For Re-accreditation( Cycle-2 ) to Submitted National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Banglore. Nov. 2014 ============================================================== by Submitted Principal, S.P.M.Tatyasaheb Mahajan Arts & Commerce College, 443 201 CHIKHLI.Dist.Buldana.(M.S.) Principal, Dr Abhay B. Tare, S.P.M.Tatyasaheb Mahajan Arts & Commerce College, CHIKHLI. Dist.Buldana.443 201(M.S) Mo.No.9850143885 ( 07264-242075 ) ** Ê´ÉtÉ {É®Æú nèù´ÉiÉ¨É ** S.P.M. Tatyasheb Mahajan Arts & Commerce College, C H I K H L I - 443 201, Dist.Buldana [M.S.] No. SPM/NAAC-RAR/2014-15/ . Date :- 12-11-2014 To Dr. Ganesh Hegde Assistance Adviser National Assessment & Accreditation Council P. O. Box. No. 1075, Opp : NLSIU Nagabhavi, Bangalore – 5600072 Subject : Intimation regarding uploading of SSR / RAR on website Dear Sir, We herby intimate that SSR / RAR is uploaded on website as per following details. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Particulars Name of the Institution : Head of Institute Contact Mobile No.: Coordinator Contact Mobile No.: Track Id of NAAC Accreditation Cycle a. Web site b. Web-link showing SSR a. Date of Uploading SSR / RAR S.P.M. Tatyasaheb Mahajan Arts & Commerce College Chikhli. Dist-Buldana(M.S. Principal Dr. Abhay B. Tare 9850143885 Shri. Subhash G. Raut 9421390326 Cycle 1/ 2√ / 3/ 4 http:// Dt. 12/11/2014 ( SSR accepted, after one month of uploading only ) 10. 11. b. Probable date of submission of SSR / RAR : 12 B UGC status and XII Plan Development Grant copy submitted to NAAC.: Probable date of NAAC Peer Team Visit : ( After 60 days of SSR Submitted Dt. 12/01/2015 Submission and before 180 days ) 12. Nearest Airport for the peer team members to arrive : Aurangabad CONTENT * * A. B. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. C. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Preface Executive Summary Profile of the Institution Criterion-wise Analytical Report Curricular Aspects Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Research, Consultancy and Extension Infrastructure and Learning Resources Student Support and Progression Governance, Leadership and Management Innovations and Best Practices Evaluative Reports of the Departments English Marathi Political Science History Economics Commerce Physical Education Library Science and Information Centre Post Accreditation Initiatives Declaration by the Head of the Institution Mandatory compliance for assessment and Accreditation of HEI’s Annexure Permanent Affiliation UGC 2F- 12B Certificate Accreditation Report – Cycle-1 Approval of the Courses of Affiliating University Master Plan 1 2 7 17 32 59 117 133 169 189 212 228 241 251 262 276 295 304 319 330 331 332 333 334 336 337 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Preface It is a matter of proud - privilege on our part to get accredited with NAAC, an autonomous and well esteemed body. The institution had undergone assessment and accreditation in February 2004 and was accredited with B+. We feel elevated to mention that ours was the only institution in the category of Arts and Commerce in Buldana district to have B+ grade. Our institution is affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati and has got permanent affiliation for UGC on 23/7/2012.(2F and 12 B in 1970 and 1980 respectively ). While working, we always keep in mind the vision, mission and objectives of the institution and five core values of the NAAC. After 2004, sincere efforts have been made to overcome the suggestions made by the NAAC Peer Team to initiatives for the creation of quality its sustenance and continuous enhancement. While submitting Self Study Report (SSR), we feel that it is in real sense a self- introspective report. The report consists of I) Executive Summary and SWOC analysis II) Section B: Profile of the institution III) Criteria- wise analytical information IV) Departmental profiles V) Post accreditation initiatives VI) Appendix. The report is a result of collective efforts of Hon’ble Principal, IQAC, Faculty, Administrative staff including respected management. We hope the report would be able to bring all essential aspects of the institution useful to NAAC peer team for the Re-accreditation and assessment of our institution. The SSR is attached in CD-Rom with five hard copies and also is available on www. the institution’s website. Thanking you. ( S.G.Raut ) ( Dr.Abhay. B. Tare ) Co-ordinator Principal, [email protected] Mob.9421390326 E.Mail. [email protected] Mob.9850143885 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 1 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Executive Summary and SWOC Analysis ‘Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’ the institution was founded in 1956 and senior college in 1965. In those days, no facility of higher education was available in nearby place. So many students used to stop taking higher education. Specially, girl students were restricted to go out of town for education. UGC has recognized Buldana as educationally backward district. Six decade ago it was not an easy task to dare open educational institutes; but visionary management did it. The institution opened the ways to all. In those days and even today, parents prefer our college especially for their daughters and feel at home. Our college in known for regularity in academic work and value based education. Since last six decades institution is gloriously imparting knowledge through its 17units and 516 employees. Today 15,210 students are taking education in their home town. The College has its 4.5 acre land 1832.22 sq.mts built- up area and adequate infrastructure to cope up with the educational needs. We always try to justify the vision to provide qualitative education to all the sections of the society with equal opportunity. SWOC Analysis Strength 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Visionary, enthusiastic and encouraging management. Well qualified, dedicated and affectionate principal and staff. Adequate infrastructure and learning resources. Ample curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Emphasis on social responsibility, patriotism and value-based education. Students research promotion. Ragging and sexual harassment free campus. Small unit Status used to develop intimate relations with students and Stakeholders. 9) Lot of prizes and scholarships to the needy and talented students. 10) Computerized office and library administration. 11) Permanent affiliation. 12) Separate college and library website. 13) Sufficient instruments for the use of information and communication Technology. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 2 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Weakness 1) 2) 3) 4) Limited Academic flexibility. No job opportunities in the adjoining areas. No Major research yet undertaken. No lady teacher. Opportunity 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) To begin job oriented courses (COPs). To increase Consultancy services. To organize national / International Seminars and conferences. Students research promotion on large scale. As a worship, we wish to serve poor, needy and weaker students to build their careers. Challenges 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) To minimize dropout rate. Poor and educationally weak background of the Students. LPG has created multiple job opportunities based on technical education. Decreasing strength of Students to B.A. Ceased Non-Salary grants from state government. ATKT to 60% subjects affect results. 1. Curricular Aspects: The institution takes every care to flash out its vision, mission and objectives in prospectus, website and on walls to the students, staff and stakeholders. Curriculum is designed by the parent university, even then institution contributes its input through BoS or by sending some representative to attend “Curriculum Design general meeting” in the university. Institution emphasizes on effective implementation of university designed curriculum. University does not have dual degree programme or horizontal mobility. Elective options or vertical mobility is followed. Some times institution takes privilege in framing a need based curricula in consultation with the Stakeholders to introduce Bridge Course in English or other subjects. COP’s are run to keep students update. Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nasik is also doing well. It runs five courses where more than 1600 employees and others taking education. Institution does many things on cross cutting issues and holistic development of the students. Keen care is taken to inculcate moral values in them. IQAC frames many committees to shape students all rounder. It monitors effective implementation Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 3 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. of pre-planned programmes. It also pays attention on taking proper feedback and its analysis for the better future of coming generations. 2. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation: Institution ever tries to keep all the processes of admission, examination and evaluation open and transparent. Details of these are given in prospectus, website and also admission committee work for this. In admission ‘First Come First Serve’ method is adopted and every care is taken to include all sections of the society. Regarding scholarship, reservations, concession and admission university and state Government rules are strictly followed. Taking the heterogeneous nature of learners various ways in teaching and adopted. Extra classes for slow learners and remedial classes for backward class students. Students and teachers are encouraged to make use of ICT. Through many ways students are helped to involve in innovative and other practices. For the better output teachers are updated through conferences, seminars, refresher and such trainings. Care is taken to develop critical thinking, creativity and scientific temper among the students. For the feedback of learners two unit test and one terminal examination are held. For the advances learners group discussion, paper presentation and other activities through various forums are organized. Teachers display results and also discuss in the class to know the mistakes. They are encouraged through prizes and scholarship by management, staff and stakeholders. Near about all the staff members have sponsored these prizes. In this way, an honest effort is made to make teaching- learning process students centric. 3. Research, Consultancy and Extension: Research and extension works are the soul of higher education. Our staff is a small unit of 15 members. College has established Research promotion committee long back. IQAC and RPC takes care to develop scientific temper of the students and staff and ever encourage carrying research. As a result, we have 01 Ph.D guide, 03 Ph.D., 11 M.Phil., 01 thesis submitted,10 in Ph.D progress, 05 minor research projects completed, 02 have submitted proposals for MRP and more than 200 hundred papers have been published at various level. 02 staff members got research awards, more than 15 books published, 04 State and National Level Conferences organized, 01 conference for students every year etc. Since it is Arts and Commerce College there is little scope for Consultancy services, but still we are thinking seriously to overcome this lacuna in near future. College is keen about Social obligation. In addition to NSS, NCC, Maitrisangh renders community services. Hon’ble Prinicpal and one staff member got national awards for their social contribution. NSS unit and NSS Programme Officer got best unit and Programme officer award by parent university. In short All extension Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 4 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. services are offered for national integration, pulse polio, Election, Democracy Strengthening, cross cutting issues, villagers down trodden ( Dalit), woman, slum area etc. 4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources: For the effective ambience of teaching -learning and administrative activities institute gives more emphasis. It is cared specially that the dwellers of the campus feel easy and pleasing. Easy accessible facilities are made available. We have adequate learning infrastructure like airy and specious classrooms with light, fans, decks benches etc. A separate girls common room, reading room, well furnished toilets, gents toilets, ramps at essential places etc. Language laboratory, computer laboratory, recreational hall, seminar hall, canteen, play grounds for sports, Obstacles for NCC cadets, gym etc. are available for the co-curricular and extra curricular development of the students. The institute has developed computerized library with good numbers of books and a rare collection books. It has sufficient number of journal, e-journal, OPAC facility, own website, N-LIST service through INFLIBNET, and it given services like reprography, internet, employment news, competitive guidance’s, book bank facility etc. The college administration as fully computerized. Even internet facility in major departments is in process. Use of modern technology is made to keep the students technologically competent. Staff and student are encouraged the make use of ICT in teaching learning. IQAC looks after the fair and optimum use of infrastructure facilities and has developed an effective mechanisms for the upkeep of it. 5. Students Support and Progression: For the holistic development and progression of the students college has created its mechanism. College runs career guidance and placement cell, grievance redresser cell, anti ragging cell, women anti -sexual and harassments cell. It is also provides opportunities in the needy students through Earn and Learn scheme and help them to continue their education. For the placement linkage is developed with cooperative societies and industries. Remedial classes for backward class students and bridge course to fill the gap of learner are run in the college. Students are insured by the university and encouraged by the college by giving many scholarships and prize to the needy and intelligent students. Every care is taken to conduct all kind of activities like cultural, sports, NCC, NSS, Social concern toward deprived and citizenry obligations for the nation. To shape students’ holistic in approach and all round personality to create “SPM Attribute”. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 5 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 6. Governance, Leadership and Management: It is proud on our part to say that our management is fairly enthusiastic and visionary. The very purpose of the institution is to create patriots and good citizens of the society. The institution has its LMC (local management committee) It includes chairman, secretary, four directors, there staff representatives, one non teaching staff member and principal as a secretary. In the LMC institutional planning is made IQAC and staff suggestions consider and proper actions are taken. Management also conducts annual meeting of the staff called ‘Adhava Baithak’ (feedback meeting). Performance of the faculty through out the year and results are discussed in the meeting. Management gives pretty encouragement to the faculty development. They encourage staff to attend seminars, conferences, workshops, organize it and also to go on FIP. All kinds of help is given to the development of infrastructure and up gradation of teaching-learning resources. 7. Innovations and Best Practices: Taking the vision-mission of the institution into considerations, we always keep on moving for innovations, eco-friendliness and social responsibility. College pays attention to save electricity, save water, use of solar energy, best from the waste, rain water harvesting, Jusapi(old sari bags), disc decoration etc. The message of these activities reach to many through the students. The college has many innovative and best practices for students and society for example No petrol day, various forums, value based programme, matrisangh, students conferences, scholarships and awards etc. We are aware of the things that have been done to achieve vision mission of the institution but we intend to do much more in future. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 6 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. SECTION B: PREPARATION OF SELF-STUDY REPORT 1. Profile of the Affiliated / Constituent College 1. Name and Address of the College: Name : S.P.M. Tatyasaheb Mahajan Arts & Commerce College Chikhli. Dist – Buldana. (M.S.) DIndayal Nagar Ward No.22 At.Po. Tq. Chikhli. Address : City : Buldana Pin : 443201 Website : State : Mahaashtra 2. For Communication: Designation Nam e Principal Vice Principal Steering Committe e Codi 3. Status of the Institution: Affiliated College Constituent College Any other (specify) 4. Type of Institution: a. By Gender i. For Men ii. For Women iii. Co-education b. By Shift i. Regular ii. Day iii. Evening Telephone with STD code Mobile Email Principaldrtare O:07264-242075 9850143885 07264-242075 spmchikhli@gmail R:07264-242263 .com O: R: O: R: 9421390326 Sgraut2@rediff √ √ √ Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Fax Page 7 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 5. It is a recognized minority institution? Yes No √ If yes specify the minority status (Religious/linguistic/ any other) and provide documentary evidence. 6. Sources of funding: Government Grant-in aid Selfinancing Any other √ 7.a. Date of establishment of the college: 20/06/1965(dd/mm/yyyy) b. University to which the college is affiliated /or which governs the college (If it is a constituent college) Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Amravati c. Details of UGC recognition: Under Section Date, Month & Year (dd-mm-yyyy) i. 2 (f) May – 1970 ii. 12 (B) May - 1980 Remarks(If any) (Enclose the Certificate of recognition u/s 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act) d. Details of recognition/approval by statutory/regulatory bodies other than UGC (AICTE, NCTE, MCI, DCI, PCI, RCI etc.) Under Section/ clause Recognition/Approval details Institution/Department Programme Day, Month and Year (dd-mm-yyyy) Validity Remarks i. ii. iii. iv. (Enclose the recognition/approval letter) 8. Does the affiliating university Act provide for conferment of autonomy (as recognized by the UGC), on its affiliated colleges? Yes √ No Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 8 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. If yes, has the College applied for availing the autonomous status? Yes 9. √ No Is the college recognized a. by UGC as a College with Potential for Excellence (CPE)? Yes √ No If yes, date of recognition: …………………… (dd/mm/yyyy) b. for its performance by any other governmental agency? Yes √ No If yes, Name of the agency …………………… and Date of recognition: …………………… (dd/mm/yyyy) 10. Location of the campus and area in sq.mts: Semi – Urban Location * Campus area in sq. mts. 16208 – 78 sq.mts. Built up area in sq. mts. 1832.22 sq. mts (* Urban, Semi-urban, Rural, Tribal, Hilly Area, Any others specify) 11. Facilities available on the campus (Tick the available facility and provide numbers or other details at appropriate places) or in case the institute has an agreement with other agencies in using any of the listed facilities provide information on the facilities covered under the agreement. • Auditorium/seminar complex with infrastructural facilities • Sports facilities play ground swimming pool • gymnasium Hostel Boys’ hostel i.Number of hostels ii.Number of inmates iii.Facilities (mention available facilities) Girls’ hostel i.Number of hostels ii.Number of inmates iii. Facilities (mention available facilities) Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 9 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Working women’s hostel i.Number of inmates iiFacilities (mention available facilities) • Residential facilities for teaching and non-teaching staff (give numbers available — cadre wise) • Cafeteria — • Health centre – First aid, Inpatient, Outpatient, Emergency care facility, Ambulance……. Health centre staff – Qualified doctor Full time √ Qualified Nurse √ Full time Part-ime Part-time • Facilities like banking, post office, book shops • Transport facilities to cater to the needs of students and staff • Animal house • Biological waste disposal • Generator or other facility for management/regulation of electricity and voltage • Solid waste management facility • Waste water management • Water harvesting 12. Details of programmes offered by the college (Give data for current academic year) SI. Programme No. Level UnderGraduate Name of Medium the Duration Entry of Qualificatio Programme/ instructio n Course n th B. A. 3 years 12 Marathi B.Com. 3years 12th Marathi 240 120+12 103 131 Post-Graduate Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Integrated Programme s PG Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Ph.D. M.Phil. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Sanctioned/ No. of approved students Student admitted strength Page 10 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Ph.D Certificat e courses UG Diploma PG Diploma Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Any Other (specify and provide details) Does the college offer self-financed Programmes? 13. Yes No √ If yes, how many? 14. New programmes introduced in the college during the last five years if any? √ Yes 15. No Number List the departments: (respond if applicable only and do not list facilities like Library, Physical Education as departments, unless they are also offering academic degree awarding programmes. Similarly, do not list the departments offering common compulsory subjects for all the programmes like English, regional languages etc.) Departments (eg. Physics, Botany, Faculty UG PG Researc h NIL NIL NIL NIL Science English Literature Marathi Literature Political Science History Economics Home Economics Environment Studies Arts Commerce English Literature Marathi Literature Political Science History Economics Home Economics Environment Studies Commerce Any Other (Specify) 16. Number of Programmes offered under (Programme means a degree course like BA, BSc, MA, M.Com…) a. annual system b. semester system √ Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 11 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. c trimester system 17. 18. Number of Programmes with a. Choice Based Credit System b. Inter/Multidisciplinary Approach c. Any other (specify and provide details) Does the college offer UG and/or PG programmes in Teacher Education? Yes No √ If yes, a. Year of Introduction of the programme(s)………………… (dd/mm/yyyy) and number of batches that completed the programme b. NCTE recognition details (if applicable) Notification No.: ……………………………… Date: …………………………… (dd/mm/yyyy) Validity:……………………….. c. 19. Is the institution opting for assessment and accreditation of Teacher Education Programme separately? Yes No Does the college offer UG or PG programme in Physical Education? Yes No √ If yes, a. Year of Introduction of the programme(s)………………. (dd/mm/yyyy) and number of batches that completed the programme b. NCTE recognition details (if applicable) Notification No.: …………………………………… Date: …………………………… (dd/mm/yyyy) Validity:…………………… c. Is the institution opting for assessment and accreditation of Physical Education Programme separately? Yes No Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 12 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 20. Number of teaching and non-teaching positions in the Institution Teaching faculty Positions Professor Associate Professor *M 01 Sanctioned by the UGC / University / State Government Recruite Yet to recruit Sanctioned by the Management/ society or other authorized bodies Recruited *F - *M 01 *F - Assistant Professor *M 13 *F - Nonteaching staff *M *F 10 01 Technica l staff *M *F - - Yet to recruit *M-Male *F-Female 21. Qualifications of the teaching staff: Highest qualification Permanent teachers D.Sc./D.Litt. Ph.D. M.Phil. PG Temporary teachers Ph.D. M.Phil. PG Part-time teachers Ph.D. M.Phil. PG 22. Professor Male Female 01 01 Associate Professor Male Female 01 02 09 01 Number of Visiting Faculty /Guest Faculty engaged with the College. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Assistant Total Professor Male Female 15 17 Page 13 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 23. Furnish the number of the students admitted to the college during the last four academic years. 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Categories Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 67 16 71 23 76 22 47 30 General 166 22 01 50 34 122 32 01 54 23 112 26 01 54 19 103 23 56 13 Others 64 24 56 117 71 19 73 15 SC ST OBC 24. Details on students enrollment in the college during the current academic year: Type of students Students from the same state where the college is located Students from other states of India NRI students Foreign students Total 25. UG 409 PG - M. Phil. - Ph.D. - Total 409 - - - - - 409 - - - 409 Dropout rate in UG and PG (average of the last two batches) UG 26. 64.62 PG Unit Cost of Education (Unit cost = total annual recurring expenditure (actual) divided by total number of students enrolled ) 27. (a) including the salary component 00 Rs. 61,613- (b) excluding the salary component 00 Rs. 17,097- Does the college offer any programme/s in distance education mode (DEP)? Yes √ No If yes, a) is it a registered centre for offering distance education programmes of Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 14 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. another University Yes √ No b) Name of the University which has granted such registration. Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nasik c) Number of programmes offered 05 d) Programmes carry the recognition of the Distance Education Council. Yes √ No 28. Provide Teacher-student ratio for each of the programme/course offered 29. Is the college applying for Accreditation : Cycle 1 Cycle 2 √ Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Re-Assessment: (Cycle 1refers to first accreditation and Cycle 2, Cycle 3 and Cycle 4 refers to re- accreditation) 30. Date of accreditation* (applicable for Cycle 2, Cycle 3, Cycle 4 and reassessment only) Cycle 1: 16 and 17 Feb 2004 (dd/mm/yyyy) Accreditation Outcome/Result B +. Cycle 2: ……………… Outcome/Result……..... Cycle (dd/mm/yyyy) 3: ……………… Accreditation (dd/mm/yyyy) Accreditation Outcome/Result……..... * Kindly enclose copy of accreditation certificate(s) and peer team report(s) as an annexure. 31. Number of working days during the last academic year. 240 32. Number of teaching days during the last academic year (Teaching days means days on which lectures were engaged excluding the examination days) 180 33. Date of establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) IQAC 01/07/2004 (dd/mm/yyyy) Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 15 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 34. Details regarding submission of Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQAR) to NAAC. AQAR (i) 31May2011 (dd/mm/yyyy) AQAR (ii) 26sept.2012 (dd/mm/yyyy) AQAR(iii)27Aug.2013(dd/mm/yyyy) AQAR (iv) 35. 08Nov.2014 (dd/mm/yyyy) Any other relevant data (not covered above) the college would like to include. (Do not include explanatory/descriptive information) Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 16 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion – I CURRICULAR ASPECT Students in Prayer Position College Students in Suryanamaskar Position Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 17 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion - I CURRICULAR ASPECTS 1.1 Curriculum Planning and Implementation 1.1.1 State the vision, mission and objectives of the institution, and describe how these are communicated to the students, teachers, staff and other stakeholders. Vision We are committed to providing quality education with equal opportunities. Mission We aim to bring about the academic transformation via education, values and technological advancement that would help form the egalitarian -cum -advanced Society and nation. Objectives 1) To impart quality education 2) To inculcate values through education 3) To promote research culture among the taught 4) To moralize and socialize the students. 5) To produce a class of skilled and technologically competent students 6) To build a commune of good citizens All these things are practically displayed. We publish it in college prospectus,on college website and through digital boards. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 18 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 1.1.2 How does the institution develop and deploy action plans for effective implementation of the curriculum? Give details of the process and substantiate through specific example (s). For the implementation of the curriculum institute has developed some action plans and means as follows: i) Prospectus: Institute gives various information about curriculum, facilities of education etc. in the prospectus. ii) Time-Table : Time table is prepared at the beginning of the college for systematic teaching iii) Academic calendar: At the beginning of the college, academic calendar is displayed. iv) Annual teaching plan: For streamlining the academic schedule all staff members make Annual teaching plan. v) Teacher’s Diary: It is a mirror of teaching activities of the academic year.Above all the programmes and activities are carried out in consultation with IQAC . 1.1.3 What types of support (procedural and practical) do the teachers receive ( from the university and improving teaching practices? Our institution is affiliated to Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University, Amravati. As far as the design of the curriculum is concerned the parent university designs curriculum. For the implementation of the curriculum ,college has developed some mechanism, so that teaching practices would be healthy and smooth. Various training programmes are arranged by the parent university such as: refresher courses, orientation courses, short term courses, seminars, conferences etc. Institution organizes gathering like programme for the employees. [Institutional Gathering] Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 19 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 1.1.4 Specify the initiatives taken up or contribution made by institution for effective curriculum the delivery and transaction on the curriculum provide by the affiliating university or other statutory agency. The institution does its level best to implement and transact curriculum designed by Parent University. i) Computer lab is available for the students. ii) Library facilities are available for the students to conduct seminars, presentation, paper reading and group discussion. iii) Teachers encourage and inspire students to conduct seminars, Presentation, paper reading and group discussion. iv) Forums and committees arrange various programmes. v) Students are participated in various activities such as: blood donation, women empowerment ,social activities, tree plantation, environmental balance and eco friendly atmosphere. vi) Industrial tour, educational tour, environmental tour and study tour are arranged. vii) Students are encouraged to participate in NSS, NCC, cultural activities and sport activities etc. viii) Remedial coaching for the backward class students. ix) Workshop and guest lectures are organized. x) Special classes are conducted for the students on holidays. 1.1.5 How does the institution network and interact with beneficiaries such as industry, research bodies and the university in effective operationalisation of the curriculum? The institution network and interact with beneficiaries with the help of following means and activities: i) Job opportunities:Job opportunities are available for the needy students in various banks, firms, offices. College makes contact with various sectors. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 20 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. ii) Seminars and workshops:College organizes seminars and workshops for the up gradation of students and teachers. iii)Teachers involvement:The faculty members of the college are in touch with the affiliated university and get the latest information regarding their respective subjects and keep themselves abreast with the latest trends and innovation in the field of their research study. 1.1.6 What are the contributions of the institution and / or its staff members to the development of the curriculum by the University? (Number of staff members / departments represented on the Board of Studies, student feedback, teacher feedback, stakeholder feedback, provided specific suggestion etc. i) The college has no autonomy to frame the syllabus. We follow the syllabus framed by parent university. But as a faculty member we suggest orally to the members of Board of studies. ii) Our hon’ble Principal Dr. A.B Tare is a member of board of studies in Accounts and Statastics . iii) Fortunately this year our two faculty members were involved in Re-structuring of Undergraduate Commerce Syllabus. 1.1.7 Does the institution develop curriculum for any of the courses offered (other than those under the purview of the affiliation university) by it? If yes give details on the process (Needs Assessment design development and planning) and the courses for which the curriculum has been developed. Yes Apart from the regular courses offered by the university the bridge course in English is run by the department of English.As well as the syllabus is formed for the course. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 21 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 1.1.8 How does institution analyze / ensure that the stated objectives of curriculum are achieved in the course of implementation? Institution has adopted mechanism for the effective implementation of the curriculum. i) Academic calendar. ii) Annual Teaching plan. iii) Class-room seminars. iv) Home assignment. v) Guest lectures. vi) Study tours. vii) Statistical analysis of results.Remedial courses viii) Subject wise forums ix) Unit-test and prelim exams x) Additional courses. The principal of the college always co-operate and keeps an eye on the academic as well as co curricular activities of the college. During the course of implementation the stated objectives are achieved. 1.2 Academic Flexibility 1.2.1 Specifying the goals and objectives give details of the certificate / diploma / skill development courses etc, offered by the institution. Different kinds of skill oriented courses are offered by the institute and university. i) Bridge course in English This course has been specially designed by the faculty members of the English department of the college. The rural background and weak base of English Grammar has been taken into consideration for framing the syllabus. The objective of the course is to bridge the gap between the knowledge of English on the part of students and Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 22 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. expectations of the under graduate learning English Subject. The course is conducted at the beginning of every academic session since 2005-06 The course is specially meant for B.A.I, Bcom.I Students and the new entrance. Basic English Grammar is thought. i i) e-commerce course College has run the UGC granted e-commerce course for the students to impart the knowledge of computer and technology so that students would cope with the modern demands of the competitive world The course runs in three parts: a) Certificate b) Diploma c) Advanced Diploma Students of the college find this course very fruitful and essential. They could gain enough knowledge and experience of modern technology and new trends in electronic sector such as e-business, e-trade, transferring the amount with the help of electronic means etc. The trend is becoming the backbone of economy of everycountry in the world. The market is available at a click due to the modern technology and with the help of this course college made available the various facilities in this form. iii) Communication Skills in English College has run U.G.C granted career oriented course Communication Skills in English for the sake of imparting the knowledge of English to remove the fear of English from the mind of the UG students. It is as clear as sunlight that English has got prominent importance in the present scenario. This course runs in three parts a) Certificate course b) Diploma Course Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 23 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. c) Advanced diploma course. We have got good response from the students. Many students have completed this course and found it path finding and path making. With the help of this course students acquire a good communications skill and become confident to cope up with the throat- cut competition. So college opens the doors of opportunity. For a year college ran it on its own i.e. self funding basis. 1.2.2 Does the institution offer programme that facilitate twinning / dual degree? if yes details. : No 1.2.3 Give details on the various institutional provisions with reference to academic flexibility and how it has been helpful to students in terms of skill development, academic mobility, progression to higher studies and improved potential for employability. Issues may cover the following and beyond. * Range of Core/Elective options offered by the University and those opted by the college. * Choice Based Credit System and range of subject’s options. * Courses offered in modular form. * Credit transfer and accumulation facility. * Lateral and vertical mobility within and across programmes and courses. * Enrichment courses. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 24 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Academic flexibility offers the students an opportunity to choose subjects. i) The facility optional subjects is available for the students in arts stream. ii) College offers Bridge Course in English. iii) Career oriented courses such as E-commerce and communication skill in English and it has been clearly mentioned in the prospectus. iv) Two more courses have been started in the last year by English Dept. a) Interview Skill and Group discussion. b) Applied English Grammar Course How to use the knowledge of English in the practical manners this module has been started by the department of English. The focus this course is on the practical communication so that the student of would gain enough courage to face the forthcoming challenges with the help of applied language skills and could survive in the competitive world. 1.2.4 Does the institution offer self-financed programme? If yes list them and indicate how they differ from other programmes, with reference to admission, curriculum, fee structure, teacher qualification, salary etc. Yes, college has run two career oriented programmes for the year on self-finance basis, College also runs Bridge course and modules on selffinanced basis. 1.2.5 Does the college provide additional skill oriented programmes, relevant to regional and global employment markets? If yes, provide details of such programme and the beneficiaries. The college has sent proposals for two new COPs to UGC. The Cources are Banking and Taxation. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 25 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 1.2.6 Does the University provide for the flexibility of combining the conventional face-to-face and Distance Mode of Education for students to choose the courses / combination of their Choice? If yes how does the institution take advantage of such provision for the benefit of students? Recently university has started the dual degree programme and some courses in distance mode offered by the university. At present college has no facility of combining the conventional face-to-face and Distance mode of education.Yet, YCMOU centre in the college is running distance degree programmes. 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment 1.3.1 Describe the efforts made by the institution to supplement the University’s Curriculum to ensure that the academic programmes and Institution’s goals and objectives are integrated? College runs remedial coaching classes for the students those who pertain to minority and weaker section of the society. Women empowerment programme also arranged in the college campus. Students are encouraged to participate in various activities arranged in college. Through the various efforts college inspires and improves: * Leadership qualities. * Social awareness. * Educational tour of department of history. * Industrial study tour by dept of commerce. * Environmental awareness and tour * Moral and ethical values with the help of daily morning prayer, National anthem and organizing yoga camp, surynamskar, preamble reading, good thoughts, book talk etc. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 26 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 1.3.2 What are the efforts made by the institution to enrich and organize the curriculum to enhance the experiences of the students so as to cope with the needs of the dynamic employment market? College tries its level best to modify, enrich and organize the curriculum to fulfill the needs of the market with the help of following programmes: * Seminars. * Group discussions. * Workshops. * Conferences. * Self-employment Guidance. * Guidance for competitive exams. * Arthdyan competition. * Campus interview. * Nature club. * To enrich the practicality of the education we take students at the various market fields. Yet, the college is aware of the limitations of the efforts done in view of limited opportunities in the adjoining areas and poor-paying capacity of the students. 1.3.3 Enumerate the efforts made by the institution to integrate the cross cutting issues such as Gender, Climate Change Environmental Education, Human Rights, ICT etc, into the curriculum. For the implementation of these issues college forms various committees and many occasional programmes and activities as follows. * Women workshop * Tree plantation * Blood donation camp Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 27 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. * Eco-friendly -- a) old sari bags * Balance in gender ratio * Awareness about Global warming, climate change * Awareness about Eye-donation * Human Rights programme * Programme of save water save Electricity * Pre-marriage awareness for girls * Awareness about female foeticide. * Disaster management camp * Social awareness rally * No petrol day (Save Petrol, Save Environment) 1.3.4 What are the various value-added b) best from the waste courses/enrichment programmes offered to ensure holistic development of students? * Moral and ethical values. * Employable and life skills * Better career options * Community orientation To ensure holistic development of students college offers many programmes as follows: * Moral and ethical values i) Preamble reading, prayer, national anthem, good thoughts, day’s special. ii) Cultural programmes such as Gathering, Dahihandi, Ganesh utsav. iii) Programme and visit of Maitri sangh to weaker section of society. iv) Yoga and Suryanamskar. v) College dress-code for the students and staff. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 28 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. * Employable and life skills i) Subjects forums. ii) English language lab. iii) Computer lab. iv) Competitions are organized by various departments and orums. v) Personality development programmes. vi) Workshop, seminars * Better career options: i) To equip students employability college has computer lab, internet facilities and e-commerce course . ii) The college provides regular computer classes for all students to develop their skills of advanced computer operating principles and awareness on recent trends. * Community orientation : For the community orientation college works its level best to make students ready to cope with emerging challenges e.g. Maîtri Sangh i.e. a group of twenty students is made ready to work as messengers of equality in society.NSS, NCC units sensitize to face and make others face the emerging challenges such as i) Female foeticide ii) Superstitions, other needs of society iii) Blood donation iv) AIDS v) Issue of environment vi) Save water, save life vii) Global warming etc. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 29 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 1.3.5 Citing a few examples enumerate on the extent of use of the feedback from stakeholders in enriching the curriculum? Every year we take feedback from final year students so as to get suggestions to enrich curriculum. At the same time while making parents contact we take their expectations and try to use in teaching - learning. 1.3.6 How does the institution monitor and evaluate the quality of its enrichment programmes? To some extent IQAC and other committees of the college monitor and evaluate to enrich programmes. * College trusts in the overall development of the students. * The IQAC monitor and evaluates the efficiency and success of these enrichment programmes. * The programmes offered by the college are relevant to the new challenging, competitive world. 1.4 Feedback System 1.4.1 What are the contribution of the institution in the design and development of the curriculum prepared by the university? Institution at present has representation in the commerce board hon’ble Principal of the college Dr.A.B.Tare is actively participating in the design and development of syllabus in commerce faculty. The teachers participate in the workshops and seminars being arranged for curriculum designing, informally too the teachers extend suggestions to the board of studies of Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 30 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 1.4.2 Is there a formal mechanism to obtain feedback from students and stakeholders on Curriculum if yes how is it communicated to the university and made use internally for curriculum enrichment and introducing changes/new pragrammes? College has its formal mechanism to obtain general feedback, it includes some questions on curriculum. 1.4.3 How many new programmes / courses were introduced by the institution during the last four years? What was the rationale for introducing new courses / programmes? Two proposals have been sent and sanction is awaited. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 31 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion – II TEACHING, LEARNING & EVALUATION Students in Language Laboratory Students in Computer Laboratory Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 32 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion - II TEACHING-LEARNING AND EVALUATION 2.1 Students Enrollment and Profile 2.1.1 How does the college ensure publicity and transparency in the admission process? College forms admission committee. The members of the committee work at the time of admissions. The committee guides students for the selection of optional subjects and available opportunities. The publicity is made with the help of following means: a) Prospectus:The college prospectus is the clear cut image of the college. Through the prospectus the college ensures wide publicity to the admission opportunities details are given in the prospectus. b) Institutional Website:Institutional website has been developed. Complete details placed on the website to facilitate online access to the reliable information about the college. c) Any other (Specify): Courses offered in the college are popularized through mouth publicity and distribution of pamplets * Banners and Posters are put up at prime location. * Through the advertisement in the local newspapers are given of meritorious students. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 33 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.1.2 Explain in detail the criteria adopted and process of admission ( Ex (i) merit (ii) common admission test conducted by state agencies and national agencies (iii) combination of merits and entrance test or merit, entrance test and interview (iv) any other) to various programmes of the Institution. Since it is Arts and Comm. College, we don’t feel need of merit list and Entrance Test. College adopt the process of admission on first come first serve basis and takes appropriate care to involve weaker section and all the categories. 2.1.3 Give the minimum and maximum percentage of marks for admission at entry level for each of the programmes offered by the college and provide a comparison with other colleges of the affiliating university within the city / district. We have wide range of admission seekers from the bottom i.e. minimum qualification of marks [35%] to the meritorious mark students. Same is the situation in town and district. 2.1.4 Is there a mechanism in the institution to review the admission process and students profiles annually? If yes what is the outcome of such an effort and how has contributed to the improvement of the process? Every year admission committee is formed. This committee guides the students about career options and in view of those to choose the optional subjects, wherever necessary. Due to first come first admission basis, the need to review the admission process and students profile is not felt. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 34 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.1.5 Reflecting on the strategies adopted to increase/ improve access for following categories of students enumerate on how the admission policy of the institution and its students profiles demonstrate/reflect the National commitment to diversity and inclusion. * SC/ST * economically weaker section * OBC *Minority community * Differently able *any other Since college has long standing and it has owned reputation in Society, college takes enough care to cater the needs of diverse students. College has sufficient number of students from SC, ST, and OBC. Care is taken for the inclusion of all sections and categories of society. 2.1.6 Provide the following details for various programmes offered by the institution during the last four years and comment on the trends i.e. reasons for increase/decrease and actions initiated for improvement. Sr. Year Programs No 1 2 No. of No.of students Demand applications admitted 2010-11 B.Com I 115 115 1:1 2011-12 B.Com I 91 91 1:1 2012-13 B.Com I 82 82 1:1 2013-14 B.Com I 91 91 1:1 2010-11 B.Com II 55 55 1:1 2011-12 B.Com II 67 67 1:1 2012-13 B.Com II 59 59 1:1 2013-14 B.Com II 50 50 1:1 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Ratio Page 35 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3 4 5 6 2.2 2010-11 B.Com III 48 48 1:1 2011-12 B.Com III 41 41 1:1 2012-13 B.Com III 53 53 1:1 2013-14 B.Com III 48 48 1:1 2010-11 B.A.I 115 115 1:1 2011-12 B.A.I 103 103 1:1 2012-13 B.A.I 137 137 1:1 2013-14 B.A.I 97 97 1:1 2010-11 B.A.II 67 67 1:1 2011-12 B.A.II 58 58 1:1 2012-13 B.A.II 50 50 1:1 2013-14 B.A.II 54 54 1:1 2010-11 B.A.III 44 44 1:1 2011-12 B.A.III 39 39 1:1 2012-13 B.A.III 19 19 1:1 2013-14 B.A.III 30 30 1:1 Catering to Student Diversity 2.2.1 How does the institution cater to the needs of differently- able students and ensure adherence to government policies in this regards? All the Government scholarship concession and facilities are promptly given to the differently abled students. In addition to this the following things are done. i) Members of the staff are always ready to help to the needy, weak students. ii) Teaching, non-teaching staff are trying their level best to remove out inferiority complex from the students who they are victim of it. iii) Teachers offer their teaching in very easy manner so that the teaching would be acceptable and applicable. iv) Easy accessibility of books facility. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 36 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.2.2 Does the institution assess the student’s needs in terms of knowledge and skill before the commencement of the program? If yes give details on the process. After the declaration of 10 and 12 result college admission committee takes special efforts for the counseling of new comers. After the result we set up banners and posters as well as distribute pamplets in the town about admission. Weaker students are given special counseling by the staff and principal. 2.2.3 What are the strategies adopted by the institution to bridge the knowledge gap of the enrolled students (Bridge /Remedial/Addon/Enrichment Courses etc.) to enable them to cope with the program of their choice? Various courses are offered to the students to cope with the challenges. The courses offered are as follows: i) Remedial Coaching classes. ii) Bridge course in English. iii) e-commerce course. iv) Communication skills in English. v) Extra classes, seminars, unit test, prelim exam, class room test etc. 2.2.4 How does the college sensitize its staff and students in issues such as gender? Inclusion environment etc? To sensitize the staff and students on such issues, following activities are done by the college: i) Workshop on female foeticide. ii) Social activities -participation in such as save girl campaign in the city. iii) Co-education Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 37 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. iv) Cultural activities to inculcate national culture in the mind of the students. v) Environmental and educational tours are arranged to imbibe the awareness about such things e.g. tree plantation, no petrol day etc. vi) Mother parent meet is arranged every year in the college. vii) Awareness about Gender-discrimination[Jagar Janiwancha] campaign. 2.2.5 How does the institution identify and respond to Special Educational / Learning needs of advance learners? Institution identifies and responses the learning needs of the advanced learners with the help of following means. i) Special attention is given to advanced learners. ii) Through the unit tests, class test ,oral test, question and answers etc we learn about advanced and slow learners. iii) In the presence of at about five hundred students and members of management too happily come in the programme of Independence day and Republic day and felicitate the advanced learners. Even they declare and give additional prizes in such progrmmes. Such learners are given wide publicity in prospectus annual magazine Vidya and News papers. iv) Guest lectures are arranged by the respective departments to provide mental pabulum to the students. v) Advance learners are given special opportunities to participate in group discussion, seminars and paper presentation. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 38 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.2.6 How does the institute collect analyze and use the data and information on the academic performance (through the programme duration) of the students at risk of drop out (students from the disadvantage section of society, physically challenged, slow learners, economically weaker section etc. Who may discontinue their studies if some sort of support is not provided)? College has developed the mechanism of home visit, class wise guardianship etc. Members of staff go home to home to meet parents of the students to know the parents the progress of their son and daughter and easily get realistic information of their family background. After the completion of visit of all the students, staff discusses about such students and helps them all the way. * Letters are also sent to the parents about the absentee of the students. College staff is personally in contact with the students. 2.3 Teaching - Learning Process 2.3.1 How does the college plan and organize the teaching, learning and evaluation schedules? (Academic calendar, teaching plan, evaluation blue print, etc) The college implement perfect mechanism of teaching -learning and evaluation schedule as follows:i) Academic calendar ii) Yearly / Annual teaching plan iii) Time table iv) Attendance v) Evaluation policy : unit tests and prelim exam. vi) Seminars, group discussion vii) Home assignments, viva-voce, project report. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 39 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.3.2 How does IQAC contribute to improve the teaching -learning process? IQAC plays important role in teaching -learning process. i) IQAC keeps an eye on every academic activity of the college. It works acceceding to core values of the NAAC. It monitors the academic activities daily teaching reports, student’s attendance record and all the committees in the college. All the committees in the college work in coordination with the IQAC. ii) IQAC also gives emphasize to make teaching -learning more students- centric. Teachers diary is maintained and the teachers are boosted to organize tours.Educational tours are organized to enhance the knowledge of students. To maintain and enhance the quality of teaching learning IQAC takes feedback of this process.In this manner IQAC is the important tool to monitor theactivities that taking place in the college. 2.3.3 How is learning made more students - centric? Give details on t he support structures and systems available for teachers to develop skill like interactive learning, collaborative learning and independent learning among the students? To make learning more students centric college makes available participatory activities such as group discussions, seminars, paper presentation, question -answer session, reading, writing and speaking. All these activities help the teacher makes teaching live and interesting. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 40 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.3.4 How does the institution nurture critical thinking, creativity and scientific temper among the students to transform them into life-long learners and innovators? The institution tries to nurture critical thinking, creativity and scientific temper through various activities in the class. i) Students are given full space for literary creativity through Ankur- wallpaper, Vidya Annual Magazine and various ii) creative competitions. While teaching in the class faculty takes keen care to develop scientific temper, knowing the limitations of the under graduate level of education. iii) We have started book talk activity in order to inculcate the reading interest and habits amongst students. They try to knowledge by reading the new and quench their thirst of useful materials. Similarly, our teachers set an example by their own behavior that the human being is a life long learner. At the same time college has given the names of great persons to the entrance of each class-room. In this regard , college from the last year is taking the written articles on the life of great persons from the students. Thus all these things are fruitful to make the students life long learners. 2.3.5 What are the technologies and facilities available and used by the faculty for effective teaching? E.g. virtual laboratories elearning resources from National Programme on Technology Enhances Education Learning (NPTEL) and National Mission on through Information and Communication Technology (NME-ICT) open educational resources, mobile education etc. Some facilities are available such as the use of ICT in teaching learning process. Other facilities are as follows: i) College makes available the internet facility. ii) Use of computer lab and language lab (Audio-Video aids). Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 41 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. iii) Students can see various news channels, educational channels on the big curtain through DTH in the college Auditorium. The staff of the college is fully aware of the changing trends and the teaching faculty is ever ready to keep pace with the time. 2.3.6 How are the students and faculty exposed to advanced level of knowledge & skills by providing, participating and promoting for research? i) Guest lectures of experts are organized to share their knowledge with the students. ii) Teaching departments of the college organize interactive and interface session with the experts.Poets and writers and social workers are invited for the students. iii) Educational tour and Industrial tours are organized. iv) Staff Academy -makes available an opportunity to share the views with others. v) Most of the staff members are pursuing Ph.D. vi) The teachers attend seminars, conferences and workshops organized in various colleges. vii) Students are given space for research. 2.3.7 Detail ( process and the number of students /benefitted on the academic personal and psychosocial support and guidance services ( professional counseling/mentoring/academic advise provided to students? Since college is a small unit, students are affectionately attached with the teaching staff, through various means of contacts either in the class or outside as well. The teachers talk to them or guide them on the academic, personal and psycho- social issues. They too feel free to share their needs and problems. In addition to this various guest lectures, placement activities are directed in this direction. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 42 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.3.8 Provide details of innovative teaching approaches/methods adopted by the faculty during the last four years? What are the efforts made by the institution to encourage the faculty to adopt new and innovative approaches and the impact of such innovative practices on students learning? To some extent faculty adopts innovative teaching methods and day by day the use of ICT is increasing in the teaching -learning process. Students also are making use of power-point presentation and research paper reading. As a result research approach of students is seen fairly increased. 2.3.9 How are library resources used to augment foster the teaching -learning process? Various Facilities are made available to augment the teaching learning process i) The library plays vital role in the process of education and provides with text books, periodicals, journals and news papers to the students. ii) The college has provided a specious and airy reading hall for the students. iii) The teachers make use of library facilities to enhance and update their knowledge. iv) Book at a click has facilitated issuing of books and learning resources. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 43 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.3.10 Does the institution face any challenges in completing the curriculum within the planned time frame and calendar? If yes elaborate on the challenges encountered and the institutional approaches to overcome these. No, the syllabus is completed in time framework. i) Subject wise annual teaching plan are prepared. ii) Academic calendar is framed to complete the teaching plan. iii) Whenever the situation of incompletion of syllabus within a time frame occurs teacher gives extra lectures to complete the syllabus. 2.3.11 How does the institute monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching learning? Hon’ble principal of the college monitors the teaching -learning i) process. Through the suggestion box and feedback or college evaluate teaching-learning process. ii) College forms monitoring committee. iii) The result of university examination is discussed in the meeting. iv) Management takes special interest in the form of Aadhava Baithak (Annual Feedback Meeting ) suggestions are given to teachers for betterment and good experiments in teaching learning are appreciated. 2.4 Teacher Quality Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 44 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.4.1 Provide the following details and elaborate on the strategies adopted by the college in planning and management (recruitment and retention) of its human resource (qualified and competent teachers) to meet the changing requirements of the curriculum. The college has the required number of qualified and competent staff to handle all the courses. Highest Professor qualification Permanent Associate Asst. Prof. Total Prof. Male Male Male Ph.D. 01 - 02 03 M. Phil - 01 06 07 P.G - - 05 05 Teachers Eleven teachers are pursuing their Ph. D. 2.4.2 How does the institution cope with the growing demand/scarcity of qualifies senior faculty to each new programmes/modern areas ( emerging areas ) of study being introduced (Biotechnology, IT, Bioinformatics etc.)? Provide details on the efforts made by the institution in this direction and the outcome during the last three years. College has two disciplines - Arts and Commerce as per the demand of modern technology and competency. College provides internet facility, Projector etc. Apart from this, the college permits and encourages the members of the staff to attend conferences, seminars and workshops as well as orientation and refresher courses. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 45 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.4.3 Providing details on staff development programmes during the last four years elaborate on the strategies adopted by the institution in enhancing the teacher quality. a) Nomination to staff development programmes Academic Number of faculty nominated staff development program 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 01 05 04 06 Reference courses HRD Programs - - - - Orientation programs 02 01 02 - Staff training conducts - 01 - - - - - 01 - - - - 01 - 01 - by the university. Staff training conducted by other institutions Summer / winter schools, workshops etc. N.S.S. orientation Course b) Faculty Training programmes organized by the institution to empower and enable the use of various tools and technology for improved teaching-learning 1) Teaching learning method Approaches. i) ICT training programme of fifteen day at Unic Computer ii) Institution has organized Teachers Gathering center. for the improvement of teachers teaching methods Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 46 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. iii) Every year institution organizes examination to check the improvement of teachers examination on the basis of teachinglearning. 2) Handling new curriculum i) To handle new curriculum texts and reference books or needed materials is bought. Under the guidance of principal we face the changes in curriculum. 3) Content/Knowledge management i) In accordance to the needs of new trends and development, faculty members are allowed to attend the programmes. 4) Selection, development and use of enrichment materials : Some journals have been prescribed by the college . Recently N-list (INFLIBNET) facility has been added. 5) 6) Assessment i) Home Assignments. ii) Seminars and group discussion. iii) Unit test, prelim examinations. iv) Project work. Cross -Cutting Issues College does many things on cross cutting issues such as i) Rallies organized on various social issues. ii) Red- ribbon club also conducts various events to create awareness about AIDS iii) Tree plantation, distribution of fruits and biscuits to the needy patients in the Government Hospital. iv) College organizes, health check up camp in rural area. v) Eye donation awareness campaign is done by the college. vi) Farmers awareness gathering. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 47 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. vii) To maintain hygiene in village area college creates awareness to stop the open lavatory habits of the people. 7) viii) Vanrai bandhara for storing the rain water . ix) Road security campaign. x) Environmental conservation programme. xi) Students participation in Pulse- Polio Programme. xii) Blood group checking and blood donation camp. xiii) Save Girl Campaign. xiv) Workshop on disaster management. xv) Pre-marriage awareness workshop for the girl students. xvi) Workshop on women empowerment. xvii) Cleaning drive. Audio-Visual Aids/Multimedia College provides language and computer lab to enhance and update the knowledge of students as well as we make use of CDS, Mobile and other useful tools in teaching. 8) OER’s [Open Educational Resources] Teachers make use of internet and library on- line and off the line 9) Teaching -learning material development, selection and use i) Use of ICT ii) Use of various reference books according to the needs. iii) Guest lectures and programmes of the various forums. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 48 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. C) Percentage of Faculty Percentage of Faculty 2009-10 2010-2011 2011-12 2012-13 2013-2014 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 02 01 02 Invited as resource person,Workshop /seminars/conference Organized by be external Professional Agencies Participated in eternal workshop Seminars/conference recognized By 02 Nil National/International Professional bodies Presented papers in workshop Seminars/conference conducted or recognized 01 02 by professional agencies 2.4.4 What policies/system is in place to recharge teachers? (e.g. providing research grants, study leave, support for research and academic publication teaching experience in other national institutions and specialized programmes industrial engagement etc.) The policies to encourage and recharge the teachers are obtained through the following means: Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 49 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. i) Institution encourages teachers to attend orientation, refresher courses , training programmes and workshop. ii) State and national seminars are organized in the college. iii) Leave for attending regional, state and National International seminars. iv) Study leave for Ph.D. v) The institute now has increased emphasis on MRPs. The institute encourage faculty to apply for research grants for MRP (5 MRP completed and 2 are in process) vi) Every year Institution organizes teacher’s orientation session for a day. 2.4.5 Give the number of faculty who received awards/recognition at the state, national and international level for excellence in teaching during the last four years .Enunciate how the institutional culture and environment contributed to such performance/achievement of the faculty. We are proud to say that hon’ble Principal and some teachers have been awarded . Sr.No Name of faculty State National International University Year members 1 Dr. A.B. Tare - - 01 - 2012-13 2 Prof.A.S.Purohit - 01 - - 2012-13 2.4.6 Has the institution introduced evaluation of teachers by the students and external Peers? If yes how is the evaluation used for improving the quality of the teaching -learning process. Yes, the institute has introduced evaluation process of teachers teaching work .The feedback of students is taken into consideration to analyze the teaching qualities and after making analysis of the feedback hon’ble Principal makes some suggestions if any. Teachers of our college pay Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 50 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. their honest attention to teaching learning process. Every teacher takes hard efforts to carryout allotted work. 2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms 2.5.1 How does the institution especially students and faculty are aware of the evaluation processes? The college has purposefully developed systematic publicity of the process of evaluation and reforms through following means: i) Prospectus :- In prospectus college displays general rules . ii) Internal assessment: - which helps to increase students’ ability iii) Remedial teaching for weak students. iv) Unit tests, prelim exam, class test v) Parents meet and contact programme. vi) LMC meeting 2.5.2 What are the major evaluation reforms of the university that the institution has adopted and what are the reforms initiated by the institution on its own? Yes, parent university i.e. Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University hasn’t introduced semester system in Arts and Commerce examinations. Instead of we have annual examination system. The evaluation process is transparent. If necessary, students can get photo copies of their answer sheets from the university. College has kept arrangement to distribute prizes to students those who pass examination with good percentage as well as subject wise meritorious students get felicitated in the eve of Independence Day. Students are provided question papers (bank) the record of the unit test, prelim exam and assessment of each subject is kept by the respective department. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 51 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.5.3 How does the institution ensure effective implementation of the evaluation reforms of the university and those initiated by the institution on its own? i) In addition to the annual examination conducted by university. College conducts two Unit tests and a prelim exam ii) Remedial coaching classes for the students belonging to the weaker strata of society. iii) Scholarship and awards are given to brilliant students. 2.5.4 Provide details on the formative and summative assessment approaches adapted to measure student achievement. Cite a few examples which have positively impacted the system. College has evaluation process in the form of formative and summative assessment and with the help of this college conducts two unit tests and a prelim exam in a year so that the drawbacks of the students could be brought into light. In addition to this some subject-wise class tests and assessment are taken for the improvement of the students. 2.5.5 Detail on the significant improvements made in ensuring rigor and transparency in the internal assessment during the last four years and weight ages assigned for the overall development of students ( Weightage for behavioral aspects, independent learning communication skill etc.) Keeping into account the rules of the parent University College takes care of the transparency of internal assessment through the various internal exams.This process of internal assessment is done by following means: i) Home-assignments ii) Project-reports Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 52 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. iii) Group discussion / seminars iv) Unit tests and prelim exam v) Viva-voce exam. 2.5.6 What are the graduates attributes specified by the college/affiliating university? How does the college ensure the attainment of these by the students? In addition to impart the knowledge and education in the area college also adheres with the various kinds of development of the students. College tries its level best to give the shining touch to the students’ personality so that they would stand out in the competitive world. College with the help of following means inculcate in competitive culture. i) Students development council .Various cultural activities organized in the college to pave the way for the students hidden qualities and talents. ii) Emphasis is given to create socially responsible and good citizens. iii) Advance technology and career oriented skills Today is a world of competition and technology. College takes keen care to grab the new opportunities in the market. To make the students ready to face the challenges of modern technology college avails many technological facilities for the students in the campus and open the door for new jobs in collaboration with different corporation and industrial sector. 2.5.7 What are the mechanisms for redressal of grievances with reference to evaluation both the college and University level? The mechanism for redressal of grievance is available in the university. In addition to the annual examination, college conducts two unit tests and prelim exam on its own. The grievances of students about internal assessments are solved in the college by the subject teachers. The grievances about annual Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 53 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. examination are solved by the parent university. As the university has grievance cell student can get photocopy of answer sheets to be revaluated by the experts. In this manner students get satisfied. 2.6 Students performance and Learning Outcomes 2.6.1 Does the college have clearly stated learning outcomes? If yes give detail on how the students and staff are made aware of these? Institution has been functioning in line with the vision, mission and objectives. i) Special care is taken to provide equal opportunities to all. ii) To ensure them (students) about academic excellence such as indepth knowledge, discipline, good communication skills etc. iii) Skill development decision making ability to grab an opportunity of jobs. iv) To develop a sense of responsible citizen v) Value education, cultural activities are helpful to create spirit of patriotism. vi) To create awareness among the students and develop the concept of Global citizen and humanitarian outlook. 2.6.2 Enumerate on how the institution monitors and communicates the progress and performance of students through the duration of the course/programme? Provide an analysis of the students result/achievements (Programme/course wise for last four years) and explain the differences if any and patterns of achievements across the programmes/courses offered. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 54 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Sr. Particula Year 2010-11 No rs B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. II III I I Total 89 56 44 . 1 Year 2011-12 Year 2012-13 Year 2013-14 B.A. B.A. II III B.A B.A. B.A. II III .I B.A B.A. B.A. II III .I 81 48 38 109 49 18 81 53 29 Admitte d students 2 Male 61 42 24 53 32 25 83 31 11 56 41 16 3 Female 28 14 20 28 16 13 26 18 07 25 12 13 4 Appear 78 47 44 70 37 38 86 42 15 71 43 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 02 03 01 0 02 01 03 0 03 02 06 for exam 5 Pass with Distincti on 6 Pass with First Class 7 Pass 6 17 18 05 09 11 06 11 04 06 08 02 1 0 01 03 01 03 02 0 0 01 02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 with Second Class 8 Pass Class 9 Merit if any 10 ATKT 47 24 0 35 21 0 54 25 0 40 25 0 11 Fail 24 04 22 26 06 22 23 03 11 20 06 20 College Percentage 69.23 91.49 50.00 62.86 83.78 42.11 73.26 92.86 26.67 71.83 86.05 28.57 with ATKT Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 55 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Year 2010-11 Sr. No Particulars . B.C Year 2011-12 B.C B.C om. om.I B.Co m.III I I Year 2012-13 B.C B.C om. om.I B.Co m.III I I Year 2013-14 B.C B.C om. om.I B.Co m.III I I B.C om.I I B.Co m.III 98 53 45 79 65 39 77 57 52 81 50 47 om.I Total 1 Admitted students 2 Male 77 35 26 54 50 25 51 37 39 57 33 31 3 Female 21 18 19 25 15 14 26 20 13 24 17 16 93 49 45 72 63 37 68 53 52 74 49 46 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 03 04 02 03 0 17 08 11 10 20 25 12 07 28 20 16 14 19 18 12 07 08 07 07 13 09 13 02 17 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 6 Appear for exam Pass with Distinction Pass with First Class Pass with 7 Second Class 8 9 Pass Class Merit if any 10 ATKT 34 16 0 45 29 0 36 30 0 30 26 0 11 Fail 23 07 12 10 05 05 13 0 11 09 02 15 College Percentage with 75.27 85.71 73.33 86.11 92.06 68.49 80.88 100 78.85 87.84 95.92 67.39 ATKT Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 56 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.6.3) How are the teaching, learning and assessment strategies of the institution structured to facilitate the achievement of the intended learning outcomes? College works in line with the teaching- learning objectives. For this purpose college takes assessment to evaluate the study and progress of the students .College conducts two unit tests, one prelim exam and subject –wise class tests. After assessing the students performance in the test and exam, teachers of the respective subjects tell the lacunas of the students and also guide them in proper direction so that they would rectify mistakes. 2.6.4) What are the measures/ initiatives taken up by the institution to enhance the social and economic relevance (student placements, entrepreneurship, innovation and research aptitude developed among students etc.) of the courses offered? Various kinds of courses run by the college and to enhance the quality of the courses college on its own takes initiative role to make these courses more reliable and applicable in the present scenario.And try to integrate various social needs and demands with the courses to make them more relevant and path- finding. 2.6.5.) How does the institution monitor and ensure the achievement of learning outcomes? 1) All teachers maintain attendance. 2) Class tests are taken. 3) Arrange Seminars. 4) Keep an eye on the students’ development. 5) Home assignments . 6) Every Year ‘Parent- Meet’ is organized. 7) Post-cards are sent to the absent students. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 57 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2.6.6) How does the institution collect and analyze data on student performance and learning outcomes and use it for planning and overcoming barriers of learning? To enhance the quality of education and the standard of the students, college has developed mechanism to overcome performance and learning barriers. The explanation is as under: College, through written examination collects the data and after the analysis of the data college is ready to help the students, by various means such as providing question bank, conduct remedial classes for slow and weaker students etc. In this manner, college provides varied help to overcome barriers of learning . 2.6.7) Does the institution and individual teachers use assessment/ evaluation outcomes as an indicator for evaluation student performance, achievement of learning objectives and planning? If ‘yes’ provide details on the process and cite a few examples . Any other relevant information regarding Teaching-Learning and Evaluation which the college would like to include. As far as the assessment evaluation process is concerned every teacher tries his level best to solve the difficulties of students after the completion of unit test, class test and prelim exam .Teacher personally takes care to solve the problems and difficulties concerning with the subjects in the classroom. Teachers do the planning for further teaching and learning process out of the data available to achieve the learning objectives. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 58 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion – III RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY & EXTENSION Save girl rally Inauguration of National seminar in Phy.Edu. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 59 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion – III RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION 3.1 Promotion of Research 3.1.1 Does the institution have recognized research center/s of the affiliating University or any other agency/organization? Presently we haven’t recognized research centre but we have applied to the BCUD for recognition. 3.1.2 Does the Institution have a research committee to monitor and address the issues of research? If so, what is its composition? Mention a few recommendations made by the committee for implementation and their impact. The College has established the Research Committee to promote research activities in the college. The Research Committee comprises of a Convener and two members. The committee encourages staff going for research paper, conference, seminar and minor/ major research projects etc. 3.1.3 What are the measures taken by the institution to facilitate smooth progress and implementation of research schemes/projects? Faculty undertaking minor research projects are given freedom to engage in their respective work. The necessary infrastructure and human resources needed to take up research projects are provided. The required equipments, apparatuses, ICT and library facilities are made available to the researcher. The college conducts timely audit and submits utilization certificate to the funding agency. So far as time off and reduced teaching load is concerned yet not given. 3.1.4 What are the efforts made by the institution in developing scientific temper and research culture and aptitude among students? The institution promotes a Scientific Temper/Research Culture among students by: Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 60 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Organizing seminars wherein students present research related papers. Inviting some researchers to deliver talks and interact with students. Students are encouraged and trained to present their work at symposia and competitions. Library, computer lab and ICT facilities are made available to the students. 3.1.5 Give details of the faculty involvement in active research (Guiding student research, leading Research Projects, engaged in individual/collaborative research activity, etc. Faculty involvement in research: Sr. No. Title of the Minor Research Project Name of Department Funding Agency Faculty Member 01 Marginalization of Dalits in India and Blacks in America : A Comparative Prof. S.G. Raut English UGC Prof. V.K.Wakode Economics UGC Prof. P.H.Barad Library & UGC Study 02 An Analytical Study of Co-operative Movement : Special reference to Chikhli Tahsil. 03 Use of ICT in Academic Libraries: Special reference to Arts & Commerce College Libraries in SGB Amravati University, Information Science. Amravati. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 61 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 04 Study on SHGS for the Socio-Economic Development Prof. R.P.Deshmane Commerce UGC Prof. B.S.Ingle Commerce UGC :Empowerment of Women in Buldana District. 05 An Analytical Study of Industrial Movement in Buldana District. Research Guide: Hon’ ble Principal Dr. A.B. Tare is supervisor for Ph.D. in Commerce of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. Ph.D. Research Awarded: Sr. Name of Faculty Subject Year Commerce 1999 No. 01 Dr. A.B.Tare 02 Dr.K.A. Thosar English 2012 03 Dr.P.U.Gawai Marathi 2012 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 62 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. M.Phil. Research Awarded: Sr. Name of Faculty Subject Year Commerce 1990 No. 01 Dr. A.B.Tare 02 Prof. S.D.Gawhane Marathi 1999 03 Prof. S.G.Raut English 2008 04 Prof. D.P.Mahajan Economics 1993 05 Prof. R.P.Deshmane Commerce 1989 06 Prof. A.S.Purohit Commerce 1991 07 Prof.B.S.Ingle Commerce 2007 08 Prof. N.G.Gaikwad Political Science 2012 Subject Status Lib. & Inf. Sc. Thesis submitted in Registered for Ph.D. Sr. Name of Faculty No. 01 Prof. P.H.Barad 2013 02 Prof. S.S.Malshikhare History In Process 03 Prof. S.D.Gawhane Marathi In Process 04 Prof. S.G.Raut English In Process 05 Prof. D.P.Mahajan Economics In Process 06 Prof. R.P.Deshmane Commerce In Process 07 Prof. A.S.Purohit Commerce In Process 08 Prof.B.S.Ingle Commerce In Process 09 Prof.V.K.Wakode Economics In Process 10 Prof. S.D.Morey English In Process 11 Prof. N.G.Gaikwad Political Science In Process Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 63 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.1.6 Give details of workshops/ training programmes/ sensitization programmes conducted/organized by the institution with focus on capacity building in terms of research and imbibing research culture among the staff and students. College organizes national and state level seminar and conference for the teachers and students on various subjects. Specially Economics and Commerce department give pace to the students to involve in research. They personally pay attention on students to provide research material for library and their own. Very good results are found among the students. They present paper and take participation in discussion enthusiastically. 3.1.7 Provide details of prioritised research areas and the expertise available with the institution. Conference/ Seminar organized for Students and Staff Sr. Name of Conf./Seminar Theme & No. Department Date Sponsored Level UGC State UGC State UGC National Financial Sector and 01 Economics India in Globalization. 3 Feb.2008 Life and Work of 02 History Chhatrapati Shivaji & Sambhaji 17 Feb. 2011 03 Physical Education Physical Education as a Profession 16 Feb. 2013 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 64 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Economics and Commerce Department organized seminars for Students. Sr. Date Theme Resource Person No. No. of. Students Participated 01 26.12.2009 1.Defination of Economics Dr.N.A.Pistulkar and Its relevance of today’s Economy 130 Dr. S.P. Jadhav 2. The Impact of Global Recession on Indian Industry 02 24.10.2010 1. Globalization Impact on Dr. S.L.Patankar Agriculture in Indian Economy. 108 Dr.P.B.Kharche 2. Service Sector Challenges & opportunities 03 09.11.2012 1. Inflation : Causes, Dr.A.M.Raut Effects & Remedies. 72 Dr.R.R.Gavhale 2. Impact of FDI in Indian Retail Sector 04 09.09.2014 1.Indian Economy- Causes Effects & Remedies. 2.Role of IT in Dr.Santosh Kute 110 Dr.S.P.Jadhav the development of Commerce Education. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 65 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.1.8 Enumerate the efforts of the institution in attracting researchers of eminence to visit the campus and interact with teachers and students? To promote research, the teaching faculty makes honest efforts to get persons of eminence in research to interact with faculty and students. Researchers are also invited to the college as Resource Persons during seminars, sessions and lectures. 3.1.9 What percentage of the faculty has utilized Sabbatical Leave for research activities? How has the provision contributed to improve the quality of research and imbibe research culture on the campus? The faculty has applied for Sabbatical Leave. Prof. Dr. P.U. Gawai Completed his Ph.D. Work under FIP Study Leave. 3.1.10 Provide details of the initiatives taken up by the institution in creating awareness/advocating/transfer of relative finding of research of the institution and elsewhere to students and community (lab to land) Ph.D. holders are trying their level best to utilize their research work for society through various means. Faculty publishes their research work in news papers and journals. 3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research 3.2.1 What percentage of the total budget is earmarked for research? Give details of major heads of expenditure, financial allocation and actual utilization. A portion of non-salary grants received by the college is utilized for participation in seminars conducted outside the college and the organization of seminars and talks by distinguished researchers. It is also used for purchase of necessary equipments and materials. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 66 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.2.2 Is there a provision in the institution to provide seed money to the faculty for research? If so, specify the amount disbursed and the percentage of the faculty that has availed the facility in the last four years? No, at present there is no provision of seed money for research 3.2.3 What are the financial provisions made available to support student research projects by students? Ours is a UG college and no major research projects are done by the students. Hence we do not feel necessary to raise funds, whatever small projects are asked for, students manage their own expenditure. 3.2.4 How does the various departments/units/staff of the institute interact in undertaking inter-disciplinary research? Cite examples of successful endeavors and challenges faced in organizing interdisciplinary research. Our Hon’ble Principal Dr. A.B.Tare and Shri. V.K.Wakode, Assistant Professor in Economics have published two books having inter -disciplinary approach, in collaboration. We organized national seminar on interdisciplinary subject by the department of physical Education. faculty members also are taking initiatives to have such approach in research. 3.2.5 How does the institution ensure optimal use of various equipment and research facilities of the institution by its staff and students? The college provides internet facility with printer in computer laboratory. College library provides various reference books and journal and grey literature for the purpose of research. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 67 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.2.6 Has the institution received any special grants or finances from the industry or other beneficiary agency for developing research facility? If ‘yes’ give details. No, the college has not received any special grant from industries. 3.2.7 Enumerate the support provided to the faculty in securing research funds from various funding agencies, industry and other organisations. Provide details of ongoing and completed projects and grants received during the last four years Support Provided to the Faculty in Securing Research Funds from UGC: Sr. Title of the Minor Research Project No . 01 Department Faculty Funding Amount Agency Utilized Member Marginalization of Dalits in India and Blacks in America : A Comparative Study 02 Name of S.G. Raut English UGC 70,000 V.K.Wakode Economics UGC 25,000 P.H.Barad Library & UGC 65,000 An Analytical Study of Co-operative Movement : Special reference to Chikhli Tahsil. 03 Use of ICT in Academic Libraries: Special reference to Arts & Commerce College Libraries in SGB Amravati University, Amravati. 04 Information Science. Study on SHGS for the Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 68 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Socio-Economic Development :Empowerment of Women in Buldana R.P. Commerce UGC 1,20,000 Commerce UGC 1,20,000 Deshmane District. 05 An Analytical Study of Industrial Movement in Buldana District. B.S.Ingle 3.3.1 What are the research facilities available to the students and research scholars within the campus? Facilities available to the students and teachers includes, journals, books, magazines and reference books, rich library with internet, and computer laboratories etc. 3.3.2 What are the institutional strategies for planning, upgrading and creating infrastructural facilities to meet the needs of researchers especially in the new and emerging areas of research? Institutional Strategies to Plan and Create Infrastructure to Meet the Needs of Researchers: Providing N-List Facilities (Procuring E-Journals & E-Books) Procuring Print Journals and books Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 69 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.3.3Has the institution received any special grants or finances from the industry or other beneficiary agency for developing research facilities?? If ‘yes’, what are the instruments / facilities created during the last four years. Nil 3.3.4 What are the research facilities made available to the students and research scholars outside the campus / other research laboratories? Nil 3.3.5 Provide details on the library/ information resource center or any other facilities available specifically for the researchers? To some extent college has made available variety of reference books and Journals. 3.3.6 What are the collaborative research facilities developed/ created by the research institutes in the college. For ex. Laboratories, library, instruments, computers, new technology etc Nil Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 70 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.4 Research Publications and Awards No. of Books Sr. No. Name of Faculty Published or article published Total Number Published in Published in Peer conf. Reviewed Proceedings Journals ISSN/ ISBN 32 24 of paper Published in books 01 Dr.A.B.Tare 02 Prof.S.S.Malshikhre 06 03 Prof. S.D.Gawhane 16 04 12 04 Dr. P.U.Gawai 20 04 16 05 Prof. D.P.Mahajan 34 04 30 06 Prof. V.K.Wakode 04 07 07 Dr.. K.A.Thosar 14 12 08 04 08 Prof. S.G.Raut 08 05 03 09 Prof. S.D.More 02 10 Prof. P.H.Barad 11 Prof.R.P.Deshmane 14 12 Prof. R.N.Purohit 15 03 12 13 Prof. B.S.Ingle 13 00 13 14 Prof. U.V.Brahme 03 03 15 Prof. N. K.Gaikwad 05 05 Total 02 02 03 23 56 31 241 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 06 07 02 14 17 14 79 162 Page 71 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 1. Hon’ble DR. A.B.Tare and Shri. V.K.Wakode have published 2 Books collaboratively. 2. books and booklets have been published by DR. K.A. Thosar( Department of English). 3. Shri. V.K.Wakode Assistant Professor in Economics has published 02 Books 4 .Dr. P.U. Gawai, Department of Marathi has published 02 books. 5. Shri. P.H.Barad, Librarian has published o1 book. 3.4.1 Research Achievements: Highlight the major research achievement of the staff and students in terms of Research M.Phil Ph.D. Achivement No. of teachers 08 03 Ph.D. Thesis Ph.D. Submitted Registered 01 10 3.4.2 Publication of Research Journals: Dose the Institute publish or partner in publication of research journal(s)? If ‘yes’, indicate the composition of the edirorial board , publication policies and whether such publication is listed in any international database Some members are actively working in research journals. Shri. S.G.Raut, Editor of Innovative Research A Refereed National Journal. Dr.K.A.Thosar and Dr.P.U.Gawai are working in editorial board of interdisciplinary research Journal Sanshodhan Ganga. Dr.P.U.Gawai are working in editorial board of research Journal Saksham samisha Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 72 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.4.3 . Give details of publication by the faculty and steudens: • Publications By The Faculty: Papers published in Journals/ Conference/Seminar Proceedings: Dr.A.B. Tare, Principal Sr.No . Title of paper Name of Journals ISSN No. Date Page No. 1 Role of MicroFinance in Poverty Reeducation Research Link 0973-1628 July-2011 110-111 2 New Economic Policy & Public Sector Research Link 0973-1628 Sept.2011 87-88 RRB’S & Economic Reforms Contemporary Research in India 2231-2137 3 Sept.2011 123-124 4 Banking Developments in India Kshitij Journal 2250-0790 5 Gandhian Philosophy of Satyagraha The Journal of Management &Cooperation 2249-2275 6 FDI & Economic Development 7 8 Roal & Importance of Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas on India Review of Investment & Growth in Global Scenario Sept.2011 Sept.2011 10-12 Indian Streams Research Journal 2230-7850 Oct.2011 27-29 A Journal of Asia 0973-3833 Dec.2011 50-55 0973-1628 Feb. 2012 Research Link Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 69-79 137-139 Page 73 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 9 Sez & Human Development Human Rights 978-9381171-62- Feb. 2012 175-178 10 Financial Sector Reforms in India Research Link 0973-1628 Mar.2012 131-133 11 Globalization & Environment in India Mar. 2012 5-7 12 The Performance of the Indian Banking Sector Golden Research Thoughts Causes & Impatcs of Food Price Inflation Indian Streams Research Journal 13 2231-5063 Contemporary Research in India 2230-7850 April. 39-40 2012 2231-2137 April 2012 61-64 June.2012 66-70 2231-2137 14 Rural Development of India Contemporary Research in India 15 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Indian Banking Sector Journal Review of Research 2249-894X Dec.2012 1-5 16 Foreign Direct Investment in India Journal Tactful Management 2319-7943 Dec.2012 1-5 17 Retail Sector in India 18 E-Commerce In India 19 Global Economic Crisis & Impact on India Economy Research Journal, Indian Streams Research Journal, Golden Research Contemporary Research in India Dec.2012 2230-7850 2231-5063 2231-2137 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 47-50 Dec.2012 18-21 Dec.2012 1-6 Page 74 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 20 Indian Economy : Challenges & Perspectives 21 The Challenges of Urbanization in India Research Dimensions 22 Agricultural Production In India Indian Streams Research Journal 23 Education And Rural Development Golden Research Thoughts Contemporary Research in India 2231-2137 62-66 July-2013 55-57 August 2013 5-7 2249-3867 2230-7850 2231-5063 2321-5488 August 2013 August 2013 24 Social Networking & Education. Research Directions, International 25 Fiscal Policy In India Review of Research 2249-894X August 2013 Tactful Management, International 2319-7935 26 Social Problems in India August 2013 27 Education & Skills for Rural Development Golden Research Thoughts 28 E-Banking : Challenges & Opportunities Indian Streams Research Journal 29 Indian Agriculture System : Challenges Research Directions 30 Higher Education System in India Review of Literature 61-63 87-90 29-33 18-22 Jan.- 2014 2231-5063 2230-7850 2321 – 5488 2347 – 2723 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 March, 2013 13-15 Feb. – 2014 45-47 March – 2014 15-16 April 2014 21-25 Page 75 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 31 Review of Research 2249 – 894X 32 Evolution of Indian Tax System Tactful Management International 2319-7935 33 ²Ö“ÖŸÖÖ™üÖ“µÖÖ ´ÖÖ¬µÖ´ÖÖŸÖæ−Ö ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖÓ“Öê †ÖÙ£Öú ÃÖÖ´Ößú¸üÖ : þֵÖÓÃÖÆüÖµµÖŸÖÖ Ö™üÖ“Öß ³Öæ×´ÖúÖ ²Ö»Ö³Öß´Ö ú»ÖÖ, ×¾Ö–ÖÖ−Ö ¾Ö ¾ÖÖ×Ö•µÖ ´ÖÆüÖ×¾ÖªÖ»ÖµÖ, ²Öß› 22-23 OCT. 2010 67-70 Human Rights. G.S.G. College, Umarkhed 26 & 27 November 2010. 42-48 34 25-28 June 2014 1-4 Dr.H.N. Sinha Arts & Commerce College, Patur 18th Feb.2011 82-83 Dr.H.N. Sinha Arts & Commerce College, Patur 18th Feb.2011 17-19 Chh.Shahu Institute of Business Education & Research, Kolhapur 25 & 26 March, 2011 61 38 Banking Development in India Shankarlal Khandelwal Arts,Science & Commerce College Akola. 14-15 Oct.2011 80-81 39 Policy making in India rural development Shrikrishnadas Jajoo Grameen Seva Mahavidyalaya, Pipri Wardha Dec. 23 & 24, 2011 323325 35 Gandhiyan Philosophy of Satyagrah. 36 Inclusive Growth of Micro finance. 37 Women Entrepreneurship in India Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 May – 2014 E-Commerce : Challenges Page 76 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 40 New Economic policy and social empowerment 41 Globalization and India higher education 42 Foreign Direct Investment in India Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya,Amrava ti. Swami Ramanand Teerth Mahavidyalaya, Ambajogai. 978-8189839-54-3 45-47 978-81920926-0-7 10 March 2012 55-58 978-819224-14-3-2 6 January 2012 102103 978-9381733-01-1 7&8 January,20 12 8-12 Ramkrushna Mahavidyalaya, Darapur. 978-81922414-0-1 25 & 26 Nov.2011 63-64 Janata Kala, Vanijaya Mahavidyalaya, Malkapur. 978-9381546-36-9 4 & 5 Feb. 2002 16-18 2331-0789 18 & 19 March 2012 16-168 01 Oct. 2011 217218 04 Aug.2012 179182 Bharatiya Mahavidyalaya, Amravati. Dr.Babasaheb Nandurkar 43 Higher Education in India 44 Women empowerment in India 45 Inflation and economic growth in India 46 Human rights education and development Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Colege. Omerga. 47 Human Rights in words of globlization Dr.Gopalrao Khedkar Mahavidyalaya, Gadegaon, Telhara. 48 E-Commerce & Customer Strategy” Takshashila Mahavidyalaya, Amracati College of Physical Education, Yavatmal 978-889839-60-4 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 25 Feb.2012 Page 77 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 49 Legal framework of protect consumer Akola Law College, Akola. 978-81924365-1-7 30 Sept.01 Oct.2012 37 50 Challenges in insurance company Shri Shivaji College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Akola 978-81923621-3-7 5th Oct.2012 183187 51 Climate Change and Indian Agriculture Shri Shivaji College of Arts,Commerce & Science, Akola 978-9382414-04-9 6 OCt.2012. 31-34 Black money and Indian Economy Dayanand College of 52 27 & 28 Oct.2012 62-66 Arts, Latur 978-8192783-22-1 Gandian Economics thought Shri.Shivaji College,Akola 978-9382414-14-8 29 & 30 Oct.2012 177178 54 Inflection and Indian Economy Shri.Siddheshwar Mahavidyalaya, Majalgaon 978-81922966-4-7 2&3 Nov.2012- 45-48 55 WTO and Indian Agriculature Vidhyabharti Mahavidhyalaya Amravati 978-938258-08-5 23 Feb 2013 36-39S 56 Emerging issues of urbanization in India Takshshila Mahavidhyalaya Amravati 978-8192393-1 31 August 2013 14-16 53 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 78 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Books published: Sr. No. Title of Books with page Publisher ISSN Year of Publicatio n /ISBN numbers No 01 Advance Economics Chandrlok Prakashan Kanpur 978-81-885736-9-1 2011 02 Human Resource Management Chandrlok Prakashan Kanpur 978-81-1885737-90 2012 Shri.S.S.Malshikhare, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Sr.No. Title of paper Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. ISSN No. Date Page No. 16/02/2010 79‐81 2278-7437 27,28/09/20 13 66-68 978162951322-5 4/10/2013 45-48 13/03/2010 34-36 1 19 ¾µÖÖ ¿ÖŸÖúÖŸÖᯙ ÛáֵÖÖÓ“Öß Ûã֟Öß National level seminar 2 ײÖΙüß¿Ö úÖôûÖŸÖᯙ ¿ÖêŸÖß ˆªÖêÖ¬ÖÓ¤üµÖÖ“Öê ¾µÖÖ¾ÖÃÖÖ×µÖú¸üÖ National level seminar conference ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖ ´ÖÆüÖ.ÖÖ´ÖÖÖ¾ÖÓ. 3 ›üÖò.†ÖÓ²Öê›üú¸ü µÖÖÓ“Öß ÃÖÖ´ÖÖוÖú “Öôû¾Öôû National level seminar ›üÖò.†ÖÓ²Öê›üú¸ü´ÖÆüÖ.´ÖÖ•Ö»ÖÖÖ¾Ö, וÖ.ײ֛.ü ”û¡Ö¯ÖŸÖß ×¿Ö¾ÖÖ•Öß ´ÖÆüÖ¸üÖ•Ö µÖÖÓ“µÖÖ •Ö›üÖ‘Ö›üÖ ´Ö¬µÖê ¸üÖ•Ö´ÖÖŸÖÖ ×•Ö•ÖÖ‰ú“Öê µÖÖêÖ¤üÖ−Ö State level seminar ו֕ÖÖ´ÖÖŸÖÖ ´ÖÆüÖ.²Öã»Ö›üÖÖÖ. 5 ׿־ÖÖ•Öß ´ÖÆüÖ¸üÖ•ÖÖÓ“Öê †Ö¤ü¿ÖÔ †Â™ü¯ÖϬÖÖ−Ö ´ÖÓ›üôû State level seminar ›üÖò.‹ÃÖ.‹.×ÃÖ−ÆüÖ úÖò»Öê•Ö ¯ÖÖŸÖã¸ü. 16/02/2011 26-28 6 ”û¡Ö¯ÖŸÖß ÃÖÓ³ÖÖ•Öß“Öê ¯ÖÏ¿ÖÖÃÖ−Ö ‹ú דÖ×úŸÃÖÖ State level conference ‹ÃÖ.¯Öß.‹´Ö.úÖò»Öê•Ö,דÖÖ»Öß. 17/02/2011 28-30 4 וÖ.êú.´ÖÆüÖ.ŸÖê»ÆüÖ¸üÖ. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 79 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Shri. S.D.Gawhane, Associate Professor, Department of Marathi Sr.N o. 1 2 3 Title of paper Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. –ÖÖ−ÖêÀ¾Ö¸ü ´Ö¬Öã¸üÖ ³ÖŒŸÖß“Öê †³ÖÓÖ ¸üÖ™üßµÖ “Ö“ÖÖÔÃÖ¡Ö ´ÖÆüÖ.»ÖÖÖÖß †´ÖéúÖ úÖê¾Öôêû ´Ö¬µÖê ¯ÖæÖÔ ¯ÖÏúÖ×¿ÖŸÖ ÃÖÓŸÖÃÖÖ×ÆüŸµÖ †Ö×Ö ¾ÖŸÖÔ´ÖÖ−Ö ¸üÖ•µÖßָüßµÖ “Ö“ÖÖÔÃÖ¡Ö ´Ö.±ú»Öê ´ÖÆüÖ.¾Ö¹ý›ü ´ÖÆüÖ−Öã³ÖÖ¾Ö ¯ÖÓ£ÖÓÓÖ“µÖÖ ¸üÖ•µÖßָüßµÖ “Ö“ÖÖÔÃÖ¡Ö ™üÖê−¯Öê ´ÖÆüÖ.“ÖÖÓ¤æü¸ü ²ÖÖ•ÖÖ¸ü ŸÖŸ¾Ö–ÖÖ−ÖÖ“Öß ¯Öé£ÖÖÖŸ´ÖúŸÖÖ ²ÖÖ¸üÖê´ÖÖÃÖ :¾ÖŸÖÔ´ÖÖ−Ö ¿ÖêŸÖú¸üß •Öß¾Ö−ÖÖ“ÖÖ †Ö¸üÃÖÖ ¸üÖ™üÒüßµÖ ¯Ö׸üÂÖ¤ü ”û¡Ö¯ÖŸÖß ´ÖÆüÖ.•Öã®Ö¸ü ÖÏÓ£Ö¾Öê¬Ö ÃÖ¯ÖÖÓ ³ÖÖÃú¸ü ¿Öêôûêú 5 ¾ÖŸÖÔ´ÖÖ−ÖÖŸÖ ÖÏÖ´ÖÖߟÖêŸÖß»Ö ×¾Ö“ÖÖ¸üÖÓ“Öß †Ö¾Ö¿µÖŒŸÖÖ ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ ¯Ö׸üÂÖ¤ü ‡®ÖÖ−Öß ´ÖÆüÖ.úÖ¸Óü•ÖÖ 6 ²ÖÖ²Öã¸üÖ¾Ö ²ÖÖÖã»ÖÖÓ“µÖÖ ú£ÖêŸÖß»Ö Ã¡Öß ²ÖÖ²Öã¸üÖ¾Ö ²ÖÖÖã»Ö ¾µÖŒŸÖß †Ö×Ö ¾ÖÖ’û´ÖµÖ ÃÖÓ¯ÖÖ ¯ÖÏÖ.¿Ö¸ü¤ü ¾ÖÖ‘Ö´ÖÖ¸êü 7 ´Ö¸üÖšüß ÃÖÖ×ÆüŸµÖÖŸÖã−Ö ÃÖÖúÖ¸ü»Öê»Öê ¸üÖ•µÖßָüßµÖ ¯Ö׸üÂÖ¤ü ‹ÃÖ.¯Öß.‹´Ö.úÖò»Öê•Ö דÖÖ»Öß. ÃÖÓ³ÖÖ•Öß ¸üÖ•ÖÖÓ“Öê ¾µÖŒŸÖß´ÖŸ¾Ö †Ö×Ö ¾ÖÖÃŸÖ¾Ö 4 8 9 10 ISSN No. ÃÖ¤üÖ−ÖÓ¤ü ¤êü¿Ö´ÖãÖÖ“µÖÖ úÖ¤Óü²Ö¸üߟÖã−Ö ¾µÖŒŸÖ —ÖÖ»Ö껵ÖÖ ÃÖã׿Ö×ÖŸÖ ŸÖ¹ýÖÖÓ“µÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖõÖÖ †Ö¸ü¾Öî¤ü³Öá –ÖÖ−ÖêÀ¾Ö¸üÖÓ“Öê ¯ÖÃÖÖµÖ¤üÖ−Ö †Ö×Ö ×¾ÖÀ¾Ö¿ÖÖÓŸÖŸÖê“ÖÖ ×¾Ö“ÖÖ¸ü International Ref Journal.Research Analysis & Evaluation. −Ö¾¾Ö¤üÖê¢Ö¸ü ÖÏÖ´ÖßÖ ÃÖÖ×ÆüŸµÖ †Ö×Ö ÃÖ´ÖÖ•Ö (ú×¾ÖŸÖÖ,ú£ÖÖ,úÖ¤Óü²Ö¸üß ) ×ÖŸÖß•Ö ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖßµÖ ÃÖê¿ÖÖê¬Ö−Ö ¯ÖסÖúÖ Page No. 10-Jan-10 56-57177 11-Jan-10 30 5-Feb-10 14-15 29,30 Nov 2010 157-160 3,4 Feb 2011 128-131 9,10 Feb 2011 142-144 17-Feb-11 66-68 0976-0296 1-Apr-11 99-103 0975-3486 1-Jul-11 138-139 2250-0790 July Sep 52 978-93-80, 617-30-5 978-81-9096,401-8 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Date Page 80 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 11 12 13 14 −Ö¾¾Ö¤üÖê¢Ö¸ü ÖÏÖ´ÖßÖ úÖ¤Óü²Ö¸üߟÖᯙ éúÂÖߤü¿ÖÔ−Ö ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ ¯Ö׸üÂÖ¤ü ¸üÖ´ÖéúÂÖ ´ÖÆüÖ.¤üÖ¸üÖ¯Öæ¸ü וÖ.†´Ö¸üÖ¾ÖŸÖß. 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Dr. P.U.Gawai, Assistant Professor, Marathi Department Sr.No. 1 2 Title of paper Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. ׿ÖÖÖ ¾µÖ¾ÖãÖê´Ö¬Öß»Ö ×¾Ö¤üÖ¸üú ÃÖŸµÖ ¯ÖÏú¸üÖÖ“Öß †ÖÓ²Öê›üú¸üß ú×¾ÖŸÖÖ. DARJ Inter Discipinary Journal ¤ü×»ÖŸÖ †Öפü¾ÖÖÃÖß ³Ö™üêú, ×¾Ö´Ö㌟Ö,•ÖÖÖןÖú߸üÖ †Ö×Ö ÃÖ¾ÖÔÆüÖ¸üÖ ÃÖ´ÖãÆüÖ¯Öãœüᯙ ¾ÖÖÃŸÖ¾Ö ÃÖÖ´Ö ÃÖ´ÖßÖÖ ¯ÖæÖê 1980 −ÖÓŸÖ¸ü“Öß ÖÏÖ´ÖßÖ ú£ÖÖ ÃÖÖ´Ö ÃÖ´ÖßÖÖ ¯ÖæÖê 2231-4377 ¤ü×»ÖŸÖ ú×¾ÖŸÖêŸÖᯙ ÃÖÖ´ÖÖ•Ößú †Ö¿ÖµÖ ÃÖã¡Ö ÃÖÖ´Ö ÃÖ´ÖßÖÖ ¯ÖæÖê 2231-4377 −Ö¾¾ÖÖê¤ü¢Ö¸ü ¯ÖÏÖ¤êü׿Öú ÖÏÖ´ÖßÖ ú×¾ÖŸÖÖ UGC ¯Öã¸üÃéúŸÖ ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ ¯Ö׸üÃÖÓ¾ÖÖ¤ü ¸üÖ´ÖéúÂÖ ´ÖÆüÖ.¤üÖ¸üÖ¯Öæ¸ü ÖÖë¬Öôû ‹ú »ÖÖêúú»Öê“ÖÖ †×¾ÖÂúÖ¸ü UGC ¯Öã¸üÃéúŸÖ ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ “Ö“ÖÖÔÃÖ¡Ö ´Ö.±ãú»Öê ´ÖÆüÖ.¾Ö¹ý›ü 7 ¿ÖêŸÖú¸üß †ÖŸ´ÖÆüŸµÖÖ ¾Ö éúÂÖß ÃÖ´ÖõÖê»ÖÖ −Ö¾Ö ÃÖÓ•Öß¾ÖÖß ´ÆüÖ•Öê †ÖÓ²Öê›üú¸üß ×¾Ö“ÖÖ¸ü UGC ¯Öã¸üÃéúŸÖ ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ ¯Ö׸üÃÖÓ¾ÖÖ¤ü ׿־ÖÖ•Öß ´ÖÆüÖ.†úÖê»ÖÖ. 8 ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖ ÃÖÖ´Ößú¸üÖÖŸÖ ›üÖò.²ÖÖ²ÖÖÃÖÖÆêü²Ö †ÖÓ²Öê›üú¸üÖÓ“Öê µÖÖêÖ¤üÖ−Ö UGC ¯Öã¸üÃéúŸÖ ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ “Ö“ÖÖÔÃÖ¡Ö ×¿Ö¾ÖÖ•Öß ´ÖÆüÖ.†úÖê»ÖÖ. †Ö•Ö“µÖÖÃÖÓ¤ü³ÖÖÔŸÖ: UGC ¯Öã¸üÃéúŸÖ ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ ¯Ö׸üÃÖÓ¾ÖÖ¤ü ׿־ÖÖ•Öß ´ÖÆüÖ.†úÖê»ÖÖ. 5 6 9 0975-590 2231-4377 3 4 ISSN No. ›üÖò.†ÖÓ²Öê›üú¸üÖÓ“ÖÖ ×¾Ö“ÖÖ¸ü ×−ÖµÖÖê•ÖßŸÖ †£ÖÔ¾µÖ¾ÖãÖÖ ¾Ö »ÖÖêú¿ÖÖÆüß 978878983952-9 987-81905776-1-4 NSRAR-21 C18 978-9381171-99-8 97893-82411415-5 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page No. Date April /Jun 2013 99 to 106 July/Augus t Septembar 2011 27 to 30 Octomber/ November, Decembar 2011 41 to 44 November, Decembar Janeuary20 14 8 Octomber2 011 132 to 133 15,16 Octomber 2011 50 to 57 31-Mar-08 63 to 64 3 Janeuary 2013 166 to 168 29,30 Octomber 2013 461 to 462 Page 82 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 10 11 ›üÖò.†ÖÓ²Öê›üú¸üÖÓ“Öê ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖßµÖ ÃÖÓÃÖ¤üßµÖ »ÖêÖú¿ÖÖÆüß´Ö¬Öᯙ µÖÖêÖ¤üÖ−Ö UGC ¯Öã¸üÃéúŸÖ ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ ¯Ö׸üÃÖÓ¾ÖÖ¤üü Women and girls Empowerement thought physical activities and sports. UGC ¯Öã¸üÃéúŸÖ National Con-S.P.M College Chikhli. 97861905776-563. 978-938279-14-8 29, Octomber 2013 76,77 16-Feb-12 15 to 18 ´Ö¸üÖšüß ÖÏÖ´ÖßÖ ú×¾ÖŸÖêŸÖᯙ ¿ÖêŸÖú¸üß UGC ¯Öã¸üÃéúŸÖ ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ 12 13 24-Dec-08 “Ö“ÖÖÔÃÖ¡Ö ´Ö.±ãú»Öê ´ÖÆüÖ.¾Ö¹ý›ü ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖßµÖ ÛáֵÖÖÓ“Öß Ûã֟Öß †Ö×Ö ´ÖÖ−Ö¾Öß ÆüŒúÖÓ“µÖÖ ¯ÖÖµÖ´Ö»»Öß“Öê ×¾Ö¿»ÖêÂÖÖ National Inter disciblinary Conference ÁÖß.Û¿Ö¾ÖÖ•Öß 11-Feb-12 212 to 214 28-Mar-08 22,23,24 14-Apr-13 439,440, 441 97881929912-3-2 13-Apr-12 64,65,66 97881922414001 27,28 Nov 2011 978-81921308-1-1 15-Sep-11 ´ÖÆüÖ×¾ÖªÖ»ÖµÖ ×“ÖÖ»Öß 14 •ÖÖÖןÖú߸üÖ †Ö×Ö −Ö¾¾Ö¤üÖêŸÖ¸üß ¤ü×»ÖŸÖ ú×¾ÖŸÖÖ UGC ¯Öã¸üÃËúéŸÖ ¸üÖ•µÖßָüßµÖ ´Ö¸üÖšüß ÃÖÖÆüߟµÖ ¯Ö׸üÃÖÓ¾ÖÖ¤ü ´Ö¸üÖšüß ú×¾ÖŸÖêŸÖᯙ ²Ö㬤ü ¤ü¿ÖÔ−Ö ¤üßÖÖ³Öã´Öß ÖÖî¸ü¾ÖÖÏÓ£Ö ²ÖÆæü æ•Ö−Ö ÃÖÖ×ÆüŸµÖ ¯ÖÏÃÖÖ¸ü êúÓ¤ −ÖÖÖ¯Öæ¸ü 15 16 ²ÖÖü ¬Ö´´ÖÖŸÖᯙ •Öß¾Ö−Ö ×¾ÖÂÖµÖú ŸÖŸ¾Ö–ÖÖ−Ö ´ÖÆüÖ²ÖÖê¬Öß ±úÖ‰ú›êü¿Ö−Ö ( ´ÖÆüÖ²ÖÖê¬Öß ×¾Ö¿ÖêÂÖÖÓú ) ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖ úÖê ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖ†Öê úÖ µÖÖêÖ¤üÖ−Ö UGC ¯Öã¸üÃéúŸÖ †ÖµÖÖê•Öú Two day International on women Empowerment ¸üÖ´ÖéúÂÖ ´ÖÆüÖ.¤üÖ¸üÖ¯Öæ¸ü 17 18 ú×¾Ö ÃÖã¸êü¿Ö ¾Ö¬Öì :¤ü×»ÖŸÖ ú×¾ÖŸÖꓵÖÖ †¬ÖÖÔ ¿ÖŸÖúÖ ¯ÖµÖÕŸÖ“µÖÖ ¯ÖϾÖÖÃÖÖ“ÖÖ ÃÖÖÖߤüÖ¸ü ÃÖ´ÖßÖÖ —ÖÖêŸÖ : ÃÖÓ¯ÖÖ¤üú ›üÖò.¿Öî»Öê¦ü ¬Ö´ÖÔ¤üÖÃÖ »ÖêÓœêü 97881-9224448-8 56 to 60 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 83 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Shri. D.P.Mahajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics. Sr.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Title of paper ISSN No. Page No. International Conference Gulam Nabi Azad College,Barshitakli. ´ÖÖ.ÖÖÓ¬Öß“µÖÖ †ÖÙ£Öú ×¾Ö“ÖÖ¸üÖÓ“Öß ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖÖŸÖ ¾ÖŸÖÔ´ÖÖ−Ö úÖôûÖŸÖᯙ ÃÖ´Ö¯ÖÔúŸÖÖ. International Conference Shivaji College,Akola. -97893 82414-13-1 29,30/10/2 012 348-349 Strictural Reforms & Agriculture in India National IEA school & management KIIT university Bhubaneswar (orisa) Volume 27,29/12/2 009 725-727 ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖÖŸÖᯙ ¿ÖêŸÖú·µÖÖÓ“µÖÖ †ÖŸ´ÖÆüŸµÖÖ úÖ¸üÖê ¾Ö ˆ¯ÖÖµÖ ´Ö.National †.¯Ö׸üÂÖ¤ü -33 ¿ÖÖ¸ü¤üÖ²ÖÖ‡Ô ¯Ö¾ÖÖ¸ü ´ÖÆüß»ÖÖ ´ÖÆüÖ.¿ÖÖ¸ü¤üÖ −ÖÖ¸ü ´ÖÖôêûÖÖ¾Ö ²Öã.²ÖÖ¸üÖ´ÖŸÖß. †£ÖÔ¿Ö»ÖÖúÖ 12 to 15/01/2010 64-66 SEZ ¬ÖÖê¸üÖ Ã¾Ö¹ý¯Ö ¾Ö ³Ö×¾ÖŸÖ¾µÖ U.G.C.National ו֕ÖÖ´ÖÖŸÖÖ ´ÖÆüÖ.²Öã»Ö›üÖÖÖ. 13,14/03/2 010 †ÖÙ£Öú ×¾ÖúÖÃÖÖŸÖ ÃÖÆüúÖ¸üß “Öôû¾Öôûß“Öê µÖÖêÖ¤üÖ−Ö National Adarsh College,Kulgaon Badlapur,Thane. ´Ö.†.¯Ö.34 †£ÖÕ²ÖÖê¬Ö 13,15/11/2 010 183-184 Global Financial Crunch & Effects on Indian Economic Growth U.G.C.National S.SS.K.R.Innani College,Karanja ( Lad ) Washim. Proceding 3,4/02/201 1 75-81 ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖ †Ö×Ö ´ÖÖ−Ö¾Öß †×¬ÖúÖ¸ü U.G.C.National Khedkar College,Gadegaon Telhara. ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖÖŸÖᯙ ¿ÖêŸÖ´Ö•Öã¸üÖÓ“Öß ÃÖªÖÛã֟Öß †Ö×Ö ³Ö×¾ÖŸÖ¾µÖ National Peoples College,Nanded. 20/09/2010 1/10/2011 978-9380745-14-5 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Date Women Empowerment 8 9 Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. 7 to 9/11/2011 Page 84 99 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 10 ÖÏÖÆüúÖÓ“µÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖõÖÖ: úÖ¸üÖê ¾Ö ˆ¯ÖÖµÖ National Y.C.College,Sillod. 978-9381161-44-9 16,17/12/2 011 217-221 11 Farmers Sucides in Maharashtra Cause of Measures of Development. National Bharati University,Pune. I.E.A.Journa 27 to l 0019-4662 29/12/2011 139-142 12 ICSSR National Inflation Conceptual Janata Causes,Measures college,Malkapur. &Effects. 978-9381546-369 4,5/2/2012 254 to 256 978-9381171-62-2 11/2/2012 107 to 109 24/09/2011 , 11/02/2012 393 to 395 978-81924206-0-8 29/3/2012 124 to 133 9789382414-04-9 6/10/2012 136 to 142 13 SEZ & Human Rights National Shivaji College,Chikhli. 14 áÖß-³ÖéÖ ÆüŸµÖÖ ‹ú ÖÓ³Ö߸ü ÃÖÖ´ÖÖוÖú,¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ ÃÖ´ÖõÖÖ úÖ¸üÖê ¾Ö ˆ¯ÖÖµÖ National G.S.College,Khamgaon 978-81. 922866-0-0 15 Economic Reforms In Co-operative Sector. 16 17 18 ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖÖŸÖᯙ Æü¾ÖÖ´ÖÖ−Ö ²Ö¤ü»ÖÖ“ÖÖ †®ÖÃÖã¸üÖê¾Ö¸üᯙ ¯Ö׸üÖÖ´Ö. ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖÖŸÖᯙ ³ÖÖ¾Ö¾ÖÖœü: †£ÖÔ úÖ¸üÖê,¯Ö׸üÖÖ´Ö ¾Ö ×−ÖµÖÓ¡ÖÖ. ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖÖŸÖᯙ »ÖÖÓ²ÖŸÖß Øú´ÖŸÖ ¾ÖÖœü: úÖ¸üÖê ¾Ö ×−Ö¸üÃÖ−Ö. National Janata College,Malkapur. UGC National Shivaji College,Akola. National Nahata College,Bhusawal. National Adarsh College,Dhamangaon (Rly.) 978382414-964 978-81923297-1-0 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 22 to 24 /11/2012 29/12/2012 Page 85 63 to 65 68 to 72 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. þÖÓµÖÃÖÆüÖµµÖŸÖÖ ²Ö“ÖŸÖÖ™ü ¾Ö ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖ ÃÖÖ×´Öú¸üÖ. National Shivaji College,Chikhli. ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖÖ“µÖÖ ×¾ÖúÖÃÖÖŸÖ ³ÖÖÓ›ü¾Ö»Ö ²ÖÖ•ÖÖ¸üÖ“Öß ³Öã×´ÖúÖ. ICSSR National Janata college,Malkapur. ×¾Ö¤êü¿Öß ÖãÓŸÖ¾ÖÖæúß“ÖÖ ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖßµÖ †£ÖÔ¾µÖ¾ÖãÖê¾Ö¸üᯙ ¯Ö׸üÖÖ´Ö. National N.A.Deshmukh College,Chandur Bajar. 22 •ÖÖÖןÖúßú¸üÖÖŸÖᯙ ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸üß ²ÖÑúÖÓ“Öß ³Öæ×´ÖúÖ UGC State S.P.M. College,Chikhli. 23 ¿ÖÖÃÖ−ÖÖ“Öß ³Öã×´ÖúÖ †Ö×Ö ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖ ÃÖ²Ö»Ößú¸üÖ. 24 þֵÖÓÃÖÆüÖµµÖŸÖÖ Ö™ü ¾Ö ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖ ÃÖ²Ö»Ößú¸üÖ. 25 Problems & Solutions Of Urban & Rural Women 26 Effects Of SEZ on Agricultural Sector & Foreign Trade in Maharashtra. 19 20 21 978-9381171-99-8 3/1/2013 978-81924206-6-0 16/3/2013 ´ 2320-9402 22 to 24 /11/2013 119 Souvenir 3/2/2009 72 to 79 UGC State Venkatesh College, Deulgaon Raja 26,27 Nov 2009 122 to124 UGC State Jijamata College,Buldana. 15,16 Mar 2010 UGC State Tulja Bhawani College,Tuljapur dist. Osmanabad. UGC State Model College,Karnja Ghadge Dist Wardha. 25,26 Dec 2010 Souvenir Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 128 to 129 29-Jan-11 Page 86 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 27 ׿־ÖúÖ»Öß−Ö †£ÖÔ¾µÖ¾ÖãÖÖ. UGC State S.P.M. College,Chikhli. Souvenir 2/17/2011 79 to 81 28 ´ÖÆüÖŸ´ÖÖ ÖÖÓ¬Öß“Öê †ÖÙ£Öú ×¾Ö“ÖÖ¸ü : ¾ÖŸÖÔ´ÖÖ−Ö Ûã֟ÖßŸÖ µÖÓ£ÖÖ£ÖÔŸÖÖ. ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖßµÖ ×¾Ö.†.¯Ö׸üÂÖ¤ü 34 ú»ÖÖ ¾Ö ¾ÖÖ×Ö•µÖ ¾Ö ×¾Ö–ÖÖ−Ö ´ÖÆüÖ.´ÖÖ¸êüÖÖ¾Ö. ( µÖ¾ÖŸÖ´ÖÖôû ) Souvenir 12,13 Feb 2010 31 to 32 29 ׿־ÖúÖ»Öß−Ö †£ÖÔ¾µÖ¾ÖãÖÖ. ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖßµÖ ´Ö¸üÖšü¾ÖÖ›üÖ ¯Ö׸üÂÖ¤ü ×ÃÖ¬¤üÖ£ÖÔ úÖò»Öê•Ö •ÖÖ±ÏúÖ²ÖÖ¤ü. 978-81924894-9-6 8,9 Feb 2013 48 to50 30 ×ú¸üúÖêôû Öê¡ÖÖŸÖß»Ö ×¾Ö¤êü¿Öß ¯ÖÏŸµÖÖ ÖãÓŸÖ¾ÖÖæú ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖßµÖ ×¾Ö¤ü³ÖÔ †.¯Ö׸üÂÖ¤ü † ´ÖÖò¸êü¿Ö úÖò»Öê•Ö −ÖÖÖ¯Öã¸ü. Souvenir 9,10 Feb 2013 25 to28 31 Problems & Solutions of women Kshitij 2250-0790 July-Sep 2011 90 to 98 32 Women & Human Rights Kshitij 2250-0790 Oct-Dec 2011 125 to 131 33 Farmers Sucides in Maharashtra cause & measures fo Development The Indian Economic Journal 0019-4662 Dec. 2011 139 to 142 34 Dr.B.R.Ambedkars Economic Thoughts & Their contemporary Relevance The Indian Economic Journal 0019-4662 Dec. 2013 108 to 111 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 87 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Shri. V.K. Wakode, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics Sr.No. 01 02 Title of paper Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. Globalization: Impact of India R. A. College Role of Women Jijamata College, empowerment in Buldana ISSN No. Washim Date Page No. 8-9 Feb.2009 88 2010 127131 31 Jan 2008 27-29 OCT. 2012 147150 S.H.G 03 04 SEZ & Sustainable Jijamata College, Development Buldana Life Insurance Shivaji College, Akola 05 “Jagtikikaran : SPM College, Arthik Mandi va Chikhli 06 SEZ and Indian Agriculture 07 Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, 3/2/2009 31 Jan 2008 Shri Shivaji College, Akola 17 Dec. 2010 122 Thought & Todays Economy Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 88 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Books published : Sr No. Title of Books with page Publisher ISSN Year of Publicatio n /ISBN numbers No 01 Advance Economics Chandrlok Prakashan Kanpur 978-81-885736-9-1 2011 02 International Trade & Finance Chandrlok Prakashan Kanpur 978-81-9382358-152 2012 03 Human Resource Management Chandrlok Prakashan Kanpur 978-81-1885737-90 2012 04 ´ÖÆüÖ¸üÖ™éüÖŸÖᯙ ÃÖÆüúÖ¸üß “Öôû¾Öôûß“Öß 50 •ÖÆüÖ×Ö¸ü¤üÖ¸ü ¯ÖÏúÖ¿Ö−Ö †´Ö¸üÖ¾ÖŸÖß ¾ÖÂÖÔ 978-81- 2013 Dr. K.A.Thosar, Head & Assistant Professor, Department of English Sr. Title of paper No. 01 ‘Frost’s Man Society’ Poems : An Exercise of Mending Walls 02 Concern for Poverty and Hunger in the Poetry of Kusumagraj Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. ISSN No. ‘Research Analysis and Evaluation’, 0975 – 3486 Page No. Date Apr. 2011 p.18-20 Nov. . 95- 2011 108 Jaipur ‘Explorer’, Nagpur 2249- 2089 and Robert Frost. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 89 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 From Imminent Danger of annihilation to regeneration: Frost;s nature Self-exploration in the poetry of Sarojini Naidu Denise Levertov’s the Goddess: Representative of the Inrplay… Robert Frost’s Home burial: Crisis in Relationship of Deceased child’s father and mother Kusumagraj’s Allegiance in Love through Nature The Waste Land and Lamia: A critical comparism Old English : Fountain head of Modern English, Kusumagrak’s Pritviche Premgeet and Pre,uoga: Enhancing society, enriching culture Kanaa Culmination of Kusumagraj’s Humanism Weightage of Traditional Literature in ELT Ripples (Int. Research Journals) 0973-6352 MarchSept. 2012 19-21 Research Analysis & Evaluation 0975-3486 January 2013 15-16 Shod Samikshya Aur Mulyakan 0974-2832 May 2013 08-09 Research Analysis & Evaluation 0975-3486 AprMay 2013 31-32 Research Analysis & Evaluation 0975-3486 50-51 Shanshodhan Ganga 2348-036x AprMay 2013 JanFeb. 2014 Feb. 2011 UGC sponsored One day state Seminar S.V.College Pulgaon Wardha International Conference org. by I.G.Arts University, Khairagarh (C.G.) p. 4246 26-28 Feb. 2012 National Conf.Nahata College, Bhusawal 29 Feb. 2012 S.V. College Deulgaon Raja. Dist. Buldana. 15-16 March 2003 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 124-26 Page 90 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Books published : Sr No. Title of Books with page Publisher ISSN/ISBN No. numbers Year of Publicatio n 01 Direct Spoken English, Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-0-8 2011 02 A Tiny Student Dictionary Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-1-5 2010 03 Synonyms – Antonys Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-2-2 2010 Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-3-9 2011 Vidhya Vikas Prakashan 978-93-81483-00-8 2011 978-93-81483-02-2 2011 Dictionary, p. 50 04 Gatwar Shabda Sangrah, p. 44 05 Marathi – Engraji Shabda Nagpur Kosh, p.240 06 07 Basic Spoken English, p. 88 Vidhya Vikas Prakashan Situational English – I, Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-5-3 2011 Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-6-0 2011 Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-7-7 2011 p. 24 08 Situational English – II, p. 24 09 Situational English – III, p. 24 Nagpur Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 91 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 10 Situational English – IV, p. 24 11 Commerce Dictionary, p. 24 Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854- 8-4 2011 Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-9-1 2011 12 Yuvkache Preranasthan Swami Vivekanand, Kousthubh Prakashan Nagpur 978-81-909939-9-3 2013 13 Jag Jinka Vakrutvyachya Balavar Vidhya Vikas Prakashan 978-938-81483-121 2013 14 Advance Spoken English Nagpur 978-938-81483-169 2014 Shri. S.G.Raut Assistant Professor, Department of English Sr.No. Title of paper Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. ISSN No. Page No. 01 Glorification of culture in Ralph Ellison’s writing. Innovation Research 2277-9574 July 2012 69-72 02 Religio –Cultural segregation in the writing of James Boldwin Innovation Research 2277-9574 Jan.2013 27-30 03 Religio – Terror in the writing of Richard Wright Research Drops 2231-105x Sept.2013 35-39 04 Cultural aspect in Ralph Ellisons’s Invisible Mom Contemporary Research in India 2231-2137 Sept.2013 124-126 05 Dr. Ambedakar’s Views on education and social justice Contemporary Research in India 2231-2137 Sept. 2013 153-154 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Date Page 92 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Articles / Chapters published in Books & Books : Sr N o. Title with pagenumbers Book Title,editor & publisher ISBNNo Year of Publication 01 Baburao Bagul : A regional writer of universal appeal. Pp.170-175 Indian Writing in English translation 978-81925374-6-7 2013 02 Marginality of blacks and Jews in Richard Wright’s writing Voices from marginality 978-81909812-2-4 Budhism : The way to wards perfect humanity 978-8192146-5-7 pp. 03 Eight fold path : Essence of Buddhism 2011 pp.184-186. Shri. S.D.Morey, Assistant Professor Department of English Sr.No. Title of paper Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. ISSN No. Date 01 Human rights and Shri Shivaji College, Chikhli land acquisition with special reference to Nandigram project 978-8181171-622 11 Feb. 2012 189 02 Status of women in India in present scenario 978-8181171-998 3 Jan 2013 102 Shri Shivaji College, Chikhli Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page No. Page 93 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Shri. P.H.Barad Librarian Sr.No. 01 Title of paper Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. ´ÖÖ×ÆüŸÖß ŸÖÓ¡Ö–ÖÖ−ÖÖ“ÖÖ ÖÏÓ£ÖÖ»ÖµÖÖŸÖ Yojana (Marathi) ¾ÖÖ¯Ö¸ü ISSN No. 09718397 02 ÃÖÖ´ÖÖוÖú ×¾ÖúÖÃÖÖÃÖÖšüß ÖÏÖ´ÖßÖ ´ÖÆüÖ×¾ÖªÖ»ÖµÖ ÖÏÓ£ÖÖ»ÖµÖÖ“Öß ³Öæ×´ÖúÖ., 03 Role Indian Library Date 40(2) September 2012 Granth 2250- Pariwar 384 . Khitij :Indian 2250-0790 July Social Research Page No. 40(2) 28(6) August . 1-14. 2012. ,(3), – September 2011. Institutions in Professional Development, 04 The Present condition International 0975-3486 April Referred Research of Indian Libraries and Journal, Research Their Place in the Analysis and Sustainable Evaluation 85-86 2011 Development : A Study. 05 †¸üؾ֤ü ×™üêúú¸ü : ‹ú ±Ïêú›ü Pariwar, 2250-3846 Jan-Feb. 2011. 3- 4 Granth 2250-3846 Jan-Feb. 12-15 ×±ú»ÖÖÃÖÖò±ú¸ü, ÖÖ‡Ô›ü. 06 ¿ÖÖÀ¾ÖŸÖ ×¾ÖúÖÃÖÖŸÖ »ÖÖêú¯ÖÏ¿ÖÖÃÖ−Ö ÃÓÖãÖꓵÖÖ ÖÏÓ£ÖÖ»ÖµÖÓÖ“Öß ³Öæ×´ÖúÖ Pariwar, Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 2011 Page 94 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 07 ÃÖÓ¿ÖÖê¬Ö−Ö ¾Ö ×¾ÖªÖ¯Ößš Granth ÖÏÓ£ÖÖ»ÖµÖÖŸÖᯙ ü ÃÖê¾ÖÖ †Ö×Ö Pariwar, 2250-3846 October 3-4,23 2010. ÖÏÓ£Ö¯ÖÖ»ÖÖ“Öß ³Öæ×´ÖúÖ 08 ×¾Ö¿ÖêÂÖ ÖÏÓ£ÖÖ»ÖµÖÖ“Öß †¬ÖßúÖ¸üß ¯ÖÏ׿ÖÖÖÖŸÖᯙ ³Öæ×´ÖúÖ Mahiteeyug 0973-6018 Jul-Dec. 2010 16-19 09 Application of International 57-60 Information Journal of 0974-1003 July-Augst 2010 Technology in Institution of Public Computer Science and Applications Administration Libraries in India: Special Reference to HMRIPA. 10 ×−Ö¾Ö›üÖãúß“Öê †£ÖÔúÖ¸üÖ Yojana 0971-8397 Feb.2009 48-50,52 11 INDEST : A New Granth 2250-3846 May 2004 .6-7. Gallery. Pariwar, Digital Library Granth 8-12 Structure & Importance Pariwar, 2250-3846 September 2003 Dyangangotri 2231-6507 June- Augst 2003 14-19 Readers of Public Granth 2250-3846 June 2003 3-9 Library in Amravati Pariwar, 12 In Changing Era., 13 Simputer : From palm to finger tips., 14 Division : A case Study 15 Use of ICT in Public administration Institute Libraries in India. National conference at JES Jalna 20&21 sept.2013. 79-81 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 95 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 16 Library Automation in Public Administration Institute Libraries in India. All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society's COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Pune. International 978-96Conference at Shri. 82414-14Shivaji College, Akola. 8 124-127 17 The Neharu Memorial Library : The Valley of God. 18 Application of Six Sigma In Library Services. National Conference at S.Khandelwal Mahavidhyalay Akola. 19 Application ICT in Institute of Public Administration Libraries in India. Arts & Commerce & Science College, Ashti. Dist. Beed. 20 ¿ÖÖÀ¾ÖŸÖ ×¾ÖúÖÃÖÖú׸üŸÖÖ ¯ÖµÖÖÔ¾Ö¸üÖÖ“Öê ´ÖÆüŸ¾Ö State Seminar organizd by Government Education College, Akola.(M.S.) 21 ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖßµÖ ÃÖÓÃéúŸÖߟÖᯙ ²ÖÖüßú National Seminar ÃÖÓ¯Ö¤üÖ ÆüŒú úÖµÖ¤üÖ organized by R.S.Mundle Dharamapeth Arts & Commerce College,Nagpur.(M.S.). 27,March2010 219-223 22 Consortium: Revolutionizing Academic Libraries . National Conference organized by G.K. College,TelharaAkola.(M.S.) 15,Feb.2010 67-70 23 ŸÖÓ¡Ö–ÖÖ−ÖÖ“ÖÖ ÖÏÓ£ÖÖ»ÖµÖÖŸÖ ¾ÖÖ¯Ö¸ü †Ö×Ö ÖÏÓ£Ö¯ÖÖ»ÖÖÃÖ´ÖÖê¸üᯙ †Ö¾ÆüÖ−Öê National Conference organized by G.K. College,TelharaAkola.(M.S 15,Feb.2010 179-181 24 ´ÖÆüÖ×¾ÖªÖ»ÖµÖ ÖÏÓ£ÖÖ»ÖµÖÖŸÖ ÃÓÖ¤ü³ÖÔ ÃÖê¾ÖÖ : ׿Ö.¯ÖÏ.´ÖÓ.´ÖÆüÖ×¾ÖªÖ»ÖµÖÖ“ÖÖ †³µÖÖÃÖ National workshop organized by Dayanand Arya Kanya Mahavidyalaya Nagpur.(M.S 06-07, Feb.2010. 42-44 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 27& 28 sept.2013 29-30 October 78-80 2012. 27-28 July 2012. 12-15 44-47 2021,Oct.2010. 270-274 Page 96 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 25 ´ÖÆüÖ×¾ÖªÖ»ÖµÖ ÖÏÓ£ÖÖ»ÖµÖÖŸÖ •Ö−ÖÃÖÓ¯ÖÔú †Ö×Ö ×¾ÖßÖÖ¸ü úÖµÖÔÎú´ÖÖ“Öß Ö¸ü•Ö. ” State Level Conference organized by S.J.Grameen Seva Mahavidyalaya, Wardha (M.S) 11- 12, Oct.2008 117-118. 26 ”Impact of IT on Textile Engineering & Technology colleges in Maharashtra: A Study” International Conference on Textile Education at Taj Hotel Chennai. 1 - 4th July 2005 368-371 27 Partnership Between LIS Teachers and Librarians for Professional Development :. XXI IATLIS National Conference Department of Library and Information Science Nagpur Nov. 18-20, 2004 40-44 1‐2 21-22 Sept. 2002. --- 28 University Nagpur. _____do_____ Partnership Between LIS Teachers and Librarians: A Case study on LRT College Library Akola .( in regional language) 29 National Conference on Emerging Trends in IPR: With Special Engineering Education Reference to organized by DTEPatents” Mumbai at Govt. Polytechnic College AURANGABAD (M.S.) Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 97 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 30 Databank Concepts. National Seminar on Management Information Systems in Technical Education organized by M.P.ISTE section at Ujjan Engg. College, (Deemed March 10-11, 2002 38-40 February 8-9, 2002. 101-104 January 1213, 2002 48-52 University) UJJAN (M.P.) 31 National Seminar on Intellectual Property IPR & Copyright Rights and Copyrights Basics in USA. Matters at Swami Ramanand Teerth marathwada University NANDED (M.S.), 32 3rd State Level Conference on Page Academic Libraries in ITEnvironment organized by Amravati University AMRAVATI, Web Design. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 98 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Articles / Chapters published in Books & Books : Sr N o. Title with page Book Title, ISSN numbers editor & /ISBN publisher No Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright- Dr.S.P.Satarkar, Ess Ess Pub. New Delhi 81-7000-3504 2002 978-81921456-1-7 2012 01 IPR & Copyrights: Copyright Basics in USA. Year of Publication pp.135-139 02 ¾ÖΟÖãÖ:›üÖò.ÃÖã¸êü¿Ö ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üú¸ü pp.41-43. †Ö¤ü¿ÖÔ ÖÏÓ£Ö¯ÖÖ»Ö 03 Ó‡™ü¸ü−Öê™ü †Ö×Ö ¾Ö»›Ôü ¾ÖÖ‡Ô›ü ¾Öê²Ö Text Book- Mayur Publication Usmanabad. For B.Com III 2006 Shri. R.P.Deshmane, Head & Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce Name of Conference / Seminar & Place /Journals etc . ISSN No. Title of paper 01 Increasing value of marketing Arts & Commerce College, Wani 26-27 Dec. 2008 -- 02 Globlization Indian and Economic depression R.A.College, Washim 8-9 Feb.2009 88-91 03 Impact of women empowerment and SHG Tuljabhavani College,Tuljapur 25-26 Dec.2010 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Date Page No. Sr.No. Page 99 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 04 Importance of E- G.K.Mahavidhyalaya, Commerce in Telhara Dist. Akola business sector 17 Feb. 05 E-commerce and Khadelwal College, IT concept in Akola banking 14-15 Oct.2011 191192 06 Financial and Insurance in India 17 Feb.2011 85-99 2010 S.H.Sinha College, Patur Dist.Akola. 07 SHG and women S.H.Sinha College, empowerment Patur Dist.Akola. 18Feb.2011 83-85 08 Life insurance and private insurance company Shri Shivaji College, Akola 978-81923-6218-7 09 Indian Economics seva shetrachya sudhrna Janta College, Malkapur. 978-8121 924206-0- March2012 8 97102 10 Capital market at Janta College, a glance Malkapur. 978-8116 March 924206-6- 2013 0 163164 11 Word Trade organization and Education in India Vidhyabharti College,Amravati. 978-8123 82588-8-5 Feb.2013 199200 12 The education process in India fast fact Shivshakati College, Bhabulgaon Yavatmal. 978-8126 927699-1- Dec.2013 2 109110 13 Use of technology in research work Takshshila Mahavidhyalaya Amravati. 976-8192339-07 87-90 14 Insurance sector in India LRT College,Akola. 976-938 Jan. 2014 82588-252 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 23-26 5 Oct.2012 17-18 Oct.2013 127128 160162 Page 100 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Shri. Anil S. Purohit Assistant Professor, Commerce Department Sr.No. Title of paper Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. ISSN No. Page No. 01 ÌúÍÂÖß ×¾ÖúÖÃÖÖŸÖ ²ÖÓÑÓúÖ“Öê µÖÖêÖ¤üÖ−Ö Shankarlal Khandelwal College Akola. 02 ÃÖã´Ö×¾Ö¢ÖÃÖê¾ÖÖ ´Öê ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖ†ÖêúÖ ÃÖ¿ÖŒŸÖßú¸üÖ Ramkrishna Mahavidhyalaya Darapur 03 •ÖÖÖןÖúßú¸üÖ ¾Ö ´ÖÖ−Ö¾Öß ÆüŒú †Ö×Ö ×¾ÖãÖÖ¯ÖßŸÖ úÖ´ÖÖÖÓ¸üÖ“Öê ¯ÖÏ¿−Ö Shivaji College Chikhli 04 ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖÖŸÖᯙ †®Ö¬ÖÖ−µÖÓÖ“µÖÖ Øú´ÖŸÖ¾ÖÖœüß“µÖÖ Ø´Ö´ÖÖÃÖÖ Janta College, Malkapur 05 ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖ êú †ÖüÝü£Öú ×¾ÖúÖÃÖ ´Öê ãÖÖ×−Öú ×¾Ö¢Ö úÖ µÖÖêÖ¤üÖ−Ö Janta College, Malkapur 978-81924206-08 29 March 2012 157162 06 ¾µÖÖ¯ÖÖ¸ü ŸÖ£ÖÖ ÃÖê¾ÖÖ Öê¡Ö ¯Ö¸ü ‡Ô úÖò´ÖÃÖÔ úÖ ¯ÖϳÖÖ¾Ö Takshshila Mahavidhyalaya, Amravati 978-8189839-604 4 August 2012 275277 07 ³ÖÖ¾Ö¾ÖÖœü Æüß ‹ú ÃÖ´ÖõÖÖ úÖ¸üÖê ¾Ö ˆ¯ÖÖµÖµÖÖê•Ö−ÖÖ Adarsh College, Dhamangaon Rly. 978-81923297-10 29 Dec. 2012 3-5 08 ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖ ÃÖ¿ÖÛŒŸÖú¸üÖ êú פü¿ÖÖ ´ÖëÓ †ÖüÝü£Öú ¯ÖϵÖÖÃÖ Shivaji College, Chikhli 978-9381171-998 3 Jan 2013 121122 09 Employability and Ambedkar commerce Mahavidhyalaya, Education Amravati 978-81923393-44 22 Jan 2013 14-16 10 WTO and Future of Higher education in India 978-9382588-085 23 Feb 2013 59-61 Vidhyabharti College, Amravati 14-15 Oct.2011 188189 978-8192224140-1 25-26 Nov.2011 577578 978-9381171-622 11 Feb.2012 60-61 5 Feb. 2012 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Date Page 101 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 11 Indian capital market and its structure. Janta College, Malkapur 978-81924206-60 16 March 2013 295297 12 Impact of insurance sector in sustainable growth of India LRT College, Akola 978-9382588-252 27 Jan 2014 153155 13 Causes of child labor in India Platinum –National 2231-0096 Journal July- 7-9 14 Role of capital market of Indian economy TCS Int. Research Journal 0977-0295 Dec.2013 41-50 15 Cash transfer subsidy directions and implications Shanshodhan Ganga 2348-036x MarchApril 2014 17-18 Sept.2013 National Journal Shri. B.S.Ingle Assistant Professor in Commerce Sr.No. Title of paper 01 Banking system & financial sector 02 03 A path of personality Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. ISSN No. financial sector & India in globalization Date 03 Feb. Page No. 83-85 2008 S.P.M. College Chikhli. personality Development in Development G.S.College Khamgaon. Women Empowerment Human rights & 21 Feb.2009 122-125 25-26 29-31 Dec.02010 Empowerment Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 102 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. of Women Tuljabhawani Mahavidyala, Tuljapur. 04 World Peace Fundamentals of Buddhism 25-26 Sept.2010 70-72 1 Oct.2011 57-60 Ghulam Nabi Azad College Barshitakli 05 Human Rights Human Rights Dr. Gopalrao Khedkar Mahavidyal a,Gadegaon (Telhara 06 Challenges & Banking and Difficulties Insurance in in Banking system CenturyShankarlal 192-194 Khandelwal College Akola 07 The Role of Banking in Rural Development National Service Sector in India. 978-9382588-25-2 27 Jan.2014 22-24 08 The Role of Higher Education in India National seminar Shivshakti Arts & Commerce College, Bhabhulgaon. 978-81927699-1-2 26 Dec.2013 12-14 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 103 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 09 Theory and Infrastructure Development Shri.Shivaji College, Amravati 10 The Role of Personality Development V.N. College, Yavatmal 11 Relevance of Gandhi an deology National Conference at SNS College Patur 12 Human Right and Woment Empowerment 13 Theories of personality Development 978-81921694-4-6 18 Dec.2013 78-79 4 Jan. 2014 85-87 978-81929160-1-9 18 March 2014 115-116 National Conference at SNS College Patur 978-81929160-1-9 19 March 2014 18-21 Vatslabai Naik Mahila College Pusad 978921717-8-4 4 Jan 2014 216-218 Shri. U.V.Bhrmhe, Director of Physical Education Sr.No. Title of paper Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. ISSN No. Date 1 Misuse of drugs National Seminars on Physical Fitness & Holistic life org. 22 Jan 2011 02 Yoga & Mensal Health 4,5 March 2000 03 State level conference on recent trends in yoga and physical education org . by Shri Shivaji College, Ako SPM College, Women and girls Empowerment Chikhli through physical activities and sports Page No. 70-74 978-93-827- 16-0295-14-8 2013 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 104 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Shri. N.K.Gaikwad, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science Sr.No. 1 Title of paper Name of Conference / Seminar /Journals etc. ISSN No. Date Page No. ¯ÖµÖÖÔ¾Ö¸üÖÖ“ÖÖ :·ÆÖÃÖ ¾Ö ´ÖÖ−Ö¾Öß ÆüŒú ( ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ ÃŸÖ¸ü ) ÁÖß ×¿Ö¾ÖÖ•Öß ´ÖÆüÖ×¾ÖªÖ»ÖµÖ ×“ÖÖ»Öß. 978-9381171-622 11-Feb12 304 to 305 ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖ ÃÖÖ´Ößú¸üÖ †Ö×Ö ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖ ( ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ ÃŸÖ¸ü ) ÁÖß ×¿Ö¾ÖÖ•Öß ´ÖÆüÖ×¾ÖªÖ»ÖµÖ ×“ÖÖ»Öß. 978-9381171-998 3-Jan-13 173 to 175 −ÖÖ»Ö¾ÖÖ¤ü †Ö¾ÆüÖ−Ö †Ö×Ö †Ö¾ÖÖÆü−Ö ( ¸üÖ•µÖßָü ) 978-81924096-10 17-Jan13 32 to33 2249-5029 3-Dec-13 203 to 204 978-9382588-290 11-Feb13 123 to 126 2 −ÖÖ»Ö¾ÖÖªÖ“Öß úÖ¸üÖê ×´Ö´ÖÖÓÃÖÖ 3 4 ÃÖÖ´ÖÖ•Ößú ¸üÖ•ÖúßµÖ ¾Ö †ÖÙ£Öú ¥ü™üß−Öê ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖÖŸÖᯙ ´Ö×Æü»ÖÖ ÃÖÖ´Ößú¸üÖ ‹ú ´Ö㻵ִÖÖ¯ÖÖ−Ö Empowerent of women & legislative provision ( State Level ) 5 ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖÖ“Öê ¯Ö¸ü¸üÖ™Òü ¬ÖÖê¸üÖ †Ö×Ö −Öê¯ÖÖôû 21 ¾µÖÖ ¿ÖŸÖúÖŸÖᯙ ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖßµÖ ¯Ö¸ü¸üÖ™Òü ¬ÖÖê¸üÖÖ ¯Öãœüᯙ †Ö¾ÆüÖÖÖÓ“Öê ¾µÖ¾ÖãÖÖ¯Ö−Ö ( ¸üÖ™ÒüßµÖ ÃŸÖ¸ü ) 3.4.4 Provide details (if any) of * Research awards received by the faculty Those who receive such glorious awards are felicited before the students,staff and stakeholders and also given wide publicity in ‘Vidya’ annual magazine, on flex, in news papers and on college website. 1 .Dr.A.B.Tare has been awarded by Research Link Indore. 2 Dr.P.U.Gawai has been awarded for his research contribution in ‘Dalit Sahitya’from Research Link Indore. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 105 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.5 Consultancy 3.5.1 Give details of the systems and strategies for establishing institute-industry interface? Every year college arranges an industrial tour to visit reputed industry so as to have interaction of students with industries and to have knowledge of production and marketing. 3.5.2 What is the stated policy of the institution to promote consultancy? How is the available expertise advocated and publicized? : Nil 3.5.3 How does the institution encourage the staff to utilize their expertise and available facilities for consultancy services? : Nil 3.5.4 List the broad areas and major consultancy services provided by the institution and the revenue generated during the last four years : Nil 3.5.5 What is the policy of the institution in sharing the income generated through Consultancy (staff involved: Institution) and its use for institutional development? : Nil Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 106 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.6 Extension Activities and Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) The College is aware of its social obligation towards the community.Service tothe community is provided through NSS & NCC, teaching, nonteachingstaff and other students participate in it. 3.6.1 How does the institution promote institution-neighbourhoodcommunity network and student engagement, contributing to good citizenship, service orientation and holistic development of students? Over the years the institution has been part of a variety of community services: Below is the list of community based services by the institution: Maitri Sangh ‘Maitri Sangh’ is an active group of students called “Amhi Doot Samteche”(we are the messengers of equality)working as a mediator between government and downtrodden people in creation of awareness among people about government schemes meant for them for the upliftment of their social and economic status. 1. NSS Special Camp A seven day Rural Camp is organized. 3. NCC NCC unit of the college is very active in giving social services and national integration. They participate in pulse polio and blood donation, AIDS awareness and help to the police department on various occasions, disaster management etc. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 107 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.6.2 What is the Institutional mechanism to track students’ involvement in various Social movements / activities which promote citizenship roles? Mechanism to Track Student’s Involvement in Social Activities to. To build Commune of good citizens and patriots is the very objective of our institution. Hence the very beginning of college take place with national anthem, Pasayadan and preamble of Indian Constitution. It is proud privilege to mention that ours is the only college in surrounding area where working of the college takes place with such activities. Our efforts is to imbibe students with the sensitization of social responsibility on every Monday and specially on 26 November, we circulate pamplets of preamble among students and read it collectively. We also carry this activity in town in the form of rally. Every year we send two students to MIT School of Government Pune, to attend Indian Students Parliament and they share their experiences with students. In addition to this, we have among activities working with the same moto. 1) Rallies – Save Girls, Vote for Nation, Eye donations, AIDS awareness, etc. 2) Camps- Blood donation. Cleanliness, Pulse-Polio, Hospital visit, Disaster Management. 3) Environment – No Petrol Day, Tours, Tree plantation, Tree conservation. 4) Other – Woman empowerment, Law literacy, Street plays etc. While arranging above emerging programmes and competitions for students this issue is purposely included. 3.6.3 How does the institution solicit stakeholder perception on the overall performance and quality of the institution? The perception of performance and quality of the institution is gauged from students, parents, alumni and others through informal methods. Students can express in formal as well as informal to give teachers and institutions evaluation. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 108 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.6.4 How does the institution plan and organize its extension and outreach programmes? Providing the budgetary details for last four years, list the major extensionand outreach Programmes and their impact on the overall development of students Planning and Organization of Extension and Outreach Programmes For Students And The Impact On The Overall Development of Students: The various kinds of extension programmes undertaken by the institution are as follows: Educational extension programmes - Programmes such as Certificate courses, Exhibitions and Quiz Competitions are organized. Various activities conducted during the annual special work camp of NSS. Impact of the Extension and Outreach Programmes on the Students: Participation in the extension activities help students to imbibe and inculcate the following qualities: Improvement of their leadership qualities. Provide training in skills that would help them to tackle difficult situations. Exposure to the realities of life faced by the lesser privileged. Training them to participate in the nation-building process. Activities are coordinated by the faculty in consultation with the students. The needs of the local community are taken into consideration while deciding the extension and outreach work to be undertaken. Extension activities are organized purely on voluntary basis. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 109 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.6.5 How does the institution promote the participation of students and faculty in extension activities including participation in NSS, NCC, YRC and other National/ International agencies? The Programme officers are nominated from faculty for NSS and NCC activities .They plan activities to be undertaken in the course of the year and a suitable time table is prepared. The management supports these activities. The outreach programmes of the college aim at community development and sensitization of the community towards social responsibilities. Thus, students are motivated to take initiatives in community service. NSS Achivement Sr. Name of Students Date No. 01 1.Gajanan Choudhary 1.Gaurav Birj Khatri 10-16 Feb. State Level Gurukunj 2010 Mozari Dist. Amravati. 26 Jan.2012 State Raj Bhavan Mumbai Asharam Independent 2.Shweta Dharkari 03 Place & Level 2.Shrikrushna Ghube 02 Camp Name day Parade 1.Sandip G. Bithare 1-16June State Level Disaster Management, 2012 Camp Mahatma Fule Agri University, Rahuri. 04 1. Yogesh P. 24 Deshmukh 05 June-3 National July 2012 1.Ganesh Pandurang 9-13 Kale 2.Devanand 2014 Camp Jan. National Narikanda Dist. Simla Himachalpradesh National Adventure Camp Shriram Ingle Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 110 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.6.6 Give details on social surveys, research or extension work (if any) undertaken by the college to ensure social justice and empower students from under-privileged and vulnerable sections of society? To social justice and empower students under privileged section of society is covered under home to home ‘Parent Contact’ programme. Some programme are also focus on the same issues. LIST OF EVENTS EVENT ORGANIZED BY TARGET GROUP Special camp N.S.S. Unit - Use of toilets in rural People from general community. - Health of Domestic Animals 3.6.7 Reflecting on objectives and expected outcomes of the extension activities organized by the institution, comment on how they complement students’academic learning experience and specify the values and skills inculcated. Thecollege through extension activities initiates students in community service and inculcates in them a sense of social commitment and responsibility. They learn leadership skill, communication skills, management, effective decision etc. through NSS and other activities they learn the approach of life ‘ Not Me But You’ Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 111 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.6.8 How does the institution ensure the involvement of the community in its reach out activities and contribute to the community development? Detail on the initiatives of the institution that encourage community participation in its activities? In the Various activities conducted by college either in town or village like domestic animal check-up camp, cleanliness drive, water conservation, AIDS Awareness, Medical camp, Farmers Meet etc. Participation of community is encouraging. 3.6.9 Give details on the constructive relationships forged (if any) with other institutions of the locality for working on various outreach and extension activities. Occasionally, we take participation or invite outside agencies to organize social useful programmes. Awareness of Eye donation with Madhav Netra Pedhi, wel-known National Institute and with the help of Dr. Hedgewar Hospital, Chikhli we arrange various medical checkup camps. 3.6.10 Give details of awards received by the institution for extension activities And /contributions to the social/community development during the last four years. 1) Dr. A.B.Tare, Principal got International Award form NGO- New Delhi. 2) Best NSS College Unit Award of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University,Amravati. 3) Dr. P.U. Gawai got Best Programme Officere Award by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. 4) Shri. A.S. Purohit got Bharat Jyoti International Award From NGO- Mumbai. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 112 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.7 COLLABORATIONS 3.7.1 How does the institution collaborate and interact with research laboratories, institutes and industry for research activities. Cite examples and benefits accrued of the initiatives collaborative research, staff exchange, sharing facilities and equipment, research scholarships etc. : Nil 3.7.2 Provide details on the MoUs/collaborative arrangements (if any) with institutions of national importance/other universities/ industries/Corporate (Corporate entities) etc. and how they have contributed to the development of the institution. Since last some years we have made collaboration with Ambica Urban Multi-state Credit Society, Balaji Urban, Dhanshree Credit society. and Charter Account Golani and Company. We got very good results of placement of students. 3.7.3 Give details (if any) on the industry-institution-community I nteractions that have contributed to the establishment / creation/up-gradation of academic facilities, student and staff support, infrastructure facilities of the institution Viz. laboratories / library/ new technology /placement services etc B.A. and B.Com. students visit industries, to undertake case study of Banks and to some extend we get placements. We have been pursuing for water coolers form financial institutes. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 113 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3.7.4 Highlighting the names of eminent scientists/participants who contributed to the events, provide details of national and international conferences organized by the college during the last four years. List of National//State Seminars/ Conferences Organized By the College And the Names of Eminent Scientist/Academicians Who Contributed Sr. No. Name of Title of Seminar / Department Conference Date Name of Resource Persons with Designation and Place of their work 01 Economics Financial Sector and 3 Feb.2008 India in Globalization. Dr. D.V. Jahagirdar, Ex JD HE Kolapur. 02 History Life and Work of 17 Feb. Chhatrapati Shivaji & 2011 Sambhaji Dr. Pathan,Z.A. Dr. Ravi Vaidya, Dean Social Science, SGBAU Amravati 03 Physical Physical Education as a 16 Education Profession Feb.2013 Dr. D.R.Kureshi Devi Ahilya University, Indore. Other Eminent Researchers/Academicians who Visited the College were: Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 114 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 1. Dr. V.D.Jahagirdar, Ex. Joint Director, Higher Education, Kolhapur. 2. Dr D.V. Kurulkar- Chairman Marathwada Vaidhanik Vikas Mandal, Govt. of Maharashtra. 3. Dr. D.R. Kureshi, HOD Department of Physical Education Devi Ahilya University, Indore. 4. Dr. Sunil Dhudhale, Devi Ahilya University Indore. 5. Dr. Ravi Vaidya, Dean Social Science, SGBAU Amravati 6. Dr. Subhash Gawai, Chairman,Bos, SGBAU Amravati. 7. Dr. Nilesh Gawande, Chairman, Bos SGBAU Amravati. 8. Dr. Santosh Thakre,Chairman, Bos SGBAU Amravati 9. Dr. Santosh Kute, Chairman, Bos SGBAU Amravati 10. Dr. R.M. Jadhav, Chairman, Bos SGBAU Amravati 11. DR. Musadik Shri Shivaji College, Akola. 3.7.5 How many of the linkages/collaborations have actually resulted in formal MoUs and agreements ? List out the activities and beneficiaries and cite examples (if any) of the established linkages that enhanced and/or facilitated 1) Faculty exchange and professional development: Many of our faculty members go for delivering lectures on various subjects in nearby colleges and we also invite some faculty members from outside. Because of informal exchange and visit to other colleges in the interest of students is a smooth going activity of ‘ our area’ the need of formal MoU is not felt. 2) Research : In the year 2014-15 an MoU is made with a National Refereed Journal–Innovation Research (ISSN- 2275-9974) published bi-annually from Yeotmal(M.S.). This MoU will help students to geting their papers published and organize research activities. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 115 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3) Student’s Exchange : The institution is in collaboration with sister wing SRC Ayurvedic College Chikhli. Students exchange, concerning reading room, some guest lecturers of common interest and some social need based activities like ‘Eye donation awareness’ are organized in collaboration 3.7.6 Detail on the systemic efforts of the institution in planning, establishing and implementing the initiatives of the linkages/collaborations.Any other relevant information regarding Research, Consultancy and Extension which the college would like to include. The institution has been considering it seriously to have collaborations with some well-known industry to have better placement. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 116 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion – IV INFRASTRUCTURE & LEARNING RESOURCES Students Participating in Ball Badminton Library Students Using Library Facility Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 117 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion - IV INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES 4.1 Physical Facilities 4.1.1 What is the policy of the Institution for creation and enhancement of infrastructure that facilitate effective teaching and learning? The college has long standing of its establishment. It has developed policy to augment facilities for creation and enhancement of infrastructure. Continuous efforts of the institution has made adequate infrastructure available for effective teaching and learning. 4.1.2 Detail the facilities available for a) Curricular and co-curricular activities – classrooms, technology enabled learning spaces, seminar halls, tutorial spaces, laboratories, botanical garden, Animal house, specialized facilities and equipment for teaching, learning and research etc. b) Extra –curricular activities – sports, outdoor and indoor games, gymnasium, auditorium, NSS, NCC, cultural activities, Public speaking, communication skills development, yoga, health and hygiene etc. College pays adequate attention on facilities to the students to enhance their performance. A)In curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities wise :- Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 118 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. a) Class Rooms :- The Class rooms are available for curricular activities. b) Labs :- Computer Lab, Language Lab. c) Library :- Central Library. d) Seminar Hall :- Yes.( Vivekanand Hall) e) Internet :- Yes. f) LCD :- Yes. g) Reading Room :- Yes. Separate for Boys & Girls. h) White Boards :- Yes. B)Facilities of Extra Curricular Activities 1) Sports Department :-With equipments, spacious sports area 2)Auditorium :- Yes, well equipped. 3) NSS Department :- Yes. 4) Cultural Department :- Yes. 5) NCC Department :- Yes. 6) Health :- Health /Well equipped Gym, Primary aid Box, Pure drinking water etc. 7) Urinals, Toilets :- Yes. 8) Cycle Stand :- Yes. 9) Canteen :- Yes.(Existing) and a well-furnished canteen proposed. 10) Dustbin :- Yes. 11) Communication skill development :- A well-equipped language Laboratory of 10 booths is in working condition. Other Facilities 1 Recreational Facilities :- Table Tennis, Carom, Chess, TV 2 Fire extinguishers :- Yes, at four places in the campus. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 119 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4.1.3 How does the institution plan and ensure that the available infrastructure is in line with its academic growth and is optimally utilized? Give specific examples of the facilities developed/augmented and the amount spent during the last four years (Enclose the Master Plan of the Institution / campus and indicate the existing physical infrastructure and the future planned expansions if any). The college is on the way of adopting new techniques for the overall development and to achieve the academic growth. There is consistent development since the establishment. In the initial stage the college was run in the small building. Now we have double storied building .The infrastructure has been added and extended as per the requirement. Now we have sufficient class rooms, computer lab, language lab, gym, wi-fi facility etc. Master plan showing existing physical infrastructure is enclosed here with.( please see annexure.) Year 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 1) Computer 91,740 52,260 5,150 1,39,275 2) Wi-Fi Facility 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 3) Sport Dept 44,570 34,920 35,921 1,03,757 4) Books, Periodicals 23,008 22,499 30,178 23,170 5) White Boards - - 68,864 - 6) Sound System - - 34,500 - 7) Inverter - 1,51,001 - - 8) Projector - 71,400 - 9) Printer - - 6,500 6,500 10)Television - - 55,000 - 11)Fire Extinguisher - 549 - - 12)Camera - - 21,000 - Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 120 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4.1.4 How does the institution ensure that the infrastructure facilities meet the requirements of students with physical disabilities? The Institution is committed to extend the facilities to meet the requirements of students with physical disabilities. The class-rooms are available at the ground floor. The teachers and fellow students extend their help for the students with physical disabilities. Further we have a reading room at the ground floor. The library of the college is also located at the ground floor. In college there are essential ramps. We give concession and take special care of the disabled students. In addition to this, our mother institution has well- developed BAMS hospital. 4.1.5 Give details on the residential facility and various provisions Available within them: Hostel Facility – Accommodation available Recreational facilities, gymnasium, yoga center, etc. Computer facility including access to internet in hostel Facilities for medical emergencies Library facility in the hostels Internet and Wi-Fi facility Recreational facility-common room with audio-visual equipments Available residential facility for the staff and occupancy Constant supply of safe drinking water Security The details on the above can be provided as follows:* Hostel facilities :- The college does not have its own hostel * We have a multipurpose hall at the top floor of the building for various activities. This hall is made available to staff and students. * First Aid Box is available in the college. Our BAMS has all the needed facilities. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 121 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. * Internet facility is available in the college. * Fire extinguishers are set. * The college has facility of pure drinking water to staff and students. * The college provides internet facility to staff and students. * A separate staff room and ladies room facility is available. * College has no quarters for the staff. * College has essential security. 4.1.6 What are the provisions made available to students and staff in terms of health care on the campus and off the campus? * First Aid Box is easily available for small injuries. * Every year college takes medical chec-kup of the students through expert doctors. * Blood group test camp including HB Test arranged. * Mother Institution BAMS College has Ambulance for our use. 4.1.7 Give details of the Common Facilities available on the campus –spaces for special units like IQAC, Grievance Redresses unit, Women’s Cell, Counseling and Career Guidance, Placement Unit, Health Centre, Canteen, recreational spaces for staff and Students, safe drinking water facility, auditorium, etc. The following Common Facilities are made available on the campus:* Auditorium (Seminar Hall) * NAAC Cell * Grievance Redresses Cell * Drinking water facility * Sports * First Aid box * Canteen * Placement cell Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 122 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4.2 Library as a Learning Resource 4.2.1 Does the library have an Advisory Committee? Specify the composition of such a committee. What significant initiatives have been implemented by the committee to render the library, student/user friendly? Yes, the library has an Advisory Committee. The composition of the committee is as follows :President :- Principal Dr. Abhay Tare Secretary :- Prof. Pradip Barad Members :- Prof. Suresh Malshikhare :- Prof. Subhash Gavhane :- Prof. Ramesh Deshmane :- Jitendra Ingle :- Santosh Rajput Student :- Tulsidas P. Gawai -B.A.II :- Ku. Shalini Awate-B. Com.III Present Library Advisory committee has been formed on 12/07/2012.Student representatives may change, every year. The committee monitors and plans to Purchase books, new demand of books according to syllabus, Purchase of reference books. Journals and periodicals are purchased as per the demand of teachers and students.The reading room is available to the students to spend their off time in reading news papers, Journals and periodicals. 4.2.2 Provide details of the following: Total area of the library (in Sq. Mts.) Total seating capacity Working hours (on working days, on holidays, before examination days, during examination days, during vacation) Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 123 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Layout of the library (individual reading carrels, lounge area for browsing and relaxed reading, IT zone for accessing e-resources) • The total area of the library is 336.01sq.mts. • The reading room facility is available to the students. The capacity of the reading room is around 120 Students. • The Working hours of library are 8.00 am to 5.30 pm. Library facility is also available during vacations. 4.2.3 How does the library ensure purchase and use of current titles, print and e-journals and other reading materials? Specify the amount spent on procuring new books, journals and e-resources during the last four years. The Publishers provide the list of their publications in the library. The library advisory committee meets and needed books are ordered. Library holdings Year I Year II Year III Year IV 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Number Total Number Total Number Total Number Total cost General Books 20 4,150 cost 04 2,262 38 cost cost 13,260 170 47,104 - Reference Books - 195 1,40,948 ( U.G.C ) 412 2,23,29 254 1,56,962 - Journals/Periodical 52 12,675 47 11,635 52 12,675 42 E-resources - - - - - - - 495 94,440 618 1,03,970 - - 203 74,240 - 8,506 Any other Remedial & (Text Books) Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 124 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4.2.4 Provide details on the ICT and other tools deployed to provide maximum access to the library collection? • OPAC :Yes • Electronic Resource Management package for e-journals : No • Federated searching tools to search articles in multiple databases : No • Library Website : Yes • In-house/remote access to e-publications : Yes • Library automation : Yes • Total number of computers for public access : 03 • Total numbers of printers for public access : 01 • Internet band width/ speed : 2mbps • Institutional Repository : Yes • Content management system for e-learning : No • Participation in Resource sharing networks/consortia (like Inflibnet) : Yes 4.2.5 Provide details on the following items: • Average number of walk-ins : 90 Students per day • Average number of books issued/returned : 60 Books per day • Ratio of library books to students enrolled : 1:5 • Average number of books added during last three years : 303 • Average number of login to opac (OPAC) : 26 students • Average number of login to e-resources : Newly started • Average number of e-resources downloaded/printed : Newly Started • Number of information literacy trainings organized : Yearly one • Details of “weeding out” of books and other materials : 5074 Library committee decides what to do and how to dispose the outdated material like books. Periodicals, newspaper etc. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 125 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4.2.6 Give details of the specialized services provided by the library • Manuscripts : No • Reference : Yes • Reprography : Yes • ILL (Inter Library Loan Service) : No • Information deployment and notification : Yes • Download : Newly Started • Printing : Newly Started • Reading list/ Bibliography compilation : No • In-house/remote access to e-resources : Yes • User Orientation and awareness : Yes • Assistance in searching databases : Yes • INFLIBNET/IUC facilities : Yes 4.2.7 Enumerate on the support provided by the Library staff to the students and teachers of the college. The library staff is always on its toes to help the students and the staff. New books are purchased every year. New arrivals are properly displayed in the library. The display of the books help students and the staff. The Students are helped by the library staff to access the books. The guidance for competitive examination is provided. The material related to this is given to the students. The reprography facility is available for the students and staff in cheaper rate. Library staff keeps Employment News and such job concerned material ready for the students. They organize books exhibition every year. Overall services of library are welcoming, enthusiastic and affectionate to all. 4.2.8 What are the special facilities offered by the library to the Visually / physically challenged persons? Give details. The library is intentionally located at the ground floor. It is convenient for the visually / physically challenged students. The visually /physically challenged persons are provided immediate attention and guidance by the staff of library. The library has Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 126 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. also made available the reading room. The reading room is located at the ground floor. The visually / Physically challenged students are given priority. The staff of the library guides them. Visually/physically challenged students are given priority in books issue- return. 4.2.9 Does the library get the feedback from its users? If yes, how is it analyzed and used for improving the library services. (What strategies are deployed by the Library to collect feedback from users? How is the feedback analyzed and used for further improvement of the library services?) Yes, Library gets the feedback from students. The library has also maintained a register. The library takes feedback from students. The Library has also made available a suggestion box. Feedback and suggestions are analyzed by the library committee. Students can reflect their problems and issues through feedback and suggestion box to improve the library services. In the meeting of library committee, all the problems and issues are discussed. Library maintains visitor’s book for the staff and students separately. 4.3 IT Infrastructure 4.3.1. Give details on the computing facility available (hardware and software) at the institution. Number of computers with Configuration (provide actual number with exact configuration of each available system) Computer-student ratio :- 33:179 (5:1) yearly 2013-14 Stand alone facility :- Yes LAN facility :- Yes Wi -fi facility :- Yes Licensed software :- Yes Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 127 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Number of nodes/ computers with Internet facility :- 5X5 =25 Any other : Each computer has following Configuration Processor :- 2.G.B.Ram, 500 Hard disk Asus board :- Intel ( R ) Core ( Tm ) 4.3.2 Detail on the computer and internet facility made available to the faculty and students on the campus and off-campus? The institution is well aware of this need of modern technology. We always try to pace with the time. All the departments are full-fledged with computer, internet & intercom facilities. The computers with internet facilities are available for the free use for the students. For the students, computer laboratory provides this facility and in library also it is available. A separate computer for the teaching staff with internet facility and in IQAC office a computer with internet and printer is available. 4.3.3 What are the institutional plans and strategies for deploying and upgrading the IT infrastructure and associated facilities? The college intends to upgrade. 1) Online feedback and 2) Internet facility and other things needed. 4.3.4 Provide details on the provision made in the annual budget for procurement, up gradation, deployment and maintenance of the computers and their accessories in the institution (Year wise for last four years) Year-wise budgetary provision is made available by the order to maintain the laboratories, building and class management rooms. The provision for computer/printer is as follows:- Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 in Page 128 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Year Amount Spent (Rs) 2013-14 13,540 2012-13 30,810 2011-12 1,250 2010-11 9,450 We have made contract with a reputed firm “Micro Heart Sales and Services’’ for deployment and maintenance of the computers and their accessories. The college receives funds from UGC for development. The college purchases advanced computer systems from the fund received. The amount spent on purchase of computer system during the last years invarious schemes is as follows Equipment Purchase Year Purchased(Rs) 2013-14 76,500 2012-13 - 2011-12 92,833 2010-11 2,00,775 Total 3,70,108 4.3.5 How does the institution facilitate extensive use of ICT Resources ? Including development and use of computer-aided teaching/ Learning materials by its staff and students? The institution encourages the faculty for the use of ICT Video clips are downloaded for students. Power Point Presentation is given through LCD Projector. For the students of English Literature some English dramas are available in language laboratory and DVD’s for Spoken English for all students. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 129 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4.3.6 Elaborate giving suitable examples on how the learning Activities and technologies deployed (access to on-line teaching - learning resources, independent learning, ICT enabled Classrooms / learning spaces etc.) by the institution place the student at the centre of teaching-learning process and render the role of a facilitator for the teacher. For the learning activities and technologies deployment institution takes keen care. Prof. R. P. Deshmane, HOD of Commerce and in-charge of Computer lab. gives information using internet and also encourage students to make experiments for the use of ICT. Our librarian Prof. P.H. Barad interacts with the students about “Library User Education”. He also speaks with the students on the use of journals, periodicals, reference books etc. The other teaching staff members too, inform the students about availability of chosen books in the library. In the recent times, we have started encouraging the students to search educational and useful links. The faculty also is doing honest efforts to get upgraded in the use of ICT. We are happy to see an outcome of the encouragement given to students. Many students have collected precious information on the life and work of great personalities whose names have been given to the classrooms. This information is available in written form. 4.3.7 Does the Institution avail of the National Knowledge Network Connectivity directly or through the affiliating university? If so, What are the services availed of? No, The Institution does not avail of the National Knowledge Network connectivity directly or through affiliating University. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 130 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4.4 Maintenance of Campus Facilities 4.4.1 How does the institution ensure optimal allocation and utilization of the available financial resources for maintenance and upkeep of the following facilities (substantiate your statements by providing details of budget allocated during last four years)? Expenditure for Maintenance Sr No Year 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 01 Computers 91,740 52,260 5,150 1,39,275 02 Building 1,55,387 8,43,001 - 1,24,107 03 Furniture 25,147 1,05,493 29,275 63,233 04 Equipment - - 14,750 - 05 Vehicles - - - - 06 Any other - - - - Total 2,72,274 10,00,754 49,175 3,26,615 4.4.2 What are the institutional mechanisms for maintenance and Upkeep of the infrastructure, facilities and equipment of the College? The institute identifies the need of maintenance of equipment/furniture/Computer lab, class room of the college. IQAC estimates the costs and submits it to the head of the institution. Based on the need and the requirements given by the concern departments are considered on the priority basis and arrangements are made for optimal use of the resources. Some annual maintenance contract are made and causal emergency expenditure are done with the permission of the head of the institution .All requirements are presented to the management of the college for consideration and after getting their approval work is done accordingly. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 131 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4.4.3 How and with what frequency does the institute take up Calibration and other precision measures for the equipment/ Instruments? No provisions are made by the institute to take up calibration and other precision measures for the equipment/instruments. 4.4.4 What are the major steps taken for location, upkeep and Maintenance of sensitive equipment (voltage fluctuations, Constant supply of water etc.)? Any other relevant information regarding Infrastructure and Learning Resources which the college would like to include. Computers and other equipments are maintained by the staff itself and they help to take care to upkeep and maintain sensitive equipments. The assistance of technicians or experts is taken according to the need. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 132 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion – V STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION NCC Cadets on Republic Day NSS Volunteers Cleaning Garbage Students Participating in Youth Festival Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 133 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion -V STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION 5.1Student Mentoring and Support 5.1.1 Does the Institution publish its updated prospectus/handbook annually? If ‘yes’, what is the information provided to students through these documents and how does the institution ensure its commitment and accountability? Yes, the college publishes its update prospects every year. The prospects provides and carries detailed information about college. It include courses, facilities, admission criteria, fees, examination system, college rules, curricular, co-curricular activities and extension activities, discipline, caution against indiscipline. A list to teaching and non—teaching staff is included in it, Logo, Motto, Vision statement and goals of the institution are reflected in prospects. Selected information is uploaded on the college website ‘’. Academic calendar of college is prepare based on the guidelines of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University . We publish prayer of the college ‘Pasayadan’ in prospectus. We also publish photos of students who have achieved awards in various activities like Sport, NCC, NSS, Cultural etc. on the back page of the prospectus. 5.1.2 Specify the type, number and amount of institutional scholarships / freeships given to the students during the last four years and whether the financial aid was available and disbursed on time? Following awards and financial aids like scholarships are given to students : Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 134 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Details of prizes / scholarship 2011 -12 Sr. no 01 02 Name of prize / scholarship Late. Bhagwandasji Gupt Alias Lalaji prize Late. Bhagwandasji Gupt Alias Lalaji prize Specification Name of Sponcerer Amount B.A.III Topper Teaching staff 201 Ku. Rohini Palve B.Com.III Topper XII Com. (Girl) Teaching Staff 201 Pravin Kad Prin. Balasaheb Dixit 251 Ku. Megha Suradkar Prin. Balasaheb Dixit 251 03 Sharda Prize 04 Vinayak Prize XII Com. (Boy) 05 Adv. Radheshyamji Khandil Prize B.A.I. Topper 06 Late K.P.Deshpande Prize 07 Late Rajabhau Kulkarni Prize 08 Laxminarayan Prize 09 Bansidhar Prize 10 Prof. M.T.Joshi & Kalyan Prize 11 Sharadchandra Alias Babanappa Vishwanathappa Bondre Prize 12 Omlila Prize Ecnomics Topper 13 Ravindranath Tagore Prize ELT Topper 14 Late Shevantabai Deshmane Prize B.Com.I CFS 15 Indira Prize 16 Bhargav Mitra Prize 17 Kalavati Jagannath Prize XII Arts Topper B.Com.I Account Topper B.A.I Marathi Topper B.A.I English Topper Khandil Family Nanded Ashatai Deshpande Rajesh Kharat 101 Ku. Rani Gaykwad 101 Amar Wankhede Ku. Pooja Deokar Prof .Vijayrao Kulkarni 101 Prof. Padma Widhwans 101 Prof. M.B.Bhale 101 Ku. Rani Gaykwad B.Com.II Topper Prof. Unmesh Joshi & Prurshottam Nimawat 201 Sachin Gawai B.AII 1 Topper Ashish B.Bondre 151 Ku. Vidya Malvankar Dr.Satish Nagpure 101 Ku. Swati Kadam 201 Ku.Anjali Suradkar 201 Ku. Pratibha R.Deshmane 101 Ku. Vidya Malvankar 201 Ku. Megha Suradkar 201 Rajesh Kharat (Sr.College) Arts Pol. Sci. Topper XII Com. S.P. Topper XII Com. O.C. Topper Prof. Kedar Thosar Prof. R.P.Deshmane Shri Sureshrao Deshpande Prof. Manish Palwe Prof. Manish Palwe Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Name of Students Ku. Swati Wayal Page 135 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Com, Stat.Topper Prof. B.S.Ingle 201 Vidya Khekale Family 201 B.Com.I Topper Prof. Anil S.Purohit 251 Pavan-Moti Prize B.Com. Eco. Topper Prof. Dilip Mahajan 301 Pravin Kad, Gajanan Choudhari, Pramod Sapkal 22 Prabhulalji Bhala Scholarship Sr. college Best Student 500 Kartik Shete 23 Govindrao Thosar Scholarship Needy & Intelligent 500 Pravin Mahashabde 24 Vaijanathappa Malkappa Bondre Scholarship Needy Intelligent 25 Student Secretary 26 Vimaltai Suradkar 18 19 20 21 Dev-Sakha Prize Kakasaheb & Umatai Khekale Prize Late. Sundrabai Devilalji Purohit Prize Ganesh Genral 27 Salary Earners Society Scholarship 28 Late. Subhadrabai Shete Scholarship 29 Ex. Principal Scholarship 30 Late Subhadrabai Shete Scholarship 31 Pratibha Scholarship 32 33 34 Sr. College Professor Scholarship Sr. College Professor Scholarship Pavan –Moti Scholarship Student Secretary Contribution for Development of English Contribution for Development of English Hon. Secretary of spm Premraj Bhala Prof. Kedar Thosar Ku. Madhuri Deshmane Ku. Madhuri Deshmane Ku. Sushila Tonde Suresh V. Bondre 500 Principal O.A.Nagpure 500 Sachin Gawai Sandip Bharad 250 Ku. Varsha Dubey Gajanan Suradkar 250 Ku. Anjali Bhavar 500 Satish Jadhao 500 Amol Harkal 500 Ku. Surekha Shingne 1000 Shrikant Jadhao and team. 500 Rahul Deshmane 700 Nitin Pawar 700 Ku. Geeta Gadekr 500 Vishal Deshmane Kala Vanijya Salary Earners Society, Chikhli Hon. President of SPM Needy & Ramkrushna dada Intelligent Shete Needy & Principal Intelligent Balasaheb Dixit Hon. President of SPM Winner Kabbadi Team Ramkrushna dada Shete Best Student of Prin. Dr. Abhay the Year B.Tare Needy & All Sr. College Intelligent Professor Needy & All Sr. College Intelligent Professor Needy & Prof. Dilip Intelligent Mahajan Needy & Intelligent Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Vishal Deshmane Page 136 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 35 Vidya vikas Scholarship Best Student of Commerce Faculty Prof. Ramesh P. Deshmame 500 Ku. Megha Suradakar 36 Bhimrao Bhale Prize Best Student Sau. Alka Bhale 101 Ku. Bhagyashri Chinchole Best Player Sulekar Family 101 Ku. Pallavi Ingle Best Player Ghanshyam Vyas 101 Ku. Rupali Dudhabhate 250 Bharat Nikalje 250 Ku. Vidya Malvankar 37 38 39 Nana Alias Vasantrao Sulekar Prize Late. Bherulal Nandlal Vyas Prize Late. Tukaram P. Suradkar Prize Late. Tukaram P. Suradkar Prize Best Reader Best Reader Namdeo Suradkar Namdeo Suradkar Ku. Sarla Yangad 40 Late. Jaynaranji Khandelwal Prize Needy & Intelligent Inter Collegiate Milkhasing Prize Athletics Sportsman Bharatratna A.P.J. Abdul NCC Best Kamal Scholarship Cadet SPMs Prize NSS Pared SPMs Prize NSS Pared Total 41 42 43 Laxminarayan Khandelwal 201 Prof. Ulhas Bramhe 500 Mangesh Kharade 500 Ku. Vaishali Bharad 1000 1000 15625 Gaurav Khatri Ku. Shweta Dharkari Imran Aman Shekh S.P.M. College S.P.M. College 2012 -13 Sr. no 01 03 Name of prize / scholarship Late. Bhagwandasji Gupt Alias Lalaji prize Late Bhagwandasji Gupt Alias Lalaji prize Sharda Prize 04 Vinayak Prize 05 Adv. Radheshyamji Khandil Prize Late. K.P.Deshpande Prize 02 06 07 Late. Rajabhau Kulkarni Prize Specification B.A.III Topper B.Com.III Topper XII Com. (Girl) XII Com. (Boy) B.A.I. Topper XII Arts Topper B.Com.I Account Topper Name of Sponcer Teaching staff Amou nt 201 Teaching Staff 201 Prin. Balasaheb Dixit 251 Prin. Balasaheb Dixit Khandil Family Nanded Ashatai Deshpande Prof. Vijayrao Kulkarni 251 Parag V. Bhala 101 Ku. Geeta Gadekar Prasad Jadhao Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 101 101 Name of Students Ku. Vidya Malvankar Ku. Swati Mourya Ku. Sharda Kharat Ku. Komal Nakwal Page 137 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 08 Laxminarayan Prize 09 Bansidhar Prize 10 Prof. M.T.Joshi & Kalyan Prize 11 Sharadchandra Alias Babanappa Vishwanathappa Bondre Prize Omlila Prize 12 B.A.I Marathi Topper B.A.I English Topper B.Com.II Topper Prof. Padma Widhwans Prof. M.B.Bhale 101 101 B.AII Topper Prof. Unmesh 201 Joshi & Purushottam Nimawat Ashish B.Bondre 151 Ecnomics Topper Dr.Satish Nagpure 101 Ku.Vaishali Pandit 201 Sandip Nikalje 201 Arts Pol. Sci. Topper Prof. Kedar Thosar Prof. R.P.Deshmane Shri. Sureshrao Deshpande Ku.Surekha Ingle Ku. Vaishali Pandit & Sagar More Ku. Sharda Kharat & Ku. Shalini Awate Ku. Poonam Telangre Adarsh Shrivastav Ku. Vidya Malvankar Ku. Megha Suradkar (Sr.College) 13 Ravindranath Tagore Prize ELT Topper 14 B.Com.I CFS 15 Late. Shevantabai Deshmane Prize Indira Prize 16 Bhargav Mitra Prize XII Com. S.P. Topper Prof. Manish Palwe 201 17 Kalavati Jagannath Prize Dev-Sakha Prize Prof. Manish Palwe Prof. B.S.Ingle 201 18 19 Kakasaheb & Umatai Khekale Prize Late. Sundrabai Devilalji Purohit Prize XII Com. O.C. Topper Com, Stat. Topper Vidya Khekale Family 201 B.Com.I Topper Prof. Anil S.Purohit 251 B.Com. Eco. Topper Sr. College Best Student Prof. Dilip Mahajan Hon. Secretary of spm Premraj Bhala Prof. Kedar Thosar Suresh V. Bondre Principal O.A.Nagpure Sandip Bharad 301 20 21 Pavan-Moti Prize 22 Prabhulalji Bhala Scholarship 23 25 Govindrao Thosar Scholarship Vaijanathappa Malkappa Bondre Scholarship Student Secretary 26 Vimaltai Suradkar 24 Ganesh Genaral Needy & Intelligent Needy Intelligent Student Secretary Contribution for Development of English Contribution Gajanan Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Ku. Manjusha Naurangi Ku. Geeta Gadekar Ku. Pooja Deokar 101 201 500 Ku. Rani Gaikwad Ku. Megha Suradkar Ku. Megha Jaiwal 500 Shankar Lahane 500 Ku. Sushila Tonde Mangesh Kharade Ku. Shalini Awate Ku. Megha Suradkar 500 250 250 Ku. Megha Page 138 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 27 Salary Earners Society Scholarship for Development of English Needy & Intelligent 28 Late. Subhadrabai Shete Scholarship Needy & Intelligent 29 Ex. Principal Scholarship 30 Late. Subhadrabai Shete Scholarship Needy & Intelligent Winner Kabbadi Team 31 Pratibha Scholarship 32 Sr. College Professor Scholarship Sr. College Professor Scholarship 33 34 Pavan –Moti Scholarship 35 Vidya vikas Scholarship 36 37 Bhimrao Bhale Prize Nana Alias Vasantrao Sulekar Prize Late. Bherulal Nandlal Vyas Prize Late. Tukaram P. Suradkar Prize Late. Tukaram P. Suradkar Prize Late. Jaynaranji Khandelwal Prize Milkhasing Prize 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Bharatratna A.P.J. Abdul Kamal Scholarship SPMs Prize SPMs Prize Late.Dnyanba Gawhane Prize Best Student of the Year Needy & Intelligent Needy & Intelligent Needy & Intelligent Best Student of Commerce Faculty Best Student Best Player Suradkar Kala Vanijya Salary Earners Society Chikhli Hon. President of SPM Ramkrushna dada Shete Principal Balasaheb Dixit Hon. President of SPM Ramkrushna dada Shete Prin. Dr. Abhay B.Tare All Sr. College Professor All Sr. College Professor 500 Ku. Rohini Kute 500 Mayur Parashar 500 Ku. Vaishali Bhandarge B.Com.II Team 1000 500 700 Ku. Nikita Bholane Mohan Ingle 700 Ku. Geeta Gadekar Prof. Dilip Mahajan Prof. Ramesh P. Deshmame 500 Ku. Vaishali Pandit Ku. Pooja Deokar Sau. Alka Bhale Sulekar Family 101 101 Best Player Ghanshyam Vyas Best Reader Namdeo Suradkar Best Reader Namdeo Suradkar Needy & Laxminarayan Intelligent Khandelwal Inter Collegiate Prof. Ulhas Athletics Bramhe Sportsman NCC Best Imran Aman Cadet Shekh NSS Pared S.P.M. College NSS Pared S.P.M. College MLT Topper Prof. S.D.Gawhane Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Suradkar 500 101 250 250 Pradip Munde Ku. Rupali Dudhabhate Ku. Ashwini Jadhao Sandip Pawar 201 Ku. Rani Gaikwad Suraj Ghewande 500 Sandip Bithare 500 Ku. Sharda Rajput ----Sonaji Gawai 1000 1000 501 Page 139 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 45 Sujan Prize ELT Topper Prof. S.G.Raut 201 46 Late. Manjulabai R. Shinde Prize Jr. College Eco Topper Prof. Manish Palwe 201 Total Ku. Geeta Gadekar Ku.Rupali Dudhbhate 15528 2013 -14 Sr. no 01 03 Name of prize / scholarship Late. Bhagwandasji Gupt Alias Lalaji prize Late. Bhagwandasji Gupt Alias Lalaji prize Sharda Prize 04 Vinayak Prize 05 Adv. Radheshyamji Khandil Prize Late. Sarladevi Nimawat Prize Late. Rajabhau Kulkarni Prize 02 06 07 08 Laxminarayan Prize 09 Bansidhar Prize 10 Prof. M.T.Joshi & Kalyan Prize 11 Sharadchandra Alias Babanappa Vishwanathappa Bondre Prize Omlila Prize 12 Specification B.A.III Topper B.Com.III Topper XII Com. (Girl) XII Com. (Boy) B.A.I. Topper XII Arts Topper B.Com.I Account Topper B.A.I Marathi Topper B.A.I English Topper B.Com.II Topper Name of Sponcer Teaching staff Amou nt 201 Ku. Kiran Lodhe Teaching Staff 201 Ku. Pooja Deokar Prin. Balasaheb Dixit Prin. Balasaheb Dixit Khandil Family Nanded Rahul Nimawat 251 251 Ku. Manisha Satav Gopal Masure 101 Sandip Boke 101 Gopal Masure 101 Sharda Kharat Prof. Vijayrao Kulkarni Prof. Padma 101 Widhwans Prof. M.B.Bhale 101 Saurabh Chothe Ku. Karishma Naurangi Ku. Kalapna Jagrut Prof. Unmesh Joshi & Purushottam Nimawat Ashish B.Bondre 201 151 Ku.Geeta Gadekar Ecnomics Topper Dr.Satish Nagpure 101 Ku.Vaishali Pandit Prof. Kedar Thosar Prof. R.P.Deshmane Shri. Sureshrao Deshpande Prof. Manish Palwe 201 Sandip Boke 201 101 Ku. Dipali Mehetre Sandip Boke 201 Ku. Shital Ingle B.AII Topper (Sr.College) 13 Ravindranath Tagore Prize ELT Topper 14 B.Com.I CFS 15 Late. Shevantabai Deshmane Prize Indira Prize 16 Bhargav Mitra Prize Arts Pol. Sci. Topper XII Com. S.P. Topper Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Name of Students Page 140 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 17 Kalavati Jagannath Prize 18 Dev-Sakha Prize 19 Kakasaheb & Umatai Khekale Prize Late. Sundrabai Devilalji Purohit Prize 20 21 Pavan-Moti Prize 22 Prabhulalji Bhala Scholarship 23 25 Govindrao Thosar Scholarship Vaijinathappa Malkappa Bondre Scholarship Student Secretary 26 Vimaltai Suradkar XII Com. O.C. Topper Com, Stat. Topper Vidya Prof. Manish Palwe Prof. B.S.Ingle 201 Khekale Family 201 B.Com.I Topper Prof. Anil S.Purohit 251 B.Com. Eco. Topper Sr. college Best Student Prof. Dilip Mahajan Hon. Secretary of spm Premraj Bhala Prof. Kedar Thosar Suresh V. Bondre Principal O.A.Nagpure Sandip Bharad 301 27 Salary Earners Society Scholarship Needy & Intelligent Needy Intelligent Student Secretary Contribution for Development of English Contribution for Development of English Needy & Intelligent 28 Late. Subhadrabai Shete Scholarship Needy & Intelligent 29 Ex.Principal Scholarship 30 Late. Subhadrabai Shete Scholarship Needy & Intelligent Winner Kabbadi Team 31 Pratibha Scholarship 32 Sr. College Professor Scholarship Sr. College Professor Scholarship Pavan –Moti Scholarship 24 Ganesh General 33 34 Best Student of the Year Needy & Intelligent Needy & Intelligent Needy & Intelligent --- 500 Nilesh Sangale 500 500 Ku. Vaishali Pandit Sagar Koigade 500 Akshay Petkar 250 Ku. Jyoti Gaikwad Gajanan Suradkar 250 Kala Vanijya Salary Earners Society Chikhli Hon. President of SPM Ramkrushna dada Shete Principal Balasaheb Dixit Hon. President of SPM Ramkrushna dada Shete Prin. Dr. Abhay B.Tare All Sr. College Professor All Sr. College Professor Prof Dilip Mahajan 500 Ku. Swati Jadhao 500 Parmanand Khandare 500 1000 Ku. Ashwani Ingle B.Com. II Team 500 Ku. Rohini Kute 700 Mansaram Wajgade Ku. Shamal Araj, Ku. Ashwini Araj Ku. Varsha Jadhao Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 201 Ku. Manisha Shinde Ku. Anjali Bhawar Ku. Shalini Awate Ku. Dipali Mehetre 700 500 Page 141 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 35 Vidya vikas Scholarship 36 37 Bhimrao Bhale Prize Nana Alias Vasantrao Sulekar Prize Late. Bherulal Nandlal Vyas Prize Late. Tukaram P. Suradkar Prize Late Tukaram P. Suradkar Prize 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Late. Jaynaranji Khandelwal Prize Milkhasing Prize Bharatratna A.P.J. Abdul Kamal Scholarship SPMs Prize SPMs Prize Late.Dnyanba Gawhane Prize Sujan Prize 47 Late Manjulabai R. Shinde Prize 80+ Award 48 Savitrichi Lek Best Student of Prof. Ramesh P. Deshmame Commerce Faculty Best Student Sau. Alka Bhale Best Player Sulekar Family 500 Ku. Megha Suradkar 101 101 Tushar Patil Suraj Hake Best Player Ghanshyam Vyas Namdeo Suradkar Namdeo Suradkar 101 Laxminarayan Khandelwal Prof. Ulhas Bramhe 201 Ku. Ashwini Jadhao Vishal Deshmane Shankar Lahane Ku. Anjali Bhawar, Ku. Archana Chavan Akash Jadhao Best Reader Best Reader Needy & Intelligent Inter Collegiate Athletics Sportsman NCC Best Cadet NSS Pared NSS Pared MLT Topper ELT Topper Jr. College Eco Topper Comm. Ecomonics Needy Girl Student 250 250 500 Ku.Rupali Dudhbhate Imran Aman Shekh S.P.M. College S.P.M. College Prof. S.D.Gawhane Prof. S.G.Raut 500 Atul Golande 1000 1000 501 ----Amol Wasu 201 Prof .Manish Palwe Prof. Vijay Wakode S.P.M. College 201 Ku. Anjali Bhawar Sachin Shinde Total 500 500 Ku. Pooja Wanere Sushila Tonde 17529 5.1.3 What percentage of students receive financial assistance from state government, central government and other national agencies? The institution works for educationally and economically backward and rural students. Many of our students are from economically weaker strata of the society. They provides financial assistance to those students from economically backward class. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 142 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Year 2010 – 11 Sr. Type of scholarship Number of Amount Sponcering Agency No (GOI Scholarship) students 1 SC – Scholarship 81 223915 VJNT – Scholarship 61 133847 OBC – Scholarship 203 488947 State Government SBC - Scholarship 02 4990 of Maharashtra OBC – Free ship 19 19087 SC – Free Ship 06 6181 VJNT – Free ship 06 6181 Total 883148 Year 2011 – 12 Sr. Type of scholarship Number of Amount Sponcering Agency No (GOI Scholarship) students 1 SC – Scholarship 85 363276 VJNT – Scholarship 51 126914 State Government OBC – Scholarship 167 416447 of Maharashtra SBC - Scholarship 02 4418 OBC – Free ship 04 7624 Total 918679 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 143 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Year 2012 – 13 Type of scholarship Number of Amount Sponcering Agency (GOI Scholarship) students SC – Scholarship 99 381631 VJNT – Scholarship 50 110109 OBC – Scholarship 156 360718 State Government of SBC - Scholarship 13 21211 Maharashtra OBC – Free ship 13 20457 VJNT – Free ship 01 1553 Total 895679 Year 2013 – 14 Type of scholarship Number of (GOI Scholarship) students SC – Scholarship 102 389052 VJNT – Scholarship 40 90848 OBC – Scholarship 187 437544 SBC - Scholarship 21 43643 OBC – Free ship 06 9862 SBC – Free Ship 06 1652 Total 972641 Amount Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Sponcering Agency State Government of Maharashtra Page 144 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Student Welfare Scholarship 2010-11 Sr.No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Total Name of Student Dhanshri S. Bhavar Meena A. Jadhao Sagar V. Rajput Vaishali B. Bharad Pallavi S. Ingle Kishor V. Mhaske Varsha V. Mehetre Mahesh B. Vyavhare Amount 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 8000 Sponcered by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. 2012-13 Sr.No 01 02 03 04 05 Total Name of Student Karishma H. Naurangi Sandip S. Boke Pradnya P. Zagade Mangesh D. Parsane Laxman S. Solanki Amount 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 5000 Sponcered by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. 2013-14 Sr.No 01 Total Name of Student Ankush N. Ugale Amount 1000 Sponcered by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. 1000 5.1.4 What are the specific support services/facilities available for • Students from SC/ST, OBC and economically weaker sections • Students with physical disabilities. • Overseas students • Students to participate in various competitions/National and International • Medical assistance to students: health centre, health insurance etc. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 145 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. • Organizing coaching classes for competitive exams • Skill development (spoken English, computer literacy etc.) • Support for “slow learners” • Exposures of students to other institution of higher learning / corporate / business house etc. • Publication of student magazines Student from SC/ST, OBC and economically weaker section are given attention to uplift them. • Faculty members are encouraged to put more efforts and take extra classes to make them capable to compete with other students. • The members of staff also offer financial assistance on personal level, “Maitri Sangh” too, contributes in this regard. • Students with physical disabilities :- College takes much care of students with physical disabilities. Easy book access and no waiting facility is made available in library. Reading room facility is provided at the ground floor. Special ramps are built in college campus for physically disabled students. Humanitarian treatment is given to physical disabled students in college. Overseas students :There are no overseas students in our college. Students to participate in various competitions / national and International. The Institution encourages students to participate in Sport, NSS, NCC, Cultural activities at various levels. The students are also encouraged to participate in competitive examination. The staff of our college also provides full support to such students. Information regarding various competitive examination are provided to the students. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 146 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Medical assistance to students : - health center, health insurance etc. The first Aid facility is available in college campus. There is Ayurvedic hospital of our society near the college campus and whenever necessary, we forward the students to the Hospital. Hospital gives concession in hospital charges to our students. Every year college arranges medical checkup camps as per university rules. As per university rules for the safety of students there is a facility of Insurance of Rs. 2,25,000/- in college. Organizing coaching classes for competitive exams. The college runs competitive examination guidance center. Under it we organize guidance of experts about competitive examination for the students. College provides books, reading room etc. facilities for the student in library. Skill Development ( Spoken English, computer literacy, etc.) The department of English has been organising bridge course for students. The practice of communication skills, group discussion is also organised in the college through English department . The department of English had run COP for the development of communication skills in English. The institution also tries to improve computer literacy among the students. The computer lab has been developed in the college. The students are given free access to use the Internet facility in computer lab. The institution always invite guest lecturers in our campus to motivate the students. • Support for slow learners :The institution also take care of weak and slow learners. Institution arranges UGC Remedial coaching classes. The students are also guided personally. The students are provided with question bank, notes and personal guidance. The library facilities with reading room are also available for slow learners. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 147 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Exposures of students to other institution of higher learning / corporate /business house etc :Every year college organises industrial tour to provide exposure to manufacturing process, visit to various banks to help students to develop entrepreneurial skill. The department of Commerce, History, Marathi, Environmental science, English arrange study tours. Publication of student magazine :The institution publish annual magazine entitled, ‘ Vidya’ is the platform for students to give exposure to their literary skills. College runs Wall-Paper named ‘Ankur’ since many years. 5.1.5 Describe the efforts made by the institution to facilitate entrepreneurial skills, among the students and the impact of the efforts. Since it is an Arts and Commerce college, there is little scope for the entrepreneurship development. But college does its level best to provide essential encouragement for the same. Following programmes are organized to develop entrepreneurial skills. • • • Visit to various banks in the town to learn the banking process. Industrial tours for learning manufacturing and marketing process. Guidance of experts on self employment. All these efforts are meant to develop leadership skills, marketing skills, communication skills and soft skills. It is noteworthy that the result of this is seen in chikhli town. Some students are seen settled in marketing, small scale industry and own professions. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 148 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Remarkable students in self employment Sr. no 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Name Ritesh Surana Anil Gadekar Rakesh Saoji Dhiraj Baheti Pruthviraj Gurudasani Nikhil Shete Abhijit Kuhire Amol Belokar Dipak Sawle Vishal Tehere Vilas Nanhai Dnyaneshwar Sapkal Kailas Akkar Amol Wankhede Nitin Kelkar Uday Toshniwal Dinesh Bharad Dhananjay Joshi Chetan Deshmukh Samir Dahiwal Type of Business Vardhaman Electrical ,sChikhli Shubham Motors, Chikhli Saoji Hardware ,Chikhli Jagdamba Mobiles, Chikhli Gurudasani Medical ,Chikhli Prabhat Kirana ,Chikhli Steel Home ,Chikhli Belokar Photo Studio, Chikhli Anil Photo Studio, Chikhli Tehere Jwelers ,Chikhli N-Services, Chikhli Sonai Servising Center,, Chikhli Shri Yogiraj Collection, Chikhli Shri Yogiraj Sarees, Chikhli Shri Sai Collection Adat, Chikhli Ayurvedic Medical Shop, Chikhli Adat ,Chikhli Property Dealer, Chikhli Property Dealer, Chikhli 5.1.6 Enumerate the policies and strategies of the institution which promote participation of students in extracurricular and cocurricular activities such as sports, games, quiz competitions, debate and discussions, cultural activities etc. • additional academic support, flexibility in examinations • special dietary requirements, sports uniform and materials • any other The college plans and implement various policies and strategies to promote Sport, NSS, NCC, Cultural department. These departments organize various activities for students. Students get involved in extracurricular activities not only for entertainment; but to gain and improve skills. College takes care to provide all necessary facilities to all the departments for extracurricular activities. Sport and cultural committee Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 149 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. supervise extracurricular activities. The best performers in sports, cocurricular and extracurricular activities are duly awarded with prizes,momentoes and certificates. College also provide sport kit, necessary equipments, T.A. and D.A. to students who participates in sports competition. The students are encouraged to participate in many cultural programmes and competition like Quiz, Poetry, Singing, Dancing, Acting, Debate, Elocution competition, Essay writing etc. College organizes all these competition in annual gathering and make them participate in Youth Festival and inter- collegiate competitions also. Planning forum of college arrange a general knowledge based competition titled as ‘ Arth Dnyan’. The students who stand first, second and third are awarded in function by issuing certificates. NSS and NCC units of college organizes many events like Tree plantation, Blood donation, Rakshabandhan to trees, Red-Ribbon club for awareness of AIDS and Save girls abhiyan campaign, Eye donation awareness, Female Foeticide awareness rallies also. NSS unit organize eight days residential camp in adopted village. The students who participate in extra - curricular activities are given special attention in their studies by the teachers. Students are given incentive marks by the university. These activities positively accelerate emotional, intellectual, social and interpersonal development of student. 5.1.7 Enumerating on the support and guidance provided to the students in preparing for the competitive exams, give details on the number of students appeared and qualified in various competitive exams such as UGC-CSIR- NET, UGC-NET, SLET, ATE / CAT / GRE / TOFEL / GMAT / Central /State services, Defense, Civil Services etc. The college takes initiative to support the student in preparing for the competitive examinations. Our students are from economically backward classes and from rural areas. They do not have the paying capacity. College runs the Competitive Examination Guidance cell. This cell organize guest lectures of experts and provide library facility. College run only under graduate courses like B.Com and B.A. So we cannot organize workshop, Seminar on NET/SET guidance. But the teachers of the college extent their support and guidance to the student in preparing for NET / SET exam. In last five years some students succeeded in NET/SET examination and 40-50 student joined services. The above information is based on personal communication and personal relation of the faculty. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 150 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Last five years Employed students List Sr. no. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name Type of Service Shailesh Mhaske Sachin Ingle Bipin Ingle Gitanjali Sanap Shankar Nikalje Hari Solanki Krushna Kothalkar 08 Sunil Hade 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Satish Bharad Pravin Kad Jaya Nagwani Virendra Dongardive Avinash Nile Shailendra Jain Manish Palwe Harshwardhan Gawai Bharat Kasture Vilas Kasture Yogesh Sisode Gopal Masure Badri Jadhao Chetan Mohane Vinod Motekar Gaurav Khatri Swapnil Pachpande Rahul Raut Manisha Jadhao Pravin Shinde Raju Choudhari Nitin Solanki Sudhir Jadhao Sachin Shingne Gajanan Choudhari Manju Korde Poonam Khatri Rahul Pawar PSI PSI PSI PSI District Project Officer, Nandurbar Irrigation Dept. Aurangabad NSSO Jalgoan ( National Sample Surve yOrganization ) NSSO Jalgoan ( National Sample Survey Organization ) SBI, Mumbai Assit. Professor Assit. Professor Assit. Professor Assit. Professor Jr. College Teacher Jr. College Teacher Talathi Talathi Talathi Clerk Maharashtra Govt. Navy, Vishakhapattanam Gramsevak, Motala Clerk Tahsil, Motala Clerk, Buldana Z.P. Police ,Akola Police ,Buldana Police, Buldana Police Police Police Buldana Police Excise Custom CRPF Army Junior College Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 151 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Rohan Deshmukh Aruna Deshmukh Shaikh Latif Gopal Morey Ram Kapse Avinash Kale Lalita Khillare Amrapali Salve Bhagwat Zagare Santosh Rajput Sonali Tupkar 48 Satish Morey Teacher Sport Teacher Accountant Army Navy Sale Tax Inspector MSEB Chikhli Supervisor Anganwadi Peon S.P.M. College, Chikhli Clerk S.P.M. College, Chikhli. Junior Clerk S.P.M. College, Chikhli. Asst. Professor SET / NET Students Sr. No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name of Student Milind Maghade Pravin Kad Vinod Waghmare Sandip Mothe Vinod Ghewande Avinash Nile Satish Morey 5.1.8 What type of counseling services are made available to the students (academic, personal, career, psycho-social etc.) The college invites guests for personality development and soft skills, competitive examination, women empowerment, Law literacy, pre marriage counseling for girls, Stress management, Time management etc. During the teaching session our teachers deal with various issue in the class room. All teachers give home assignments to increase interest of student in learning and study of different subjects. Problems of the students are discussed with parents through ‘ Palak Sampark’ i.e. parent contact programme. The student get the counseling off campus too. They are assisted with every kind of possible support by staff and the college. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 152 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 5.1.9 Does the institution have a structured mechanism for career guidance and placement of its students? If ‘yes’, detail on the services provided to help students identify job opportunities and prepare themselves for interview and the percentage of students selected during campus interviews by different employers (list the employers and the programmes). The college has career guidance and placement cell to guide the students about carrier and employment. The aim to form this committee is to give information to the student about various career options in different fields. This committee also helps the students who are doing study for competitive examination and also guide the students to face the competition obstacles with confidence and determination. Following various programmes were arranged by career and placement cell. Year 2009-10 01 Date 07/11/2009 02 20/11/2009 03 02/12/2009 04 14/01/2010 05 16/01/2010 06 04/02/2010 07 20/02/2010 08 16/3/2010 Programme Competitive exam. Guidance Competitive exam. Guidance One day workshop on Air Hostess Training Various opportunities in management sector Guidance on personality development Guidance on various opportunities in media Campus interview call center Amravati Campus interview Guided by Nitin Late, Co-ordinator IBM institution, Buldana Prof. Sanjay Khadse, Tahsildar Chikhli Franklin Air Hostess Training Center Mr. Francis, Synergy Institution of Management, Pune. Prof. N.D. Faltankar, Pune Mr. Ravi Gite District information coordinator, Buldana --Involutes Gear company Pune Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 153 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2010-11 01 Date 26/08/2010 Programme Campus interview 02 26/09/2010 03 04/10/2010 Workshop on competitive exam Guidance on selfemployment 04 02/01/2011 Guidance on various professional Trainings Guided by Intelent Global services PVT. Limited ,Aurangabad Prof. Sanjay Khadse, Tahsildar, Chikhli Mr. Nilesh Ade Project Director, Zilla Udyog Kendra, Buldana. Mr. Ashok Shinde, ANS Info Vally. 2011-12 01 Date 14/01/2012 02 04/02/2012 Programme Guidance on competitive exam Campus interview Guided by Mr. Sham Dhanmane, Naib Tasildar, Chikhli. Curex Pharma Product ,Jalgaon 2012-13 01 Date 17/07/2012 Programme Guidance on career Opportunities in Army ,Navy and Air Force 02 25/01/2013 Guidance on Competitive exam. Guided by Mr. Anil Dhawan Director, Career Guidance of Information Services , Aurangabad Mr. Nitin Jadhao Director, Dipstambh Academy. 2013-14 01 Date 19/09/2013 Programme Various Opportunities in Banking sector 02 18/12/2013 03 01/12/2014 Guidance on education Loan and Self Employment Loan Campus interview Guided by Mr. Dipak Chate, Director Rajmudra Career Academy. Mr. Kugre Saheb, Manager, Bank of Maharastra, Chikhli Reliance life insurance ,Buldana Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 154 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. College sent letter to various financial Institute and co-operative society in chikhli to arrange campus interview for the students in our college. Institutes are as follows. 1 Chikhli Urban co-operative Bank Ltd.,Chikhli 2 The Buldana Urban Co-oprative Credit Society, Buldana. 3 Dhanshri Urban Co-operative Credit Society, Chikhli. 4 Matoshri Mahila Urban CO-operative Society ,Chikhli. 5 Basweshwar Urban Co-operative Credit Society, Chikhli. 6 Bharat Ratna Indira Mahila Urban Co-operative Credit Society ,Chikhli. 7 Janshakti Mahila Urban Co-operative Credit Society, Chikhli 8 Balaji Urban CO-operative Credit Society, Chikhli These institutions call the students for interview and select some of them. • Five students of our college selected in Ambika Urban Multistate credit society, Chikhli. • Two students selected for clerical job in Vivekanand Urban Credit Society, Chikhli. • One student selected in Renukamata Co-operative Credit Society, Chikhli. 5.1.10 Does the institution have a student grievance redressel cell? If yes, list (if any) the grievances reported and redressed during the last four years. Our college is a small unit and the students are easily within the reach of the principal and staff . All the disputes are fairly settled. A cell is functioning under the emaculate guidance of the principal in consultation with members of committee • To provide an opportunity to the students to express their grievances freely and frankly. • To promote healthy relationship and atmosphere among students and between student – teacher relationship. • To promote and maintain a conductive and unprejudiced educational environment. A complaint box has been installed in the campus. The grievance is taken up by the members of the committee, the case is studied and discussed by team to solve the grievance. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 155 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Some of the grievances were redressed during the last four year listed below. • Grievance of the students regarding evaluation in the college examination. • Grievance of the students regarding issued no. of books • Grievance of the students regarding attendance. • Grievance of the student regarding college uniform. 5.1.11 What are the institutional provisions for resolving issues pertaining to sexual harassment? Our college takes special care of girl students for this purpose. College has established a cell to prevent sexual harassment of women. We are proud to say that there is not a single case of sexual harassment. Parents too feel safe and happy to send their daughters in our college. 5.1.12 Is there an anti-ragging committee? How many instances (if any) have been reported during the last four years and what action has been taken on these? Yes, the college has anti-ragging committee. We feel proud to mention that there is no ragging incident reported during the last four years in the campus. This may due to healthy atmosphere in the campus. 5.1.13 Enumerate the welfare schemes made available to students by the institution. Following welfare schemes are available to the students in the college inspire the students and create healthy and educational atmosphere. • Academic Facilities :1 Forums of various subjects. 2 Remedial classes for slow learners. 3 Extra classes to increase results. 4 Guest lectures. 5 Book bank for meritorious and needy students. 6 Placement and Career Counseling Cell organizes guest lectures concerning competitive exam, self employment and inviting various financial institutes and cooperative society in chikhli for campus interviews. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 156 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 7 8 9 Personality development programmes. Spoken English classes. Free access internet facility. • Sports and cultural Facilities :Free lodging -boarding and travelling allowance to student participating in various competitions of sports, cultural like youth festival, various level of NSS, NCC camps. Student participating in various sport competition given a sport kit. Eight days NSS residential camp in adopted village ( without charge ) • Social and financial facilities :Student safety insurance scheme College staff gives the uniform to economically backward and needy students. ‘Maitry Sangh’ gives the information of various government schemes for backward class to the students and community. Earn and Learn Scheme:- College has taken initiative in helping students by launching this scheme. Some ten students are absorbed in various places like college library, college photography, YCMOU, college cycle stand , BAMS etc. In addition to the state government scholarship, college with the help of doners started various scholarship and prizes for the needy and meritorious students. • Health Facilities :Medical check-up Gym 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 5.1.14 Does the institution have a registered Alumni Association? If ‘yes’, what are its activities and major contributions for institutional, academic and infrastructure development? Our college keeps its attachment with the presents and former students and to enrich this relationship at the highest level, it has formed alumni association is a follows. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 157 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Executive Committee 1 President Mr. Ibrahim Choudhari SDO 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vice President Secretary Join Secretary Join Secretary Member Member Member Member Member Prof. Anant Aawati Mr. Uday Toshniwal Mr. Sachin Ingle Mr. Ajay Khatri Ku. Gitanjali Sanap Mr. Avinash Nile Mr. Samir Dahiwal Mr. Umesh korde Mr. Ritesh Surana Asst. Professor Self Employed PSI Librarian PSI Asst. Professor Property Dealer Company Manager Self Employed Alumini association contributes to the growth and development of the college in the following ways. 1) 2) 3) 5.2 Bringing their career experiences to the college as guest faculty. Sponcere prizes, scholarships for meritorious and deserving students. Participating in exchange of ideas on academic, cultural and social issues. Student Progression 5.2.1 Providing the percentage of students progressing to higher education or employment (for the last four batches) highlight the trends observed. Sr. no. 1 2 3 4 5 Student progression Commerce Arts UG TO PG PG To M.Phil PG To Ph.D Employed campus selection Other than campus recruitment Approx 70% Approx 05% Approx 01% Approx 01% Approx 50% Approx 40% Approx 02% Approx 01% Approx 01% Approx 40% The above information is based on our faculties’ personal communication and relation. 5.2.2 Provide details of the programme wise pass percentage and completion rate for the last four years (chort wise\ batch wise as stipulated by the university)? Furnish programme wise details in comparison with that of the previous performance of the same institution and that of the colleges of the affiliating university within the city/ district. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 158 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Last four Years- Result of Arts Faculty Sr. no. 1 Particulars Total Admitted student Male Female Appear for exam Pass Pass with first class ATKT Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 sr. no. 1 2010-11 B.A.II 56 B.A.I 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2011-12 B.A.II 48 B.A.I 81 B.A.III 38 61 28 78 42 14 47 24 20 44 53 28 70 32 16 37 25 13 38 07 - 19 02 21 03 09 01 10 - 16 02 47 8.97% 24 40.42% 47.72% 35 12.85% 21 27.02% 42.10% B.A.I 109 2012-13 B.A.II 49 83 26 86 31 18 42 11 07 15 56 25 71 41 12 43 16 13 28 09 01 14 03 04 - 11 04 12 02 08 06 54 10.46% 25 33.33% Particulars Total Admitted student Male Female Appear for exam Pass Pass with first class ATKT Percentage B.A.III 44 2013-14 B.A.II 53 B.A.III B.A.I 18 81 B.A.III 29 40 25 26.66% 15.49% 27.90% 28.57% Last fourYears- Result of Commerce Faculty Sr. no. Particulars 1 Total Admitted student Male Female 2 3 98 2010-11 B.Com. II 53 77 21 35 18 B.Com.I B.Com. B.ComI III 45 79 26 19 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 54 25 2011-12 B.Com II 65 50 15 Page 159 B.Com. III 39 25 14 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4 5 6 7 8 Appear for exam Pass Pass with first class ATKT Percentage Sr. no. Particulars 1 Total Admitted student Male Female Appear for exam Pass Pass with first class ATKT Percentage 2 3 4 19 6 7 8 93 49 45 72 63 37 36 17 26 08 33 11 17 10 29 21 32 25 34 38.70% 16 53.06% 73.33% 45 23.61% 29 46.03% 86.48% B.Com. I 77 2012-13 B.Com. II 57 2013-14 B.Com. B.Com B.Com III I II 52 81 50 51 26 68 37 20 53 39 13 52 57 24 74 33 17 49 31 16 46 19 12 23 10 41 32 35 22 21 19 31 14 36 27.94% 30 43.39% B.Com. III 47 30 26 78.84% 47.29% 42.85% 67.39% Final Year College Result Compared With University Result Class Result 01 B.Com.III 02 B.A.III College Result University Result College Result University Result 201011 73.33 49.04 201112 86.68 50.72 201213 78.84 63.29 201314 67.39 59.95 47.72 33.67 42.10 35.75 26.66 - 28.05 38.05 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 160 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 5.2.3How does the institution facilitate student progression to higher level of education and/ or towards employment? In our college only the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) courses are available. We encourage the students to pursue to higher education. The faculty of our institution provide counseling and books to students.S The college has career guidance and placement cell to guide the students about career and employment. Through this committee various programmes about guidance on competitive exam, self employment are organized campus interview also organized for students. The efforts are done for the placement of the students in various firms, banks and elsewhere every year. 5.2.4 Enumerate the special support provided to students who are at risk of failure and drop out. Socio-economic and cultural issues are the main reasons for the dropout factor. To deal with the socio cultural problems, we do ‘Palak sampark’ (parents contact) for counseling parents and students ,too. The college makes an effort to minimize the dropout rate and for failure students. 1) Conducting two unit tests and one prelim examination. 2) Organizing remedial classes for weak students. 3) Organizing extra classes for students to facilitate completion of the course. 4) The spoken English facility and basic computer use is made available to students. 5) Offering scholarships to the needy and deserving students. 6) Giving liberal concession to the economically backward students. 7) Issuing books from the Book Bank to the meritorious and needy students. 8) Some students leave the college after taking admission. We find out such students and try to convince them to continue their studies. Because of economic problem some students leave college even after completing one or two years. Member of teaching staff help them in the form of books, uniform, bus passes etc. 5.3 Students Participation and Activities 5.3.1 List the range of sports, games, cultural and other extracurricular activities available to students. Provide details of participation and programme calendar. The collage has a wide range of sports, cultural and extracurricular activities that are available to the students. The college has always shown Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 161 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. promptness in the field of sports. A specious play ground is available for outdoor games i.e. Ball Badminton, Volleyball, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi etc. in college campus. The college has since long times been participating in various Intercollegiate tournaments. Various cultural and extracurricular activities like Dance, Singing, Group singing, Quiz, Elocution, Debit, Drama, literary items are offered to the students. • Cultural Activities Following cultural activities are offered to the students. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Celebration of birth and death anniversaries of great personalities. Celebration of Festival : Dahihandi, Ganesh utsav, Sharda utsav etc. Celebration Teachers day. Annual Social Gathering. Participate in Youth Festival and various level cultural competition like Group song, Elocution, Debate etc. Essay writing. Poetry reading Story telling competition in English. Debate competition. Eloculation competition. Rangoli Designing. • Sports Activity: The college participates in the competition which is organized by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University every session. The calendar of these activities is issued every year by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University. College also organizes annual sports meet. Sports/Games Available Sr.No. Activity 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Ball Badminton Volley Ball Kho-Kho Kabaddi Athletics Chess Table Tennis Weight lifting Power lifting Carrom Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 162 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. • Extra Curricular Activities Some of the extracurricular activities are mentioned below. Sr.No 01 02 03 04 Sr.No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Activity Study tour Tree plantation Blood Donation NSS NCC Eye Donate Awareness Save girl Awareness Sports/ Games Cleanliness Drive Maitri Sangh 5.3.2 Achievements in sports. 2010-11 Name Sachin p. Gawai Ku. Bhagyashri G. Chinchole Satish R. Deshmane Rahul R. Deshmane Events Ball Badminton Ball Badminton Power lifting Weight lifting Level Inter-university Inter-university Inter-collegiate Inter-collegiate Achievements Colour Coat Colour Coat II nd Place II nd Place Level Inter-university Inter-university Inter-collegiate Achievements Colour Coat Colour Coat IIIrd. Place Inter-collegiate IInd Place Inter-collegiate III rd. Place Inter-collegiate Inter-collegiate Inter-collegiate Inter-collegiate Ist. Place II nd Place II nd Place Runner up 2011-12 01 02 03 Name Mangesh U. Kharade Ku. Pallavi S. Ingle Mangesh U. Kharade 04 Amol P. Harkal 05 Amol P. Harkal 06 07 08 09 Vishal K. Deshmane Rahul R. Deshmane Akshay S. Petkar Ball Badminton (Women Team) Events Cross Country Ball Badminton Athletics (21Km. Running) Athletics (400m. Running) Athletics (800m. Running) Power lifting Weight lifting Weight lifting Ball Badminton Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 163 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2012-13 01 Name Ku. Rupali H. Dudbhate Event Cross Country Level Inter-university Achievement Colour Coat 02 Sandip G. Bithare Ku. Pallavi S. Ingle Shankar K. Lahane Ball Badminton (Women Team) Cross Country Inter-university Colour Coat Ball Badminton Inter-university Colour Coat Ball Badminton Inter-university Colour Coat Ball Badminton Inter-collegiate Runnerup 06 Ball Badminton (Men Team) Ball Badminton Inter-collegiate Runnerup 07 Ku. Rupali H. Dudbhate Athletics (5000m.Running) Inter-collegiate II nd Place 08 Sandip G. Bithare Athletics (400m. Running) Inter-collegiate Ist Place 09 Ku. Rupali H. Dudbhate Athletics (1500m. Running) Inter-collegiate III rd. Place 10 Sandip G. Bithare Athletics (800m. Running) Inter-collegiate II nd Place 11 12 13 Akshay S. Petkar Weight lifting Dipak S. Salve Weight lifting Ku. Rupali H. Athletics Dudbhate II nd Place III rd. Place Participation 14 Sandip G. Bithare Inter-collegiate Inter-collegiate State Interuniversity (Kridamahostav) State Interuniversity (Kridamahostav) 03 04 05 Athletics Participation 2013-14 01 Name Ku. Rupali H. Dudbhate 02 Ku. Rupali H. Dudbhate Event Athletics (800m. Running) Athletics (1500m. Running) Level Achievement Inter-collegiate II nd Place Inter-collegiate II nd Place Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 164 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Achievements in N.S.S. 2010-11 Name Pawan R. Lahudkar Nitin S. Pawar Event Camp Camp Level University University Achievement Participation Participation 2011-12 Name Gaurav B. Khatri Event Pre- RD Pared Level State Ku. Shweta S.Dharkari Ku. Bhagyashri G. Chinchole Ku. Bhagyashri G. Chinchole Pre -RD Pared State Pre -RD Pared National Utkarsha 2011 University Achievement State Republic day Participation State Republic day Participation Selection trial participation Got silver medal 2012-13 Name Yogesh Deshmukh Event Summer Adventure Camp (Narikanda, Himachal Pradesh) Level National Achievement Participation 2013-14 Name Gopal Rindhe Mukesh Kharat Ku. Mukta Rindhe Event Disaster Management Trials Disaster Management Trials Disaster Management Trials Level University University University Achievement Selection in Disaster Management Team Selection in Disaster Management Team Selection in Disaster Management Team Achievements in N.C.C. 2010-11 Name Ku. Namrata Patil Event Firing Level ATC Camp Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Achievement Gold Medal Page 165 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2012-13 Name Mangesh Kewat Ku. Amrapali Sawale Ku. Jayashri Chavan Ku. Rani Gaikawad Ku.Vaishali Chaware Ku. Amrapali Sawale Gopal Rindhe Abhijit Deshmukh Gopal Rindhe Abhijit Deshmukh Gaurav B. Khatri Event Firing Optical Best Turn Out Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Kho-Kho Table Drill General Knowledge Test Group Senior Group Song Kho-Kho Level TSC Camp TSC Camp RDC Camp RDC Camp RDC Camp RDC Camp RDC Camp TSC Camp Achievement Silver Medal Gold Medal Gold Medal Gold Medal Gold Medal Gold Medal Silver Medal Silver Medal NIC Camp NIC Camp NIC Camp Gold Medal Gold Medal Gold Medal 2013-14 Name Event Level Achievement Ku. Aashwini Jadhao Atul Golande Laxman Solanki Kho-Kho Table Drill Essay Writing TSC Camp All India tracking camp All India tracking camp Silver Medal Gold Medal Gold Medal Achievements in Cultuiral Activities 2010-11 Name 25 Students Event Youth Festival Level University Achievement Participation 2011-12 Name 23 Students NSS Unit volunteer Event Youth Festival Desh Bhakti samuh gan spardha. (Group Song) Level University District Achievement Participatation Ist Prize 2012-13 Name 18 Students Event Youth Festival Level University Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Achievement Participatation Page 166 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2013-14 Name Ku. Vaishnavi Pandit 6 students Event Elocution Competition Youth Festival Level District Achievement IInd prize University Participatation 5.3.3How does the college seek and use data and feedback from its graduates and employers, to improve the performance and quality of the institutional provisions? The institution has a well designed mechanism of obtaining the feedback from the students to improve the performance and quality of the institutional provisions. 5.3.4How does the college involve and encourage students to publish materials like catalogues, wall magazines, college magazine, and other material? List the publications/ materials brought out by the students during the previous four academic sessions The institution publishes college magazine every year named “Vidya”. The articles for the magazine are invited from the students and selected articles are published in annual magazine. Institution has formed editorial body of teachers to monitor and to guide activities of the students. We also publish various programme reports and achievements of the departments in this annual magazine. This magazine is distributed to students ,staff and the management. The magazine named “Vidya” available in college library. Since last 14 years Prof. S.G. Raut, Department of English runs wall-paper named “Ankur”. This paper is hand written by the students with calliography and sketches. 5.3.5 Does the college have a Student Council or any similar body? Give details on its selection, constitution, activities and funding. According to Maharashtra University guidelines of our parent university Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University, every year the student council is formed in the college. One student from each class who has been shown merit at the examination held in preciding year nominate as a class representative and one student who has shown outstanding performance in each of the following activities is nominated by principal 1) Sports 2) NSS 3) NCC 4) Cultural activities and two lady students nominated by the principal on the basis of their overall performance. The college has a student council consisting of 12 members. Major activities of students council :• Student council help the teaching faculty in numerous ways right from reception of the guest, hospitality, discipline to decoration during organization of various programmes in college. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 167 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. • The council forms a bridge between the students and administration specially the principal. This helps in promoting healthy atmosphere in the college. The council plays a major role in the organization of following programmes. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Dahihandi Various activities organized in Ganesh Utstav and Sharada Utsav. Celebration of birth and death anniversaries of great personalities. Annual Gathering Organization of various workshops, seminars etc. Funding : At the time of admission college charge specific amount to the student according to university rule and the same fund is utilized for the various activities during the year. 5.3.6 Give details of various academic and administrative bodies that have student representatives on them. There are different academic and administrative bodies in the institution that have student representatives involvement. Some of the academic and administrative bodies that have student representatives can be presented as follow :1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Student council English Literary forum Marathi literary forum Planning forum Commerce and computer forum Political science study forum History study forum Maitri Sangh 5.3.7How does the institution network and collaborate with the Alumni and former faculty of the Institution.Any other relevant information regarding Student Support and Progression which the college would like to include. The institution has established a committee. This committee remains in touch with the Alumni of the college. The members of the every department are in touch with the Alumni. Registration form for Alumni membership is made available on our college website and in college also. We also use the social media for the purpose like facebook, whatsApp etc. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 168 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion – VI GOVERNANCE, LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Hon’ble Bhausaheb Lahoti guiding to the Employees in Institutional gathering Dr. Mausadique giving presentation on NAAC Criteria Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 169 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion -VI GOVERNANCE, LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership 6.1.1 State the vision and mission of the Institution and enumerate on how the mission statement defines the institution’s distinctive characteristics in terms of addressing the needs of the society, the students it seeks to serve, institution’s traditions and value orientations, vision for the future, etc.? The college provides education to economically weaker section of the society and to the academically average and below average students. Motto: Vidya Param Daivatam Vision: We are committed to providing quality education with equal opportunities. Mission : We aim to bring about the academic transformation via education, values and technological advancement that would help form the egalitariancum-advanced society and nation. • Objectives : o To impart quality education. o To inculcate values through education . o To promote research culture among the taught. o To moralize and socialize the students. o To produce a class of skilled and technologically competent students. o To build a commune of good citizens and patriots. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 170 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 6.1.2 What is the role of top management, Principal and Faculty in design and implementation of its quality policy and plans? The management of the Shikshan Prasarak Mandal is very active, supportive and co-operative . Similarly management of the college organizes various workshops to enhance the educational quality of teachers and students. Role of Principal :- Hon’ble principal of the college takes initiative role in implementing various schemes and plans for college development. Also takes a follow up of the work and stands by the staff members for the better output. He emphasizes on the academic qualification development of the staff. Role of Faculty :- The faculty members of the college shoulder the responsibilities very effectively and efficiently to enhance the quality of the students by creating social awareness, personality development and the vision for the environment . Organize various competitions to enhance the educational quality of students and develop the research approach . Taking social responsibility into consideration college organizes and takes part into different kind of rallies and guidance activities. Various programmes are being organized for the development of the college students and the initiative role played by the management of the college , Hon’ble principal, teaching – nonteaching staff. All faculty members organize seminars, workshops, and extra classes for the educational development of students. 6.1.3 What is the involvement of the leadership in ensuring : • the policy statements and action plans Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 171 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. for fulfillment of the stated mission • formulation of action plans for all operations and incorporation of the same into the institutional strategic plan • • Interaction with stakeholders Proper support for policy and planning through need analysis, research inputs and consultations with the stakeholders • Reinforcing the culture of excellence • Champion organizational change For the streamlining the various activities throughout the year, at the beginning of the session , Hon’ble principal of the college forms various committees and distribution of responsibilities in the form of various committees as under : i) Students Development Council. ii) Discipline Committee. iii) Admission Committee. iv) Library Committee. v) Examination Committee. vi) NSS, NCC Units. vii) Sports. viii) Feedback Committee. ix) Attendance Committee. x) Parent – Teacher Meet committee. xi) Adult and Continuous Education Committee . xii) Career Counseling and Placement Committee. xiii) Vidya Magazine Committee. xiv) Nature Club. xv) Website Uploading Committee. xvi) Publication Committee. xvii) IQA Cell. xviii) Anti – Raging Committee Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 172 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. xix) xx) Women Grievances and Anti Sexual Harassment Cell. Grievance Redressed Cell xxi) Academic Monitoring Committee With the help of these committees, Hon’ble principal very effectively streamlines the programmes. Coordinators and members of the committees make annual planning for the programmes in written form and submit it to the principal so that it would help to take feedback during the year and encourage all the staff members. Respected management and principal arrange meetings with the stakeholders to discuss various issues .For the discussion with the parents, college organizes parent-teacher meet and suggestions from stakeholders are welcomed and effort is made to implement appropriate and relevant suggestions. In addition to these, staff members give door to door visit and tell about the improvement of son / daughter to their parents. College arranges “ Alumni Gathering ” and the suggestion from the ex-students are welcomed and positively implemented in the college. Various committees of the college work very effectively and make the students ready to participate into various activities organized throughout the year, as well as the prizes and scholarships are given to the meritorious and needy students for the encouragement. Students are encouraged for the good performance in various activities and education. Simultaneously various different kinds of cultural activities are organized as well as students are encouraged to take participation in “ Youth Festival ”. Sport activities are held in the college and the students are sent for the sport activities arranged by the university and colleges. NCC and NSS units of the college arranges different kinds of programmes and campaigns to motivate the students. Management along with the principal take ‘ Feedback ’ meeting in which the teachers are encouraged for innovations for the students and the suggestions are followed and implemented for the betterment. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 173 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 6.1.4 What are the procedures adopted by the institution to monitor and evaluate policies and plans of the institution for effective implementation and improvement from time to time? Institution directs the college to take care of implementation and improvement of the policies and plans from time to time. The meetings of LMC is held bi-annually to take a feedback and planning for the session such as:i) To decide annual financial budget for the year. ii) To make the blue print of the programmes. iii) To enhance quality in education various suggestion are given by the body. iv) Suggestion are given to the principal for policy making. For the effective implementation of the various plans the committees formed work throughout the year. 6.1.5 Give details of the academic leadership provided to the faculty by the top management? Management and principal motivates the staff and students for various activities. Staff members are encouraged to do research and for that purpose leaves are given to attend the seminars, conferences as well as FIP leave for the Ph.D. Management personally involves in social programmes and also emphasis staff to be involved society. 6.1.6 How does the college groom leadership at various levels? The college grooms leadership at various levels with the help of following strategies : Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 174 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 1) At faculty level :- Faculty members work as the coordinator to the various committees and motivate students to participate in the activities as well as work as class teachers. 2)At students level :- Class –representatives are appointed on the basis of percentage. Similarly to enhance the various meritorious qualities as well as leadership qualities, the students council, NSS, NCC units make available the opportunities for the development of the students through different programmes and activities e.g. Pulse Polio, Eye donation awareness week, Blood donation camp, Environment awareness programmes, Female foeticide awareness campaign etc. 6.1.7 How does the college delegate authority and provide operational autonomy to the departments / units of the institution and work towards decentralized governance system? For the versatile development of the staff the authority and freedom are given to chalk out the various programmes and freedom to decide work load, teaching plan ,paper setting, evaluation. For the overall development of the students each staff member / committee co-ordinators have freedom to decide goals. 6.1.8 Does the college promote a culture of participative management? If ‘yes’, indicate the levels of participative management. Teachers participate in administrative process by grouping themselves into various academic committees. College promotes teachers to participate in Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 175 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. administration through various committees. The non-teaching staff stands at the vertex of administrative decisions represented by superintendent.Since college is a small unit all departments need to participate in organizations such as conferences, seminars, camps, mass rallies etc.Students are encouraged to participate in various curricular and extra curricular activities.The students representatives play important role in the organization of the annual programmes.The students council also comprise ladies representatives, NSS,NCC and sports representatives, who have active participation in the college activities. 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment 6.2.1 Does the Institution have a formally stated quality policy? How is it developed, driven, deployed and reviewed? Quality and policy of the college stated in college vision and mission and it is implemented with discussion. The IQAC evaluates the performance of the institution.The LMC reviews the policies adopted by the institute and their outcome annually. 6.2.2 Does the Institute have a perspective plan for development? If so, give the aspects considered for inclusion in the plan. Yes, the institution has a perspective plan for development as follows: Ours is an arts and commerce college , hence there is little scope for big plans still as matter of facts college tries to give space to the 1. Social oriented programmes . 2. Activities for students. 6.2.3 Describe the internal organizational structure and decision making processes. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 176 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. The organizational structure of the college is sketched as under LMC Staff Council Department Students Council Various committees draw plans of curricular, co-curricular, extracurricular and sports activities. The suggestions of these committees are routed through local managing committee and decisions are taken accordingly as some decisions involve financial provisions. In the end co-ordination is sought to achieve the desired objective. 6.2.4 Give a broad description of the quality improvement strategies of the institution for each of the following: The following strategies are adopted by the institution for Quality Improvement. Teaching and Learning • Appointments are given for those who are fully qualified and desirable so that the justice would be given to the teaching learning process. • To enhance the speaking ability of students as well as stage courage, teachers organize class seminars, group discussion. • To evaluate and measure the development of students. College takes unit test and prelim exam as well as provide facility to use ICT the free hands is given. Research and development The college small is a unit but special care is taken to enhance research ability of teachers and students, the following efforts are done by the institution. • 03 • teachers Ph.D degree in process. teachers are holding Ph.D degree. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 177 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. • 08 teachers holding M.Phil degree. • 05 teachers have completed minor research project. Principal is a Ph.D research guide of S.G.B. Amravati University, Amravati and under his guidance seven research scholars are pursuing Ph.D degree. Many teachers write research papers in journals and conference / seminar in souveniors. Community Engagement Birth and death anniversary of great persons are celebrated in the college throughout the years, as well as community engagement programmes are organized to inculcate the social attachment in minds of the students. The list of community engagement programmes is as follows : • Celebration of Ganesh Utsav and Dahihandi in college. • Since last many years college is working for socially backward students.College has formed ‘Maitry Sangh.’With the help of maitry sangh we visit to the slum areas for telling and displaying the various scheme of the govt. for the backward people. • Guest lectures of eminent persons are organized on various social issues. • The NSS and NCC units of the college are working smartly in this direction. Human Resource Management Responsibilities are given to staff members as per their interest so that they could work efficiently in the proper direction. Industry Interaction Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 178 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. There is little scope for Industry Interaction as the local industry area is undeveloped. Yet, college tries its level best and organizes programmes and guidance of experts and stalwart persons from the various sectors such as bank, insurance and industry. Every year the Dept. of Commerce organizes industrial tour and pay visit to various firms and companies.Bank training is arranged for the commerce students. 6.2.5 How does the Head of the institution ensure that adequate information (from feedback and personal contacts etc.) is available for the top management and the stakeholders, to review the activities of the institution? The head of the institution gets information through the feedback from students, alumni and faculty members, with parents and report of parents meeting. A detailed Annual report ‘Pratibimb’ is prepared and given to the management. After thorough discussion, the existing facilities and activities are reviewed and discussion are taken for their implementation. On this base the management conducts annual feedback meeting of the staff. 6.2.6 How does the management encourage and support involvement of the staff in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional processes? The top management supports the involvement of staff in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of institutional process in the following ways: The representatives of teaching and non-teaching staff is appointed in LMC for streamlining the improvement and development of teaching staff. Constituting various committees with teachers as convener, members and coordinator. These committees play an important role in planning and implementation of activities in different spheres of institutional functioning. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 179 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Every year the management organizes “ One Day ” workshop in the form of gathering of all the employees of the Mother institution. In the workshop they appreciate the best doers and also encourage for shouldering new responsibilities. 6.2.7 Enumerate the resolutions made by the Management Council in the last year and the status of implementation of such resolutions. The following resolutions were passed in the meeting held during the academic year 2013-14 governing council. • Discussion and decision has been taken to renovate college office. • Implementation of Golden Jubilee Celebrations. • Change in uniform of college students. 6.2.8 Does the affiliating university make a provision for according the status of autonomy to an affiliated institution? If ‘yes’, what are the efforts made by the institution in obtaining autonomy? Not Applicable 6.2.9 How does the Institution ensure that grievances / complaints are promptly attended to and resolved effectively? Is there a mechanism to analyze the nature of grievances for promoting better stakeholder relationship? College is a small unit and the teachers, principal and even the management is easily accessible. Most of the grievances or any suggestions of the stakeholder are resolved affectionately. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 180 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Grievances / complaints received are immediately put for consideration to following committee: 1) Discipline Committee. 2) Grievance Redressed Committee for Students. 3) Anti Ragging Committee. 4) Women Grievances and Anti Sexual Harrashment Cell. Committee discusses the matter among its members and submits its recommendations to principal in order to make campus environment more safe, peaceful and disciplined. The principal takes appropriate action accordingly. The college has also installed suggestion box for the grievance letters which are reviewed by the committee. 6.2.10 During the last four years, had there been any instances of court cases filed by and against the institute ? Provide details on the issues and decisions of the courts on these? Not Applicable 6.2.11 Does the Institution have a mechanism for analyzing student feedback on institutional performance? If ‘yes’, what was the outcome and response of the institution to such an effort? Yes there is proper mechanism for seeking feedback and further actions. 6.3. Faculty Empowerment Strategies Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 181 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 6.3.1 What are the efforts made by the institution to enhance the professional development of its teaching and non teaching staff ? The institution allows duty leaves and release the staff to attend the Refresher, Orientation, Conference and Seminar etc. Teaching and non-teaching staff is encouraged to get the knowledge of the computer. Institution gives emphasis on research. As a result five teachers have completed minor research projects and three have submitted proposals for minor research projects. 6.3.2 What are the strategies adopted by the institution for faculty empowerment through training, retraining and motivating the employees for the roles and responsibility they perform? The president, Secretary and the principal of the college personally motivate and encourage our staff regarding their empowerment. All the staff members suggested to attend conferences, seminars, workshop, exchanging the research activities, orientation courses and other training programmes. The college has: 1) Staff academy which takes review of the training they have attended. 2) API workshop. 3) ICT training. 6.3.3 Provide details on the performance appraisal system of the staff to evaluate and ensure that information on multiple activities is appropriately captured and considered for better appraisal. The institution develops a mechanism of appraisal of the faculty members to evaluate their performance. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 182 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. The faculty prepares self-appraisal and API and presents it to the principal. The principal evaluates the feedback and self appraisal of faculty. After the evaluation of the feedback and self appraisal if any, the necessary improvements are suggested. 6.3.4 What is the outcome of the review of the performance appraisal reports by the management and the major decisions taken? How are they communicated to the appropriate stakeholders? At the end of every year the management organizes annual meeting (Adhava Baithak) and considering the performance appraisal management interacts with principal and teacher concerned and gives suggestion to improve upon the performance of the concerned teacher. 6.3.5 What are the welfare schemes available for teaching and non teaching staff? What percentage of staff have availed the benefit of such schemes in the last four years? Following welfare schemes are available for teaching and non-teaching staff. 1) The employees co-operative society is there to provide economic support to the teaching and non-teaching staff. 2) All the staff members are covered under Group Insurance. 3) Fitness camp for the staff etc. 6.3.6 What are the measures taken by the Institution for attracting and retaining eminent faculty? Institution helps each member to invite some scholarly persons from adjoining areas from various sectors like industry, law, social work, arts, medical, technical etc. As per our culture we honor them. At the same time, we also invite eminent faculty from different parts of the country. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 183 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 6.4 Financial Management Resource Mobilization 6.4.1 What is the institutional mechanism to monitor effective and efficient use of available financial resources? The institution has built up a mechanism to monitor effective use of available financial resources at the beginning of the year and taken care that to be spent on required needs. 6.4.2 What are the institutional mechanisms for internal and external audit? When was the last audit done and what are the major audit objections? Provide the details on compliance. The institution has a well defined internal and external audit process. The internal audit is done on yearly basis by our internal auditor (C.A. Mr. Bhagwan Nagwani ) appointed by the controlling parent society at the close of each financial year and before the submission of balance sheet to the appropriate authority. The last internal audit was done for the financial year 2013-14. The external audit is conducted by govt. Joint-Director, Higher Education, Senior Auditor and Auditor General.The last audit by govt. JointDirector, Amravati was conducted in 2010-11during which no major objections were raised. 6.4.3 What are the major sources of institutional receipts/funding and how is the deficit managed? Provide audited income and expenditure statement of academic and administrative activities of the previous four years and the reserve fund/corpus available with Institutions, if any. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 184 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. The major sources of funding for the institution areas under Sr. Head 20019-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 01 Salary 53,85,684 1,12,74,333 1,12,28,097 1,28,90,074 1,62,10,768 02 Scholarship 13,60,774 7,74,455 2,19,503 4,81,680 6,03,307 03 UGC 5,57,360 12,36,984 12,38,063 5,71,539 13,20,609 04 Management 10,000 1,74,600 9,33,034 9,54,650 1,54,600 no. 6.4.4 Give details on the efforts made by the institution in securing additional funding and the utilization of the same (if any). : NIL 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) 6.5.1 a) Has the institution established an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)? If ‘yes’, what is the institutional policy with regard to quality assurance and how has it contributed in institutionalizing the quality assurance processes? Yes, the institution has established IQAC (2004). With regard to quality assurance the institution policy is:• To ensure optimum use of the resources available. • To prepare future / perspective plans. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 185 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. • To generate and promote awareness in the institution about various developmental programmes and changes in the curricular and cocurricular activities. b) How many decisions of the IQAC have been approved by the management / authorities for implementation and how many of them were actually implemented? IQAC members discuss with the principal and management and some programmes, events are finalized unanimously. The management is familial, hence, we are lucky enough to implement the discussion. c) Does the IQAC have external members on its committee? If so, mention any significant contribution made by them. Yes, 1) Shri Raju Kothari, Engineer. 2) Shri Bhagwan Nagwani , C.A. From the academic year 2013-14 above members have been involved in IQAC and they actively contribute in the optimum use of infrastructure and other things. d) How do students and alumni contribute to the effective functioning of the IQAC? Students and Alumni give their effective feedback and suggestions for quality improvement in the college. e) How does the IQAC communicate and engage staff from different constituents of the institution? The IQAC communicates its decisions and policy matters to the institutional heads, who in turn engages the staff from different constituents to ensure the implementation of the decisions taken and the policies framed by the IQAC. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 186 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. We are lucky enough that our college is a small unit hence all matter can be easily conveyed to the staff members. Since 2004 IQAC has framed criterioa -wise committees, to help institute to work smoothly. 6.5.2 Does the institution have an integrated framework for Quality assurance of the academic and administrative activities? If ‘yes’, give details on its operationalisation. Yes, the institution has a well established mechanism for integration of quality assurance between academic and administrative activities. This mechanism also ensures a better association and correlation between academic and administrative activities. Meetings are conducted which help to maintain coordination. 6.5.3 Does the institution provide training to its staff for effective implementation of the Quality assurance procedures? If ‘yes’, give details enumerating its impact. Yes, the institution provides essential training to the IQAC members and teaching staff. Even the Hon’ble Principal of the college takes initiative along with the staff to attend such trainings on quality enhancement. We also invite scholarly persons for guidance. 6.5.4 Does the institution undertake Academic Audit or other external review of the academic provisions? If ‘yes’, how are the outcomes used to improve the institutional activities? We have no academic audit or external review mechanism as such. But Hon’ble principal himself monitors academic diaries, internal examinations and other academic activities. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 187 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 6.5.5 How are the internal quality assurance mechanisms aligned with the requirements of the relevant external quality assurance agencies/regulatory authorities? IQAC mechanism is aligned with the quality assurance agencies like the NAAC,UGC, and affiliating universities. Since 2013-14 we have involved external members in IQAC working. Hereafter, we shall take their suggestions positively for quality improvement. 6.5.6 What institutional mechanisms are in place to continuously review the teaching learning process? Give details of its structure, methodologies of operations and outcome? College has developed mechanism to review teaching learning process in the year, two unit tests, terminal examination, class wise tests, home assignments, presentation of students in seminars, group discussions etc. are planed and successfully implemented. This helps faculty to improve in teaching methods or focus on special area, if required. 6.5.7 How does the institution communicate its quality assurance policies, mechanisms and outcomes to the various internal and external stakeholders? The institution communicates its quality assurance policies, mechanism and outcomes through prospectus, Annual magazine “ Vidya” College website and news paper publicity. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 188 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion – VII INNOVATIONS AND BEST PRACTICES Maitri Sangh Distributing Government Scheme Manuals B.Com.II Student Presenting Paper in Student Research Workshop Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 189 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Criterion - VII INNOVATIONS AND BEST PRACTICES 7.1 Environment Consciousness 7.1.1 Does the Institute conduct a Green Audit of its campus and facilities? The college has not conducted any official Green Audit by any external agency, yet. However, constant efforts are being made to maintain the greeneries of the campus and to preserve the old trees of considerable value that generate fresh air oxygen a thing which is highly recommendable for maintaining healthy atmosphere and ecology of an institute. 7.1.2 What are the initiatives taken by the college to make the campus eco-friendly? Energy Conservation In our college we have many electronic items such as computers, instruments etc. We have power saving features on our computers. We have strictly instructed to lab. attendant, students and peon that each electronic item should be unplugged when it is not in use because appliances still draw current, even when switched off. All the faculties and students are instructed to switch off the lights and fans when not in use. We have replaced tube lights, bulbs with energy efficient LED / CFL We follow No Petrol Day on every Wednesday so that the college atmosphere will be less polluted. • Use of Renewable Energy :Yes, Solar Energy. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 190 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Water Harvesting Chikhli is the place where scarcity of a water is on a large scale. People get water thrice in a month. Hence, we know the importance of water. Rain water is collected from root of the college buildings and channelized by the college during summer, a time of intense water scarcity in Chikhli. College has 16208.78 sq.m. area and we take special care that rainwater to be preserved in the campus only. We found very good results the water level of bore has been increased of college bore as well as nearby hand pumps. Check Dam Construction: - A few years back we had no wall compound constructed. At the same place we had dug-up drainage approximately 4 feet height, 3 feet wide long drainage it worked to store the water in monsoon season. It too helped increasing water level. Having known the importance of water our N.S.S. unit tries to create awareness in a near by villages and also helped them to build check dams in villages Khandala (M), Jambhora, Kolara, Ekalara, Satgaon Bhusari, Malgi, Sawargaon Dukre where we built check dams and people helped us to built check dams. Efforts for Carbon Neutrality – Cutting down standing trees on the college ground has been strictly prohibited so as to prevent carbon emission which can be regarded as a first step towards the achievements of carbon neutrality. For the neutrality of carbon college takes a few steps – Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 191 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. No Petrol Day :- Since last Twelve years we have been following strictly not using vehicles on every Wednesday, and try to use public transportation for the purpose. At the time of last NAAC (2004) staff of the college had unanimously decided for the next ten years nobody shall purchase any four wheelers. And today we have proud to say , we kept promise. Use of Solar :- In college, we have erected a solar panel to preserve natural energy for the daily use and in future we intend to increase its capacity. It is noteworthy to cite that because of continuous discussion on the use of solar energy, some of our staff members have started using solar panels at home which can be regarded as a first step towards the achievement of carbon neutrality. Plantation:- The NSS volunteers make plantation within the campus from time to time that helps to maintain bio-diversity and facilitates carbon sequestration as well. The gardens of the campus are maintained by paid staff under the supervision of the college authority. Since ours is a college of Arts & Commerce we don’t have botanical garden and medicines, but we take care while making plantation on college campus to plant eco- friendly trees like Banyan, Pimple, Neem, Ashoka, Basil etc. Hazardous Waste Management - Nil e-waste Management - Nil Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 192 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 7.2 Innovations – “ Innovation is about finding a better way to help creating new programs and activities to enhance the overall development of the college, society and nation. 7.2.1- Give the details of innovations introduced during the last four years which have created a positive impact on the functioning of the college. For last many years, our college has been organizing many innovative programmes. Among this some innovative practices are run in the college such as forums of various subjects. For last four years various innovative programmes are arranged and those programmes are as follows: 1. Students Development Council :( 2010-11 to 2013-14) Student development council is formed every year to channelise the various students development programme. The programmes arranged by the college during last four years are as follows : a. Ganesh – Utsav b. Sharda – Utsav c. Self – Government d. Annual – Gathering e. Participation of college students in the programmes organized by the other institutes. 2. N.S.S. ( National Service Scheme ) NSS unit of the college is very active to create an awareness of social work and all – round development of the students to make them self- reliant and well cultured. For this purpose N.S.S. unit during last four years has organized various programmes as following : Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 193 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. a. Blood donation camp and awareness of Eye donation. b. Cleanliness programme. c. Birth & Death anniversary of great persons. d. Tree plantation & distribution.. e. ‘ Raksha Bandhan’ to disabled.. f. Awareness rally of road security. g. Personality and leadership development workshop. h. Street shows on various social issues. 3. N.C.C (National Cadet Core) To enhance the various qualities in the students and avail them various job opportunities as well as to inculcate social awareness patriotic ferver, N.C.C. unit try its level best. a. TSC camp - students are sent to participate b. Sport activities – participated by the students c. Blood Donation Camps d. To create a discipline culture 4. Marathi Literary Forum :- It is formed by the Marathi department. It aims at to develop student’s interest in Marathi literature and the current affairs in the field of Marathi literature. 5. English Literary Forum :- It aims to make students aware of the various trends in English literature. To make them confident in spoken language and their literary development. For this purpose, eminent scholars from different universities are invited. Debate , Elocution , Story telling and Introduction competitions and many other useful activities are conducted. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 194 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 6. Political Science Forum :- To create awareness about political field, theories and to increase students involvement so that leadership qualities would be developed for that purpose. The forum is formed by the department of Political Science. 7. Economics And Planning Forum :- Department of Economics and Planning forum taking into consideration the importance of Economics and to make the students ready to faces the forth coming challenges in throat –cut competitive world. 8. History Forum :- To create interest about History subject among the students as well as to make them know the real (original) history which has been hidden by the cunning people. 9. Commerce and Computer Forum :- Taking the needs and importance to the computer knowledge in the field of information technology ,we are imparting the knowledge of computer throughout our area with the help of commerce and computer forum. 10. Book Talk: We are proud to say that our library is fully computerize and it organizes the programme of ‘Book Talk’ and gives prizes to the best readers every year. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 195 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 11. Environmental and Nature Club :Now a days the life of the people has become humdrum. UGC has introduced the subject of environmental study for UG students. Under this banner we formed ‘Nature Club’ to inculcate and create awareness of nature and its importance so that the coming generation could preserve the treasures of nature. 12. Career Counseling and Placement Cell : - To trace way for job opportunities, college formed career counseling and placement cell to guide the students at a proper direction. Through this cell college developed employability and avail job opportunities in the form of campus interview and appointments specially in banking sector in adjoining areas. 13. Adult and Continuing Education :- About adult and continuing education like law, hygiene, atrocity, gender, population, nature, national integration, education, etc. various programmes on the field and off the field are organized. 14. Staff Academy :- In the year 2007-08 Staff Academy is formed under the guidance of honorable principal. The main purpose of Staff Academy is to share the experiences of staff members those who have attended conferences, seminars, workshops, refresher, orientation , short term courses etc. Staff Academy avails them opportunity to share their views and experiences with the remaining staff. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 196 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 15. Parent – Teacher Contact :- At the beginning of the college the responsibility of each class is distributed by the committee to streamline parent- teacher contact. Teachers of our college personally visit them at home to know the economic and social condition of the students. 16. Maitri Sangh :- The meaning of ‘Maitri Sangh ’ is to work for the creation of harmony among students and society away from caste, culture, religion, gender etc., The group of twenty students work as “ The Messengers of Equality”. The main objects of this activity is to shoulder the responsibility of spreading various government schemes and create awareness to the backward community living in slum area, villages and urban area on various issues. 17. Seminars, Conferences and Workshops :- College on its level organizes various seminars, conferences and workshops to interchange the dialogue among the scholars and students. Enthusiastically students take participation in such programmes. 18. Scholarships and Awards :- For the encouragement of students various scholarships and awards are given by the Management, Principal, Staff, Stakeholders and Alumni for various achievements. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 197 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 19. Vidya, Yearly Magazine :- This magazine is known as a mirror of college activities. It avails lots of opportunities for the students and their creativity. Through this magazine we publish students’ articles, poems, good thoughts and other 20. creations. Ankur Wallpaper :- Ankur Wallpaper is the platform for the creative students. Through this activity the literary talent among the students automatically develop and they make this opportunity to compose their own literature. 21. Moral Education :- To strengthen the base of education, we abide with moral and ethical values, to inculcate this moral education with the help of activities such as preamble reading, prayer, national anthem, good thought, celebration of birth anniversaries. 22. Institutional Quality Improvement Exam :- For last many years our management conducts a exam for all employees of the institution and its aims at to check and enhance the ability in their respective subjects. 23. Attendance Committee :- Attendance committee works actively and keeps an eye on the attendance of the students. Letters are sent to the absent students and display the list of the absent students on the notice board. The purpose of this activity is to increase the students’ attendance. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 198 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 24. YCMOU(Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Nasik ) :- To enlighten every nook and corner of the society with the light of education. In the year 2003-04 our college has started centre of YCMOU. We are getting tremendous response from the society. It avails the opportunity for needy and employees. 25. Salary Earners Society:- Since 1973, college runs salary earners society, limited for college employees.It works purely on cooperative basis.Today it has more than thirteen lac rupees share capital. It gives incouragement, in the form of scholarships to the students.It provides loan facility up to 2 lacs on minimum rate of interest to the employees . 7. 3 : - Best Practices :- In our college many activities aiming at the, vision of the institution are run to create pace for the students to be successful in the global market. We wish ever stick up to the moral values, research culture and social contribution. Many more activities take place in the college but two of them are given in details as follows :- 1) Economics and Commerce Workshop for Students 1. Title of Practice :– Economics and Commerce workshop for students. 2. Goal/Aim :We are very happy to state that ours is the only college in university where such research activity is run. To create research culture among the students including both the faculties, we run above activity since 2008-09. It aims at creating research oriented students to pave new ways in future. Every Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 199 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. year we organize workshop where students do everything including comparing paper presentation, session conduct and also vote of thanks. Taking the students of arts & commerce faculty in consideration two topics are given for the paper presentation. It also aims training students to handle a problem, data collection, reading different books and making its proper analysis to draw conclusions. Question – answer session make them bold and widen their horizon of knowledge that boosts their confidence in carrying the research in future. 3. The Context : - While working at senior college we ever felt the weakness of the student about research. Faculties are fulfilled with the seminars, conferences, workshops and training programmes, but for the students we thought it essential to provide research activities. Year No. of Papers & Enrolled Present Date Students ed 2009-10 26/12/2009 Subject 1) Prof. N.A.Pistulkar( 1) Definitions of Economics & their Guest 130 90 BOS.)Chairman S.G.B.A.U. Relevance in today’s ( Bharti Mv. Arni . Economy. Dist.Yeotmal ) 2) The Impact of Global 2) Dr. Subhash Jadhao Recession on ( Senate Member , SGBAU) Indian Industry ( R.A.Mv. Washim ) 2010-11 1.Impact of Globalization 1) L.S.Patankar ( Member 24/12/2010 on Indian 108 63 BOS).SGBAU. Agriculture. Arts & Comm .College, Manora. 2) Service Sector 2) Dr.P.B. Kharche Challenges & ( Janta Mv. Malkapur ) Opportunities. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 200 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2012-13 1) Inflation :Causes, 09/11/2012 Effects &Remedies 1) Dr. R.R.Gawhale 72 56 ( Charmin Vidarbha 2) Impact of FDI in Economics Association) Indian Retail Sector G.S.College,Khamgaon 2) Dr. Anil Raut ( Member, BOS , SGBAU) Shivaji College, Akola. 2013-14 1)Indian Economy : 09/09/2014 Problems, Causes & 1) Dr.Santosh Kute 110 99 ( Chairaman, Economics, Remedies. SGBAU) 2) Role of IT in ( Mahila Mv. Mehkar ) Commerce 2) Dr. Subhash Jadhao ( Member, BOS, SGBAU) ( R.A.Mv. Washim ) As a matter of fact, we got tremendous response of the students. The organization of workshop our college level boosted us to organize it on district level. Increasing demand of the research students made us organize it on university level. University level workshop for students highly applicable by the eminent resource persons. Many of the resource persons promised us to support it all the ways. This constant boosting of the students and faculty compelled us to meditate over the organization of the activity at state level. 4 The Practice The emphasis of the UGC is on teaching , learning, research and extension work. We try to focus, on “Research” through this activity. Generally the workshop is organized in the month of December or coming months. The aim of the organization is to give sufficient space for the students to prepare on the given subject. At the beginning of the session, faculty members in consultation with the principal decide subjects. The subject chosen for the workshop are current and of academic strength. We display it Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 201 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. on notice board, circulate in the classes, send invitation letter to outside colleges, consult with faculty personally and insist them to be a part of successful organization. We make our students create complete framework of the activity well in advance in a Democratic Way. Students shoulder the responsibilities and prepare their research papers. We help them by making texts and reference books from library and also our own. We make their orientation for following research methodology. Students too, show their active participation in learning methodology and collecting data. In the first year of organization in excitement many students enrolled their names for paper presentation, but later on many of them withdrew their names. But the presentation of their friends before audience was highly appreciated by the examiners, staff and the principal. And the three best presenters and five encouragement prizes were given. As a result, active listeners and those who withdrew their names promise on the spot to be the best presenters, next year. It is noteworthy that for the impartiality of assessment of paper presenters we do not enterfer. We invite eminent recourse persons either from BOS or good academicians to judge and guide the research scholars. We are happy to mention that student research scholars not only presents their papers but they make skillful use of PPT. Resource persons appreciate the use of technology. It would be unjust if we do not mention the involvement of the students ,teaching and non teaching staff in the organization of registration, tea, breakfast, lunch and other essentials. We charged a meager amount i.e.Rs.50/- per student for the purpose. In addition to this, college spend a deficit amount for the prizes and above expenditure. Mementos and certificates are given to the best presenters and certificates to the participants. We are proud to say our activity is metioned by imminent scholars as a unique one. Dean & BOS chairman recommended the same activity in many colleges ,wherever they go. Now it becomes an asset of the institution and we come to the conclusion to organized it on grand scale. So that research culture in college campus produce future research scholars. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 202 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. In short, ours is UG college and effort is to promote research culture among the taught. We feel such activity in higher education should be considered as the best practice. 5 Evidence of Success :- While mentioning the evidence of success, it is essential to cite the previous position of UG college students about research and objective analysis. Our students were far away from research. They were having the habits of readymade notes and answers to face the examinations. Apart from text books, no books were demanded from the library. But now ,it is privilege on our part to mention that students of our college and many colleges in university have been able to develop research approach. The students are habituated to think with research approach. Now they apply objective approach while making analysis of tradition, beliefs and scientific ways to life. It is worthy to be stated that some of our students have been doing Ph.D. research, even before getting employment and those who are working in teaching profession are enthusiastically and confidently doing further research. For example Mr.Pravin Kad, Miss Vidya Malvankar, Mr. Gajanan Choudhari etc., are actively involved in research. Apart from this some of the students like Mr. Krushna Kothalkar and Mr. Sunil Hade they are working at Jalgaon (Maharashtra) in National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) get good salary. Above all it should be noted that before we begin this activity enrolment of the students to the subject was quite low in Economics; but now students admission are seen increased. Even the result of Economics in both faculties is considerably increased. In short, this activity proves to be fruitful one in many ways. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 203 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 6 Problems Encountered and Resources Required: - As we run this activity as our own creation with voluntary involvement, there is no specific provision of funds from university and college. For the required expenditure like tea, breakfast, lunch, certificates, prizes, stationary, postage etc. we have to charge partial amount to the participants and faculty and college contributes for the same. The activity is not recognized and sponsored by university and other funding agencies. We have to take help of staff members and students to make event a successful one. We form various committees of the staff and students for the distribution of responsibilities like postage,correspondance committee, registration committee, catering committee, stage committee, hospitality committee, welcome committee etc. Students coming from outside they feel embarrassing to bear traveling charges. We feel sorry for the unability to pay travelling allowances. The tremendous response of the students compel us to organized it for two days so that many students could present papers if any way university provides incentive marks and financial support it would be sugar in milk. 7 Notes This activity plays a vital role in the development of career,society and nation. We hope such activities should to give helping hand so that other college will come forward to start with this. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 204 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2. Maitri Sangh 1 Title of Practice - 2 Goal :- Maitri Sangh The meaning of Maitri Sangh is to work for the creation of harmony among students and society away from caste, culture religion, gender etc. Every year,Govt. of Maharashtra allots lot of funds to Ministry of Social Justice and Welfare. The purpose behind this was to uplift downtrodden people from SC, ST category and to help them live economic and social life with good status. But the fact is vice-versa. Since many years the funds do not reach to the poor people. At the end of every year ,the funds of social justice and welfare are returned, unutilized. The State Govt. meditating over the problem, in the year 2008-09, sent a letter to the higher education institutes for the implementation of various, schemes meant for SC, ST.. College without delay responded to the appeal of the government of Maharashtra to this need -based social service. The main object of this activity is to shoulder the responsibility of spreading various Govt. schemes to the backward community in slum area, villages and urban area and their orientation about superstition, cleanliness, addiction, literacy, health and democratic values. 3 The Context :Since hundred of years backward communities were far away from social, economic and educational touch. To bring them on the verge of equality, fraternity and justice, college took initiative in this noble mission. In the year 2008-09 college framed a group of twenty students learning in college and living in different villages and areas named “ Amhi Doot Samteche ” (We are the Messengers of Equality) Such a selected students are sensitized about the practice to make them work in their respective villages or living areas. Up to this, college principal, staff and students implemented various programmes on law literacy, democratic values, constitutional preamble, distribution of college uniforms to the needy students, distribution of book sets, help to physically handicapped, orientation of people by organizing slum area visits, social welfare schemes and distribution of govt. yearly manuals. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 205 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. This kind of selfless work helped in many ways to create communal harmony among students and society. The principal and whole staff including students from all categories work together for the downtrodden. 4 The Practice :At the beginning of every year we selected twenty active students from all classes and living in different areas called “ Amhi Doot Samteche ” .One of the staff members Prof. S.G.Raut ,works as co-ordinator four nodal officers two advisers and remaining staff as members. Principal guides to run the activity. These twenty students are fully sensitized about the work and they are made ready to go in slum areas and villages for orientation of weaker section of the society. The following chart will help to know the work of Maitri Sangh (Last four Years). 2010-11 Sr.No 01 Date 12/08/2010 Activity Place 100 students from SC, ST, OBC were College Library given one extra book for the year 02 14/09/2010 Uniform distribution to nine needy College students. 03 28/09/2010 Book sets distribution to six students College from all category. 04 20/11/2010 Sanvidhan Din (Preamble Day) college College in collaboration with Tahsil, preamble day celebrated by preamble common reading and speech of Prof. S. G. Raut and honorable Principal on Indian Constitution. 05 06/12/2010 Mahaparinirvan of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College (Death Anniversary) 06 12/01/2011 Savitribai Fule and Jijau Birth college Anniversary Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 206 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2011-12 Sr.No Date Activity Place 01 12/09/2011 Uniform distribution to six needy College students. 02 23/09/2011 to Four students were sent to take 27/09/2011 horticulture training at BARTI Pune Pune ( Babasaheb Ambedkar Research and Training Institute) with Govt. Funds. 03 26/11/2011 Sanvidhan Din ( Preamble Day) Adv. College Vijay Kasture a welknown person was invited to talk on Indian constitution preamble. 04 17/12/2011 Slum area visit students and staff Bhimjyoti Nagar, made orientation of people about Kumbhar wada. government schemes, education, health and addiction. Government scheme’s manuals were distributed to know the people those schemes meant for them. 05 Throughout Maitri Sangh “ Amhi Doot Samteche the year ” were sent in nearby villages with Near by villages govt. schemes manuals. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 207 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2012-13 Sr.No Date Activity Place 01 26/06/2012 ‘Samajik Nyay Din’ (Social Justice College Day) on the birth anniversary of Shahu Maharaj, a king who fought for the equality for all. This day in Maharashtra is celebrated as “Social Justice Day” 02 10/09/2012 Uniform distribution to five needy College students. 03 26/11/2012 “ Sanvidhan Din ” (Preamble Day) College Preamble was distributed to all students and lead follow reading took place. 04 18/12/2012 Village Dalit Vasti Visit. Maitri Sangh Village Eklara students and staff visited dalit vasti and talked to the people informally about their problems gave detailed talk on the importance of education and government allocation of funds for SC/ST in foreign countries, various scholarships, vocational training, hostel facility etc. 05 23/01/2013 Slum area visit. Messengers of Bhimkranti Nagar equality nodal officer and staff visited Chikhli ‘dalit vasti’ for the orientation of people about health , education and government schemes. 06 28/02/2013 Some proposals of BPL people N.P. office Chikhli submitted to for ‘Gharkul’(House) government schemes. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 208 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2013-14 Sr.No Date Activity Place 01 26/06/2013 ‘Samajik Nyay Din’ (Social Justice College Day) Every year this day is celebrated to know the importance of equality and “Social Justice” 02 26/10/2013 Slum area visit. ( Dalit Vasti Visit) Siddharth Nagar Students, teachers and the principal visited Siddharth Nagar (slum area) and cleaned by all. Principal and coordinator talked with the people about importance of cleanliness, some important govt. schemes meant for them were highlighted and schemes manuals distributed. 03 26/11/2013 ‘ Sanvidhan Din’ (Preamble Day) College celebrated by mass reading of preamble and also a lecture on basic doctrines of Indian Constitution. 04 04/01/2014 Slum area visit. (Dalit Vasti Visit) Bhimkranti Nagar Maitri Sangh team visited Bhimkranti Chikhli Nagar to orient people about government schemes. 05 31/01/2014 Women Self Help Group gathering. Nagsen Vihar Health Extension Officer was invited to guide women of self help group from Krushna Nagar, Jafrabad Road, Bhimjyoti Nagar, Bhimkranti nagar, Siddharth nagar etc. about small scale industry, health, education and various govt. schemes. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 209 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. In this way, our college tries to give helping hand to the weaker sections by working as a mediator between government and people. 5 Evidence of Success :- Undoubtedly, it is privilege on our part to mention the appreciating result of our efforts. In the year 2008-09, when we had newly introduced this in the college and slum area, students; staff was feeling some ackwardness’. Even slum area people were not responding or taking otherwise. But the sincere and honest efforts slowly got recognition in society. Today in college not only SC/ST students; but all boys and girls come forward to work enthusiastically in slum area. Harmonious blend is clearly seen in their behaviour. In the beginning when talked about government schemes to the people, we felt their total ignorance about it. But now when they meet us in market or on street, they affectionately take us. They also tell us about the benefit they took of the govt. subsidy schemes, health, education etc. We had recommended four proposals for ‘ Gharkul’ (government house schemes ) to the president of municipality, got sanction. Some students were send to Pune horticulture training may start their own poly house or green house with the help of government funding. Some parents who were on the virge of breaking education of their wards because of poverty sent them in free government hostels. Some are thinking to sent their children in foreign with government help. This way to some extent, we are successful in creating awareness among people about the ways of their social and economic upliftment. At the same time we know our limitations. 6 Problem Encountered and Resources Required At the initial stage of Maîtri Sangh, ST/SC, slum area visit etc. these words were giving different connotation. Even people of the slum area were taking it otherwise as if we were paid by the government for this work. But as Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 210 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. the days went on, useful programmes took place, everything on campus and off the campus became harmonious. Even the management of the institution appreciate and encouraged to carry such social oriented programmes. They took the govt. scheme handbooks to other sister institutions. So far as financial requirement is concerned, it is borne by the college, co-ordinator , nodal officers and staff. Since it is helping hand to the government for the implementation of schemes, it would be kind enough if they make some provision of kinds. College has ample human resources for the work. In this way, though there are minor problems, but since the activity itself is voluntary one, we will overcome it any way. 7 Notes :- The experience of this activity proved to be pleasure giving while working selflessly for the downtrodden. We have planned to arrange a workshop for Maîtri Sangh at district level and then university level. This would surely help government to implement their schemes to the root level effectively. It would be good enough if university and government notice this unique and “ Pay back to the society ” work. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 211 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3. Evaluative Report of the Department of English 1. Name of the Department : English 2. Year of Establishment : 1965 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) : B.A. & B.Com 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved: :Communication Skills in English (COP) 2008-09 to 2012-13 5. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) :Annual Pattern 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments : :As and when solicited by other departments 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. : Nil Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 212 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 8. Details of courses/programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons :M.A. Eng., due to meagre enrolement of students. Functional English (Optional subject) at B.A. level, due to unwillingness of students to pay fees after expiry of UGC funding. 9. Number of Teaching Posts Sanctioned Filled Professors Nil Nil Associate Professors 01 Nil Asst. Professors 02 03 Total 03 03 10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) No. of Ph.D. Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of Years of Experience Students guided for the last 4 years Dr. K.A. Thosar M.A. (Eng.), SET. Ph.D. Asst. Prof. - 18 Years Nil 16 Years Nil 06 years Nil African Shri. S.G. Raut M.A., M.Phil Asst. Prof. American Writing Shri. S.D. Morey 11. M.A., NET Asst. Prof. List of senior visiting faculty :: : Nil Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 213 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled (programme wise) by temporary faculty : Nil 13. Student -Teacher Ratio (programme wise) : 136:01 (English teachers teach in both faculties.) 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled + : Nil. No support staff is sanctioned. 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc/ D.Litt/ Ph.D/ M.Phil / PG. : Ph.D-01, M.Phil-01, P.G.-01 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received : Nil 17. Departmental projects funded by DST - FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received : Nil 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University : Nil 19. Publications : Total 37 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 214 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. a) Publication per faculty : Dr. K.A. Thosar – 12 Subject related and 2 other books and booklets. Dr. K.A. Thosar and Shri. S.G. Raut are editors of research journals. Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /international) by faculty and students : : 23 Number of publications listed in International Database (For Eg: Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) : Nil Monographs : Nil Chapter in Books : 02 (Shri. S.G.Raut) Books Edited : Nil Books with ISBN/ISSN numbers with details of publishers Dr.K.A.Thosar (Assistant Professor) Head, Department of English Sr No. Title of Books with page Publisher ISSN/ISBN No. Year of Public ation 978-81-921854-0-8 2011 numbers 01 Direct Spoken English, Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 215 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 02 A Tiny Student Dictionary Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-1-5 2010 03 Synonyms – Antonys Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-2-2 2010 Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-3-9 2011 Vidhya Vikas Prakashan 978-93-81483-00-8 2011 978-93-81483-02-2 2011 Dictionary, p. 50 04 Gatwar Shabda Sangrah, p. 44 05 Marathi – Engraji Shabda Nagpur Kosh, p.240 06 07 Basic Spoken English, p. 88 Vidhya Vikas Prakashan Situational English – I, Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-5-3 2011 Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-6-0 2011 Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-7-7 2011 Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854- 8-4 2011 Abhivyakti Prakashan Chikhli 978-81-921854-9-1 2011 p. 24 08 Situational English – II, p. 24 09 Situational English – III, p. 24 10 Situational English – IV, p. 24 11 Commerce Dictionary, p. 24 Nagpur 12 Yuvkache Preranasthan Swami Vivekanand, Kousthubh Prakashan Nagpur 978-81-909939-9-3 2013 13 Jag Jinka Vakrutvyachya Balavar Vidhya Vikas Prakashan 978-938-81483-121 2013 14 Advance Spoken English Nagpur 978-938-81483-169 2014 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 216 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 20. Citation Index : Nil SNIP : Nil SJR : Nil Impact factor : Nil h-index : Nil Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil 21.Faculty as member in a)National committees ---- b) International Committees ---- c) Editorial Board 02 1) Dr. K.A.Thosar (‘Sanshodhan Ganga’) 2) Shri.S.G.Raut (‘Innovative Research’) 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme : Nil b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution Research laboratories/Industry/ other agencies : Nil 23. Awards / Recognitions received by faculty and students : Nil Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 217 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the department : 01) Prof. P.D. Mandaogane- S.A. College, Akola (Retired well known Professor ). 02) Prof. Pandit , Jalna- Best Teacher BAMU, Aurangbad. 03) Dr. R.M. Patil- Chairman B.O.S., SGBAU, Amravati. 04) Dr. Mrs. Prerana Singh- Mohata Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Khamgaon. 25. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding a) National : Nil b)International: Nil 26. Student profile programme/course wise: Communication Skills in English 2008-09 Name of the Course No. of /programme Applications (refer question no. 4) Certificate Course received 21 Enrolled Admitted 21 *M *F 13 08 Appeared Pass Pass percentage 18 18 85% 2009-10 Name of the Course No. of /programme Applications (refer question no. 4) Enrolled Admitted *M *F Appeared Pass Pass percentage Certificate Course received 23 22 17 05 18 18 81% Diploma Course 18 18 09 09 14 14 77% Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 218 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2010-11 Name of the Course No. of /programme Applications (refer question no. 4) Enrolled Admitted *M *F Appeared Pass Pass percentage Certificate Course received 11 11 04 07 06 06 54% Diploma Course 19 19 10 09 16 16 84% Advanced Diploma 12 12 10 02 09 09 75% Appeared Pass 2011-12 Name of the Course No. of /programme Applications (refer question no. 4) Enrolled Admitted *M *F Pass percentage Certificate Course received 11 09 04 05 09 09 100% Diploma Course 09 08 04 04 05 05 62% Advanced Diploma 09 09 04 05 06 06 66% 2012-13 Name of the Course /programme (refer question no. 4) Certificate Course No. of Enrolled Applications Admitted received 07 06 Appeared Pass Pass *M *F 03 03 04 04 66% percentage Diploma Course 05 05 03 02 04 04 80% Advanced Diploma 16 16 11 05 14 14 87% *M = Male *F = Female 27. Name of the Diversity of Students %of Students from the same state Course % of students from other States abroad B. A. 100% Nil Nil B.Com. 100% Nil Nil Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 % of students from Page 219 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? : : 5 students of English Literature have cleared NET, SET, Civil Service and Defense Service examinations. More than 100 students of the college have cleared solider and constable level examinations in Defense and Police Services. 29. Student progression :English Literature Students :Student progression Against % enrolled UG to PG (English Literature) 25% PG to M.Phil. 05% PG to Ph.D. 02% Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral Nil Employed 30. Campus selection Nil Other than campus recruitment 80% Approximately Entrepreneurship/Self-employment 20% Details of Infrastructural facilities a) Library : General library + Functional English Library b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students : Common c) Class rooms with ICT facility : 01.Swami Vivekanand Hall has LCD Projector. d) Laboratories 31. : 01 Language Laboratory Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university,government or other agencies : Nearly all students get scholarship or freeship from various agencies. In addition to this, some prizes and scholarships are given by the teaching staff and ex-students (alumni). Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 220 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 32. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops /seminar) with external experts: Teachers in the adjoining areas are invited for gust lectures. 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning : In addition to lectures, Question-answer sessions, presentations are used to improve student learning. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities : As demanded by the college. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans : Strengths – 1) Hardworking faculty 2) Regular lectures 3) Language Laboratory Weaknesses – 1) Irregularity of Arts faculty students. 2) Students interested in jobs, so discontinued studies. 3) Fear for the subject among students, due to weak foundation. Opportunities – 1) Good number of students preparing for competitive examinations. 2) Increased opportunities as convent school teachers. 3) Importance of English in every field. Challenges – 1) Various courses available after H.S.C. 2) Arts is the last choice, for degree education. 3) Weak lingual background of students. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 221 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Best Practice 1 Title of the Practice :- English Literary Forum English Literary Forum (ELF) has been a remarkable activity in the College since 1998-99. 2 Goal :1) The first and primary goal of the English Literary Forum is to widen the horizon of the students in language and Literature, who have opted English literature as an optional subject. So they should get a chance to listen to experienced English teachers, they should participate in story-telling, elocution competitions, do presentation on some literary topic, or enthusiastic students should plan and execute such programmes, including all stage work from introduction or introductory speech to vote of thanks. The Executive Council should discuss literature related things with guest lecturers after the programme etc. In addition to this, all the students in the college including B.Com. students should get opportunities to listen to good and variety English through competitions and programmes conducted by English Literary Forum. All activities should sensitize the students about literature in English. They should get confidence in English speaking. All this should help the career oriented students to acquire various skills in language, to get teaching job or desired job in future. We also wish that at least a few students should be able to understand and analyse life through literature to lead a fruitful human life. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 222 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 3 The Context :In 1996, College started English Literature as an optional subject. The subject was started because the college unit felt the need of more optional subjects for the students of Arts at graduation level. Importance of English was continuously increasing. New English Medium schools were being opened even at tahsil places. So, the students had good chances to get jobs as teachers after their graduation with English Literature. The teaching faculty knew that English language is a window to the world and English Literature is a window to the World Literature. So for at least some chosen few, English Literature will open new avenues in the future. In addition, English is the link language of the world. So the students need to know something of it. On practical level, English Literature subject was not available to the students in Chikhali tahsil. Even it was not available in Buldana District, except one or two colleges. So the willing students had to go a long way to Akola or Amravati for this subject, which was possible only for a few students. Thus, college started this optional subject in 1996-97 for the students in adjoining areas. The students at that time responded very well. The faculty members of the English Department then felt that only theoretical syllabus is not enough for the Literature students. No doubt, it helps them to pass the university examination in the subject, but it is only primary achievement. In any language spoken part is very important. Again exposure to wider field, too, is necessary. All the three members in the English Department discussed about the issue. The need to create a literary taste among the students ushered as additional point in this discussion. In this context, it was decided to form English Literary Forum in the College. Instead of the word ‘English Literary Society’ we finalized the word ‘Forum’. So the idea was that the activity should be a stage, a place of active participation for English Literature students. We feel that in those 16 years this purpose has been served up to a good extent. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 223 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4 The Practice :- In every academic year, in the month of July or August English Literary Forum is formed. The formation process is as follows: A meeting of all the students who have opted English Literature subject at B.A. Ist,IInd , IIIrd are invited for a meeting. Though all the members in the teaching faculty of the English Department fully participate in all the activities of the ELF (English Literary Forum), one of us is made in charge of the Forum. This in charge takes lead in the management of every activity conducted under ELF. Students are given idea of the nature of the activity and functioning of the Forum. Then the students are also informed about the key role of the Executive Council of ELF in the activities and programmes. An appeal is forwarded to the students to declare their self -willingness to lead the activities of the English Literary Forum, from the front. Executive Council of such willing students is finalized and generally declared in the same meeting and the working of the Executive Council of ELF begins. They discuss the activities to be conducted in that academic year and finalize the nature of the programmes in the presence of the English teachers. The faculty members guide them and assist them, whenever needed. Since the formation of the Forum in 1998 to the date, the English teachers contribute for the expenses of the Forum. Guest Lecture expenses are generally done by the college. Executive Council members, too, willingly collect some fund amongst themselves. But it is neither compulsory nor imposed by any one. The treasurer of the Forum, who is always a student, keeps the accounts of the collected fund and shows it to the Executive Council in their meeting. At least one competition has been organized every year. It is the credit of the enthusiasm of the students that for more than five years the ELF successfully organized inter-collegiate district, university or interuniversity level Elocution Competition. In last 3-4 years the enrollment of students in English Literature has decreased. So the number of activities and their nature is smaller than previous Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 224 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. years. DR. K.A. Thosar was the in charge of the activity till 2011-12. Onwards Shri. S.G. Raut is the in charge of the English Literary Forum. We are trying our level best to continue the activity with the same zeal as we have done through the last decade. Following activities have been conducted during last four years:- 2010-11 to 2013-14 Date Activity 01 30/08/2010 Story Telling Competition 02 18/01/2011 03 Jan.IIIrd week Guest/ Remark Dr. Satish Joshi ( Sindhkhed Raja) Inter University Elocution Dr. Prerna Singh Competition. (Khamgaon) Class Story Telling Competition. In B.Com. I Dr. K.A. Thosar 04 August Self Introduction Competition 05 29/09/2011 Story Telling Competition 06 24/01/2012 07 15/09/2012 08 12/12/2012 09 31/12/2013 10 Jan. 2014 Dr. M.M. Bhave (Karanja Lad) Interuniversity Elocution Dr. Satish Joshi Competition ( Sindhkhed Raja) Story Telling Competition Facing an Interview and Personality Development Story Telling Competition Facing an Interview and Personality Development Dr. Sudhir Chavan (Deulgaon Raja) Shri S. G. Raut -Shri. S.G. Raut 5 Evidence of Success:- We, as English Department are happy to see English Literary Forum continuously in action for those 16 years, since 1998-99. When Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 225 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. English Literature was a novelty and English literary activity was a rarity in Buldana District, the activity was started. Through different phases we have been successful to run the activity without any break with the help of participation of students. Through these years, a noteworthy number of students have joined teaching profession from primary school to degree college level. Our literature students have now and then, at the time of their post graduation or while in profession given us very positive feedback for the efforts we took through ELF. Many students speak in public for the first time in their life in ELF activity and then by and by become confident to express themselves in a group or in any programme. The students who had opted English Literature and Functional English at B.A. level are even grateful to the college and ELF. They feel that ELF activities and encouragement by English teachers have a lion’s share in their success. Three of our active literature students have been selected as PSI and had been asked many questions in interview about English Literature, which they answered adequately. Though not many, but a few students have definitely been benefitted to develop literary taste and literary insight. General advantage to active students has been the inculcation of skills to work in a group or to lead a group. For us i.e. the teachers, ELF activities have been always a means of encouragement and inspiration to work better for the students. Willing Literature students, too, could participate in English competitions and could listen to some good English. At the same time we are aware that though much has been done, much more has to be done. 6 Problems Encountered and Resources Required :No activity, no creative work is without problems. The way of creativity runs through many twists and turns. The practice of English Literary Forum, too, has to face problems. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 226 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Though we have run the activity now for more than 15 years, the effort-success ratio is not even. Due to weak base of English and noncongenial atmosphere to English, the English teachers have to pump the students up to speak in English. Much effort is to be done to boost their confidence to arrange and conduct ELF activities in their capacity and leadership. The habit of spoon feeding through the years hinders student participation. Initially, we had good enrolment in Arts Faculty and for English Literature. But in last 4-5 years the number is decreasing. We have to promote the students to choose English Literature as an optional subject. No doubt, experienced teachers like chairman of board of studies, members of BoS have come to our place and guided the students. But such stalwarts are not much available in the adjoining areas. Our small unit cannot afford taxi fare from a long distance. Majority English teachers at tahsil and small district places are not eager to visit other colleges and guide the students outside their own college. Financial resources are a problem to conduct big activities or to invite stalwarts from a distance, yet it is not the basic problem. We think that we are not yet able to overcome the difficulties to reach higher phase in this activity. We are ready to find out ways and means to shape the activity as per the need of new times and situation. Evaluative Report : Department of Marathi 1. Name of the department : Department of Marathi 2. Year of Establishment : - June – 1965 ( since Establishment of College) 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., etc.) : - U.G. ( B.A / B.Com ) 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 227 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. departments/units involved : - No 5. Annual/semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) : Annual Pattern 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments The teaching faculty participate in the conference/Seminar/workshop organized by other Departments. 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. : - No 8. Details of courses/programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons : - No 9. Number of Teaching posts Name of post Sanctioned Filled - - Associate Professors 01 01 Asst. Professors 01 01 02 02 Professors Total Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 228 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) Name Qualification Designation Specialization No.of Years No. of Ph.D. of Experience Students guided for the last 4 years S.D. M.A,,M.Phil. Associate Gawhane SET, B.Ed. Professor Dr. P.U. M.A.,Ph.D. Assistant Gawai NET, M.Ed. Professor 11. Gramin Sahitya 16 years - Dalit Sahitya - 11 years List of senior visiting faculty : - Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled(programme wise)by temporary faculty : - Nil 13. Student -Teacher Ratio (programme wise) : -B.A./ ( 1:204.5 ) (Marathi teachers teach in both faculties.) 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled : - Nil 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/ Ph.D/ MPhil / PG. 16. 1. Prof. S.D. Gawhane M.Phil. - 01 2. Dr. P.U.Gawai Ph.D. - 01 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received : - Nil Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 229 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 17. Departmental projects funded by DST - FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received : - Nil 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University : - Nil 19. Publications: a) Publication per faculty : Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /international) by faculty and students Sr. No. Name of Faculty No.of Total No.of Published in Published Books papers peer reviewed conference Published Published journals Procceding ISSN/ISBN 01. Prof.S.D.Gawhane 02 Dr.P.U.Gawai - 16 04 12 02 20 04 16 Number of publications listed in International Database (For e.g: Web International of Science, Scopus, Humanities Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) : Nil Monographs : Nil Chapter in Books : Nil Books Edited : Nil Books with ISBN/ISSN numbers with details of publishers : Nil Citation Index : Nil SNIP : Nil Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 230 in S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. SJR : Nil Impact factor : Nil h-index : Nil 20 Areas of consultancy and income generated : Nil 21 Faculty as member in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards…. Prof. S.D.Gawhane – 1) Member of editorial l board of college, Magazine Vidya 2) Member of editorial board of Conference Proceedings Dr. P.U.Gawai – 1) Member of editorial l board of Saksham Samiksha. 2) Member of editorial board of Sanshodhan Ganga. 3) Member of editorial board of Diksha Bhumi 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program : Nil b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e. in Research laboratories/Industry/ other agencies 23. : Nil Awards / Recognitions received by faculty and students Dr.P.U.Gawai (1) Award of Research Link, Indore. (2) Granthoday Award, Devyani Pulbliatons, Mumbai. 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the department Shri. Bhikuji Idate, Dhapoli. Sau. Vidyatai Gokhale, Pune. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 231 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Shri.M.T.Deshmukh, Chairman, Sports & Recrecration Dept. S.G.B.A.U. 25. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding 26. a) National : - Nil b) International : - Nil Student profile programme/course wise: Name of the Course/programme Applications (refer question no. 4) received N.A. Enrolled Pass percentage Selected N.A. N.A. *M *F N.A. N.A. N.A. *M = Male *F = Female 27. Diversity of Students Name of the % of students from % of students from % of students from the same state other States abroad B.A.I 100% No B.A.II 100% B.A.III 100% No No B.Com.I 100% No No B.Com.II 100% No No B.Com.III 100% No No Course 28. No No No How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? : Nil 29. Student progression Student progression Against % enrolled UG to PG Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 10 % Page 232 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. PG to M.Phil. - PG to Ph.D. - Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral 25 % Employed • Campus selection - • Other than campus recruitment - Entrepreneurship/Self-employment 30. Details of Infrastructural facilities a) Library : Central Library b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students : Internet facilitations for staff & Students is available in computer Lab. 31. c) Class rooms with ICT facility : No. d) Laboratories : No. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university,government or other agencies : Nearly all students get scholarship or freeship from various agencies. In addition to this, some prizes and scholarships are given by the teaching staff and ex-students. 32. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops /seminar) with external experts Name of Sr.No Date Resorce To PTC Persion 1 23-09-2010 2 10-10-2011 Poet Shri. Kisanrao Lecture on Pise Poetry Shri. Bhikhuji Idate Bhatke Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 233 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Vimuktanche Jivan v Sahitya 3 30-10-2012 Sahityatil Prof. Manoj Phadnis Navta Mi va Mazi 4 33. 18-12-2013 Prinicpal Dr.Govind Kavita Gayki Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Use of Lecture Method with black board. • Use of Multi – Media • Seminar & Group discussion of students • 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities All these activities are performed by college as a unit. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strength • • Well educated and Weakness devoted Most of the student belong to low faculty Social- Free internet access to staff and educationally backward families. students • • Rare Books available in library • Decreasing economic number and of the students to get admission in Marathi. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 234 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Opportunities • Challenges for • Illiterate family background participation in competitive exam • To increase the admission to the To encourage students through college competitive study centre which is established subject of Marathi Literature. • recently. • Free internet Facility. To run the career oriented programmes • Increase the success rate in competitive exam. Future Plan • To organize State / National Seminars. • To Publish books. • Proposed P.G. in Marathi when strength increased. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 235 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Title of Best Practice 1. Title of practice : Marathi Literary Forum 2. Goal : Marathi Literature is taught as an optional subject in the college. The syllabus of the subject for B.A.I, II and III is different. So every year the forum is formed to introduce the students to the trends in literature, to increase their liking for literature and understanding of literary sense. As the Executive Council of the forum is selected from the Marathi Literature students they arrange and plan all the programmes and activities. Those students also get an opportunity of personality development. So the forum is active in last 12 years for this noble purpose. 3. The context : Compulsory Marathi and Marathi Literature (optional) are the subjects taught at graduation level in our college. Various types of literature are included in the syllabus. But the students cannot get thorough ideas about the types of literature from only 2-3 books. For this and to increase liking of mother tongue and various literary types among students, the need was felt to form ‘Marathi Literary Forum’. In addition dictate about language and culture was seen among students and to do something worthwhile through this activity, the forum was formed, in the academic year 2002-03. We are happy that the same has been continued till today. 4. The practice : A meeting of the students who have opted Marathi Literature is called in the month of August. Working committee is then unanimously finalized in the same meeting. All the office bearers are the students. In the Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 236 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. next meeting, an outline of the programmes to be conducted in the academic year is prepared. Generally 5-6 programmes are arranged, viz. seminar, group discussion, essay competition, poet’s meet, guest lectures and educational tour. In all those activities Head of the Department Shri Subhash Gawhane and Dr. Prafull Gawai work as guide of the Forum. 4.1 Seminars : Syllabus related topics are chosen for the seminar and given to the students. More and more students are encouraged to participate in the seminars. All the students discuss on that after paper reading topics. In the conclusion the teachers guide the paper readers and all the students. Such two or three seminars are arranged every year in the college. 4.2 Essay Competition: Occasionally essay competition is arranged for all the students ( Junior & Senior ) of the college on relevant subject. 4.3.Poet’s Meet : In every Annual gathering poet’s meet is organized. Student poets present their own poems, or some memorable poems by other renowned poets. Certificates are given to the students, poets participating in the poet’s meet in addition to memento. 4.4.Guest Lectures : Guest Lectures are arranged in the college as per the availability of the senior college teachers of Marathi. Those teachers speak on their topic of specialization to widen the knowledge range of the students. Question answer session follows the guest lecture. The students clear their doubts in it. 4.5.Educational Tour: In some educational tours students of Marathi Literary Forum participate. They learn the things of their interest and use in such tours. Thus in this way we have been running Marathi Literary Forum since 2002. Following are the programmers and activities conducted in last four years. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 237 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2010-11 Sr. No. Date Nature of Programme Guest / Remarks Poet Shri. 01 23/09/2010 Lecture on Kisanrao poetry Pise, Chikhli Poet’s Meet 02 06/12/2010 (Kavisammelan) in Annual --- Gathering 03 29/12/2010 Student Seminar Sub – Gramgita Sub – Gramin 04 20/01/2010 Student Seminar Kavita (Rural Poetry) 2011-12 Sr.No . Date Nature of Programme Lecture on Bhatke 01 10/10/2011 Vimuktanche Jivan Va Sahitya 02 10/10/2011 Student Seminar Guest / Remarks Shri. Bhikuji Idate – Dapoli(All India…..) Sub - Kavyadhara Sub - ‘Gramgita 03 05/12/2011 Student Seminar Gramonnaticha Marg’ Sub – Stree Brun 04 Octo – 2011 Essay Competition Hatya – Karne Parinam v Upay ( Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 238 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Female Foeticide – Reasons, Effects and Remedies. 05 30/12/2011 Poets Meet in annual Gathering 2012-13 Sr.No. Date Nature of Programme Guest lecture on 01 30/10/2012 ‘Sahityatil Navta’ Guest / Remarks Prof. Manoj Phadnis – Pinjar (Novelty Litreture) 02 13/11/2012 Student Seminar Sub – Gramgita 03 13/12/2012 Student seminar Sub – Kavyadhara 04 01/01/2013 05 20/01/2013 06 24/01/2013 ‘Poets’ Meet in Annual - Gathering Education Tour Place – Ajanta & Jalicha Dev Drama on Sant Gadge Baba 2013-14 Sr.No. 01 Date 27/09/2013 Nature of Programme Guest / Remarks Students Seminar Sub – Novel ‘Dhag’ Guest lecture on “MI 02 18/12/2013 v Mazi Kavita”(My Principal Dr. Govind Gayki Poem and Me) Sub – Swami Vivekanand 03 30/12/2013 Essay competition Yuvakanche Prernasthan ( Youth Idol Swami Vivekanand) Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 239 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 5. Evidence of Success: We are happy that the activity is running smoothly in those 12 years. All the activities contribute to increase profundity of the students in higher education. The students feel that they have moved at least some steps ahead in their research attitude. Through guest lectures, students get information and knowledge in various types of literature. The arrangement and management of the activities offer them an opportunity of public speech and boosts their self – confidence. Annual “ vidya” magazine reflects the increased creativity of the students and their writing skill. One of our forum office bearer Shri Satya Kute’s volumes of poems have been published. Discussion in the class room and personal dialogue in parent contact programme show that students have been benefitted by these activities. They feel that their creativity has and literary sense has definitely increased. 6. Problems Encountered and Resources : The students opting Marathi Literature have a few opportunities except educational filed, so we don’t get many meritorious students. Financial problems too, are very important to organize quality activities, thus we cannot invade stalwarts and famous writers. As a small unit we cannot invite them handsome honorarium. Maximum students belong to economically backward students, So they wish to join job- oriented short term courses. So in recent years. we are getting less number of students for this subject. As numbers at undergraduate level are a few we cannot begin post graduation in Marathi subject. Those are the limitations faced by us. Yet we do every honest effort to give maximum good to our Marathi Literature students. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 240 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Evaluative Report of the Department of Political Science 1. Name of the department : Political Science 2. Year of Establishment : June, 1965. 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered ( UG, PG, M.Phil, Ph.D, Integrated Masters, Integrated Ph.D, etc. ) : U.G. ( B.A. ) 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved : Nil 5. Annual / semester / choice based credit system ( programme wise ) : Annual pattern ( B.A.I, II, III ) 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments : The teaching faculty participates in the conferences / seminars / workshops organized by other departments. 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities, Industries, foreign institutions, etc. : NIL 8. Details of courses / programmes discontinued ( if any ) with reason : NIL 9. Number of Teaching posts Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 241 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Name of post Sanctioned Filled Professors NIL NIL Associate Professors NIL NIL 01 01 Asst.Professors 10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) Sr. No Name Qualification Designation Specialization 1 N.K. Gaikwad M.A., M.Phil, NET, B.Ed. Assistant Professor Political Science 11. List of senior visiting faculty No.of No.of Ph.D Years of Students Experience guided for th last 4 years 3 Years NIL : NIL 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled (programme wise) by temporary faculty : NIL 13. Student -Teacher Ratio (programme wise) : 156:01 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; Sanctioned and filled : NIL 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/ Ph.D/ MPhil / PG. Sr.No Name of Faculty P.G. M.Phil. Ph.D. 01 Shri N.K. Gaikwad M.A. M.Phil. Registered in July, 2012. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 242 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b)International funding agencies and grants received :NIL 17. Departmental projects funded by DST- FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received : NIL 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University : NIL 19. Publications : * a) Publication per faculty Sr. No. Name of Faculty 01. Shri N.K. Gaikwad : No.of Total No.of Published in Books papers peer reviewed Published Published journals - 06 - Published in conference Procceding ISSN/ISBN 06 * Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /international) by faculty and students :NIL * Number of publications listed in International. Database (For e.g.: Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare. Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) : NIL * Monographs : NIL * Chapter in Books : NIL * Books Edited : NIL * Books with ISBN/ISSN numbers with details of publishers : NIL * Citation Index : NIL * SNIP : NIL Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 243 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. * SJR : NIL * Impact factor : NIL * h-index : NIL 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated : NIL 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards… NIL 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme : NIL b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the nstitution laboratories/Industry/other agencies : : NIL 23. Awards / Recognitions received by faculty and students : NIL 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the Department : NIL 25. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding a) National : NIL b) International : NIL : N.A. 26. Student profile programme/course wise *M = Male *F = Female Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 244 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 27. Diversity of Students Name of the Course : % of students from the same state % of students from other States % of students from abroad 100% - - 100% - - 100% - - B.A.I B.A.II B.A.III 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc. ? : More than 15 students. 29. Student progression : Student progression Against % enrolled Against % enrolled 20% UG to PG PG to M.Phil. - PG to Ph.D. - Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral - 30. Details of Infrastructural facilities a) Library : College Library b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students : Internet Facilities for staff & students is available in computer Lab. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 245 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. c) Class rooms with ICT facility : Available in seminar hall of the college. d) Laboratories : Nil 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies : Nearly all students get scholarship or freeship from various agencies. In addition to this, some prizes and scholarships are given by the teaching staff and ex-students. 32. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops /seminars) with external experts :Adv. Sau .Amrapali Kasture, Adv.Vilas Nanhai 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning : Group Discussion on theory topics, Provide list of references text books etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities : Active Participation of Faculty member & Students of Political Science in all Social Programmes in college. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans : Strength : • • Well Educated & Devoted • Most of Students belongs to low Faculty. Socio-Economical & Increasing number of students to educationally backward Families. get admission in Political Science. • Weaknesses : Free internet accesses to staff & • Admitted Students are Mostly from rural areas where Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 246 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. • students in Computer Lab. educational facilities are Faculty Member used Modern insufficient & they have lower Teaching aids such as LCD percentage at HSC level. Projector etc. Challenges : Opportunities : • • students. To encourage students for participation in competitive exam • • Insufficient subject knowledge of the students as HSC level. through college. Competitive exam books & journals available Illiterate family background of the • Students being poverty stricken it in college library. is challenging to motivate then for Free facility of use of internet in self employment. computer lab. • To encourage them for competitive exam. Future Plan :• This department will be plan for academic activities such as national level, state level seminars, conferences, workshops & guest lectures by eminent personalities, tours / visits to political/judiciary institutions, debates on contemporary issues. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 247 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Best Practice 1) Title of the practice : Political Science Forum 2) Goal : Political Science is taught as an optional subject in the college. The syllabus of all the three classes of B.A. is different. So formation of Political Science Forum is done every year from 2012 in a democratic way to create awareness of political concepts, to increase their participation in political process and promote tomorrow’s leadership. The formation is done unanimously after open discussion. Asst.Prof. Nagesh Khushalrao Gaikwad (Head, Political Science Department) looks after the forum as guide. 3) The context : The previous faculty member used to conduct varied activities every year. But it was like an amateur activity. So students couldn’t get an idea of formation of a forum, its way of systematic functioning, planning and implementation of activities. So, after my appointment as full time lecturer in political science in this college. I felt the need of formation of political science forum. So in the very next year i.e. 2012, Political Science Forum is formed every year to conduct the activities related to the subject. Sincere effort is being done to do and introduce novelty programmes and activities for students who have opted Political Science as a subject at B.A. I, II. and III level. The syllabus of those three classes is different. But the subject Political Science has much wider scope than the prescribed syllabus. Keeping this view and to bring awareness among students about newly emerging political concepts and problems Political Science Forum was started. I thought that there is a need for students to visit various judicial, political and administrative departments or places to learn the working process there and to use those for personality development. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 248 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Keeping in mind the above background, Political Science Forum activity was started. I hope that it would help the students to be aware of syllabus related yet deeper and wider political concepts as well as incidents. 4) The practice : At the beginning of the academic year, generally in the month of August Political Science Forum is formed in a democratic way. For this incharge teacher calls a meeting of students of Political Science. The concept of the activity is explained to the students. Then a working committee of 11 (eleven) students is selected. Following this process in the same meeting, a tentative plan is made of the activities to be conducted in that academic year and accordingly it is implemented by students. In every programme nearly all the planning, preparation, stage work and follow-up is done and shared by the students themselves. So the inherent qualities of the students are utilised and this leads to their personality development. The students of the working committee spontaneously work in all the activities conducted by the forum and the incharge teacher plays the role of guide. Following are the notable activities conducted by Political Science Forum since: its formation Sr. No. Year & Date Programme/ Activity 01 2012-13 (27/08/2012) Formation of the forum in Democratic way 02 30/08/2012 03 30/01/2013 04 2013-14 Rights and Responsibilities of women. Seminar of students on “What is Democracy? Problems and Remedies.” Formation of the Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Guest ---- Adv. Sau. Amrapali Kasture Prof. S.T. Jain Prof. N.K. Gaikwad Page 249 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 5 (30/08/2014) forum in Democratic Way. 05 22/10/2013 Guidance on Law 06 30/01/2014 Seminar of students on ‘Democracy: A Lifestyle’ Adv. Vilas Nanhai Prof. S.T. Jain Prof. N.K. Gaikwad Evidence of Success: Students participating in Political Science Forum get advantage of various activities conducted by the forum to build bright future. Leadership qualities get developed in students. So our students participate in various election. The students express their gratefulness to the forum for the increased awareness about the duties and rights of a citizen to become a good citizen of India. The students who have progressed to post graduation in the subject now say that the activities of the Political Science Forum helps them in study of competitive examinations. 6 Problems Encountered and Resources Required : Majority of the students come from economically backward classes and they wish to join short term employment oriented courses. The number of admissions for the subject is decreasing. As the undergraduate enrolment is less, we cannot begin post graduation in the subject. These are the limitations for us. Yet those students who opt the subject, we try to give them at our maximum level, to make them successful in life. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 250 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Evaluative Report : - Department of History 1. Name of the department 2. Year of Establishment : History : June 1965 ( Since Establishment of the college, ) 3. Names of Programmes / Courses offered ( UG, PG, M.Phil, Ph.D,IntegratedMasters, Inte grated Ph.D, etc. ) : 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved 5. : Nil Annual / semester / choice based credit system ( programme :- wise ) 6. UG ( B.A. ) Annual pattern ( B.A.I, II, III ) Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments :- The teaching faculty participates in the conference / seminars / workshops /organized by other departments. 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities, Industries, foreign institutions, etc. : 8. NIL Details of courses / programmes discontinued ( if any ) with reason : NIL Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 251 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 9. Number of Teaching posts Sanctioned Filled Professors NIL NIL Associate Professors NIL NIL Asst.Professors 01 01 10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, Specialization, (D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,) No.of Sr. No 1 Name S.S.Malshikha re Qualificatio n M.A.,B.Ed. Designation Assistant Professor No.of Ph.D Specializati Years of Students on Experienc guided for the e last 4 years 19 Years NIL --- 11. List of senior visiting faculty :- Dr.N.D.Dhale, Prof. Suresh Mapari, Prof.Dipak Lahase 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled( programme wise) by temporary faculty : 13. Student -Teacher Ratio (programme wise) : NIL 141:01 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled 15. : Nil Qualifications of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/ Ph.D/ MPhil /PG. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 252 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received : NIL 17. Departmental projects funded by DST - FIST; UGC, DBT, : NIL ICSSR, etc. and total grants received 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University : NIL 19. Publications : NIL * a) Publication per faculty : NIL * Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national / : NIL international) by faculty and students * Number of publications listed in International Database (For Eg: Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences : NIL Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) * Monographs : NIL * Chapter in Books : NIL * Books Edited : NIL * Books with ISBN/ISSN numbers with details of publishers : NIL * Citation Index : NIL * SNIP : NIL * SJR : NIL Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 253 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. * Impact factor : NIL * h-index : NIL 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated : NIL 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards…. : NIL 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme : NIL b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution Research laboratories/Industry/ other agencies : NIL 23. Awards / Recognitions received by faculty and students : NIL 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the : Department NIL 25. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding : NIL b) International : NIL 26. Student profile programme/course wise : N.A. a) National *M = Male *F = Female Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 254 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 27. Diversity of Students Name of the % of students from % of students from % of students from Course the same state other States abroad 100% --- --- 100% --- --- 100% --- --- B.A.I B.A.II B.A.III 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? : More than 20 students 29. Student progression Student progression Against % enrolled Against % enrolled UG to PG 22% PG to M.Phil. --- PG to Ph.D. --- Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral --- Employed --- Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurship/Self-employment Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 --- Page 255 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 30. Details of Infrastructural facilities : a) Library College library b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students :- Internet Facilities for staff & students is available in computer Lab. c) Class rooms with ICT facility :- Available in seminar hall of the college. : d) Laboratories Nil 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, : Nearly all students get scholarship or freeship from various agencies. In addition to this, some prizes and scholarships are given by the teaching staff and exstudents. 32. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops /seminar) with external experts :Date Name of Resorce Person Topic 29/01/2011 Shri Manohar Pawar Ballads from History 05/10/2011 Prof.Lahase Dipak Mughal Administration 23/10/2012 Prof.Dr.N.D.Dhale Ancient Coins and Ancient Temples 22/01/2014 Shri Manohar Pawar Historical Stories 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Group Discussion on theory topics, supply of list of references, text books etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities Duties as presiding officers in election of. Z.P and SGBA University Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 256 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans This department will plan for academic activities such as national level / state level seminar,workshop and guest lecturs by eminent personalities, tours / visits to Historical tours/ Judciary Institution, Debates on contemporary Issue. Strength : • • Well Educated and Devoted Weaknesses : • Most of Students belong to low Faculty Socio-Economic and Free internet accesses to staff and educationally backward Families. students in Computer Lab Decreasing number of the students Rare books available in library to get admission in History. • Challenges : Opportunities : • To encourage students for • To increase the admissions to the subject of History. participation in competitive exam through college. Competitive • Study centre which is established recently. • Free internet facility. To run the career oriented programme. • Increase the success rate in competitive Exam. Future Plan • To organize National Seminar • To publish books • Proposed PG in History Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 257 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Best Practice 1) Title of the Practice :- History Forum 2) Goal :History is taught as on optional Subject in Arts faculty in the college. Syllabus of every class i.e B.A.I ,II,III is different. Yet it needs addition. To increase linking about the subject and to make them aware of the true history, History Forum is formed. The working committee is selected amongst the History students. Those students plan and arrange the programmes.So the students get an opportunity of personality development. The forum is working for last 12 years with the same noble purpose. 3) The Context As an optional subject at B.A. degree level, only one book each means only three books have been prescribed for the syllabus. B.A.I has History of India( from the beginning to 1526). B.AII has History of India from middle ages to freedom ( 1526-1947). B.A.III has History of Morden Europe ( 1780-1965).But these three books contain a very small part of the history of India and the world. Landmarks in history like History of Maratha, American Revolution, History of South East including China is not the part of this syllabus. So the syllabus cannot give complete idea about History to the students. So to develop a liking about history and to read history the need to form this forum was felt. So the forum was formed in 2002 and it is continuously working thereon. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 258 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. The activities held under this forum are as under – Year / Date Activity Year 2010-11 Seminars on Education Date 07/09/2010 System in Vaidik Era 29/01/2011 Ballads from History Guest 20 students participated Shri Manohar Pawar presentation before students Inaugurator SGB State level History 17/02/2011 Confence “personality and life of chhatrapati Shivaji and Sambhaji” Amravati University Social Sci-Dean Prof-Dr Ravindra Vaidya, Keynote Speaker Prof. Dr.Z. Pathan ( Badnapur, Jalna) 2011-12 Lecture on Mughal 05/10/2011 Administration 18/10/2011 07/12/2011 Seminar on Religious Life in Rigwed Times Seminar on Administration in the Shivaji Era Prof Lahase Dipak Chatrapati Arts college Buldana 25 students Participated 20 Studens participated 2012-13 Lecturer on Ancient Coins Dr.Dhale, Jijamata 23/10/2012 and Ancient Temples College, Buldana. 24/12/2013 20/01/2013 Seminar on Ancient Indian Education System 22 students participated Historical tour arranged at Ajanta caves 2013-14 Seminar on Gulam Wansh ( 20 Students of B.A.I,II,III 19/10/2013 Salve Ruler Family ) participated 22/01/2014 Historical Stories Shree Manohar Pawar 25/01/2014 Historical Tour 40 Students Participated Seminar on Napolean 10 students of B.A.III Bonapart participated 30/01/2014 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 259 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. The Practice Generally in the month of August a meeting of the students who have opted History subject is called. A new working committee is selected from the students of History every year. All the office bearers are the students. Then in a meeting the activities to be conducted throughout the academic year are discussed and an outline of those is prepared. Generally 4 to 5 programmes are arranged every year in which seminar, expert lectures, historical tour etc. are noteworthy. Seminars For the seminars subjects related to study or syllabus are selected. The interested students do paper reading and then all History students discuss the topic. In such 2-3 Seminars the History teachers point out the weaknesses of the presenters and then guide them. This is done to increase research attitude of the students. Expert Lectures History Forum arranges lectures of expert History teachers. This is done so that students should get new and new information about History and their liking should increases in the subject. The students try to solve their problems through question answer session which follows the lecture. Historical tour :Every year tour to historical places is arranged every year. In the academic year 2013-14 in this tour we visited Ganpati Temple ( Rajur, Bhadra Maruti Temple Khultabad, Tomb of Aurangzeb at Aurangabad, Deogiri Fort and Ellora Caves. A guide was hired and he gave detailed information of those historical places. It is felt that all such activities help the students in higher education to develop their profundity and increase research attitude. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 260 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Evidence of success :- Through this continuous activity of 12 years the students have been benifitted by new and new additional information about History and it will continue in the Future.Research attitude has been promoted and at least some increase has been seen in their study and discussion. Habit of reading history has increased in students.The students are doing efforts to know the true history through reading and expert lectures and expressing their views through seminars. We feel that their information and knowledge gets reflected in their articles published in Vidya Annual magazine and various elocution and debate competitions. The students appearing for competitive examination tell us that the activities of the History Forum have helped them a lot in the examination and selection as officer; for example Ibrahim Choudhari ( Deputy Collector ) Sachin Ingle ( PSI ) and Yogesh Shisode ( State Govt. officer). We are happy that at least some additional knowledge could be given to the students in those 12 years. Problems Encountered and Resources:Not many job opportunities are available to History students. So a few students sincerely pay attention to History studies.Financial problems are also faced .Due to scanty funds we cannot invite stalwart Historians and great personalities to guide our students.Most of such renowned people live at Pune ,Mumbai or far away places. Maximum students are from economically backward class. So in recent years the students wish to do short term courses.Thus the number of students in B.A.II and III is very less. Beause of this, we cannot begin post graduation in History subject. These limitations are faced by History subject, yet we do every effort to give maximum good to our History students. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 261 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Evaluative Report : Department of Economics. : 1. Name of the Department 2. Year of Establishment : Economics 1965 3. Name of Programmes/ course offered : U.G. (B.A & B.Com.) 4. Name of inter disciplinary courses and the department/ units involved : Nil 5. Annual/ semester/ choice based credit system (Programme wise) :Annual Pattern, at U.G. level 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other department : Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign,institutions etc : Nil 8. Details of courses/ programmes discontinued(if any) with reason : No programme is discontinued. 9. Number of Teaching post: Name of the post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professor 02 02 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 262 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization. No. of Sr. Name No Qualification Designation Specialization . years Ph.D. students Exper ience Shri.D.P.Mahajan M.A.,M.Phil, Assistant Indian ( 1998) B.P.Ed. Professor Economics 01 guided for last 4 year 17 Nil 09 Nil M.A.,B.Ed, Shri. V.K.Wakode M.Com.,SET Assistant Co-operation ( 2006) & Professor & Banking 02 NET,.D.B.M. 11. List of Senior visiting faculty Nil : 12. Percentage of lectures delivered & practical classes handled by : Temporary faculty Nil 13. Students Teachers ratio (Progrmme wise) : B.A.& B.Com 1:146 14. Number of academic support staff(technical & administrative staff) : Nil Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 263 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 15. Qualification of teaching faculty with D.Sc./D.Litt/Ph.D./M.Phill/P.G. Sr.No. Name of Faculty 01 Shri.D.P.Mahajan P.G. M.A. M.Phil Ph.D. M.Phil. Registered in July, 2014 02 Shri.V.K.Wakode M.A./ -- Ph.D Registered in M.Com Jan..2010. 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from : Nil 17. Department project funded by DST-FIST; UGC;DBT;ICSSR etc and total grants received: One Minor Research Project completed funded by UGC, titled, “An Analytical Study of Co-operative Movement : Special Reference to Chikhli Tahsil.” Total outlay : Rs. 25,000.00/- 18. Research Centre/ facility recognized by the university Nil : 19 Publication : Sr. Name of Faculty No. No. of Total Number Published Published in Books of paper in peer conf. Published published reviewed proceedings journals ISSN/ ISSBN 01 Shri.D.P.Mahajan -- 30 04 34 02 Shri.V.K.Wakode 03 11 - 11 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 264 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 20. Area of consultancy and income generated : 21. Faculty member in : Nil 22. Students projects Nil : Nil 23. Award/ Recognitions received by faculty and students Nil : 24. List of eminent academicians and scientist/visitors to the department: 1.Dr.Santosh Kute, Chairman, BoS SGBAU – Amravati, 18.01.2012. 2. Dr.N.A. Pistulkar ,Chairman, BoS SGBAU – Amravati, 26.12.2009. 3. Dr. D.V.Jahagirdar, Ex. J.D. Kolhapur, 20.09.2010. 4. Dr. R.P.Kurulkar, Chairman, Marathawada Vaidhanik Vikas Mahamandal. Mantralay, Mumbai. 20.09.2010. 5. Principal, Dr.K.K.Patil, Jamkar Mahavidhyalaya Parbhani, 20.09.2010. 6. Dr. Mukta Jahagirdar, President, Marathi Arthashastra Parishad, 20.09.2010. 7. Dr.A.B.Devgirikar, Professor & Head, BAMU Aurangabad, 3.02.2009. 8. Dr.Subhash Jadhav, Chairman, BoS Commerce SGBAU –Amravati, 26.12.2009. 25. Seminar/Conference/ Workshop organized & the source of funding: Sr.No. Name of Conference Date Funding Agency 01 State Level Conference on Financial Sector and 03.02.2009 UGC India in Globalization Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 265 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 26. Student profile programme/ course wise Name of the course/progrmme : Nil 27.Diversity of Students: Name of Course % of students from % of students from % of students from the same state the other state abroad B.A.I 100% 00 00 B.A.II 100% 00 00 B.A.III 100% 00 00 B.Com.I 100% 00 00 B.Com.II 100% 00 00 B.Com.III 100% 00 00 28.How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations like NET, SLET, GATE, Civil Services, Defense services: SET NET Civil Services Defense services 01 01 10 40 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 266 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 29. Students Progression: Students Progression Against % enrolled UG to PG 25% PG to M.Phil Nil PG to Ph.D. Nil Ph.D. to Post Doctoral Nil Employed Nil Campus selection 10% Other than campus 25% recruitment Self Employment 40% 30. Details of Infrastructural Facilities : a) Library : College Library b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students : Internet Facilities for staff & Students is available in computer Lab. c) Class rooms with ICT facility d) Laboratories : Available in seminar hall of the college. : Nil 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university,government or other agencies: : Nearly all students get scholarship or freeship from various agencies. In addition to this, some prizes and scholarships are given by the teaching staff and ex-students. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 267 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 32. Details of students enrichment programmes(Special Lecture/Workshop/Seminar) with external expert: Guest Lecture: 1. Dr. T.P.More ,Janta Mahavidhyalaya, Malkapur. 28.09.2011. 2. Dr.R.R.Gawhale, BoS Member SGBAU – Amravati.09.112012. 3. Dr.R.S.Borse, Bos Member SGBAU- Amravati,29.12.2009. 4. Dr. S. D..Erande , Shidhartha College Jafrabad Dist. Jalna, 31.01.2012. 5. Prof.L.S. Patankar, Member, BoS SGBAU – Amravati,24.12.2010. 6. Dr. R.D.Gophane, RMO PHC Shelgaon Atol, 1.10.2010. 7. Dr. P.B.Kharche, Janta College Malkapur, 24.12.2010. 8. Prof. Arvind Kadbe, Govt. Poly. Khamgaon, 19.01.2011. 9. Prof. N.M.Ambhare, Jijamata Mahavidhyalaya Buldana, 7.10.2012 10. Dr.S.S.Gawai, B.D.O. Panchayat Samiti Chikhli. 22.01.2013. 11. Prof. S.M.Dandade ,MES College Mehkar, 23.01.2014. 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning: • Use of Lecture method with white board. • As and when needed use of LCD projector. • Seminar and group discussions of the students. • College is having overhead projector which can be used intermittently and as per need. • College is equipped with network resource centre in library. The Internet facility also available in commerce laboratory. Thus internet facility is adequate and has free access to students and teachers which can be used by students frequently. • CDs on some texts are also made available which can be shown to students. • Use of charts and models. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 268 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: a) Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) : Nil b) Extension activities: • Awareness among people related to District Consumer Forum. • Active participation by delivering speech in Farmer’s Meet in Malagi Village Ta. Chikhli. (12.08.2010 &19.122011.) • To create awareness about Competitive exams through various programmes and lectures.. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and future plans: Strength : • Well educated and devoted Weaknesses : • socio – economic and faculty. • educationally backward Increasing number of students to families. get admission in Economics. • Free internet access to staff and Students. • Most of students belong to low Adequate class rooms with modern teaching aids such as LCD projector, OHP etc. • Admitted students are mostly from rural educational areas facilities are insufficient and they have lower percentage at HSC level. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 where Page 269 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Opportunities : • Challenges: To encourage students for • participation in competitive exams through college the students. • competitive study centre which is established recently. • Illiterate family background of Insufficient subject knowledge of the students at HSC level. • Students being poverty Free facility of use of internet in stricken, it is challenging to commerce laboratory for skill motivate them for self development. employment. • To encourage them for competitive exams. Future Plan: • Exposure of students in academic events. • To Run the career oriented programmes. • Organize guest lectures of economists, subject experts for the students. • To organize workshop and seminar for students. • To publish books. • To organize UGC sponsored National and International level conference and seminar . • Guidance cell for local agriculturist, farmers on day to day market economics of local agricultural product. • To make the students aware of the burning issues of our Indian economy and to help to sort out the problems. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 270 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Best Practice 1. Title of the practice: Economics Planning forum 2. Goal: This is the age of globalization. In this globalised era if we want to survive we must equip ourselves with new skills and techniques. Taking the same purpose into consideration we are already offer new knowledge & information to our students. This age of globalization revolve around money i.e. Economics subject, has got prominent importance and therefore ,every year we form Economics Planning Forum with the help of this we avail the opportunity for the students. Prof .Dilip Mahajan head of the Department of Economics, works as a coordinator and Prof. Vijay Wakode works as a assistant of Economics Planning Forum. Some goals of Economics Planning Forum are as follows: i) To create awareness of the better understanding of knowledge. ii) To make them aware about the writing and presentation skills. iii) To increase knowledge of current topic in the Economics. 3. The Context: i)To give practical knowledge and suggest how to write and read learning resources available in Economics. ii) Due to the ignorance about the subject of Economics students hesitate to involve in research process. iii)Only Syllabus at graduate level is not enough to get detail knowledge of economics, to develop reading habit and create interest among the students about economics subject. iv)Economics department decided to start Planning forum. Planning forum always tries to give all the information about Economics. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 271 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4. The Practice: Every year in the month of August , Department of Economics calls meeting of all the students of Economics from Arts and Commerce Faculty. In the meeting, department forms a council of students for the Forum. Then this council of 10to 12 student representatives plan the list of annual programmes to be taken during the academic session. Such as seminars, workshops, guest lectures,and subject experts etc. The students body also organizes Arthdnyan Competition based on the current topics related with Economics. The Practice : Date 31/10/2009 Programme/ Subject Name Increasing Indian Population-Seminar Guest Name No of students Participa ted 11 - 03/12/2009 07 Globalization: Boon & Bane Seminar - 26/12/2009 130 District level student workshop Relevance in today’s Economy. Prof.N.A.Pistulkar The Impact of Global Recession on ,Chairman BoS Indian Economy Prof.Dr.Subhash, Jadhao, Member, BoS Prof.Rajendra Borse , Member,BoS, SGBAU. 01/02/2010 20/09/2010 Environmental imbalance and Indian Prof.Rajendra Borse , Economy-Seminar Member,BoS, SGBAU. State Level Seminar- Marathi Dr.R.P Kurulkar, Arthshastra Parishad President Marthwada 06 110 Vaidhanik Vikas Maha Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 272 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Mandal, Govt. of Maharashtra.Mumbai. Dr.Sau .M.D.Jahagirdar, President Marathi Arthshastra Parishad Dr.D.V Jahagirdar Dr.K.K Patil 01/10/2010 Population Education –Lecture Dr.R.D.Gofane RMO All Students PHC Shelgaon Aatol 24/12/2010 University level workshop Prof.L.S.Patnakar Impact of Globalization on Indian Member BoS Agriculture. Dr.P.B.Kharche 108 Service Sector : Challenges and opportunities 19/01/2011 Water Management lecture Prof.Arvind Kadabe 02/08/2011 Population Seminar - All Students 08 28/09/2011 Inflation-Seminar Dr.T.P More, Janata 06 College Malkapur 18/01/2012 Challenges in Indian Economy-lecture Dr.Santosh Kute, Mahila College Mehkar 31/01/2012 Consumer literacy-lecture Dr.S.D Erande All Students All Students Siddharth College Japhrabad 01/02/2012 Water Management lecture Nivrutti Shedge Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 All Students Page 273 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 02/02/2012 Environmental Polution-seminar 05 - 09/11/2012 University level workshop Dr.R.R Gavhale Inflation causes effects and remedies President, Vidarbh Impact of FDI in Indian Retail Arthshastra Parishad Sector Dr.Anil.Raut BoS 72 Member 22/01/2013 Water Management workshop All Students Shri S.S.Gawai BDO P.S.Chikhli Nivrutti Shedge P.S.Chikhli. - 29/01/2013 Environment :seminar 01/02/2013 Arthdyan Competition 07/10/2013 Imbalanced Population – lecture - 04 54 Prof.Sau.Nalini Ambare Jijamata College All Students Buldana. 11/10/2013 Low Indian Agriculture Production - 06 Prof.S.M. Dandade All Students :Causes and remedies 23/01/2014 Inflation -lecture M.E.SCollege Mehkar. 05/02/2014 Arthdyan Competition - 33 We find that students are interested to take part but some colleges are not sending students for University level workshops and competitions. 5. Evidence of Success: For the last fifteen years Dept.of Economics forms Planning Forum to create reading habit amongst the students. The Forum avails the platform for the students through various programmes. Students try to learn various aspects of Economic Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 274 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. development through reading and the guidance of experts. To develop research attitude among the students planning forum of economics is trying its level best and to some extent we find it on right path and anticipate for the bright future of students. We are proud to say that through the planning forum and its activities such as seminars, workshops, conference and in college magazine Vidya students try to present their research papers and becoming more courageous, enthusiastic and studious. While mentioning the evidence of success we really feel proud that the students are benefited much in their career by activities conducted by economic department. In planning forum the leadership qualities of students are developed, which helps in their overall personality development. Many students of our college have become successful in different fields of life viz. teachers, lecturers ,advocates, police ,army ,business ,bank employers ,Government employees etc. In the effect of this activity near about 10 students teaching economics at college level , 20 students working in government sector. Thus the planning forum of department of economics successfully develop the life skill in the students as well as pave the way for bright future. 6. Problems Encountered and Resources : We want to invite International level experts and researchers in economics and we try in this regard but due to fund scarcity we are not able to invite them. The other reason is our college is in rural area. We cannot get response of scholar students. In the rural region students of economics actually don’t have much scope .The students from village are not economically strong so they prefer to take admission to other courses. We also don’t expect admission to the subject. In our city there is another college, so we have not started P.G.Course in the college. In spite of all these limitations we always try to give our students the best we have. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 275 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. EvaluativeReport : Department of Commerce. 1. Name of the Department : Commerce 2. Year of Establishment : June 1965 3. Name of Programmes/ course offered : U.G. (B.Com) 4. Name of inter disciplinary courses and the department/ units involved : Career Oriented Course E-Commerce 5. Annual/ semester/ choice based credit system (Programme wise) : Annual Pattern at U.G. (B.Com.) 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other department : Bridge Crouse in English 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign, institutions etc. : Nil 8. Details of courses/ programmes discontinued : Nil 9. Number of Teaching Posts: Name of the post Sanctioned Filled Principal 1 1 Assistant Professor 3 3 Total 4 4 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 276 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization.(DSC/D lit / Ph.D/., M.Phil. etc) Sr. No. 01 Name Dr.A.B.Tare Qualification M.Com, Designation No. of Ph.D. Speciali- years students zation Experie guided for nce last 4 year Principal Commerce 25 7 M.Com.,M.A. Assistant Commerce 12 Nil B.Ed., M.Phil. Professor M.Com., Assistant Commerce 12 Nil B.Ed., M.Phil. Professor M.Com.,SET Assistant Commerce 7 Nil M.Phil., Professor M.Phil, Ph.D 2 R.P.Deshmane 02 A.S.Purohit 03 B.S.Ingle GDC&A. 11. List of Senior visiting faculty: 1. Prof. AvinashKapse, Anuradha Engineering College, Chikhli For E-Commerce 2. Prof. Anisa Madam, Anuradha Engineering College, Chikhli For E-Commerce 12. Percentage of lectures delivered & practical classes handled by Temporary faculty : Nil 13. Students Teachers ratio (Progrmme wise): Sr Year Class Students Teachers Ratio 2009-10 B Com-1 89 4 22.25 B Com-2 68 4 17.1 B Com-3 48 4 12:1 no 1 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 277 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2 2010-11 3 2011-12 4 2012-13 B Com-1 118 4 30.1 B Com-2 55 4 14:1 B Com-3 48 4 12:1 B Com-1 91 4 23:1 B Com-2 67 4 17:1 B Com-3 41 4 10:1 B Com-1 82 4 21:1 B Com-2 60 4 15:1 B Com-3 53 4 13:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) & administrative staff sanctioned & filled : Nil 15.Qualification of teaching faculty with D.Sc./D.Litt /Ph.D. /M.Phill/P.G. Sr.No. Name of Faculty Qualification Specialization 01 Dr. A.B. Tare M.Com,M.Phil,Ph.D Commerce Asst.Prof. M.Com,M.A.,B.Ed.,M.Phil,. Commerce M.Com,B.Ed,M.Phil, Commerce 02 R.P.Deshmane 3 Asst.Prof. A.S.Purohit 4 Asst.Prof. M.Com,SET,M.Phil,GDC&A Commerce B.S.Ingle Ph.D Registration:1) R.P. Deshmane July 2012 2) Asst.Prof. A.S.Purohit July 2012 3) Asst.Prof. B.S.Ingle January 2011 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 278 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from: a)National : Nil b)International funding Agencies and grants received: Nil 17. Department project funded by DST-FIST; UGC;DBT;ICSSR etc and total GrandsReceived: 1) Asst.Prof. R.P.Deshmane,ongoing Minor Research Project Funded By UGC(Grants Received Rs.97500) 2) Asst.Prof. B.S.Ingle,Completed the Minor Research Project Funded By UGC(Grants Received Rs.133500) 18. Research Centre/ facility recognized by the university : Application to S. G. B. Amravati University has been sent. 19 Publication : Paper presented & published by faculty Name of the teacher 1 Dr.A.B.Tare 2 Conference/Seminar/Workshop International National State regional Total 24 46 - - 70 Asst.Prof.R.P.Deshmane 1 11 2 - 14 3 Asst.Prof.A.S.Purohit 2 13 - - 15 4 Asst.Prof. B.S.Ingle 1 8 3 - 12 Dr .A. B. Tare Principal of College-Two Books Published Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 279 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 20. Area of consultancy and income generated : Nil 21. Faculty Member in a) National Committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards : Dr. A .B. Tare, the principal of college: 1) Member of Board of Studies in Account & Statistics 2) Advisory Member of ASC in SGBAU University 3) Senate Member of SGBAU. 22 Students projects: Projects done by Students of E-Commerce & B. Com -3 E-Commerce Subject. 23. Award/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: 1) DR. A. B.Tare, Received Bharat JyotiNationalAward. 2) Asst.Prof. A.S. Purohit,ReceivedNational VikasRatnaAward. (For social work in N.S.S.) Students : : 10thMerit of SGBAU 2) Dinesh S.Shirsat, : 6thMerit of SGBAU 3) PravinT. Kad, : 8th Merit of SGBAU 1) Ku. Snehel J. Sonune, Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 280 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 24. List of eminent academicians and scientist/visitors to the department: 1. Dr.Subhash Jadhao- Chairman of BOS, SGBAU Amravati 2. Dr.L.K.Karngale Member of BOS A/C &Statistics, SGBAU – Amravati 3. Dr. Anil Raut- Member of Commerce BOS, SGBAU – Amravati. 4. Dr. Pramod Patil-Prakalp Adhikari Zilla Prishad, Buldana. 5. Mr. Khanzode- Manager LIC office, Buldana. 6) Mr. Khushal Golani, Chartered Accountant. 7) Mr. Bhagwan Nagwani, Chartered Accountant 25. Seminar/Conference/ Workshop organized & the source of funding : Nil 26. Student profile programme/ course wise Name of the course/progrmme: Name of the year Course/ Programme Applications received Enrolled Selected Male Female Pass percentage E-Commerce Course 2008-09 Certificate 40 40 25 15 97.43% 2009-10 Certificate 23 23 09 14 100% Diploma 27 27 12 15 100% Certificate 40 40 28 12 100% Diploma 16 16 12 04 100% 17 17 7 10 100% 2010-11 Advance Diploma Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 281 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2011-12 Certificate 34 34 27 07 100% Diploma 14 14 05 09 100% 07 07 06 01 100% Certificate 33 33 20 13 100% Diploma 12 12 9 3 100% 14 14 5 9 100% Advance Diploma 2012-13 Advance Diploma 27.Diversity of Students: % of students % of students from the same from the other state state B.Com-1 100% 00 00 B.Com-2 100% 00 00 B.Com-3 100% 00 00 Name of Course % of students from abroad 28.How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations like NET, SLET, GATE, Civil Services, Defense services: SET NET Civil Services Defense services 02 04 10 10 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 282 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 29. Students Progression: Students Progression Against % enrolled UG to PG 50% PG to M.Phil 1.08% PG to Ph.D. One Student Completed Ph.D. Ph.D. to Post Doctoral - Employed - Campus selection 5.97% Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurship/Selfemployment 8.15% 16.30% 30. Details of Infrastructural Facilities : A. Books are available in the collegeLibrary : 8889. B. Internet Facilities for staff and students : Internet Facilities are available in computer lab of Department C. Class room with ICT Facility : ICT Facility is available in college auditorium Hall. d) Laboratories : Compurter Laboratory With LAN & Internet Connection. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 283 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: : Nearly all students get scholarship or freeship from various agencies. In addition to this, some prizes and scholarships are given by the teaching staff and ex-students. 32. Details of students enrichment Programs SpecialLecture/Workshop/Seminar) with external expert: Sr. Activities done by department Date Importance of Commerce Education 4-12-2009 No. 1 ( A Lecture Delivered by :Dr.L.K.Karangale, Lonar College) 2 Save Energy Programme 24-12-2009 ( A lecture Delivered by : DR G. U. Khrat, AEC College) 3 Students Workshop on Effects of World Recession on Indian 26-12-2009 Industries. Chief Guest :-Dr. SubhashJadhao 4. Guidance on Share Market 28-01-2009 (A lectured Delivered by ;- Adv. Vilas Nanhai 5 Role of SHG in Women Empowerment 26-08-2010 (A Lecture Delivered By: Dr. PramodPatil, Project Officer, Z.P. Buldana 6 Students Workshop on Service Sector:-Opportunity &Challenges. 24-12-2010 Chief Guest :-Dr. P. B. Kharche, Janta College,Malkapur) 7 Guidance on “Computer Literacy in Modern Age” 08-10-2010 (A Lecture Delivered By: Prof. P.R. Chandore, AEC college, Chikhli.) 8 Importance of Commerce Education & Job Opportunities 27-08-2011 (A Lecture Delivered By: Prof.T.G.Mirge, LRT College, Akola) Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 284 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 9 CPT Examination of C.A. 04-01-2011 (A Lecture Delivered By: KhushalGolani, Chartered Accountant) 10 Internet &Website Design Guidance programme 19-10-2011 A Lecture Delivered By: Prof . AwinashKapse AEC college) 11 Competitive Examination Guidance 1-10-2011 A Lecture Delivered By: Prof. Vivek Dixit, Aurangabad 12 Students Workshop on” Effects Of FDI in Retail Sector” 9-11-2012 Chief Guest :- Dr Anil Raut ,Shivaji College, Akola) 13 Commerce & Self Employment 31-08-2012 A Lecture Delivered By: Prof . Sunil Deshmukh) 14 Computer Network & Web A Lecture Delivered 20-10-2012 By: Prof. AwinashKapse, HOD, AEC College) 15 Effect of Recesion in Indian Economy 3-9-2013 A Lecture Delivered By: Dr.Uday Kale, MES College,Mehkar) 16 LIC job opportunity 10-09-2013 Guided By:- ShriKhanzode,Manager. LICOffice,Buldana 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning: • Use of Lecture method with Whiteboard. • As and when needed use of LCD projector. • Seminars, group discussions, Project presentation,assignments of the student. • Guest lectures are also arranged for students • CDs on some texts are also made available which can be shown to students, • Practical approach while teaching, specially in the subject of Computer. • Use of PowerPoint Presentation to the students. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 285 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: a) Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR): : NSS & NCC unit for unity & integrity , discipline & social Responsibility. b) Extension activities: 1) Principal Dr. Abhay B. Tare • He is a member of BOS Account & Statistics S. G. B.Amravati University • He is Advisory member of ASC,SGBAU. • He is Ph.D Guide of SGBAU. • Senate Member of SGBAU. 2) Assistant Professor Ramesh P. Deshmane (HOD Of Commerce) • Member of Students Development Council & Discipline Committee. • Co-ordinator of Commerce & Computer Forum. • Co-ordinator of Website Update committee. • Member of Alumni Committee. • Member of Adult & Continuous Education Committee. • NSSProgramme Officer. 3) Assistant Professor Anil S. Purohit • Member of LMC • Regional co-ordinator in NSS Chikhli Taluka Unit • Co-ordinator of Career Counselling & Placement Cell • Co-ordinator of Alumni Committee • Member of Staff Academy • Director of Arts & Commerce College, Salary Earners co-op. Society. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 286 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4) Assistant Professor Balkrushna S. Ingle • Member of Students DevelopmentCouncil • Member of Discipline Committee • Member of Career Counseling & Placement Cell • Member of Admission Committee • Member of Grievance Redressal Cell • CO-Ordinator, Staff Academy • NCC Care taker 35. SWOC analysis of the department and future plans: Strength : • Well-furnished Computer Lab with LAN & Internet Facility with Electric Back-up • • • • • Most of students belong to low socio–economic and Reading room educationally backward Increasing number of Students in families. • Admitted students are mostly Our 3 Student Merit Ranked in from rural areas where University Exam. educational facilities are Free Internet Facility to Staff and insufficient and they have lower Student. percentage at Use of LCD Projector while HSC level. Teaching • • Good College Library and Commerce Stream • Weaknesses : • Commerce students have low Visit to Banks and various job ratio due to lack of Educational and Industrial Tours. Industrialization in Our Area. Well Educated and Devoted Teaching Faculty • Workshops for Students. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 287 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Opportunities : • Establishment of Research Challenges: facilities in college for Commerce • the students. &Economics. • To encourage students for • • • Students being poverty stricken Lectures. it is challenging to motivate Career Oriented Course, E- them for self employment. commerce run by college for Students. • Insufficient subject knowledge of the students at HSC level. participation in Competitive Exam through College Library and Guest Illiterate family background of • To encourage them for competitive exams. Placement cell provide the opportunity of Jobs. Future Plan: • Exposure of students in academic events. • To Run the career oriented programmes • To arrange guest lectures of Commerce & Computer subject experts for the students. • To organize workshop and seminar for students. • To publish books. • To organize UGC sponsored State, National/International level conference and Seminar. • Students visit to various Industries and Banks. • Extra coaching for competitive exams. • Arrange campus interviews for job selection. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 288 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Best Practice 1 Title of Practice :-Commerce and Computer Forum 2 Goal :The most important goal of Commerce and Computer Forum is to accelerate the business power. It has become important for students to sustain in the increasing competitive world. For this and educate through self experience following are the goals of the Forum. 1) To inform students about professional/ vocational courses in addition to university courses. 2) Training through self experience. 3) To accelerate business power of students. 4) To promote students for self employment. 5) Expert lectures on various subjects. 6) To make available information about competitive examinations. 7) To develop leadership qualities in students. 3 The Context : In the Commerce Department of the college syllabus allotted by S.G.B. Amravati University is taught doing annual planning.Commerce education is basically meant for employment oriented education. The syllabus works in this direction. Yet only bookish knowledge doesn’t create enough entrepreneur skills and ability to choose proper career. Today’s age is the age of computer and I.T. So university has included computer as a subject for B.Com. students and the subject is taught in the class room. Yet there are limitation to class room training, so a need to give practical knowledge was felt. In the decade of 1990 India signed Dunkel Draft. The trade, commerce and industry changed very fast. The beginning of 21st century brought new challenges in all those fields. So we felt a need Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 289 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. that Commerce students who are related to these sectors should be made aware of those rapid changes. This Forum was started in 2001-02 in this context. It was thought that ultimately all the activities should lead to overall personality development of the students. 4 The practice : Every year Commerce and Computer Forum is formed in the beginning of every academic year. The faculty members discuss with Hon’ble Principal and then call a meeting of the Commerce students. The Head of the department briefly informs the students about the nature and purpose of the Forum. Then a Working Committee is elected from amongst the students. All the office bearers are the students. In the same meeting an outline of the programmes and activities is finalized. This is then implemented throughout the year and some changes are made, if needed by the students as per advice of the teachers. All the works of the programmes including planning, stage work to publicity are done by the students. Due to this, the inherent qualities of the students get developed and they get guidance of teachers in the process. We are happy that good number of students spontaneously participate in the activities arranged by Commerce and Computer Forum. Following are the activities conducted by the Forum in last four academic years. 2010-11 Date Activity Guest/ Remark 01 26/08/2010 Forum inauguration and guidance DR. P.T. Patil, Govt. on SHG and Women Officer, Z.P. Buldana Empowerment 02 08/10/2010 Guidance on ‘Computer Literacy Prof. Chandore- in Modern Age’ Anuradha Eng. College, Chikhali Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 290 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 03 15/12/2010 04 15/12/2010 Visit to ICICI Bank Buldana Mr. Dongre, Manager purpose of training. ICICI Bank Visit to HDFC Bank. Guidance on Mr. Mundada, Home Lone Manager HDFC Bank, Buldana 05 24/12/2010 06 24/01/2011 University level workshop for the DR. P.B. Kharche, students ‘Service Sector’ Prof. Janta college, Opportunities and Challenges. Malkapur Seminar of students on ‘Computer - Search Engine’ 07 4-01-2011 Guidance on CPT Examination of C.A. 08 01/02/2011 (C.A.) Educational and Industrial Tour to Mr..KhushalGolani Manager, Pune Depot PuneS.T.Workshop. 04/02/2011 2011-12 Date Activity Forum Inauguration and 01 27/08/2011 Guidance on “Importance of Commerce” 02 30/08/2011 03 19/10/2011 04 25/11/2011 Seminar of students on “ Type of Computer and Generations” Prof. T.G. Mirge, LRTCollege, Akola --- Guidance Programme on Prof.Avinesh Kapase “Internet and Web” - AEC, Chikhali Guidance Programme on Prof. A.A. Dande – “HTML Language” AEC, Chikhali Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Guest/ Remark Page 291 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Industrial Tour “ Jain 05 09/02/2012 Irrigation System Pvt. , Jalgaon Bank workshop on working 06 14/02/2012 “Bank of India Branch, Chikhali” HRA Manager, Mr. Dinesh Desai Mr. U.G. Patil, Manager 2012-13 01 Date 31/08/2012 Activity Guest/ Remark Forum Inauguration and Prof. Sunil Guidance on “Importance of Deshmukh, HOD Commerce and Employment Jijamata college, Opportunities” Buldana. Seminar of students on “ 02 18-01-2012 Internet Browser and search Engine” 03 04 20/01/2012 09/11/2012 Guidance Programme on Prof. Avinesh Kapase- “Computer Network” AEC, Chikhali University level workshop for Dr. Anil Raut, students ‘Effect of FDI in ShriShivajiCollege, Retail Sector’ Akola Educational and Industrial 05 02/02/2013 Tour. Indian Tools Ltd., Aurangbad Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Mr. Mohan Jadhao, HRA Managar Page 292 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 2013-14 Date Activity Guest/ Remark 01 03/09/2013 Forum Inauguration and Dr. Uday Kale, Guidance on “Indian Economy HOD, Towards, Recession” MESCollege, Mehekar 02 10/09/2013 Guidance Programme on Life Mr. Khanzode, insurance company Manager- LIC “Employment Opportunities in office, Buldana LIC” 03 04 05 29/01/2014 Educational and Industrial tour Mr. NitinJadhao, Satyam Foods, Khamgaon HRA Manager Visit to Hindustan Mr. Sanjay Bisa, UniliverKhamgaon HRA Manager 29/01/2014 31/01/2014 Seminar for students on “Information Technology” 5 Evidence of Success:The students are benefitted much in their career by the activities conducted by Commerce and Computer Forum. Leadership qualities are developed in them which help in their overall personality development. Many students of our college have become successful in different fields of life, viz. lecturers, advocates, good businessmen, police, military men, bank employees, government employees, etc. Some prominent examples are Satish Rane, Gajanan Pawar, Vandana Nagawani, Gajanan Choudhari, Pravin Kad, Arvind Ghyal have become lecturers in Commerce. One of our student Shri. Manish Palwe is lecturer in Commerce in our junior college wing. We feel happy that more than 50 Commerce students have been employeed in various co-operative banks in the town and other places. Rakesh Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 293 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Savaji, Gourav Savaji, Dhiraj Baheti, Prithviraj Gurudasani, Abhijit Kuhire, Amol Belokar, Vishal Tehere, Dnyaneshwar Sapkal etc. have established themselves as good businessmen in the town. Vishal Chopde, Vilas Nanhaiareworking as advocate. These students are only examples of professional success, many more are there. The activities of the Commerce and Computer Forum develop observation,evaluation, leadership qualities,knowledge through self experience etc. in the students. 6 Problems Encountered and Resources Required :Every year Commerce and Computer Forum is formed and it is funded by the college. So financial problems for regular activities don’t arrive.We feel that the B.Com. Iststudents don’t participate much in the activities, but the students of B.Com IInd and B.Com IIIrd enthusiastically participate in these activities. There is a healthy competition among students to become President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer of the Forum. Financial problem is faced if we have to invite experts in Commerce related field. The honorarium or remuneration we can pay seems insufficient. So it becomes difficult to invite experts or guides at a long distance. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 294 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Evaluative Report : Department of Physical Education 1. Name of the Department : Physical Education 2. Year of Establishment : 1965 3. Name of Programme / Courses : NIL 4. Name of Interdisciplinary Courses the departments / units Involved : NIL 5. Annual / Semester / Choise based credit System (programme wise) : N.A. 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments : NIL 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities, Industries, foreign industries etc. : NIL 8. Details of courses / programmers discontinued (if any ) with reasons : NIL 9. Numbers of Teaching Posts Sanctioned Filled Professors N. A. N. A. Associates Professors N. A. N. A. Asst. Professors N. A. N. A. Director of Physical 01 01 Education Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 295 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 10 .Faculty profile with name, qualification , designation , specialization ( DSC/ D.Litt./ P.hd/ M.phil etc) Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of No. of Ph.D. years of students Experience guided for the last 4 years Ulhas B.Com., Director of Professional Vijay M.P.Ed., Physical Preparation Bramhe SET Education 05 years : 11.List of senior visiting faculty Nil NIL 12.Percentage of lecturer delivered and practical classes handled (Programmer wise) by temporary faculty : 13 Student – Teachers Ratio (Programmer wise) NIL : 409:1 14 Number of academic support staff (technical )and administrative staff sanctioned & filled : NIL 15 Qulification of teaching faculty with DSC / D.Litt /P.hd / M. phil / P.G.) Name Qualification Ulhas Vijay Bramhe B.Com, M.P.Ed, SET 16 Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International guarding agencies & grants received : NIL 17 Department projects funded by DST-FIST,UGC,DBT,ICSSR etc & total grants received : NIL Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 296 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 18 Research center / facilities recognized by the University : NIL 19 Publications : a) Publication per faculty Number of papers published in peer reviewed journal (national /international )by faculty : NIL Directory, EBSCO host etc.) : NIL Monographs : NIL Chapter in Books : NIL Books Edited : 01 Details of publication : NIL Citation Index : NIL SNIP : NIL SJR : NIL Impact Factor : NIL H – Index : NIL : NIL : NIL & student Number of publication listed in International Database (for ex. web of Science, Scopus , Humanities International Complete Database, Dare Database , International Social Science Books with ISBN /ISSN numbers with 20 Areas of consultancy & income generated 21 Faculty as members in a) National Committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 297 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 22 Student Projects a) Percentage of students who have done in house projects including inter departmental / programmer : NIL : NIL b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organization outside the institution i.e. in Research laboratories / Industry / other agencies 23 Award / Recognition received by faculty & student : S.N. Name of Students Games/ Sports Reward Year 01 Sachin P. Gawai Ball Badminton Colour Coat 2010-11 02 Bhagyashri G. Ball Badminton Colour Coat 2010-11 Power Lifting IInd place in inter 2010-11 Chinchole 03 Satish R. Deshmane collegiate tournament 04 Rahul R. Deshmane Weight Lifting IInd place in inter 2010-11 collegiate tournament 05 Mangesh U. Cross Country Colour Coat 2011-12 Kharade 06 Pallavi S. Ingle Ball Badminton Colour Coat 2011-12 07 Mangesh U. Athletics IIIrd place in inter 2011-12 Kharade collegiate Athletics (21km Running) 08 Amol P. Harkal Athletics Meet II nd place in inter 2011-12 collegiate Athletics (400mt.Running) 09 Amol P. Harkal Athletics Meet IIIrd place in inter 2011-12 collegiate Athletics (800mt.Running) 10 Vishal K. Deshmane Power Lifting Meet Ist place in inter 2011-12 collegiate tournament Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 298 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 11 Rahul R. Deshmane Weight Lifting IInd place in inter 2011-12 collegiate tournament 12 Akshay S. Petkar Weight Lifting IInd place in inter 2011-12 collegiate tournament 13 Ball Badminton Ball Badminton Women Team Runner up inter 2011-12 collegiate tournament 14 Rupali H. Cross Country Colour coat 2012-13 Dudhabhate 15 Sandip G. Bithare Cross Country Colour Coat 2012-13 16 Pallavi S. Ingle Ball Badminton Colour Coat 2012-13 17 Shankar K. Lahane Ball Badminton Colour Coat 2012-13 18 Rupali H. Athletics IInd place in inter 2012-13 Dudhabhate collegiate (5000mt. Running) 19 Sandip G. Bithare Athletics Meet Athletics (400mt. Ist place in inter Running) collegiate athletics 2012-13 Meet 20 Rupali H. Athletics Dudhabhate Sandip G. Bithare 2012-13 collegiate Athletics (1500Mt. Running) 21 IIIrd place in inter Athletics Meet IInd place in inter 2012-13 collegiate Athletics (800mt. Running) 22 Akshay S. Petkar Weight Lifting Meet IInd place in inter 2012-13 collegiate Weight Lifting tournament 23 Dipak S. Salve Weight Lifting IIIrd place in inter 2012-13 collegiate weight lifting tournaments Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 299 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Rupali H. 24 25 Athletics Dudhbhate State Inter 2012-13 University (Krida Mahostav) Sandip G. Bithare Athletics State Inter 2012-13 University (Krida Mahostav) 26 Ball Badminton Ball Badminton Women Team Runner up in Inter 2012-13 collegiate tournament 27 Ball Badminton Ball Badminton Men Team Runner up in inter 2012-13 collegiate tournament 28 Rupali H. Athletics Dudhabhate Rupali H. 2013-14 collegiate (800mt. Running) 29 IInd place in inter Athletics Dudhabhate Athletics Meet IInd place in inter 2013-14 collegiate (1500mt. Running) Athletics Meet 24 List of eminent academicians & Scientists / : Visitors to the department NIL 25 Seminars / Conferences / workshop organization & the Sources of funding a)National Seminar(UGC Sponsored ) : 01 b) International : NIL Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 300 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 26 Student profile programme / Courses wise Name of the Applications courses / received Selected Pass Enrolled Percentage programme (refer question M F no. 4) N.A. N.A. M= Male N.A. N.A. F = Female N.A. W = Winter S= % of students from % of students from % of student from the same state the other state the abroad B.A 100% NIL NIL B.Com 100% NIL NIL Summer 27 Diversity of students Name of courses 28 How many students have cleared national & state competitive examination such as NET, SLET, GATE, : Civil services, Defense services etc. NIL 29 Student Progression: Student Progression Against % enrolled UG to PG N.A. P.G. to M.Phil N.A. P.G. to Ph. D N.A. Ph.D to Post Doctoral N.A. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 301 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. N.A. Employed Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Entrepreneurship / self employment N.A. 30 Details of Infrastrural facilities a) Library : Central Library b) Internet facilities for staff & student : Common c) Class – room with ICT facility : N.A. d) Laboratories : N.A. 31 Numbers of student receiving financial assistance from college, University, government or other agencies The college provides sports equipments, financial assistance & other facilities to all the participants in games & sports. Nearly all students get scholarship or freeship from various agencies. In addition to this, some prizes and scholarships are given by the teaching staff and ex- students. 32 Details on students enrichment programmers ( special lectures / workshops / seminar ) with external experts. : NIL 33 Teaching methods adopted to improve student Learning : Practice method of indoor & outdoor games. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 302 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 34 Participation in institutional social Responsibility (ISR) & Extension Activities :1)The Gym of the institution is open for the town in minimum charges. 2) The DPE Participates varied sport related activities in the town ( Akhand Bharat Running Competition, Summer Camp). 35 Swoc Analysis of the department & future plan • Strength Colour Coat & state achievement of sports Students, various play grounds . • Weakness Unavailability of Indoor stadium. Less participation of girls. • Opportunities To prepare more students to get ranks & jobs. • Challenges To invite expert coaches for specialized activities. • Future plan 1) To organize Intercollegiate level competitions. 2) To develop 200mt. track 3) To send as many students as possible in (national / Inter university tournaments / competitions. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 303 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Evaluative Report: Library & Information Centre. 1. Name of Programmes/Courses offered : N.A. 2. Year of Establishment : 1965 3. Name of Programmes/ course offered : N.A. : Nil 4. Name of inter disciplinary courses and the department/ units involved 5. Annual/ semester/ choice based credit system (Programme wise) : N.A. 6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other department : Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign, institutions etc : Nil 8. Details of courses/ programmes discontinued (if any) with reason : No programme is discontinued 9. Number of Teaching posts: Name of the post Librarian Sanctioned Filled 01 01 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 304 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization. No. Sr. No Name Qualification Specializati Designation on . of years Exper ience 01 Pradip H. Barad 02 Sagar D. Gawai B.A., M.Lib & -- 06 N.A. : NIL Nil : 409:01 Nil 15. Qualification of teaching faculty with D.Sc./D.Litt /Ph.D./M.Phill/P.G. Sr.No. 01 Name of Faculty Pradip H. Barad P.G. Ph.D. M. Lib. & I. Thesis Submitted Sc. SET in January, 2013 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 4 year Library Attendant 14. Number of academic support staff(technical & administrative : for last -- 13. Students Teachers ratio (Progrmme wise) staff) guided 15 12. Percentage of lectures delivered & practical classes handled by Temporary faculty : s ICT 11. List of Senior visiting faculty student Librarian I.Sc., SET B.A. C.Lib. Ph.D. Page 305 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from Nil : 17. Department project funded by DST-FIST; UGC;DBT;ICSSR etc and total grants received One Minor Research Project approved by UGC titled, “Use of ICT in : Academic Libraries : Special Reference to Arts & Commerce College Libraries in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati”. Total amount : Rs.65,000/ 18. Research Centre/ facility recognized by the university Nil : 19 Publication : Sr. Name of No. Faculty 01 Total Number of papers published Shri. Published in Books 36 P.H.Barad Published in Published in conf. peer review journals 03 proceedings ISSN/ ISSBN 14 19 20. Area of consultancy and income generated : Nil 21. Faculty member in : Nil 22. Students projects : Nil 23. Award/ Recognitions received by faculty and students : Nil 24. List of eminent academicians and scientist/visitors to the department: 1.Dr. Jahagirdar, Ex. J.D. Higher Education, Kolhapur. 2.Dr.Nilesh Gawande, Chairman, BoS SGBAU, Amravti. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 306 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 25. Seminar/Conference/ Workshop organized & the source of funding : Nil 26. Student profile programme/ course wise name of the course/ progrmme : Nil 27.Diversity of Students: 28.How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations like.NET, SLET, GATE, Civil Services, Defense Services : NIL 29. Students Progression : NIL 30. Details of Infrastructural Facilities : A. Library : B. Internet Facilities for staff and students: 30.1. Library At a Glance : Total No. of Books : 25030 General books : 16410 U.G.C. : 4439 Remedial : 1719 Others : 2462 Total No. of Journals & Periodicals : 54 Total No. of Maps : 21 Total No. of CD’s : 20 Total No. of News Paper : 08 Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 307 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 30.2. Library Timing : 08.00 a.m .to 05.30 p.m. 30.3. Library Services : 1. Circulation Service 2. Reference Service 3. Current Awareness Services 4. Referral Services 5. Book Bank Facility 6. Display of Employment Notice from Newspapers & Internet. 7. Personal Guidance Service 8. Display Current Titles 9. Reprography Services. 10. Newspaper Clipping. 30.4. Best Practice: 1. Collection Development : An effort is made to provide a collection of books, and periodicals which supports the instructional objectives of each programme.. 2. Book Exhibition: Library & Information Centre organizes book exhibition every year. 3. Celebration of Librarian Day: Department celebrates World Book Day and DR. S.R. Ranganathan Birth Anniversary 4. Book Talk : Department organizes book talk for developing reading habits of students. 5. User Orientation : Department organizes user orientation for new comers in every July & August. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 308 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 6. Best User Award : Department gives award to the best reader every year, in the form of Certificate & Rs .500/- which is sponsored by retired library staff Shri. Namdevrao Surdakar. Best User Award Winners Year Male Student Female Student 2009-10 Pravin Kad Ku .Jagruti Shreevasthav 2010-11 Ram Palkar Ku. Punam Kalntri 2011-12 Bharat Nikalaje Ku. Vidhya Malvankar 2012-13 Sandip Pawar Ku. Rani Gaykwad 2013 -14 Shankar Lahane Ku. Anjali Bhavar Vishal Deshmane Ku. Anjali Chavhan 7. Reading Room Facility: Reading Room of the library is open for the students and teachers from 08.00 a.m to 05.30 p.m. A separate reading room for girls of 120 seating capacity is available in the library. 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: : Nearly all students get scholarship or freeship from various agencies. In addition to this, some prizes and scholarships are given by the teaching staff and ex- students. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 309 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 32. Details of students enrichment programmes(Special Lecture/Workshop/Seminar) with external expert: Special Lecture : NIL 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning: • To organize User Education on use of library. • To organize Information Literacy Programme for students as well staff. • Whenever needed, use of LCD projector is made. • Seminar and group discussions of the students on competitive exam. • College is well equipped with network resource centre in library. The internet facility also available in Computer laboratory. Thus internet facility is adequate and has free access to students and teachers which is used by students frequently. • CDs of some texts are also made available which can be shown to students. • Use of charts and models. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: a) Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) : Library facility is available for town dwellers. b) Extension activities: • Information is imparted to the employees of the college and public regarding Annual Magazine . • Awareness about information literacy among users . • Active participation by delivering speech on various occasions. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 310 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and future plans: Strength : Weaknesses : • Trained and devoted staff • Most of students belong to low socio – • Use Barcode issue-return facility. economic and educationally backward • Library is Fully Computerized. families. • A rich collection of reference books. • Increasing number of students to get rural areas where educational facilities library membership. are insufficient and they have not used Free internet access to staff and library students. education. • • • Admitted students are mostly from facility in their school Adequate reading capacity in reading room. Opportunities : • Establishment of research facilities Challenges: • in college. • To encourage students for students. • participation in competitive exams through college competitive study Illiterate family background of the Give t Education on better use of library. • centre, established recently. It is challenging to motivate the poverty stricken students for self employment. • To encourage them for competitive exam. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 311 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Future Plan: • To increase exposure of students in academic events. • To organize book exhibitions on various topics. • To run career orientation programmes. • Organize guest lectures of subject experts on competitive exams for the students. • To organize workshop and seminar for students. • To publish books. • To organize UGC sponsored State, National and International level conference and seminar . • Students visit to different Libraries. • .To make the students aware of the burning issues of Indian economy, political, international issues and to help to sort out the problems. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 312 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Best Practices Title: Book Talk 1. Aim: To develop reading habits among the students 2. Goal: • To create awareness of the reading materials & create good culture. • To make them aware about the new published best seller books. • To create reading diligence in students. 3. The Context: We got better response from students about learning new concept story telling, book evaluation and importance of books in life. The teaching faculty and students wish to improve listening and reading habits. They should have access to the latest as well as good authored books for library as well as other sources. Library centre organizes book exhibition on various days its helpful to the dissemination of information. All the students visit the library and participate in library activities and daily users make use of library facility like reading room, books available in reading room, new journals, internet facility etc. Library having separate reading room facility for girl students. Students use the OPAC facility for searching the books. Library is trying to fulfill the five laws of Library Science. In short it is important to know every students what collection is available in our library. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 313 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 4. The Practice: The main purpose of our parent institute is to provide quality education for rural students. In the year of 1967 our college had been established by the group of spirited people and for that purpose everyone is working. Taking the same vision in to consideration the central library is working vigorously for catering the needs of the students. Even though the use of library is a novel thought in rural area, Library provides many facilities to create interest about reading. It is hurculean task to popularize the reading habit among students. College tries its level best and avails enriched library with numbers of books. Our library is full of various kinds of books including novels, story books, biographies, autobiographies etc. Biographies and Autobiographies of the great persons enlighten the students and pave the way for their future. Library purchases newly published and best seller books. On the other hand, subjects like Economics, E-Commerce are discussed in a very easy manner for the students with the help of books published by well-known writers. These types of books are chosen for book talk programme. Care is taken to introduce a book to the students at the beginning of college schedule . Teachers go through the book thoroughly, take down notes meticulously and make the students aware of the book and its importance. The pure purpose behind such experiment is to create an interest of books in the students, so that they would read another books on their own. In this manner the reading habit of the students could be enriched. 5. Evidence of Success: We find that students have come to know the reading values. Students are interested in reading Newspapers, journals/periodicals, books on different subjects like biography, environment, History, personality development, General Knowledge. Students purchase own books. The success stories are not only narrated to them but also to motivate them, the achievers themselves interact with them. The students have encouraged to go to library, search on OPAC or see the new arrivals book and ask librarian and library staff more Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 314 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. good books and get benefit by reading room. The evidence of success is good number of students are issued the books and some read the books in reading room. Also the students are encouraged by teaching staff and library staff through their academic achievements and by securing top position in the university examinations. Some students are achieving their name in merit list. A good number of students clear MPSC & competitive examinations and achieve good position in state government service. 6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required: • It has been found that we have not organized more than two or three programmes every year. • Time availability for library activities is less because of numerous activities in college. • To make the students aware of national and international issues and cultural life. • To prepare the students to be successful in the 21st century world. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 315 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Post Accreditation Initiatives The institute SPM Tatyasaheb Mahajan Arts and Commerce College, Chikhli, is ever on its toe for the initiative for excellence. Since 1st cycle accreditation i.e. 2004, we took peer team observation and recommendations very seriously for the enhancement in quality. It gave us a vision of continuous enhancement in quality. Apart from the suggestions we could progress in some other areas also. Out of fourteen suggestions by the peer team we are able to fulfill and implement many of it within the reach as follow: Sr. No. Recommendation Status Initiative 01 Provide Book Bank System and Xeroxing facility in the library Fully Implemented Book Bank and Xerox facility and started and running moothly. 02 Introduce more vocational and self financing courses in the area of philosophy and music etc. Unable Having no department of the subjects, unable to introduce such courses. 03 Introduce bridge course in comprehensive English for the students coming from rural background. Fully Implemented It is started and proved fruitful. Partially Implemented To some extent we could succeed in imparting instructions in English 04 05 Start imparting instructions in English to the students of under graduate classes. Start more vocational courses as per the needs of the area. Fully Implemented Since in our area less job opportunities are available, we tried to cope up with by starting 1.Communication Skills in English 2. E-Commerce Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 316 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. 06 Introduce more subjects like music (Instrumental and Vocal), Psychology, Geography in arts faculty. and Banking and taxation in commerce faculty. Partially Implemental Proposals have been sent for Taxation and Banking to UGC 07 Collect feedback from students about the performances of the teachers. Fully Implemented College takes regular feedback from students and analysis it for the future course of action in quality improvement. 08 Start Post Graduate studies. Unable In future we may start PG courses. Partially Implemented Few year back we ran it smoothly but because of certain reasons small gap took place, and now again we have started competitive exams. Fully Implemented Dr.P.U.Gawai, dept. of Marathi availed this facility and in future teachers may go on FIP Fully Implemented Five teachers have utilized UGC funds for MRP and two have sent proposals. In future major 09 Start coaching classes for competitive examinations both of MPSC and UPSC. 10 Encourage the teachers to participate in faculty improvement programs. 11 Encourage the teachers to take up research work and approach the UGC for funds Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 State Government and university allows new subjects on permanent nongrant basis. It becomes unaffordable to run without faculty. Page 317 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. research or such work would be carried out. 12 13 14 Start some IT based courses Try for linkage with other institutions. Computerize library, office and encourage teachers to use technology for class room teaching Partially Implemented Partially Implemented Fully Implemented Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 E-Commerce course ran successfully. We intend to start some courses. Research journal, Co-operative banks and with industry we have made linkage. We intend to develop it. library and office are fully computerized. Teachers also have started using ICT for class room teaching Page 318 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 319 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 320 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 321 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 322 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 323 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 324 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 325 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 326 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 327 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 328 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 329 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. ** Ê´ÉtÉ {É®Æú nèù´ÉiÉ¨É ** S.P.M. Tatyasheb Mahajan Arts & Commerce College, C H I K H L I - 443 201, Dist.Buldana [M.S.] Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that the data included in this Self-study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my Knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Date : 12-11-2014. Place : C H I K H L I. (Dr. Abhay B. Tare) Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 330 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. ** Ê´ÉtÉ {É®Æú nèù´ÉiÉ¨É ** S.P.M. Tatyasheb Mahajan Arts & Commerce College, C H I K H L I - 443 201, Dist.Buldana [M.S.] Certificate of Compliance This is to certify that S.P.M. Tatyasaheb Mahajan Arts & Commerce College, Chikhli. Dist – Buldana.(M.S.) fulfils all norms. 1 Stipulated by the affiliating University and/or 2 Regulatory Council/Body [ such as UGC, NCTE, AICTE, MCI, DCI, BCI etc]and 3 The affiliation and recognition [if applicable] is valid as on date. In case the affiliation / recognition is conditional, then a detailed enclosure with regard to compliance of condition by the institution will be sent. It is noted that NAAC’s accreditation, if granted, shall stand cancelled automatically, once the institution lose its University affiliation or Recognition by the Regulatory Council, as the case may be. In case the undertaking submitted by the institution is found to be false then the accreditation given by NAAC is liable to be withdrawn. It is also agreeable that the undertaking given to NAAC will be displayed on the college website. Date : 12-11-2014. Place : C H I K H L I. (Dr. Abhay B. Tare) Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 331 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Annexure-I Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 332 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Annexure-II Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 333 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Annexure-III Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 334 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 335 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Annexure-IV Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 336 S.P.M.T.M.Arts and Commerce College,Chihli.Dist.Buldana 443201.M.S. Annexure-V Self Study Report for accreditation (Cycle -2 ) Submitted to NAAC,Banglore.-2014-15 Page 337
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