Apoptotic Retinal Cell Death Induced by Antirecoverin Autoandbodies of Cancer-Associated Retinopathy Grazyna Adamus* MichalMachnicki* and GailM. Seigel~\ Purpose. Recoverin has been identified as a target autoantigen for antirecoverin antibodies found in the sera of some patients with cancer-associated retinopathy. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of antirecoverin antibodies in cancer-associated retinopathy. Methods. Human, rat, and rabbit antirecoverin antibodies were purified using a recoverinaffinity column. Purified biotinylated antibodies were cultured with recoverin-positive rat retinal cells E1A.NR3. Antibody uptake by retinal cells in vitro was analyzed by immunocytochemistry. Cytotoxic effect of antibodies on retinal cells was measured by the MTT colorimetric method. Apoptosis was shown by the ladder DNA fragmentation method and by fluorescent dye chromatin fragmentation analysis. Results. Antirecoverin antibodies obtained either from sera from five cancer-associated retinopathy patients or from sera of immunized animals were internalized by E1A.NR3 cells. Only specific, antirecoverin antibodies produced destruction of the cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Normal immunoglobulin G did not have such effects on retinal cells. No additional cell destruction was observed in the presence of complement as compared with cultures incubated with antirecoverin antibodies alone. Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation and presence of apoptotic cells was observed throughout the culture treated with recoverinspecific antibodies but not with normal antibodies. Cells not expressing recoverin (Y79, PCI 2, and GH3) were not susceptible to cell destruction because of antirecoverin antibody action. Conclusions. These studies showed that antibodies specific to recoverin are able to enter and cause death of cells expressing recoverin. In humans, autoandbodies originally elicited against recoverin expressed in tumor cells may damage retinal photoreceptors and play a role in the pathogenesis of cancer-associated retinopathy. Results suggest that autoantibody to recoverin, when given access to recoverin in the retina through the blood-retina barrier, could initiate photoreceptor degeneration leading to blindness. Such mechanism may be common for other paraneoplastic disorders or autoimmune diseases where antibodies interfere with the normal cell physiology. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1997;38:283-291. V>»ancer-associated retinopathy (CAR) is a paraneoplastic blinding disease, in which retinal degeneration occurs in the presence of systemic tumor growth.1 Over the past few years, progress has been made toward understanding the involvement of the immune response in the cause and pathogenesis of neurologic disorders associated with systemic cancer.2 It has been From the *R.S. Dow Neurological Sciences Institute, Legacy-Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center, Portland, Oregon; and the fDepartment of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, New York. Supported by grants N1H EY10316 (CA) and EY10676 (GMS). Submitted for publication April 16, 1996; revised October 7, 1996; accepted October 8, 1996. Proprietary interest category: N. Reprint requests: Grazyna Adamus, R.S. Dow Neurological Sciences Institute, 1220 NW 20 Avenue, Portland, OR 97209. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, February 1997, Vol. 38, No. 2 Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology proposed that expression of tumor antigens and their release during tumor turnover and necrosis can lead to an immunologic response that then recognizes the same or similar antigen in the nervous system. Effects of cancer on the visual system, often including complete loss of vision, consist of marked attenuation of the electroretinogram, blurred vision, night blindness, impaired color vision, central or ring scotomas, constriction of visual fields, and iritis. In most cases, small cell carcinoma of the lung, gynecologic malignancies, and breast carcinomas are involved in the paraneoplastic syndrome. CAR syndrome is thought to be mediated by autoantibodies specific to retinal antigens such as recoverin, a photo receptor-specific calcium-binding pro- 283 284 Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, February 1997, Vol. 38, No. 2 tein. It has been established that some patients diagnosed with CAR possess high titers of circulating autoantibodies against recoverin.3"5 Because visual symptoms may occur before neoplastic disease is diagnosed or before recurrence is recognized, detection of antirecoverin autoantibodies can help to diagnose cancer. Considerable new information is now available about the possible role of recoverin in the development of CAR. High antirecoverin autoantibody titers are associated with loss of vision, and steroid treatment temporarily can stabilize progressive loss of vision. Our knowledge of a potential pathogenicity of recoverin has been strengthened by the use of purified recoverin to induce the degeneration of photoreceptors in Lewis rats.6'7 We and others also have shown that the tumor tissue from patients with CAR selectively expresses recoverin that reacts with patients' own autoantibodies.8'9 This raises the possibility that the expressed recoverin, if released, can trigger the autoimmune responses that lead to the degeneration of the retina. However, there is little information for the direct role of such antibodies in the pathogenicity of CAR. In this study, we examined the role of antirecoverin antibodies in pathogenic processes. We studied the effect of antibodies specific to recoverin on retinal cells in vitro. We showed that the antirecoverin antibodies gain access to cells and subsequently cause cell death through apoptotic mechanism. METHODS Antibody Human sera containing antirecoverin autoantibodies were obtained from five patients diagnosed with CAR syndrome3'8 or from normal subjects without antirecoverin antibodies. The studies were performed in accordance with institution's guidelines and the Declaration of Helsinki on Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects, and protocols were approved by the Legacy Institutional Review Board. Animal antirecoverin antisera were produced in New Zealand White rabbits or Lewis rats by injection of purified retinal recoverin mixed with complete Freund's adjuvant. All procedures adhered to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Resolution on Animal Use in Research. Monoclonal antibody against arrestin S65-38 was produced in mice immunized with purified arrestin (Adamus and Hargrave, unpublished data, 1990). Recoverin Purification Recoverin was isolated from frozen retinas as described previously.6 To obtain large quantities, recoverin was purified from bacterial cells expressing recov- erin. Cells containing vector pTrec2 were a gift from Drs. Lubert Stryer and Sergey Zazulya. Recoverin was expressed and purified from these cells according to previously published culture conditions and purification methods.1011 Antibody Purification and Biotinylation Antirecoverin antibodies were purified using a Sepharose 4B-recoverin affinity column. The affinity column was prepared by coupling 5-mg recoverin per 1 ml of CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B (Pharmacia Biotech, Piscataway, NJ). A serum sample diluted two times with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) was loaded and washed with 10 volumes of starting buffer. Antirecoverin antibodies were eluted with 0.1-M glycine, pH 2.5, and neutralized immediately. The purity of the immunoglobulin fraction collected was determined by mini sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel.12 Protein content was measured by the bicinchoninic acid method (Pierce, Rockford, IL). Activity of antibody was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using recoverin-coated microplates.6 For biotinylation, purified antibodies were dialyzed against 50mmol sodium carbonate, pH 8.5. For 20 mg of immunoglobulin G (IgG)/l ml, 0.4 mg/0.4 ml of sulfosuccinimidyl-6-(biotinamido) hexanoate (ImmunoPure NHS-LC-biotin, Pierce, Rockford, IL) was used. The mixture was incubated for 2 hours at 4°C. Unreacted biotin was removed by centrifugation using a Cenrticon-30 (Amicon, Beverly, MA) microconcentrator. Activity of biotinylated antibody was tested by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay. Cell Culture Immortalized E1A.NR3 rat retinal cells13 were maintained in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), IX MEM nonessential amino acids, IX MEM vitamins, and 100 mg/ml gentamicin. Human retinoblastoma cells Y79 (American Type Culture Collection HTB-18) and rat adrenal pheochromocytoma cells PC12 (American Type Culture Collection CRL-1721) were maintained in RPMI-1640 medium containing 15% FBS, and rat pituitary tumor cells GH3 (American Type Culture Collection CCL82.1) were maintained in DMEM containing 10% FBS. All tissue culture reagents were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). Uptake of Antibody by Immunocytochemistry Cells were allowed to attach to an eight-chamber slide dish (Nunc 177445) and then cultured in the presence of human, rat, or rabbit normal or antirecoverin biotinylated antibodies (100 /zg/ml). Twenty-four hours later, cells were washed and fixed for 10 minutes at room temperature in 2% paraformaldehyde and permeabilized in 0.25% Triton X-100 for 5 minutes. After 285 Autoantibodies Induce Apoptotic Cell Death a rinse in PBS, cells were incubated for 1 hour with a horseradish peroxidase-conjugated streptavidin. The cells were rinsed in PBS, and color reaction was developed with a diaminobenzidine kit (Pierce, Rockford, IL). Negative control specimens consisting of cells cultured without antibodies were processed simultaneously with experimental cells. DNA Analysis Cells (2 X 105) were allowed to attach to TC-25 flasks. They then were exposed to antibodies (100 //g/ml) for 36 hours, harvested, washed, and DNA was extracted using a hypotonic lysing buffer consisting of 10-mmol Tris, 1-mmol ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 0.5% Triton X-100, pH 7.5. The extract was spun at 16,000 X g for 15 minutes and supernatant extracted with phenol-chloroform. DNA was precipitated in ice-cold 100% ethanol and then digested overnight with proteinase K followed by RNAse (DNAsefree) digestion. DNA samples were run on 1% agarose gel in Tris-acetic acid-EDTA buffer and stained with ethidium bromide. Cytotoxicity Assay The E1A.NR3 cells were allowed to attach to 96-well flat-bottomed microtiter plates overnight at a density of 104 cells/well in DMEM at a final volume of 200 fj\ per well. Cells were cultured in the presence of various concentrations of antibodies, and growth of these cells was measured using a colorimetric MTT assay. After 24 or 48 hours, 25 //I of 0.5% solution of MTT (Thiazolyl blue, Sigma) was added to each well, and the plates were incubated for another 3 hours at 37°C. MTT is a pale yellow substrate that produces a dark blue formazan product when incubated with live cells. At the end of incubation, 100 /A of cell lysing buffer (SDS-DMF) was added to dissolve the blue crystals of formazan. The plates were read in a BioRad (Hercules, CA) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reader at 570 nm. Cytotoxicity is presented as cell survival calculated based on the following formula: %cell survival = [1 — (absorbance total — absorbance sample)/absorbance total] X 100, where absorbance total is the optical density of the cell cultured without Ab, and absorbance sample is the optical density of cells cultured in the presence of Ab. The optical density of blank wells was subtracted from all samples. To study the cytotoxic effect of complement, guinea pig complement (GIBCO BRL, Grand Island, NY) was added to cultured cells at a final dilution of 50X. Cells were cultured with complement alone, complement with antibody, antibody alone, and cells alone as a control specimen. Colorimetric MTT assay was performed 24 and 48 hours later as described above. Assay for Functional Fc Receptor (Rosette Assay) Fresh sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) from the local animal facility were collected to the sterile Alsever's solution (1:1) and stored at 4°C for 0 to 3 days. For the experiment, 1 ml of SRBC was washed three times in PBS and a 5% suspension was prepared in PBS. Then, cells were coated with the maximum subagglutinating concentration of a rabbit IgG against SRBCs (Sigma) at the dilution 1:8000 or no antibodies for 2 hours at 37°C. The sensitized SRBCs were washed three times and resuspended in DMEM containing heat-inactivated 2% FBS. E1A.NR3 cells (105/ml) were seeded in a 35-mm Petri dish and allowed to attach for 2 hours. The original medium was aspirated, and 1% of antibody-coated SRBCs was added for 1-hour incubation at 37°C. Unsensitized SRBCs were used as negative control specimens. One hour later, when the SRBC had formed a uniform layer, cells were washed carefully three times in PBS and examined for rosettes formation under light microscope. Cell Staining for Apoptotic Morphologic Analysis The E1A.NR3 cells were allowed to attach to an eightchamber slide dish (Nunc 177445) for 4 hours at a density of 5 X 104 cells/chamber in DMEM at a final volume of 250 fi\ per well. Antibody then was added at a final concentration of 300 /xg/ml. At different times, the medium was discarded, and 250 fil fluorescent dye (Hoechst 33342; Sigma, St. Louis, MO) (200X of 1 mg/ml dimethyl sulfoxide) was added and incubated with the cells for 15 minutes. Then, 5 [A of propidium iodide (1 mg/ml PBS) was added for another 10 minutes. Cells were rinsed and examined at 40X using a Zeiss fluorescent microscope and an ultraviolet excitation filter. RESULTS Antibody Uptake by Retinal Cells To evaluate pathogenic effects of antirecoverin antibody on retinal cells, we performed in vitro experiments using a recently developed immortalized rat retinal cell culture E1A.NR3.13 This cell line contains cells expressing antigens specific for photoreceptor, bipolar, and ganglion cells. Recoverin, among other proteins, is expressed by these cells as is shown by immunocytochemistry in Figure 1A. To examine whether antirecoverin antibodies can access the antigen inside the cells, biotinylated affinity-purified antibodies specific to recoverin obtained from five patients with CAR were tested. As control, antirecoverin antibodies from rats or rabbits immunized with recoverin were used. All antibodies used had similar speci- 286 Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, February 1997, Vol. 38, No. 2 B \ % D 1 t FIGURE l. Internalization of antibodies by E1A.NR3 cells. (A) lmmunoperoxidase staining of recoverin using rabbit antirecoverin antibodies. Cells were grown in a chamber dish, fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde, permeabilized, and then antirecoverin antibodies were added (1:1000). (B to E) Antibody uptake. E1A.NR3 cells were allowed to attach to a dish, and biotinylated antirecoverin or normal antibodies were added to the culture medium. The cells were washed with phosphate-buffered saline and fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde. Localization of antibody was shown using biotin-streptavidin-peroxidase. Cells were counterstained with methyl green. (B) Dark-stained cells indicate internalized antirecoverin antibodies (arrows). Magnification, X100. (C) Higher magnification of untreated cells. No cytoplasm immunostaining was observed; methyl green counterstained cells. (D) A representative micrograph of immunoperoxidase cytoplasm staining in cells grown in the presence of human antirecoverin antibodies from a patient with cancer-associated retinopathy. (E) Immunoperoxidase cytoplasm staining in cells grown in the presence of normal human immunoglobulins. Magnification, X1000 (C,D,E). ficities; they all recognized the same major binding site localized within residues 64 through 70, Lys-AlaTyr-Ala-Gln-His-Val.14 We cultured the E1A.NR3 cells in the presence of affinity-purified antibodies for 24 to 72 hours. Normal IgG fractions of appropriate species were used as negative control specimens. Using an immunoperoxidase method, we found normal and antirecoverin antibodies in the cytoplasm of the cells after a 24-hour incubation with antibodies. As shown in Figures IB, 1C, ID, and IE, both human antirecoverin and normal nonspecific antibodies can be internalized by retinal cells. The same staining pattern was observed when antirecoverin antibodies produced in rats or rabbits were added to the cultures. Effects of Antibodies and Complement on Cell Growth In the previous experiment, we showed that both normal and specific antibodies entered retinal cells. In the next set of experiments, we studied the effect of antibodies on cell growth. We tested the effect of five different antirecoverin autoantibodies from patients with CAR, rat antirecoverin antibodies from rats widi active experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis,6 and rabbit antirecoverin antibodies. Our data show that all antirecoverin antibodies tested had a similar cytotoxic effect on E1A.NR3 cell survival. Figure 2 shows representative results obtained after incubation with human, rat, and rabbit antibodies. Cytotoxic action of antibodies on cell growth was dependent on the amount of antirecoverin antibodies added and on the time of exposure. The toxic effect was more pronounced in higher antirecoverin antibody doses (Fig. 2A), and the number of surviving cells significantly decreased after 48 hours (Fig. 2B). Normal nonspecific antibodies had no effect on cell survival at the same doses and times. In the next experiment, E1A.NR3 cells were grown in the presence of antibodies and complement. Human antirecoverin antibodies were IgGl class; therefore, they could bind complement. When compared with cultures incubated with antirecoverin antibodies alone, no additional cell destruction was observed in the presence of complement over a period of 48 hours (data not shown). To determine whether the Fc receptor is expressed on the surface of E1A.NR3 cells, we performed an Fc resetting assay using IgG-coated SRBC. The SRBCs did not form rosettes with E1A.NR3 cell surface. To test the possibility that Fc receptor is induced by antibody, cells first were incubated for 4 hours with antibodies, and then the rosette assay was performed. No rosette formation was observed. These results show that E1A.NR3 cells do not express an Fc binding activity on their surface. Specificity of Antibody Action To establish whether antirecoverin antibodies can influence the growth of cells that do not express recoverin, we cultured antirecoverin antibodies with three Autoantibodies Induce Apoptotic Cell Death DOSE TIME 120 100 - 80 60 40 20 - DC HUMAN \ 0 120 100 80 60 LLJ 40 20 < LU 100 - O 80 - CC LU CL RAT 0 120 60 40 20 - RABBIT 0 15 35 75 150 300 HOURS FIGURE 2. Effect of antibodies on cell survival measured by a colorimetric MTT assay, (left) Dose response. E1A.NR3 cells were allowed to attach to 96-well flat-bottomed microtiter plates at a density of 104 cells/well in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium at final volume of 200 /zl/ml. Cells were cultured in the presence of various concentrations of antibodies, and survival of the cells was measured after 48 hours, (right) Time course of cell death induced by 300 /ig/ml antirecoverin antibodies 0, 24, and 48 hours after treatment with the antibody (O) antirecoverin antibodies; (•) normal immunoglobulin G fraction. cell lines: human retinoblastoma cell line Y79, rat adrenal pheochromocytoma cell line PCI2, and rat pituitary tumor cell line GH3. Proteins extracted from the cells were checked for the presence of recoverin by Western blot analysis using antirecoverin antibodies. None of the cells expressed recoverin in our culture conditions, although we found that retinoblastoma Y79 expressed an mRNA for recoverin. These cells were grown in the presence of high doses of antirecoverin antibodies (300 //g/ml) for 24 to 48 hours. Using an immunoperoxidase method, we detected the presence of normal and antirecoverin antibodies in the cytoplasm ofY79, PC12, and GH3 cells (Fig. 3A). However, the results from the MTT cytotoxic assay show that antirecoverin antibodies did not influence cell growth and survival (Fig. 3B). In the next experiment, monoclonal antibody specific to another photoreceptor-specific protein, ar- 287 restin (S-antigen), was added to E1A.NR3 cell culture for 48 hours. Arrestin is expressed by E1A.NR3 cells.13 Our results show that antiarrestin antibody was almost as effective as were antirecoverin antibodies. After incubation with the highest dose of antibody, 40% of the cells were alive as compared with the action of normal antibodies, where 100% cells survived (Fig. 4). Evidence for Apoptosis Comparative analysis of E1A.NR3 cells grown in the presence of recoverin-specific antibodies, regardless of their origin (human, rat, or rabbit), showed morphologic changes, including shrinking of cell bodies, blebs, retraction of processes, and detachment from the tissue culture dish. Cells retained a normal morphology when cultured with the same amount of control antibodies (Fig. 5). Because both specific and control antibodies were internalized, this effect of antirecoverin antibody must be because of specific antibody action. Incubation of cells in the presence of antirecoverin antibodies caused DNA fragmentation into 200-bp integers and nuclear chromatin condensation (Figs. 5C, 5D, 5E). DNA fragmentation was observed for all antirecoverin antibodies from patients' sera as well as from animal's sera. Fragmentation of DNA was not seen when cells were grown with normal antibodies. Chromatin condensation was analyzed using the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342 (Sigma) and propidium iodide (Figs. 5D, 5E). Treatment of cells with antirecoverin antibodies induced apoptosis as shown by multiple, brightly stained nuclei, most of which were from dead cells (pink). On average, approximately 20% of cells in the culture showed fragmentation and condensed nuclei. The percentage of apoptotic cells in the cell population was underestimated because growing the cells in the presence of antiretinal antibodies caused them to detach from the tissue culture dish, and the lost cells were not scored. Control cultures treated with either normal antibodies or with no antibodies had 1% to 2% of cells that were apoptotic, presumably due to natural processes of the cell cycle. The very low level of apoptotic cells in normal antibody experiments was not detectable by DNA fragmentation analysis because of the lower sensitivity of the test. Figures 5D and 5E show a typical Hoechst (Sigma) staining of cells cultured in the presence of human normal and antirecoverin autoantibodies. DISCUSSION The function of autoantibodies in the pathogenicity of most autoimmune diseases, including paraneoplastic syndromes, is unknown. In CAR syndrome, a high titer of circulating antibodies is associated with retinal degeneration. Although inflammatory infiltrates are observed sporadically in diseased tissues of patients with Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, February 1997, Vol. 38, No. 2 288 Anti-recoverin Ab NORMAL IgG ANTI-RECOVERIN Ab Y79 FIGURE 3. Effect of antirecoverin antibodies on Y79, PCI2, and CH3 cells. (A) Antibody uptake. Cells were grown in the presence of biotinylated antibodies against recoverin for 48 hours. Immunoperoxidase staining was performed, {left panel) Dark-stained cells indicate cells internalized antirecoverin antibodies, {rightpanel) No antibody was added to the culture. Arrows point toward the cells. (B) Effect of antibodies on the cell survival by the MTT colorimetric assay. Cells were grown with 300 /ig/ml antirecoverin and normal antibodies for 48 hours. CAR,3'15'16 little evidence of retinal inflammation has been reported. In the absence of visible inflammation, such as seen in patients with uveitis, one can assume that retinal degeneration occurs by some noninflammatory process involving humoral immunity. This led us to the hypothesis that apoptotic mechanisms may be involved in the disease. There is a possibility that in pathologic conditions, the antibodies cross the bloodretina barrier (BRB), enter photoreceptor cells, and by, altering their function, trigger cell death. Our present studies show evidence to support the pathogenic role of autoantibodies in CAR. The major result is that 120 autoantibodies specific to recoverin penetrate into living cells and trigger retinal cell death, which occurs < through apoptotic mechanism. C 100 The apoptotic nature of E1A.NR3 cell death is cc supported by two lines of experimental evidence. Inin ternucleosomal DNA fragmentation was observed by LL agarose gel electrophoresis as described for apoptotic O cell death in other tissues.17 Apoptotic cells showing LJJ multiple, brightly stained condensed nuclei by fluorescent method were observed throughout the culture incubated with recoverin-specific antibodies but in cultures incubated with normal antibodies. This antiLJJ O body-mediated destruction of retinal cells was indecc pendent of complement. LJJ The initial process of antibody internalization was Q_ ^ _ _ _ zu -1 ——• nonspecific because both normal and specific IgG 75 150 300 were taken up by EA1.NR3 retinal cells. It is not clear ANTIBODY lfjLQlm\] by what mechanism antibodies access retinal cells. ncuRE 4. Uptake of antiarrestin antibodies by E1A.NR3 One possibility is that IgG is transported through Fc cells. The E1A.NR3 cells were allowed to attach to 96-well receptors expressed on the surface of cells. However, flat-bottomed microtiter plates at a density of 104 cells/well retinal cells grown with or without antibodies did not in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium at a final volume express an Fc binding activity on their surface. It is of 200 //I/ml. Cells were cultured in the presence of various possible that internalization of antibodies may occur concentrations of monoclonal antibody S65-38 specific for arrestin {black bars) or control immunoglobulin G {white nonspecifically by endocytosis. This suggestion is supbars), and survival of these cells was measured after 48 hours. ported by data published previously indicating that 289 Autoantibodies Induce Apoptotic Cell Death FIGURE 5. Apoptosis of retinal cells E1A.NR3 triggered by antirecoverin antibodies. After cells attached, antirecoverin or normal antibodies were added. (A) Photomicrograph of E1A.NR3 cells grown without antibodies. Cells display epithelioid morphology interspersed with process-bearing cells. (B) Photomicrograph of the cells grown in the presence of human antirecoverin antibodies for 24 hours. Dead cells loosely attach to the tissue culture dish. Retraction of the processes can be observed as indicated by arrows. (C) DNA ladders on 1% agarose gel electrophoresis from cells grown in the presence and in the absence of human antirecoverin antibodies. Ethidium brornide-stained gels. Lane 1 represents DNA markers (multiples of 123 bp). Lane 2 represents DNA isolated from cells cultured in the presence of normal human immunoglobulin or absence of antibodies. Lane 3 represents DNA isolated from cells exposed to human antirecoverin antibodies. (D,E) Nuclear chromatin condensation in cells grown for 24 hours with antibodies and examined with the DNA dyes Hoechst 33342 (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) and propidium iodide. Cells grown in the presence of normal antibodies (D) showed only rare dead cells, whereas the treatment with antirecoverin antibodies (E) induces apoptosis as shown by multiple, brightly stained condensed nuclei (arrow). Enumeration of apoptotic nuclei by fluorescent microscopy showed 20% apoptotic nuclei for antibody-treated cells and 1% to 2% for normal antibody or untreated cells. Only attached cells were counted. the rod photoreceptors inner segment is capable of extensive endocytotic activity to retrieve components of interphotoreceptor matrix and that photoreceptor and bipolar cells participate in endocytosis at the synapse.18"20 In view of the fact that normal antibodies do not influence cell physiology and cells lacking the target antigen are not affected by the presence of specific antibodies, a hypothetical mechanism by which antirecoverin antibody might cause dysfunction or death of photoreceptor cells is by blocking recoverin function. Because the initial process of internalization seems to be nonspecific, a possible mechanism for this action of antirecoverin antibodies results from the calciumbinding properties of recoverin. Recoverin is a calcium-binding protein present in retinal photoreceptor cells and also found in bipolar cells.21 The calciumbound form of recoverin plays a role in regulating rhodopsin phosphorylation.22'23 Blocking recoverin function may cause an increase in free calcium and lead to the activation of endonuclease, a calcium-sensitive molecule, resulting in nuclear morphologic changes and DNA fragmentation. This would not be observed in the case of normal antibodies that enter the cells but do not affect cell physiology. Support for this is provided by our recent studies that antirecoverin antibody binding was calcium dependent.1' We showed that conformational changes induced by bound calcium enhance the binding of antibodies to recoverin. Furthermore, the sequence within residues 64 through 70 (Lys-Ala-Tyr-Ala-Gln-His-Val) in proximity to the calcium-binding domain EF-hand 2 was found to be a major antigenic and pathogenic reThe central question that has always arisen in CAR is how autoantibodies get to the target antigen in the retina. The BRB is the most obvious separation of circulating autoantibodies from the cells, and it is 290 Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, February 1997, Vol. 38, No. 2 likely to be disrupted for dysfunction to occur; this study does not address this question. In the pathologic condition, increased vascular permeability often is observed, which may permit access of serum antibodies to the retina through the BRB.24 There also are some experimental data supporting the ability of antibody to cross the BRB. Systemically injected anti-S antigen antibodies into normal rats induced electroretinographic supernormality, suggesting their passage across the BRB.25 In the paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration model, Greenlee et al26 showed uptake of systemically administrated IgG by cerebellar Purkinje's cells in the setting of the BRB disruption. In addition, the role of cellular immunity and cytokines in BRB disturbance also cannot be excluded and should be investigated. In conclusion, our studies show for the first time that antirecoverin antibodies can be cytotoxic for retinal cells and can cause retinal cell death through apoptotic mechanisms. This effect of specific antibodies might be more generalized in cases of diseases where cell loss does not induce inflammatory response and apoptosis seems to be the mechanism of cell death. We propose that in patients with CAR, autoantibodies originally are elicited against recoverin expressed in tumor cells. 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