NEFRC Fun Ride up Largo Law Saturday 8th November 2014 NEFRC Member ‐ £10; Non Members ‐ £15; under 16s ‐ £10 – must be accompanied by an adult. A fun ride (approximately 2 hours long) up and back down Largo Law. Fantastic views from the top and opportunities to walk, trot and canter in beautiful countryside. Entry fee includes soup and cake on return! Faster riders will leave together at 10.00am sharp (max 10 in group) and slower/novice riders at will leave together at 10.30am (max 10 in group). All riders must pre‐enter. Please fill in one form per rider. Name of Rider: Address: Age (if under 16) Tel No: Postcode: Email Address: Name of Horse: NEFRC Member (Y/N): Name of Person to Contact in an Emergency: Tel. No. of Person to Contact in an Emergency: Please indicate whether you would like to go at a fast or more leisurely pace: Receipt of Cheque secures your place ‐ unless you hear otherwise your place is confirmed. Cheque enclosed for £__________ made payable to ‘North East Fife Riding Club’. Please send booking forms and cheques to arrive no later than Monday 3rd November, to: Kirsty Adamson, Blue Horse Stables, Radernie, Fife KY15 5LN Contact Kirsty on 07818 516274 for any queries. NEFRC nor any of its assistants shall be in any way responsible for any loss, injury or damage that may happen to participants or their assistants or other members of the public, or to any animal or property or to any vehicle brought into the event ground or leaving same. NO refunds will be made if you cancel unless we can fill your space. I hereby agree to abide by the above conditions and confirm that I am fit and well to undertake the ride. Signed: Date: INFORMATION Directions: From Upper Largo, turn onto St Andrews road A915, after you leave Upper Largo take first left into 'Chesterston Farm' (KY8 5QS) From Largoward travel down A915 past Mounturpie B&B/caravan park then right turn into 'Chesterston Farm' (KY8 5QS) There will be a parking steward present together with ride leaders. Please follow their instruction at all times. Please note parking area is not fenced – no horse must be left unattended at any time. All riders must wear proper headgear and footwear to the current BHS standards. We also advise all riders to wear hi viz gear and carry a mobile phone in case of emergencies. In the event that you encounter any members of the public on this ride, please take all reasonable care and in particular, slow to a walk (comply with the country code). All riders will be checked out and back and will have telephone numbers of organisers to call if lost. When you return from the ride, there will be soup and cake to warm you up! In case of weather related enquiries, please contact Kirsty on 07818 516274 if you want to check whether the ride is going ahead. NEFRC would like to thank Bill Clark and Louise Docherty who farms the land you are riding on and who has provided the parking.
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