Q UEEN OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL PARISH Visit queenschurch.com 2 FROM THE PASTOR SALUTING OUR VETERANS This Tuesday, November 11, we salute all those men and women who have so bravely served our nation, in combat and in peacetime, in the various branches of the armed forces: the Army, the Marines, the Navy, the Air Force, the Coast Guard and the National Guard. This day celebrates the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, ending hostilities in “the War to end all Wars,” what we now call World War I. The treaty was signed at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. November 11 became an American holiday in 1919 under President Woodrow Wilson who called it “Armistice Day.” In 1954, President Eisenhower signed HR7786 removing the word “Armistice” and renaming it Veterans Day, to honor veterans of all of America’s wars, especially World War II and the Korean Conflict. Veterans Day focuses on all our veterans, living and deceased, while Memorial Day recalls the sacrifice of those who have died. In 1921, the body of an unidentified soldier killed in World War I was buried in Arlington National Cemetery, in what has since come to be known as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. At 11 a.m. each Veterans Day, the United States President or his designate places a wreath on that tomb, honoring all those who serve the cause of our flag and our freedom. Our veterans deserve our thanks and respect for stepping up in defense of our great nation. Their sacrifice reminds us that “freedom isn’t free.” THE EMERITUS POPE ON PURGATORY As we pray for the souls of the faithful departed this November, I read this reflection on Purgatory by Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, which I found most useful: “There will be few people whose lives are pure and fulfilled in all respects. And, we would hope, there will be few people whose lives have become an irredeemable and total ‘No.’ For the most part, the longing for good has remained, despite many breakdowns, in some sense determinative. God can pick up the broken pieces and make something of them. In any case, we need a final cleansing, a cleansing by fire, to be exact, in which the gaze of Christ, so to say, burns us free from everything, and only under this purifying gaze are we, as it were, fit to be with God and able, then, to make our home with Him...I think it is something very human. I would go so far as to say that if there was no Purgatory, then we would have to invent it, for who would dare say of himself that he was able to stand directly before God. And yet we don't want to be, to use an image from Scripture, ‘a pot that turned out wrong,’ that has to be thrown away; we want to be able to be put right. Purgatory basically means that God can put the pieces back together again. That he can cleanse us in such a way that we are able to be with him and can stand there in the fullness of life. Purgatory strips off from one person what is unbearable and from another the inability to bear certain things, so that in each of them a pure heart is revealed, and we can see that we all belong together in one enormous symphony of being.” (continued on page 3) VOTIVE CANDLE INFORMATION Please feel free to light a votive candle at our Marian shrine in church. New candles (as well as a box for your $5 suggested donation) are now available near the statue. (No need to track down a sacristan.) COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE Tuesday, November 25, 7 p.m. First Congregational Church, 120 North Jackson Street 784-8577 for information JACKSON , MBICHIGAN THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN ASILICA THE DEACON’S BENCH...REVISITED Editor’s Note: The following is first in a series originally published in this bulletin in November 2000. Although 14 years have passed, the issue of domestic violence remains a terrible reality in our community, state, nation and world. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: I NEW YORK—A man threw his threemonth old son out a 15th-floor window minutes after his estranged wife called police to say he had violated an order of protection, authorities said. The couple had been arguing over a visitation schedule regarding the infant when the woman made the call early Tuesday, police said. A responding officer saw the baby’s body lying in a grassy area and summoned an ambulance. The baby, Kharle Slade, was pronounced dead at the scene. Derek Slade, 30, was arrested at the home. He was charged with second-degree murder and ordered held without bail. (Citizen Patriot 10-18-00) Glad you don’t live in New York City? Consider these Jackson county statistics offered by the Honorable Chad C. Schmucker, to a group of ministers and pastoral care workers at a workshop on domestic abuse and violence, sponsored by the Jackson AWARE Shelter. • Over 600 arrests (12 a week) for domestic violence in 1999. • Over 1,100 personal protection orders (22 a week) issued in domestic abuse cases in 1999. • From November 1997 to September 1999, six women were killed in domestic violence incidents. Jackson County is no exception. It’s estimated that more than 50% of all women will experience violence from their partners. Wife beating results in more injuries requiring medical treatment for women than rape, auto accidents and muggings, combined. According to an October 29, 2000, Detroit Free Press article, domestic violence is the number (continued on page 3) Queen of the Miraculous Medal Parish 3 The Deacon’s Bench… From the Pastor (continued) Revisited (continued) FIRST AMERICAN SAINT one health risk for women between the ages of 15 and 44. Of the women murdered in the United States, 30% of all women die at the hands of their husbands, ex-husbands or boyfriends. This violence has many sources. Our motion pictures and television leave no doubt that we live in a culture that celebrates violence. Not infrequently, it is a tool of public policy and foreign affairs. Abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia are all becoming forms of legalized violence. Even our religious beliefs become a twisted justification for aggression against spouses. Women may feel compelled to stay in an abusive relationship, by Scriptures mandating them to “submit to their husbands” or “turn the other cheek.” Our marriage vows refer to “in good times and in bad,” “for better, for worse.” Divorce is frowned upon. Everyone knows, don’t they, that suffering is redemptive? The AWARE workshop presenters, both ordained ministers and police chaplains, made the point that clergy and pastoral care workers do not do a very good job of dealing with those who are caught up in psychological and physical abuse. Too often, we attempt to be reconcilers when we ought to be rescuers. Our offers to mediate and counsel the couple just increase the danger. We fail to see that wife battering is a criminal act, not a marital problem. We don’t understand that, regardless of the provocation, domestic violence is illegal. It is behavior that is solely the responsibility of the violent person; is chosen by him, and he alone is capable of changing it. Sadly, even the word “domestic” has a peaceful connotation, suggesting tameness. The reality of domestic violence is anything but tame; it is feral, animal brutality. More next week. 2015 MASS INTENTION BOOK OPENS THIS WEEK! You may request Mass intentions for 2015 beginning this Friday, November 14, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the cafeteria. Afterward, you may request them during regular parish office hours. NOVEMBER 9, 2014 This Thursday, November 13, marks the feast day of the first American citizen to become a canonized saint of the Roman Catholic Church. Frances Cabrini was born two months premature in July of 1850 in a small northern Italian village. Frances was one of eleven children, but sadly seven of her siblings died in childhood. Frances, too, was very frail, so much so that the first convent she attempted to enter turned her away. Frances’ health never improved to any great degree, but she was undeterred. Unable to find a religious order interested in her frailties, she founded one of her own in 1880, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In 1889, she accepted a personal directive from the Pope to come to New York City and minister to Italian immigrants who were fast on their way to losing their faith in the New World. Until her death in 1917, she worked tirelessly all across America on behalf of immigrants, the sick, the poor, and orphaned children. She founded 67 institutions including schools, hospitals and orphanages in places like Manhattan, Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Denver. Mother Cabrini became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1909. While she was being canonized a saint in the Vatican in July of 1946, just a week shy of what would have been her 96th birthday, more than 120,000 Catholics filled Soldier Field in Chicago, where the NFL’s Bears now play, for a Mass of Thanksgiving. Cabrini couldn’t have been five feet tall and she was always sickly, yet she took on poverty, discrimination and injustice and fought all of them head-on, thus proving the Scripture: “The Lord chooses the weak to fool the strong” (1 Cor. 1:27). Mother Cabrini, Patroness of Immigrants, pray for us. Fr. Tim JACKSON AREA CIVIL RIGHTS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION You are invited to participate in a series of interactive activities and conversations between 10 African-Americans and 10 Caucasians on Friday and Saturday, November 2122. The object is to have fun as well as enlighten participants. The event is free, but participants must commit to the two-day event. For information contact Christine Peterson at: [email protected] or 517-416-2281. We will host the FIRST Confirmation meeting for eighth graders today, Sunday, November 9, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Social Center/Gym. This will begin the preparation time for the group that will celebrate Confirmation with Bishop Boyea NEXT October 2015. Letters have been mailed to all potential candidates of whom we aware. If you have NOT received the initial letter, please contact me as soon as possible so we can send you the details. The introductory letter is also available on the parish website (www.queenschurch.com), on the Confirmation page. Visit queenschurch.com THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA 4 QUEEN OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION Below you will find the names of those enrolled in the Queen of the Miraculous Medal Memorial Association. Each $60 membership is allowed 33 characters, including spaces. One weekend liturgy per month will be offered for the intentions of those enrolled in the Association. New intentions will be published beginning the first weekend of Advent, November 30, 2014, and run until the bulletin of November 22, 2015. If you are interested, please provide the appropriate information. Also, please enclose the enrollment fee of $60 and drop the completed form in the Sunday collection or mail/bring it to the parish office, 606 South Wisner St., Jackson, MI 49203. ———————————————–—–——————————————————— Memorial Association Enrollment 2014-15 ATTENTION! If you will be wintering in a warmer climate, please complete the form below and return it to the parish office before you leave. This saves on return postage when we send mailings and get them back stamped with “Temporarily Away.” _____ Please renew my membership exactly as it appears now. _____ Please enroll the following in the Queen of the Miraculous Medal Memorial Association (maximum 33 characters - including spaces): ________________________________________________________________________ ———————————————————————————————————— Name __________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________________ Name ____________________________ Please forward: _____ offering envelopes _____ other mail _____ I do not wish to receive mailings Winter address: _________________________________ I (we) will leave ____________________ BOY SCOUT NEWS Please be aware that our Boy Scout Troop will not be selling Christmas trees this year. They will, however, continue their live Christmas tree pickup on January 10, 2015. Watch the bulletin for details. Thank you. and return _________________________ Queen of the Miraculous Medal Memorial Association 2013-14 L. & D. Adams & Blair Families L. & D. Agnello & Pellerin Families Dec. of Anderson & Way Families Andruszewski & Konkel Families Syl & Helen Anulewicz; Lloyd & Ann Murphy L. & D. Anuszkiewicz & Kornak Families Augustine & Wozniak Families Beasley, Kistka & Wozniak Families Berg & Altesleben Families Russ & Irene Bjorkman Ron Borkowski L. & D. Brunner & Clements Families Brzezinski & Fox Families L. & D. Bucior & Keena Families Frank Bullinger & Mike Daly John & Louise Bullinger L. & D. Burbridge, O’Neil & Balunas Families L. & D. George Carr Family L. & D. Clarke & Griffin Families L. & D. Cochran, Morrissey & Tumey Families Jeanette & Leslie Courter L. & D. Crowley, Harr & Weed Families L. & D. Cummings & Dorfmeister Families Sean Daly L. & D. R. Doyle & J. Lindbert Families Thomas, Berinice & Cheryl Doyle L. & D. Eder & Arcaro Families Herbert & Helen Eder Robert Eder L. & D. “Bud” Eisele Family L. & D. Erhardt & Misner Families John & Jackie/Steven Fitzgerald Gorney, Miller & Stackable Families Walter & Stella Grzesek L. & D. Hallett & Petrick Families Ed & Rose Hamilton, Mary E. Todaro Ted & Mary Helen Hamilton Hornbeck, Bush, Wrozek & Saari Families L. & D. Howard & Stafford Families L. & D. Huffer & Manseau Families Tim Hunt L. & D. Janson & Job Families Kasprzycki, Karazim & Larson Families L. & D. Kiessling, Kinney & Evans Families L. & D. Konopka, Clark & Bacon Families L. & D. Kowalczyk & Testa Families Robert & Jeanne Lange L. & D. Frank Layher Family Rachel Marie Long L. & D. Ludwig & Job Families Jerry & Georgia Ludwig Families L. & D. Lundberg & Grabe Families L. & D. Maes, Belknap & Adams Families Jerry, Agnes & Phil McCleer L. & D. McCluskey, Wolfe & Bland Families Mary McIntyre & son, David Bill McLaughlin Miller & O’Donnell Families Carleen Mogilnicki L. & D. North & Parzych Families G. M. North, Jr. & Family R. F. North Family L. & D. Nowak & Dybas Families L. & D. O’Connell, O’Neil & Haynes Families Dec. of Oleksy & VanderVeen Families Steven O’Rourke, William & Sophia Pelsinski Ed, Alice & Bridget O’Shea L. & D. Pacyna & Stevens Families Michael & Regina Paskett Brick & Mary Helen Pauwels L. & D. Don & Lola Peterson Family John & Jean Potok Marilyn Dillon Robinson Sidney & Theresa Roman L. & D. Roty & Huhn Families L. & D. Sharrar & Dunigan Families L. & D. Hank Smith & Robinson Families Sandy Soper Souls in Purgatory L. & D. Spaan & Birney Families L. & D. Durwood Stark & B. J. Vogt Families L. & D. Tallman & Malewitz Families L. & D. Thorrez & VandeZande Families Edward & Winifred Stimer L. & D. Syrjamaki & Higgins Families Thomas & Wurdock Families L. & D. Watters & Duvall Families Wolverton & Bianco Families L. & D. = Living & Deceased The waters of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High! —Psalm 46:5-6 Queen of the Miraculous Medal Parish NOVEMBER 9, 2014 5 VETERANS DAY OBSERVANCE All veterans and their spouses are invited to the Ella Sharp Museum on Veterans Day, this Tuesday, November 11, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. for a special exhibit and musical performance, in appreciation of their service to our country. Beverages and baked goods will be served. For more information contact Chris Reigle at 782-1773. PREGNANCY LOSS? Call Treasures in Our Hearts 517-563-8166 THANKS TO ALL WHO HELPED WITH SHOP-N-SHARE!!! Our annual Shop-N-Share collection was a tremendous success. The pantries each asked that appreciation be sent along to those who gave and to our parish. We don't yet have a total on the monies collected—Father Tim and the Social Justice Commission will determine where those dollars should go. Here are the provisional numbers on the bags collected: Saturday’s 5:00 p.m. Mass First Evangelical Church of God in Christ 70 bags Sunday’s 7:30 a.m. Mass Michigan Center Food Pantry, 51 bags Sunday’s 9:00 a.m. Mass Higby Street Church of Christ, 80 bags Sunday’s 10:30 a.m. Mass Queens St. Vincent de Paul Conference 101 bags Sunday’s 12:00 noon Mass Trinity Wesleyan, 41 bags Sunday’s 5:00 p.m. Mass Cornerstone/God’s Pantry/ Emergency Needs, 22 bags TO STRENGTHEN A MARRIAGE Marriage Matters Jackson: Its mission is to strengthen marriage for the benefit of adults and children, decrease unnecessary divorce, and measurably impact our community today and for future generations. www.marriagemattersjackson.com, or call 517-796-5116. PLEASE REMEMBER THE ADORATION CHAPEL EUCHARISTIC DEVOTIONS We currently have available these urgent hours (when no one is committed to being present for adoration). Urgent Hours Tuesday—2 p.m. Friday—12 noon Saturday—4 a.m., 7 a.m. & 6 p.m. When considering your choice of an hour to spend in adoration, please think about one of the ”Would Like a Partner” times listed below. Partners help ensure that all hours are covered, when one partner has a conflict, which does not allow them to attend their prayer hour. Would Like a Partner Sunday—7 a.m. & 2 p.m. Tuesday—9 a.m., 11 a.m. & 3 p.m. Friday—7 p.m. Saturday—9 a.m. & 10 a.m. If you can help with one of these hours, please call Mary Jo at 517-748-7342. Visit queenschurch.com CARE THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA 6 FOR AND GENEROUSLY SHARE YOUR YOUR GIFTS FROM TREASURES - GOD - FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT AND FOR THE GOOD OF OTHERS. A NOTE ABOUT YOUR DSA CONTRIBUTION Thank you to all those who are supporting the 2014 Diocesan Services Appeal. Please remember that payments on existing pledges should be mailed directly to the Diocese. New gifts or pledges may be made at the parish office. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. The sponsor of the week is: Building New Homes and Condos Sean Lefere Norfolk Michigan Division President Gloria Galbreath, Sales Agent Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. —Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Queen’s Legacy Group offers assistance to those who wish to perpetuate the mission of Queen’s Parish and School through planned giving, including trust or will bequests and charitable gift annuities. Please contact the parish office at 783-2748 to request more information. A portion of this week’s offering will go to: THE CENTER FOR WOMEN USING YOUR GIFTS As we pray today for an increase of spiritual gifts, we are reminded by the bishops’ pastoral on stewardship that good stewardship of the Church “means cherishing and fostering the gifts of all, while using one’s own gifts to serve the community of faith.” SCRIP NEWS (ALSO KNOWN AS T.R.I.P.) Black Friday is only 19 days away! Plan now for all your shopping needs! Bonus Offer Stein Mart—8% to 11/12/14 Use SCRIP instead of your debit card….you won’t be affected by any security breach! Did you know? SCRIP can be used to pay your Kohl’s charge account bill? Please be aware: SCRIP will not be sold after Masses on Thanksgiving weekend, November 29-30. Blessings on your week! Karla Warriner & Lori Dragonetti CRAFT SHOW St. Martha, Okemos, Holiday Heaven Arts & Crafts Collection, next Saturday, November 15, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 517-349-1763 for information. To see the full ad, go to page 16 of the bulletin. Please remember to patronize all of our sponsors. They make the bulletin possible! WEEKLY OFFERING All Saints (11/1/14) $4,683.00 Weekly Goal $30,000.00 Sunday 11/2/14 31,700.83 Above/(Below) Weekly Goal $ 1,700.83 Envelopes & online gifts (1,649 registered households) 703 Parish Financial Summary Fiscal Year-to-Date Goal $540,000.00 Amount Collected YTD $ 531,666.59 Above/(Below) YTD Goal $ (8,333.41) Children’s Offering $ 180.37 BEFRIENDER VISIT? A BeFriender Minister is available to visit, listen and bring the caring of our faith community to shut-ins, to persons experiencing loss, or perhaps someone experiencing major life changes. A call to the parish office (783-2748) will get you in contact with a BeFriender. Visits can be arranged at mutually agreeable times and dates. Queen of the Miraculous Medal Parish NOVEMBER 9, 2014 7 QUEEN’S CHILDREN OFFER THEIR GIFTS TO GOD Anyone who takes his or her Catholic faith seriously can’t help but have a life that looks different from time to time. Choosing not to worship material wealth, leads to a simpler lifestyle than the dominant cultural ideal might suggest. Choosing to make the needs of the less fortunate an important priority is bound to mean you have less time to spend on climbing the ladder of material success. Children whose parents live daily their baptismal promise to love God and neighbor above all else, will become adults who recognize the value of stewardship, of sharing “time, talents and treasure” with others. The children of Queen of the Miraculous Medal Parish offered the following gifts of time and talent: Jadyn: “Gave my little brother some candy because he’s little and it was cold, so he only went to eight houses.” Joseph: “Went to early morning Mass.” Thomas: “Cleaned my grandparents’ home.” Elizabeth S: “Prayed for my Aunt Stella, who is very ill.” Charles: “Spent time playing with the kittens every day.” Hunter: “Did my homework without being asked.” Timothy: “Helped my mom put away my clothes.” Emma: “Did my homework when my parents asked.” Natalie: “Made my classmates special bracelets, and helped pick up leaves and sticks.” William: “Helped Mom take down decorations, and played nicely with my sister.” Anjanette: “Said ‘Thank you’ after being helped.” Elizabeth E: “I played nicely with my friends and sisters.” Josephine: “I complimented my sister and teacher.” RECENTLY BAPTIZED Father Tim MacDonald baptized Austin Thomas, son of Andrew and Courtney (Ingraham) Toteff, last Saturday, November 1, 2014, in our church. Welcome and congratulations! JACKSON AREA CATHOLIC COUNCIL ON AGING MEETING This Tuesday, November 11, 9:30 a.m. St. John the Evangelist Parish Hall Speaker is Mary Grillo Carey, “Answering a Call” Mary Grillo Carey will share her personal story as a lay person in the Catholic Church. Her fervor for service began as a young girl, and her passion to be a witness to the Gospel message continues today in her retirement years. Her life has been filled with many opportunities, as well as challenges, disappointments and sorrow. She has never let those low spots define who she is. Come, hear Mary’s inspirational story. Please bring an item for the Personal Needs and Linen Closet at Catholic Charities of Jackson, Hillsdale and Lenawee Counties. Visit queenschurch.com THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA 8 PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS ILL Brother John Bailey, OSFS Leo Bell Patricia Bland Jean Blodgett Hannah Campbell Jim Canny Barbara Crowley Lyle Culver George & Peggy DeBruyne Maryann Desnoyer David Fleming Bill Frost Grayson Giltner Susan Gleeson Jeff Granger William Gray Father Paul Grehl, OSFS Janene Henley Owen Campbell Humphrey Jeremy James David Janiak Vince Kowalewicz Michael Kuras John Labowski Brian Ludwig Louise Ludwig Carl Miller Denie Miller Jerry Murphy Juliet O’Connell Paul Pawlak Lori Pietroytys Paul Ripp Bill Rose Michelle Salyer Theresa Saumier Frank Silvernail Mary Ann Spaan Kate (Janiak) Stillion Marilyn Way Summers Barbara Tucker Marion & Gary Vanshoultz Jim Way John West Leonard West KNIGHTS CORNER DECEASED Lillian Cornstubble Elizabeth Driscoll Margaret Hoch “I have chosen and consecrated this house,” says the Lord, “that My name may be there forever.” —2 Chronicles 7:16 SERVICE PEOPLE IN IRAQ/ AFGHANISTAN/BAHRAIN Sgt E7 Thomas Caywood Sgt. John M. Cummings SP4 Heather Gunsett PFC Joseph Kucharek SPC Benjamin McLaughlin SGT Brian Merrill Private 2nd Class Patrick Schafer Cpl. Brad Skidmore SPC Dominic Wheeler PFC Patrick Wheeler Sgt. Paul Wheeler SPC Quentin Wheeler COFFEE AND DONUTS Sponsored by the Parish Life Commission Today, Sunday, November 9, after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Masses In the Social Center Gym The parish nurses will be available to take blood pressure readings. All are welcome! PRAY WITH & BRING THE EUCHARIST TO FACILITY’S RESIDENTS Volunteers are needed on Saturday mornings to pray the Rosary and bring the Eucharist to the residents of the Jackson County Medical Care Facility. The team of ministers, led by parishioner Sharon Bliss, meets at the facility at 524 Lansing Avenue on Saturdays from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. You would not need to commit to every Saturday. If you are interested, please call Sharon at 517-745-0278 for more details. PRAYER OF THE MONTH One of our Holy Father’s prayer intentions for the month of November 2014 is “...that all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others.” The Apostleship of Prayer offers this prayer for the month of November: How long, O Lord? Will You utterly forget me? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long shall I harbor sorrow in my soul, grief in my heart day after day? Look, answer me, O Lord, my God! Let my heart rejoice in Your salvation; let me sing of the Lord, “He has been good to me.” —Psalm 13 Essay Contest All Catholic students in grades 8 through 12 are invited to enter the Knights of Columbus Essay Contest. The topic this year is “The Importance of Religious Freedom.” The guidelines are as follows: • Deadline is tomorrow, Monday, November 10. Please submit to your parish office in a sealed envelope. • Must be student’s original work. • Essays are to be typed on 8.5” x 11”, one-sided, double-spaced with oneinch margins. • 500 to 750 words. • Please submit an unsigned copy, attaching a page identifying name and parish. • You compete only within your grade level. There will be five council winners and five district winners. • District winners move on to state judging. • All entries become the property of the Knights of Columbus and will not be returned. Essays will be judged on: overall impression, content, grammar and style. For more information please contact Joe Munie, 581-2299, [email protected]. Winners of the various levels can earn cash prizes. Join the Knights The Knights of Columbus is a Fraternal Service Organization, grounded in Catholic values. Membership is available to any practicing Catholic gentleman. For information on becoming a Knight, phone Grand Knight, Roger Kremer, at 7401136 or Deputy Grand Knight, Frank Page, at 962-1700. You may also “like” us on Facebook: Jackson Council 609. SACRED HEART HOLY HOUR Saint Mary Star of the Sea Church This Thursday, November 13, 7 p.m. 784-7184 for more information Queen of the Miraculous Medal Parish NOVEMBER 9, 2014 9 OCTOBER GREAT 50/50 RAFFLE WINNERS DAILY PRIZE VALUE: $174.66 DRAWN BY FATHER TIM MACDONALD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 1489 1346 2735 1362 2453 2621 2641 1142 1746 308 2559 2847 884 11 2657 1776 1036 1963 268 2955 470 1496 2607 2138 499 768 1288 2093 533 1940 673 Joshua Mattison Joey Keiser Nancy Osterhaus Travis Atherton Jay Deraedt Ron Whitaker Ernest Cooper Neill Perrine Carol Molton Marilyn Eccleton Rachel Wheeler D. Hudy, L. Laubauh The Lockhart Family Eddie Breton George & Kathie Veach Dennis & April Bryne Jim Shepard Brian Duffy Chris Alexandrowski Barbara Barton Jim Herdus Craig & Judie Rockwell Erinn Burgess Malcom Beaton Larry & Cindy Bauer Kay & John Mykala Bob Stevens Sue Culver Matthew Sierminski Steve Miatelka T. Jay Paxton SENIOR PARISHIONER NEEDS RIDE TO MASS, PARISH EVENTS If you’d like to help a senior woman living in Concord Square apartments on South Brown Street to be more involved in parish life by offering her a ride to weekend and/or daily Mass, the adoration chapel, and/or a bible study, please contact Joan at the parish office, 783-2748. JACKSON CATHOLIC SINGLES Second Wednesday Dinner November 12, 6 p.m. Outback Steakhouse RSVP to Jennifer Lamp by cell/text at 517-937-2444 or by email at [email protected]. For updates, like us on Facebook or request to be added to the email update list. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The St. Louis Center in Chelsea has an immediate opening for a clerical assistant to support the Servant of Charity administrator by performing clerical duties consisting of typing, filing, telephone support, computer software programs, and other clerical duties as required. The clerical assistant will be the primary contact with several Catholic parishes that with whom we are looking to make contacts and relationships. The ideal candidate will possess the following: Office organization and filing skills; computer skills to include Word, Excel, Power Point etc.; proficient typing skills (at least 40 words per minute), excellent punctuation, and spelling; telephone proficiency and good manners; excellent organizational skills, current working knowledge of the Catholic Church and its various parish networks; and ability to work within a diversified environment. Must enjoy working with people. A high school diploma and some post high school clerical training a must. Two to five years of clerical work experience required. Qualified applicants may remit their resumes to [email protected]. Visit queenschurch.com THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA 10 WEEKLY CALENDAR LOCATION KEY Ch SH SJ StC Church Seton Hall St. Jude St. Catherine SVDP MCR SC-C SC-G EC-C EC-RF St. Vincent de Paul Men’s Club Room Social Center-Cafeteria Social Center-Gymnasium Education Center-Chapel Education Center-Ruth Fors Monday, November 10—Saint Leo the Great, pope, doctor of the Church (Week 32 in Ordinary Time) Scripture (491) Titus 1:1-9; Psalm 24:1-6, Luke 17:1-6 9:00 a.m. JuDee Rouiller 3:15 p.m. Girl Scout Troop 60233 (EC-304) 5:30 p.m. Men’s Prayer Group (StC) 6:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 424 (SC-G) 7:00 p.m. Special Religious Education Staff (SC-C) Tuesday, November 11—Saint Martin of Tours, bishop Scripture (492) Titus 2:1-8,1-14; Psalm 37:3-4,18,23,27,29; Luke 17:7-10 6:45 a.m. Intentions of Pat & Maria Gorczyca 9:00 a.m. Guy Hockenberry 1:00 p.m. Quest (StC) 2:30 p.m. Mass at Countryside (OC) 6:30 p.m. Commissions (SC-C, EC-RF) 6:30 p.m. Intercessors (EC-C) 7:00 p.m. St. John Paul II: Fides et Ratio (StC) Wednesday, November 12—Saint Josaphat, bishop, martyr Scripture (493) Titus 3:1-7; Psalm 23:1-6; Luke 17:11-19 Mary & Ted Hamilton 6:45 a.m. 1:30 p.m. BeFrienders Training (SVDP) 6:00 p.m. Bob Powers 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice (Ch) 7:00 p.m. RCIA (SH) Thursday, November 13—Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin Scripture (494) Philemon 7-20; Psalm 146:7-10; Luke 17:20-25 6:45 a.m. Phillip Kelly 9:00 a.m. Robert Lefere 9:00 a.m. Siena Heights Class (StC) 10:00 a.m. Mass at Arbor Woods (OC) - Ernie Ambs 12:15 p.m. Brown Bag Bible Bunch (StC) 1:30 p.m. Mass at Summit Park (OC) 8:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball (SC-G) Friday, November 14—Weekday Scripture (495) 2 John 4-9; Psalm 119:1-2,10-11,17-18; Luke 17:26-37 6:45 a.m. Christopher Knickerbocker No school today 8:30 a.m. 2015 Mass Book Opens (SC-C) 9:00 a.m. Rosie Lowden 4:30 p.m. WE CARE (SH) Saturday, November 15—Weekday; Saint Albert the Great, bishop, doctor of the Church; BVM on Saturday Scripture (496) 3 John 5-8; Psalm 112:1-6; Luke 18:1-8 8:00 a.m. Richard Constantini 8:30 a.m. Rosary for Persecuted Christians & World Peace (Ch) 8:30 a.m. Bible Study (EC-RF) 9:00 a.m. Brothers in Christ Men’s Group (StC) 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. EC-UR EC-B EC-W OC Education Center-Upper Room Education Center-Bowen Wing Education Center-Wisner Wing Off Campus* *Call the Parish Office for Exact Location WE CARE (SH) Craft Group (SC-C) Wedding: James Bommarito & Kimberly Walker Christmas Wreath Orders Taken 5:00 p.m. Altar Servers Lectors EMEs Hospitality Vincent M. Thompson M. Cox, M. Gannon, F. Smith, M. Smarch G. Gallas, S. VanderVeen M. Artz, M. Cox, S. Gannon, J. Maes, D. White, L. White J. Maes, T. McMurtrie Family, J. & B. Pauli, L. Hartley Sunday, November 16—33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Scripture (157) Proverbs 31:10-13,19-20,30-31; Psalm 128:1-5; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6; Matthew 25:14-30 7:30 a.m. Altar Servers Lectors EMEs 9:00 a.m. Altar Servers Lectors EMEs Hospitality 10:30 a.m. Altar Servers Lectors EMEs Hospitality 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon Altar Servers Lectors EMEs Alfred & Margaret Hoch H. Richmond, N. Harworth L. Sete, R. Stafford K. Foster, R. Gunsett, N. Parzych, N. Showerman, K. Swihart Intentions of Donald & Marion Elinski on their 55th Wedding Anniversary J. Koerkel, C. & A. Inosencio R. Gilmore, M. Miller R. Blinn, T. Dark, R. Gilmore, A. Koerkel, B. Miller, A. Tyler P. & M. Gorczyca, E. & B. O’Connor, S. & N. Dunigan Frances Neubecker Barlow L. Beebe, C. & A. Hilderley, L. Miller R. Freedberg, E. Lienhart B. Barton, M. & S. Brigham, S. Fitzgerald, N. & R. Javier R. & J. Gonerka, R. McEldowney Family, A. & A. Gale Faith Formation for preschool through adults (EC) For the parish L. Aronoff, A. Gale, A. & B. Hendrickson C. Brechtelsbauer, B. Higgins D. Best, R. Best, C. Brechtelsbauer, A. Magyar, J. Watters, Help Needed 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Baptisms Eugene Smak 6:00 p.m. Middle & High School Youth Groups (EC-UR) Queen of the Miraculous Medal Parish NOVEMBER 9, 2014 11 LIVE FREE CONFERENCE Do you struggle with areas of your life that just won’t change, despite your sincerest repentance and your best efforts? Do you feel like Jesus has more for you, but you can’t break through to it? Do you feel like the heavenly banquet is a party you’ve been invited to...but you don’t have a ride? The LIVE FREE Conference may be for you! The conference will take place on Friday and Saturday, November 14-15 at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Ann Arbor. It presents the teaching of Neal Lozano as explained in his book Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance. This model helps Catholics fight everyday spiritual battles, using the tools of repentance, faith, forgiveness and renunciation of evil, and teaches how to enter more fully into the salvation and blessings Jesus Christ has already won for you. Contact [email protected] to register or for more information or call Michelle at 734-660-6268. SACRED HEART OF JESUS HEALING SERVICE St. Mary Star of the Sea Church Today, Sunday, November 9, 6 p.m. Jesus healed the sick throughout His ministry. Through His Holy Spirit and the Sacraments, God continues to be a source of comfort, strength and healing today. The healing service will include, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a Gospel reading and reflection by Father Mathias Thelen, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, praise and worship music, and “laying on of hands” for those who seek healing and a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Call 784-7184 for information. “The Lord your God, is in your midst, a mighty Savior, He will rejoice over you with gladness and renew you in His love…” Zephaniah 3:17. ST. JOHN’S CEMETERY NOW ON FACEBOOK “Like” St. John’s Cemetery on Facebook for updates, photos of the latest projects and current offers and specials. Phone 783-1728 for information. VISIT AQUINAS COLLEGE Aquinas College in Grand Rapids is hosting a “Science, Nursing & Math AQDay” this Friday, November 14, for all high school juniors and seniors interested in visiting their beautiful 107-acre campus. You’re invited to come and discover what life at AQ is all about. Get the inside scoop on academics, athletics, scholarships, service learning, study abroad, and more. Please visit: aquinas.edu/undergraduate for more details or to register. PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE April 6-11, 2015 Father Gordon Reigle and Suzanne Krisak invite you on a retreat-like pilgrimage to the small Croatian village in Herzegovina. Attend Mass, pray the rosary, climb Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain, visit one of the visionaries. Cost is $2,459 per person, double occupancy. Contact Suzanne at 248-931-0194 or [email protected] for information. Visit queenschurch.com THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA 12 I saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. —cf. Revelation 21:2 Call Ron Whitaker at 782-9113 for information. Queen of the Miraculous Medal Parish 13 NOVEMBER 9, 2014
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