GODLY PARENTING Week 6 Faith is a Relationship Read Genesis 24- 27 Romans 5 Because of Christ’s death we can have right relationship with God Family Memory Verse So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. Romans 5:11 Because of right relationship with God we are justified 1. What does faith produce? Romans 5:1,2) 2. What were we before we were friends of God? 3. Why did Christ offer us his Family Activity friendship? 4. How does Issac’s deception of Find a t- square or a construction Abimelech similar to that of his square. use it to measure different father’s? objects and determine if they are 5. Describe the behaviors of Jacob right angle(90 degrees). draw differand Esau. how are there ent angles and then measure them patterns of behavior like this of with square. explain that we use their father? 6. How does this pattern fall in line these to determine if something with Paul’s description of the measures up and is lined up corsin of Adam and the result of rectly or is “square”. because of sin that sin? we will never measure up to God 7. How did God counter this but Jesus chafes us and allows us reproducing pattern of sin and to have right relationship with Him. death in the world? DEACON OF THE WEEK: Maurice Peele TOTALS for October 5, 2014 SUNDAY SCHOOL: On-Campus: 476 Off-Campus: 98 TOTAL Sunday School: 574 WORSHIP SERVICES: SHUT IN OF THE WEEK: Gladys Whitehead 11 Maria Louisa Lane Greenville SC 29609 SUNDAY OCTOBER 12, 2014 MORNING SERMON “The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ” Part 2 John 19:17-30 Dr. Rob Jackson Sunday School Combined Team Meeting TODAY 4:45 pm Family Life Center A must meeting for all SS Leadership as we kick off the “All In” Campaign for Nov. 2nd 8:00 AM Worship: 96 10:45 AM Worship: 557 TOTAL Morning Worship: 653 6:00 PM TOTAL: 337 Today’s Worship Intercessors: CoEd 50C - Mike Martin FINANCES Giving Totals: Date: October 5, 2014 Year to Date: Tithes/Budget Receipts $ $ Building Fund 23,639.10 4,585.02 $ 845,994.72 $ 219,791.88 $ 540.03 $ 23,841.78 110,941.14 Missions Fund www.forestville.org · 864-834-4276 · [email protected] Evening Service 6:00pm “The Challenge of Faith” Hebrews 12:12-29 Dr. Paul Fleming A TIME TO GIVE Monthly Payment: $20,353.06 Received This Month: $5,776.98 Designated Fund $ 530.00 $ Mission Trips $ 00.00 $ 23,399.01 Public Professions of Faith: $ 29,294.15 $ 1,223,968.53 Lauren Davis & Justin Mills Forestville Core Values: CWP CLASS Foothills Fall Festival at Foothills Baptist Church Friday October 31st Date: November 15th 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Class fee: $75 (Payment guarantees your spot— enclose in yellow payment envelope at Guest Services Desk) Must bring $50 for SLED fee the day of the class. A portion of your class fee will help support Forestville Missions. Basketball Sign Ups at the Children's Kiosk Forestville Opportunities . . . Sunday, October 12 4:45 pm SS Combined Team Meeting Monday, October 13 5:30 pm FAITH Dinner 6:30 pm FAITH Visitation Thursday, October 16 6:00 am Men’s Breakfast Sunday, October 19 8:00 AM Security Desk: Rich Cochran 8:00 AM Nursery Wing: Don & Joy Simpson 8:00 AM Service Pager Desk: Nikki Haley Purple Room: Dot Metcalf, Pat Brown Yellow Room: Donald & Connie Powell Deacon’s Meeting 9:15 AM-Preschool Security: Mark & Laura White October 23rd 6:30 PM 9:15 AM Pager Desk: Wendy Brown on the following days/times: Room: A103 TODAY 9:00am-9:30am and for 30 minutes after the second service ends (Joel Powell’s SS Class) 10:45 AM Service Blue Room (0-11 Months): Wendi Morgan, Andrea Turner & Alisha Gaines Purple Room (1 yr olds): Nathan & Melissa Rainey Student Service Green Room (2 yr olds): Michalina Law & Jessica Duffin Registration is open to all ages 5 and up. Date: Oct. 29th Yellow Room (3 yr olds): Susan McCauley & Michelle Holliday Adults may register at Guest Services or at the Children’s Kiosk Place: Renfrew $50.00 fee per child is due at the time of registration (check or cash). Contact Matt Riddle for more information Tel.: 616-0957 Bridal Shower Honoring Baptist Church Time: 6:30pm Email:[email protected] Children’s Church: Team 4 Averi Morgan Children’s Church Security: Charlie Brown October 25th 6:00 PM Service Security: Jerry & Annette Miller 2:00-4:00 pm Tuesday, October 21st 7:00 pm Child Care will be Provided For more information Contact Katherine Geran 313-4661 Sunday Evening, November 16th If you would like to dedicate your child please contact Sasha Conway no later than Sunday, November 9th 303-1715 or Red Room (4 yr olds): Jeff & Stacy Schwartz In the Fellowship Hall Registered at: Target and 6:00 PM Service Pager Desk: Nikki Haley Birth - 1yr Brenda Cochran & Anne Ayers 2-4 yr-Toddler Choir Bed, Bath & Beyond November 2nd “All In” High Attendance Sunday Invite lost and unchurched family members, friends co-workers, acquaintances, etc. —begin to pray now about who you will invite Thanksgiving lunch follows the 10:45 AM service
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