247011 Received by Swedish mission abroad Received by the Swedish Migration Agency Consent for the Swedish Migration Agency to issue an alien's passport for a child under the age of 18 Appendix to application for an alien's passport (form 191011) and emergency alien's passport (form 193011) Filled in by the Swedish Migration Agency Dossier number Signature You must fill in this form as guardian when you apply for an alien's passport or an emergency alien's passport for a child under the age of 18. Normally, a child's parent or parents are the child's guardians, but that role may be given to a trustee or a specially appointed legal guardian. Note that if there are two guardians, you must both consent to the Migration Agency issuing an alien's passport or an emergency alien's passport for the child. For more information, please go to www.migrationsverket.se I/We consent to an alien's passport being issued for: Family name First name Date of birth (year, month, day, extra numbers) Address Postal code and place Guardian's signature NB: If the guardians have joint custody of the child, both guardians are required to sign the form (also fill out the next page). Family name First name Civil registration number Telephone (daytime) Address Place and date Witness to the above signature(s) Family name Signature First name Telephone (daytime) MIGR 247011 2015-07-29 Address Place and date Signature Guardian's signature NB: If the guardians have joint custody of the child, both guardians are required to sign the form. Family name First name Civil registration number Telephone (daytime) Address Place and date Witness to the above signature(s) Family name Signature First name Telephone (daytime) Address Place and date Signature
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