T we k Eto coke/Y or bi o nty- Tw Twenty-Second Report District 22 Etobicoke and City of York The Retired Teachers of Ontario les enseignantes et enseignants retraites de l’Ontario Fall 2014 Happy New Year…(because really, Labour Day is the mark of a new year for a teacher whether you are retired or not) Calendar of Events • Sept. 10 To Hell With the Bell Breakfast (Canadiana) • Sept. 18 Have a Java • Sept. 23 Erie Canal tripLockport Locks • Oct. 7 Executive Meeting • Oct. 8 Crazy for You - Stratford • Oct. 13 Thanksgiving • Oct. 16 Have a Java • Oct. 20 - 23 Fall Senate • Oct. 27 Municipal Elections Day • Nov. 4 Executive Meeting • Nov. 12 Fall luncheon (Lambton G & CC) • Nov. 18 Toronto Districts Joint Executives meeting • Nov. 20 Have a Java • Nov. 25 John McDermott concert • Dec. 18 Have a Java Inside This Isssue President’s Message 2 Are you a Volunteer ? 3–4 Port Dover Trip 5 John McDermott Concert 6 Fall Luncheon 6 AGM 7 Outstanding Community Service Award 25 Year Members’ Bios Retirement Concerns 7 8 - 14 15 Membership- New Members 16 Health, Services & Insurance Report 16 Membership- Obituaries 17 Book Reviews 18 Upcoming Events 19 Goodwill Committee 20 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York President’s Message A warm welcome is extended to all new members of RTO District 22 from our Executive. It seems just a short time ago that many of us met at our June AGM and lunch. I trust that you have enjoyed the summer which seems to have gone by very quickly. As incoming President, I look forward to continue to work hard with the Executive on your behalf to provide social activities, to increase and to advocate for our membership and to keep our communication open. We welcome new executive member Karl Sprogis as 2nd Vice President. Karl, former secondary Principal, has been most active in community affairs, most notably with his involvement with Arts Etobicoke, a role for which he was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. He will be responsible for Constitutional matters. Appreciation is given to outgoing President Gary Parkinson for his leadership. As Past President he will remain a member of the Executive and we will benefit from his guidance and valuable expertise. Past President Bonnie Hamilton, whose role on the Executive will be Member at Large, will continue her valuable work in running the Toronto Districts’ successful Retirement Planning Workshops (RPW). The 1st of our fall events is the To Hell with the Bell Breakfast on September 10. New and prospective members will be welcomed and will have an opportunity to get information about the activities of RTO/ ERO and the benefits of membership. The Fall Lunch on November 12 will provide a marvelous social get together. Judy Paton is working hard to ensure an enjoyable event for all and has guaranteed an excellent entertainer. Our condolences were extended to Judy on the loss of her beloved spouse Doug Whyte. He was always on hand helping Judy behind the scenes and with registration at our lunches. His cheerful smile and friendly greeting will be missed. Two groups which were active during the summer were Have a Java on Us and the Lunch Clubs. Some new members, unable to attend other planned events, took the opportunity to meet and be introduced. These activities provide a social gathering in an informal setting. The joint meeting of the full executives of the Toronto Districts (D16 Toronto, D22 Etobicoke/City of York, D23 North York, and D24 Scarborough/East York) will be held November 18 at Pioneer Village. These meetings are held every other year and provide a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas. The Provincial Fall Senate will be held October 20 – 23. At the Spring Senate our district and several others submitted similar amendments to the Provincial constitution governing transfer of funds. This was in response to the $3M donation to the Foundation. There has been continuous dialogue all summer with those districts to achieve consensus for a joint motion for the Fall Senate. Our thanks go to 1st Vice President Claudia Mang, who has shouldered the brunt of the work and communication of this venture. Most of you will be aware of the Canadian anti-spam legislation a part of which, namely the Commercial Electronic Messages (CEMs), was implemented in July. Thanks to our Webmaster Joel Nasimok and guidelines from Provincial Office, we are in compliance with our communication with members. Our day trips and tours are among our most popular activities. Irwin Kelly and Pam Guy are to be complimented on their superb organization and care. They also ensure that the RTO/ERO Travel Protocol which requires all trips to be arranged in compliance with TICO, the Travel Industry Council of Ontario, is met. We are throwing out a challenge. The importance of exercise in maintaining good physical and mental health is without dispute. Our Modern Western Square Dancing is the only D 22 activity currently listed. Our challenge is re-activating our walking and/or other groups. Anyone interested? Let us know. Many of our members are actively involved as volunteers in many and diverse community groups. What are your experiences with volunteerism? Share your stories. The Newsletters and our telephone calls are our main contacts with you. Email distribution is highly recommended for fast delivery of the newsletter. Helen Gill, our editor, would appreciate articles and suggestions. And let’s not forget a most important upcoming date, Monday, October 27 for the municipal elections. Each individual vote is so important for the collective good, so for those of us who are able to vote, let us exercise our civic privilege and duty. A la prochaine, Sheila Tait President RTO/ERO District 22 District 22 Executive 2013 – 2014 President Sheila Tait Past President Gary Parkinson 1st Vice President Claudia Mang 2nd Vice President Karl Sprogis Secretary Janet Thacker Treasurer Harold Royle 2 416-767-2406 416-621-1619 416-626-0798 416-500-4839 905-503-1484 416-741-2781 Archivist/Registrar Jeanne Rutherford Awards Sharon Kular Goodwill Maryanne Chard Health/Insurance Vicki Stainton Newsletter Helen Gill Pensions & Travel Irwin Kelly Political Advocacy Art Witham 416-626-0650 416-241-7278 416-626-1353 416-259-9152 416-536-9953 905-822-3334 416-242-3207 Recruitment Adele Pick Social Judy Paton Telephone Lynn Farquharson Travel Pamela Guy Senior Seniors Dorothy Garvin Webmaster Joel Nasimok Member at Large Bonnie Hamilton 416-622-7361 416-769-1373 905-891-9838 416-245-5201 416-621-8572 416-398-0733 905-276-3049 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York Are You a Volunteer? We are retired, not dormant! (Bonnie Hamilton) Marlene Erskine Volunteers with Habitat for Humanity I became involved with Habitat for Humanity after hearing a guest speaker at Central United Church in Weston. He explained the mission and values of Habitat which simply put is to give a hand up, rather than a hand out. Mission: To mobilize volunteers and community partners in building affordable housing and promoting homeownership as a means to breaking the cycle of poverty. Core values: 1. Housing for all: access to safe, decent and affordable housing is a basic human right that should be available to all. 2. Human dignity: respect for the people they serve and those that help in this effort, recognizing them as a great resource. 3. Partnership: the mission is best achieved through meaningful and mutually beneficial partnerships with others. 4. Faith in Action: faith is lived through action. Building on their Christian foundation, they serve and work with people of all faiths, and beliefs in a spirit of justice and compassion. 5. Diversity and inclusiveness: there is a role for everyone committed to their vision, mission and values and they seek to enrich their organization through diversity. It became our task to form teams of volunteers who would be willing to work with skilled contractors to build houses for selected families. Sometimes my friends and extended family members join our teams. Through the knowledge and patience of these skilled contractors I have learned many new things about the industry. I know how to install vapor seal and use an electric drill to install drywall for these homes. Volunteering on the builds, has been a very rewarding time for me in my retirement. When the homes are finished, Habitat holds a ceremony for the families and it is here that they are presented with the key to their new home. I can assure you there are not many dry eyes at the ceremony as we realize these families are being presented with support to achieve their education goals and live in a community with dignity and respect. If you are interested in volunteering with Habitat please e-mail Marlene at [email protected]. Further information about volunteer opportunities with Habitat or to becoming one of the selected families for homeownership can be found http://www.torontohabitat.ca/ Claudia Mang Volunteers at the Toronto Zoo Our First Vice-president, Claudia Mang, has been a volunteer at the Zoo for the past nine years. She provides insight into this interesting volunteer opportunity. In my volunteer capacity I play many roles. Sometimes I am an exhibit interpreter, explaining details of the exhibit to visitors, talking about the biofacts that are present at the table, linking them to the animals on display, and answering visitors’ questions. In the photo I am at the Panda Interpretive Centre. All visitors who wish to see the Giant Pandas have to pass through the Centre touring many displays that talk about the pandas. We have two interpretive tables in the Centre. At this one, we compare the skull of a panda with the skull of an Ontario black bear. We also have a chart that compares other bears found in Canada to the pandas. Visitors are often amazed to find that the panda is so much smaller than any bear in Canada. And when I open the jaws of the panda so that visitors can see the teeth, many say “WOW they’re so big!” From that comment, I can lead them to a discussion about the pandas’ eating habits. During the school year, I may also lead tours for school groups. These tours are curriculum -based, so I have to keep up with the science curriculum from grades 1 to 12 as the teachers ask for specific topics to be covered, and I have to be prepared to do that. Having said that, the children are not always interested in just the facts and curriculum links. They want to hear stories about the animals and ask questions about what they eat, where they sleep, if they bite, can they be petted. Keeping them focused is not always easy and I sometimes have to resort to my teacher voice! Often, as a volunteer I am asked to do an animal observation. This means that I stand at an exhibit, carefully watching an animal or group of animals, making careful notes about their behaviours. When the Madagascar lemurs were first put on display in the African Rainforest Pavilion, they were escaping the holding. The keepers would take them off display and try to plug the escape routes. The lemurs kept finding new ways out. Finally, they shut down the display for a month to completely renovate it and seal it thoroughly. When the display reopened, it was my job to watch the lemurs for three hours as they were reintroduced to their space. I had to note where they were, what they were doing, their reactions to the new barriers, and how they reacted to one another. All in all, volunteering at the Zoo has been a delightful experience. I hope to keep at it for many more years. Go to http://www.torontozoo.com/ for Information about the Zoo, its activities, and volunteer opportunities. 3 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York Nicole Hartrell, Healing Touch Volunteer Nicole shares “healing touch” as a volunteer at nursing and retirement homes. In 1990, Nicole Hartrell, RTO member, became ill and after trying and failing to find better health and wellness through commonplace treatments, sought out therapeutic Reiki healing. In a matter of days, she bounced back to her true self, feeling energized and healed. Nicole was committed to learning about Reiki and has since become a listed practitioner with the Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario. One resource, The Everything Reiki Book by Phylameana Lila Desy, says that Reiki is, basically energy. To effect healing, Reiki’s energies flow out of the practitioner’s palms as they pass over or touch the recipient’s body. Healing will depend on how receptive the person is to the process. In addition to her volunteer work in nursing and retirement homes, Nicole also conducts free meditation workshops on Wednesdays in her home. “The 21st century is the frontier of energy healing”, says Nicole. For more information on Reiki, contact Nicole at [email protected] or 416 231-5477. Looking for Telephone Volunteers for the June Luncheon Submitted by Lynn Farquharson, Telephone Committee One of the most important events on our RTO calendar is the Annual General Meeting and June Luncheon. This event provides an opportunity for our members to reconnect with friends and former colleagues as well as providing input into the management of the organization through participation at the AGM. In order to encourage as many members of District 22 to attend, we rely on a team of volunteers to make contact with our members. This is an important outreach activity which gives volunteer callers the chance to make personal connections with members while supporting District 22. The time commitment for this task is not onerous. Callers receive a list of between 20-25 members in late April and have approximately 3 - 4 weeks to make their calls. A voice mail message can also be left if you are unable to speak directly to the member. The theme of the fall newsletter is volunteerism. If you would like to help out your own organization by being a volunteer caller, please contact Lynn Farquharson: [email protected] Please provide your name, address, phone number and email address. You will receive a call from a member of the executive in February to confirm your participation. The excitement is building across the Greater Golden Horseshoe as the region gets ready to host the TORONTO 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games. We’ll need 20,000+ “intergenerational” volunteers to use their skills and experience to help make these Games a success. This is one of the largest calls for volunteers in Ontario’s peace time history. Do you want to be involved in making these Games a success? Don’t delay — volunteer selection starts this summer. • • • What will you do? Volunteers will be working in all areas of the Games. They’ll prepare the field of play; catch flash quotes from star athletes; take tickets; usher spectators to the seats; shuttle athletes and dignitaries to venues; and participate in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies for the Games. Where will you be? Volunteer opportunities will be available throughout southern Ontario, stretching from Welland to Minden Hills, Hamilton to Oshawa where competitions will take place. What will be provided? All volunteers will receive valuable skills training, work experience, meals during shifts, a snazzy uniform and other special mementos recognizing their role in the TORONTO 2015 Games. It’s also a great opportunity to network, find lifelong friends and try a new job! Be a TORONTO 2015 Pan Am / Parapan Am volunteer! To help us recognize members of the Ontario Seniors Games community in the application system, please: • Use the volunteer code VOLRED (This reference code expires June 30, 2014) 4 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York A Note from the Newsletter Team Thank you, Claudia, Marlene and Nicole for sharing your stories with us and to Nancy Missouri for the interview. We’re counting on our readers to share their stories for the themes of the next two editions of the Twenty-Second Report. Winter 2015 Health and Wellness – What activities keep you healthy and well in body and in mind? We’d love to know about them. Spring 2015 Technology and You - Do you read stories to your grandkids over Skype? Do you FaceTime on your Ipad? What are your favourite apps? Are those boards in the classrooms these days really Smart? Please submit your stories as a Word document to hgrto@gmailcom. District 22 Members Out and About • Read about the two June events Day out at Port Dover The morning of June 25 dawned overcast, with a forecast of traffic congestion. Despite these challenges, Pam and Irwin, and a road savvy bus driver kept the day on course. There was even time for strolling and ice cream before boarding the bus for the ride home. First stop was at Whistling Gardens, near Wilsonville. Long operating as a nursery and garden centre, since 2012 it has become a feature garden destination and arts centre. There are six major gardens and collections, one being the largest public collection of conifers in the world. An open air amphitheatre, modeled on the fountains of Versailles of 1647, hosts the largest computer controlled and music choreographed fountain system in Canada. The show we saw was “Return to Renaissance”. We headed off to Port Dover for buffet luncheon at the Erie Beach Hotel (Hurrah for pickled pumpkin!) and a boat cruise on Lake Erie. The village of Dover Mills was created in the early 1800’s by settler Daniel McQueen. In 1814, the village was burned by the Americans. Over time, Port Dover was known for its fishing industry. The day was a trip down memory lane for member Ginny Sevc. Fifty-one years ago she was a newly-wed and a first year teacher in Port Dover. She lived in a summer cottage, commuting to Toronto each weekend to be with her hubby. Life is a Cabaret! Our outing in early June was a trip with a difference – instead of including lunch we decided to have a dinner instead. We left Toronto a little later than usual so had some time to wander around Niagara-on-the-Lake before arranging our own lunch. We then enjoyed the matinee performance of Cabaret, followed by a drive along the beautiful Niagara Parkway to the Queenston Heights Restaurant for a delicious dinner overlooking the Niagara River. Everyone enjoyed the day and hope that we can arrange another such outing for next year. 5 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York John McDermott Concert SANDERSON CENTRE, BRANTFORD. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2014 This special day will begin at 8:30 from the south-east parking lot of Centennial Park. There are two stops prior to lunch. At the first, the DUTCH MILL COUNTRY MARKET, start some of your Christmas shopping for hand crafted products. Next we travel to a more specialized craft shop with a very different product, THE ROBERT HALL PEWTER STUDIO. Hungry shoppers will then proceed to the HOLIDAY INN for a roast beef lunch. Then, light of purse, we’re off to the SANDERSON CENTRE for the JOHN MCDERMOTT CONCERT. This should be a wonderful introduction to the Christmas season. Cost, including all gratuities: $99.00 Don’t delay ordering these tickets. Our space will fill very quickly. ✄ ✄ ✄ TRIP REGISTRATION FORM 2014 NAME:__________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________ PHONE:_____________________ e-mail (best contact)_________________________________________ MAKE CHEQUE PAYABLE TO: RTO/ERO DISTRICT 22 and attach list of attendees. JOHN MCDERMOTT Brantford TICKETS REQUIRED @ $99.00 = TOTAL Enclosed $ For more information please contact either: Pam Guy ( 416-245-5201 8 [email protected] OR: Irwin Kelly ( 905-822-3334 8 [email protected] Mail registration with cheque to: Pamela Guy, 16 Sun Row Drive, Toronto, ON M9P 3H4 FALL LUNCHEON Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Lambton Golf & Country Club, 100 Scarlett Rd. Toronto M6N 4K2 (just north of St. Clair) Registration opens: 11:15. Pick up your name tag. Lunch: served at 12:00 noon Cost: $30.00 per member, $30.00 for one guest Menu Options: CH Chicken Supreme with asiago cheese, leeks and mushrooms F White Roughy with a lemon caper sauce V Vegetable Lasagna A glass of red or white wine will be offered with the meal. Cash bar. Entertainment is provided by Steve Brinder, a TDSB teacher, stand-up comedian and corporate speaker. Seating capacity is 120. Register ASAP to avoid disappointment. There is no provision to register at the door. No refunds unless notification received by November 4. For further information, please contact: Judy Paton: ( 416-769-1373 or Jeanne Rutherford: ( 416-626-0650 Registration for District 22 – Fall Luncheon, Lambton Golf & Country Club, November 12, 2014 Name Indicate Choice of: CH F V $30.00 Name Indicate Choice of: CH F V $30.00 Please make your cheque for the full amount payable to RTO District 22 and mail with this registration to: Judy Paton 152 Cordella Avenue Toronto, ON M6N 2J9 6 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York Annual General Meeting and June Luncheon The Crowne Plaza Hotel was the site of the Annual General Meeting, held June 4, 2014. This year, eighty-four District 22 members reached their 25th year of retirement. Certificates recognizing this milestone were presented at the AGM and June Luncheon. Karl Sprogis was the recipient of this year’s Outstanding Community Service Award and executive members Judy Paton and Harold Royle were recognized for ten years of service on the District 22 executive. Harold ensures that the books and finances are maintained to a high standard, and Judy is ‘hostess with the mostest’ in her key role as organizer of the annual Fall Luncheon and the AGM itself. Gary Parkinson was thanked for his leadership as President by Bonnie Hamilton on behalf of the membership. Both Bonnie and Gary remain on the District 22 Executive in other roles. Guests from the Provincial Office and three of the other Toronto Districts, Martin Higgs, Lone Smith, Mary Ellen Lawless and Bill Sparks were on hand to welcome Sheila Tait into the President’s role. Prior to lunch, a one-woman play, Dance like a Butterfly, was performed by Lisa Hurd. 2014 District 22 Outstanding Community Service Award— Karl Sprogis Submitted by Sharon Kular The key criterion to be considered for the District 22 Outstanding Community Service Award is “providing volunteer services beyond the norm for at least five years. This year’s recipient, Karl Sprogis, has far exceeded this with his multi-year association and dedication to Arts Etobicoke. Karl gives of his time, leadership and talent without reservation. He leads by writing proposals, mentoring those who are like-minded, convincing those who need a nudge, and putting in the hours that are demanded of him in his role as Chair. He advocates relentlessly for funding and recognition of the importance of arts to the community. He is passionate and clear minded about the city maintaining the grants that support all aspects of the arts. For the last 15 years, Karl has served on the Board of Directors of Arts Etobicoke in various roles, including Director of the Board, ViceChair, and Chair. Currently he shares the Vice-Chair role with Dominique Sanguinetti. You may be familiar with some of the following projects that each has Karl’s hand on them: • Smart Student Art Show which for 14 years has showcased student work at Sherway Gardens. • Art on the Move, in partnership with Lakeshore Arts, brings professional artists and community groups from across the city in innovative projects • Luminato 2013, where his decorated art-themed vehicle was on display. These decorated vehicles are driven around the city to focus attention on the year’s festival theme. Karl has had a long and deep seated commitment to helping promote creativity, literacy and cultural awareness through the arts in a number of programs in elementary schools in Etobicoke. Examples of these include Exploring Creativity in Depth, From 3 to3 Program and This is My Neighbourhood. Arts Etobicoke has a long tradition of presenting scholarships to deserving students at graduation and Karl is always the person to make these presentations. Con’t on page 8 7 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York Consequently Karl was awarded the prestigious Queen’s Jubilee Award in 2012 for his volunteer work with Arts Etobicoke. Karl’s volunteer services on behalf of “arts issues” are also reflected in the amount of political advocacy he has been involved in, beyond making funding proposals to Toronto City Council. For example, when Neilson Park Cultural Centre and Montgomery’s Inn were at risk of closure for budgetary reasons, Karl advocated with local councillors to help save them because of their importance to the cultural and historic fabric of the city. Recently, Karl advocated on behalf of Braeburn Neighbourhood Place and Boys’ and Girls’ Club to the Toronto District School Board when the permit policy threatened the after-school homework program for the grades 1 to 5 students. One of Karl’s nominators stated, “ Karl is a hidden treasure, never seeking accolades for himself.” The Award for Outstanding Community Service is a most apt recognition of his selflessness. A cheque for $1000 is going to Karl’s choice, Arts Etobicoke. 25 Year Members of RTO-District 22 honoured at the Annual Luncheon We were fortunate to have present thirty-six of the recipients along with a guest. Each recipient was asked to submit a short biography for inclusion in the Fall newsletter. Some members preferred not to do so; many did and these are included with this article. Jean Barnett Since retirement in 1989, Jean has enjoyed her three grandchildren, playing tennis and travelling to the United Kingdom, the USA, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii. Jean’s teaching career began on the other side of the Atlantic, in 1954 in Crawley, England. In 1964, husband Malcolm had a teaching exchange to Camas, Washington. With a son and daughter they packed up and went. Jean 8 taught grades Kindergarten to six in Camas. In 1967, after a two year return to Crawley, they immigrated to Canada, where Jean taught kindergarten in Chambly, Quebec. From 1969 to retirement, Jean taught in several schools for the Etobicoke Board, in kindergarten and special education programs, including the start-up of a class for multihandicapped students at Westmount. Don Bartle After teaching junior grades for the Toronto Board of Education from 1952-1956, Don sang professionally with the Canadian Opera Company, the Carl Tapscott Singers, the Festival Singers and was the tenor soloist at Metropolitan United Church. In 1960 he returned to teaching and joined the Etobicoke Board. He taught Grade 7 and music at The Elms. Shortly afterwards Don became a Vice Principal and shortly after that a Principal at Queenscourt, Princess Margaret, Wellesworth and Highfield Schools. When Don retired in 1989, he returned to professional singing and sang with the Elmer Iseler Singers for the next eleven years. With this professional choir he travelled across Canada, from coast to coast to coast. One of his favourite performances was the opening of the new arts centre in Yellowknife. Don was always an avid gardener, bridge player, and bread and muffin maker. He is still an active member of the Boulevard Club. Nowadays Don and his wife, Jean, enjoy their winters in their condo in Naples, Florida where they both enjoy golf, bridge, fitness classes, jigsaw puzzles and visiting children and grandchildren. Mary Bartle Between teaching for the Scarborough School Board and the Etobicoke Board, Mary Bartle raised three children and in retirement helped with seven grandchildren and now has added joy with a great grandson. While teaching Senior Kindergarten she organized a train trip for 120 children in her class which the Toronto paper, the Telegram, photographed. While teaching grade 4, volunteers and Mrs. Bartle spent days at the village school house at Black Creek Pioneer Village. With a daughter living in Japan, France and Norway these locations have governed touring except for a wonderful Alaskan cruise. Frank Burnett Schooled and trained as a Production Engineer in British India, born to British, Scottish and French parentage, Frank served nine years on the East India Railway. He immigrated to Canada via the U.K and served 14 years with DeHaviland’s Aircraft as a Modification Expert. Frank left industry qualified as a teacher from U. of T. and taught Engineering Drawing for 18 years in Etobicoke High Schools. In retirement he travelled extensively through North America, Continental Europe, and Asia Minor – driving from Germany to India and back in 1973. He is currently writing two books on (1) Bible History – specifically on the deluge of Noah, gleaned through his travels, and (2) Big Game Shooting Experiences in India – having saved the lives of his community and himself by shooting District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York a man-eating leopard in 1948. Frank has fond memories through teaching, introducing ‘Tech Illustration’ into the curriculum, and being instrumental in structuring and working with the SWIS program. He lives on. Melville Callender Melville taught Latin, Classical Civilization and English at Martingrove C.I. He assumed the Position of Head of Latin at Martingrove C.I. (Etobicoke) in September 1969. He was a fulltime English teacher when he retired in June of 1989. While he enjoyed teaching English, his favourite subject was Latin. It was his privilege and pleasure to teach Latin to a number of students who went on to achieve success in a variety of fields. The most successful (and indeed the most pleasant) is The Honourable Madame Justice Francine E. Van Melle, Senior Judge of the Superior Court of Ontario. When Melville retired, he and his wife travelled to the Caribbean, USA and England. He was also involved in many church related activities. Since the death of his wife Joy in 2007, Melville is a full-time housekeeper. Bernice Casey Bernice Casey spent the first three years of her teaching career at Leamington High School. She moved to Toronto and began teaching for the Etobicoke Board at Mimico High School. She taught there for 20 years, and ended her career at New Toronto High School. Bernice taught in the Business Department and over her career, experienced teaching all grades in various business areas including shorthand and accounting. Bernice enjoyed her teaching years and was blessed with very good students. She remembers receiving beautiful Christmas letters from her students and one in particular from two students who later married. In retirement, Bernice enjoyed several wonderful boat trips to England, France and the Great Lakes. She has also enjoyed spending some summers at Southampton, Ontario. Home Economics Department Head at Richview Collegiate. Shirley left secondary school teaching to begin a family with husband Ron. They have a son and a daughter. After this retirement, Shirley organized the Sunday school at Royal York United Church and was Chair of the Church Board. She was president of the Faculty of Household Science Association for the University of Toronto and later became the secretary for the U of T Alumni Association. Shirley returned to teaching at the elementary level - Second Street School and the Elms. Her highlights included working with students who won several awards in track and field, basketball and volleyball. Shirley keeps involved as a Genealogist, has membership in Club 48 for retired secondary teachers. In addition, she and her husband are Glasfax members studying and collecting early Canadian and American pressed pattern glass. Summer family holidays spent down east in the Acadian area of New Brunswick (Shediac) are most refreshing. Soviet Union. He was a founding member of both QECO and TVO. Ian’s anonymous submission for a CTF logo was adopted and is used to this day. Ian has enjoyed 25 years of retirement with his wife, Bonnie, and his greatest achievements – 13 grandchildren, one greatgrandchild and counting. Ian Fife Ian earned his teaching certification (B.A.,B. Ed., M. Ed.) from the University of Toronto and enjoyed 35 years of teaching in Etobicoke, with 26 years in the position of principal. He engaged actively in various teachers’ organizations throughout his career, notably as the first full-time president of the OTF and as president of the CTF. He travelled abroad to eight assemblies of the World Confederation of Teachers and was a delegate to the former Marjorie Froebelius Marjorie began teaching as Miss Jamieson in a one room country school in Norfolk County. In 1957, as Mrs. Froebelius, she was among the first staff of Westway Elementary School in Etobicoke. After being a stay at home mom to care for her two children for several years, she returned to teaching at 20th Street School. Declining enrolments sent her to various schools around Con’t on page 10 Arlie Freer I taught in Humber Valley Village School for 24 years, 21 of those years in the resource centre. It was a privilege to provide curriculum support to every teacher and to work with every child to encourage curiosity, discovery and delight in literature. In retirement, my husband Gordon and I enjoy water-themed travels: whale watching in BC, dodging ice in Churchill MB, clinging to the rails of a tossing Newfoundland fishing boat and calm river cruises in France. Favourite countries visited are New Zealand and Iceland. We moved to Bracebridge in 2002. I have been a president of CFUW Muskoka and presently serve as chair of the Bracebridge Public Library Board. Shirley Cornfield Shirley began teaching at the newly built Royal York Collegiate and then became the first 9 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York Etobicoke, but she eventually ended up at Valleyfield Junior School. She retired 25 years ago from Valleyfield with the principal at the time, Mr. Joe Davis. After retiring, she enjoyed travelling with her husband to various countries. Their most memorable and pleasant holidays were those spent in Bermuda. Marjorie has been a member of the Renforth Baptist Church for 56 years, and has enjoyed volunteering on many committees there. Her volunteering continued as she served as a traveller’s aid at Pearson International Airport for 34 years. Her bright lights are her 5 grandchildren; Lauren, Meghan, Aynsley, Jenna and Rhys. She’s always eager to share pictures of them! Don Glen After graduating from Etobicoke Collegiate in 1953, Don attended Toronto Normal School on Pape Avenue for the morning classes, as at that time there were two shifts. He started his teaching career in 1954 at Humber Heights School in a portable with a grade five class of 44 pupils. During his first month of teaching, the school closed for a week so the auditorium could be used as a morgue to house the victims of Hurricane Hazel. In 1957, Dorothy Munro, a new teacher from Perth, Ontario joined the staff. They married in 1959 and this summer will celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary. Don transferred to Hilltop Senior School in 1963 where he enjoyed teaching Geography on the rotary 10 system later moving to Kipling Grove as the Vice-Principal. Don taught in several other Etobicoke schools helping to close two of them, Crestwood and Sunnylea, during the years of declining enrolment. He retired from teaching as the VicePrincipal of Wellesworth School. Don enjoyed skiing with his family and spent most weekends of the winter at their chalet in Collingwood. A few years after retirement, he and Dorothy moved to Collingwood where he has enjoyed an active life with the many other Etobicoke teachers now living in the area. He has also enjoyed travelling and has visited many countries including Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Russia and the Scandinavian countries as well as having been on several cruises to southern ports. His best times, however, have been spent with his children, Lisa and Bob, and his two grandchildren, Anderson and Glenne. Frank Kieczor This bio has the core of Frank’s 35 years in an honoured profession in which he had interaction with many students, excellent teachers and administrative staff. As a first year teacher, he taught Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Botany, Zoology and Physical Education in a nine period day at Prescott High School. He coached football, basketball and acted as a Civilian Instructor with the winning Cadet Corps. At the new South Grenville District High School his class preps were reduced to grade 11 and 13 Physics, grade 13 Biology and a junior Science. Coaching the Prescott H.S. football team to the EDSSA”B” Championship was a highlight of his coaching career. Frank came to Etobicoke and had a 24 year career teaching Science at Vincent Massey C.I., Silverthorne C.I. and Richview C.I. before moving to the Curriculum Department at the board office. In retirement Frank and his family enjoy their trailer at Rice Lake, Maritime ocean holidays, theatre and cruises. With his wife Dorothy they both enjoy the RTO day trips and highly recommend these excursions. James Kirk Jim enjoyed every day working with the students teaching grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 technical subjects – Machine Shop, Drafting and Sheet Metal at George Harvey Secondary School. In retirement Jim has been involved with Square Dancing, Coaching, Baseball, Golf, and he sold real estate for 16 years. He travels to various resorts in Mexico and Florida and has taken about a dozen cruises out of Florida. Joseph LaViola Joseph was a Supply Teacher in Etobicoke, York, North York, Scarborough and York Region in Technical subjects and Mathematics in all grades. He enjoyed many different experiences every day. In his retirement he participates in biking, hiking, skiing and has travelled to Alaska, Newfoundland, the UK, Netherlands, Italy, Turkey and China. William Harry Learoyd I feel very fortunate to have spent my entire career as part of the Etobicoke Board of Education. I began teaching at Humber Heights Public School, then transferred to Humber Valley Village School and finally to the former Rexdale Public School. During those years I was given the opportunity to teach some wonderful students and enjoy the support of many outstanding teachers. I was appointed vice-principal, and later became principal of Castlebar Junior School, Sunnylea Junior-Middle School, Elmbank Middle School and back again to Humber Valley. District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York My final four years were as a Supervisory Officer within the Special Education division. I look back with great affection on those 35 years. I feel happy to have worked with so many fine students and outstanding staff members. During my retirement years I have been volunteering my time by playing the piano and assisting at a nursing home and continuing my interest in music by leading a choral group and presenting music appreciation classes. My wife, Pat, and I have enjoyed travelling to places we had only heard of. Graham Lennard Graham was on the original staff of York Humber High School when it opened in 1967. Business and trade experience was important in hiring staff for the new school which provided basic occupational education. After 10 years of retail management with the T. Eaton Co., Graham was hired to teach Retail Sales in the Business Studies Department. Three years later, he was appointed Department Head and remained so for 19 years until his retirement in 1989. He is proud of his dedicated staff for providing business skills which led students to success in the working world. Graham and his wife Pat have three children and five grandchildren. He enjoys retirement years with world travelling, cruising, photography, and summers at the cottage with family and friends. Graham recently published a book on his former family textile business operating from 1878 to 1969. Arthur Ludlam Arthur was born December 1923, in Leamington, Ontario. He received a Bachelor of Science (Chemical Engineering) from University of Toronto in 1945 and a Master of Science in 1949. He worked for Beardmore (tanners) of Acton Ontario until 1951, Reliance Electric & Engineering of Cleveland, Ohio and Welland, Ontario until 1967 and taught chemistry at Central Tech until 1989. Arthur and Mary Anne (Mason) were married in 1957. Jennifer (1958) and Pamela, (1959) are both graduates of Queens and live in Kingston. Since retirement, Arthur has continued to add to their cottage on Lake Paudash, has framed many hundreds of paintings for Mary Anne and Pamela, (both members of the Ontario Society of Artists), has volunteered for the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour, (he is an Honorary Member), and for the Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery. Allan MacLeod Allan began his teaching career in a little rural school in Nova Scotia teaching every subject to 22 pupils in 8 grades. He was also the janitor and earned $650.00 for the year. That was in 1947 – 48. The remainder of his teaching career was with the Etobicoke Board of Education where his core subjects were French and History. Later he became a Librarian, a role which he enjoyed immensely. During the time when Etobicoke experienced the closing of several secondary schools, teachers were obliged to teach subjects out of their field of expertise. Allan taught grades 9 to 12 and says that his worst teaching experience was a grade 12 class of Home Economics to uninterested and unruly girls. Another memorable experience was teaching a problem son of a Toronto Police Chief. Since retirement Allan has been very involved in volunteer activities with several organizations – President of Against Drunk Driving, President of the Clan MacLeod Society, Vice Chair of the Clans and Scottish Societies of Canada, driving for the Canadian Council for the Blind and Hospice of Peel. He became deaf and so joined the Board of the Canadian Hearing Society. Then for many years he was active in Queensway Baptist Church. Amen! Jim McDonald Jim’s teaching career spans all grades, two through eight, his first position (1955-58) being with Camp Petawawa Army School Board. From 1958-65 Jim worked for the Fort Henry Heights Army School Board, Kingston before employment with the Etobicoke Board of Education 1965-89 . He worked in six different schools as teacher, Assistant Principal, VicePrincipal and Principal. For a time, he worked as Principal on Loan to the Curriculum Department. During this time he completed his Doctorate (1983). Jim provided the following career highlights: (Memorable): Being an outspoken critic of damaging education fads. Being right, but dead; (Infamous School Newsletter Editorial) Striving for Excellence within the Pedagogy of Joy; (Favourite saying): Con’t on page 12 11 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York Show me a mediocre principal and I’ll show you a mediocre school. Jim is busy in retirement, as a community newspaper columnist (7 years) and magazine writer (ongoing), holding contract jobs with a conference centre, tutorial centre, and a Teachers’ College, as a longtime volunteer and community activist and still having time to travel to more than 25 countries. Jim is the author of 2 self-published books: Collected Works (memoir) and Striving to Excel (education essays). Pauline Milne Prior to the birth of her two children, Pauline taught for Toronto District School Board at Clinton Street School. She enjoyed the diversity of the children in her classes. She returned to teaching, this time with Etobicoke School Board, and teaching at Etienne Brule Public School for many years in grades 2-5. Pauline had some interesting children in that school with their many social issues. She prides herself on never sending the children with behavioral issues to the office but managed those children in her classroom herself. She finished her teaching career at Millwood Public School. Pauline still sees some of her students in the community and is fondly remembered by them. Pauline volunteered at Red Cross Blood Donor clinics for many years and was a blood donor herself. She cared for her two granddaughters to school age and is proud of them to this day. She is proudly married to Doug for 60 years and is still in her own home at age 80. Joyce Nicholls Joyce worked for the Etobicoke Board of Education at Islington Public and Lanor Junior Middle School. She taught Kindergarten and Grades One and Two. She was part of Etobicoke’s Pilot Project in Play and Early Childhood Programs in the elementary schools. After graduating from Teacher’s College, she was telephoned by Gordon Kidd, principal of Islington Public School who had kept tabs on her and her progress since graduating from grade 8 at Islington. He asked her to return as a 12 Teacher, which she did. She has travelled much of the world in retirement – the British Isles several times, Portugal, Norway, Spain, the Canary Islands, three monthlong trips to New Zealand, Alaska, Bermuda and one day in Japan off a cruise ship. Of course, she has travelled Canada coast to coast by car. Nancy Pitoscia Nancy Pitoscia began her teaching career with the Metro Separate School Board (now TCDSB) teaching all grades from Kindergarten through to Grade 12. She taught both regular grades and Special Education and Remedial Reading in schools west of Yonge Street. At Regina Pacis High School, Nancy taught grades 9-12 in the areas of Canadian History, ESL and Religious Studies. She had many funny and happy highlights during her time teaching and especially enjoyed the children and young people she mentored. In retirement, Nancy enjoys Yoga classes, gardening and reading. As well, she has experienced many wonderful countries with trips to the Holy Land (eight times), Turkey (four times), Ireland (three times), Rome and Italy, Australia and New Zealand! Nancy also volunteers for the Cancer Society and the Red Cross. She is very involved with her parish church and has been working for the Archdiocese of Toronto. She was fortunate to be able to attend the funeral of Pope John Paul II and to attend his canonization this past spring. Dacy Pittis Dacy Pittis taught grades 3 and 4 in Toronto before going to England in 1956. Here she taught for seven years in the secondary school system, mostly Physical Education, including a year at Chelsea College of PE. She also taught at the Secondary Modern level which was the lowest level in their secondary system and ended up at Stratford Grammar School in East London which was their top Grammar School--these were really wonderful teaching years. Returning to Canada in 1965, Dacy spent the remaining years in the Etobicoke secondary system teaching Physical Education, as well as being in the Guidance and Counselling Department. In retirement, Dacy has travelled with her friend Grace Martin to many countries and has been on all the continents. Many of these trips were self- directed and usually about two months in duration. Probably the most incredible trip was to Antarctica on a Russian Scientific ship. All the other places visited were exciting and interesting because of what humans had produced and created; but Antarctica is still pristine and truly God’s country. Dacy will be in Scotland on the Isle of Skye this June. Dacy stays fit by walking, swimming, and cycling and is planning to cycle in Germany in September for a week with her niece. Dacy tries to cycle every day for about an hour on the Martin Goodman and the Don Valley Trails in Toronto and at the cottage on Buck Lake where she spends summers with family and friends. Dacy finds it hard to believe that she has been retired for 25 years—and has loved every minute of it. Abe Plaatjes Abe turned twenty-one in the first year of his teaching career which spanned spells in the beautiful South African countryside as well in the storied city of Cape Town. By the time he retired in Etobicoke from Thistletown Collegiate Institute he had been teaching for thirtyfive years. At TCI he taught just about every subject in the Business department drawing the line at Shorthand! Teaching in the Business or Commercial department was a very satisfying experience and quite a change from the academic subjects he had been teaching in South Africa. Since retiring in 1989, Abe worked as a tax specialist at H & R Block. In 1996 he also found the time to serve as census representative in Etobicoke. He and his charming wife, Petronella, share a passion for gardening and the garden is where you’ll find them on most summer days. February and March of each year without fail will find them on the road or in the air to somewhere whether it is Florida or Europe or the country of their birth, South Africa. District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York From time to time they would visit their daughter, Jackie, and granddaughter, Eden, in Calgary. Abe and Petronella are very thankful for the opportunities that were afforded them and their family. Bob Prentice Bob Prentice began his career in the City of York, teaching at F.H. Miller, J.R. Wilcox and Rockcliffe Sr. Bob taught Grades 3 through 8 in regular classes and Homeroom and Science in Grades 7 and 8 in Senior School. In addition, he taught on a part-time basis in JK/SK and Grades 1 and 2. Bob was promoted and served as Vice Principal at Keelesdale JS., Rawlinson J.S. and Rockcliffe Senior School, and as Principal at Cordella J.S., and C.E. Webster J.S. Throughout this varied career, Bob revelled in every moment of every day! In retirement, Bob has travelled to China, England, Wales and Scotland, and as well, has visited many parts of the USA. Joan Primeau Graduating from St. Angela’s College in London and Toronto Normal School, Joan was hired by the Toronto and suburban Separate School Board. She spent her first six years at Our Lady of Victory School teaching 43 students in Grade 5-6. At the school’s 50th Anniversary (1994) , Joan reunited with seven students from her first class. It was a great feeling of pride and excitement to meet them as adults and share happy memories. With her many teaching certificates, Joan taught at various West Toronto Schools as an Itinerant Remedial Reading Teacher, remaining in that program for twelve years. Her most significant teaching time was in the Junior Special Education class at St. Louis School. It was a special moment for Joan when her student was awarded a prize for her Science Fair project. Joan had a very successful 37 year career which ended as a School Based Support Teacher at St. Gregory School where she was involved in the identification and placement of Special Needs and Gifted students. In retirement, Joan has been active, playing golf every week and volunteering for 20 years at Travellers Assistance at Pearson Airport. As well, Joan has travelled extensively: Alaska, Hawaii and South America cruising to the southern tip and seeing the amazing Magellanic penguin colonies. LIFE HAS BEEN GOOD! Norm Purdie Norm taught in Etobicoke secondary schools, teaching all grades mostly in Mathematics and Counselling. He served as Vice-Principal at Etobicoke C.I., and as Principal at West Humber C.I., Burnhamthorpe C.I., Kingsmill S.S. and Mimico Adult School. He enjoyed working with impressive teachers, administrators and respectful challenging students. Norm lectured in Statistics for the Ministry Summer School Teachers and experienced Ministry sponsored courses in Europe. He co-authored OSSTF material with T.CI Principal on Organizing (timetable) for Secondary Schools. He very frequently travels with children and grandchildren to U.S.A., Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa. Norm was awarded a Woodworker of the Year (2004) by Canadian Workshop Magazine for his woodwork and community involvement. Finally but most importantly – in August 2014 he and his wife Eileen (his favourite wife) will celebrate 55 years married. Betty M. Scott Born on the Bruce Peninsula, Betty received her early education at Lion’s Head and Wiarton. Her first teaching assignment was a country school with eight grades. Following graduation from Stratford Teachers’ College, she taught Grade One and Senior Kindergarten in Owen Sound. Her B.A. degree in psychology is from U.W.O. Beginning in Etobicoke she set up one of the first primary Special Education classes where she taught for five years. She was asked to be a Special Education Consultant with emphasis on early identification and programming, a position she held for twenty years. Her second degree was M.S. from Syracuse University in early childhood and special needs. Seeing a child’s face light up when a new learning episode occurred was always a memorable experience. In retirement, she and her husband, Roy Scott, a retired Etobicoke Principal, travelled extensively due to his administrative position in his war veterans’ group, internationally known as the “Royal Air Force’s Escaping Society.” With gratitude she expresses her appreciation for all the caring people of the Etobicoke Board who worked with special children. Adam Shaw Adam supply taught in the 1969/70 year at South Peel Secondary School then from 1970 to 1989 at Westway H.S. After this time he did a long term supply at Lakeshore Collegiate in the 1991/92 year. Adam taught Auto Body repairs for grades 9-12 during this time. The highlight of his career was when he was doing extracurricular activities: coaching the Wrestling Team, taking the Ski Club out, and working with students in the Camera Club. Con’t on page 14 13 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York It seemed that some of the better students gravitated to these areas. After retirement he curled with the Etobicoke Secondary School Teachers Club and has travelled to Europe, Australia, Hawaii and all over Canada and the USA. Elizabeth Strathdee Elizabeth taught Jr. and Senior Kindergarten during her career at Roseland P.S., Lambton Park P.S., and Braeburn P.S. For her, every day was special, as she saw the children learning to share toys, ideas through language, music, art and group activities. Retirement means being busier than ever for Elizabeth. She has painted in France, Ireland, Bermuda, Mexico, Newfoundland, Quebec, and Ontario cottage country. Closer to home, she works in acrylics at Neilson Park Creative Centre. Her musical interests range from opera to jazz and include singing in St Phillips’ Anglican Church choir and enjoying its Jazz Vespers. Elizabeth holds membership in many related groups and volunteers in the Lay Pastoral Church programme. Add to that mix theatre trips to London, owning three cats, a house and a garden, entertaining, reading, and relaxing. There is never enough time!!! Barbara Taylor In 1954, Barbara began teaching for the Lakeshore School Board at Seventh Street School. After returning from a sabbatical in 1970, Barbara went on to teach at Lanor Junior School, later Lanor J.M.S., for the Etobicoke Board, retiring from teaching in 1989. Barbara taught in the primary areas for all of her years of teaching. In 1969, Barbara and her friend went on a Sabbatical Leave, travelling around the world visiting schools in England, Ireland, Thailand, Australia and Japan. Barbara spends summers at her cottage with her sister, Joan. In winter, they travel to Florida to their timeshare. Barbara has travelled extensively to Europe with her sister and her friend Jane, doing it mostly on their own and enjoying every minute of it. 14 James Torrie “To know nothing of what happened before you took your place on earth is to remain a child forever.” Anonymous James’ career was with the Etobicoke Board of Education, teaching History, Grades 9-13 at Royal York C.I. and West Humber C.I. What is memorable for him is the opportunity to participate with students in exploring the content and importance of history. Retirement is busy, including participation in Academy for Lifelong Learning (U. of T.), Baby Point Club, United Church activities, moving to a new lakeside log home in the Ontario countryside, hiking, biking, skiing, gardening, bird-watching, swimming, boating in a wooden boat. Travels include six of the seven continents from Sweden to South Africa, from the British Isles to China and India, Australia and New Zealand, not to mention many motor trips around North America. I am very grateful that my retirement has given me the opportunity to enjoy these activities and thank you RTO for this celebration of our lives after education. Mr Kraler in Anne’s diary, to her class. The students were in awe of this gentle man who was willing to lay down his life to save his friend Otto Frank. They will always remember Mr. Kugler, one worthy of being called a hero. Anther memorable moment was when her class produced a mime production of the Wizard of Oz and took it to seniors’ residences and to the cancer ward of the Sick Children’s Hospital. This brought both tears and a sparkle to the eyes of the audiences. When Jessie organized around a theme on the Newspaper and Communication she brought into her classroom guests Donald Creighton, founder of the Sun News, and Betty Kennedy, a TV personality, to speak to her class about the art of communication. In retirement Jessie has travelled extensively – across Canada, Europe, New Zealand, Russia, Norway, Sweden and the U.S.A. She enjoys her summers in Muskoka and winters in Naples Florida. She also enjoys visiting her friends in nursing homes and senior residences and gathering with her family. Norma Warren Norma Warren taught with the Etobicoke Board of Education at Queensland, and Kingsview Village as Assistant Principal. She was V.P. at Kipling Grove, Eatonville and 20th Street, and Principal at Castlebar, Castlebar and Fairfield and Norseman J.M.S. Norma’s memorable experience which is a highlight of her career is the smile of delight and joy when a pupil(s) realized success, in any situation, academic or social. She has pursued a variety of activities since retirement – the cottage, back to school in continuing education, much travel, learning the computer, theatre, entertaining, and meeting people, making friends and treating retirement as a new career, to enjoy and to be successful in it. District 22 RTO 25-year Members List 2014 Jessie Welch-Cutler Jessie taught Grade 7/8 English, History and Math at Dixon Grove in Etobicoke. One of her most memorable moments occurred after when studying Heroes in Greek Mythology and reading the Diary of Anne Frank. Jessie introduced, Mr. Kugler, who was The following members have entered their 25th year of membership in RTO District 22. Mary Adams Michaela E Almassy Jean Barnett Donald E Bartle Mary E. Bartle William Bates George Betts Barbara A. Bowman Robert J. Brockie Agnes E. Burke Frank L. B. Burnett Melville D. Callender Patricia J. Carlow Bernice Casey Donald E. Cooper Edith M. Cornett Shirley J. Cornfield Margaret Crouse Victoria M Cunningham Rita Daley Clifford L Davies Gerald Dressel District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York con’t Rosie A. D’souza Richard Farndon Ian J. Fife Bernice Fitzmaurice Arlie G. Freer Marjorie B. Froebelius Donald R. Glen James W. Gray Patrick F. Helps Leslie A. Hill Gordon S R Hollowell James Hugo Lois B. Kaye Frank Kieczor Irene E. Kirk James Kirk Pauline Kitagawa Elsie M. Kwiatkowski Eileen Laker Joseph Laviola Catherine J. Lawson William H. Learoyd Eldon Lehman John G. Lennard Arthur W. Ludlam Shirley E. A Luker Allan W. MacLeod Dilys A. Manion James F. McDonald Elizabeth T. McGrade William J. McLeod Pauline Milne John A. G Moses B Joyce Nicholls Donald F. W Nickel Christine B. Nowak Ralph M. Paget Edwin G. Palfery Helen M. Parisani Nancy A. Pitoscia Daisy I. Pittis Abe Plaatjes Robert R. Prentice Joan Primeau Norman Purdie Margaret Schram Betty M. Scott Adam Shaw Gordon M. Sillers Elizabeth A. Strathdee Rhona A. Swarbrick Barbara A. Taylor Thelma E. Tipping James A. Torrie Susheela Vakil Norma M. Warren Henry F. Welch Jessie Welch James P White Ruth E. Williams Grantley T. Woodward Have you changed your email address? Submitted by Joel Nasimok, Webmaster If you wish to receive our District 22 newsletter and bulletins but we do not have your email on file or you have recently changed your email address, please contact Provincial Office to inform them of the change. This will ensure the change is official. Protection of Privacy legislation requires that any changes at the Provincial level must be made through personal contact. The local districts cannot make official changes. Contact Dianne Vezeau, Membership Database Administrator at 416 962 9463, ext. 223 or reach her at [email protected] Friends, I would like to send a heartfelt thank-you to everyone who offered support and condolences during my husband Doug’s illness and after his passing. The number of cards, calls, emails, texts and hugs were just overwhelming and greatly appreciated. I don’t think people realize how much these things help until we experience it, I know I didn’t. Submitted with Thanks, Judy Paton Retirement Concerns Submitted by Irwin Kelly Last issue I asked for responses from the members who presently own HEARING AIDS. The response was somewhat under-whelming. I did get a few responses and they seemed to support what I had heard from persons I had spoken with (not from RTO). Here are my observations and, to some extent, my concerns. A large percentage of hearing aid users have never had a second opinion. It is somewhat understandable for the persons who pay absolutely nothing for the devices since the cost is entirely born by insurance and Workers Compensation. Others pay a significant cost and thus should do some comparative shopping. The cost of 2 hearing aids is usually between $3000 and $3500 before your insurance kicks in. If you check the costs you will find that the cost you pay allows for a $500 per ear deduction paid by The Ontario Assistive Devices Program. Even when I was offered a $1000 deduction to my costs the actual cost fell in this price range although they said they were providing a higher quality product. You then get a $500 to $800 deduction per hearing aid from your health insurance coverage. What products do you buy for $1400 to $2000 without comparative shopping? I’m not sure about you but I am a comparative shopper. I purchase very few things without comparing prices from one store to another and I then purchase the same product or a product I like better at the best price I can find. This is harder to do with hearing aids because you may not find the exact same product at different dealers but you did try the product. Could you hear a noticeable difference? Was this due to volume setting or tonal quality? Volume can be adjusted, tonal quality may be an indication of hearing aid manufacture and thus is important. It may be worth your while to do comparative shopping. I saved at least $400 on a pair of hearing aids and found an Audiologist that I felt very comfortable with. My Hearing Aides (HA) actually cost $1045 each. My provider actually supplied a complete breakdown of cost. $1045 – ADP $500= $545 per hearing aid. Then they added fitting fees, $825 X 2, the Recommendation fee $100 X 2 HA, the Service plan $175 X 2 which comes to $1100 per ear. Other agencies did not tell me the breakdown but came up with almost the same $3300. With my final purchase the cost of hearing aids was reduced by 20%. Other costs remained but that still resulted in a savings of about $425. Well worth the effort. Hope this gives you something to think about when you go for your hearing aid test. 15 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York Corresponding Membership Submitted by Adele Pick RTO/ERO members from another district may receive our newsletters by snail mail for an annual payment of $10.00. Make your cheque payable to RTO District 22 and mail to Adele Pick 1508-475 The West Mall, Toronto, ON M9C 4Z3. Of course our newsletters are easily accessible by using RTO/ERO’s website. Welcome New Members! Membership Grows Submitted by Adele Pick Welcome to District 22. Toronto has 4 districts- Toronto 16, Etobicoke / York 22, North York 23, and East York 24 . As of July 31, we have 2180 full members and 203 associate members for a total of 2383. Rosa Alexandre Christine McGahey Norma Jean Badke Gayle McNeish Gabrielle Benedek Mary Morris Miriam Buckman Priscilla Mugford Sheila Cassie Norman Newlands Franka Cautillo Paula Nunes-King Pasquale Celli Kenneth Oschipok James Cook Mary Pelech Shelley Cox Karen Ridley Mary Anne Davis Bernard Rollings Mary-Joan D’Ornellas Tiiu Ruggiero Marilyn Eaton Barbara Sadoff Virginia Elliott Fidenzio Salvatori Doris Falconi Jeanne Scotland Jane Forbes Eleanor Serrao Jennifer Graham Roswitha Skeath Diane Glynn Patricia Skrzypczyk Wm Terry Graham Susan Stephenson Beth Grittani Maurice Stokes Rose Marie Grycaj Jane Sweeney Robert Hamilton Barbara Tierney M. Hilda Hammond Maria Torrieri Molly Hart-Cosgrove Jorge Vicente Donna Hughes Donald Wainwright Marilyn Jones Robert White Anna Kandiuk Wasyl Zyla Sharon Lang Leon Lenchner Margaret McCutcheon Kathryn Jane McDonald Anna Visocchi-Chiappetta 16 Health Services & Insurance Committee (HSIC) Report Submitted by Vicki Stainton As we move into a new season, many of us have resolved to be more attuned to our RTO news, updates and Benefits Plans. To help with this, we feature information previously published, which you may want to review. Item (1): “Your Personal Inventory of Important Documents”…as printed in RTO/ERO Group Benefits Program ‘update2014’ Have you ever considered creating an inventory of essential financial and personal information? Not only will you find this a useful reference tool for yourself, it will be there for your loved ones should the time come when they need access to the information. When creating your inventory, remember to keep it simple! You can use a password protected spreadsheet. Some of the items you can include to create a one-stop shop are: - List of insurance policies and contact information; - List of investment, retirement and bank accounts, with all contact information; - List of debt obligations, due dates, and contact information; - Location of important documents (your family’s passports, insurance policies, power of attorney, living wills); - List of doctors and contact information; - List of medications and contact information of all pharmacies that you use; - Location of safety deposit box keys; and - Location of your original Social Insurance Number card. Be sure that your immediate family members know the record exists as well as its location and password. Review the list and make necessary updates at least quarterly as this list is only as good as the information on it. Item (2) “Eldercare Select” …as printed in your 2014 Insurance Plans Booklet, page23 The largest provider of eldercare solutions in Canada, Eldercare Select, offers eligible members and their spouses personalized nursing expertise for care giving challenges with a loved one such as a parent, grandparent, spouse or someone else for whom you have care responsibilities. Participants of the RTO/ERO Extended Health Care plan and their spouses can contact Eldercare Select to have access to the following services: 1. Expert guidance and support to address a specific eldercare challenge and develop a customized plan of action. Personalized geriatric reports are limited to 2 per 12 month period and a maximum of 4 per lifetime. There are no limitations on phone-based coaching, support and planning. These personalized eldercare consultations are nurse led and provide coaching, support and planning on several key factors, such as: - Current living situation and future wishes; - Existing health condition; and - Geographic location With this guidance, an informed decision regarding options available can be made. 2. Access to 24/7 nursing and personal care in your or a loved one’s home. The care specialist will also help to identify potential funding sources wherever possible. Services are made available across Canada on a best effort basis; with delivery by quality approved and monitored home care providers. Please Note: Recipients of nursing or other care services referred through the Eldercare Select professional network are responsible for any cost. District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York 3. Twenty-five percent discount off FirstWatch, a personal medical response system. This includes: - A nursing assessment upon installation; - Two-way voice response; and - Nursing support during emergency calls. 4. Access to an online personal health record that allows tracking of health indicators, monitoring and trending those indicators. Medical information can be stored to help you stay organized. You will also have access to personalized reports. Included only with the RTO/ ERO Extended Health Care plan, call 1-888-327-1500 or visit www. eldercareselect.ca to connect with an Eldercare Select Care Specialist or a Registered Nurse In Memoriam We extend our deepest regrets to the family and friends of our departed colleagues. Donald Banks Cheryl Cheeseman Carole Cook Ruth Cook Stephanie Daly Mary Davern Beatrice Glynn Lorne Hammond Terrance McDonald Nancy McKillop William McLeod Edward Mugford Maria Salvatori Aletha Seaton Marilyn Spanetz Ralph Speak Henry Welch Lee Wilson Sheila Wissmar Political Action Committee Submitted by Art Witham As we move into the Fall of 2014, political issues continue to rise and fall before us. Some unfold hesitantly in positive ways, while others fall short or just blindside us with abruptness. It surely cannot be presumptive of us to expect coherence in those who would govern us. At present we have a relatively stable provincial government following the receipt of a decided majority in the recent election which will run for the next few years. Our provincial government has made some positive commitments for the next couple of years. Of course, these could be affected by any shifts in revenue streams as well as by degrees of cooperation relative to intergovernmental jurisdictions and cooperation. Some of these commitments are increases in home care for seniors, home renovation credits, hold auto insurance premiums (although with some re-jigging of coverage in some cases) and easier driver license renewals. Inflation continues to remain relatively low – a shade over 1% and it is hoped that this will remain true of taxation and civic fees as well. This could depend upon the amount of municipal and provincial infrastructure and services which need refurbishing or initiating. Much of our infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.) are at the end of life or are inadequate for their use. Municipal elections are looming in October. In Toronto, we are sorely in need of a responsible municipal legislature which can work for the common good. There are many needs where sensible priorities must be established and realistic fiscal plans made to attain them. Individually, we all have a responsibility to honestly research and evaluate all who would have us elect them and know just what their plans and policies will do to us and our communities. Get out and vote and take a few intergenerational friends and relatives with you – especially young ones who need to develop good civic habits early. At present, the federal influence still has many unknowns. The stated aim is to set up a surplus in advance of next year’s election. How deeply this will influence transfers of funds to provinces and municipalities is slowly becoming clear. Early indications are reductions in health care and infrastructure payments. Again, vigilance is the key along with response to our elected representatives. They view a perceived lack of concern as an indication that all is well. Silence denotes contentment and complacency. Did you know? Submitted by Sheila Tait Two historical place names of interest are Etobicoke and Mimico. The meaning of the word Etobicoke is ‘the place where alders’ grow, referring to the black alder tree. Mimico means ‘the resting place of the wild pigeons’ referring to the migratory stop of the once abundant but now extinct passenger pigeons. The origin of the word aloof is a nautical expression 16th C a + luff, an adverb meaning away and to windward with the ship’s head kept close to the wind away from a lee shore towards which it might drift. From this arose the sense of ‘at a distance’. The expression ‘to take or bring someone down a peg’ probably referred to pegs controlling the hoisting of the colours (flags) on the wooden mast of ships. The colours of an officer of a lower ranking officer would be taken down a peg or two to accommodate those of a higher ranking officer. 17 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York What are you reading? Here are a few members’ recommendations. Please send us yours. from Lynn Farquharson Left Neglected by Lisa Genova (2011) Sarah is a high powered, type A personality HR vice president, married with three children, commuting from the suburbs of Boston into the city every day. Working 12 hours a day leaves her little free time to coordinate her children’s lives, family activities and work commitments and live up to the high expectations she has placed on herself. One icy morning as she is driving to work, she loses control of the car and crashes, as she was attempting to use this “free time” to make some phone calls. Sarah sustains injuries to the right side of her brain which impact the functioning in the left side of her body. The process of her rehabilitation is both a physical and psychological journey as she slowly comes to an understanding and acceptance of what she can do and what is important in her life. Written by the same author as Still Alice, (which explored one woman’s realization that she has Alzheimer’s) this novel provides insight into how the brain adapts after a severe injury. from Janet Thacker If you liked “The Help”, then you’ll enjoy this inspirational book, Same Kind Of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore, about the true story of Ron and Denver, and Deborah, the woman who inspired them to become better human beings. We often think that slavery and its consequences disappeared during the mid 20th century. Denver’s story sheds more light on the 18 personal familial side of poverty of blacks living in the southern states in the 50’s and 60’s. Ron’s story dovetails into Denver’s because of the wonderful spirit of his wife, Deborah. She sees people not as they seem, but as they truly are… wanting to be loved and valued. Her incredible ability to see through the human condition to the human spirit is moving and her love for people invades the storyline, making one want to see others the same way, ‘same kind but different as me’. from Pamela Guy - I have just finished a most entertaining read by local author Terry Fallis, Up and Down. It is the story of a competition held jointly in Canada and the USA to select a civilian from each country to go into space. Centred on a PR firm operating in both countries, it follows the paths of the two winners and the individuals organizing the project. It is written with a good dose of humour and satire; truly a book you will find hard to put down. I also really enjoyed a previous Terry Fallis novel, The Best Laid Plans. This aired recently on the CBC as a most entertaining TV production If you’re into historical fiction you must read Edward Rutherfurd. I recently enjoyed Paris. As is usual in his books he takes us on a journey following generations of a family from earliest times, setting them against a background of actual historical events. Thus we learn about events such as Joan of Arc’s exploits and the French Revolution as well as the building of Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower. Both fictional characters and historical persons from all walks of life, rich and poor, protestant and catholic, crowd the pages. It makes for fascinating reading. Three other of his books similarly are packed with interesting characters along with a rich background, London, The Dublin Saga: The Princes of Ireland, The Rebels of Ireland. If you have any interest in Ireland you won’t want to miss these. And don’t be put off by their size – they’re all really worth the time. from Claudia Mang - This month I’m reading Chris Hadfield’s An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth. We are often told “Don’t sweat the small stuff”. But to an astronaut it’s the small stuff that can make the difference between life and death, success and failure. Through some very humorous and often dramatic stories Chris reminds us all that turning a negative into a positive is an important and vital way to live. He recounts his 144 days on the ISS in which he dealt with some frightening situations like being blinded during a spacewalk. He takes us through his life from when he was nine years old and watched the first moon-landing to his time as a test pilot and then his astronaut training. He writes simply and clearly in an easy to read and thought provoking manner. You will be truly inspired by his story Remember Seniors’ Day at Queen’s Park? The Ontario Society (Coalition) of Seniors Citizens’ Organizations, known as OCSCO, is one of several organizations that RTO/ERO liaises with from time to time. Some, if not all, of you will remember the Seniors’ Day at Queen’s Park last October, at which representatives of District 22 attended. The Day was organized by the Ontario Gerontology Association with members from several provincial organizations, including RTO/ERO. OCSCO was also one of the organizations that participated and helped plan the day. (OCSCO) is a provincial organization and a registered charity. Founded in 1986, the mission is to improve the quality of life for Ontario’s seniors through offering education programs, policy and research, information, referral, counseling, research, outreach and support, self-help and volunteer programs. OCSCO membership includes over 140 seniors’ organizations and individuals representing 500,000 senior citizens from across Ontario. OCSCO is community-based and notfor-profit and includes organizations representing seniors, ethno-cultural, health, native, recreational, retiree, District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York disability and women’s organizations OCSCO is seeking nominations to fill two vacancies on its board of directors and has asked RTO/ERO and the other organizations that participated in the Seniors’ Day last year to share this information with its members. Please visit the website for nomination information and role description. http://www.ocsco.ca/ Upcoming seminars of Interest Submitted by Sheila Tait Tapestry Retirement Residence at Village Gate West offers interesting talks and workshops on a range of topics. They generously are holding 6 seats for any of our District 22 members. • October 8 – Art of Moving - Down-sizing, De-cluttering and Staging • October 15 - Pioneers – The social, political and sexual politics of the 18th and 19th century of pioneer life • November 12 - Murals of Islington If interested in attending, call Vicki Stainton at ( 416 259-9152 in advance (or Rita at Tapestry ( 416 777-2911 & identify self as D22 member). Refreshments will be served. Address: Summerland Terrace, Etobicoke, M9A 0B5 Lunch Club Contacts: Adele Pick ( 416-622-7361 8 [email protected] and Betty Nykolaychuk ( 905-278-5382 8 [email protected] To retirees of George S Henry Secondary School/Academy, There’s going to be a 50th Anniversary Reunion, May 29th-31st, 2015. Please contact Lorne Bradshaw at ( (613) 546-5922 or 8 [email protected] Also, check out the George S Henry 50th reunion Facebook page. Square Dancing Wouldn’t you like to increase your cardiovascular fitness? Learn to square dance with or without a partner in a healthy smoke and alcohol free environment. Dancing gives us a body and brain burst of energy. While burning calories we strengthen our bones, relieve stress, and build friendships. You can dance every Tuesday afternoon or Friday evening in Etobicoke. Contacts: Adele Pick ( 416-622-7361 8 [email protected] and Aaron Goodman ( 905-896-4217 8 [email protected] Our lunch club has grown to over 45 members. We contact each member every month to ask if they plan to attend the restaurant selection made by those attending the previous month. There is always room for more members as only half of us can usually accept. We meet the second Monday of every month for a lunch of comradeship. Free Choir and Organ Concert Series Roy Thomson Hall offers a series of free lunchtime concerts, this year sponsored by the Edwards Charitable Foundation. No tickets are required; just walk through the door and select your seat. Each hour long concert starts at 12:00 noon. It is a great way to have an early day adventure in the city with a few friends. Wednesday, December 17, 2014 Amadeus Choir of Greater Toronto Wednesday, March 11, 2015 VIVA! Youth Singers of Toronto with North Toronto C.I. Choral Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra Tuesday, April 21, 2015 ORIANA Women’s Choir Monday, June 8, 2015 Toronto Children’s Chorus Chamber Choir. Canadian Opera Company Free Concert Series The line-up of free concerts at the Four Seasons Performing Arts Centre is too long to reprint in this space. These popular concerts are held in the Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre mostly on Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon, and some Wednesdays at noon or 5:30 p.m. There are six different series: vocal, piano, jazz, dance, chamber and world music. Visit the website where you can see what is offered each week on a monthly basis September through June. Admission is on a first-come, first served basis. http://www. coc.ca/PerformancesAndTickets/ FreeConcertSeries.aspx Frequently requested contact information: The Retired Teachers of Ontario/les enseignantes et enseignants retraités de l’Ontario Suite 300, 18 Spadina Road, Toronto ON M5R 2S7 Phone: 1-800-361-9888 (toll-free); Toronto area: 416-962-9463 Email: [email protected] or www.rto-ero.org RTO/ERO Group Benefits Program administered by Johnson Inc. Contacts: By mail - 18 Spadina Road, Suite 100, Toronto ON M5R 2S7 By phone - Toronto Area: 416-920-7248 Toll free: 1-877-406-9007 Fax: 416-920-0939 Email: [email protected] 19 District 22 Etobicoke and the City Of York Goodwill Committee Submitted by Maryanne Chard YOU ARE INVITED! Have A Java On Us…. As you can see from this happy crew, the Coffee Club’s membership is slowly expanding. Join us on the third Thursday of each month at Second Cup in Cloverdale Mall for some refreshment and socializing! All members are welcome! The first $3.00 is on us. You will be given a coupon toward the cost of your refreshments, when you sign in. Mark these dates: September 18; October 16; November 20; December 18. (10:00-11:30 a.m., third Thursday of each month) Location: The Second Cup in Cloverdale Mall (North end, close to Pharma Plus or Target) Contact: Maryanne Chard 8 [email protected] 416 626-1353 RTO Disrict 22 HAVE A JAVA ON US Value: up to $3.00 The Twenty-Second Report is published three times per year - in January, April/May, August/September or as required. Deadline for submissions is three weeks prior to the month of publication. We reserve the right to edit and/or condense all contributions and submissions. Please send your stories, jokes, anecdotes, columns, comments, criticism, letters and pictures to: Helen Gill ( 416-536-9953 8 [email protected] Canadian Publication Mail Agreement #400321054 Return Address: District 22 RTO/ERO c/o 1508 - 475 The West Mall Etobicoke M9C 4Z3 20
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