Auto Antics
NOVEMBER 2014 No. 488
ANTIQUE CAR CLUB. ABN 64 010 012 781
P.O. BOX 362 NAMBOUR Qld. 4560
PH: 5476 8388 Mob: 0408 759 161
Email – [email protected]
Website -
Meetings held 4th Tuesday of the Month at 7:30pm.
The Old School House at the Nambour Showground.
What’s Inside
Office Bearers
President’s Report
Rally Director’s Report
Bribie News
General Minutes
Members Articles
AGM Minutes 2013
Kevin Grant
5443 2767
0428 989 060
[email protected]
Vice President
Wayne Griffiths
0427 312 999
[email protected]
Karen Ryan
5446 6942
Vic Toonen
5447 7021
0412 666 103
[email protected]
Rally & Events Director
Phil Tucker
5456 4635
0421 871 937
[email protected]
Assistant Secretary
Carolyn Williams
5471 0342
0407 807 296
[email protected]
Chris Anstey
5441 6865
Catering Officer
Tony Milligan
5443 3333
[email protected]
Dating & Inspection Officer David Grant
[email protected]
0447 727 099
[email protected]
0428 989 821
For general enquiries and all cars in the
Palmwoods area
Property Officer
John Kindt
5442 2171
Bill Ryan
5446 6942
Membership Registrar
Sylva Barns
5472 7061
Assistant Rally Director
David Whysall
5437 3989
Assistant Editor
Erik Buttars
5478 1888
Assistant Caterer
Peter & Anne Lingard
Dating Officers
Charlie Duckett
0423 613 129
For cars in the Bli Bli area
Rob Taylor
0413 302 389
For cars in the Aroona area
[email protected]
5445 6991
3408 6402
Bribie Is. Representatives
Duncan & Meg McFadyen
3408 1478
Publicity Officer
QHMC Delegates
Trevor Shields
3408 2364
Bill Ryan
5446 6942
John Kindt
5442 2171
Assistant Swap Co-ordinator Bill Ryan
[email protected]
0418 250 796
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bob Parsons
Swap Co-ordinator
0419 765 660
0421 270 749
For cars in the Banksia Beach area
0417 193 480
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
5446 6942
The opinions expressed within are not necessarily shared by the editor or
officers of the SCACC. All care is taken to ensure that the information contained within the newsletter is correct at the time of printing.
Kevin Grant
Kev is away on holidays in Tasmania for a couple of weeks so in his place I’ve
inserted a short piece from that other famous Grant, David. (Chris, Editor)
From the Dating Officers:
The last twelve months has passed quickly and in that time we have inspected
approximately 30 club members’ vehicles and written certificates for club
registration. I would like to personally thank Charlie Duckett, Bob Parsons and
Robert Taylor for their cooperation in helping the club members with these
inspections. I’d like to wish all members a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
Good health and safe travelling, David A Grant (Dating Officer)
New Members: Mears (#481), Egan (#482) & Germain (#483). All single
memberships to be voted on at the next General Meeting.
Vale Beryl Jensen
The Sunshine Coast Antique Car Club was
formed in 1963 to foster preservation of our
motoring heritage by providing an avenue for
sharing of information by the owners of veteran and vintage cars (prior to 1/1/1919 and
1/1/1931 respectively) and the encouragement
of their restoration and preservation. They
also intended to educate and interest the
general public by displays, rallies, etc.
Generally, our members come from those owning such over 30 years old but owning one is
not a mandatory requirement. Our veteran
and vintage vehicles remain our “respected citizens” due to their historic significance. Rallies are designed to allow for their limitations.
Our Rally Director tries to incorporate suitable variations in rallies which will cater for all
our vehicles. S.C.A.C.C.
Today we welcome all people interested in
preservation and restoration of our motoring
and machinery history.
Phil Tucker
Thanks to all those members who helped out whilst Deb and I were away. It’s
good to know that we have a club that has as many helpers as this one.
Our President’s Dinner was a good night with a few surprises from local Councilor
Greg Rogerson regarding our club.
Not long now until the AGM so start thinking about your contribution to the Club.
Next after that is Xmas.
Enjoy the rallies for the rest of the year.
Happy traveling,
Chris Anstey
Only a few weeks until Christmas - where did that year go. As usual, the Christmas party will be held at the Little Trains in Florence Street in Nambour on Sunday December 7th. If you are coming please let Karen Ryan know or put your
name on the list at the next General Meeting so we can cater adequately for
lunch. Also, bring an inexpensive present for each child in your party and a plate
to share for morning tea. Don’t forget your chairs, shade shelter, hat, sun screen
etc. as December can be very hot.
The minutes from the 2013 AGM are reprinted on page 16 and continued on page
15, of this months AA. Have a read and think about contributing to the running of
the Club.
From the editors desk, I and my family wish all members a safe, fulfilling and
happy Christmas/New Year break.
Safe driving,
PS: A quick thanks to all who contributed material for the AA in 2014.
Duncan MacFadyen
The Bribie Christmas lunch run will be on Sunday 30th November. Meet at Spinnaker Sound Park at 10:00am for a BYO morning tea. Turn into Kalmakuta Drive
off the Bribie Island Road and drive to the Bait/Boat hire shop then turn right
onto the waterfront. After morning tea we will proceed to the Clubhouse at the
Bribie Island Retirement Village for lunch. Meg and I will be catering so please
advise your attendance.
Australia Day ’Ozzie Beach Party’ on Bribie Island. Meet at Pumicestone Lions
Park at 8:00am for an 8:30am departure travelling to a static display near the
jetty. For more information please contact me on 0417 193 480.
Meg and I would like to wish all SCACC members a happy and safe Xmas/New
Year break.
Regards to all and see you in 2015,
Duncan and Meg.
Karen Ryan
I have received a quote to have more photo books printed. They are only free to
members whose cars are in the book otherwise they are for sale at $16.50 each
for a minimum order of 15 books.
If you want one, please let me know by phone, email or at the AGM. No orders
will be taken after the AGM as the printers need final numbers by the next day.
Please see me at the AGM to confirm your order. Payment can be made either at
the AGM or at the Xmas Party.
Regarding the AGM, if we can’t get fill the Secretaries job, the Club will have to
employ a professional as the Club cannot legally operate without a Secretary.
Call me urgently even if you only have a small inkling that you might like to do the
job. I can put your mind to rest regarding the duties and workload etc.
Meeting opened 7.35pm with 70 Members in attendance and 12 Apologies as per Attendance
Kevin welcomed all to the Meeting and thanked Bob for the pre-meeting video presentation. A
minutes silence was observed in memory of member Beryl Jensen who joined the Club in 2009.
Visitors: Maurie and Bernie Calderwood. Mark Doblo. Gordon Egan. Michael Germain. Kerry and
Joy Johnston.
Karen moved minutes of last meeting as printed in September 2014 Auto Antics (#486) be
accepted, Seconded – Derek Dixon, No Matters Arising, Carried
Inwards Correspondence
Telstra account
Bike registration
SC Council statement for Swap Meet
Lloyd Hagarman re 40 years membership
Membership application for Bill & Kathy Mears
Invoice from SC Council re Swap Meet
Eumundi Night Markets Flyer (Somerset Valley)
17 magazines from other clubs
Outwards Correspondence
Insurance valuation - Charlie Duckett
Karen moved that inwards be accepted and outwards endorsed. Sec – Paul Conyn – Carried.
TREASURERS REPORT: Tabled by Vic who moved it be accepted.
Sec - Peter Kerr. David Williams asked for financial details of Swap and how much was
in the term deposits. Vic replied that he didn’t know at that moment as the books were
at the Auditors. Carried.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Still a lot of Club Registers to be collected. Maurie & Bernie
Calderwood and Jennifer Tyndal membership applications presented to members for acceptance. Carried. Information packs and badges presented.
VICE PRESIDENT: Karen briefly read minutes of recent Committee Meeting as Wayne was
not in attendance at that meeting. Wayne gave an update of proceedings of the sub committee organising the Heritage Day on May 17th 2015.
RALLY REPORT: Refer to AA for details of upcoming events. Phil thanked Bevin, Charlie
and David Wysall for organising rallies while he was away. Christmas Party is Sunday 7th
December. Put your names on the list if you are attending. Mid week rally on 26th November. Meet at the shed at 9:00am. Rally will finish at Ricks Garage for lunch (buy your own).
David Grant and Neil Andersen are organising a long weekend at Dalby on the first full
weekend in March next year (See ad in this AA. Ed.)
EDITORS REPORT: Chris is back in the Editors seat (We had a great holiday. Ed.) He will
not be nominating for the position of Editor at the AGM due to work commitments. Anyone interested in taking it on, please give him a call. Thanked Erik Buttars for all of his
help this year.
WEBMASTERS REPORT: New online booking system for the 2015 Swap Meet is working
well. Have currently received approximately $2300 into the Swap account in payment for
booked sites.
NEW CLUB ROOMS: The lease is still under negotiation with Council. David Williams
asked if it was correct that the Council is unable to purchase second hand buildings. Confirmed by Kevin, but is still under negotiation.
PROPERTY REPORT: Club shirts, hats, badges etc. are for sale.
Raffle $2 per ticket or 3 for $5.
Cliff was concerned that he hadn’t been informed of Beryl Jensen’s funeral. A general discussion about the difficulties of advising everyone, or even knowing whom to advise, ensued.
An email is generally sent out to those with email access who are then asked to pass on the
information. A suggestion was made that we could send a text message to those with mobile
phones, but not all members have mobile phone access either. There seems to be no easy solution and members may have to resort to notifications published in the local newspaper.
David Grant gave a short report on the Cooroy Car Show and Swap. About 12 members participated and quite a few won trophies.
Derek reported that the Custodians Rally at Maryborough was an excellent rally and very
well run. The Club won a trophy for most attended.
Bevin talked about a book that had been written by Doug Partington called ‘The road from
Leura Australia to Lincoln USA - The journey of the Wikner Ford’. He recommended it as
worth reading and lent it to Paul Conyn to read.
Karen reported that a David Parmiter phoned asking if our Club would be interested in participating in a rally next year to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Buderim to
Palmwoods tramway. It will be held in the first two weeks of June, though no firm details yet
and he is just collecting expression if interest at this time.
Derek announced that Ross Walker’s Alvis is now back on the road and suggested J&N Race
Cars at Yandina as being worth contacting if you need parts made.
Malcolm King skited that he was now the proud owner of a 1929 Riley Knight even though it is
in about 3000 pieces (I know that feeling well … Ed.) Malcolm asked if the Club was interested in being Club of the Year at the 2016 Noosa Classic.
Meeting closed 9:00pm
The Great Cooloolabin Cup Day (Sunday 2nd November)
The horse racing was ‘Neck a Neck’ with a few ‘Neddies’ going ‘Head to Head’ on the
day. ‘Yandina Girl’ was the winner, ‘Lusty Lady’ came in second followed by ‘Bundy Lad’
third. Unfortunately my horse ‘Last Hope’ is off to the glue factory on Monday
morning. Whoever said you can only play quoits on cruise ships needs to attend the
Cooloolabin Cup to see the real players in the game. Special thanks to Bevin, Yvonne,
Andrew and Maree Spackman plus all the other people behind the scenes who did a
fantastic job. The Beefy Pie and Mushy Peas was better than Harry’s Café de
Wheels in Wooloomooloo in Sydney.
Thanks to all the
attendees and to
those who didn’t,
you sure missed out
on a great day.
See you next year,
Paul (Conyn)
Top to bottom:
Old and new
The starters
The Presidents Dinner
Dateline: November 1st
Venue: Nambour Golf Club
Seventy or more club members and partners gathered in the Nambour Golf Club
clubhouse to celebrate the SCACC Annual Presidents Dinner. The food was great,
the company entertaining, the music delightful and the speeches mercifully short.
Our honoured guest Cr. Rogerson, surprised us all with his announcement of secure
financial backing for our new clubhouse. Members Jack Craig and Lloyd Hagaman received loyalty awards for 40 years membership whilst Peter Wellington and Trevor
Brosnan collected 25yr membership award.
Other awards conferred on the night were:
Presidents award
Andrew Spackmann
Clubwoman of the Year
Di Neary
Clubman of the Year
David Whysall
Ladies Quiet Achiever
Olive Guy
Night Driver
George Gray
Best Veteran/Vintage
Gary Dean
Reg Wilkie Award
Bill Payne
Kerry Cox Award
Ray Hume
Best Attendance (New Member) Jeff Dale
Best Overall Attendance
Debra Tucker
Congratulations to all winners - well deserved. Photos follow on the next two pages.
The Music Man
David Erbacher
stirs up a musical
storm on the
portable Roland
from the
At the tables
Bring on the food
Cr Rogerson makes his
Bob, the photographers’
The crowd is getting
Kev congratulates
Olive and Deb
Phil with the Club’s
Classified Advertisements (continued)
FOR SALE: Stessco 3.5m Car Topper (*)
15hp Honda 4 stroke outboard. Depth sounder. Full
flooring. Folding trailer. $3250.
Contact David on (07) 5438 3989 or 0408 525 537
FOR SALE: 1939 J Model Vauxhall (*)
Recent restoration with reconditioned motor, new
paint and chrome, carpets, upholstery and hood lining. Brakes including lines, wheel and master cylinders restored. New tyres. Drives great. Reluctant
Contact David on (07) 5437 3989 or 0408 525 537
FOR SALE: TE20 Ferguson Tractor (*) (complete) Suitable for restoration.
Petrol motor. $1300 ono. Palmwood area. Contact Dave Grant 0428 989 821
FOR SALE: 1926 Chevrolet Ute (*) Rolling chassis. Panels all repaired. Wheels
good. Lots of spares. $7500 Contact Geoff Thorne 0419 644 434
Friday March 6 to Wednesday March 11 and beyond.
Visiting various places of interest in the Dalby, Benarkin area - car and truck collections,
museums and other hidden treasures. Bring your caravan or drive your car staying in
accommodation in the Dalby area.
Additional information will be provided in Auto Antics in the New Year.
Further details before then from David Grant or Neil Andersen.
Our Librarian Bill Ryan has been working hard to get the Library up
and running so that you are able to look at and use the vast array of
books, magazines etc. Bill will open the club shed on meeting nights
from 6.30pm to 7.30pm for members who may like to come along and
see what the library has to offer. There are many technical books and
workshop manuals that may help you in your restoration projects. We
have many old club newsletters that you can read a good source of the
club history. The photo copier is able to be used if you need to copy
anything from the books.
For more details please contact Bill on 5446 6942. This is OUR library
we encourage members to come along and use it.
Please note these events are on the “Events Page” on our website If there is any change or cancellation to an event it will be posted on the website and will be updated if possible, prior to the time of the event
and as soon as the webmaster has been informed.
All rally start times are 09:00am unless otherwise advised.
Please bring chairs, morning tea and lunch unless otherwise advised
Rick’s Garage. (14-16 Margaret Street, Palmwoods)
Masters at Morayfield
Auto One, Kawana. (1 Capital Place, Birtinya)
The Silver Bream. (126 The Esplanade, Caloundra)
Run to Bribie. Met at the Ettamogah Pub at 8:30am for an 8:45am
start. BYO smoko and lunch.
Meet at the Clubhouse at 9:00am for a run lead by David Grant.
Meet at the Clubhouse at 8:30am for a 9:00am start. BYO smoko and
Club Xmas Party. Little Train Park, Florence Street, Nambour.
Food and drinks supplied by the Club.
Xmas Lights Run. Meet at Military Jetty, Caloundra at 5:00pm.
For directions please ring David Whysall on 5437 3989
?? Australia Day outing.
Probably a drive to Glasshouse Mountains Sports Club on Steve Irwin
Way. More information in January AA.
Third Sunday of each month: Lazy Sundays Car Meet.
AutoPro Noosa, Shop 1, 140 Noosa-Eumundi Road, Noosaville. 9:00am until midday.
PLEASE NOTE: When an item has been advertised in ‘Auto Antics’ for a period of 3 months
and not sold it will be placed on the club website ( for a further 3 months.
Please let the Editor know as soon as possible after the item has been sold.
(N.B. Number of asterisks denotes number of months in AA )
For Sale advertisements should contain a brief description of the item, the price and a contact name,
number and email address if available. If selling a car, please specify year, type and model, whether
registered, current safety certificate or not and general condition.
A recent photo is not necessary but will help with the sale.
WANTED: Electric motor (**)
Single phase (240v) with pulley shaft (+/- 16mm) 1 to 1.5 HP.
Please telephone Cliff Hultgren (07) 5441 2927.
FOR SALE: 1967 Austin 1800 Sedan (*)
Automatic 1.8L 4 cylinder. $8500 negotiable.
Running and registered on non-transferable club
plates. Recent motor and gearbox restoration.
Receipts available for $8000 worth of recent
mechanical work. No rust. Test drive in Gympie.
Phone John or June (07) 5482 9267 for more information.
FOR SALE: 1965 Toyota Crown Deluxe (**)
All original and on Club registration. Going great though mileage unknown.
Expressions of interest invited. Please call: Ray Hume (07) 5441 1485.
FOR SALE : Two 1965 Vauxhall Victor 101 sedans (**)
One green, one grey-blue in colour. Asking $3,500 for both. Location Nambour.
Contact Clare any day between 6:00pm and 8:00pm (07) 5441 2359
Got something to sell? Contact the Editor at [email protected]
There will be no video
presentation before the AGM
(November 25th)
FOR SALE: 2004 Windsor Streamline SS Mark 2 Caravan (**)
16 foot with island double bed (Custom built innerspring mattress) Front Kitchen.
Air-conditioned. Electric Brakes.
Near new complete Annex, plus a Remote Move
Control for easy parking.
12 months rego and comes with all accessories
including Hayman Reece towing aids.
The van is in excellent condition and is a
reluctant sale due to ill health.
Asking $20,000 or nearest offer. Call Maurie on (07) 5491 3469.
FOR SALE : Motorized push bike (***)
Rotary Brand. No registration or license required.
Very economical. VGC. $325.00
Phone Bob on (07) 3408 6402
FOR SALE: 1985 Subaru L Wagon (*)
Very suitable for restoration. $100. Contact Bill Riley (07) 5494 7230
Annual General Meeting Minutes - 26 November 2013 (continued)
Yvonne Mutch nominated Tony Milligan
Seconded Karen Ryan. All in favour.
Bevin Mutch nominated Rod Collins
Seconded Lyall Exelby. All in favour.
Carolyn Williams nominated John Kindt
Seconded Lyall Exelby. All in favour.
Barry Bandidt nominated Bill Ryan
Seconded John Kindt. All in favour.
All other positions to be filled by volunteers and will be considered at the next Committee Meeting and
subsequent General Meeting.
Signatories to Bank Accounts to be Executive Committee Members, President (Kevin Grant), Secretary
(Karen Ryan) and Treasurer (Vic Toonen) with any two of these to sign as per the Articles of Association.
Meeting closed at 9:22pm. Signed: Kevin Grant, President.
AMENDMENT to Sunshine Coast Antique Car Club Annual General Meeting Minutes (26 November 2013)
The Assistant Secretary (Carolyn Williams) mentioned that at the Committee Meeting dated 10 December
2013 that it was agreed at the August 2013 Committee Meeting that there should be four (4) signatories to the
bank account. This was accepted and the Vice President (Wayne Griffiths) agreed to be the fourth signatory.
Signed: Kevin Grant (President)
Annual General Meeting Minutes - 26 November 2013
61 members in attendance and 17 apologies as per the attendance book.
President Lyall Exelby thanked the Committee for all the work done in 2013.
Secretary Karen Ryan moved that the Minutes of the 2012 AGM as printed in the November 2013 Auto Antics
newsletter be accepted. Seconded by Bevin Mutch. No matters arising, Carried. Karen also thanked those who
helped her during the last two years and encouraged members to consider taking on the job as it is very rewarding.
Lyall agreed and encouraged anyone to have a go.
TREASURERS REPORT: Tabled by Vic Toonen who advised that the books had been audited and everything
was in order. Report present for anyone to peruse. Vic moved that the Auditor’s report be accepted. Seconded by
Rob Taylor. Carried.
AUDITOR: Vic recommended that Mick Harper be reappointed as ClubAuditor. Moved Olive Guy. Seconded
Cliff Hultgren.
MEMBERSHIP FEES: Recommend that they stay at the current level - $35 Single Membership, $45 Dual Membership. Partners of Members automatically become Associate Members for free but with no voting rights. Joining
fee set at $5.00. Moved Rod Collins. Seconded Buster Lindsay.
Lyall declared all positions vacant and asked Rod Collins to chair the election. Rod thanked Lyall for his service to
the Club over the last three years.
Rob Taylor nominated Lyall Exelby
Rob Taylor nominated Kevin Grant
Lyall Exelby nominated Dennis Bagnell
Derek Dixon nominated Bill Ryan
Rob Taylor nominated Bevin Mutch
Sylva Barns nominated Rob Taylor
Ray Hume nominated Bob Wilson
Karen Ryan nominated Norm Garland
Rod Collins nominated Kevin Grant
Seconded Karen Ryan. All in favour.
Kevin Grant nominated Wayne Griffiths
Seconded Neil Boulton. All in favour.
Phil Tucker nominated Karen Ryan
Derek Dixon nominated Sylva Barns
No further nominations and Karen Ryan accepted the nomination on condition that
Carolyn Williams nominated for Assistant Secretary.
Seconded Greg Dunston. All in favour.
Keith Guy nominated Vic Toonen
Seconded Derek Dixon. All in favour.
Olive Guy nominated Phil Tucker
Seconded Yvonne Mutch. All in favour.
Karen Ryan nominated Carolyn Williams
Seconded Yvonne Mutch. All in favour.
Carolyn Williams nominated Chris Anstey
Seconded Norm Garland. All in favour.