2 Wednesday, November 1 2, 20 1 4 Remembering The Barbarity Of Warfare unquestionably the Leader Reaching over 100,000 readers weekly PRIDE NEWS 158 Harwood Avenue, South, Suite 209 Ajax, Ontario L1S 2H6 Tel: (905) 686-8868 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pridenews.ca Established since January, 1983 Wed. November 12, 2014 Volume 32; Number 48 On Pride’s cover: Internet and Instagram sensation, Majah Hype -- whose real name is Collin Nigel McPherson and who was raised in East Kingston, Jamaica, Dunkirk, to be exact -- will be leading the West Indian team of comedians against Africa’s best at this year’s “Juice Cup World Cup of Comedy”. Creating popular characters like “Grampa James” and “Di Rass”, Majah’s videos have been loaded on the screens of literally millions of cell phones, tablets, and computers in only one short year. For the third year in a row, in Toronto, the best comedians from Africa will take on the best from the West Indies on Friday, November 14 and Sunday, November 16 at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre on the CNE Grounds. Both shows are over 90% sold out. For information and tickets visit www.juicecomedytoronto.com or call 1-877700-3130. See page 12 for more on the show. WORDS OF WISDOM “Stand-up (comedy) and boxing are very similar. You’re the only one out there, you’re going into a fight, and you’re going in with a game plan. -- Russell Peters “I tell people I’m a stand-up comedian two hours a week. The rest of the time, I’m somebody’s husband, I’m somebody’s father. I’m a man. I take great pride in that.” --- Steve Harvey “I started out as a stand-up comedian. And that’s what I’m most comfortable doing.” --- Eddie Murphy PUBLISHER/EDITOR Michael Van Cooten INTERNATIONAL NEWS AGENCIES Caribbean Media Corp. (CMC) International Press Service (IPS) ADMINISTRATION/SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER Narissa Van Cooten WEBSITE DESIGN/MARKETING Yolanda Van Cooten COPY EDITOR Sharmon Carrington ARTISTIC CO-ORDINATOR Afro Media COLUMNISTS Cerise Fairfax Dr Virginia Nsitem Rupert Johnson Sandy Daley CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Beverly Browne Lincoln Depradine Neil Armstrong Pride News, reflecting the ambitions, aspirations, accomplishments and achievements of the African & Caribbean Canadian community, is published and distributed every Wednesday. PRIDE’S MISSION STATEMENT: To act as a catalyst for the advancement, empowerment and happiness of peoples of African and Caribbean heritage. During the 18th century known as the Period of Enlighten- sters during World War 11 to see egomania with all its demoniac ment, it was commonly thought that education would make manifestations. There is no need to give a detailed account of the morbid egotism of Hitler and his circle of demons. The human beings less irrational. But from that time forward this noble idea has proven to world is well aware of their diabolical plots and evil deeds. War is an irrational act of barbarism, and its be an illusion, for it would appear that the more knowledge has increased, the more irrational and THE WAKE-UP CALL demonizing effects on those who are forced to defend themselves have been quite evident. barbaric are the actions of Homo sapiens. Once the vortex of war is set in motion, even There is no greater manifestation of this blatant benign leaders and their supporters are drawn act of irrationality and barbarity than the increasing within its swirling current of barbarism. Thus, very magnitude of modern warfare. Innumerable wars often the defenders of liberty are drawn down to have been fought throughout the centuries, but no the barbarous level of the aggressors. century can match the twentieth century in terms of There is no better example of this type of the totality of international conflicts. degenerative behaviour than the dreadful fireThere is no doubt that wars are generally contrived bombing of civilian targets in the German city of by a small cadre of overly ambitious zealots imbued By Rupert Johnson Dresden during the Second World War. This act of with imperialistic designs. And there is also no doubt that these self-centred, irrational egomaniacs are brutality was in retaliation to the saturation bombmotivated solely by their distorted visions of what ing of similar targets in Britain by the Germans. the world should be like. It is estimated that over one hundred and thirty thousand One only has to look at Adolf Hitler and his band of gangContinued on page 14..... 3 Wednesday, November 1 2, 20 1 4 Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Jian Ghomeshi Spark Speaking Out By Neil Armstrong Pride Contributing Writer ONTARIO, Canada – The national dialogue around sexual harassment at the workplace and sexual assault against women, in light of allegations leveled by several women against a former prominent CBC Radio host, has resulted in much discussion in the media, online, on Parliament Hill, at Queen’s Park, Toronto City Hall and elsewhere. This is a point of discussion even at the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), Canada’s first human rights organization. Barbara Hall, chief commissioner of the OHRC, says the human rights body has been thinking a lot about sexual harassment, particularly in the workplace, in light of the case involving Jian Ghomeshi, a CBC host, and the many women who are coming forward and talking about sexual assault which they have not reported. Ghomeshi was fired by the CBC on October 26, months after he told the CBC that the Toronto Star was looking into allegations about non-consensual «rough sex» and that it might be embarrassing for the broadcaster. Nine women have come forward with allegations that he sexually or physically assaulted them; allegations that Ghomeshi says he will Jian Ghomeshi hosting a live taping of his then CBC radio show, Q, in Vancouver, on March 26, 2009. Photo credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Penmachine -- own work. Barbara Hall, OCHR chief commissioner meet directly as he maintains that all his sexual encounters have been consensual. Three of the women have spoken to the police who are carrying out an investigation. The CBC has hired an employment lawyer as a third-party investigator of allegations related to sexual harassment at the workplace. Ghomeshi has also hired a lawyer and has filed a $55 million lawsuit against the CBC alleging defamation and breach of confidence and there is a grievance filed through his union, the Canadian Media Guild. Shortly after Ghomeshi was fired, a CBC spokesperson said the broadcaster ended its relationship with the radio host after “information came to our attention recently that in CBC’s judgment precludes us from continuing our relationship with Jian.” The CBC said the decision was made after viewing “graphic evidence” that the former radio host had caused injury to a woman. “Sexual harassment is something that the Human Rights Code covers and we’re thinking about, are there ways that we can be working to support women more when harassment occurs? And, working more with employers to put in place the preventative practices that will proactively eliminate this systemic scourge,” says Hall, whose tenure, which started in 2005, was to end this month but has been extended until February 2015. “The Code says every person has the right to be free from unwelcome advances or solicitation in employment. “Employment” includes applying and interviewing for a job, volunteer work, internships, etc. It also includes activities or events that happen outside of normal business hours or off business premises, but are linked to the workplace and employment,” notes the website of the OHRC. The human rights organization says sexual harassment is a type of discrimination based on sex. “When someone is sexually harassed in the workplace, it can undermine their sense of personal dignity. It can prevent them from earning a living, doing their job effectively, or reaching their full potential. Sexual harassment can also poison the environment for everyone else. If left unchecked, sexual harassment in the workplace has the potential to escalate to violent behaviour.” It notes that both women and men may experience sexual harassment in employment, but women tend to be more vulnerable to it because they often hold lower-paying, lowerauthority and lower-status jobs compared to men. At the same time, even women in positions of authority may experience sexual harassment. The OHRC says employers operating in Ontario have a legal duty to take steps to prevent and respond to sexual harassment. They must make sure they have poison-free environments that respect human rights. From a human rights perspective, it is not acceptable to ignore sexual harassment, whether or not someone has formally complained or made a human rights complaint. Meanwhile, as December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada, approaches several organizations are planning events to mark the occasion. Status of Women Canada notes that the day was established in 1991 by the Parliament of Canada, to mark the anniversary of the murders in 1989 of 14 young women at l’École Polytechnique de Montréal. They died because they were women. “As well as commemorating the 14 young women whose lives ended in an act of genderbased violence that shocked the nation, December 6 represents an opportunity for Canadians to reflect on the phenomenon of violence against women in our society. It is also an opportunity to consider the women and girls for whom violence is a daily reality, and to remember those who have died as a result of gender-based violence. And finally, it is a day on which communities can consider concrete actions to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls,” says the government ministry. In Toronto, Upfront Theatre @ York will present Sistahfest, a multi-discipline arts and culture festival showcasing female artists and educators through the utilization of workshops, theatre production, spoken word, dance and music. Founder, Masani Montague, says she has been dealing with gender violence via Sistahfest since 1996 in Ottawa and later in Toronto, since 2006 onward, at York University and Upfront Studio Theatre as part of Rastafest. Her play, “Reasoning with my Sisters,” deals specifically with gender violence in the Caribbean. This play has been successfully staged in Toronto on several occasions. This year her organizations will be staging gender violence workshops/skits with university groups such as the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG), Sexual Assault Survivors Support Line Hotline (SASSL) and the Centre for Women and Trans People, among others. The festival will be held on November 25, in the Food Court, at York University with workshops and live entertainment by female artists. Teacher candidates from the Faculty of Education and high school schools will gather for a showcase, consisting of skits on gender violence, dance and poetry, on November 28 at Upfront Studio Theatre, near the Finch/ Keele intersection. In the meantime, Women of Excellence Support and Relief Organization (WESRO), a registered non-profit charitable organization founded in 2004, will hold a fundraising event at the Jamaican Canadian Association on November 16. The guest speakers are Ojo Tewogbade, a retired Toronto police officer and women’s advocate, and Norma Nicholson, educator and youth supporter. The aim of the event is to raise funds for the continued operation of the organization, which helps abused women and children, domestic violence survivors and people living in poverty. A part of the proceeds will also go to the Girls Can Dream Education Scholarship Fund in Jamaica, started by the founder of WESRO, Vashti Anderson. In the past three years, WESRO has helped over 250 women to change and rebuild their lives, to escape abuse, and to now live in safe environs. It has also extended its services to men as well who needed help. Speaking in Toronto at the Black and Caribbean Book Affair at the University of Toronto on November 8, Victoria Elyonda Broussard, an African American author and attorney from Texas, shared her story of being a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Broussard is a friend of Richard Williams, father of tennis champions, Venus and Serena, who spoke at the event about his book, “Black and White: The Way I See It.” He praised her for her determination to survive and achieve. She said after 35 years of keeping the secret of abuse to herself, she decided to write a novel, “i-Comfortable Victim,” which deals with the true events in her life through fiction. She has started her non-profit organization, “B’yond the Unveiling,” to help survivors of childhood sexual abuse. 4 Wednesday, November 1 2, 20 1 4 Canada Accused Of Failing To Prevent Overseas Mining Abuses By Carey L. Biron Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON, DC (IPS) – The Canadian government is failing either to investigate or to hold the country’s massive extractives sector accountable for rights abuses committed in Latin American countries, according to petitioners, who testified here two weeks ago before an international tribunal. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) also heard concerns that the Canadian government is not making the country’s legal system available to victims of these abuses. “Canada has been committed to a voluntary framework of corporate social responsibility, but this does not provide any remedy for people who have been harmed by Canadian mining operations,” Jennifer Moore, the coordinator of the Latin America program at MiningWatch Canada, a watchdog group, told IPS. “We’re looking for access to the courts but also for the Canadian state to take preventive measures to avoid these problems in the first place – for instance, an independent office that would have the power to investigate allegations of abuse in other countries.” Moore and others who testified before the commission formally submitted a report detailing the concerns of almost 30 NGOs. Civil society groups have been pushing the Canadian government to ensure greater accountability for this activity for years, Moore says, and that work has been buttressed by similar recommendations from both a parliamentary commission, in 2005, and the United Nations. “Nothing new has taken place over the past decade … The Canadian government has refused to implement the recommendations,” Moore says. “The state’s response to date has been to firmly reinforce this voluntary framework that doesn’t work – and that’s what we heard from them again during this hearing. There was no substantial response to the fact that there are all sorts of cases falling through the cracks.” Canada, which has one of the largest mining sectors in the world, is estimated to have some 1,500 projects in Latin America – more than 40 percent of the mining companies operating in the region. According to the new report, and these overseas operations receive “a high degree” of active support from the Canadian government. “We’re aware of a great deal of conflict,” Shin Imai, a lawyer with the Justice and Corporate Accountability Project, a Canadian civil society initiative, said Tuesday. “Our preliminary count shows that at least 50 people have been killed and some 300 wounded in connection with mining conflicts involving Canadian companies in recent years, for which there has been little to no accountability.” These allegations include deaths, injuries, rapes and other abuses attributed to security personnel working for Canadian mining companies. They also include policy-related problems related to long-term environmental damage, illegal community displacement and subverting democratic processes. Home state accountability The Washington-based IACHR, a part of the 35-member Organisation of American States (OAS), is one of the world’s oldest multilateral rights bodies, and has looked at concerns around Canadian mining in Latin America before. Jennifer Moore Yet this week’s hearing marked the first time the commission has waded into the highly contentious issue of “home state” accountability – that is, whether companies can be prosecuted at home for their actions abroad. “This hearing was cutting-edge. Although the IACHR has been one of the most important allies of human rights violations’ victims in Latin America, it’s a little bit prudent when it faces new topics or new legal challenges,” Katya Salazar, executive director of the Due Process of Law Foundation, a Washington-based legal advocacy group, told IPS. “And talking about the responsibility for the home country of corporations working in Latin America is a very new challenge. So we’re very happy to see how the commission’s understanding and concern about these topics have evolved.” Home state accountability has become progressively more vexed as industries and supply chains have quickly globalised. Today, companies based in rich countries, with relatively stronger legal systems, are increasingly operating in developing countries, often under weaker regulatory regimes. The extractives sector has been a key example of this, and over the past two decades it has experienced one of the highest levels of conflict with local communities of any industry. For advocates, part of the problem is a current vagueness around the issue of the “extraterritorial” reach of domestic law. “Far too often, extractive companies have double-standards in how they behave at home versus abroad,” Alex Blair, a press officer with the extractives programme at Oxfam America, a humanitarian and advocacy group, told IPS. “They think they can take advantage of weaknesses in local laws, oversight and institutions to operate however they want in developing countries.” Blair notes a growing trend of local and indigenous communities going abroad to hold foreign companies accountable. Yet these efforts remain extraordinarily complex and costly, even as legal avenues in many Western countries continue to be constricted. Transcending the legalistic At this week’s hearing, the Canadian government maintained that it was on firm legal ground, stating that it has “one of the world’s strongest legal and regulatory frameworks towards its extractives industries”. In 2009, Canada formulated a voluntary corporate responsibility strategy for the country’s international extractives sector. The country also has two non-judicial mechanisms that can hear grievances arising from overseas extractives projects, though neither of these can investigate allegations, issue rulings or impose punitive measures. These actions notwithstanding, the Canadian response to the petitioners concerns was to argue that local grievances should be heard in local court and that, in most cases, Canada is not legally obligated to pursue accountability for companies’ activities overseas. “With respect to these corporations’ activities outside Canada, the fact of their incorporation within Canada is clearly not a sufficient connection to Canada to engage Canada’s obligations under the American Declaration,” Dana Cryderman, Canada’s alternate permanent representative to the OAS, told the commission, referring to the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, the document that underpins the IACHR’s work. Cryderman continued: “[H]ost countries in Latin America offer domestic legal and regulatory avenues through which the claims being referenced by the requesters can and should be addressed.” Yet this rationale clearly frustrated some of the IACHR’s commissioners, including the body’s current president, RoseMarie Antoine. “Despite the assurances of Canada there’s good policy, we at the commission continue to see a number of very, very serious human rights violations occurring in the region as a result of certain countries, and Canada being one of the main ones … so we’re seeing the deficiencies of those policies,” Antoine said following the Canadian delegation’s presentation. “On the one hand, Canada says, ‘Yes, we are responsible and wish to promote human rights.’ But on the other hand, it’s a hands-off approach … We have to move beyond the legalistic if we’re really concerned about human rights.” Antoine noted the commission was currently working on a report on the impact of natural resources extraction on indigenous communities. She announced, for the first time, that the report would include a chapter on what she referred to as the “very ticklish issue of extraterritoriality”. 5 Wednesday, November 1 2, 20 1 4 Gwyneth Chapman: Future Political Star? Community political organizer, Gwyneth Chapman, second from left, shares a joyous moment with, (from L to R): Sygnus Matthew, Joe Halstead, Toronto Mayor-elect, John Tory, and Alonzo Starling. Photo credit: Nigerian Canadian News. By Lincoln Depradine Pride Contributing Writer TORONTO, Ontario – Mayor-elect, John Tory, envisions a future in politics for AfricanCanadian Gwyneth Chapman, who volunteered on his mayoral campaign team. “I hope she’ll run for political office one day. She has the heart to do it,’’ Tory told Pride News Magazine in an exclusive interview, on Monday. “She’s able to reach out and bring people together, not just in the Black community. She’s committed and understands the things that need to be done.’’ Tory won 40 percent of the votes in the October 27 municipal elections, defeating a field of 64 others. His closest rivals were former councillor Doug Ford and former NDP MP Olivia Chow. The former Ontario Progress Conservative leader will take over as Toronto Mayor December 1. He has held no public events since October 27, saying it’s “an awkward period where you are not the mayor yet, but just the mayor-elect’’. But, according to Tory, he has been keeping busy “doing a lot of reading’’ on a range of things including budgeting and transit. A series of briefing sessions and meetings, begun last week and held with agencies such as the TTC, Police Services Board and Toronto Community Housing Corporation, is continuing this week, Tory said. Tory has appointed former journalist, Chris Eby, as his chief of staff and long-time public servant, Vic Gupta, as deputy chief of staff. He says he soon will be filling out the rest of his staff. He has also included two high-profile and respected African Canadians on his transition team, former Toronto City Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Commissioner, Joe Halstead, who is currently the Chairman of Ontario Place Corporation, and veteran Liberal politician, Hon. Alvin Curling, a former Ontario MPP, Cabinet Minister and Speaker of the Ontario Leglislature. Tory says, among his priorities on taking office next month, will be making traffic in Toronto “much better’’. “I’m going to move fairly quickly on traffic,’’ he reiterated in the Pride interview. “Everybody is affected by it.’’ Tory admitted that he can’t fix everything overnight. But, he promised to also move immediately on uniting Toronto and to “do some things to bring the city together,’’ as well as “end the isolation that some people feel’’. Tory, 60, met Chapman during his first run for mayor in 2003, when he lost to David Miller. “What John Tory did after he lost was incredibly moving and inspiring. He took on our community as if it were his family he was fighting for and supporting,’’ Chapman told Pride. “Our issues and concerns became his. He threw his time, body, energy, money and support at us. For the first time in a long time we felt that we had someone of integrity on our side,’’ she remarked. “John has never turned his back on us and has given so much that he was recognized by getting these awards: Planet Africa, Harry Jerome, Future Aces, African Canadian Achievement, and Sickle Cell Miracle Network,’ she added.’ Chapman – a television host, producer, motivational speaker, and community advocate and organizer – has gone from supporter to “super supporter,’’ Tory said. “She was, and is, hugely important to me. It was a lucky day when I met her 11 years ago,’’ the mayor-elect said. “She is the most enthusiastic and consistent supporter; totally committed every day and full of energy.’’ Tom Allison, Tory’s campaign manager, was impressed with Chapman’s efforts, saying she “has a great talent for communications and for working with people’’. “She made an enormous contribution to John’s campaign and we benefited greatly from her work,’’ Allison said. “She organized events, led teams of volunteers, worked with community media and made speeches on behalf of our campaign. I vividly remember her speaking for John at the special First Friday meeting in the final months of the campaign. She was passionate, articulate and convincing. I hope I get the chance to work with Gwyn again in the future.’’ Chapman, in commenting on her relationship with the mayor-elect over the past decade, said they share “many similar characteristics in terms of our commitment to do whatever we can to make life better for others. Those principles and passions are very real to us both, and I think that’s why we work well together’’. She described Tory as “a real soldier in the trenches’’, adding that “people like that are a rarity; so, he would always get my support. Anyone who supports and helps my community to the degree he has, and at times in opposition to what the norm would advise, is a friend of ours. He’s not afraid to go against the grain to stand for what is right, fair and just’’. Chapman’s main role in Tory’s triumphant mayoral campaign was, as she puts it, “to create momentum, excitement and to promote the heck out of Mr Tory; to let everyone who would listen understand just how lucky we are to have him run this race and to win them over. I think I achieved that goal’’. Her most memorable campaign moment was an event hosted by African-Canadian supporters of Tory. “You could have seen the love and appreciation that they all had for John,’’ recalled Chapman, who is also president of the Canadian Black Caucus. “These were some of our leaders and elders in the community. The things that they had to say about him were sincere, moving and demonstrated a man’s commitment to wanting to help those who have been left behind – the invisible people with a mountain of potential that others are too busy to recognize.’’ Volunteering isn’t new to Chapman. She volunteered as teenager living in the nation’s capital. Chapman was also raised in St. Lucia and the United States. “Somehow, I took after my father who was always concerned about the welfare of people in general but, in particular, taught us that we have to look out for each other,’’ Chapman said. “Growing up in Ottawa I noticed a lot of young people like myself just hanging out in the malls and so on. I was curious to find out what was going on with them and how I can help.’’ After moving to Toronto, “my eyes were opened to the fact that we had a lot of people in neighbourhoods who were in trouble. My community needed help,’’ Chapman said. “I felt we had very little representation in politics and leadership, and I was not satisfied with that. My father always said if you want change, it had better start with you. I wanted better for my community and I knew that I had to get mainstream attention and support. I went looking for help for my community and I found John Tory,’ she added.’ Chapman, who has received Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for her community service to Canada, has not disclosed whether she definitely will make a run at politics in the future. But, her faith has been renewed in politicians because of Tory. “Seeing – and actually knowing – someone like John gave me the confidence in politicians again. I realize that if more good and decent people got involved in the process, we would have more decent and good people running our city,’’ she said. “Politics has had a negative effect on people and has kept good people away. That has to change if we want better for our children and city.’’ 6 Wednesday, November 1 2, 20 1 4 OAS Comments Guyana President Briefs On Decision To Prorogue Guyana Diplomatic Community On Decision To Prorogue Parliament Parliament GEORGETOWN, Guyana, CMC – President, Donald Ramotar, on Monday, briefed members of the local diplomatic community, following the announcement of his decision to prorogue Parliament. The President updated the officials on the current state of Parliamentary affairs, and clarified the Government’s position and the way forward, within the country’s constitutional framework. He said his administration will use the time during the period of prorogation to continue to engage the Parliamentary Opposition in constructive ways. The stance taken by the president has been described by the main opposition grouping, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), as “the darkest day for democracy in Guyana.” The APNU said that it is resolved to resist the President’s ‘Proclamation’ and was calling “on all the good people of Guyana everywhere to join in a civil movement for the restoration of parliamentary democracy, by peacefully resisting the PPPC’s resort to dictatorship and to call for the revocation of this ‘Proclamation’. The APNU said that it is “enraged” that Ramotar’s decision to prorogue Parliament “has effectively paralyzed the parliamentary process, and smothered the voices of the people’s legitimate representatives in the National Assembly. “It is an affront to the Guyanese people, who three years ago, in November 2011, voted for A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance for Change (AFC) to have the majority of seats in the National Assembly.” The APNU, which together with the AFC controlled 33 seats in the outgoing 65-member Parliament, said President Ramotar “has now single-handedly engineered a constitutional crisis.” In his statement, Ramotar justified the decision to prorogue Parliament, saying he had earlier indicated a desire for the National Assembly, in its post-recess sittings, to deliberate and Guyana President Donald Ramotar give priority to important matters relating to the development of the country. US Warns Of Continued Progression Of Chikungunya Outbreak In The Caribbean ATLANTA, Georgia, CMC – The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has warned that the chikungunya outbreak in Caribbean and Central and South American countries continues to spread with no sign of slowing down. According to the CDC, “the painful mosquito-borne disease will likely continue to infect travellers to the region during the rest of this year and beyond”. The outbreak, which began last December, has caused an estimated 795,000 chikungunya cases in 37 countries and territories in the Western Hemisphere, as of the end of October, said CDC in its latest update. It said more than 1,600 travelers returning to the United States with chikungunya have been reported, as of November 4. Before this outbreak, CDC said an average of 28 travellers with chikungunya fever returned to the United States each year. CDC estimates that about 9 million people travel between the United States and Caribbean each year. “During fall and winter, people in the United States might not be thinking about mosquitoes as a risk for diseases. So those who will be visiting the Caribbean or Central or South America should be aware of the risk of chikungunya in these areas this fall and winter, and remember their insect repellent and other tips for staying safe,” it said in a statement. Dr. Roger S. Nasci, chief of CDC’s Arboviral Diseases Branch, said the beginning of fall means that mosquito problems in the continental United States will be decreasing. “However, travellers to areas where the chikungunya outbreak continues, are at risk of becoming infected,” he cautioned. “It is important that travellers understand these risks, and take appropriate actions to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes.” The CDC said preventing mosquito bites is the best way to avoid chikungunya and other mosquito-borne illnesses, adding that the mosquitoes that spread chikungunya bite mostly during the daytime. CDC has advised travellers in high-risk groups to discuss their travel plans with their health care provider before leaving. Grow your business; advertise it in PRIDE WASHINGTON, DC, CMC – The Organization of American States (OAS) says it hopes parliamentary debate would resume in Guyana “in the shortest possible period of time” as it has taken note of the decision of President, Donald Ramotar, to prorogue the National Assembly. Ramotar has sought to justify the decision taken on Monday, to prorogue Parliament, saying he had earlier indicated a desire for the National Assembly, in its post-recess sittings, to deliberate and give priority to important matters relating to the development of the country. But the main opposition grouping, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), has described the decision by the head of state as “the darkest day for democracy in Guyana.” In a statement, OAS Secretary General, Jose Miguel Insulza, said he had taken note of the proclamation, in which President Ramotar prorogued the parliament of Guyana with immediate effect for a maximum period of six months. Insulza observed that the prorogation occurred within the framework of the country’s constitution. “The head of the hemispheric Organization stated that, in a democracy, an efficient functioning of the Parliament allows for checks and balances and for the voice of the people to be heard. “Since the last elections in November 2011, Guyana has had a split governance system with the executive controlled by one party, and the combined opposition having the majority in Parliament,” the OAS said. “This situation presents both challenges and opportunities for all parties in Guyana to work together for the greater good of the country. In light of this reality, the Secretary General of the OAS urges both the governing and opposition political parties to redouble their efforts to reach an understanding and compromise on the major political and socio-economic issues facing the country,” the statement added. Insulza also said he hoped that parliamentary debate “could be resumed in the …shortest possible period of time.” Husband Chops Wife To Death In Bitter Divorce Battle PARAMARIBO, Suriname, CMC – Police say a 42-year-old woman was “chopped all over her body” and killed while her husband attempted suicide following a bitter divorce battle. Police said that Sardha Goeptar-Soekhoe died while undergoing treatment at the hospital and her 58-year-old husband, B. Goeptar, remains warded after drinking a poisonous substance after committing the crime. They said that the woman had left the house in Jarikaba, in District Wanica, on Wednesday, and was staying with one of her children when the attack occurred. According to the police, the 58-year-old man rode his motorbike to Santo Dorp with the intention of killing his estranged wife, whom he had seen walking down the street with her niece. The police said he cornered his wife and started hacking into her with the machete. “He chopped her all over her body; everywhere he could,” police said. Goeptar then rode off, but was found a short while later in Latour, lying on the ground next to his motorbike. He had swallowed poison and police said they took him to the hospital where he remains listed in stable condition. He is expected to be charged with murder. 7 Wednesday, November 1 2, 20 1 4 Union Warns Of Job Losses, Higher Prices In T&T Following Cable And Wireless Announcement PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – The Communications Workers Union (CWU) last week Friday, questioned the intention of the British telecommunications giant, Cable & Wireless Communications (CWC), to pay US$1.85 billion for the privately owned Columbus International, a fibre-based telecoms company serving the Caribbean, Central America and Andean regions. CWU, which represents workers at the Telecommunication Company of Trinidad and Tobago (TSTT), said that the move to acquire Columbus was tantamount to corporate raiding. Cable and Wireless owns 49 percent of TSTT. “Cable and Wireless threatened the government that if it did not get the additional two percent shareholding in TSTT, they are going to apply for a third mobile license,” said CWU president, Joseph Remy. “That to us was an ominous signal of their intent of corporate raiding…and they did not care anything about conflict of interest because you have 49 percent shareholding in TSTT but you apply for a third mobile license to be an operator to compete with the same person that you have 49 percent shareholding in. “That, to us signals a particular style of re-entry into the market and signals to the government and to the Telecommunication Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT)…that they went to sleep and now TATT is raising objections after Cable and Wireless has done its dirty work,” he added. Remy said that with the new agreement, cable and wireless will now monopolise a “particular part of the telecom sector which is crucial. “They are going to get into broadband, cable television, land line operations…competing with the same company (TSTT) that are providing the same things,” Remy said. CWC is funding the deal by paying US$707.5 million in cash, issuing 1.5 billion new shares to the vendors, and placing shares worth nearly 10 percent of the company to help fund the cash element. CWC said the deal would help expand its presence in the region, adding Columbus’ 700,000 residential customers. “This is a transaction that transforms CWC, providing a step change in growth and returns,” said CWC chief executive, Phil Bentley. “Columbus offers complementary TV, broadband and B2B capabilities in complementary markets.” CWC also said first half revenues rose one percent to US$848 million and core earnings climbed five Heavy Rains Lash St. Lucia CASTRIES, St. Lucia, CMC – Heavy rains caused widespread flooding in St. Lucia on Saturday, resulting in several fallen trees, blocked roads and landslides. Infrastructure Minister, Phillip J. Pierre, said low lying communities along the northern and eastern sections of the island were among the hardest hit by the rains that started on Friday, and residents in these areas were urged to move to higher grounds. Phillip also reported that some areas, north of the capital, were without electricity as a result of a fallen pole. “We are aware that sections of the capital have also been affected by flood waters. The government continues to monitor the situation and encourages all to report any concerns or damage in their area,” Phillip said, adding “while an improvement in weather conditions is expected later today, we wish to advise those in flood and landslide prone areas to remain vigilant. “Please adhere to the caution against sea bathing until the weather improves,” Pierre said. A government statement said that response teams have been mobilized and are attending to blocked roads and bridges, fallen trees and landslides. Last December, at least three people were killed after Grow your business; advertise it in PRIDE A section of the capital under flood waters. CMC photo. a low lying trough pounded the island, causing damage estimated at millions of dollars (One EC dollar =US$0.37 cents). Joseph Remy percent to US$277 million. Through its wholly owned subsidiary, Columbus Networks, Columbus provides connectivity to 42 countries in the region, as well as capacity and IT services, corporate data solutions and data centre services throughout the Caribbean, Central America and the Andean region. Remy said in Trinidad and Tobago, TSTT is the only company offering five different services “and what you see happening now is that, if there is this notion that you could merge the operations, you will have serious fallout for jobs with the attendant increase in costs for service to the customers. “We are going to go full circle and the price of telecommunication services is going to increase,” Remy warned, adding “we are going to take them on, we see their intent...and they have done absolutely nothing towards the development of the telecom sector in Trinidad and Tobago.” 8 Wednesday, November 1 2, 20 1 4 US Underwater Archaeologists Discover 300-Year-Old Dutch Warship In Tobago NEW YORK, United States, CMC – United States underwater archeologists say they have discovered a lost Dutch warship that sank 337 years ago in Tobago. The team, led by Dr. Kroum Batchvarov of the University of Connecticut, after years of searching, has identified the remains of what may be the Huis te Kruiningen, the largest Dutch ship involved in a 1677 battle that influenced the course of history in the Caribbean. The Rockley Bay Research Project is a joint initiative of the University of Connecticut and the Institute of Nautical Archaeology at Texas A&M, with the participation of the Lampeter Dendrochonological Laboratory of Professor Nigel Nayling from the University of Wales Trinity St. David, working in cooperation with the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) and Tobago Ministry of Tourism. Dr. Batchvarov made it clear that all of the discoveries of artifacts remain the property of Trinidad and Tobago. “It is our hope that once artifacts have been properly conserved in the state of the art THA conservation facility, they will be displayed at the Fort King George Museum, or another appropriate venue for the benefit of interested locals, as well as tourists visiting the island,” he added. The U.S. Embassy in Trinidad said “it is very happy to support this worthy project, a true partnership with the local government to preserve important cultural heritage, and we want to emphasize that all artifacts recovered during the archeological work will remain property of the people of Trinidad and Tobago.” The team said the wreck will provide archaeologists with important information about this pivotal conflict and life aboard 17th century ships. The Rockley Bay Research Project is using cutting- Jamaica To Export Bananas To United Kingdom And T&T KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC – Jamaica will be supplying bananas to the United Kingdom (UK), while Trinidad and Tobago has given clearance for the produce to enter its territory, Agriculture Minister, Derrick Kellier, has said. He said that a contract was signed with a UK entity last month for the supply of one container of bananas per week, which is expected to increase to 10 containers over time. Kellier also announced that “the authorities in Trinidad and Tobago gave Jamaica phyto-sanitary clearance to export our bananas to their country.” In June, Jamaica resumed banana shipments to the UK after a six-year absence from that market, due to the devastating effects of several hurricanes on the sector and changes in the preferential agreement with the UK. The weekly shipments of the fruit, weighing 2,000 pounds, continued up to the end of August, and the Ministry had informed that a UK buyer would arrive in Jamaica, to negotiate long-term contracts for importing Jamaican bananas into Britain. Kellier, addressing the launch of the ‘Eat Jamaican Month’ Campaign, said the Ministry continues to seek new export markets for local produce through the Fresh Produce Consortium. Earlier this year, a team from the Ministry, along with farmers and exporters, attended the London Produce Show as guests of the Fresh Produce Consortium, resulting in transactions to supply sweet potatoes, yams, Julie mangoes, ginger, Moringa, castor oil, a variety of herbs and spices and a range of fruits to that market. “As we increase opportunities through the export platform, we continue to develop marketing arrangements with our partners in the USA (United States of America), and those in the UK,” Kellier said. He noted that the agro parks program is aimed at boosting production for exports, and that the program is being expanded, with some 8,000 hectares of “good agricultural lands” in western Jamaica earmarked for large-scale production. “These agro parks will be located in …Enfield, Westmoreland; Shettlewood, Mafoota; and Sunderland in St. James. Given the enormous opportunities that exist in the export market, the agro parks will provide us with large-scale production at the level of consistency, which will make us competitive on the world market,” Kellier pointed out. He urged the private sector to help in building the “growth momentum” by using more local raw material, and to partner with farmers to achieve the levels of efficiencies required. He also called on the population to support the Eat Jamaican initiative, by consuming more local produce. Grow your business; advertise it in PRIDE edge technology, including super-computer powered 3D photogrammetry to record the site. Program Director of the U.S. State Department’s Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP), Dr. Martin Perschler, is expected to announce the first AFCP grant awarded for a project in Trinidad and Tobago. The prestigious award will help finance the conservation of the artifacts discovered by the expedition so that they can be displayed for the people of Trinidad and Tobago. On March 3, 1677, Dutch and French squadrons fought a pitched battle that would help transform the balance of power in the Caribbean. The location was Rockley Bay, Tobago, a strategically located Caribbean island, a little over 70 miles off the coast of South America. The Battle of Rockley Bay was one of the largest naval engagements fought outside of Europe in the 17th century. In all, about 2,000 people, including 250 Dutch women and children, and 300 African slaves, lost their lives. While up to 14 ships were destroyed in the battle, the team may have found the final resting place of one or more of the Dutch ships, including Huis de Kreuningen, a 56-gun warship assigned to hold the centre of the Dutch line of battle. The team said the wreck site, known as TRB-5, is a 45 meter long pile of jumbled, encrusted bricks, ballast stones, and artifacts. Seven cannons lie on top the ballast pile – and they tell an important story. Only three of the Dutch vessels were large enough to carry the massive cannons found on the wreck site: Bescherming, Huis de Kruiningen, and possibly, Middelburgh. Bescherming survived the battle. Throughout the months of May and June, this year, RBRP archaeologists uncovered cannons, fragments of small arms, 17th century cutlery, dozens of smoking pipes, and extraordinary, intact pieces of pottery. One of the most stunning finds was an elaborately decorated Westerwald jug with three escutcheons depicting the three great generals of history – Joshua, David, and Alexander of Macedonia. “Artifacts recovered from underwater are extremely fragile. If they are not properly conserved, they will rapidly degrade. For their protection, all artifacts discovered by the team were reburied on the site, after documentation. “The RBRP has been working with the Tobago House of Assembly and the Tobago Ministry of Tourism to build a new state-of-the-art conservation and education facility at the Port of Scarborough,” a statement from the team added. 9 Wednesday, November 1 2, 20 1 4 Jamaica Economy Showing Signs of Improvement KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC – Revenues from taxes increased by three billion dollars (One Jamaica dollar =US$0.004 cents) rather than the target of J$166 million given by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Economic Program Oversight Committee (EPOC) has said. But EPOC noted that the revenue collected for the quarter ending September, fell short of the government’s own target of $176.4 billion. “As far as the IMF targets are concerned, we met them, but the Government’s targets are a little more aggressive than the IMF’s,” said EPCO co- chairman, Richard Byles. He said the shortfall was due to an underperformance in corporate taxes and General Consumption Tax (GCT). Figures released by EPOC showed that corporate taxes were J$4.7 billion less than expected, and collections from GCT were three billion less than targeted. “The Government compensated Grenadian Legislator Dies ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, CMC – Prime Minister, Dr. Keith Mitchell, last Friday, led the tributes for a 45-year-old government legislator, who died in hospital last Thursday night. Senator Jester Emmons, the Parliamentary Secretary for Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs, was described “as a bright young star in the Senate”. The cause of death was not given, but it is understood that he felt ill last week, and was transported to the St. Augustine Hospital on the mainland. A government statement quoted Prime Minister, Mitchell, and his deputy, Elvin Nimrod, who is also the Minister responsible for Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs, as expressing “our deepest sympa- Senator Jester Emmons thies” to the family of the late legislator. The former school teacher is survived by his wife and children. for this shortfall by cutting back on expenditure; $6.3 billion on the capital side and $5.6 billion on the recurrent side,” Byles said. But the figures provided by EPOC showed that the island’s primary surplus balance stood at J$43.6 billion, which is J$5.8 billion better than the target of J$37.8 billion, leading to speculation that Jamaica has successfully met and surpassed all targets for September, under its Extended Fund Facility (EFF) with the IMF. The figures also show a better than expected performance in the Net International Reserves (NIR), which stood at US$2.2 billion at the end of September, exceeding the US$968.3 million that was targeted. NIR represents contingency funds, which can enable the country to survive severe external shocks and cope with shifts in investor confidence and natural disasters. It also acts as a measure of foreign goods and services that can be purchased over a period of time. But EPOC also to an increase in the inflation rate, which stood at 2.1 percent in June and attributed the increases to transportation costs, tuition fees and food prices. But EPOC said that it remains “hopeful that going forward, if the drought is over and food supplies come back, prices can fall and cost of living retreat somewhat.” EPOC said it remains “cautiously optimistic” about the outlook of the Jamaican economy, despite the challenges the country faces, with meeting tax revenue targets and achieving a wage bill of no more than nine percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Wednesday, November 12, 2014 10 NDTC Continues To Explore And Experiment By Neil Armstrong Pride Contributing Writer A Review TORONTO, Ontario -- The National Dance Theatre Company (NDTC) of Jamaica returned to Toronto after 15 years with a delightful showcase of its repertoire – some old, some new to us in Canada – but all steeped in the excellence of the premier dance company. Artistic director, Barry Moncrieffe, notes that the connection with Canada dates back to the year after the NDTC’s inception in 1962 when the company had appearances at the Shakespearean Festival in Stratford, Ontario. The next visit to Canada was to Montreal at Expo ’67 and in the 70s, the NDTC performed at the O’Keefe Centre (now the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts) where the company performed on November 4. The company also performed at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa and at the Ryerson Theatre and the Theatre in New College in Toronto in the ‘80s. There were also performances in Edmonton before the company returned and performed in Toronto and Ottawa in 1999, fifteen years ago. “We see Canada, then, as providing some life-blood to the growth and development of the NDTC in our ceaseless quest for excellence and cultural certitude through exploration and experimentation,” says Moncrieffe in the programme. Under the theme of “renewal and continuity,” the NDTC showcased three of its seasoned and seminal works – “Dialogue For Three” (1963), “Sulkari” (1980) and “Gerrehbenta” (1983) – and three choreographed post-1999, -- “Urban Fissure” (2004), “Dimensions (excerpt)” (2004) and “…minutes and seconds” (2010). The NDTC Singers and Orchestra also provided a romp down memory lane with “Play Time,” expressions of “the reality of the various dimensions of playtime with its triumps, disappointments, joys and pain.” Opening with “Urban Fissure,” choreographed by Chris Walker to the music of Bob Marley’s “No More Trouble” featuring Eryka Badu and Marley’s “Rastaman Chant” featuring Busta Rhymes Dexter Pottinger, the five dancers evoked the dexterity of movement needed and the lived experiences in urban centres. After the NDTC Singers and Orchestra performed a medley of songs that reminded many of their childhood with songs like “Go Down a Manuel Road” and “Evening Time,” there was “…minutes and seconds.” Choreographed by Kerry-Ann Henry and Momo Sanno, and performed by Marlon Simms and Kerry-Ann Henry, it is an interpretation of Joyce Meyer’s quotation, “Life is sometimes very complicated…Lets purposely learn to enjoy the simple yet powerful things God has created!” Henry and Simms demonstrate this through modern and classical ballet – in essence they are being playful and enjoying life. The seminal work, “Súlkari,” is “a dance of exaltation in fecundity and fertility, so that through the man-woman relationship the life of man will continue.” Choreographed by Eduardo Rivero-Walker, Jamaica’s National Dancers Deliver A Stunning Performance By Victor Carrington Pride Guest Writer A review by an audience member In celebration of Jamaica’s 52nd anniversary of Independence, the National Dance Theatre Company (NDTC) of Jamaica delivered a stunning presentation of dance and music, at the Sony Centre of Performing Arts, last Tuesday night in Toronto. The renowned dance group presented “A Tribute To Rex”, a collection of music and choreography, paying homage to the company’s co-founder, Ralston Milton “Rex” Nettleford. It was a fabulously entertaining evening of ‘relationship in motion’. The performances were gripping and enticing, from the moment the curtains were raised to the time the show ended. The stories they told through dance were relevant and familiar, while being full of heart, spirit and passion. Warm welcoming remarks were presented by Jamaican Consul General, Seth George Ramocan. The show commenced with ‘Urban Fissure’ (2004) – Music of Bob Marley’s “No more trouble”, featuring Eryka Badhu; and Bob Marley’s “Rastaman Chant”, featuring Busta Rhymes as the dancers moved to the Choreography of Chris Walker. This was followed by “Playtime”, a depiction of urban life in Jamaica with its pleasures, challenges and triumphs, all expressed through a confluence of interpretive dance, ballet and Continued on page 12 ... it featured Marlon Simms, Keita-Marie Chamberlain, Jillian Samms, Tamara Noel, Kevin Moore, Allatunje Connell and Mark Phinn. “The forms of the dance were inspired by, and originate from the sculpture, carvings, headdresses, masks, stools and other elements and details of African sculpture, as well as the movement of the Yoruba peoples of Arara (Dahomey),” notes a description of the work. The elaborate dance starts includes three female dancers who are soon joined by three male dancers, carrying sticks, who elevate the women on their shoulders, to traditional AfroCuban (Yoruba) music collected and arranged by Rivero-Walker. The strength and endurance of the dancers are evidenced in their ceremonial dance, as if in honour of the Yoruba goddess, Oshun (who reigns over love, intimacy, beauty). The much-lauded Nettleford masterpiece, “Dialogue For Three” (1963), a true feminist libretto and a tense tale of three, is a classic tutorial in male struggle and helplessness “in the face of female force.” With music by Joaquin Rodrigo, Marisa Benain as the wife; Maia Pereira as the other woman; and Kevin Moore as the man are caught up in what is described as the “eternal struggle” and it is “the woman who decides.” Indeed, the dialogue continued beyond the Sony Centre’s stage with private discussions of many in the audience about how things turned out in the love triangle. An excerpt of “Dimensions” choreographed by Arsenio Andrade-Calderon with dancers, Kerry-Ann Henry and Mark Phinn, showcased their dexterity and the precision required in the dance movements. Henry and Phinn demonstrate this through their vibrant and acrobatic movements, contortion of body – they present a prism of what’s possible for the human body with much training. The performance ended with “Gerrehbenta,” the dance takes its name from two of the major traditional rites practised in Jamaica – “gerreh” in Hanover and “dinky-mini” which uses the musical instrument, the benta, in St. Mary. Choreographed by the late co-founder with traditional music arranged by Marjorie Whylie, with NDTC Singers, musicians and drummers, and involving the whole company, as dancers, it was this piece that most poignantly reminded patrons of Nettleford. Tapping into the folklore of Jamaica, this piece was well chosen to end the event which was entitled Tribute to Rex, in honour of the late Rex Nettleford, co-founder of the NDTC, a public intellectual, an activist and a global citizen who died in 2010. The company was founded with Eddy Thomas in 1962 to mark Jamaica’s independence. “Gerreh” and “dinky-mini” are dances of African origin of the wake tradition usually performed after the death of a person, and up until the ninth night after the death. These sessions are usually held to cheer the bereaved. “Dinkies are celebratory occasions. Although associated with death, the music is lively, joyous and exciting, intending to cheer the family and friends of the dead person… The Dinki Mini dance focuses on the pelvic region as it is performed in defiance of the death that has occurred,” notes the online source, Chat-bou.net. Seth George Ramocan, Jamaica’s consul general at Toronto and honorary chair of Group Arts Jam, the planning committee of the event said the idea to bring the NDTC to Toronto was his wife, Dr. Lola Ramocan’s idea. He thanked her, Camille Hines, committee chair; Jerrold Johnson, chief representative officer of Jamaica ational Denise Jones of Jones & Jones Productions Ltd., and all those involved in making the event a reality. Ramocan, whose tenure ends this month, said he was glad that he was able to bring the DTC to Toronto while in office. Johnson said Jamaica National was committed to make it happen. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Friday, November 14 Love & Dancehall presents live in Canada Alkaline Return Tour on Nov. 14th inside Luxy, 60 Interchange Way, Vaughan. For info, VIP booths and tickets contact: 289-600-2919 or 647654-1204. Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood & MMG R&B Star ‘Omarion’ Live for the Scorpio Season - Red Carpet Birthday Soiree w/ Specials Guests on Friday, November 14th at Ryze Toronto, 423 College St. @ Bathurst w/ Music by DJ Ritz, Lindo P + More. Hosted by Andre Blenman. For info & tickets call 647-222-7178 or andreblenman@ gmail.com. Grand Hustle Recording Artist, Hip Hop Icon, Songwriter, Producer, Actor, Entrepreneur & Atlanta’s Own ‘King of the South’ T.I. known for his distinct flow and lyrical skills with a string of hits with a combination of trap music and infectious pop hooks lands in Toronto, Canada on Friday, November 14th for ‘The Paperwork Tour’ inside the Kool Haus, 132 Queens Quay E., @ Jarvis. For info & tickets call 647-222-7178 or [email protected]. Friday, November 14 & Sunday, November 16 Ritz Caribbean Food presents The 2014 Juice Cup: World Cup of Comedy featuring Africa vs. West Indies to be held inside Queen Elizabeth Theatre, 190 Princes’ Blvd, (CNE Grounds) Toronto. Dates/Times: Nov. 14th – Doors: 8 pm, Show: 9 pm; Nov. 16th – Doors: 7 pm, Show: 8 pm. To purchase tickets online visit: juicecomedytoronto.com or by phone: 1-877-700-3130. For more info call: 647-985-8423. November 14, 15 & 16 Come celebrate all things that encompass a TRUE Gentlemen at “The Gentlemen’s Expo”. The Event: Friday, Nov 14 from 6pm-12am (19+); Saturday, Nov 15 from 12pm-12am (19+); & Sunday, Nov 16 from 12pm-12am (All Ages). Tickets: Use coupon code DPR10 to get 10% off your ticket(s)! To purchase tickets visit: http://www.gentlemensexpo. com/tickets or Metro Toronto Convention Centre – http:// www.mtccc.com/attendees/ events.aspx - South Building: 255 Front St. West. The Gentlemen’s Expo caters to the male shopper by offering a variety of products & lessons in manliness. “Although the focus is educating men -- we love women & expect that they’ll enjoy most of the content just as much as men!” More info visit: https://www.facebook.com/ GentlemensExpo. Saturday, November 15 11 The Antigua and Barbuda Association of Toronto, under the patronage of the Consulate General of Antigua and Barbuda, will host a 33rd Independence Anniversary Banquet on Saturday, November 15, 2014 starting at 7:00 p.m. The venue will be the Claireport Place Banquet and Convention Centre, 65 Claireport Crescent, Etobicoke, Ontario (West of HWY 27, off Albion— close to Steeles). Admission to the event is $75.00 each. For tickets, please contact: Carlton 416-7492944, Eric D. 416-570-5002, Yvonne 416-609-9618, Andrea 905-683-6275, Fridtjof 905-7957888, Roderic 289-892-4393, Eric W. 905-389-6317, or the Consulate General Office at 4 6 6 -3 43. The Congress of Black Women of Canada - Oshawa Whitby Chapter in partnership with Durham Children’s Aid Society (DCAS) presents a Workshop - Demystifying the Role of the CAS Part II on Saturday, November 15, 2014, from 10 am to 2 pm inside the Children’s Aid Society – Boardroom at 1320 Airport Blvd in Oshawa. Please join the discussion with a panel of Durham CAS experts and let’s change the outcome. This is a free event and lunch will be provided. For info and registration call: 1-866-986-CBWC (2292) ext. 205. Sunday, November 16 La Petite Musicale of Toronto under the direction of Lindy Burgess presents a Christmas Production – celebrating 45 years – on Nov. 16th at 50 Hallcrown Place, North York (Victoria Park & Consumers Rd). Doors open: 4:30 pm. Time: 5:00 pm. Tickets: $35 advance, $40 at the door, $25 children 12 and under. For more info contact: Jean – 416-609-3903; Barbara – 416-388-5771; or Sherry – 905-607-4315. Changing Lives Fundraising Dinner will be held on Sunday, November 16, 2014 inside Jamaican Canadian Centre, 995 Arrow Road, Toronto. Start Time: 4:00 pm. End Time: 10:00 pm. The purpose of the event is to raise much needed funds for continued operation of WESRO in helping abused women and children, domestic violence survivors and people living in poverty. For more info contact: Vashti Anderson: Telephone: (647) 351-8551; Mobile: (416) 713-8340; E-Mail: [email protected]; or Website: www. wesro.ca. Wednesday, November 19 Asap Ferg & YG Live in Concert for the Great Coast Connection Tour on Wednesday, November 19th at Sound Academy, 11 Polson St. For info & tickets call 647-222-7178 or andreblenman@ gmail.com. Friday, November 21 DLP Barbados (Canada) invites all Barbadian organizations/ social groups and friends to a fundraising evening of friendly competition of dominoes, scrabble, karaoke, DJ, etc. on Nov. 21st at 7 pm inside Royal Canadian Legion, 81 Peard Rd. Toronto (1 block north of Victoria Park & St. Clair Ave). Tickets: $25 (includes dinner). The evening will include cash bar and 50/50 draw. For tickets call: Joseph Knight – 905-8314764; Gordon – 416-277-0034; Jamilia – 289-878-7936; or email: [email protected]. Saturday, November 22 Phylani Music presents Tony Anthony “Live to the Fullest” Album Launch on Nov. 22nd inside Ace of Hearts Restaurant, 4000 Steeles Ave. West, Unit #22. Admission: $20. Show time: 10:30 pm. For tickets and more info call: 647-991-6586 or 647-229-9940. Pierspective Entraide Humanitaire will host its Fifth Annual Fundraising Gala on Saturday, November 22, 2014 as part of its ongoing fundraising efforts to complete the Ecole St. Paul de Corail Cesselesse, a school in Corail Cesselesse, Haiti. The gala will be held at the Toronto Don Valley Hotel & Suites, 175 Wynford Drive, starting at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $100 each and may be purchased by calling 416-222-1074 or 416-221-9197. Entertainment for the evening will include dancers, musical renditions and dancing. For further information, please contact: Andrea – 416-222-1074 or Helen 416-221-9197 or visit the website at www.haitiaide.ca. Sunday, November 23 Come shop at Lady Boss Holiday Bazaar where you will find quality unique gifts at inexpensive prices. Your ONE stop shop for ALL your HOLIDAY needs. Holiday shopping with ease. Lady Boss Holiday Bazaar will be held on Sunday, November 23, 2014 from Noon - 7:00 p.m. at Sheraton Hamilton Hotel, 116 King Street East, 2nd Floor. Free admission with a canned food donation for The Hamilton Dream Center. Free family portraits with Santa Claus. RSVP @ [email protected] or call 289-698-2644. Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/ events/657605117670750/. Tuesday, November 25 Don’t miss Sistahfest in recognition of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and hosted by Upfront Theatre @ York. Sistahfest will be held on Nov. 25th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm inside the Student Centre – Food Court, York University, 4700 Keele Street. Join us in our celebration and empowerment of women through workshops, theatre production, dance and music. For more information call: 647-341-9031. Thursday, November 27 The Congress of Black Women of Canada, Scarborough Chapter’s Monthly Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 27, 2014 at Holy Spirit Catholic School, 3530 Sheppard Avenue, East, Scarborough (Major intersection: Sheppard & Birchmount). For information: Phone: (416) 299-3837; (416) 292-0362; or (416) 292-0362. Saturday, November 29 Browning presents A Touch of Elegance and Class 2nd Annual Classic Dinner & Dance inside Palace Banquet Hall, 4120 Steeles Ave., West (Behind the Wendys). Tickets: Dinner Ticket $35; Without Dinner $15. Dinner starts at 7:30 pm; Stop serving at 10:30 pm. Dress code: Formal. Our Love Is Reckless presents Raw. Poetry. Soul: The Queens Edition – a night of powerful spoken word art, soulful singing, and soul pleasing music – to be held on Nov. 29th inside KnuFerno Creative Arts & Fitness Studio, 20 Automatic Rd. Unit 1, Brampton. Hosted by Lamoi. Music provided by DJ Afroditee. Doors open at 7 pm. Admission: $10 advance; $15 at the door. For tickets visit: Eventbrite.ca/e/raw-poetry-soul. For more info: Lamoi.s@outlook. com or 647-881-0564. Saturday, December 6 The Guyana Ex-Soldiers Association (Canada) presents the Annual Christmas Dinner & Dance on Dec. 6th at the elegant elite Banquet Hall, 1850 Albion Road, Rexdale. Cocktails: 7 pm – 8 pm. Dinner: 8 pm – 9:30 pm. Cost: $55. For more info call: David Allen – 905-567-4464; Ingrid King – 416-431-0273; Michael Narain – 905-472-0405; George Blair – 1-519-660-4314. Curtis Eustace & WINHD Caribbean presents the annual Christmas Classic on Dec. 6th inside Armenian Centre, 50 Hallcrown Place (Victoria Park and 401). Doors open at 6 pm. Show starts at 8 pm. Food on sale. Admission: $35, more at the door. Hotline: 416-728-6504. St. Timothy’s Anglican Church Agincourt presents An Evening of Acappella Music with Cruisin’, one of Ontario’s Premier Acappella Quartets, to be held on Saturday, December 6, 2014 @ 8:00 pm inside St. Timothy’s Anglican Church Agincourt, 4125 Sheppard Avenue, East. Get ready for an entertaining evening of fun and music, featuring great songs from the 1950s, 1960s and beyond, as well as gospel tunes and Christmas favourites. Tickets: $25 each (includes wine and cheese). Contact: 416-293-5711 or email office sttims.ca. See and hear Cruisin’s music at: www.cruisinmusic.com. It’s that time again, Christmas is just on the doorstep and we at Sickle Cell Association of Ontario would like to invite all children with sickle cell anemia and their siblings under the age of 16 to our annual Christmas party on Dec. 6 from 12 noon – 4 pm at Hospital for Sick Kids (HSK), 555 University Avenue, Elizabeth Street entrance, Black Wing – Room 1248 & 1250. Please contact the Sickle Cell office to register your family. Registrations will close on Monday, November 24, 2014. Registrations can be accepted by email at [email protected] or sicklecell@look. ca. Our telephone number is (416) 789-2855. We look forward to seeing you on the day. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12 Majah Hype Hopes To Lead West Indian Comedians To A Repeat Victory Against Africa’s Best TORONTO, Ontario – For the third year in a row, in Toronto, the best comedians from Africa will take on the best from the West Indies. From Trinidad to Tanzania, Ghana to Grenada, Ritz Caribbean Foods’ “The Juice Cup: World Cup of Comedy” attracts the expatriates of many cities, towns, villages and parishes. Back in 2012, Michael Blackson, best known for his appearances on BET Comic View, Shaquille O’Neil’s All-star Comedy Tour, and his appearance in the hit movie, Next Friday; along with teammates Trixx and Eddy King were able to overcome their West Indian opponents. In 2013, Much Music’s T-Rexx stepped down as the coach of the team and was replaced by CHRY’s Dr. Jay. He and his comedic team of Jay Martin, Jean Paul, and Sterling Scott battled back to secure the win for the West Indian team. After two sold out shows, Torontonians have been anticipating this rubber match all year long and will get it on Friday, November 14 and Sunday, November 16 at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre on the CNE Grounds. With what the organizer is calling “The Social Network Tour” Juice Comedy Toronto had no holds barred when it recruited this year’s team. Blackson, who publicly released a very humorously entertaining video claiming that the West Indian team must have cheated last year, has returned. Both he and coach, MC Bonde, have vowed to bring the cup back to Africa. However, this will be no easy task since internet and Instagram sensation, Majah Hype -- whose real name is Collin Nigel McPherson and who was raised in East Kingston, Jamaica, Dunkirk, to be exact -- will be leading the team from the islands this year. Creating popular characters like “Grampa James” and “Di Rass”, Majah’s videos have been loaded on the screens of literally millions of cell phones, tablets, and computers in only one short year. Although it is known that he resides in New York City, the fact that he has been able to keep his background a huge mystery, has been accredited to his ability to imitate a variety of accents with impeccable accuracy. Hype has a following of over 150,000 via his Instagram page @majahhype, and has been spotted with many popular artists and celebrities world-wide. There have even been rumours of Hype being awarded his own show on the BET network for 2015, although like his heritage, when asked he never confirms or denies. Price Harry, aka White Yardie, and Dami, aka Aphrican Ape, both internet superstars in their own rights, and Toronto’s most popular Trixx and Jay Martin, will all grace the stage for both shows. Representatives from the show’s organized, Juice Comedy Toronto, have confirmed that, following a familiar trend, both shows are over 90% sold out. For additional information and tickets visit www.juicecomedytoronto.com or call 1-877-700-3130. Jamaica’s National Dancers Deliver A Stunning Performance ...Continued from page 10 acrobatic moves. The dancers painted a picture of art in its highest form, as they performed beautifully choreographed pieces that told the stories. A chorus of singers with orchestral accompaniment delivered nostalgic Jamaican folk songs, which inspired the audience to burst into a sing- along with bodies moving in time with the performers. The audience was introduced to “SULKARI” (1980) – a dance of exaltation in fertility, which was originated from, and inspired by the movements of the Yoruba peoples of Arara, as well as diverse elements of African art and culture. The choreographers craftily designed the presentation which captured the spirit and the moment. During the intermission, the aromatic scents of Jamaican and West Indian foods authenticated the Caribbean atmosphere, much to the delight of the audience who participated without hesitation. The piece that followed was “Dialogue For Three” (1963) demonstrating the reality of a male in his helplessness, and the force of two females struggling in a triangular relationship. This performance unfolded with grace and continuity, and the performers maintained a level of intensity and professionalism that was second to none. The final arrangement, “Gerrehbenta”(1983) whose name was derived from two major traditional rites practised in Jamaica – ‘gerreh’ in Hanover, and ‘dinky mini’ which uses ‘the benta’ (a musical instrument). The costumes, the performers and the music were indeed beholding to the eyes and ears of the audience. The choreography of Rex Nettleford, Chris Walker, Kerry-Ann Henry, Momo Sanno, Eduardo Rivero-Walker, and Arsenio AndradeCalderon was at the highest standard that could have been expected – World Class. Overall this was a first class program, well executed and masterfully presented. It was a brilliant showcasing of Jamaican talent. The performers were young, beautiful, muscular, flexible and extremely talented. The delivery of the performances was vibrant, enthusiastic and zestfully exhibited. In addition, some of the proceeds of the evening would help two students of schools in Jamaica, to attend The Jamaica School of Dance. Majah Hype portrays one of his many popular, hilarious characters, Di Rass. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 13 Selling Your House – DIY Or Use A Realtor? You’ve decided to sell your house and aren’t keen on handing over a hefty commission to a realtor. Should you try to sell the house on your own? “The major plus in selling your house yourself is that you do save the cost of commission,” says Maureen Peacock, a CPA, CA in Kitchener. “However, that savings will be reduced by any expenses you incur, such as obtaining an appraisal of your home’s value, advertising and having someone review the sale agreement.” Realtors’ commissions in Ontario range from four to five percent, split between the realtor representing the seller and the realtor representing the buyer. “If you sell yourself, a realtor representing a potential buyer will likely want some sort of commission,” adds Peacock. “So selling your house yourself will not necessarily mean saving the entire amount of the commission.” “Realtors know market trends in your neighbourhood, and know the value of comparable properties, so they can help you price your property to sell,” says Aaron Goldstein, CPA, CA, Manager, Audit & Advisory with Crowe Soberman LLP in Toronto. “They are also going to stage your home better, as they know how to present it to look attractive. And if you get into a negotiation or bidding war, you will benefit from their experience.” Using a realtor also means your house will be listed on Canada’s Multiple Listing Service (MLS). “Being on MLS means other real estate agents are updated right away when you list,” says Peacock. “Realtors also look after your advertising and have contacts with professionals in other cities.” Selling your house on your own can be stressful and time-consuming. “It can be tough to come up with the right value of your house, and it takes time to take calls and schedule showings,” says Peacock. “Putting the deal together can be stressful, and if issues come up after the home inspection, you won’t have the benefit of a realtor’s advice.” While selling your house yourself means you won’t have to leave during showings, Peacock cautions that it can be awkward and uncomfortable to hear what potential buyers say about your home. If you do decide to handle the sale yourself, do your research and maximize the value of your house. “Analyze the current market so you get the best price,” advises Goldstein. “Get rid of your clutter and stage your house properly.” You may want to get an appraisal of your home’s value to help with pricing, adds Peacock. “Consider finding a realtor who, for a fee, will write the offer and handle the deposit,” she says. It may also be wise to have a lawyer or other professional review the sale agreement. If you decide to hire a realtor, talk to more than one. “Walk through some of the realtors’ listed houses so you can see how they work and how they present,” says Goldstein. “Get a sense of their personality and determine whether you feel comfortable working with that agent. Ask for a list of homes © Can Stock Photo Inc. - Feverpitched they have recently sold and get references from former clients.” It’s also wise to select a realtor who knows your market. “Get referrals and look at houses in your neighbourhood with “sold” signs,” says Peacock. “Talk to several realtors and don’t necessarily sign with the one who suggests the highest price for your house. It’s important to select a realtor who is honest, has integrity and will keep your information confidential.” Brought to you by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario. Before You Rent, Do Your Homework By Carla Hindman D irec tor of F ina nc ia l E d uc a tion, V isa Ca na d a Maybe you’re a college or university student looking to rent your first apartment or a downsizing homeowner re-entering the rental market for the first time in decades. Whatever your situation, there are many precautions you should take before renting any property. The last thing you want is to be saddled with a 12-month lease you can’t afford or to be stuck in a neighborhood you’ve come to dislike. As one who’s been there, let me share a few tips for renting a home: Before you even start looking, know how much you can afford to spend. Housing is the biggest monthly expense for most people so if you miscalculate what rent is affordable, your budget will suffer from the get-go. Besides rent, don’t forget such additional expenses as a security deposit, utilities, cable/satellite, Internet access, renters insurance, parking and laundry facilities and one-time move-in expenses like window treatments, appliances or rugs. Scope out the neighborhood. Determine how safe you feel walking around, especially if you’ll be parking on the street. Come back to see if the neighborhood’s character changes at night or on the weekend. Also note the proximity to parks, schools, grocery stores, public transportation and busy commuter routes. Thoroughly inspect each potential rental: • Consider total useable space – sometimes a smaller unit with a welldesigned floor plan is more desirable than a larger space with a poor layout. • Use a tape measure to measure each room to determine whether your furniture will fit. Ensure there’s sufficient closet, cupboard and storage space. • Look for safety features like deadbolts and peepholes on exterior doors, welllit corridors, stairwells and parking • • • • • • structures, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and bars or other security features on first-floor windows. In multi-unit buildings, note the condition of common areas – that’s a clue how attentive the owner/manager is regarding upkeep. Note the condition of appliances, plumbing fixtures, floors/carpeting, electrical outlets and switches, light fixtures, walls and windows. If you spot damaged or worn items, ask whether they’ll be replaced. If not, make sure they’re noted in the rental agreement. Check the water pressure and hot water quality. Check seals around doors, windows and vents; if leaky, they can boost utility bills. Look for evidence of previous water leaks and mold. Check for soundproofing, especially if there are adjoining apartments. Once you find a suitable place, read the rental agreement carefully. Don’t hesitate to ask a lawyer or more experienced friend to review it. If not spelled out in the lease you may want to ask the landlord the following questions: • How much is the security deposit and what are the requirements for getting a full refund? • If not provincially regulated, how are rent increases determined? • What happens after the lease term ends? Often, it’ll convert to a monthto-month rental agreement where you can leave anytime with proper notice (usually 30 days). • How many tenants are allowed? • What are building policies for things like houseguests, noise curfews, maintenance and repairs, pest control, smoking, lost keys and pets? • Can you sublet the unit before your lease expires? And finally, be aware that many landlords check credit reports of potential tenants. Before you start looking, check your own credit report so there are no surprises. You can ask for a free copy of your credit file by mail to one of two national credit bureaus in Canada: Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada. This article is intended to provide general information and should not be considered legal, tax or financial advice. It’s always a good idea to consult a tax or financial advisor for specific © Can Stock Photo Inc. - richmaj99 information on how certain laws apply to your situation and about your individual financial situation. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 14 OPINION Why Jian Ghomeshi’s Prosecution May Be A Wrongful Conviction In The Making By Ernest Guest Pride Col um nist As the authorities investigate and deliberate on whether or not to charge Jian Gomeshi under the Criminal Code, they ought to take a serious read of the Executive Summary and Recommendations of The Commission on Proceedings Involving Guy Paul Morin. Readers will recall that Guy Paul Morin was charged with the murder of his next door neighbor, Christine Jessop. He was tried not once but twice. Mr. Morin was acquitted at his first trial in 6. A new trial was ordered by the Court of Appeal for Ontario (affirmed by the Supreme Court of Canada). Mr. Morin was tried a second time and found guilty of first degree murder. Mr. Morin appealed and on the basis of fresh evidence tendered by the Crown and defence he was acquitted of the charge on January 3rd, 5. D A evidence established that Mr. Morin was not the donor of semen stains found on the deceased’s body. The authorities acknowledged that Mr. Morin was innocent, apologized and compensated him. As a result of Mr. Morin’s wrongful conviction, we in Ontario were the beneficiaries of the Hon. Fred Kaufman’s insightful report to the Government of Ontario into, among other things, the conduct of the criminal investigation in Mr. Morin’s case. Two investigative flaws identified in the Morin Inquiry and other similar inquiries as significant contributors to wrongful convictions, “Tunnel Vision” and “Noble Cause Corruption”, may likely present a challenge to the authorities in any prosecution of Mr. Ghomeshi. Tunnel ision was defined by the Morin Iquiry as “the single minded overly narrow focus on an investigation or prosecutorial theory, as to unreasonably colour the evaluation of information received, and one’s conduct in response to the information.” Noble Cause Corruption refers to the practice where police officers violate legal or ethical standards in pursuit of what they perceive to be the benefit of society at large. Tunnel Vision The Jian Ghomeshi allegations are a perfect case-study for the phenomenon of tunnel vision in a criminal investigation - dated complaints of sexual and violent crimes against women by a man who can be described as a public figure or celebrity in an era of political-correctness where there exists “mainstream guilt” for historical wrongs perpetrated against women under the colour of law. The complainants all know the subject of the criminal investigation. The subject of the investigation knows the complainants. The key issue is one of consent at the time of the alleged conduct -- except for acts which the complainant cannot at law consent to (bodily harm for example). The complainants allege a lack of consent. Mr. Ghomeshi, as I understand it, has publicly asserted that he acted with consent. Consent a state of mind A key question for investigators in a case such as this, is an explanation for the delay in advancing the criminal complaint. Delay on its own will not always impair the credibility or reliability of a complaint, but it must be carefully investigated. The rationale for this can be found once one appreciates that consent is a state of mind at the time of the offence which unlike D A evidence is not fixed and is subject to change by the complainant either intentionally or Remembering The Barbarity Of Warfare ...Continued from page 2 German civilians perished in a single night of relentless RAF bombing. The Second World War is replete with scores of similar retaliatory acts of barbarism directed primarily at civilians. It is estimated that of the fifty-five million people who lost their lives during World War 11, more than fifty per cent were civilians including millions of innocent little children. Never before had the world experienced such a total disregard for human lives. But in all probability, this unprecedented act of barbarism could be surpassed if the nations and terrorists of the world continue along their present course of mindless irrationality. If recent trends in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Africa are any indication, I am afraid that the world may be in for an unprecedented bloodbath of the greatest magnitude. It is clear that in a war everyone suffers. At this time when we remember our brave soldiers who fought heroically, and gave up their lives in the wars of the 20th and 21st centuries, let us not forget the civilians, especially young innocent babies and children who died and are still dying, as a result of the barbaric machinations of self-centred, irrational national leaders and also terrorists of the world. Rupert Johnson can be reached at: [email protected]. unintentionally. Objective and Subjective Requirement A complainant can objectively consent to an act, thereby inviting an action, only to then later assert a lack of consent depending on their objective. I raised this legal point in Webb v. Waterloo Region Police Services Board et al 00 Canli 4 3 (Ont. C.A. - a case in which the defendant, a gay man was cruising in an area known for consensual cruising activity between men, encountered an undercover police officer who accepted an invitation to go into the woods with the plaintiff, only to arrest and charge him for sexual assault when contact occurred. My use of the word objective above, is not to imply that I have any knowledge that the complainants in the Ghomeshi case, actually possess any improper objective, as I do not know that. I use it because in the Webb case, I was successful in obtaining an admission from the officer that he concealed his identity from Mr. Webb, and accepted his invitation to go into the woods knowing what goes on there, because he was playing a role, and Webb would not have committed the offence had he known. Publicity with respect to legal proceedings involving the alleged perpetrator may be a key element which may lead a complainant to effectively re-evaluate their consent to a dated occurrence. What may have been consensual because the complainant accepted the conduct at the time, can be subsequently deemed “inappropriate conduct” following widespread publicity of sexual misconduct, or criminal allegations against the alleged perpetrator. A complainant may reason that on receipt of the “new information” from the publicity, they now feel naive and violated where they did not at the material time. The publicity may provide a new perspective, for the complainant to evaluate the historical conduct, to which she may have consented in the past, and bring forward her “true opinion” on the question. Nobel Cause Corruption The current wave of political correctness fuelled by the intense public coverage, in this case make it susceptible to Noble Cause Corruption. Political correctness on the issues of sexual harassment and sexual assault by men against women, has reached a point where, if left unchecked, the issues of consent, credibility and reliability are secondary to the allegation itself. The so called victim’s narrative, and the acceptance of this narrative holus bolus, appears on the verge of creating a strict liability offence, and dispensing with established legal principles like the presumption of innocence. This is the climate in which these allegations are received. o one -- especially the police, prosecutors and even the judiciary -- want to be called out as “condoning” the allegations and “impeding” the victim’s right to “vindication”. Vindication under this regime of political-correctness is a finding of guilt. Reports are already being attributed to at least one of the complainants on the “positive reception” she has received from the police. Police, for their part, have already announced that they want to make available all of the resources available -- such as counselling etc. to persons who come forward. In light of these reports, one wonders to what extent investigators may be reluctant to ask hard questions of the complainants. What may often happen in such circumstances, is the phenomenon where police adopt the “tell your story to the judge approach”. In employing this approach police officers simply take the information at face value, and leave the unanswered questions to either the prosecutor or the trial judge. Challenge for investigators Investigators tasked with investigating a case like Mr. Ghomeshi’s, must start with a recognition of the nature and potential frailties associated with the legal concept of consent. Unless there is evidence of bodily harm, consent would be a defence to the subject allegations. Police must be objective, impartial and thorough in their investigations. Police must not be afraid to ask the hard and perhaps embarrassing questions. Police are not legally obligated to lay criminal charges at the whim or direction of anyone. Police may lay a criminal charge where they have formulated reasonable grounds for believing that an offence has been committed. Political-correctness and publicity ought to have no role in the execution of this police function. The forum for victims to seek vindication is the civil forum and not the criminal law forum. Ernest Guiste is a Toronto lawyer. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 15 Japan To Assist Caribbean Countries Despite Graduation By International Financial Institutions By Peter Richards CMC Caribbean Correspondent TOKYO, Japan, CMC – Japan has pledged to assist the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries with financial and technical assistance despite the regional countries being graduated to middle income countries, and therefore, no longer eligible for concessionary loans on the basis of mere per capita income. The Director of the Caribbean Division, Latin American and Caribbean Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here, Maki Kobayashi-Terada, told regional journalists that Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, during the first ever Japan-CARICOM summit in Trinidad and Tobago in July, had indicated that Tokyo was aware of the situation facing the regional countries and was prepared to assist them in that regard. “We promised that we are going to extend cooperation and we have already increased six fold compared to the past few years. We are going to work together in order in order to have meaningful cooperation…even though…some of the Caribbean countries have higher standard of living in terms of per capita income. “As Caribbean countries argued it doesn’t reflect precisely the situation of Caribbean countries. We understand, so that’s why our Prime Minister said that we recognise the importance of assisting Caribbean countries other than those based on per capita income. “So that is why we are having the field research because you might not need the assistance or you might need the assistance in certain areas,” she said, adding that “for some countries, definitely without any reason you need some assistance but in that case we usually have field research.” Kobayashi-Terada said for those countries that have already graduated “we are going to have them studied, find out what are the necessities, what are the priorities and we are going to discuss within our government what we can do”. CARICOM foreign ministers are expected to meet with their Japanese counterpart on Saturday and Kobayashi-Terada said it provides an opportunity for Tokyo to cooperate more with the regional bloc countries on a global level. According to a joint statement issued here on Monday, the November 15 meeting is a follow-up to the first Japan-CARICOM Summit held in July “and are expected to enhance collaboration on various global agenda, including environment issues and climate change”. PAHO Wants Wider Access To Breast Imaging Services To Save Lives In The Caribbean WASHINGTON, DC, CMC – The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) says better access to mammography and other breast imaging services could help improve outcomes for more than 152,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer each year in Latin America and the Caribbean. “Early detection, accurate diagnosis, and appropriate and timely treatment are the keys to better outcomes for women with breast cancer,” said PAHO Director, Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, on World Radiology Day, on Saturday. “Mammography has a critical role to play in this process, but due to its health system and resource requirements, its full potential has yet to be realized in our region,” said the Dominica-born PAHO Director. “On World Radiology Day, we are highlighting the importance of strengthening health systems and making breast imaging services more widely accessible to help save women’s lives,” Dr. Etienne said. Each year in the Americas, including the Caribbean, PAHO said about 408,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer, and 92,000 women die from the disease. PAHO said some 47 percent of these deaths occur in Latin America and the Caribbean. A recent PAHO survey found that only 19 of 33 countries in Latin American and the Caribbean report having mammography services available in the public health sector. “Increasing access to quality breast imaging services is essential,” said Dr. Pablo Jimenez, PAHO Regional Advisor on Radiological Health Program. “But it’s also important that it be adequately performed, and that requires guidelines, well trained professionals, and effective quality assurance and quality control programs to ensure radiation safety, valid results, and accurate diagnosis.” Increasing the effectiveness and quality of breast imaging services is one of the goals of PAHO’s technical cooperation, aimed at strengthening public health and regulatory capacity in its member countries. PAHO said it will celebrate World Radiology Day on November 19 with an interactive panel discussion on access, regulation, quality, effectiveness, and proper delivery of breast imaging services in the context of current health technologies, cancer control and universal health coverage. The event will also provide health workers and health authorities in the Americas with information on how to improve access to these health technologies. The statement said that CARICOM countries “frequently taking a common position in the international arena, hold a certain presence in the international community. “It is expected that they will deepen their understanding and support towards Japan’s position on various global issues through this conference”. The statement said that it is expected that the relationship between Japan and the regional community bloc “will be further strengthened through this conference on the occasion of Japan-CARICOM Friendship Year 2014”. Kobayashi-Terada said that the meeting here will discuss “international issues because next year is going to be the 70th anniversary of the United Nations so we would like to focus a lot on the issues of the United Nations, climate change… “We would like to listen carefully to what the Caribbean countries concerns are, as well as positions in order to be able to better represent them in other international forum, where we are participating and Caribbean countries are not”. She said at the same time, Tokyo “would also like to find a way on how to cooperate more closely…we would also like to advance the Security Council reform issues and also post 2015 agenda. “Next year we have many issues to be discussed, so we would like to prepare in order to build on each other. This is November and we’re getting to the end of the Friendship Year. We would like to confirm what has been happening throughout this year and what we are going to do in coming years in order to have much closer relationships,” she said. Japan will, next March, host the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) and according to Katsunobu Takada, the principal deputy director, Global Issues Cooperation Division, Caribbean countries should ensure that they are represented at the talks. Maki Kobayashi-Terada (CMC Photo). “Generally speaking, many experts say if we are prepared well we can minimise the economic loss,” he said, adding that his advice would also be that regional countries should seek to allocate a percentage of their national budget towards disaster risk reduction. The March 14-18 meeting is a UNconference to discuss international strategy on risk reduction. Japan hosted the first two meetings. The meeting in Sendai is aimed at completing the assessment and review of the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action. It will also consider the experience gained through the regional and national strategies and institutions and plans for disaster risk reduction and to adopt a post 2015 framework for disaster risk reduction. The five-day meeting will also identify modalities of cooperation based on commitments to implement a post 2015 framework for disaster risk reduction, as well as to determine modalities for periodic review of the implementation of a post 2015 framework. Earlier, regional journalists were told that Japan had provided US$11.65 million to Caribbean countries during the period 2010-12 to deal with the impact of climate change. The figures also show that form June 2013 to the June 2014, Tokyo had provided US$7.35 million. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 16 Women And The Power In Their Continual Violation By L. Ardor Pride Col um nist First, Canadian media personality Jian Ghomeshi, then the Hollaback street harassment awareness campaign video that went viral, and sparked conversations all around the world, and now “pick up artist” Julien Blanc; for women, these past few weeks can be adequately described as a revolving door of violation, and to some it can be summed up in two words, “nothing new.” For women everywhere these past few weeks have been a confirmation of what we already knew to be true: women do not matter. A strong statement—Yes! This is the kind of statement that prickles under your skin, and incites a small army of itches, for which the only remedy is change. For some with more sensitive skin, this statement can hurt. The truth hurts, so I will say it again; the acts of those with whom we share this earthly walk will continue to remind us that women do not matter. We want to believe that women matter. We want to believe that nature overrides nurture, and that our marches, our voices, and the exuberant rise in strong women everywhere, are stomping away at the superiority complex of the patriarchal foundation one footstep at a time. Yet, we keep hearing about the Jian Ghomeshis, of the world, defending their right to sexually assault and harass women, by claiming consensually rough bedroom preferences. There still remains a need to make, watch, and share street harassment awareness campaigns, like the one spearheaded by Hollaback, a movement to end street harassment fuelled by local activists around the world. Ten hours of footage documenting the continual harassment experienced by a woman in New York City, encouraged an innumerable amount of women to take to social media, and declare it to be a true depiction of daily life. Although facing its own critique of adding to the Black and Latino male stereotype, the message of the video remains clear. A woman cannot walk down the street in her own neighbourhood, without being placed on the same level as an animal being called to come back home. As Steve Santagati, author of Code of Honor and The Manual said when interviewed by CNN regarding Hollaback, “....there is nothing more than a woman loves to hear, is that how pretty she is.” You hear that women? Be thankful that men are verbally, and at times physically caressing and fondling you in the street; it’s a compliment, so get used to it, because deep down inside you like it. We keep coming into contact with men like Julien Blanc, a consultant for Real Social Dynamics, and a selfdescribed pick up artist. He has made a living from teaching men how to sexually abuse and manipulate women into having sex with them. His methods of “wooing” include grabbing the heads of strange women and thrusting them into his crotch, along with putting women in choke-holds while encouraging them, in an albeit sexy way to “shhhh.” Women like power, we have been told this. Julien has been quoted as saying, “[At least in Tokyo….] if you’re a white male, you can do what you want. I’m just romping through the streets, just grabbing girls’ heads, just like, head, pfft on [groin/stuffed into crotch].” If that is not scary and disgusting enough, I will put it into perspective for you. The men with whom you interact in your daily life are paying up to $3,000 to be taught how to violate you where you live, where you stand, where you walk; and where you feel the safest, in a world that does not offer you safety. There exists the cultural norm that is the violation of our space, violation of our physical bodies, violation of our mental, emotional, and spiritual beings. Women live in a constant state of violation. As a woman, I understand © Ca n S toc k P h oto I nc . - 4 7 7 4 3 4 4 sea n the lack of compassion, and the lack of logic in this type of male mindset. Since the beginning of our history, women have been as valued as the property that can be won, traded and discarded for more property. Our bodies and sexuality have been consecrated, sold, and dismembered for the pleasure and entertainment of men. Our religions and teachings of faith uphold our standings as a little lower than the angels, yet, well below the heels of the ones who teach us what and how to believe. When the majority of social structures, and human thought processes applied into action, are founded on the female being in a constant state of less than, how else are we supposed to be treated? When we are taught to respect and honour those on equal footing or held in higher esteem, how dare we be surprised that women are shot dead in the street, for denying to hand over that which is inherently hers to control? Herself, her body, her smile, her response, and her phone number. We have been taught to dishonour and mistreat the givers of life because ultimately that which gives life holds power. Ding! Ding! Ding! That is how those in perceived power, control the ball in their court: by teaching those who should be their partner, that they indeed are opponents—by reinforcing that men are bigger, stronger, and more valuable. Control is maintained by teaching that the only place for women is in the wallets, beds, and weaker sex module, and by destroying that which supports the uplifting of women. If there is no shift, power will always remain in the fear-filled clutches of the sons birthed from the very women they oppress. Have we forgotten a history in which revolt, rebellion and anger has changed the course of a community, and more beautifully a nation. When freedom is desired, nothing stands in the way of attaining that freedom; and though the fight might take generations, we women want our freedom. I could encourage us all with 5 steps on how to free women: listen to us; validate and do not negate our experiences; understand why feminism is necessary; do not violate our personal spaces; and do not sabotage our narrative of oppression, with excuses followed by inaction. But doing that would ensure the power stays in the hands of the oppressors, as a master freeing his slaves. I could also give you a warm mushy feeling, by throwing a tangible object of our constant objectification into the bonfire of protest and revolution; but the only ‘object’ would be a woman’s body, my body, and I am not ready to lay my life down for a fight, I still have energy to combat. What I will do is leave you with these words by an anonymous source, “Destroy the idea that men should respect women because we are their daughters, mothers, and sisters. Reinforce the idea that men should respect women because we are people.” In this system we so comfortably call home, the winners are white and they are male. In this system the ‘Just be glad you aren’t dead’ consolation prize are Men of Colour. Below both these systems, and still maintaining their respective order in the colour barrier, are women. As we leave the revolving door of violation that was the past few weeks, I can promise you the next woman you meet is bracing herself for what is to come. L. Ardor is a writer who believes that everything in life stems from love. Her mission is to spread her philosophy to all brave enough to embrace. ou can find s. rdor on twitter @LaLaArdor. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 17 All Things Work Together For Good! How difficult is it to ‘start over’? Can you actually forget all your past mistakes, roll up your sleeves and dive into the unknown once again? I believe that we can; especially us ladies. With experience and pain, character is built, and with that being said, life certainly has no guarantees, it doesn’t matter how rich, beautiful or successful we are. The only thing that we have on which to rely,is our inner strength, and as time passes we will undoubtably be tested by many challenges. It doesn’t matter how painful these trials and tribulations are, we all have many things upon which to draw, as long as we do not throw in the towel in total despair. Take my friend, Marsha for example. She was 45 years old and still single. She lights up a room when she enters.Yes, her temper is too short; skirt too tight; lipstick too bright; and she is a few pounds overweight, but her personality is intoxicating. She still knows how to turn heads! Her divorce from Peter was now final, and she was beginning to feel as if she could not cope. She had not thought about her own future while she had been married. Her only child, Zachery was the light of her life, but with him living miles away while at college, Marsha was often left all alone, preferring not to indulge too much in the party scene. Her job as a manager for a clothing company was secure, although her financial portfolio could have been a little healthier. Although she had never filed for bankruptcy, she was beginning to consider it. The situation was getting to be a little stressful because of all the years of raising a son by herself,and taking care of the bills. Her dating life was nonexistent. However, over the last few years, she had seriously attempted to find Mr. Right, but had failed miserably and given up. Despite the failures, Marsha continued to work, pay her bills, and work out at the gym, while silently praying that Mr. Right would come waltzing through her door.“You are never going to get that,” said her friend Malcolm. “Just find a man who likes you, and even if you don’t like him that much, you’ll learn to love him. You will see how good it can be.” Maybe Malcolm was right. “What the heck is going to happen to me now that I am all alone and Zachery is at school?” she asked herself. Marsha wished that she had listened to her inner voice and put something away for herself while she had been married to Peter. “I wonder if the Lord can send me a man now,” she wondered. She needed help with the bills! Desperation was surely setting in! The very first thing that Marsha has to do is to truly ‘give herself a break’! Often, we forget that we are doing the very best that we can, and that a man or anyone else is not supposed to ‘save us’. We need to rely upon ourselves, regardless of how hard the road may be or seem to be. We must trust that ‘all things work together for good’. Finding any man to ‘help you with your problems’ is certainly the wrong way to go, as that solves nothing, since you might be biting off a lot more than you can chew. There is nothing wrong with finding a mate with whom to spend your life, but doing so under false pretences will eventually result in hurt for both parties. Wait, be patient and the one that is right for you will appear at the right time. Also, one thing that I have come to realize is that everything that has happened to me, whether it be positive or negative, has worked for my benefit. I may not have © Ca n S toc k P h oto I nc . - stua rtm il es understood it at the time, but in time the true reason of why things happened will manifest itself, and allow me to breathe a sigh of relief and say, “ Tank Yu Jesus.” So to all the Marsha’s of the world, I say, “hang in there girl. Life is tough but, what doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger.” Sandy Daley is a columnist, radio and television personality and actress. She is also the author of “Whose Vagina Is It, Really?” She can be contacted at ebsite www.sandydaley.com aceboo womanincontrol faceboo .com Twitter https twitter.com whosevaginaisit and or Email thesinglegirlspot gmail.com. How To Improve And Maintain Good Posture By Virginia Nsitem Pride H ea l th Col um nist Do you slouch when you stand? Do you have difficulty “sitting up straight”? This article will discuss the best ways to improve and maintain good posture. The Spine The spine is divided into three major parts – the cervical spine, the thoracic spine,and the lumbar spine. These parts of the spine have natural curves. There are powerful muscles in the back that attach to the spine and provide support and balance, with the help of the abdominal muscles. Tight, weak, or injured muscles can alter the natural curves in the spine. The altered curves may also be noticeable in your appearance as slouched shoulders, a sway back,or uneven hips. Scoliosis Scoliosis is a term used to describe an abnormal curvature in the spine. It occurs in young children, and is often noticeable when they are going through a growth spurt. Mild cases of scoliosis are monitored by a physician or specialist and often require no treatment. Moderate cases of scoliosis may require a brace to help slow down the progression of the curve. Severe cases of scoliosis may be treated surgically to correct the curve. Signs of scoliosis include uneven shoulders, one shoulder blade that appears more prominent than the other, ribs on one side of the body that stick out farther than on the other side, uneven waist level, one hip higher than the other, and difficulty Continued on next page ... Wednesday, November 12, 2014 18 Leo (July 23- August 22) Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! condemned. Remember to be corrective as opposed to punitive! Your emotions will feel a little tender around the ones you love most. Perhaps they will reprimand you for something you have done, or make you feel badly for something you did not do, either way this will pass and you will feel better within three days. Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) Take care of your appearance. You certainly are a unique looking individual. Eat what is healthy and be certain to get some exercise in. Many admirers are looking at you. If you are active on the social networks, do not be surprised how many admirers are checking out your profile. Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) Condemning others for their actions will do nothing but tell the universe that you too do not mind being Save money. Save money. Save money. It is the best thing to do right now before the holiday season coming up. Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20) You do not have to be loud to get your point across. Being calm, cool and collected will have more of an impact. Aries (March 21- April 19) Give it all you got. Do not make excuses for procrastination. Just get it done and you will prevent any unpredictable issues later. Mush, mush, mush!!! Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Worry, my dear Taurus, is truly just a stretch of your Maintain Good Posture ...Continued from previous page breathing (in severe cases, due to reduced chest space). 10 tips to improve your posture: 1. Practice good posture techniques in the mirror to help your body and mind remember what it feels like to have proper posture. 2. Pay attention to how your clothes fit on your body. Check to see if the hem lines of your skirt or dress look even across the bottom. Check to see if the waist of your pants sits evenly across your hips and the zipper is centred. If you notice uneven levels, that may be a clue that you have some imbalances in you posture. 3. Check the wear on your shoes. Poor posture can also affect the way you walk and how your shoes wear out at the toes and heels. 4. Stretch your muscles…not only spine muscles, but your shoulders and leg muscles too! 5. Strengthen your muscles. It is important to strengthen your neck muscles, mid back muscles, low back muscles, and stomach (abdominal) muscles. 6. Practice good posture habits when you sleep…. avoid sleeping on your stomach. Instead, lie on your side or back. 7. Avoid maintaining one position for a long period of time, or performing the same activity for too long without changing your posture. Take a stretch break from static or repetitive activities. Stretch your arms up, roll your shoulders back, and stretch your hips, knees, and back. 8. When carrying heavy bags, groceries, or shopping items, try to balance the weight between both hands. 9. Avoid carrying a heavy handbag or knapsack over one shoulder. 10. If you have suffered an injury to your spine or other joints, see your chiropractor or primary physician for an evaluation and treatment options. Dr. Virginia Nsitem is a chiropractor specializing in laser therapy for muscle, joint and nerve injuries, and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences in Canada. She may be reached at (905) 275-4993, or by email at [email protected]. imagination. If there is clear and present danger, then of course, it may be normal for you to have some fear. However, if there is no reason for you to fear, then do the opposite and free your mind. Meditation is good for that. Visit this link for a detailed meditation video to help guide you through it http://youtu.be/ wMgdFnK18K0. Gemini (May 21- June 20) Do not take it personally when someone from out of the blue tries to give you unsolic- ited advice. You know you are quite capable of getting things done, but some people may think you are struggling and they need to help. Do not get upset at them. They are just trying to help. Cancer (June 21- July 22) Do not allow love to get you down. Relationships will come and they may go. It is a part of life. It is a part of life as well, to replace the one thing that was taken. Look forward to something new coming on the horizon. You do not have to prove yourself to anyone. You should be the one who is the most happiest with you. Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) A secret will be told to you about a co-worker. Do not repeat what you hear. If you do you will be disrespected from the people who oversee you. Why? Because they will hear that you are starting gossip and they will disrespect that type of immaturity happening in the workplace. Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) If you are contemplating your future and wondering where you fit in life, try not to worry or over think your circumstances. Just ponder what you are best at, and work on your talents. It is your natural ability that will take you farther. You have the gift for gab, so try and implement that somehow in your career, and you will benefit indeed. Cerise F airfax is a Life Coach and can be reached at: (41 6) 722-5233 and cerisefairfax @ gmail.com. V isit www.cerisefairfax . com for life coaching advice and daily inspiration. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 19 Unsure About The Flu Shot? Your Questions Answered NC – According to Ontario’s Associate Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Robin Williams, some Ontario parents still have questions about getting the flu shot for their children. When deciding whether you and your children should be vaccinated, it’s the facts that count. We sat down with Dr. Williams to get answers to the most frequently asked flu shot questions. Is the flu shot safe? In Canada, there are very strict guidelines for making vaccines and safety is a priority. The flu vaccine is safe in healthy children and adults. Serious reactions from the vaccine are rare. Most common reactions include soreness, redness or swelling where the shot has been given, lasting up to two days. Vaccine components rarely cause allergic reactions. Talk to your health care provider regarding the risks and benefits of flu vaccination. Does the flu shot work? Yes, a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the flu shot reduced children’s risk of influenza-related admissions by 74 per cent during the 2010-2012 flu seasons. Is living a healthy and active lifestyle enough to stop you from getting the flu? While eating well, exercising and washing your hands are certainly important to living a healthy lifestyle. These practices alone can’t prevent you from getting the flu. The flu shot is the best way to avoid getting the flu and becoming seriously ill. © Ca n S toc k P h oto I nc . - B V D C How does the flu shot work? Vaccination helps strengthen your body’s natural immune response against the flu. The flu shot stimulates your immune system to build antibodies against the virus, making it stronger and ready to fight off the flu. Can the flu shot cause autism or Guillain-Barré Syndrome? Some parents express concern that vaccines can cause health issues, such as Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) or autism. GBS may be associated with the influenza vaccine (1 per million recipients), but is more likely to occur after you get infected with the flu (1 per 60,000). The National Advisory Committee on Immunization indicates that alleged health effects from vaccines do not cause autism. How does the flu virus spread? The virus spreads mainly from person-to-person coughing or sneezing, but also by touching objects or surfaces with flu viruses on them and then by touching your eyes, mouth or nose. Studies show that flu viruses can survive on surfaces up to 48 hours. Sharing personal items like cell phones, eating utensils, pens and drinks also contribute to the spread of the flu. What are the most common symptoms of the flu? Symptoms can vary from person-to-person, but usually includes fever, chills, cough, runny eyes, stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, extreme weakness, and fatigue. Most people will recover within a week to 10 days, but some individuals, including children, are at increased risk of severe complications. What is the difference between the cold and the flu? Common cold and flu symptoms are often similar, however, the flu is not a cold. It has potentially serious consequences, such as hospitalization or even death for the most vulnerable, including young children. Last year in Ontario, there were more than 700 children under 10 with confirmed influenza that were hospitalized, and eight deaths were reported. Symptoms accompanying the flu often include: fever or chills, body and muscle aches and extreme fatigue. For more information about the flu, or to locate the nearest flu shot clinic to you, visit www.ontario.ca/flu. Don’t Feel Alone With Bladder Control Issues NC – Canadians don’t like to talk about incontinence, reserving it for only those who experience it. Some would think that means only a small group of people need be concerned, but you might be surprised to know that 3.3 million Canadians experience some form of bladder leakage. According to a survey conducted amongst members of the Angus Reid Forum, nearly half of those who experience slight urine loss when laughing, coughing, or exercising, are under the age of 55. Take a look at some of the facts of incontinence that you might not be aware of: 1. Incontinence isn’t just a symptom of old age. Bladder leakage is caused by a variety of things, including weak bladder muscles, pregnancy and childbirth in women, as well as complications from surgery, stroke or chronic diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson’s disease. Other diseases that affect bladder nerves or the spinal cord, like diabetes, can also cause bladder leakage. In men, serious conditions like prostate cancer can also play a role in the development of the condition. 2. Women are significantly more likely than men to say they experience urine loss, while men are significantly more likely than women to say they are open to talking about their incontinence. 3. Bladder leakage products do not have to be embar- © Ca n S toc k P h oto I nc . - T iba nna 7 9 rassing or uncomfortable. These days, you can discreetly wear adult undergarments, like Depend, without adding bulk or discomfort. More information is available at www.underwareness. com. and the remaining ½ teaspoon salt and cook, stirring, for 1 minute more. Stir the garlic mixture and mangoes into the lentils. Return to a simmer; cook, stirring occasionally, until the lentils are falling apart, 10 to 15 minutes more. Stir in cilantro. Serves: 6. 1 ¼ cups 1 ½ cups 1 ounce ¾ cup 2 tbsp. 12 ounces 1 cup 4 cups 1 tsp. ½ tsp. 1 tbsp. ½ tsp. 1 4 cloves 1 tbsp. ½ tsp. ¼ tsp. 2 ½ cup Indian Mango Dal yellow lentils water salt, divided ground turmeric canola oil cumin seeds medium onion, chopped garlic, minced minced fresh ginger ground coriander cayenne pepper mangoes, peeled and diced chopped fresh cilantro Preparation: Place lentils in a colander and rinse until the water runs clear. Combine lentils, 4 cups water, ½ teaspoon salt, and turmeric in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer, partially cover, and cook, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, heat oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add cumin seeds and cook until fragrant and starting to brown, about 30 seconds. Add onion; cook, stirring, until soft and beginning to brown, 4 to 6 minutes. Add garlic, ginger, coriander, cayenne, Cheesy Baked Ravioli fresh baby spinach marinara sauce sun-dried tomatoes (not in oil), diced (about ¼ cup) shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese grated Parmesan cheese (large) cheese ravioli Preparation: Heat oven to 425ºF. Put spinach in a colander in the sink. Mix marinara sauce and sundried tomatoes together © Ca n S toc k P h oto I nc . - A z urita in a large bowl. In a smaller bowl, combine mozzarella and Parmesan. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add ravioli and cook just until they float to the surface, 1 to 2 minutes. Drain ravioli over spinach to wilt. Add ravioli and spinach to marinara mixture. Lay down enough ravioli to cover the bottom of a 9- by 1 ½-inch gratin dish (or bake in individual 4 ½- to 5-inch gratin dishes). Sprinkle 1/3 of the cheese mixture on top. Repeat with remaining ravioli and cheese mixtures, finishing with the cheese on top. Bake until hot and bubbly throughout, 10 to 12 minutes. Serves: 4. ¼ cup 1 cup 1 tbsp. 5 Lemon-Coconut Tart butter, softened granulated sugar, divided lemon zest large eggs, divided ¼ cup 1 package 3 tbsp. ¼ tsp. 1 tbsp. 1/8 tsp. ½ cup 1 tsp. 1 ¼ cups fresh lemon juice (14.1-ounce) refrigerated piecrusts orange marmalade fresh rosemary, minced all-purpose flour salt heavy cream vanilla extract sweetened flaked coconut Shaved coconut, for topping © Ca n S toc k P h oto I nc . - rj gra nt Wednesday, November 12, 2014 20 Preparation: Whisk together butter, ½ cup sugar, and lemon zest in a medium microwave-safe bowl until blended. Add 2 eggs, one at a time, whisking until blended. Gradually whisk in lemon juice until blended (mixture will look curdled). Microwave at high 2 minutes, whisking at 1 minute intervals. Microwave, stirring at 30 second intervals, 1 to 2 minutes more or until mixture thickens. Place plastic wrap directly on warm curd (to prevent a film from forming), and chill 4 hours or until firm. Heat oven to 425ºF. Unroll piecrusts; stack on a lightly floured surface. Roll stacked piecrusts into a 13-inch circle. Fit piecrusts into a 10-inch deep-dish tart pan with removable bottom; press into fluted edges, and trim along edges. Line piecrust with parchment paper, and fill with pie weights or dried beans; place pan on baking sheet. Bake 12 minutes. Remove weights and parchment paper, and bake 8 more minutes. Cool completely on a wire rack (about 15 minutes). Reduce oven temperature to 350ºF. Brush marmalade on bottom of piecrust; sprinkle with rosemary. Spoon chilled lemon mixture over marmalade. Whisk together flour, salt, and remaining ½ cup sugar in a large bowl. Add cream, vanilla, and remaining 3 eggs and whisk until blended. Stir in coconut; carefully pour over lemon mixture in tart shell. Bake at 350ºF for 45 to 50 minutes or until center is set. Remove from oven and cool completely on a wire rack (about 1 hour). Top with coconut. Serves: 8-10.
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