First Baptist Church of Ferndale exists to glorify God by helping people find peace and purpose through a relationship with God. II Corinthians 5:20 November 16, 2014 TODAY’S MESSAGE: “Constant Worship” Pastor Dave Lunsford Monthly General & Mission Fund Need $16,550.00 $9,843.25 Giving for Month of November Elevator Debt $115,000.00 $60,855.00 Total Reduction This Year Benevolent Fund Giving for Month of November $80.00 Our General Fund includes the support of our church and worldwide missions. You may give to the other funds by designating your gift on the offering envelopes. Current financial reports are available upon request. Ladies, come out this Thursday Nov. 20, at 7 pm for an evening of fun and fellowship centered around making our own greeting cards, as well as biblical encouragement for God’s perspective on our words! CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: TUESDAY—FRIDAY FROM 9 PO Box 69, Ferndale, WA 98248 5759 Vista Drive ● Phone 360-384-3111 AM TO 1 PM Pastor David Lunsford: [email protected] Ministry Coordinator, Kim Anderson: [email protected] Administrative Assistant, Joanna Funkhouser: [email protected] Technology Coordinator, Andrew Anderson: [email protected] Web Page: Connect to: FBCguest ● Sign in with password: fbcferndale - TODAY9 : 3 0 A M S u nd a y S c h o o l f o r A l l A ge s 1 0 :4 5 A M W o r s h i p S e r v i c e Operation Christmas Child Countdown To our new friends, we are glad to meet you today! To our old friends, we are glad to see you again! Our Nursery is staffed by loving helpers who will give your infants & children through age 2 excellent care. Our Children’s Church helps your children, age 3 through grade 3, learn God’s truth in an age appropriate way. The worship leader will announce dismissal for Children’s Church. Hearing assistance devices are available; please ask an usher. If you have a question or a special need, please ask an usher. Children’s Bulletins are available in the Foyer for children who stay with parents. The Comfort Room in the Foyer is for mothers with new babies. The Welcome Room provides an opportunity for fellowship, refreshment, and encouragement after the Worship Service. THE WEEK AT A GLANCE TODAY, NOV. 16 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Choir Rehearsal Junior High Youth Group WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19 5:00 pm 6:15 pm Worship Team Rehearsal AWANA THURSDAY, NOV. 20 2:00 pm 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting Proverbs 31 University FRIDAY, NOV. 21 8:00 am ROMEO Fellowship SATURDAY, NOV. 22 5:00 pm High School Youth Group SUNDAY, NOV. 23 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Choir Rehearsal Praise & Pie Social Nursery 11/23 Sunday School Worship Children’s Church 11/23 Pre-Primary Grades 1-3 Welcome Room 11/23 Wes & Joanna Funkhouser Corky Cantrelle, Linda Wilkins, Sandra Hawk Makayla Anderson, Rebecca Funkhouser Kim Anderson, Jesse Hughs Funkhouser family Nov 16-22: Get your pr ayer guide fr om the bookmar k bulletin insert and pray every day for the requests listed on the back! Nov 19: final shoebox collection for AWANA Nov 22: High School youth gr oup shoebox packing Don’t want to pack a shoebox? Bring loose items to the church by the 22nd to be packed by the high school youth group! Nov 23: Final all-church shoebox collection Didn’t pack a shoebox? You can still help! Donations will be accepted at the table in the Welcome Room to help with shipping, which is $7 per box. PRAISE SERVICE... Come next Sunday, November 23 at 6:00 pm for a wonderful time of reflection on God’s goodness and give Him praise for all He has done. The first hour will be singing and speaking God’s praise. ...AND PIE SOCIAL After the service we will get a jump start on Thanksgiving with a whole bunch of pie! Bring enough pie for your family and we’ll share together. Love to bake cookies around the holidays? Don't want to be tempted to eat them all? We have the solution: Donate them to our Cookie Connection and Lighthouse Mission ministr ies! We will be sending over 1000 homemade cookies to the Lighthouse Mission for their Thanksgiving dinner, and giving out over 6000 cookies to our neighbors for our Cookie Connection! To donate to the Lighthouse Mission, cookies need to be at the church by noon on Wednesday, November 26. To donate to the Cookie Connection, all cookies should be at the church no later than Friday, December 12. Contact Misty Curtright for more information.
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