5 11 12 6 7 8 9 4 3 10 11 2 12 13 Sabbath School Youth / Children’s Classes 2 Youth 3 Juniors 4 Primary 6 Kindergarten 7 Beginners Adult Classes 1 Wallace Ruminson 8 Dean Delker 9 Doug Motsenbocker 14 Spanish/Maribel Buenrostro 1 14 Additional Rooms 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Dorcas Library Pathfinder Room Fellowship Hall Men’s Restroom Women’s Restroom Church Office Parenting Room 1088 Linda Vista (at Highway 65), Porterville, CA Office Hours Mail Phone FAX Email Address Web Page Pastor Head Elder Head Deacon Head Deaconess Prayer Chain Coordinator Tuesday-Thursday, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. P. O. Box 551, Porterville, CA 93258 559-784-6031 559-784-6052 [email protected] www.PortervilleAdventist.org Brian Bilbrey, 559-805-2252 Judy Brenner Raul Buenrostro Lydia Bilbrey Vera Kleam Prelude Praise Time: Patti Ruminson & Friends Welcome: Ken Speer Kid’s Worship Praise Time Call to Worship “Hide Me in Your Holiness” Invocation: Brian Bilbrey Responsive Reading: # 702 “Give Thanks to the Lord” Hymn of Praise: #27 “Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart” Prayer for the Congregation: Frank Baughman Sharing His Blessings: Ken Speer “Church Budget” Music for Worship: Lewis Family Scripture Reading: Jose Serrano 1 Chronicles 16: 8-10 Message: Brian Bilbrey “Thanksgiving of Praise” Benediction Musicians: Patti Ruminson Our Bible Classes begin at 9:30 a.m. followed by a break at 10:30. Children and teens are in various classrooms by age groups. We have three classes for adults. Today’s topic: “Taming the Tongue.” Calendar This Week: Today, 10:45 a.m. Brian Bilbrey 11:00 a.m. Kid’s Worship 12:30 p. Church Fellowship Dinner 3:30 p.m. Kids’ Bible Study 4:30 p.m. Youth Vespers 6:30 p.m. Week of Prayer Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. Signing Class Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. Dorcas 1:00 p.m. Ladies Upper Room Bible Study 6:30-8:00 p.m. Family Night for all ages. Next Sabbath, 9:30 a.m. Bible Study Classes 10:45 a.m. Arlene Taylor 12:30 p.m. Church Fellowship Dinner Prayer Corner Highlights This Week: Barbara Pierce; Barbara Johns; Heather Brown’s friend, Lou; Robbie Lamb, cancer; Steve Lewis & Sandy; Tina Hoffman-Nichols, son Alberto & Sapphire; Tami Hoffer, cancer; Jason Benedict; Benjamin & Marie Castro, Martha Castro; Amparo De Ocampo; Steve Ball; Golden Brown; Demetrius Berry, Dee’s grandson; Bob Mills; Vera Kleam; Dr. Norman & family. Sanctuary Flowers are provided by Amparo de Ocampo honoring her husband Remigio’s birthday Hosts today: Jerry Miller, Jan Wareham, Karen & Todd Yost Elder in Charge for November Ken Speer Deacon in Charge for November Raul Buenrostro Special Music Coordinator for November Becky Speer & Sandy Lewis PA/AV System: Wendell Paypa, Elwin Hutchens, Ken Speer Bulletin Board: Andrea Culver, DeLauna Lockwood Sabbath Ends Today at: 4:49 Next Week Sabbath Begins at 4:45 So You’ll Know NOVEMBER 15, 2014 WELCOME! “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting.” It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Porterville Seventh-day Adventist Church where we can express our gratitude to God. TODAY’S OFFERING features our local Church Budget. This offering covers the ministry needs of our church including property upkeep, our church school and nurture and outreach. Being a church member has its responsibilities. Today, we have the privilege of supporting the needs of this, our church. A FELLOWSHIP LUNCH will be shared by our congregation next week. We expect extra visitors so, members, if you stay to eat, please bring enough food to share. A casserole and a salad or dessert is recommended. ARLENE TAYLOR will be our guest November 22. Her topics are 10:45 am. Parenting and Reparenting: you model for every child who comes in contact with you. 2:00 pm. The Brain and Music: Your most important instrument and how it tunes your life. 3:00 pm. Continuing… ALL ABOUT JESUS VIDEO SEMINAR begins December 6, 3:30 pm each Sabbath afternoon. Pastor Lee Venden presents practical suggestions on how to have a personal relationship with Jesus. MEDIA DESK: If you have borrowed VCR’s or DVD’s it’s time to return them so someone else can also enjoy them. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sarah Rodriguez. IN COOPERATION WITH HOMELESS CONNECT again this year, we are collecting tooth brushes and tooth paste. CHILDREN’S CHURCH today! The children will be dismissed after the morning welcome and announcements. A DEVOTIONAL BOOK sign-up sheet is on the counter. Please indicate any books you want. There are devotionals for all age groups. A FELLOWSHIP LUNCH is shared by our congregation today in the social hall. If you are visiting, please be our guest at the meal. We would love to have you join us. WOMEN’S MINISTRY SPONSORED PRAYER CHAIN: If anyone has a prayer request you want shared with group please call Velma. If you want to be a part of the prayer chain, also contact her. KID’S BIBLE STUDY will be today at 3:30 p.m. GLORY STAR SATELLITE DISH: Christian programming, no monthly fees. Contact Carol Rose. YOUTH VESPERS, tonight at 4:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome! WEEK OF PRAYER: Join us tonight at 6:30 pm for the first session. Then we will meet nightly in homes scattered around our community. SVJA CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENT AUCTION will be tonight at 6:00 pm. All funds raised will support the Nehemiah Project for the school. Your support is greatly appreciated. VEGETARIAN CUISINE COOKING CLASS: tomorrow, 1-4 pm. MEMBERSHIP TRANSFERS: First Reading: Daniel Penaloza to Porterville Spanish Adventist Church. Joseph, Valerie, Sharon, Candyse and Rebecca Barkley from the Modesto Parkwood Adventist Church. Marion Smith from Fresno Central Adventist Church. FINANCIAL REPORT: Budget Income Balance October Church Budget 12,100.00 7,693.37 -39,239.07 THE SIGN LANGUAGE CLASS meets each Tuesday at 6:30 pm. FAMILY NIGHT is Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. There’s something for everyone. There are activities for children, youth and adults. Deadline for Bulletin and Weekly News is 10:30 a.m. Wednesday. (Office hours are: Tues. through Thurs. 10:00 a.m. - 12:00) Phone: 784-6031; Email: [email protected]; FAX: 784-6052
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