ST. DOMITILLA CATHOLIC CHURCH 4940 Washington St. Hillside, IL • 708-449-8430 • All Souls and the Communion of Saints The practice of setting aside a memorial day for the dead did not begin with Christianity; such a commemoration was prevalent in pagan antiquity. But as early as the second century Christians commemorated the anniversary of the dead, especially the day of the death of the martyrs. The tone of today’s celebration is a paschal one, because Christ’s paschal mystery gives meaning to the death of the faithful Christian. Belief in the resurrection of Jesus, and belief in our own resurrection should convince us to take life seriously. Death is not something that we as Christians face with fear; it is not a threat to our existence. If we understand it as the necessary prelude to resurrection, then it will help us to determine how to live. We will then look upon our time in the mortal life as a series of opportunities for believing, hoping, loving and growing. All moments are unique and will not be repeated. Our destiny, has been designed by the same Father who raised up Jesus from the death. He wants us to join his Son in glory where we will live with more intensity than ever before, and forever. Like yesterday’s feast of All Saints, it is a feast of God’s triumph. It is a celebration of the victory of Jesus over death, and a promise that one day we will enjoy God’s vision. Perhaps today we will be more conscious of the communion of saints as we pray for our departed loved ones. Today’s feast gives an added dimension to our prayers for them; when we pray for them we experience this communion of help and of companionship. We can be aware, too, that we are also making our way to fullness of life and happiness in Jesus. That life is the gift that he has won for us. On this day may the God of all consolation “bless us with faith in the resurrection of his Son, and with the hope of rising to new life. To us who are alive may he grant forgiveness, and to all who have died a place of light and peace” Blessings, Fr. Diego La costumbre de tener un día para recordar a los difuntos tiene sus orígenes en fiestas paganas de la antigüedad, sin embargo los primeros cristianos empezaron a conmemorar los aniversarios de los muertos especialmente el día de los mártires. Que a propósito es como se inició también la costumbre de tener día de cada santo. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them (Es. 2:34-35) El tono de esta celebración es pascual ya que el misterio pascual de Cristo es lo que da relevancia a la muerte de los fieles cristianos. Creer en la resurrección de Jesús y creer en nuestra propia resurrección deberían convencernos suficientemente para tomar la vida con seriedad. La muerte no tiene por qué aterrorizar a un cristiano, no es de ninguna manera una amenaza para nuestra existencia. Si entendemos que es solo el paso para la resurrección entonces así nos ayuda a determinar cómo vivir mejor. Nuestro destino ha sido diseñado por el mismo Padre que resucito a Jesús. Dios quiere que sigamos a su Hijo en la gloria donde viviremos incluso con mayor intensidad para siempre. Así como celebramos ayer el día de todos los Santos, esta conmemoración de los difuntos es una fiesta del triunfo de Dios sobre la muerte y la promesa que algún día disfrutaremos de la visión de Dios. Al orar por nuestros fieles difuntos tenemos la oportunidad de ser conscientes de la comunión de los santos. Esta fiesta aporta una dimensión adicional a nuestras oraciones por ellos; al orar por ellos experimentamos esta comunión de ayuda mutua en nuestro caminar. Que en este día el Dios de toda consolación nos bendiga con fe en la resurrección de su Hijo, y con la esperanza de resucitar a una nueva vida. A nosotros que aun vivimos que Dios nos conceda el perdón y a todos aquellos que han muerto un lugar de reposo, luz y paz. P. Diego Saturday, November 1, 2014 All Saints Day (not a holy day of obligation) 8:30 AM-Svaldi Famiy‐Living & Deceased Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Ant. Mass 4:00 PM‐Margaret Murtha ‐Vicente Escana ‐Mandarino & Petruzzi Families Sunday, November 2, 2014 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 8:00 AM‐Mary & David Marchese ‐Latto & Dahlgren Families 10:00 AM‐John Colwell ‐Bobby Martini ‐Lorraine Petraitis 11:30 AM‐Guadalupe Delgado & Maria Louisa Gutierrez Monday, November 3, 3014 Saint Martin de Porres 7:00 AM‐Rita Lukas Tuesday, November 4, 2014 St. Charles Borromeo 7:00 AM‐Joan Subach ‐Marian Vavruska Wednesday, November 5, 2014 7:00 AM‐Patricia Kirchman Thursday, November 6, 2014 7:00 AM‐Men & Women in the Armed Forces Friday, November 7, 2014 7:00 AM‐Apolinario & Romer Rufo Escueta 6:30 PM‐Holy Hour begins 7:00 PM‐Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows Saturday, November 8, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Ant. Mass 4:00 PM‐Ronald Siwicki ‐Anna Vivoda ‐Harold Schultz‐30th Anniversary Sunday, November 9, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 8:00 AM‐Severino & Filomena dalPiaz ‐Helen Dergance 10:00 AM‐Living & Dec. Members of Morrison Family ‐Evelyn DeSalvo, Kausa & DeSalvo Families ‐Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass 11:30 AM‐St. Domitilla Parishioners We remember the immediate and extended mem‐ bers of our parish family who died this past year. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful de‐ parted, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Nelson Abarra Rev. Robert Botthof, O.P. Elaine Bull Richard Carf Jo Marie Carlson Myriam Corke Ronald Crosoli Ceceile Cukla Helen Dergance Evelyn DeSalvo Rev. Raymond Devereux James Dorion Margaret Geary Winifred Hohe Lillian Hudoba Thomas Kahrs Kathryn Kennedy Joan Lombardo Bobby Martini William Melchiorre Francis Meyer William Murtha Zora Muvrin Lawrence Nendze Wayne Novotny Raymond Palumbo Paul Picardi Frank Raymond Roman Rodriguez‐ Flores James Rogers, Sr. Christine Schneider June Sobiecki George Tackett, Jr. Janice Troccoli Kristen Utley Mary Vasak Marian Vavruska Anna Vivoda Kevin White James Wlezien Sam Wolande FIRST FRIDAY HOLY HOUR This Friday, November 7th, is the First Friday of the month. The day will begin with Adoration following the 7:00 AM Mass until 1:00 PM. Holy Hour will begin at 6:30 PM and will include confessions and the Novena to Our of Sorrows at 7:00 PM. Holy Hour will close at 7:30 PM with Bene‐ diction. ALTAR SERVER TRAINING We will begin training for new altar servers this month. In order to become an altar server you must have received your First Communion. If you would like to become an altar server come to our training session on Tuesday, November 18th at 6:30 PM in church. All current acolytes are also needed at the meeting. Please call the rectory if you have any questions. PLEASE PRAY FOR… WEEKLY OFFERING Sunday, October 26, 2014 Sunday Collection This week last year $6,438.87 $7,223.31 Sunday Collection: Year‐to‐date this year Year‐to‐date last year $112,783.38 $114,116.84 Year‐to‐date Budget this year $116.025.00 Number of envelopes this year Number of envelopes last year Parking Lot Savings Fund (Env. 126) Parking Lot Fund Current Balance 257 356 $1,290.82 $46,716.58 St. Domitilla Seniors meet the last Tuesday of each month at 1:00 pm in the South Hall from September through May. Evelyn Disavow Katherine Spatafore Frank Spatafore Ellen Pendola Violet Presco James Turner Carlton Holmes Sylvia Kahrs Donna Kinowski Laura Biagini Jameson Carroll Mary Mandarino Nancy Placek Leslie Slavik Paula Zupsich Louise Saso Lauren Phillips Dolores Knapcik Len Kwasniewski Nancy Thornton James Buchanan Jerry Hoffman Jeanne Nendze Mariann Dawson Nick Patete Miguel Badillo John Pezza Tom Carroll Joan Pezza John Katsulis Please keep us informed as to the progress of those on our prayer list. The names will remain on the list for one month and can be added again if there is a recurrence. Call the rectory if you or a family member would like to be added to our prayer list, be visited and receive commun‐ ion, or be anointed. The rectory #708‐449‐8430. ACTIVITY SCHEDULE 11th---Horseshoe Casino, HammondCost per person $11.00 includes Buffet Lunch & DeLuxe Motor Coach transportation. Departure from South Parking lot at 9:15 a.m. Board bus for return trip at 3:30 p.m. Reservation forms must be returned to the parish office and have casino card # included on form. November HOSPITALITY SUNDAY November 9th Next weekend is our Hospitality Sunday. Join us in the Teen Room from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM for a light breakfast and some friendly company. November 13th-Drury Lane Theater - CAMELOT-Cost includes lunch and theater ticket. Lunch will include Spinach Mandarin Salad and entrée choice of either Salmon Filet or Chicken Breast Marsala. Cost per person $45.00. Reservation forms are available at the Rectory office. This month will be hosted by the parish staff. November 25th-Thanksgiving Celebration-Turkey Sandwich Box Lunch, Pumpkin Slices at 1:00 PM in the South Hall Cost per person $7.00. Reservation must be in no later than Nov. 18th. Next Sunday, the Secular Servite Order will hold their monthly meeting in the convent. To show their grati‐ tude to those who walked in the Crop Walk as well as those who donated funds, you are invited to join them for coffee and cake at 1:30 PM in the convent. Enter by the side door facing the school. December 14th-Annual Christmas Party-Alpine Banquet Haus. Doors open at 12:00 PM, Lunch served at 1:00 PM. Cash Bar. Cost per person Members $15.00—Non Members $30.00. Reservation deadline December 7th. Thanks to their participation in the Proviso Area Crop Walk our parish food pantry will receive a portion of the funds raised. SECULAR SERVITE ORDER STAFF DIRECTORY MMMM!... PANCAKES!!! Boy Scout Troop 126 5th Annual Fall Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser Sunday, November 9, 2014 8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Donation: $5.00 Kids 3‐5 yrs $3.00 Kids under 3 eat Free! Bellwood Moose Lodge 4013 Butterfield Rd Bellwood, IL 60104 ST. DOMITILLA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PRESENTS HOLIDAY BAZAAR & CRAFT SHOW Saturday. November 22, 2014 9:00 am—2:00 pm A great place to do your holiday shopping! St. Domitilla South Hall Homemade crafts, bake sale and vendors Parish Office: (708) 449‐8430 Fax: (708) 449‐2009 Rev. Diego Berrio, Pastor, ext. #21 Rev. Michael Knotek, Resident Deacon Philip White Deacons Kenneth Bell & Joseph Siranovic, Retired Richard Singer, Finance Manager, ext. #13 Marge Dixon, Parish Secretary, ext. #10 Maria Castaneda, Administrative Assistant, ext. #15 Deborah Guscott, Music Director, ext. #11 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): (708) 449‐8430 Deacon Joseph Siranovic Parish Website: LITURGIES Sunday Masses: 4:00 PM (Saturday Anticipated)‐ 8:00 AM; 10:00 AM & 11:30 AM (Spanish Language) Daily Liturgies: 7:00 AM Monday thru Friday Saturday: 8:30 AM—First Saturday of Month Holy Days: Anticipated Liturgy 6:30 PM; Holy Day: 7:00 AM; 9:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:15‐3:45PM Sacrament of Baptism: Arrangements must be made through the Parish Office. New parents are required to reserve and attend a baptismal preparation class before scheduling a baptism. You must be a registered parishion‐ er. Check with parish office on guideline requirements for godparents. Sacrament of Marriage: All wedding arrangements must be made at least eight months in advance. All couples are to participate In a marriage preparation program. Couples must be registered parishioners at least six months before the wedding. DEVOTIONS ST. JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Come to our Open House on Sunday, November 9th or Sunday, December 7th from 1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. St. Jo‐ seph High School is a Lasallian School sponsored by the Christian Brothers. You can register for a shadow day any Friday during the school year by going online or by calling the school at 708‐ 562‐4433. The entrance exam is Saturday, January 10, 2015 8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. The Rosary: The Rosary is prayed daily Monday through Friday after the 7:00 a.m. liturgy and at 8:00 a.m. on the first Saturday of the month. Sorrowful Mother Novena: Fridays at 7:00 p.m. St. Peregrine Devotions: First Saturday of every month af‐ ter the 8:30 a.m. Liturgy. Adoration & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: First Fri‐ day of each month 7:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. September through May. Baptisms-1pm 30 No R.E. Classes 23 Rel Ed-9:45am-C 24 Mass-7am Parents Faith-10am Recovery Grp-7pm-L -Sp; 11:15am-EngCO 26 Mass-7am Bible Study-2pmSJR NO Adult ENG Choir 7PM–SH Adult Eng Choir-7:30pm [moved to Tuesday] ← -C RCIA -7pm —NO Class Evangelization Office- 25 Mass-7am RICA-5pm-SJR 27 THANKSGIVING Children’s Choir 8:45am—C Mass: 9am 6:30pm-C Children’s Choir- 6:30pm-L Parents Faith- TR 28 Mass-7am 20 Mass-7am 21 Mass-7am Adult Sp Choir-6pm- Novena-7pm 19 Mass-7am Adult Eng Choir7:30pm-C 17 Mass-7am 18 Mass-7am Recovery Grp-7pm-L RICA-5pm-SJR RCIA-7pm-SJR Altar Server Trng6:30pm-C 16 Rel Ed-9:45am-C Baptisms-1pm 6:30pm-C 13 Mass-7am 14 Mass-7am Adult Sp Choir-6pm- Novena-7pm TR Parents Faith6:30pm-L Children’s Choir- Secular Servite12:15pm-CO 1 Rosary-8am Mass-8:30am St. Peregrine-9am CCW Mtg-9:15am-TR TURN CLOCKS BACK Sat 29 22 15 Market Day Order Pick-up-9:35am-SH 7 Mass-7am 8 FIRST FRIDAY Special Ed-10 AM-L Adoration-8am-1pm Holy Hour-7-8pm w/Novena & confessions Fri 12 Mass-7am Bible Study-2pmSJR Adult Eng Choir7:30pm-C 6:30pm-C 6 Mass-7am Adult Sp Choir-6pmTR Parents Faith6:30pm-L Children’s Choir- Thu 11 Mass-7am 10 Mass-7am Recovery Grp-7pm-L RICA-5pm-SJR RCIA-7pm-SJR Evangelization Office-7pm-SH Wed 9 Hospitality Sunday-9am-1pm-TR Rel Ed-9:45am-C Tue 5 Mass-7am Adult Eng Choir7:30pm-C R-Rectory SH-South Hall SJR-St. Joseph Rm TR-Teen Room Mon 4 Mass-7am 2 Rel Ed-9:45am-C 3 Mass-7am All Souls Office of Recovery Grp-7pm-L RICA-5pm-SJR the Dead—Altar de RCIA-7pm-SJR los muertos Bi-lingual Service6:30pm-C Key = C-Church CO-Convent HH-Hanley Hall L-Library Sun NOVEMBER 2014 Ministry Schedule for Saturday & Sunday, November 8th & 9th Mass Time Lector 4:00 PM M. Belmont 8:00 AM C. Watt 10:00 AM N. Visco 11:30 AM Spanish Y. Carrasco A. Driskell Ushers Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers F. Fabbri T. Foley J. Robbs J. Kramer J. Caruso A, Badillo A. Stohl S. Zimmerman C. Watt B. Wizer C. Bavone M. Dillon T. Fabbri M. Hughes J. Lussier M. Kieliszewski T. Quednau B. Raia M. Scukanec M. Cairns M. Cairns W. Minick M. Quednau S. Stetkus J. Wagner T. Anderson S. McFalls D. Delgado R. McFalls C. Farmer T. Peterka R. Iaccino K. Patete D. Mendieta D. Tate E. Trujillo M. J. Kollman L. Lawinger S. Mallen V. Murphy T. Noti L. Rodriguez J. Jacobo F. Rodriguez R. Cepeda R. Zamarron V. Martinez G. Rodriguez B. Salcedo Greeters: G. England, P. Stenson, L. Kreft A. Driskell R. Malagon R. Ramos 7AM Daily Mass-11/3-11/7Peggy, Roberta
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