HILLTOP HERALD-NOVEMBER 2014 MONONA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH & IGLESIA METODISTA UNIDA EL LIBERTADOR 20Now “FEARLESS GENEROSITY” to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, for ever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21, NRSV) Celebration Sunday is on November 9th and we will make our estimate of giving commitments for 2015 during worship. We will gather for a Celebration Meal that day at 11:45 AM in Fellowship Hall. FEARLESS CELEBRATION MEAL What is Fearless Celebration? It’s trying new things, it’s stepping out of your comfort zone, it’s being brave and open to new adventures. We will have new things to try: six different kinds of chili with all the fixings and bars and cookies with a twist. We are asking our fearless bar baker volunteers to make a recipe that they have never made or tasted before. You’ll want to be sure to be there to taste the fearless results! We are still looking for a couple fearless chili makers and helpers for setting up, serving and cleaning up. The signup sheet is in the church office. Step out fearlessly! DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS Remember to change your clocks the evening of November 1. “Fall back” one hour. SAINTS DAY TO BE OBSERVED Sunday, November 2 is All Saints Day, the day the church sets aside to remember those who have died during this past year, especially those from our fellowship and families. Persons are invited to bring to worship, the names of people who have been a part of their life, who have died since last November. During the prayer time, people will be invited to share those names. Or if you prefer, there will be a basket in the entryway of the church, to submit names before each service, so they can be read aloud. 1 Dear Friends, PASTOR’S COLUMN I want to invite you to lunch on November 9th at 11:45 A.M. That’s the meal where we’ll be celebrating the conclusion of our “Fearless Generosity” church stewardship campaign. The varieties of chili and “fearless” (from untested recipes) cookies and bars will color our celebration with some fun. And by the end of lunch, we’ll hear an announcement of our giving total to date. I probably think differently about financial stewardship than a lot of people do. For me, it’s not first and foremost about dollars and cents. It’s a matter of the heart. Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” In other words, what we spend our money on is what we will eventually come to care most about. For instance, I care a lot about my book collection because I’ve invested a lot of time and energy in it over the years. Our attention and interest follows our checkbook or debit/credit card. So if I want God to be a priority in my life, if I want to grow spiritually, a good way to see that happen is to invest my resources in God’s mission and ministry. And the Bible seems to think that for God to be a significant priority in my life, I need to invest at least ten percent of my resources in God’s work. That’s the biblical idea of the “tithe.” If I take all the resources that God has blessed me with, then divide it into ten equal sections, and return one section to God, I then use the other ninety percent of God’s resources in ways God would want me to as I care for me and mine. (It doesn’t sound like a very large percentage when put that way, but it feels like it when you first start moving toward giving ten percent.) That’s what the biblical record indicates is good to give for the sake of my spiritual life—not because the church needs the money (the Finance Committee wants me to insert here that our church does need the money), but because I need to give for the sake of my spiritual growth and health. It’s a matter of the heart. Ten percent may be a worthy goal to shoot for, but many of us are not there yet. If I’ve been giving zero percent, ten percent may be too big a jump all at once. In that case, I start at whatever percentage of my income I feel I can handle right now—three percent, five percent, seven percent, whatever it may be—then I try to increase that commitment a percentage point a year until I’m where I think I want to be. That’s how I think about financial stewardship, or managing the resources God has blessed us with. It’s so important to us because it’s one of the practices that reflect our spiritual growth and our progress in discipleship. So as we approach the end of our stewardship campaign, I look forward to seeing you at lunch on November 9th! And thank you for your faithfulness to God and to God’s work through Monona United Methodist. Blessings, Pastor Brad 2 A THRILL OF HOPE: THE CHRISTMAS STORY IN WORD AND ART Join us for a group study of the familiar story of Christmas as told in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. With supporting DVD presentations, we will look at the central scripture passages of the Christmas story. • A Visit (Luke 1:26-38) • The Nativity (Luke 2:1-7) • The Shepherds (Luke 2:8-20) • Epiphany ((Matthew 2:1-12) Each scripture passage is illustrated and interpreted in the stunning artwork of John August Swanson along with commentary by some of America’s premier biblical scholars, names such as Dr. Thomas A. Long, Dr. Michael Joseph Brown, Dr. Carol A. Newsom and more. These four one-hour sessions facilitated by Pastor Brad will meet around a B.Y.O. brown-bag lunch from 11:45am to 12:45pm during the Sundays of Advent, November 30, December 7, 14, and 21. The study book costs $5. Please sign up in the church office. BIBLE PASSAGES & SERMON THEMES FOR NOVEMBER 9:00AM & 10:30AM SERVICES November 2 – Mark 4:1-9 Fearless Sowing, All Saints Remembrance “God’s ability to transform us” November 9 – Luke 21:1-4 Fearless Giving “Jesus’ teaching that real giving comes from the heart” November 16 – Matthew 25:14-30 “What Have You Done with What You Have Been Given?” November 23 – Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24, Matthew 25:31-46 Guest preacher – Rev. Linda Vance “Incognito” November 30 – Isaiah 64:1-4 First Sunday of Advent “Oh Lord, Help!” ESCRITURAS Y TÍTULOS DE SERMONES – NOVIEMBRE 5PM SERVICIO Noviembre 2 – Salmo 34:1-10, Apocalipsis 7:9-17, Mateo 5:1-12 “De toda lengua y nación” Noviembre 9 – Josué 24:1-3ª, 14-25, 1 Tesalonicenses 4:13-18, Mateo 25:1-13 “Renovando el pacto” Noviembre 16 – Jueces 4:1-7, 1 Tesalonicenses 5:1-11, Mateo 25:14-30 “Salvados para servir” Noviembre 23– Ezequiel 34:11-16, 20-24, Efesios 1:15-23, Mateo 25:31-46 “Llamados para servir a los necesitados” Noviembre 30– Isaías 64:1-9, 1 Corintios 1:3-9, Marcos 13:24-37 “Tenemos mucho trabajo por hacer” 3 STEWARDSHIP Last Sunday we finished our stewardship campaign for this year “Bearing Fruit for Jesus”. During these three weeks we focused the biblical studies for children and adults and the sermons on being good stewards of our time, talents and money. According to 1 Corinthians 16:2 “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.” God’s plan is for Christians to support the advancement of the mission of the church in the world through our tithes and offerings. The idea of tithing goes back to the earliest biblical history. According to Hebrews 7:5, we read: “Now the law requires the descendants of Levi who become priests to collect a tenth from the people—that is, from their fellow Israelites—even though they also are descended from Abraham.” The Law of Moses specified that the Levites should collect tithes from the people and in verse 6 we can observe that Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek. Proverbs 3:9-10 says "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine." and Malachi 3:10 says: "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." In the New Testament, according to 1 Corinthians 16:2 Apostle Paul teaches that Christians should give individually, regularly, methodically, and proportionately to support the local church, the needy, evangelism, and the mission of the church in the world. Giving out of a heart filled with God’s love is to be a characteristic of the born-again believer as Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” As we respond to the needs of God’s work, He promises that our needs will be supplied: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33) and Philippians 4:19 “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” May God continue blessing all of you. Your Servant in Christ, Pastor Rafael 4 MAYORDOMÍA El domingo pasado terminamos felizmente nuestra campaña de mayordomía para este año "Dando frutos para Jesús". Durante tres semanas centramos los estudios bíblicos para niños y adultos y los sermones en ser buenos administradores de nuestro tiempo, talentos y dinero. Según 1 Corintios 16: 2 "El primer día de la semana, cada uno de ustedes aparte y guarde algún dinero conforme a sus ingresos, para que no se tengan que hacer colectas cuando yo vaya". El plan de Dios es que los creyentes cristianos apoyemos el avance de la misión de la Iglesia en el mundo a través de nuestros diezmos y ofrendas. La idea del diezmo se remonta a la historia bíblica primitiva. Según Hebreos 7: 5, leemos: "Ahora bien, los descendientes de Leví que reciben el sacerdocio tienen, por ley, el mandato de cobrar los diezmos del pueblo, es decir, de sus hermanos, aunque éstos también son descendientes de Abraham." La Ley de Moisés especificaba que los levitas estaban llamados a recibir los diezmos de las personas, y en el versículo 6 se puede observar que Abraham pagó diezmos a Melquisedec. En Proverbios 3: 9-10 dice "Honra al Señor con tus riquezas y con los primeros frutos de tus cosechas. Así tus graneros se llenarán a reventar y tus bodegas rebosarán de vino Nuevo” y en Malaquías 3:10 dice: "Traigan íntegro el diezmo para los fondos del templo, y así habrá alimento en mi casa. Pruébenme en esto —dice el Señor Todopoderoso—, y vean si no abro las compuertas del cielo y derramo sobre ustedes bendición hasta que sobreabunde." Dios bendice abundantemente a los que dan con generosidad. En el Nuevo Testamento, de acuerdo a 1 Corintios 16: 2, el Apóstol Pablo enseña que los cristianos estamos llamados a dar de forma individual, de forma regular, metódica, y proporcionalmente para apoyar a la Iglesia local, a los necesitados, la evangelización y la misión de la iglesia en el mundo. Dar con un corazón lleno del amor de Dios debe una característica del creyente nacido de nuevo, como dice el apóstol Pablo en 2 Corintios 9: 6-8 "Recuerden esto: El que siembra escasamente, escasamente cosechará, y el que siembra en abundancia, en abundancia cosechará. Cada uno debe dar según lo que haya decidido en su corazón, no de mala gana ni por obligación, porque Dios ama al que da con alegría. Y Dios puede hacer que toda gracia abunde para ustedes, de manera que siempre, en toda circunstancia, tengan todo lo necesario, y toda buena obra abunde en ustedes.". Al responder a las necesidades de la obra de Dios, Él promete que nuestras necesidades serán suplidas: "Más bien, busquen primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia, y todas estas cosas les serán añadidas." (Mateo 6:33) y Filipenses 4:19 “Así que mi Dios les proveerá de todo lo que necesiten, conforme a las gloriosas riquezas que tiene en Cristo Jesús." que Dios continúe derramando sus bendiciones sobre todos ustedes. Su siervo en Cristo, Pastor Rafael 5 MISSION OF THE MONTH Native American Ministries Your gifts in November will: • Support Native American ministries within the annual conference • Provide scholarships for Native Americans attending United Methodist schools of theology • Strengthen, develop and equip Native American rural and urban congregations, ministries and communities (related to the General Board of Global Ministries) To support this mission, please mark your check or offering envelope with “Native American Ministries” or use the special envelopes in the pews ONLINE NEWSLETTER Our church website has a copy of the current month’s newsletter. If you misplace your paper copy, you can go there to read it: www.mononaunitedmethodistchurch.org. VOLUNTEER SIGN UP DAYS On Sundays, November 2 & 9 we will have the opportunity to sign up to serve as liturgists, greeters, fellowship hour hosts, ushers, acolytes and nursery helpers. Please consider serving. WE NEED YOU!! We still need a few volunteers in November. Please sign-up on the kiosk or call the church office to help. READ ‘EM & MEET The book club will meet on Sunday, November 2 @ 2pm at the home of Yvonne Jackson to discuss, Good Luck of Right Now, by Matthew Quick. Dessert will be provided by Judy Acheson. Visitors and new members are always welcome. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING Our next Blood Pressure Screening will be Sunday, November 9, 10:0010:30 am in Pastor Brad’s office. These screenings are staffed by medical volunteers from the congregation. Keep Healthy - have your blood pressure checked!! ALTAR DISPLAY A "Thankful Harvest Display" on the altar is planned for two Sundays--November 16 and 23. Please drop off any items by November 14 that you would like to share. Any questions call Joy Newman, 246-8661. 6 “DON’T BUG ME!” JR/SR HIGH YOUTH EVENT The fall Conference youth event, “Don’t Bug Me!” is set for Saturday, November 15 at the Kalahari Resort in the Wisconsin Dells. This one day event centers on our missional Conference campaign for Imagine No Malaria. Please keep the following people in your prayers: Charlie Jungwirth, Max Jungwirth, Sam Schmitt, and the chaperones, Carolyn Bennett and Brad Van Fossen. “THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, LAWS OF THE HEART” Our adult study on the Ten Commandments continuing through December 14 from 10:1511:30am each Sunday morning in the church Library. Each session includes a DVD segment with discussion questions that are available to participants in advance. THE GIVING TREE For many years the Giving Tree project has provided gifts and a holiday dinner for needy families in our community. We are asking members of our congregation to purchase gifts for individual children. In November, a Christmas tree will be in the Fellowship Hall with each child’s wish list attached to an ornament. Simply choose a card, fill in your information, leaving half the card in the box provided, and return your unwrapped gift to church. Call the office at 222-1633 with questions. THE BETHLEHEM INN & SPA CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Stay in luxury when you visit Bethlehem for the Census. It’s that time of year again! Time for the Census! This year the play is a fun spin on the traditional Christmas story and I look forward to everyone’s participation! We will be relying on the 3rd – 7th graders for speaking roles and the younger kids’ wonderful singing voices. In order for the program to be a fun experience and a huge success, I will need parent volunteers to help with costumes, props, stage hands, and photography. Please don’t be shy, Parents!! Register for your stay, I mean volunteer, at the Bethlehem Inn & Spa to ensure you get the job you want. Calendar of Events During your stay at the Bethlehem Inn & Spa you can enjoy: Seasonal Music: Practiced during Sunday School November 9 – December 7 Christmas Program Practice: During Sunday School from November 9 – December 7 and on Saturday, December 13 from 10 AM – 12 PM Christmas Program: At Monona UMC on December 14 at 10:30 AM If you are able to help out, please talk to me. Lori Stewart, 438.1408, [email protected] 7 U.M. STUDENT DAY OFFERING Sunday, November 30, will be a time we receive a special United Methodist Student Day Offering. There will be envelopes in our bulletin for us to give to one of the yearly offering from our denomination. This particular offering supports scholarships and loans for United Methodist students, within our nation. BAPTISM Tanner Anthony Testolin, son of Laura and Anthony Testolin, was baptized on September 28. HILLTOPPERS The Hilltoppers will meet on Monday, November 10 at 5:45 PM in fellowship hall. We will have a potluck dinner. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service. Our program will be a presentation by Nicole Wilken, a recent graduate of Valparaiso University in Indiana She went on a 5 month mission trip to Nicaragua and will give us a program on her activities while in that country. She also works for the Wisconsin Conference on their Imagine No Malaria Project, and will also give us a brief explanation of her work with the Conference. SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING The Salvation Army of Dane County needs your help to ring bells November 14 - December 24 for the 2014 Christmas Red Kettle Campaign. It’s easy to sign up online, madsionsa.volunteerfirst.org or call The Bellringer Hotline at 250-2235. IN SYMPATHY Our sympathy goes to Sally Weidemann and her family upon the death of her mother, Elaine Weidemann, who passed away on September 27. NEW UPPER ROOMS ARE HERE The Upper Room is a devotional book that many people use for daily reading of a Bible verse, a short meditation and a prayer. The new November-December issue has arrived and is in the Narthex information center. Feel free to take one home. CONGRATULATIONS! Jennie Slavik and Joe Spagnolia were married here at church on October 17. 8 HEY, MUMC PIANO LOVERS!!! EXPECT TO GET “BE-DAZZLED”! The Students of Dianne Totten invite you to A Piano Recital Celebrating Music for Stage & Screen Friday, November 14, 2014 at 7pm Monona United Methodist Church EXPECT: to be entertained with music from a variety of famous SHOWS: Broadway, theatre, movies & TV, old, new, popular & some unfamiliar! Our “ShowQuest” trivia game & drawings, Jingle-Jangle (a name-that-tune of vintage commercials), prizes & surprises will round out the fun! REFRESHMENTS: Of course! * * * You won’t want to miss this! LOOKING AHEAD TO CHRISTMAS We would like to invite your family to help our congregation prepare for Advent by lighting the Advent wreath during of the Sunday services. We will provide you the reading and instructions. Please email the church office at [email protected] and let Kay know which date/service you are available. We are also looking for children who would like to share special music at the 5:00pm Christmas Eve Family Service. Please let the church office know that you would like to play an instrument or sing. Thanks for sharing your talents! TURKEY DINNER The Annual Turkey Dinner, complete with all the trimmings and homemade pies, will be served at Trinity United Methodist Church, 1123 Vilas Ave, Madison, on Friday November 14 from 5:00 to 7:00pm. $12 Adults, $5 Children 10 and under, preschoolers are free. Carryouts available. There will also be a craft and bake sale bazaar. COMMUNITY HYMN SING Asbury United Methodist Church Chapel (located in center of building), 6101 University Avenue, November 16, 2014 at 3:00pm. Everyone is welcome. For information call 8366532 9 UMW MEETINGS Quilters – Will meet Mondays, November 3, 17 and 24 at 1pm in Fellowship Hall. Yarncrafters - will meet all the Mondays in November at 1pm in Fellowship Hall. New members are always welcome. Friendship Circle – Tuesday, November 4 at 6:45pm at the home of Peggy Traver. Guests and visitors are warmly welcomed. Executive Committee Meeting - Monday, November 10 at 1:30pm in the church Library. Faith Circle – Thursday, November 13 at 1pm at the home of Jeanne DeBraal. Reading Circle - Thursday, November 20 at 1:30pm at the home of Siv Goulding. We will discuss The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe. FALL BAKE SALE – HUGE SUCCESS! Heartfelt thanks to our bakers, takers & buyers for supporting the UMW Fall Bake Sale in such a generous way. We earned a record breaking $327 toward our pledge to Mission for 2014/15. Many thanks to all that participated. JAVA JIVE Coffee farms across Central America are facing new and tough challenges related to climate change. Coffee leaf fungus is a rapidly spreading fungus that destroys coffee trees. It is not a new disease but due to extremes in rain and then extreme heat the disease has intensified and kills the trees. It takes 4-5 years for a coffee tree to produce the "red cherry beans". Equal Exchange has made a pledge to contribute 10 cents per pound of any of their coffees sold to their "red cherry fund" to help small farmers develop innovative solutions to these challenges. So our coffee purchases will add to this fund. Nice. EEx has found a way of recycling the packaging of single serve coffee brewers. We now have them available. They are compatible with the K-cup brewing system. We will be collecting baskets again for folks to fill for nice sustainable Christmas gifts that help God's small farmers in 15 countries including the U.S.---Yum-- coffee, tea, chocolate and nuts, wouldn't we all enjoy that gift!! You may place baskets above the cabinets in the narthex. Thanks. With Authentic Fair Trade products we are witnesses to caring for God's people and creation. Our next monthly sale will be November 23. Kay Mackie, UMW fair trade coordinator 10 SEARCHING FOR A SOLUTION TO ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE In recognition of November as National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center will present “Searching for a Solution to Alzheimer’s Disease,” a FREE community event sharing the latest research on Alzheimer’s disease. Join us on November 4, at the Monona Terrace, 1 John Nolen Drive. A Resource Fair begins at 5:00 p.m.; speaker presentation begins at 6:00 p.m. No RSVP is necessary. For more information, visit adrc.wisc.edu or call (608) 263-2582. HELP IN UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL SECURITY FILINGS Not yet on Social Security? Did you know that there are over 550 ways a married couple can file? Did you know there is more to it than what age you file at? A friend of mine is a professional in financial services and offers a FREE presentation with this information. It is NOT a sales presentation - just great information that covers married, single, divorced, widowed people. He is willing to bring his presentation to us and our friends here at Monona UMC. If there are 5-10 people / couples interested, I will work with him and get this on the schedule. Please contact me at [email protected] or call me at 608-698-5303 to indicate your interest. Thanks!! Linda Jackson AGRACE REMEMBRANCE Agrace HospiceCare will host a Holiday Remembrance Program Sunday, November 9 from 4-5pm at its campus, 5395 E Cheryl Parkway. The program, gives people an opportunity to honor loved ones who have died, and to learn ways to cope with grief during the upcoming holiday season. All are welcome to attend this free program. Pre-registration is not required; however, RSVP is requested by October 31 to Noelle at 327-7118. Grief Support Opportunities - All groups are held at Agrace, 5395 E. Cheryl Parkway · Bridges Weekly Support Group is held every Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Preregistration is not required. · Family Series Support Group is for elementary through high-school aged children and their parents/guardians who are grieving a death. The group is held November 6 – December 18, (Thursdays), 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. Call Jessie Shiveler to register at 327-7135. The group will not meet on Thanksgiving, November 27. For details on all Agrace grief support groups, visit agrace.org. Orientation for Prospective Volunteers - Agrace will offer volunteer orientation for those interested in making a difference in the lives of others. The next session will be held Thursday, November 13, from 1 - 5 p.m., at Agrace, 5395 E. Cheryl Parkway. Prior to attending orientation, prospective volunteers will complete an application and an interview process with Agrace’s Volunteer Services staff to identify the volunteer’s skills and interests. Call 327-7163 to begin the process. Care Navigation Service Helps People Manage a Serious Illness Better Agrace Palliative Care offers a supportive “health coaching” service for chronically or seriously ill people: Agrace Care Navigation. A registered nurse works with participants to help them manage their pain and symptoms, learn about their medications, coordinate health care appointments, better understand their condition and more. Phone support is provided 24/7. If you know someone who might appreciate this service, or for more information about Agrace Care Navigation, call Agrace at (800) 930-2770. 11 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Monona United Methodist Church New Member Class for October 26, 2014 New Members: Anna Nyseth -Anna is transferring from Brentwood UMC, Brentwood, Tennessee Sponsoring Friends: Anna Siferd John & Brandy Penniman Dick & Jean Van Dreel -John & Brandy are transferring from Westwood UMC, Kalamazoo, Michigan Lou Ann Van Fossen Becky Halstead -Lou Ann is transferring from First UMC, Racine Wisconsin __________________________________________________________________________________________ United Methodist Women Advent Brunch Saturday, December 6, 10:00 am in Fellowship Hall The program entitled Come to the Cradle: An Advent Program of Scripture, Poetry and Song will be presented following Brunch. Plan to be inspired as we begin the Advent season!! Advent Brunch Reservations: Name:____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you need child care? If so, list your name and number of children so child care can be arranged: Name____________________________ Phone Number _____________ Number of Children__________ Put completed forms in the church office. For more information you may call Jeanette @ 222-4273 or Kay in the church office @ 222-1633. All are welcome! There is no charge for the brunch but a goodwill offering will be taken to support ongoing Mission projects. Bring an item or two for the Food Pantry Cart. 12 Cash Flow September 30, 2014 Month General Fund $ Income General Operating Expenses Net Surplus (Shortfall) $ 20,882 20,093 789 Year to Date $ $ 238,346 234,766 3,580 A STEWARDSHIP MESSAGE #307 Giving breaks the temptation of greed. “The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7a) Edythe was taking care of all her annual donations to charities. She was going to make her pledge to the church pretty much the same as all the others when she realized how important the church is to her. So this year she made it three times her usual donation. She was surprised to learn later in a conversation with her friend, Bill, the church Treasurer, that her gift was below average. While the most common gifts were about $10 $30/week, the top givers gave more than $10,000 each per year. That changed the average. When she asked the pastor how much she should give, she answered, “Give what God is calling you to give.” That didn’t help. Later that week Edythe decided she wanted to make sure she paid her way. Again, she had a hard time getting someone to tell her an amount. She asked Bill and he said, “That’s not how we do it.” Edythe responded, “Well, if the budget is $140,000 and we have 200 members, that means we need $700 from every member, right?” “Yes,” Bill answered, but that number includes members who are in nursing homes and confirmed youth, as well as families who may be out of a job. Are you saying a family of four members owes four times as much as you?” “Well, not really,” Edythe responded. Edythe was perplexed. “Well, I’ve heard you say that our mission giving, or our apportionments, are about $100/member. So, I’ll start there. Plus, you said we have about 100 families, so if I divide the $140,000 budget by 100, that’s $1,400 this year. That’s a lot.” Bill answered, “What is God calling you to give? Look at what you have. Can you give God a percentage? I know if everyone in our church gave just 3-5% of their annual income to the church, we wouldn’t have any money problems at all.” “That makes sense,” Edythe said. “Now, Bill, you’re the numbers man so help me do the math!” What is God calling you to give to your church? Call if we can help. Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation, 1-888-903-9863 or [email protected] 13 The Life and Ministry of God’s People In Monona United Methodist Church November 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday . Friday Saturday 1 7-9am Prayer Vg 2 All Saints Day See schedule below Fearless Sowing Volunteer Signup 10:15 Adults-Ten Commandments 3 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Quilters & Yarncrafters 2 Read ‘Em/Meet 9 See schedule below Fearless Giving Volunteer Signup 10:00 Blood Pressure Screen 10:15 Adults-Ten Commandments 11:45am Meal Celebration 16 See schedule below Poinsettia orders Newsletter Deadline 10:15 Adults-Ten Commandments 23 See schedule below Coffee Sales 10:15 Adults-Ten Commandments 30 4 9:00am Staff Meeting 1:00 Cry Room in use 6:45 Friendship Circle 10 Pastors’ Day Off 1 Yarncrafters 1:30 UMW Executive Comm. Mtg. 5:45 Hilltoppers 11 9:00am Staff Meeting 1:00 Cry Room in use 6:30 Trustees 17 Pastors’ Day Off 1:00 Quilters & Yarncrafters 18 9:00am Staff Meeting 1:00 Cry Room in use 6:30 Finance 24 Pastors’ Day Off 10am set up Sanctuary for Advent 1:00 Quilters & Yarncrafters 26 9:00am Staff Meeting 6:30 Ad Council 5 6:30-8 Spanish Bible Study / Children’s Prog. 7:00 Confirmation Class with Mentor 8-10pm Feed Homeless 12 Kay off thru November 14 6:30-8 Spanish Bible Study / Children’s Prog. 8-10pm Feed Homeless 19 6:30-8 Spanish Bible Study / Children’s Prog. 7:00 Confirmation 8-10pm Feed Homeless 27 Office Closed 6:30-8 Spanish Bible Study / Children’s Prog. 8-10pm Feed Homeless 6 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Adult Choir 8-10pm Feed Homeless 7 13 1:00 Faith Circle 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Adult Choir . 8-10pm Feed Homeless 14 20 21 7-9am Prayer Vg 9am English 7:00 Dianne Totten Piano Recital in sanctuary 9:00 N/L Helpers 1:30 Reading Cr 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Adult Choir 8-10pm Feed Homeless 28 Thanksgiving Day Office Closed 9am English 9:30am-4pm hall / Kitchen in use 8 15 7-9am Prayer Vigil 9am English 8:30-5:30 Youth Event at Kalahari 22 Pastor Brad vacation Thru November 29 7-9am Prayer Vg 9am English 29 Office Closed 30 7-9am Prayer Vigil No Bells or Choir 8-10pm Feed Homeless 1st Sunday of Advent See schedule below 10:15 Adults-Ten Commandments 11:45 Advent Study SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9:00 Worship 9:20 Sunday School 10:00 Fellowship 10:30 Worship 11:30 Fellowship 5:00 Worship in Spanish NEWSLETTER DEADLINE NOVEMBER 14 Deadline for the December Newsletter is November 16. Information arriving after the above date may not be in the newsletter. Remember, you can FAX your article to 2222395 or email to [email protected] MONONA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 606 NICHOLS ROAD MONONA, WI 53716 NON PROFIT ORG. U S POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 969 MADISON WI ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED The HILLTOP HERALD is produced monthly for distribution to the members and friends of Monona United Methodist Church & Iglesia Metodista Unida El Libertador. Editors: Pastor Brad Van Fossen 414-534-8791 (cell) Pastor Rafael Cubilette 225-8899 (cell) Kay DeBraal – Administrative Assistant 222-1633 Monona UMC Church office 222-1633 (Fax 222-2395) Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Homepage www.mononaunitedmethodistchurch.org Pastor Brad – [email protected] Kay – [email protected] Worship 9:00am and 10:30am Iglesia Metodista Unida El Libertador 514-9470 Pastor Rafael – [email protected] Spanish Worship 5:00pm NOVEMBER 2014 POINSETTIAS You may purchase poinsettias to decorate the sanctuary during Advent and take them home after worship on Christmas Eve. Please complete the form below and return it to the office by November 16 with your check ($14 for each plant) payable to Monona U.M.C. From ______________________________________________________ In Honor of_________________________________________________ Or In Memory of_______________________________________________ If you have questions, please contact the church office @ 222-1633. Thank You For Sharing!!! 15
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