Equestrian Trails, Inc. Official Publication of Equestrian Trails, Inc. Serving equestrians since 1944 Volume 14, Issue 11 National Nominees Pg 3-4 November 2014 Inside this issue: Here come the Holidays! Julie Sandona, Corral 15, preparing for the flag ceremony at the 2014 Antonovich Ride in October. Pg 8 Jr. Ambassador 10 High Point Show Corral 65 Arena Trail Trial Challenge 12 High Point Show Clinic 14 2014 LA City Day of the Horse 16 Photo Corner 19 How to do a Trail Trail 20 Jr. Ambassador’s 24 on Parade Corral News 30 Upcoming Events High Point Shows Gymkhanas Trail Trials & Rides See pages 5-6 Dedicated to Equine Legislation, Good Horsemanship, and the Acquisition and Preservation of Trails, Open Space and Public Lands ETI Contact Info PRESIDENT: Bob Foster [email protected] (661) 309-7371 1st VICE PRESIDENT: Keelie Buck [email protected] (805) 207-0218 2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Sarah Williams [email protected] (213) 400-2168 IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: Linda Fullerton [email protected] (818) 401-9089 NATIONAL TRAIL COORDINATOR: TBD DEPUTY TRAIL COORDINATOR: Terry Kaiser [email protected] (818) 262-0315 AREA TRAIL COORDINATOR: Elaine Macdonald [email protected] (661) 946-1976 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Area 3 (Corrals: 2, 3, 15, 35) Dottie Hilliard [email protected] (626) 335-7112 Area 4 (Corrals: 66, 70, 88, 103) VACANT Area 5 (Corrals: 14, 65, 83, 99) Patty Hug [email protected] (818) 367-2056 Area 6 (Corrals: 22, 36, 54) Ivy Murrillo [email protected] (626) 318-2503 Area 7 (Corrals: 10, 12, 20, 34, 38, 210) Terry Kaiser [email protected] (818) 262-0315 Area 8 (Corrals: 37, 57, 118, 126) Stephen Alvarez [email protected] (805) 625-3027 Area 9 (Corrals: 6, 43) Tom Kirsch tkirsch98@ gmail.com (310) 871-9458 Area 11 (Corrals: 9, 21, 77, 86, 138, 777 ) Karen Dagnan [email protected] (661) 268-8771 Area 12 (Corrals: 8, 357) Rick Balthaser [email protected] (949) 439-2414 Area 13 (At-large members) Irene Scott [email protected] (818) 744-1582 2 Equestrian Trails, Inc. www.etinational.com P.O. Box 1138 Acton, CA 93510 Phone: (818) 698-6200 Fax: (661) 269-2507 Office Hours: 9:00 am—4:00 pm Monday—Thursday (closed Fri) Debbie Foster — Office Manager, Web Master, Insurance, Jr. Ambassador Chair & Queen of All Things [email protected] Michelle Kraut — Membership/Office Manager [email protected] Sarah Williams - Magazine [email protected] Contents 3 5 7 8 10 12 13 14 16 19 20 24 28 30 41 National Elections Nominees Coming Events Calendar Drought Information National Holiday Party Jr. Ambassador High Point Show Corral 65 Arena Trail Trial Challenge Is Your Horse Ready for Evacuation High Point Show Clinic 2014 LA City Day of the Horse Photo Corner Jr. Ambassador “How to do a Trail Trial” Jr. Ambassador On Parade Kid’s Corner Corral News Are You & Your Horse Prepared for an Emergency? 42 National Programs 43 Announcements 44 Equestrian Trails Foundation Volume 14, Issue 7 Trainings geared toward the MAU/Posse teams. Of course, any of these trainings are open to all ETI membership. We did offer an MAU/Posse water ssafety training last year that included how to resspond to water emergencies by horseback. Bob Foster (currently President) Elections for Equestrian Trails Inc. will be held this November. This includes National as well as Corral positions. I have ve been your President for the last two years and will seek re-election. I want to be part of this organization and have been encouraged by my wife and friends to give it another term. I am also encouraged by the direction ETI is going. Our membership has been averaging around 1500 for the past two years, and we added a new Corral (Corral 3). National sponsored two horsemanship clinics focused on the youth. The Junior Ambassador Program had a clinic on how to ride a “Trail Trials” and the High Point Program had a “Showmanship in Hand” clinic that was taught by Walter De La Brose. We reinstated committees, made up with of corW rral members, for High Point, Trail Trials and for the Equestrian Trails Foundation. E For our annual yearly Convention, National offered F new classes for Mules. n I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with and speak with many of our membership, either on rides, judging trail trials or even competing, and I’ve always been impressed with the ideas and suggestions given me. Despite some differences of opinion, I have always walked knowing ETI is a wonderful organization made up of a vast experiences and knowledge levels of horseman/woman. ETI is an evolution. Every year we must recognize the needs of the equestrian. National Board Meeting November 18 at 7pm Foothill Trails District Neighborhood Council Office 9747 Weatland Ave. We have 4 MAUs riding the county parks. I have (Corner of Wheatland & Sunland) been asked by the County Parks to help with their Continued on annual trainings, and ETI will also sponsor National page 4 Join us! ETI SPECIAL EVENTS CHAIRPERSONS ETI MOUNTED ASSISTANCE UNIT: Coordinator: Bill Naylor (213) 399-5309 [email protected] 2014 CONVENTION (July 24-27): Bob Foster (661) 309-7371 [email protected] CONVENTION GYMKHANA: Tracy Boldroff [email protected] 2014 JIM HESTER RIDE (April 25-28): ETI Office (818) 698-6200 [email protected] 2014 SPRING RIDE (June 8-14): Kelli Land [email protected] /Jeanne Gonzalez [email protected] 2014 DEATH VALLEY RIDE (Nov. 2-8): Tom Kirsch (310) 871-9458 [email protected] ETI TRAIL RIDER AWARD PROGRAM (TRAP): Carol Elliott (760) 963-8209 [email protected] ETI TRAIL TRIALS PROGRAM: ETI Office (818) 698-6200 [email protected] ETI HIGH POINT SHOW PROGRAM: Kim Estrada (818) 522-7048 [email protected] / Darian Binkley (805) 338-3532 [email protected] ETI HIGH POINT GYMKHANA PROGRAM: Tracy Boldroff [email protected] 3 Equestrian Trails, Inc. National, along with each of our corrals, are always looking for leadership to keep this organization focused on the finish line. The elections are open to any member in good standing and willing to dedicate themselves to the cause of aiding this organization forward. Do not apply if you think you have to, but only throw your hat in the ring if you really want to. Sincerely, Bob Foster Sarah Williams (currently 2nd Vice President) I’ve been happy to serve as your 2nd Vice President for the last two years. With Keelie stepping down, I’ve been asked to move into the 1st Vice President slot...if elected, of course! I regret that I didn’t have a chance to visit more Corrals over the last two years. I will attempt to do better during the next two. For any new members who don’t know me, my first contact with ETI was in 2001 when my sister and I had a vendor booth for our brand new non-profit, Dusty’s Riders, at ETI Convention. I met Mary O’Brien who roped me in, and soon, I was a member of Corral 38. My progression began as I became a board member, then secretary and newsletter editor and now as the ETI National magazine editor. I am currently an At-Large member. I may not have a long history with ETI in the show ring or on trail, I will fight for our right to ride anywhere and everywhere we can and to live side by side with our equines. I have no allegiance to any discipline of riding and will be an equal opportunity board member. I promise to 4 do whatever is necessary to make a fair and knowledgeable vote. Thanks for your consideration. Thanks for your consideration, Sarah Williams Jeanne Catron-Gonzalez (Corral 12 member) Jeanne Gonzalez is off to ride Morro Bay with Corral 12 and didn’t have time to send us her information. So, here is why Debbie Foster believes Jeanne is a great choice for 2nd Vice President. I am writing a little info about my friend Jeanne Gonzalez who is running for 2nd Vice President of ETI National. I have known Jeanne for about 15 years and am so amazed at how much time she spends in the saddle. We used to tease her that she is going to wear a hole in it. She attends the National rides, Corral rides and is a member of The Galloping Gourmets riding group. What is so special about Jeanne is? She is an extremely hard worker and is always there to lend a helping hand. She retired a few months ago, so we snatched her up to fill this position. She is very loyal to ETI and its cause. She will be a great addition to the board. Volume 14, Issue 7 Equestrian Trails Inc. NATIONAL CONTACTS www.etinational.com (818) 698-6200 Fax (661) 269-2507 P.O. Box 1138, Acton CA 93510 Email addresses: [email protected] [email protected] 2014 NATIONAL EVENTS November 2 - 8 53rd Death Valley Ride Contact: Tom Kirsch (310) 871-9458 [email protected] Due to circumstances beyond our control, we will not be hosting the 2014 Death Valley Ride this year. We look forward to having you join us in 2015. 2014 Season High Point Shows For High Point Show info Contact: Kim Estrada (818) 522-7048 [email protected] or Darian Binkley (805) 338-3532 [email protected] All ETI High Point Shows are PAC approved. ETI High Point website can be accessed from: www.ETInational.com November 2/Corral 37 High Point Show, Conejo Creek Equestrian Park, Thousand Oaks 8:15am reg Contact: Sharyn Henry (805) 795-6493 [email protected] November 16/Jr. Ambassador High Point Show Thousand Oaks Contact: Debbie Foster (661) 309-7371 [email protected] 2014 Gymkhana High Point Season High Point Program through Oct. Chair: Tracy Boldroff (661) 607-5178 [email protected] or [email protected] Season over for 2014 Coming Events Calendar Individual Corral Circuit Shows Corral 6, Circuit Open Shows Laramore Arena; Mira Loma, Jurupa Call Gina (951) 681-4456 or [email protected] Corral 8/Rolling Hills Estates English only. Held at Ernie Howlett Park. Contact: Dan [email protected] (310) 530-5618 www.eticorral8.com Corral 35/Glendora Belt Buckle Series Arena Challenge (best two of three scores) Contact: Jean Chadsey (909) 967-2065 [email protected] Corral 37/Thousand Oaks Red Hat Cowgirl Buckle Series - 5 Shows -8:15am registration Contact: Sharyn Henry [email protected] Corral 57/Ojai Open Shows at Ojai’s Soule Park arena Contact: Rhonda (805) 798-1713 Corral 118/Simi Horse Shows SVAC Western & English Shows. Terry Simon (805) 522-3346 [email protected] CLINICS Corral 36 Riding Classes Wed @ 9:30am Agoura Equestrian Center with Karen Curtis Contact: Jeanne Wallace (818) 222-2560 GYMKHANAS Corral 43/Riverside Rancheros Gymkhana Call Nicole (909) 809-0789 Corral 777 Gymkhana Series, Agua Dulce Contact: DeBora Akin-Townson (661) 965-5864 [email protected] www.sweetwaterroughriders.com PLAYDAYS Corral 210 Monthly play days third Sunday of each month, Gibson Ranch, Sunland Contact: Jeanette Provolt (818) 472-6537 [email protected] TRAIL TRIALS November 2/Corral 54 Trail Trials – Marshall Canyon Contact: Mary Kaufman (818) 326-5772 [email protected] 2014 ETI Trail Rides, Drives, Events When a Corral plans a ride at Vasquez Rocks, as a courtesy, please call the Rangers (661) 268-0840 NOVEMBER November 1/Corral 138 Mescal Creek Ride and 50/50 raffle. Contact: Elaine Macdonald (661) 946-1976 [email protected] November 2 – 7/Corral 14 Death Valley Wagon Train Contact: Norm Noftsier (661) 270-1161 November 2/Corral 37 High Point Show, Conejo Creek Eq Park, Thousand Oaks Contact: Sharyn Henry (805) 795-6493 [email protected] November 2/Corral 54 Trail Trials – Marshall Canyon Contact: Mary Kaufman (818) 326-5772 [email protected] November 2/Corral 57 Open Shows at Ojai’s Soule Park arena Contact: Rhonda (805) 798-1713 November 2/Corral 65 Greenhorn Summit, Unal Trail Contact: Alberta Dougherty [email protected] November 7-9/Corral 103 Lake Perris Ride Contact: Craig Bost (760) 964-5020 [email protected] November 8/Corral 357 Trail maintenance day at O’Neill Park. Meet at the Nature Center 8:00am. Contact: Jim Iacono More info www.fontissolutions.com. 5 Equestrian Trails, Inc. Equestrian Trails Inc. November 9/Corral 6 Training Horse Show Laramore arena, Mira Loma Contact: Gina (951) 681-4456 or Stacey [email protected] November 9/Corral 43 Horse show, Riverside Contact: Nicole Gunkel ( 909) 809-0789 November 15/Corral 20 Angeles National Golf Course, Ride and lunch, Sunland Contact: Nikki Ahten (818) 273-4384 [email protected] November 15/Corral 66 Trail ride Red Rock State Park-Cantil Contact: Beth (760) 255-4767 November 15/Corral 357 Imperial Beach Ride. Leaves 7:00am/ return late afternoon. Contact: Rich Gomez [email protected] or Terry Roberts [email protected] November 16/Jr. Ambassador High Point Show Thousand Oaks Contact: Debbie Foster (661) 309-7371 [email protected] November 23/Corral 22 Trail Ride Simi Valley Trail Boss: Tom Smart Contact: Sharon Richardson (661) 268-0754 [email protected] DECEMBER December 6/Corral 20 Ho Ho Ride, Shadow Hills Contact: Linda Fullerton (818) 352-3693 [email protected] 6 Coming Events Calendar December 13 National Christmas Party December 21/Corral 22 Trail Ride Christmas Ride, Griffith Park Trail Boss: Paul Jacques Contact: Sharon Richardson (661) 268-0754 [email protected] NON-ETI EVENTS November 8/CA WDAA Western Dressage Show, Creek Hollow Ranch, Ramona Contact: [email protected] December 14/CA WDAA Western Dressage Show, Hansen Dam Equestrian Center Contact: (818) 2566080 [email protected] AVDR Gymkhana Antelope Valley Desert Riders Contact: Doug (661) 944-6133 [email protected] Carousel Ranch Therapeutic Riding Program (661) 268-8010 Compton Jr. Posse - Mayisha Akbar Compton Jr. Posse Youth Eq. (310) 632-1247 www.jrposse.com Dusty’s Riders Horse program for at-risk kids (323) 876-3079 www.dustysriders.org ELSA Experience.Learning.Support.w/Animals Therapeutic riding program (310) 403-966 www.elsainc.org Hi-Desert Horsemen’s Assoc Open Horse Shows Contact: Jean (661) 943-6132 [email protected] Head’s Up Therapy on Horseback Nancy (818) 848-0870 www.headsuptherapy.com Ride On Therapeutic Horsemanship program for disabled riders (818) 700-2971 www.rideon.org Shadow Hills Riding Club Therapeutic Riding Program Contact Johnny: (818) 352-2166 www.shadowhillsridingclub.org Team Sorting at Gibson Ranch 2nd and 4th Saturdays Sign ups at 3:30, $15 entry fee Contract: (818) 951-4335 www.gibsonranch.us CLASSIFIED ADS Pretty Blue Roan Appaloosa Miniature Horse Mare. Seven years old. $400.00. Marsha (661) 944-1308 Classified ads: 3 lines for $10 Send information to: [email protected] Volume 14, Issue 7 According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, 82 % of the state of California currently falls in the "Extreme Drought" category. The years-long dry spell has tapped groundwater reserves and left reservoirs at record lows. Shasta Lake and Lake Oroville are both down to 30% of full capacity, exposing steep shorelines that were formerly under hundreds of feet of water. Getty Images photographer Justin Sullivan traveled to a number of these reservoirs last month and captured dramatic images, evidence of the severity of the water crisis in California. As the severe drought in California continues for a third straight year, water levels in the State's lakes and reservoirs is reaching historic lows. Lake Oroville below is currently at 32 percent of its capacity. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images). --via email 9/21/2014, Norm Dyche. We thank Stephanie Abronson, Corral 36, for this information. 7 Equestrian Trails, Inc. HOWDY! YAWL Come on Down to the ETI National Holiday Party And Induction of ETI National Executive Board Officers Bring your Friends and Family 9th Annual Jr. Date; Saturday, December 13 , 2014 Ambassador Time: 5:30 pm Auction th Cake Place: Heritage Junction in William S. Hart Park 24151 Newhall Ave. Newhall, CA 91321 CELEBRATION OF OUTSTANDING MEMBERS And SPONSOR OF THE YEAR *Contests for Corral with most members in attendance, Furthest distance traveled and Holiday Sweater Contest PLEASE RSVP BY: November 28, 2014 to the ETI Office, P.O. Box 1138, Acton, CA 93510 BBQ Dinner (Vegetarian items available) Name: No Attending: Adult Child Includes Soda, Water, Coffee Phone: Email: Corral # Pmt. Type: Check # Cash: Adults $15.00 Children 12 & under $10.00 Amount Included: $ Credit Card: Visa MasterCard # Exp: Card Holder Signature: **Questions: Call Debbie ETI Office 818 698-6200 or email: [email protected]** 8 Volume 14, Issue 7 9 Equestrian Trails, Inc. 10 Volume 14, Issue 7 JR. AMBASSADOR-HORSE SHOW ENTRY FORM November 16, 2014 SHOW NUMBER: PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY NAME OF HORSE ETI MEMBER (Y/N) YOUR CORRAL # NAME OF RIDER/HANDLER NAME OF OWNER CHECK AGE GROUP: 13 & UNDER 14-18 Date of Birth 19 & OVER ATR OPEN Walk/Trot 10 & Under E/W Walk/Trot 11-13 E/W Walk/Trot 14-18 E/W Walk/Trot 19 & Over ATR ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE TELEPHONE EMAIL ADDRESS: SIGNATURE DATE (Parent or guardian if under 18 years of age) PLEASE CIRCLE CLASSES ENTERED. PLEASE CIRCLE (E) NGLISH OR (W) ESTERN FOR EACH OF YOUR COMBINED CLASSES. NO CROSS ENTERING. 1 E/W 2 E/W 3 E/W 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 E/W 14 E/W 15 E/W 16 E/W 17 E/W 18 E/W 19 E/W 20 E/W 21 E/W 22 E/W 23 24 25 E/W 26 E/W 27 E/W 28 E/W 29 E/W 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 E/W 54 E/W 55 E/W 56 E/W 57 E/W 58 E/W 59 E/W 60 E/W 61 E/W 62 E/W 63 E/W SHOW OFFICIALS’ USE ONLY Number of classes entered @ =$ GROUND FEE CA DRUG FEE HIGH PT. FEE MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL CORRAL # SPONSORSHIP ETI SINGLE EVENT NON-MEMBER FEE =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ TOTAL =$ CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ETI JR. AMBASSADORS ETI OFFICE P.O. BOX 1138 ACTON, CA 93510 ATTN: DEBBIE Paid by: Open Check # Closed Check # 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Cash $ 11 Equestrian Trails, Inc. Kern Equestrian Riders Corral 65 ARENA TRAIL TRIAL CHALLENGE Sunday November 16 , 2014 Rancho Rio Stables 5320 Peacock Lane, Bakersfield Sign up 8:30 am Event starts at 9:30 am COME JOIN IN THE FUN OF ARENA TRAIL COMPETITION; GOING OVER AND THROUGH OBSTACLES YOU MIGHT ENCOUNTER OUT ON A TRAIL RIDE CHALLENGE YOU AND YOUR HORSE IN THE ARENA CLASSES: $20/class NOTES: 1. Youth In -Hand: 14 & under as of 1/1/14 The Arena Trail Trial Challenge is open to all riders. 2. Trail In-Hand: lead your horse thru the obstacles; for a Completed Waiver & Release required with entry form. young horse or first Ɵme compeƟtor The ETI Trail Trial rules apply. 3. Youth: 14 & under as of 1/1/14 4. Novice: New to sport; never won 3rd place or beƩer 5. Open: RIDER/HORSE COMBINATIONS IN Classes 1-4 may enter also REGISTER BEFORE NOV 1 AND GET 5 FREE RAFFLE TICKETS The events are judged but not Ɵmed. There will be an overall Ɵme limit for the course. Boots or riding shoes with heels required. Helmets required for youth riders. QuesƟons: Call Mary Jackson 661-703-2080 or Alberta Doughtery 661-808-8595 Complete this form; submit with payment to ETI Corral 65, 8816 East Wilson Rd, Bakersfield, CA 93307 By Nov 1 Rider Name _________________________________ ETI Member _________ Corral # _______________ Rider Address __________________________________Horse Name ________________________________ Phone _________________________ E-Mail __________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Info ______________________________________Phone ________________________ $10 One Day ETI membership (includes insurance) required for non-members Youth In Hand_______ Trail in Hand _______ Youth _______ Intermediate _____ Open ____ Form of Payment & Amount: 12 Cash ______ Check # ____________ Amount __________ Contestant # ___________ Volume 14, Issue 7 Are You Ready? by Stephanie Abronson, Corral 36 Is your horse trailer ready for evacuation? How about your horse identification? 1. What will you do when the next fire comes roaring our way and you need to evacuate your horses? 2. Is your horse trailer sound? 3. What if your horse has been evacuated, and you can’t find him or her? 4 Is your horse a plain bay or chestnut? 5. Does your horse have a brand or other very distinguishing marks? 6. Do you have photos of his or her markings, and you with your horse as proof of ownership? Maybe that will work – a photo – but with digital cameras so handy, who says that someone wants your horse and quickly takes a photo with him in the shot with your horse? 7. A micro chip could prove that person is a thief. We hope you will give this some serious thought, and not wait for disaster to strike. I take my horse trailer in for yearly service at the beginning of each year, usually when it’s raining, so that I’m not tempted to put off this vital event. So I know that it had the brakes and wheel bearing taken care of, my tires rotated, the undercarriage inspected, and all the batteries and lights worked. So why would I take my trailer to a free inspection by the CHP? Four months down the road, here’s what happened to me: At the inspection, two of my required red running lights had quit working and my 8-yearold tires were cracking. On the way to an event on the freeway eight years ago, one tire completely shredded, not the tread but the sidewalls gave out…thank God for tandem wheels on a horse trailer that weighs empty at 4300 pounds, plus my mare, her carriage and all the accoutrements for a competition away from home. The very next day after the CHP inspection, my tow vehicle boasted a new rat nest under the hood, and the little sucker disassembled my horn and my head lights. All fixed now. Set a rat trap under the hood of my truck and caught what turned out to be a big Norwegian Rat. -Stephanie Abronson Pony Cross Farm Monte Nido 13 Equestrian Trails, Inc. Photos from the High Point Horse Show clinic on October 5. Thanks to Walter De La Brosse for the valuable information. 14 Volume 14, Issue 7 Photos taken and submitted by Margaret Scott from Shot In Time. 15 Equestrian Trails, Inc. 2014 Los Angeles City Day of the Horse by Lynn Brown The L.A. Equine Advisory Committee (EAC) was created by City Council. Each City Council member appointed one representative from their district to the Committee. It is a historic first as Los Angeles has never had official representation to City Council. The EAC has done Day of the Horse Celebrations at L.A. City Council for several years. Many in the general public, as well as City bureaucracies, have the impressions that “equestrians” are just rich old white people. The Equine Advisory Committee has worked hard over the last few years to change that public image. This year the Day of the Horse was organized by Lynn Brown, V.P. of the L.A. Equine Advisory Committee and also V.P. of ETI’s Corral 38. Mary Benson, Board member of the EAC, organized many of the attending groups as well. Our theme for this year was "Youth riders of the Future.” We had 17 youth groups, with over 100 attendees for the Day of the Horse, who filled one whole side of seating in City Council Chambers downtown. Our point was to demonstrate what a diverse group of youth riders we have, of every ethnic background and ability. The photos tell the wonderful story of this very successful event. There were too many groups present to name each one individually. ETI was represented by ETI President Bob Foster who brought Jr. Ambassadors Megan Kitcko, Chance Leatherman and Aeslin Cameron and Corral 20 Shadow Hills members Nikki Athen with her 3 daughters Natalie, Alia & Annie. Also present were the Special Olympics World Games equestrians for 2015 (which will take place at LAEC), various groups that serve handicapped and disadvantaged riders, plus Pony Club riders, Compton Jr. Posse kids, Dusty’ s Riders, Horses in the Hood, and the USC Equestrian Team just to name a few. Tom LaBonge hosted this event this year, and Lynn was there in the turquoise shirt. Tom was a very gracious and accommodating host…he made it fun for the kids. For ffurther this event, visit the EAC website http://www.laeac.us. th photos h t off thi t please l i it th b it at: t h tt // l 16 Volume 14, Issue 7 A group picture of those attending with Councilman LaBonge holding the declaration of “Los Angeles City 2014 Day of the Horse”. Jr. Ambassador’s proclamation from the City of Los Angeles 17 Equestrian Trails, Inc. Jr. Ambassadors Aeslin J A b d A li Cameron, Megan Kitchko and Chance Leatherman with Councilman LaBonge and Bob Foster, ETI President. Representing Corral 20 was Natalie, Annie and Alia Ahten with Councilman LaBonge. 18 Volume 14, Issue 7 Photo Corner Walnut Creek and Bonelli MAU staging for the San Dimas Western Days Parade held on October 4. Photo submitted by Mindy Miracle, Bonelli MAU Sunset in Paso Robles…taken while riding. Photo taken and submitted by Cadie Farnsworth, Corral 3. Do you have a photo you‛d like to share? To submit, please send photo and credit info to: [email protected]. 19 Equestrian Trails, Inc. Jr. Ambassador “How to do a Trail Trial.” by Debbie Foster On Saturday, October 21, at Vasquez Rocks, the Jr. Ambassadors had a fun activity to learn how to do trail trials for all youth. We also made it a costume party for Halloween, and we had some great costumes. We hope that the effort we put forth in our how to, allows for more youth to compete in trail trials. We set up some obstacles that may be found in Trial Trials competitions. With the help of friend Nell Faulkner, the Jr. Ambassadors and youths who attended learned to complete the bridge and gate correctly. On completion of all obstacles, Jamie Webber, mother of Little Miss Sarah and Jr. Princess Emily, took the group on a short trail ride with Bob Foster bringing up the rear. While they were on the trail, Eric Webber BBQ‛d burgers and hotdogs, and with all the wonderful side dishes, we had a great lunch. Thank you to Michelle Kraut for baking treats and helping with the set up. Thank you to John Fink, Eric Webber, Emily Webber, Jamie Webber for all your help with the set up and clean up. Thank you, Jr. Ambassador families, for the great food and help. Thank you Little Princess Aeslyn Cameron‛s brother Aremis for taking all the pictures and assisting wherever needed. 20 Emily, Sara and Olivia listen intently to learn the obstacles. Volume 14, Issue 7 “How to do a Trail Trial...The Bridge.” Carly Bertonneau Chloe Siebles Emily Webber Kate Aparicio Olivia Reschke 21 Equestrian Trails, Inc. “How to do a Trail Trial...The Gate.” Chance Leatherman Taylor Umland 22 Volume 14, Issue 7 “How to do a Trail Trial...Costume Fun.” Aeslin Cameron Chance Leatherman Rosalee Kraut (Future Jr. Ambassador) 23 Equestrian Trails, Inc. Queen Madison, Jr. Miss Megan and Little Miss Sara ready to lead the way. The Jr. Ambassadors rode in the Agua Dulce Country Fair Parade on September 20. 24 Queen Madison and Jr. Miss Megan Volume 14, Issue 7 The court riding pretty! Last, but definitely not least... Queen Mum, Debbie Foster! Looks like Michelle (hiding) needs to give Bob some waving lessons! 25 Steve Photo Credit: Ford Equestrian Trails, Inc. The complete Trail Trial Guide From planning to Set Up to Implementation to Judging and, of course, including . . . How To Win! Instructional DVD filmed at a Trail Trial Clinic Learn how to maneuver through obstacles encountered at Trail Trials! Everything you wanted to know about Trail Trials but were afraid to ask! Included with the DVD are entry forms, tally sheets, judges scoring sheets and completed samples This DVD explains how to interpret Trail Trial rules. To order mail $23.00 to: ETI National, P.O. Box 1138, Acton, CA 93510 Produced by Cynthia Shaheen , for a preview go to www.youtube.com/watch?v=epNGL1pikHo 26 Volume 14, Issue 7 We are in a major drought! ALWAYS BE PREPARED FOR FIRES! THIS SEASON -- When you drive past the Fire Dept Forestry Unit on Las Virgenes Rd. and notice that the warning sign says “HIGH FIRE DANGER”, take special notice!! Join ETI Today! Want to be a new member? Become part of an equine organization that covers all disciplines & has TONS of fun. Family atmosphere p with events for all ages! We are at risk! Our children are at risk! Our animals are at risk! Our homes are at risk! Hell’s Bells! The mountains are DRY. BE PREPARED!! Get out your copy of “What Do I Do With My Horse In Fire, Flood, and/or Earthquake?” Every inch of this booklet is helpful whether you own a horse or not. If you can’t find your copy, then go to the Equestrian Trails, Inc. national website, www.etinational. com, heading for Disaster aid, and download a copy for yourself and maybe even one for your neighbor, too! Call the ETI office for a Corral contact person or check out the Corral News to find a corral that suits your needs. “D” is for... Dandy Brush. A stiff brush used to remove dirt from a horses‛ coat. Some call this a rice-roots brush. Glossary terms thanks to Charlotte Brodie and www.horseandriderclub.com. United We Ride $3.00 ETI Bell logo Small 3” x 4” for inside vehicle window $3.00 8” X 10” for gate or trailer $6.00 Contact the ETI office for Stickers (818) 698-6200 or [email protected] Got Trails? Stickers $5.00 Available in White or Black 27 Equestrian Trails, Inc. Kids Corner 28 Volume 14, Issue 7 Kids Corner 29 Equestrian Trails, Inc. Corral News Bonelli MAU and cover the materials on the LA County certification exam. After training rides (open to certified and non-certified teams) begin after arena clean-up and a brief lunch break. Patrols Bonelli MAU is looking forward to participating in a multi-unit sensory training to be held at Marshall Canyon on November 15, 2014. www.BonelliMAU.org Mounted Assistance Unit Bonelli MAU has been enjoying the continued warm, dry weather while patrolling the trails at Frank G. Bonelli Regional Park through early fall. Per the County of Los Angeles Parks and Recreation 2012 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), “The MAU is a volunteer organization under the supervision of County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation Volunteer Program. The purpose of the MAU is to patrol the trails on horseback and to ensure the safety of all users by reporting any hazards or dangerous situations found in the park or on the trail system. The MAU also assists park visitors in their efforts to enjoy their leisure time during their visits.” New Members Bonelli MAU is pleased to welcome its newest members, Leslie Lollier and her mount, Pheisty, and Rochelle Burgess and her mount, Wylie. Leslie and Pheisty are MAU Certified members, and Rochelle and Wylie are beginning the certification process. Welcome! To learn more about the certification process or joining Bonelli MAU, please visit our website at www.bonellimau.org. From the Bonelli MAU website, “Yes, there are requirements to join and to remain a member of the Bonelli MAU. Each member must complete an orientation ride, process the proper paperwork, certify on their horse as a Team. Once certified, there are requirements to remain a member of our unit. Members must participate, attend meetings, patrol a required number of hours per month, participate in training, participate in group rides, maintain a current ETI membership, current First Aid & CPR certification, and a current LA County ID.” Trainings Bonelli MAU held a regular monthly training and after-training ride on September 21. The next monthly training will be held on November 8 in Bonelli Park MAU West Arena. You must be an MAU certified or probationary member in order to participate in the training. Anyone is welcome to come observe. Members participating in the training should arrive by 8:30am to help stage the arena and training begins promptly at 9:00am. Trainings last four hours 30 Group Rides Group rides and quarterly rides provide an opportunity for our membership (and guests) to practice riding in larger groups and with a variety of horses. Bonelli MAU held its third quarterly ride of 2014 on the afternoon of September 20. Bonelli MAU’s fourth quarterly ride of 2014 will be held on November 22nd. Trail boss, staging time and location TBD at our November Meeting. In addition to our Quarterly Rides, Bonelli MAU actively participates in the Semi-annual Antonovich Trail Dusters rides. The most recent pre-ride was held October 11 and the Semiannual ride was held at Marshall Canyon on October 25 and 26. On October 4, the Bonelli MAU and Walnut Creek MAU joined forces to participate in the San Dimas Western Days Parade held in downtown San Dimas, CA. Five mounted riders and seven ground volunteers represented our volunteerism and stewardship to the LA County park and trails system. We look forward to even greater participation and future parade or community outreach events. Monthly Meetings Bonelli MAU membership meets at 7:30pm on the first Tuesday of each month (except December) at the Frank G. Bonelli East Shore RV Park Recreation Center at 1440 Camper View Road in San Dimas, CA 91773. Visit our website for driving directions and more information. Elections Bonelli MAU is honored to have so many eager, qualified volunteers to lead our unit. We look forward to announcing the results of our biennial elections and welcoming our new officers for the 2015-16 term. We would like to issue a heartfelt “thank you!” to the following 2013-14 officers for their hard work and dedicated service these past few years: Jean Chadsey, President; David Hatch, Vice President; Win- Volume 14, Issue 7 nie Gilbert, Treasurer; Rose Dickinson and Mindy Miracle, Secretary (split term). Please come enjoy our trails, join us on a ride, and see why we are so excited to volunteer and serve in Frank G. Bonelli Regional Park. Happy Trails, Mindy Miracle, Secretary Bonelli MAU Whittier Narrows MAU www.WNMAU.com Mounted Assistance Unit Corral 2 Pasadena/San Gabriel/Altadena Pres. Thomas Lockhart (626) 794-7797 www.eticorral2.org Corral 3 Walnut Creek Pres. Cindi Hawkins (909) 354-1613 Corral 6 Windville Riders Riverside/Norco/Mira Loma/Corona/Jurupa Valley Pres. Michael Frederick (951) 688-3122 www.eticorral6.info Corral 8 Rolling Hills Estates/Rancho Palos Verdes Pres. Susie Lytal (310) 488-4389 www.eticorral8.com Corral 9 Littlerock Trail Blazers Pres. Ray Drasher (661) 944-4359 www.eticorral9.org Well, we had two successful rides since I wrote last. The first was the Lake Lopez ride which I was not able to attend due to horse and hitch problems. I have heard all that went had a good time between the beach and the hill riding. We also put together a progressive dinner ride at the last minute and had 15 riders attend plus a number of non-riders that drove from stop to stop and all had a good time and great food. I guess from the turn out on this event, we may have to put one on the schedule for next year. We are putting to- gether the schedule of rides for 2015 now, so get your ideas in to the board. Till next time, keep those saddle pads wet, and the hoofs down on the ground. Ray Drasher Corral 10 Lakeview Terrace Pres. Pam Miller Mitchell (818) 262-2846 www.freewebs.com/lvteticorral Corral 12 Sylmar Vista Del Valle Pres. Patty Hug (818) 367-2056 www.eticorral12.com Our next trail ride will be the annual Turkey Ride on Saturday, November 22. We’ll ride from Placerita Canyon near the Nature Center up over the mountain and down the other side to the Olive View staging area off Bucher Street at Olive View Drive in Sylmar. This is a shuttle ride, so transportation of rigs will need to be coordinated in advance of the ride. More details will be available in the November Corral 12 newsletter. On Saturday, December 6, Corral 12 will join Corral 20’s HoHo Ride or at least the brunch. Later that same evening will be Corral 12’s holiday party, potluck dinner, and gift exchange at Dave and Diane Riniker’s home. We plan to attend the ETI National holiday party on Saturday, December 13 (details tbd). Our first Corral 12 ride in 2015 will be on Saturday, January 10, at Griffith Park. We will hold a Driving Playday at Stetson Ranch in Sylmar on Saturday, January 24. There are those who predict that since we’ve scheduled a driving playday, rain is almost ensured. To all of you we say, “You are very welcome.” Jeanne Catron-Gonzalez Corral 14 Western Wagons Mojave Pres. Norm Noftsier (661) 270-1161 31 Equestrian Trails, Inc. Corral 15 Marshall Canyon MAU San Dimas/LaVerne area Pres. Darlene McGrady (909) 592-6477 marshallcanyonmau.com Thank you to everyone who made the Antonovich Ride a success! Weather was great, horses were great, food was wonderful. Thank you, Bonelli Park MAU, Walnut Creek MAU and Whittier Narrows MAU, for participating in the event. L.A. County did a wonderful job preparing the trails for us; Graham Brothers from Victorville brought 21 horses for rent which were wonderful trail horses. Supervisor Antonovich honored the LA County Trail Crew after the ride. Our next training will be November 15 at the Fred Palmer Equestrian Center, open to all MAU’s. Camping will be available for the weekend. Marshall Canyon MAU is actively looking for new members. We train at the Fred Palmer Equestrian Center in Marshall Canyon, plus we have many beautiful, tree-covered trails to ride. For information, please contact Darlene McGrady at (909) 592-6477 or email at [email protected]. If you would like to join our group or visit us, we meet the first Monday of each month at the Bonelli Park Conference Center in the campground at 7:00pm. Thank you, Julie Sandona Corral 20 32 Shadow Hills Rough Riders Pres. Becky Borquez (818) 352-3634 www.eticorral20.com Volume 14, Issue 7 Corral 21 The Gipson’s were fantastic hosts, providing great areas to park the trailers, clean water for the horses and corrals for camping. Shevawn is not in the pictures, because she was so busy getting all the yummy Lasagna and garlic bread ready for hungry riders and fellow diners who came to remember Sandy. Gymkhana Season 2014 has ended. It was a great season at Oak Creek Corral where we welcomed many new riders. Our families are looking forward to the Awards Banquet where we will give out incredible prizes, enjoy a delicious meal, and play fun games. Sharon was there to help register people but had to go home with a sinus infection…hope you are feeling better! Special thanks to Dwayne and Shevawn for working so hard to make everything so good!! Newhall Trail Riders Castaic/Canyon Country Pres. Kristy Apodoca (661) 714-7550 www.corral21.org Corral 21 Star Performer: Kayla She is so little and young, yet she is so dedicated to her pony, Suzie, and to learning as much as she can about riding. She does the patterns correctly and in a trot…for a six year old that is awesome. She is also very kind and caring for all the horses she rides, and she shows responsibility in tacking and un-tacking. She also did an awesome job with the flag salute for the last gymkhana. Way to go Kayla! Rita Shuster Corral 22 San Fernando Valley Riders Pres. Sharon Richardson (661) 268-0754 www.Corral22.com The weather was perfect for the Sandy Hendrick’s Memorial Ride hosted at Dwayne and Shevawn Gipson’s ranch in Palmdale. We had only 6 riders, but we all had a blast as Dwayne led us through dry gulches, a water crossing and past huge electrical towers which were being built as we rode, with helicopters hauling workers harnessed to cables over our heads. Very interesting! He arranged for a refreshment stop with lots of water for the horses and soda and beer for riders. Everyone started talking about Sandy and their memories of her, laughing and even singing a few of her more noteworthy songs, most of which I can’t repeat…LOL! 33 Equestrian Trails, Inc. We were fortunate to have fantastic weather and a big turnout of 17 riders for our Mojave Narrows weekend ride. All enjoyed the lush green grasses, shade, sand and water crossings peppered throughout the trails. As folks rolled in Friday evening, we assembled around the makeshift camp fire (a battery operated lamp) and started our first of two pot-luck dinners. We hung out till dark, when Billie McGuire and Paul Anderson sparked a real fire in the fire pit. The ride Saturday morning was led by Billie’s friend, James, who knew the trails better than most. We had a great first half of the ride, stopped at a well-shaded area for lunch and then headed back towards camp. On our way back, we unfortunately encountered an angry swarm of wasps that not only split our group into two but also stung a few riders and even some of the horses and a mule. Later that day, things settled back into the usual fun-filled activities of food, drink and even some unexpected local guests. All in all, it was a fabulous time, and we hope more will join us next time! The Mulligan Stew Ride and Silent Auction was our biggest event of the year! It was held on September 27 at Gwen Allen’s beautiful ranch in Acton. We had a nice turnout of 22 riders. The success was due in part to all the hard work put into this by Corral 22 members. Sharon Richardson, Eric Swain and Rachel Swain pre-rode. Bill Pollard and Tina Pollard set up the auction. Chuck and Susan DuBay, Red Hannah, Pam Patterson and others worked the auction which was a tremendous amount of work. A very special thanks goes to Bill Pollard for doing the organizing. Chuck and Susan DuBay worked the sign-ins. Chefs John Richardson, Walt Connor, Jim Renze and Susy Ellinger prepared the delicious stew. Tina Pollard prepared the salads, and Susy Ellinger made the garlic bread and supervised. Dwayne Gipson, John Richardson and Bill Bartlett ran the Goody Wagon and did a splendid job! Thank you, Sharon Richardson, our trail boss, and Kat Ungamrung, Billie McGuire and Craig Tognazzini, our drag riders. Thanks to Joe Tubbs who helped us out when we encountered a closed trail and needed help to re-route the ride. Joe knows these trails well and was able to head us in the right direction. Just goes to show you that even with a pre-ride, unexpected things can happen! November 23rd: Challenger Park Ride in Simi Valley. This will be a 4-5 hour ride with moderate inclines/declines, some singletrack trails and beautiful views. Horses should be in shape. Please pack a lunch and bring a halter. For directions, please visit our website. Please contact Kathleen Ungamrung with questions ([email protected] or 626-5906972). December 21st: Griffith Park Christmas Ride. More information to follow next month. If you would like more information about our Corral or upcoming rides and events, please visit our website www.corral22.com. Happy Trails! Ivy Murillo 34 Volume 14, Issue 7 Corral 37 Corral 34 La Tuna Canyon Pres. Jeanette Provolt (818) 951-2360 Conejo Riders, Thousand Oaks Pres. Ken Young (805) 499-4970 www.eti37.org Corral 35 Corral 38 Oak Canyon Riding Club Glendora Pres. Dottie Hilliard (626) 335-7112 Griffith Park Equestrians Burbank/Glendale Pres. Diana Hoch (818) 841-6422 www.corral38eti.com Corral 36 Mountain Ridge Riders Agoura/Calabasas/Malibu/Monte Nido Pres. Vikki Siemons (818) 400-0909 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Pierce College Parade of Breeds HEADS UP MARK YOUR CALENDAR Corral 38’s Christmas Caroling Ride will take place on December 21 on Sunday. Decorate your horses and yourself and join us. Non-riders welcome, trucks will be available for their transportation. We will meet at 1 pm, on Allen Street, next to Bar S Stables. Bring donations of canned or packaged food to collect for Burbank Temporary Aid. Our High Point Winners for 2014 will be announced soon. The Day of the Horse, an annual event organized by the L.A. Equine Advisory Committee (EAC), took place in downtown City Council Chambers on October 22. The L.A. Equine Advisory Committee (EAC) was created by L.A. City Council. Each City Council member appointed one representative from their district to the Committee. It is a historic first as Los Angeles has never had official representation to City Council. The EAC has done Day of the Horse Celebrations at L.A. City Council for several years. 40 or more different breeds of equines and their relations at the Pierce Equestrian Center! You just might get to see some unusual “equids” as well! Corral 36 members sharing in the Parade of Breeds are Stephanie Abronson and Katrina Britner; also Pierce student Katya Lapins who has worked with Stephanie and Pony Cross Your scribe, Lynn Brown, is the V.P. of the Equine Advisory Committee. She organized this Day of the Horse event with help from Mary Benson, Boardmember of the EAC. Mary Benson and Sarah Williams were a great help in bringing Youth riders to be honored at the event. It was a huge success, with 17 Youth groups with over 100 attendees. Please see this issue of ETI magazine for more photos and information on the Day of the Horse. Farm’s Welsh Ponies and Cob since the age of 14. The Headworks project, between Tunnel 7 and Tunnel 8 is nearing completion and is soon to be filled with water from Silver Lake reservoir. There is a Federal Mandate that all drinking water sources must be covered. The last work to be done is hooking up the pipes that will carry water into the Headworks building. Upon completion, the concrete building will be covered over with dirt, and native plants will be planted over it. Stephanie Abronson Equestrians have been promised a trail within the Headworks area. There is a possibility of diverting some water from the L.A. River to create a wetlands habitat for 35 Equestrian Trails, Inc. birds. The 134 Freeway is along what is known as the Pacific Flyway, a waterfowl route. This trail is a couple of years off, as the second tank will begin construction. The second tank will be built at Headworks. However, it will be farther to the west, and construction should not be an issue with the current horse trails. Martinez Arena will be closed for a couple of weeks in November. L.A. Recreation and Parks will be grading and resanding the arena. It is much needed maintenance. Also, more new trees are planned to be planted there as well. It will be an inconvenience to riders and people turning out their horses as it will be shut down completely for a short while. However, it will benefit all horse owners once the work is done. Corral 38’s Vice President, Lynn Brown, has been appointed to serve on the newly created Griffith Park Advisory Board. There were a large number of applicants for seats on the Board, and she is the only equestrian in the group. Lynn Brown Corral 43 Tri Valley Riders Nuevo/Riverside/Norco/Hemet Pres. Melinda Huber-LaVallee (951) 780-1251 Corral 54 Rocky Hill Riders, Chatsworth Pres. Mary Kaufman (818) 326-5772 www.etiCorral54.com As the holidays approach, everyone gets so busy they don’t even remember what they are all about. Take a few minutes when you’re riding in the hills to look around and see the wonders of nature. On top of a horse is the best place to be while taking it all in. Corral 57 Sespe Riders, Ojai Pres. Linda Dezeeuw (805) 205-4816 www.etiCorral57.org Corral 65 Kern Equestrian Riders, Bakersfield Pres. Helen Ordway (661) 201-8152 Corral 66 Route 66 Riders, Barstow/Hinkley Pres. Beth Uzonyi (760) 255-4767 Welcome to our newest members, Deanne Nevarez and Theresa Eddy. Deanne has been riding with us since last year on her mustang gelding Lumpy. Theresa just moved to Barstow with her three appaloosas and joined us on the Peggy Sue ride on Doc. They are both a welcome asset to our club. October 25 was our annual Peggy Sue Charity Ride. Our chosen charity this year was the Barstow Humane Society. We had 24 riders, and the weather was great. We ended it with a great lunch at Peggy Sue’s Diner in Yermo, right before the wind came up. We’ll have the donation tally in the next newsletter. Four of our riders were endurance riders, so they rode to the ride, went on the ride, then rode all the way home, probably about 25 miles in total…Hats off to Lyn, Nick and AJ Schwartz, and Beth Brockman. November 15 will be our last trail ride of the year at Red Rock State Park in Cantil, near Mojave. It will be about a four hour ride of varying terrain. There are bathrooms at the staging area, but no water. Bring a lunch. We’ll be riding out at 10am. For more details, call Beth at (760) 255-4767. Our November general meeting will be nominations and elections for the 2015 officers. Any questions, call Beth at (760) 255-4767 or see our Facebook page. We will have had our Trail Trial by the time the magazine comes out. I hope many of you attended it. We staged it in a new place, and we hope it will go well. Our Christmas Party will be on December 5 at Rancho San Antonio (Boys Town) in Chatsworth. The dinner is $20.00 per person with a RSVP and $25.00 at the door. Please call Marilyn Ruzicka at (818) 882-7724 to make reservations. Hope to see you on the trail. Cindy 36 Beth [email protected] Corral 70 Cross Road Riders Lucerne/Apple Valleyv Sue Purbaugh (760) 953-8556 Volume 14, Issue 7 Corral 77 Saugus Saddle Club Saugus/Castaic/Valencia Pres. Liz Ekeberg (661) 297-7669 means a $10.00 tie up fee for non-residents. Seeing deer and elk out there is OK, but let’s hope there are no close-ups with bears as there have been a lot of sightings over there recently. Looking forward to cooler riding weather ahead! Corral 83 Tehachapi Mountain Riders Tehachapi Pres. Carolyn McIntyre (661) 822-9533 Our Deer Creek/Pipeline trail ride on October 9 was a fun blend of challenge and relaxing with nature. The challenging part was crossing Chanak Creek in four different places that get progressively more difficult. The more inexperienced horses try to “cheat” by stepping on stones to get over each crossing and in some cases even try to jump, however, we managed to get everyone across with no mishaps. As this creek runs steadily all year round with recycled water, it’s one of the few places in Tehachapi where we can practice this skill. After getting past the creek, we encountered the next challenge of a beautiful bull elk on the trail. He seemed to think that the trail was his territory, so we weren’t going to argue with him and took a small detour. Carolyn McIntyre President, Corral 83 Corral 86 Vasquez Vaqueros Aqua Dulce/Canyon Country/Acton Pres. Irving Blank (661) 268-0098 www.eti86.com On October 6, we had our planning meeting for our 2015 rides and camping trips. We are looking forward to a funfilled year with some of our popular annual rides, some new events including a beach ride, and a repeat of our “mountain man” ride which was resurrected this year but will have more challenges next year. We hope you can join us for some of these events. Larry and Sharon Van Loon [email protected] Corral 88 Tri Community Horsemen Phelan/Pinon Hills/Wrightwood Pres. Eileen Martin (760) 447-2069 www.corral88.org At our October potluck, we voted to donate funds to United Pegasus Foundation, Second Chance Ranch and the Oak Creek Wild Horses…All worthy horse rescues and causes. The Oak Creek Wild Horses are Tehachapi’s own wild herd who live out in the vicinity of the wind farms and appear to have descended primarily from Morgans. Trainer Jeremy Dunn is championing these horses, and some are pulled from the herd and trained each year to be put up for sale. The drought has resulted in an increased need for purchased hay as grazing has been so poor. Our next Corral ride will be in Bear Valley Springs on November 6, led by Carol Hellyer (661-821-0361). Bear Valley 37 Equestrian Trails, Inc. Corral 99 Tulare Country Joy Riders Tulare/Kaweah/Three Rivers/Visalia Pres. Karen Tuttle We had our Fall Ride at Lake Kaweah on Saturday, October 18, with 6 riders. Unfortunately, we were not able to have a barbecue this year as we didn’t have anyone to do the barbecuing. The six riders brought sack lunches, and the corral provided the drinks and dessert. It was a 2½ to 2¾ hour ride over hill and dale with some dirt road riding. There was water in the river, and we were able to let the horses drink and play in the water at the turn-around spot. The lake is low this time of year, especially so with our drought conditions. The hillsides were dry. We had been warned to watch for snakes, but luckily we didn’t see any. Our weather was perfect, a little chilly in the morning, but warmed up to about 80 in the afternoon. Our next event will be a talk on equine nutrition to be given by Heidi A. Rossow, PhD, who is an Assistant Professor of Ruminant Nutrition Management at the University of California Davis, Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center in the auditorium at 18830 Road 112, Tulare CA at 1:00pm on November 15. Any questions or for directions, call Karen Tuttle at (559) 688-8871. Karen Tuttle President Corral 103 Hesperia Happy Horsemen Hesperia/Apple Valley Pres. Craig Bost (760) 964-5020 Corral 118 Simi Valley Pres. Dan Mayer (805) 581-3150 www.eti118.org WELL DONE!!! The last show is all rolled up and done! What a great ending to another horse show season! Congratulations are due to everyone who worked so hard to put on our shows, who worked so hard to show up and show off, who enjoyed their horses through it all! Remember to appreciate all the successes and accomplishments along the way, however big or small! Not all “wins” are posted on a card or chart, but they are just as important! And if you did get a ribbon or prize, we are all so happy for you! We want you to come back next season too! Everyone can check our website at www.eti118.org for final horse show point tallies and placings for all the classes and divisions. We will celebrate those lucky winners at our annual party, also known as the “Year-End Awards Banquet” in early 2015. Details will be announced soon! In true Corral 118 style, the Horse Show Committee dug in their spurs and galloped straight on into next year! They threw their loops and dallied up quick to wrangle us some prime horse show dates! So tack this list up on the barn door! 2015 Horse Show Schedule April 12 - Season Opener May 17 June 7 June 12 - Rain Date (rain?!?!) August 30 October 4 38 Volume 14, Issue 7 All shows are single-day events held on Sundays at the Gateway/Arroyo Equestrian Center in Simi Valley. Nominations are closed! The annual nomination period for Corral 118 Officers is closed. We found many robust volunteers to “walk the talk!” They have something to say and good ideas to share! We strive to be responsive and love implementing ideas and changes that serve the best interests of our membership. So don’t just stand on the sidelines! Join in! Consider one of our committees - we love the help! And there is always a place for you as a volunteer at the horse shows! We love volunteers! We love volunteers! Talk is cheap but work is . . . well, uh . . . FREE! We only pay in the currency of camaraderie, satisfaction and pride. But those are riches indeed! Honoring our Veterans on November 11 Happy Thanksgiving! November 27 Here’s to golden miles and miles of... Good riding until next time. Beth Haney Corral 126 Santa Clara Valley Equestrian Riders Fillmore/Santa Paula Pres. Danelle Williams (805) 644-7094 www.eti126.org Corral 138 Barrel Springs Riders Antelope Valley/Palmdale Pres. Kimberly Dwight (661) 478-2770 www.eti138.com Corral 138 Rides Many of our Corral members participated in the “Area” ride October 19 hosted by Area director Karen Dagnan. We saw a deer on the two hour ride through rolling hills and had lunch in the staging area below her house near Agua Dulce. We plan to do this again next year. Our third or fourth Halloween Poker ride was well attended on October 25. It’s the first official event we were able to hold under our newly completed shelter. November 1, we’ll go to Llano for a ride in the desert. This popular ride attracts members from several adjacent Corrals. Enjoy Thanksgiving and do your Black Friday Christmas shopping so you can meet us at Sweetwater Movieland in Agua Dulce to play on their obstacles on Saturday, November 29. Contact me for details at [email protected]. December 9 is our EIGHTH annual Christmas Toys for Tots ride. We’re meeting at LaCabana restaurant at 9:00. Bring an unwrapped toy and stay for lunch if you like. Kimberly Dwight ETI Corral 138 Barrel Springs Riders Corral 210 Sunland Riders Sunland/Gibson Ranch Pres. Jeanette Provolt (818) 951-2360 Corral 357 Saddleback Canyon Riders Trabuco Canyon/Orange County Pres. Rick Balthaser (949) 439-2414 www.saddlebackcanyonriders.com Saddleback Canyon Riders wrapped up the summer season and galloped into Fall with a very busy, if not im-pressive, October. Historically, our club participates in October trail maintenance in O’Neill Park; located right in the heart of Trabuco Canyon, home of corral 357. This year, we found ourselves in O’Neill Park on the first Sat-urday, but not for trail work…That is being rescheduled. The park’s annual “Acorn Day”, an event focusing on the outdoors, nature, wildlife, and a glimpse into life outside in years gone by found ETI Corral 357 with a table featuring equestrian living and how horses enhance our lives. We had a game table for the children visitors complete with prizes. I don’t think I’d be exaggerating if I said we were one of the most popular tables at the event. Our club and our membership cherish the opportunity we have to enjoy so many beautiful trails in O’Neill and always seize the opportunity to give back. Please see our November newsletter on our website to read more about Acorn Day. A big thanks to our own Karen Hopkins Balthaser and her crew for all their efforts in making this a huge success. We also enjoyed the last Play Day of the year with the coveted silver buckle awarded in the youth and adult di-visions. I think I speak for the entire club when I say watching our youth enjoy such a fun day with friends, family, and horses makes it one of the best events we put out there. It’s fun to watch the big kids, too. We also had a ride to Imperial Beach scheduled for Octobe,r but that was rescheduled. There is still time to join us for a ride along the California/ Mexico border and ride along the shoreline on Saturday, November 15. Go to our website at www. 39 Equestrian Trails, Inc. saddlebackcanyonriders.com for more information and to sign up! We wish everyone a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Debbie Kelly Here are our corral events: Saturday, November 15: Imperial Beach Ride. Leaving at 7:00am and return late afternoon. Contact Rich Gomez [email protected] or Terry Roberts [email protected]. Saturday, November 8: Trail maintenance day at O’Neill park. Meet at the Nature Center at 8:00am. Contact Jim Iacono for more information at www.fontissolutions.com. November 23 month end ride is canceled. Patti Gomez Secretary, Corral 357 40 Corral 777 Sweet Water Rough Riders Acton/Aqua Dulce Pres. Richard Villasenor (661) 810-8971 www.sweetwaterroughriders.com Volume 14, Issue 7 41 Equestrian Trails, Inc. ETI National Programs Gymkhana High Point Series was initiated in 2010. The program is based on CA Gymkhana Assoc. (CGA) rules. Open to all age riders in all Corrals. Chairperson is Tracy Boldroff ([email protected]). Contact her to join the High Point Gymkhana Program or to have your Corral hold a High Point Gymkhana or become the chair. Horse Shows ETI has a National High Point Circuit. High Point Chairs are Kim Estrada [(818) 522-7048 or rockbacknzip@aol. com and Darian Binkley (805) 338-3532 or darian.binkley@ gmail.com. Non-ETI members can participate in our ETI High Point Shows. But to be a part of the National High Point Circuit you must be an ETI member and sign up for your classes. You may sign up any time. Your points will only be included once you have joined the High Point Circuit. The new circuit starts February 3. The Junior Ambassador Program is open to all ETI youth age 7 to 21. Boys are welcome for the Prince and King category. Applications for the program may be obtained by calling Debbie Foster at the ETI Office (818) 698-6200 or [email protected]. The completed forms are due back in the office in May 1st with all fees, sponsors, autobiography and pictures. This is a great way for our youth to represent their Corral and ETI. Participants volunteer their time at several mandatory events as well as many horse shows; trail trials, parades, trail dedications, quarterly dinner meetings and fun events just for the Junior Ambassador Court such as the retreat! Contact Debbie or any of the girls who have participated for more info on the fun activities. 42 Trail Rider Award Program (TRAP) keeps computerized logs on how many hours members are riding. In this day and age, when trails are giving way to housing developments, it is crucial that records be kept on trail usage. ETI Corrals in all areas are finding themselves having to defend their riding areas more and more against encroaching civilization. On several occasions, TRAP records have been instrumental in maintaining trail access. ETI TRAP acknowledges hours in the saddle with shoulder patches & pins that can be attached almost anywhere. The fee to join TRAP is only $12.00 (you must maintain current ETI membership); then the TRAP membership is maintained each year for only $6.00. You will start by receiving the TRAP main shoulder patch and your log sheets. As you achieve the hour goals additional patches will be sent to you. Carol Elliott is the TRAP chair. Please contact (760) 963-8209 or [email protected]. Trail Trials: An ETI Sanctioned Trail Trial consists of a trail ride, usually averaging between two and three hours, with trail obstacles along the way. Obstacles are natural, or simulate naturally occurring conditions for the horse and rider to negotiate. We now have a DVD from a clinic demonstrating obstacles and tips to compete or put on a Trail Trial. It is important to remember that the people doing the judging at sanctioned Trail Trial event are volunteers following the rulebook and are doing thwe best they can. Safety, control, and common sense are the number one priorities for all ETI sanctioned Trail Trials. Trail Trials are open to ETI members and Non-members. There are three divisions: Juniors for youth 14 years (as of Jan. 1st) and under; Novice and Open. Please contact the ETI office at (818) 698-6200 [email protected]. Volume 14, Issue 7 Non-ETI Size Printed Full Page $200 ½ Page $110 ¼ Page $75 Business Card: $35 Classified (three lines) $15 Digital $140 $75 $50 $25 $10 Corrals Size Printed Full Page $100 ½ Page $60 ¼ Page $40 Business Card: N/A Classified (three lines) $10 Digital $75 $40 $27 N/A $7 ETI Members Size Printed Full Page $175 ½ Page $95 ¼ Page $70 Business Card: $25 Classified (three lines) $10 Digital $100 $65 $45 $15 $7 Special discount rates for Full and ½ page with 12 month contract (4 printed issues& 8 digital issues) Payment in full required. Call office. All insertion rates are costs PER ISSUE and are due at EQUESTRIAN TRAILS (ISSN 00139831) 178160 is published bi-monthly by time AD is submitted (unless a contract is signed for the Equestrian Trails Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to the Acquisi3X or annual rate). tion and Preservation of Trails, Good Horsemanship, and Equine Legislation. Organized in 1944. Office of the publication is located at 2880 Sacramento Ave Acton, CA 93510. Printed by Wright Color Graphics, Sun Valley, CA. Periodical postage paid in Glendale, California and at additional mailing offices. All rights reserved. The editor, staff, and board of directors of EQUESTRIAN TRAILS are not responsible for opinions and statements expressed in signed articles, unsolicited mail or paid advertisements. These opinions are not necessarily the opinions of the editor, staff, and board of directors of We are publishing ONLINE every month. this publication. Unsolicited material may or may not be printed depending Checklist For Membership Application Cards on space and content. Reproduction of any article in whole or part, or any Be sure to use the standard cards and not paper forms. If artwork or graphics, is by permission of this publication or author/artist only. you need more cards please let us know. DEADLINE: All material (editorial or advertising) must be received no later Please Check Cards For Completeness And Legibility. than the tenth of the month preceding the date of issue. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send old address as well as new one to ETI ~ P.O. Box 1138 Acton, Oftentimes the information on the cards is hard to read. CA 93510. Change must include zip and Corral number. Change must be in Membership fees are due on the member’s anniversary the office by the 10th of the month to assure delivery of the next month’s isdate. Please notify members a month in advance of their sue. The post office will not forward copies unless you provide extra postage. anniversary date and send them a Membership Application card to complete and return to your Corral. If they renew If change is not made with the ETI office, your magazine could be delayed late, 90 days or more, their anniversary date will change. getting to your new address for three to six months. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Equestrian Trails Inc. P.O. Box 1138 Acton, CA 93510. Anyone who does not have current membership must pay Ad rates are for camera-ready artwork. Any setup will be charged at $35 per page, ½ tone of pictures are $10 each. Commercial advertisers, use 85 linescreen. Please submit using paper print or paper print and disk. Email Sarah at email above. single event fees at events. NOT RECEIVING YOUR MAGAZINE? 1. Please check with the ETI Office to make sure your membership is current. 2. Change of address, see above. 3. If the Office says you are not current, check to see if your Corral has processed your membership and has sent it in. 4. If this is all correct and Basic membership amounts are Family $50; the Office is printing a label for you, please check with your local Post Office. Senior $35; Junior $30. At Large Memberships Since we mail “periodical” (second class), the Post Office can hold this mail are Family $70; Senior $50; Junior $45. Some from 3-5 days. Since we are newsprint, sometimes we get mixed up with the Corrals charge additional amounts. Please weekly supermarket sales flyers. It helps to let your Postman or the Post Ofcontact a Corral or send to ETI, P.O. Box 1138, fice know that you are not receiving your mail. Send cards in A.S.A.P. Don’t hold them. For Single membership, list only the person applying for membership and no one else. Acton, CA 93510. ETI MEMB ERSHIP APPLICATIO N Name (last):___________________________ First__________________ Corral_______ * Mailing Addre ss:______________________________________Spouse:______________ City: ________________________________________State : ________Zip:____________ Phone :___________________________ O ccupation:______________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________ ______ Junior (unde r 18) Birthdate _____ _____ _____ Dues Paid_______________ ______ Adult (ove r 18) Due s Paid_______________ ______ Family Sr “ ________ Jr. # ________ Dues Paid_______________ Ne w ______ Re ne w _______ or Changing from Corral # ________ to Corral # ______ Signature : ______________________________________________Date :______________ Parent’s signature if Junior only membe rship-unde r 18 * CHECK Ple ase send me information for a Corral in my are a. ETI (818) 698-6200 All ETI rides and events require that participants complete both sides of the ETI Waiver and Release. Non members must complete a Single Event form and pay $5.00 for an individual for the day or weekend-camping membership. $3.00 of this is to be sent with the forms back to the ETI office. A family membership for the event is $7.00; $5.00 goes to the ETI office. The Waivers/Release as well as Single Event forms need to be received at the ETI office within two weeks of event. 43 Mark Your Calendars! Is there someone in your corral who always goes beyone the call of duty? Shines above the rest? Consider nominating them for “ETI’s Star Performer”. Just send an email stating why they deserve to be recognized to: Due to Special Olympics at the LAEC, ETI’s National Convention & Horse Show will be one month earlier! See you June 25 - 28, 2015! [email protected] Make sure to “like” us on facebook! Search for “Equestrian Trials, Inc.” Equestrian Trails Foundation Equestrian Trails, Inc. is a non-profit organization, but not a 501(c)(3), public benefit corporation. What this means is that donations to ETI are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions. Businesses who “donate” are actually advertising or doing business promotion, which they may deduct as an ordinary business expense. When ETI was originally founded during World War II, it was a public benefit corporation, but over the last 50 years or so, the organization evolved until the IRS re-classified us as non-profit social club like a Masonic lodge, or a Chamber of Commerce. In 2004 a new corporation was formed called Equestrian Trails Foundation with additional board members, Robert Foster and Katie Twohy. On June 9, 2004, we received approval from the IRS as a 501 (c)(3) organization. Initially, the Foundation will handle primarily educational and trail preservation issues. We are now accepting donations. If you have any questions about donations to the Foundation, please leave a message for me at the ETI office (818) 698-6200 and I will return your call as soon as possible. Anyone wishing to make a donation toward building the horse camp in Reagan Equestrian Campground may do so at this time. Please make your check payable to ETI Foundation and send to the ETI Office: P.O. Box 1138, Acton, CA 93510. If you want your donation to be used only for the campground, please write “Reagan Equestrian Campground” on your check.
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