Vol. 37 No. 11 WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY 10:00 AM OFFICE HOURS Monday Thursday 9A-1P 860349-9881 Contact the office to update birthdays/ann., addresses, etc. Articles for publication are due: Nov 19 for the December Red Doors Dec 17 for the January Red Doors Wednesday for the Sunday announcements November 2014 Are you looking for a little spiritual uplift? If you are at all like me, you might find it difficult to sit for long periods and pray. I do, unless of course, I’m listening to music. Music has always held a special emotional and spiritual connection for me. Many of the times that I have felt most connected with myself, and with God, have been when I am listening to music. Music can touch that inner part of me that I often shelter from the outside world (and even from my own prying mind). Music unbinds my soul. For our November devotional, the deacons each picked one song that spoke to us spiritually. There were no requirements that the song be sacred or familiar, just that it spoke to the individual spiritually. Then at our meeting, we listened to each of the songs in turn and discussed how they moved us. Not unexpectedly, it was a meaningful evening for me. Here is a list of the songs the deacons chose: Bright Morning Star by Oysterband Footprints by Brendan Macfarlane In Remembrance of Me by Buryl Red & Ragan Courtney Shine by Joni Mitchell Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley Hymn of Promise by Blake Burroughs If I Ever Lose My Faith In You by Sting Be Thou My Vision by 4Him Tu Has Venido La Orilla by Annet Nakamoto All Creatures of Our God and King by BYU Vocal Point If you are so inclined, I encourage you find and download these songs. You can listen to most of them on YouTube beforehand if you want, but all can be purchased on iTunes or some other online retailer. They are all beautiful in their own way. Then, if you are courageous, you can try and guess which deacon picked which song! (Email Pastor Dale if you have any guesses!) I’ll give you one hint: 2 deacons chose “Be Thou My Vision” as their song. Enjoy, Pastor Dale DEACONS’ CORNER Deacons Betsy Bascom Karen Bergenholtz Paul Bergenholtz Roger Brewer Valerie Faiella Elisabeth Kennedy Bridget Melien Lori Michaud Sharon Roundtree-Brewer Millie Simonzi Our charge is to assist the pastor in spiritual matters of the church What We Do Serve as spiritual leaders Assist with church communion Serve home communion Usher at funerals & memorials Visit members Facilitate small groups programs Write Red Doors articles Assist with Baptisms Lead worship as needed Nurture our faith The Appointed Life Few would deny that the circumstances of our birth determine much about the lives we live. For example, if you are born poor you are likely to live and die poor. Certainly, some do rise above the poverty into which they are born but most do not. I have heard the suggestion that we as individuals participated (prior to our birth) in deciding our own circumstances of birth. If this is the case, it would be interesting to know why I chose to be born into poverty and apartheid. Indeed, why would anyone choose adverse birth conditions? For sure, I do not have the understanding that some may have on how we decided our own birth. I will try to stay open to a fuller understanding. In the meantime, I choose to believe our birth conditions were determined by God. I have always believed God determined my gender, race, parents, time of birth, physical body, physical abilities, mental capacity and place of birth. By determining these things, God also determined necessarily the social, political and economic conditions into which I was born. Just to be clear, I do not believe God created war, poverty or other adversities of the world. These things resulted from human behavior. But, in my mind, the birth of some into human-made adversity, when others are born into more favorable conditions, is within the province of the Almighty God. But why did God give each of us the particular circumstances of birth that we received? Lately, I have been thinking a lot about this question with a heightened sense of appreciation of the dominant role that birth conditions play in the living of our lives. Now the word of the Lord came to [Jeremiah] saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:4-5. As it was with the prophet Jeremiah, is it not likewise for each and every one of us? Did God know us before we were conceived in the womb, and did God appoint each of us to one or more important causes in life? Obviously, everyone is not appointed prophet to the nations. Nevertheless, does God not appoint each of us to do work that is important to God, even if that work is considered menial or insignificant by human standards? Many people believe as I do that God speaks to us today in various ways. For example, God speaks to us through the actions and words of others, through nature, through intuition, through dreams, and through the talents and abilities bestowed on us. I also believe God speaks to us profoundly through the circumstances of our birth. Programs Seeing my birth conditions and the birth conditions of others, not as an advantage or disadvantage, but as the powerful word of the Almighty God is no small matter. This insight, to say the least, is very empowering and enlightening to me. Sweet Hour of Prayer Living the Questions Simply Christian Unwrapping Our Gifts PRAYER: Almighty God, I pray that we might all have a fuller understanding and appreciation of how you speak to us through the circumstances of our birth. May we honor and respect your voice as it abides in ourselves and in others, and may we faithfully carry out your word in the living of our lives. AMEN. Roger Brewer 2 OUR CHURCH FAMILY Happy Birthday! 1 Deb Wimler 1 Jen Carras 1 1 3 4 5 7 8 8 9 9 9 11 11 13 Matt Tietjen Jennifer Brainerd John Bialobrzeski Thien Wrang Barbara Heuberger Morgan O'Sullivan Johna Diaz Karen Fowler Larissa Cade Julie Aroian Jimmy Priest Aubree Keurajian Megan Locascio Sierra Manning Happy Anniversary! 15 Pat Bandzes 6 15 Kendra Smith 15 Aaron Schlicker 16 Kenneth Crompton 16 Tory Satagaj 17 Kendra & Daryl Smith Sharon Roundtree-Brewer & Roger Brewer 29 Dina & Marc D’Amato 17 Jordan Moore 19 Donnie Smith 24 Christine Steele 25 Ed Holden 27 Eleanor Melmer 28 Jackie Staddon 28 Howard Thody 29 Skip Strickland 30 Tom Hummel, Sr. 30 Nicholas Smith Thank you all for your generosity to the Qunicy Family. We made a donation in the amount of $876 this week to the Liberty Bank into an account set up for donations. Anyone who missed out on our collection is welcome to make a direct deposit at the bank. Thanks for coming thru again in helping members of our community. THANK YOU! This was our first year on our own at the Durham Fair. Our profit to date for the whoopie pies, cake pops, soda and water is $1298.78. A huge THANK YOU to Claudia White and Doug Dischino for their tireless efforts for 4 days at the fair. We could not have done it without our workers: Jennifer and Jim Fowler, Karen Bergenholtz, Scott Hurlbert, Barbara Kauffman, Vicki Berry, Deb Wimler, Hazel Chapman, Bob and Shirley Newcomb, Janice Keeman, Lilly Neal, Elaine Diaz, Laura Hastings, Jackie Staddon, Gordon Wolfgang, Al Smith, Ed Holden, Elizabeth and Dale Azevedo, Joel Nick, Sue VanDerzee, Cassidy White-Ryan, Sydney and Bill Mintz, Patty Cade, Tammy Burt, Don Ginter, Karen Guzman, Michael Greenwood, Rick Mach, Sarina and Liz McCoy, Kevin and Rick Ryan, Megan and Debbie Decker, Alma and Bob Elder, Aleta Cromack, Millie Simonzi and Amy Dills. A big THANK YOU also goes out to Barbara and Mark Kauffman for the use of their trailer which saved us from a lot of time and effort! It was a team effort. Looking forward to 2015! 3 On October 19th , we hosted the New England Chamber Choir. I would like to thank all who were involved: Jean Norton, Carol Wray, Eleanor Melmer, Barbara Fowler, Bev Walker, Millie Simonzi, Brenda Marino, Jo Ann Keurajian, Deb Wimler, Betsy Bascom, Joan Lombardo, Debbie Carras, Sue VanDerzee, JoAnn Halibozek, and Vicki Berry. We had many compliments, such as: “What a nice assortment”, “A great spread”, and “You ‘Church Ladies’ know how to put on a reception.” This was like a collation but a happy occasion. Thank you all for helping with this reception. ~ Kathy Cutler Collation Team Dear Pastor Dale, Dear Kathy and her “crew”; On behalf of the New England Chamber Choir, I want to thank you for your wonderful hospitality last Sunday! (October 19, 2014) Your church is a perfect concert venue—one of the soloists remarked on this. Our thanks also go to Judi Rand and Kathy Cutler, who helped make the concert a memorable occasion. All my best to you and all the people of Federated Church, and, again many, many thanks! Thank you so very much for that 5 Star reception on Sunday. It was beautiful and delicious. What an awesome assortment of things to select!!! We are very grateful to you all. You truly made us feel welcome and at home. With warm regards, Anita Duffy President New England Chamber Choir Sincerely, Judy Moeckel WORSHIP ECUMENICAL THANKSGIVING SERVICE Tuesday, November 25 at 7:00P.M. at Middlefield Federated Church Everyone from the community is invited to join in. There will be an ecumenical choir and participation from all the area clergy. The Rev. Diana M. Rogers, from the Church of the Epiphany, Durham, will be preaching our Thanksgiving message. The other churches that are participating and joining with us in this celebration of all that we are thankful and grateful for are the United Churches of Durham, Church of the Epiphany, Notre Dame, and St. Coleman’s Church. It is a wonderful way to celebrate our thanksgiving! 4 Thank you to the following leaders who have signed up. The following open dates are available for sign-up: FELLOWSHIP HOSTS Nov 2 FLOWERS READERS USHERS NURSERY Don Ginter 7+ Classes 7+ Classes Brenda Marino Tina Hurlbert John Lyman Mike Waller Aleta Cromack Nov 9 The Holdens Millie Simonzi Nov 16 Jean Norton Daryl & Kendra Smith Peter & Deb Carras Maria Chapman Cornucopia Cloe Poisson Malcolm Staddon Deb Huscher Rick Mach Mike Satagaj Cloe Poisson Nov 23 Nov 30 The Hurlberts Upcoming Worship Schedule Nov 2 Exodus People: Do you ever question God? Nov 9 Exodus People: You can't always get what you want Nov 16 Exodus People: ...but if you tr y sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need. Nov 23 Mary Nelson Abbott (Guest Preacher) Nov 30 Thanksgiving Weekend 1st Sunday of Advent LECTIONARY READINGS HEBREW SCRIPTURE PSALM EPISTLE GOSPEL Matthew Nov 2 Joshua 3:7-17 107:1-7,33-37 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 23:1-12 Nov 9 Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 78:1-7 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 25:1-13 Nov 16 Judges 4:1-7 123 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 25:14-30 Nov 23 Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 100 Ephesians 1:15-23 25:31-46 Nov 30 Isaiah 64:1-9 80:1-7,17-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-37 5 MISSIONS ONGOING MISSION OUTREACH the 3rd SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH Sunday, NOV 16 is the date of our next Eddy Shelter Chili Supper We need chili, rice, bread, butter, soda, dessert, half & half, coffee. The Sign-Up Sheet and chili recipe is in the Hub. There's nothing difficult about supporting the homeless men and women who need food and shelter. Try it, you'll feel good about yourself! BAKED BEANS for AMAZING GRACE FOOD PANTRY Missions has a goal of 100 cans per month. Keep them coming! 6 HOLIDAY FAIR SILENT AUCTION ITEMS We need the following to make the Holiday Fair a success! Pickles, Jams and Jellies Crafts and Homemade Articles Baked Goods Costume Jewelry (Leave in basket in the hub.) Silent Auction Items - "gifty" type things, small pieces of furniture, a service, etc. WORKERS are very much NEEDED. Signup sheets for volunteers and items are in the Hub. 7 Our Christmas Fair is approaching quickly and we're looking for some good items to put in the silent auction. If you have a service you would donate or you have some "gifty" type things, small pieces of furniture, or other items that might attract a buyer and are willing to donate them to us, please contact Millie Simonzi at 860-349-3027. Pickup can be arranged. EVENTS & INFORMATION CONFIRMATION 2014-2015: Our confirmation process for this year will be beginning very shortly. This year’s process will kick off with an Informational Meeting, being held on Sunday, November 2, from 5-6 PM. Dinner (pizza) will be provided. The point of this meeting is to get an accurate understanding of who is interested in confirmation and to answer any questions regarding this year’s program. It is expected that all of our youth interested in confirmation will attend this meeting and be accompanied by at least one parent or guardian. Attention Ladies, Our next Potluck Ladies Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, DECEMBER 9th, at Noon, in Fellowship Hall. The Luncheon for November has been cancelled due to the Holiday Fair. See you in December! Children's Choir The Children’s Choir will have rehearsal on Sunday, November 2 and 16 for a half an hour after church. This is a group for children who are students in first through sixth grade. Children in this group will perform monthly during the worship service, and possibly at other events throughout the year. Rehearsals are held the first and third Sunday of the month for about 20 minutes after the service ends. Enrollment is open, so come join us anytime. If you have any questions, please email Michael Meurs, the minister of music, [email protected]. There is a budget for purchasing plants; however, based on the lack of natural lighting supplemental full spectrum lighting will be needed. As a result, the idea of a "Giving Trellis" was discussed as a way to fund the purchasing of lighting and plants. We will be generating our wish list of plants shortly and publishing it in the church bulletin. This list will then be displayed on the Giving Trellis for others to consider purchasing of a particular plant. To date, we have received a donation of compost to naturally fortify the soil. Lastly, ideas to connect the Children's & Youth Ministries with the Biblical Garden were also discussed. The Living Nativity Is Coming Again! This year it will be December 13th (rain date Dec 20) If you want to be a part of this annual presentation to our community, please sign up on the Youth Board in the Hub, or leave a message for Marilyn Keurajian at 860-349-9881 MFC Book Club THE GARDEN TEAM The Garden Team (Elsy Negron, Lee Warren, Kelly Kalber, & Cheryl Fogg) met to discuss the rejuvenation of the church gardens. Our brainstorming session concluded in the desire to create a Biblical Garden featuring plants based from the Bible, such as a dwarf fig tree, a dwarf olive tree, mustard, lilies, palms, rose of sharon, etc. 8 Bedrock Faith. The MFC book club is not entirely sure what the phrase and title mean. We read the story, by Eric Charles May, and discussed it, but much like the ending of the book we are left wondering what comes next. Reading about this Chicago community, we came back to the question of unshakable faith. The community in the story is not what we expected, and perhaps faith is more than we expect also. Read below for our summary of the story and its gift. Shaking the Foundation, Act I at 7pm when we meet to discuss True A merican: Mercy in Texas, by Anand Giridharadas. This one is sure to challenge us both in the action of forgiveness and understanding of our post 9/11 world. Stew Pot returns from time imprisoned not broken, not defeated but he swears enlightened. But what to expect from a former hoodoo? Fires again? Terrorizing neighbors? The pitbull, not Hitler now, but John the Baptist. Controlled at times, trained of a different sort. ~ MFC Book Club, guaranteed to make you think Motley, Davenport, Hicks, and McTeer Erma – all side-by-side secrets from each other. Better when they are revealed? Stew Pot points says truth will set them free. But what is his truth? Annual Fall Meeting of the Middlesex Association, United Church To the Churches and Authorized Ministers of the Middlesex Association: You are called to gather for the Annual Fall Meeting of the Middlesex Association, United Church of Christ. Please inform your delegates and church members about our Fall Meeting and know that all are welcome to attend. The Annual Fall Meeting of the Middlesex Association (UCC) will be held on Monday, Nov. 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the Middlefield Federated Church (402 Main St., Middlefield). This is our annual dinner meeting. The dinner will feature sweet honey ham, Italian baby potatoes, assorted vegetables, salad, and dessert. The cost is $10 per person, which can be paid the evening of the meeting. Reservations should be made with Judi Rand, the Office Manager of the Federated Church, by either calling at 860-3499881 or emailing at [email protected]. Please contact her by Monday, November 10. Shaking the Faith, Act II Who has faith? Is it the loud one enlightened, prophesizing? The one that holds her family close? The one who knows the most rules? Faith is shaken from time to time like water, particles in light, we see what settles. See what we really have. Family. Friends. The agenda planned for the meeting is as follows: 6 – 6:30 p.m. Gathering, refreshments, & social time together 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Dinner 7:15 – 7:30 p.m. Worship 7:30 pm Program with the Rev. Mary Nelson Abbott, our Regional Conference Minister, as we share and imagine ways that our congregations can be more interdependent. 9:00 p.m. or earlier Adjournment Faith bends light in water. In unyielding we fracture unyielding we break. Faith of Bedrock, Act III Motley questions and changes, reacts and responds. Only a foundation, she rebuilds. Her faith. Her friends. Her family. Herself. Stew Pot fractures. No bedrock. No faith. No home. No freedom. No Stew Pot only Gerald, broken, defeated, without faith. Join us for our next Book Club discussion Monday, November 24, I look forward to seeing all of you at this important occasion in our life together as an Association! Faithfully yours, Rev. Timothy Haut, Registrar Middlesex Association, UCC 9 My Faith Center 2.0 The Sower Matthew 13:9 “Whoever has ears, let them hear.” Large Group Leader Marilyn Keurajian ART Jerusalem SCIENCE Galilee John Ferrero Marilyn Keurajian November 2 K-3 4-6 November 9 4-6 K-3 GAMES Egypt COOKING Fellowship Hall Tim Burt Tammy Burt November 16 K-3 4-6 November 23 4-6 K-3 Pre-K class will meet in the Pre-K classroom. 7+ class will meet in their classroom upstairs. Classes run until approx. 11:15. If possible, please wait for the leader to dismiss the class. 10 SUNDAY 1st Sunday of Advent 10:00A – WORSHIP 11:15A – Fellowship 30 10:00A – WORSHIP 11:15A – Fellowship 23 11:15A – Children’s Choir 5:30P – Eddy Shelter – chili 6-8P – Y.F. 10:00A – WORSHIP 11:15A – Fellowship 16 10:00A – WORSHIP 11:15A – Fellowship 9 Drop off fair items 6-8P – Y.F. pizza info mtg with parent/guardian 11:15A – Children’s Choir 5-6P – Confirmation – 10:00A – WORSHIP 11:15A – Fellowship 2 11 7:00P – MFC Book Club – True American: Mercy in Texas 24 5-7P– Middlesex UCC Association’s Fall Mtg @ MFC 17 10 9A-1P – Drop off fair items 3 MONDAY 25 18 Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service @ MFC 7:00P – VETERAN’S DAY 11A – Veteran’s Day Service @ The Green 11 9A-1P – Drop off fair items 4 TUESDAY (mark & leave in kitchen) 7:00P – Deacons DEC. RED DOORS MAILED 26 DEC. RED DOORS DEADLINE 7:00P – Deacons 19 6:30P – Admin Team 12 6 THURSDAY 7 FRIDAY 27 20 13 28 21 14 9A-1P – Drop off 10A-2P, 5P-7P – Drop fair items off fair LAST DAY to drop items off items for the fair’s kitchen 9A-1P – Drop off fair items 5 WEDNESDAY 2 9A – 2P Holiday Fair In Durham 8:30A – Men’s B’fast @ Dine SATURDAY 29 12 22 12 15 12 8-8:30A – Drop off baked goods 8:30A – DOORS LOCKED! 8 12 1 12 THRU THE RED DOORS NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID MIDDDLETOWN CT PERMIT NO 561 Published by: THE MIDDLEFIELD FEDERATED CHURCH 402 Main Street P.O. Box 200 Middlefield, CT 06455-0200 www.mfcct.org Address Service Requested STAFF Pastor .................................................. Rev. Dr. Dale H. Azevedo Minister to Children and Youth ....................... Marilyn Keurajian Minister of Music .................................................... Michael Meurs Church Secretary .......................................................... Judi Rand Fax: 860-349-6384 www.mfcct.org Church Office PASTOR Judi Rand Rev. Dr. Dale H. Azevedo Minister to Children & Youth Marilyn Keurajian Monday - Thursday 9AM -1PM Tuesday – Friday (variable hours) Wednesday-Thursday 10AM – 2PM (If necessary, home 349-8301) office @mfcct.org home 860-349-9984 pastor @mfcct.org youthminister @mfcct.org EMERGENCIES - In an emergency when the Pastor cannot be reached immediately, please call Sharon Roundtree-Brewer, Chair of Deacons at 860-344-0125, or deacon Millie Simonzi, 860-349-3027. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE The Worship Service is celebrated every Sunday at 10:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION The Sacrament of Holy Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month at the Sunday Worship Service. CHURCH SCHOOL Church School is held during the Sunday Worship Service. 12 With the help of the Holy Spirit, our Mission is to build and strengthen relationships with God, one another, and our world.
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