maude Smith, Minneapolis. Pearl Smith, Minneapolis. Roy Howard Smith, Shakopee. Effie Svence, Harman. Paul Lord Spooner, Morris. Elvin Charles Stakman, Brownton. Verene Ottilie Stephan, EI~ln. Allee M. Stewart, Mankato. Mark Leonard Stewart, Mabel. Mabelle V. Stocklnl{, Minneapolis. Paul D. Stratton, Granite Falls. Arthur D. Stroud, Mabel. 10 Sublette, Minneapolis. Mathias Sundt, Minneapolis. Charles Stewart Sutton, Prior Lake. Elaine Elizabeth Swanson, Minneapolis. Katharine Malinda Taney, St. Paul. Kenneth 'l'aylor, St. Paul. Agnes A. Tennison, Monticello. Allee Elizabeth Thompson, Minneapolis. Antoinette Barnard Thompson, Minneapolis. Ch,as. Richard Thompson, Minneapolis. Gladys I. Thomuson, Minneapolis. Nellie Lovinna Thompson, Minneapolis. Stuart McMlIJan Thomson, Cincinnati, 0 Charle~ N. Tierney, Farmln~ton. Mary Tillotson, Moorhead. Conrad A. Trcssmann, Mayer. Albert Troutfethpr, Windom. Eloise N. Truesdell, Minneapolis. Bessie Mae Tucker, Minneapolis. LlIJian Exceene Utley, Preston. Lydia Way Vallentyne, Minneapolis. Harriet VanBergen, Minneapolis. Nellie Margaret VanRickley, Minneapolis. Roy Albion Vlekery, Minneapolis. Hazel May Ward, Glenwood. Agnes Merritt Watson, St. Paul. Clara Luelle Way, Minneapolis. Rodney Mott West, Minneapolis. Anna Weum, Minnpapolls. Mabel Amelia Wheeler, Minneapolis. I'lsther Elizabeth Whitcomb, Atwater. Anna May Whitney, Hochester. Vesta F. Williams, Brooklyn Centre. John J. Wilson, Minneapolis. Lucy Pearl Wiseman, Pine City. Floyd Francis Yeal{er, Minneapolis. Hattie M. Young, St. Paul. p FOR CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY IN MUSIC. 1. Verna MaBelle Hanson, Rochester. FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. August Edward Bostrom, Minneapolis. FOR MASTER OF SCIENCE. Francis C. Frary, Mlnneapolls. B. K, 'On. Major Chemistry, Minors Electricity and Mathematics. B . .A.., '05. Major Engllsh, Minors Pedagogy and Geology. Helen L. Brooke, Minneaoolls. B. Soo Nebraska University, '98. Major, French, Minors Spanish and Anglo Saxon. Robert F. Griggs, Minneapolls. B. S., Ohio State Collel1;e, '03. Major Botany, Minors ,Geology and Zoology. Charles Elllot Hul'f, Minneauolls. B. S., '99. Major Botany, Minors Geology and Sociology. Ned L. Hul'f, Minneapolis. B. A., '03. Major, Botany, Minors Geology and German. Marie Harholdt, St. Paul. 16. Edith R .Moore, St. Paul. B. A., Vassar, '04. Major History, Minors Engllsh and Pedagogy. Ellzabeth Middleton, Minneaoolls. B. A., Earlham, '04. Major, Spanish, Minors, Engllsh and French. Llllian Nixon, Minneapolls. B . .A.., '03. Major, English, Minors, Philosophy and French. Ruth Josephine Sandva1l, Minneapolls. B. A., '05. Major Latin, Minors German and Greek. S. Albert Skinner, Minneapolls. B. S., Upper Iowa, '97; M. S., '99. Maior Botany, Minors, Zoology and Chemistry. Helena Warrington, Minneapolis. B. A .. '05. B . .A.., '04.. Major Engllsh, Minors German, History. Harry D. Love, Minneapolls. B. A., '05. Major Latin, Minors Greek and German. Gustav MelbY, Minneapolls. B. A., S. D. Universitv, '05. Major Engllsh, Minors, Norwegian and Hebrew. Major, History, Minors, Engllsh and Latin. Albert Davis Wilhoit, Minneapolis. ,l'ljar Chemistry, Minors, Mineralogy. B. A. Macalester, '05. ~,{ary Martin Yardley, Minneapolls. n. S., Wellesley, '90 • Major Latin, Minors, German and ItalIan. FOR DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. Peter A. Mattson, B. A., Gustavus Adolphus, '92. Thesis: "The Development of the ConIStitutional Idea in Sweden." 1 l 2. W. H. Truesdell, Minneapolis. E. M., '03. Major Geology, Minors Mineralogy and Chemistry. FOR MASTER OF ARTS. Mary Elizabeth Bell, St. Paul. 2. Melvin S. Nelson, Bagley. 2. John Zeleny, B. S., '92, B. A.. , Cambridge, 1900. Thesis: "The Velocity of the Ions pro-duced by RllIrtgen Rays." 1 THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND THE MECHANIC ARTS. FOR CIVIL ENGINEER. 13. Tresham Dames Gregg, Minneapolis. Elmer Ellsworth Adams, Wlllmar. Monroe Hanauer, St. Paul. Bannona Gerhardt Alrlck, Zumbrota. George Irwin Hayward, Pine Island. Ernest Benbow Alsop, Minneapolis. Charles James Malloy, Red Wing. Fred Pabst Bowen, St. Paul. John Murphy, Litchfield. Hervey Butler Childs, Ortonville. Arthur Lathrop Reed, Minneapolis. John Chauncey Childs, Minneapolis. Frederick Edward Wiesner, Tracy. FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER. Thomas Stanley Armstrong, Minneapolis. Wallace T. Crawford, Faribault. Gabriel Everett Garber, Minneapolis. Norman W. Benjamin W. Loye, Red Wing. Frank Elmer Matteson, Eyota. Arthur Christian Ringsred, Duluth. Rose, Duluth. FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. George M. Albrecht, St. Paul. Paul Fay Bunce, Minneapolis. John Peter Calmeyer, Glenwood. Nathan Cohen, Mlnneavolis. Leo Henry Coover, Minneapolis. Martin Cornelius, Roberts, Wis. Andrew Paul Dunn, Winnebago City. Charles F. Englln, Stillwater. Jacob Oscar Flnchy, Wabasha. Henry Hopson Glascock, Minneapolis. Albert Nelson Gunther, St. Paul. Elmer Harvey Haeberle, New Dim. Christopher Holf, St. Paul. Clarence E. Hokanson, Hector. Robert Thorold Hubbard, St. Paul. 7. 28. Charles Arthur Lanlt, Minneapolis. Harry Wheelock Mowry, Minneapolis. Harold Gould Payne, Minneapolis. Otto Bismarck Roepke, Minneapolis. Harry Albert Schow, Mlnneaoolls. Walter Frederick Schwedes, Wabasha. Gordon Russell Shuck, Rushmore. Laurence A. Stenger, Minneapolis. Harris Garfield Stone, Minneapolis. Carl Mugg TJngerm.all, Waseca. Erwin L. F. Weber, Helena, Mont. Gerald Graham Wllrglns, Minneapolis. William Arthur Zimmer, Big Stone City, S. D. THE SCHOOL OF MINES FOR ENGINEER OF MINES. 13. Charles Morgan, Zumbrota. John Brandt, St. Paul. Bertholdt Robert Neustadt, Minneapolis. Lester L. Clem"nt, Winona. Edward Silvester O'Connor, Highwood. Guy P. Harrington, Hutchinson. Horace Cole Rawson, Fergus Falls. Frank Twombly Howes, Minneapolis. William A. Rose ,Duluth. Paul Starr Kurtzman, Minneapolis. George Watson Wallace, Jr., DUluth. William F. Moenke, Belle Plaine. Walter Hall Wheeler, Minneapolis. THE SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMIST. 1. Otto Lewis Bernhal1:en, Minneapolis. -~--~-----~- --------_._---------~------ -- ------ .. _- --~---------_ --~-- --- THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE. 7. Amos John Gaumnltz, St. Cloud. William Arnold Peterson, Marc Carl Leager, Minneapolis. Park. Harry Scott Muir, Winneballo. Pierre Duane Southworth, William Argalus Peck, St. Anthony Park. Park. James Benjamin '.rorrance, Minneapolis. FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FORESTRY. William ~, .Cox, St. Anthony Park. Samuel Bertolet Frank Irvin Rockwell, Osseo. Park. Dillon Parnell Tierney, Farmington. St. Anthony St. Anthony St. Anthony 4.. Detwiler, FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS. 1. A. Adei Thompson, Co liege Grove. THE COLLEGE OF LAW FOR DOCTOR OF CIVIL LAW. 1. Albert R. Moore. FOR MASTER OF LAWS. La Roy Baird, River Falls, Wis. 1. Frank Cotton, Minneapolis. Henry .T. Fletcher, Minneapolis. Hiram David Frankel, St. Paul James Edward Mehan, Minneapolis. C. Knute Semlin~, Halsead. Tomesabura Shimizu, Mayabashi, Japan. Homer W. Stevens, Loman. Robert Kincade Stuart, Minneapolls. Wlillam Edward Thompson, Minneapolis. FOR BACHELOR OF LAWS. Gustavus Wilhelm Allen, Minneapolis. Albert S. Anderson, Stewartvllle. Victor Emanuel Anderson, Wheaton. Arthur Eo Arntson, Red Wlnl/:. Adolph William Aylmer, Minneapolis. Wlllus Norman Beal, Guilford, Me. .Tohn Bliss Bell, Minneapolis. A. Melvin Bredinl/:, Minneapolls. Joseph Brorby, Minneapolis. Garfield W. Brown, Pipestone. Fred Russel Burreli ,Princeton. Wlillam M .Carey, Jr. Mapleton. Fred J. Carpenter, Parker, S. D. Herbert John Charles, St. Paul. Irwin Allen Churchlll, Rochester. Percival M. Clark, Ortonvllle. Arthur Howard Clarke, Mlnneapolls. Charles A. Coakley, Flandreau, S. D. Louis Loren Collins, Minneapolis. 10. 99. William D .Crouley, Minneapolis. Horace Fulton Curtis, Minneapolis. Edward Harvey Davin, Minneapolis. Burr A. Dickinson, St. Paul. Chester B. Dlll", Minneapolls. Frederick Samuel Domes, Blue Earth. Don Carlos Dow, Worthington. Clarence E. Drake, Minneapolis. Howard v. Dyer, Pipestone. Axel Albert Eberhart, Mankato. Harry J. Edison, Mlnneapolls. Marvin Jay Eggleston, Mlnneapolls. David Charles Freimuth, Minneapolis. Daniel Ramsey Frost, St. Paul, Richard Maurice Funck, Minneapolis. Richard F. Gallall:her, Mlnneapolls. Richard Nelson Gardner, Minneapolis. Frank Ross Garvin, Mapleton. J. Henry Gruber, St. Paul. Hans A. Hanson, Fergus Falls. Jesse Gideon Henderson, Mlnneapolls. Clyde Ackley Hewitt, Nassau. Walter CI1Jl'ord Hinman, Brainerd. George Paul Homnes, Castle Rock, Wis. Martin John Hurley ,Pine City. Andrew Johnson, Valley City, N. D. Carl Arvid Johnson, Mankato. Henry A. Johnson, Mlnneatlol1s. Louis Harvey Joss, Mlnneapol1s. John Henry Kay, St. Paul. Edward Lincoln Kimball, Duluth. Henry G. Klelnschnltz, Eau Claire, Wis. Slgvard M. R. Koefod, Ashby. Victor S. Langlois, Mlnneapol1s. John C. Larson, Irving. Peter R. Lavlk, Minneapolis. Hugh E. I,each, Spring Valley. John Chester I,ewls, Hutchinson. Roy V. Lewis, Worthington. Henry J. Linde, Ridgeway, Ill. J. Raymond Lindgren, Adrian. Gustavus Loevinger, Mitchell, S. D. Seth Lnndqulst, Minneapolis. Dennis Francis Lyons, Merriam Park. Charles David McCanna, McCanna, N. D. William Allison McManigal, St. Paul. William Oscar McNelly, Mlnneapol1s. Peter Magnus Magnusson, Mlnneapol1s. Thomas Manl, Sisseton, S. D. Cl1f1'ord John Menz, St. pllUl. Herbert A. Merrifield, Elk River. Ray O. Miller, St. Paul. George Nordl1n, St. Paul. Willis Irving Norton, Minneapol1s. Charles E. Phillips, Larabee, Ia. J. A. O. Preus, Decorah, Ia. William Hammond Pryor, Winona. Charles Richard Pye, Northfield. John G. Redding, Minneapolis. Albert Preston Reed, Minneapol1s. Albert C. Remele, Mlnneapol1s. Christian Rosenmeler, Thorpe. Harold Schull, Mlnneapol1s. WilliAm T. Schutz, Pine Island. Warren E. Shuck, Rushmore. George David Smith, Red Wood Falls. David Lowe Stine, Slayton. John Woodcock Stradley, Cresco, Ia. John Swendiman, Jr., Dodge Center. John Swinland, Minneapolis. David Richard Thomas, Mlnneapol1s. Carl Otto Thorsen, Minneapol1s. June Jaye Truax, Mantorville. George Harvey Tvler, Wll1mar. Henry Van Fredenberg, Alexandria. S. M. Waters, Minneapolls. Wayne Richard Werring, Minneapol1s. Carl John Wold. Minneapol1s. Charles Rolla Wright, Fergus Falls. Margaret A. Young, Minneapol1s. i. THE DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE FOR DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. William Pitt Abbott, St. Paul. Edward Mayo Ashley, Pembina, N. D. Paul Leonard Ashley, St. Cloud. Seiler Joseph Aspelund, Mondovi, Wis. Harry Jacobs •Bartron, Lake City. Luthard M. Bergh, Audubon. Elwyn R. Bray, Biwabik. Will1am George Brede, Minneapol1s. Nathan Cowperthwaite Bulkiey, Danbury, Conn. Arthur J. Button. Gottfried William Callerstrom, Gowrie, Ia. Harry E. Canfield, St. Charles. Edwin L. Carlsen, Albert Lea. Slgfried J. Cheleen, Rock Island, Ill. Orriman S. Ely, West Superior, Wis. George Hell:ert Green, St. Peter. Ola! Jenson Hagen, Abercrombie, N. D. 44. Ernest Martin Hammes, Hampton. Claude I,eonard Haney, Minneapol1s. Ray Roberts Knight, Mlnneapol1s. Alfred H. Lndeman, Minneapol1s. Axel B. Lund, Dawson. Charles McMahon, Adrian. James N. Metcalf, Minneapolis. Harry Will1am Miller, Wahpeton, N. D. William Wilmerdinl1; Moil', Minneapol1s. Edward Moren, Minneapol1s. Niels Nielsen, Denmark. Reuben Martin Pederson, Hanley Falls. Victor Nathan Peterson, Cokato. Chelsea Carroll Pratt. Clarence P. Rice, Appleton. Gustav Leander Rudell, Winthrop. John P. Schneider, Minneapol1s. L John P. Schutt, Minneapolis. Simon Peter Seaberg, Minneapolis. Frederick LeRoy Smith, Sioux FaIls, S. D Margaret Isabel Smith, Minneapolis. Carl Benjamin Teisber&" Ashby. Frank Aloysius A. Tyier, Brainerd. Clinton C. Tyrrell, Hamline. Victor K Verne, Minneapolis. Carl Albion Witham, Rock Elm, Wis. Arthur Rufus Tre.e;o Wylie, Faribault. FOR HOMEOPATIDC MEDICINE AND SURGERY. 1. Bertha Gray Newkirk. THE COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY 41. FOR DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. Frederick Arthur Amundson, St. Peter. Emil H,jalmar LieI', Ashby. Carl Ernfried Anderson, Kennedy. Robert Victor M,almgren, Youn!': America. Harry J. Baker, Rose Creek. Merton R. Melvin, Wheaton. Harvey Dwijl'ht Barnett, lIHnneapolis. William Basil Morstain, Minneapolis. George Andrew Nelson, Minneapolis. Oscar Bjor!':e, Lake Park. Adolph Leonard BlIx, Granite Falls. Verner H.ialmar Nilsson, Minneapolis. Louis Dale Blondel, Spencer, Ia. Carlton Percy Olsen, Minneapolis. Ernest Wm. F. Boerner, Buffalo. Claus Alvin Rollln, Sweden. Wayne Bliss Corser, St. Paul. Arthur Taylor Rowe, Casselton, N. D. Stephen R. Fortier, Little Falls. Carlus Selvie:, Rushford. Marcus Frederickson, Lakefield. Walter Herbert Smith, Fairfax. Via Emil Heddy, Minneapolis. Stephen Howard Spurr, Minneapolis. Walter Sandberg Huntington, Marion, Ia. Howard W. Thomas, Ellendale, N. D. Joseph Leo Tomasek, Wauconia, Ia. William Richard Jun&" Fergus Falls. George Chester Turner, Lanesboro. Edward Henry Jun&,claus, Glencoe. Isador John Wahlstrom ,Fer/1:us Fails. Kaare Kaasen, Minneapolis. Charles Edgar Waiste, Minneapolis. Ernest Clayton KendaIl, Minneapolis. R. Mortimer Weaver, Spencer, Ia. Louis William Korfhage, St. Paul. James Thomas Layne, Rushford. Amos Schumpert Wells, Newberry, S. C. Conrad Peter Winther, New PaynesvllIe. Alexander Cameron Lestico, Glencoe. Leslie Maley Woodbury, Zumbrota. THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY FOR PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. 19. Henry Joseph Barnett, Wheatland. Edward PhlIlp Kennedy, Marshall. Koyla M. Ketcham, Herman. William H. Bockoven, Clark, S. D. Leo Daniel Madden, Eyota. Edwin G. Carlson, Wllimar. Robert North, Hudson, Wis. Charlotte E. Caton, Minneapolis. Henry Ellls Peterson, Litchfield. Joseph Patrick Cutting, Sleepy Eye. Sumner Amos Peterson, Atwater. Robert E. Desmond, Rushford. Norman C. Schreiter, Red Lake FaIls. D. Curtis Frise, Minneapolis. Carolyn H. Smith, Minneapolis. Leonard Granberg, Minneapolis. George Thrall Stewart. Elk River. John Abner Handy, Good Thunder. LeRoy Sweet, River Falls, Wis.
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