Kern Memorial United Methodist Church Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost November 16, 2014 11:00 am Service THIS WEEK AT KERN… GIRLFRIENDS IN CHRIST—DINNER AT PIZZA INN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18—6:15-8:00 PM All “girlfriends” are invited to our November Girlfriend Gathering this Tuesday evening. We will meet at Pizza Inn (Oak Ridge Turnpike). Sign-up on the tear-off or contact Patti Atkinson (919-6178 or [email protected]) if you plan to attend. STAFF APPRECIATION DAY In honor of our entire church staff, the Staff-Parish Relations Committee is sponsoring a Staff Appreciation Day on November 19. Everyone is invited to help us celebrate the job well done by our staff. At 5:30 pm at the Wednesday niter meal, Kern Thanksgiving Dinner, we will have a special program to honor each staff member. A large basket is set up in the Narthex for cards and notes of appreciation you, as members, wish to convey to our staff. These notes and cards will be presented to our staff members at the Thanksgiving Dinner. Please sign up for the meal and plan to attend this special time to say thank you to the staff for this past year of service to our church. See inside for the menu and make your reservations on the tear-off. If you have questions, please contact Doc McCarty (483-7359) or any Staff-Parish Relations Committee member. NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23—A DAY IN MINISTRY & MISSION Bring the entire family to prepare for Thanksgiving and Advent. Indicate your participation in these activities on the tear-off. HANGING OF THE GREENS—12:00-2:00 PM Advent is just around the corner, and it will soon be time to decorate our church for the arrival of Christ. This is a wonderful opportunity for the entire family to enjoy together. STONE SOUP LUNCH—12:30-3:30 PM—enjoy a hearty soup lunch and fellowship with family and friends. If you can help prepare or serve the lunch, or if you can bring veggies for the soup, please sign-up on the tear-off. Please bring veggies to the FLC kitchen by Saturday morning. THANKSGIVING BASKETS—1:30-4:00 PM We are once again putting together boxes and baskets to provide Thanksgiving meals for families in our community. There are over 180 requests to date, so the need is great. How can you help? Put together a box/basket filled with food items. Make a donation toward a complete Thanksgiving box/basket or a donation toward the turkeys. Come and help distribute the items on Sunday afternoon. Please see the bulletin insert for a list of food items and drop-off information. Please make donations payable to Kern UMC, memo: Thanksgiving Baskets. PARTICIPANTS NEEDED IN WORSHIP--LIGHT CANDLES ON THE ADVENT WREATH & READ SCRIPTURE Another way that you can participate in the Advent season is by lighting the candles on the Advent wreath and reading the related scripture during a Sunday morning worship or one of the Christmas Eve services. We will provide the scripture and simple instructions on what to do— you bring your Bible and family or friends, and decide who will read and who will light the candles. This is a wonderful and meaningful opportunity for families and friends to share in the spirit of the Advent season together! Please sign up on the bulletin tear-off, indicating which service that you attend and which date(s) you are available. Someone will call you to confirm the date that you are participating. THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY—NOVEMBER 27-28 The church office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 27-28 in observance of Thanksgiving. Enjoy this special time with your family and friends. All are invited to join us in the Family Life Center TONIGHT for: Worship at 6:00 pm MESSAGE: Go and Name That Baby! (Speaker: Kathy LaFollette) Coffee & Fellowship at 5:30 pm Child care provided for children under age 4. Activities for kids ages 4-8 at 6:00 pm. THE WORSHIP OF GOD Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost Greetings and Announcements * Entrance of the Cross Prelude Here I Am, Lord arr. John Carter Invocation To what extent can worship assimilate challenges to the presuppositions of worship? To what extent does Christian theology and ritual require a kind of conspiracy of silence on the part of the participants, a tacit agreement that certain assumptions shall not be questioned? Can worship allow for the postmodern suspicion of worship? Should questions about worship be raised in the context of worship? Where better to raise them? Is there not an element of risk in worship? Does not worship risk itself---to the degree that it is reflective, to the degree that it asks people to think about what they are saying, to the degree that it admits into its considerations the challenges of existence? If there is something like "excitement" in worship let it be derived not from pulpit histrionics---or volume or style or choreography or any of the dubious means by which we attempt to make worship attractive to the distracted. Let it come from the tension of faith subjecting itself to the challenges to faith. Put us at risk, Lord. Let our confrontation with the biblical texts constitute a real danger! Whether we go from this place with our faith enhanced or shaken, confirmed or disturbed, may it be a more reflective, mature, and resilient faith than that with which we entered. Amen. * Hymn O Worship the King 73 Canticle of Covenant Faithfulness 125 * Gloria Patri * Hymn 70 Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us 381 Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer Anthem Eternal Life Olive Dungan/arr. William Stickles Offertory Sentence At the time of this composition the church had received, from the less fortunate members of our community, 180 requests for a Thanksgiving basket. Along with food Kern will offer the recipients something to which no monetary value can be assigned: welcome, recognition, respect. The Church's generosity to the community depends entirely, of course, upon your generosity to the Church. Presentation of Tithes and Offerings Offertory Adagio in A Minor * Doxology 94 Children’s Circle * Hymn John Sebastian Bach Jessica Torrance Make Me a Servant * Gospel Lesson: Matthew 25:14-30 (TFWS) 2176 Jim Giles Sermon “the irony of faith” * Hymn Soon and Very Soon Donald Morris 706 * Benediction * Choral Benediction * Postlude Now Thank We All Our God * Congregation Standing arr. James Pethel Tear-Off Announcements FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE TOMORROW NIGHT Friendship Circle will meet Monday, November 17, at 7:00 pm at the home of Sherry Smyrl, 11319 Berry Hill Drive, Knoxville, (927-4735).Carpools will leave the church or Kmart parking lots at 6:40pm. UMW BAKE SALE/MINI BAZAAR IN 3 WEEKS! The United Methodist Women’s annual fundraiser, Bake Sale/Mini Bazaar, will take place on Saturday, Dec 6, from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm in conjunction with the Alternative Gift Fair. Please plan to come enjoy the fellowship and food. In addition to bakery and bazaar items,the UMW will offer “ham and biscuits” for sale starting at 9:00am, soup starting at 11:00am, and desserts by the slice throughout the event. Proceeds go to support UMW missions both local and world-wide. All types of baked goods and some jellies will be available as well as “recycled” jewelry/books. Please bring donations of “recycled” jewelry and used books to the UMW room (room #1 near the Fellowship Hall) by Dec 1. Both hardback and paperback books are needed but please NO magazines, NO Readers Digest condensed books, NO National Geographics, and NO encyclopedia. If you are “crafting” new items for the bazaar, please let Carla Giles (482-5935) know. PK HOPE IS ALIVE Parkinson’s Support group will meet Tuesday, November18 in the Family Life Center at 11:30 am. Speaker, Dr. Bruce LeForce, has over 25 years experience in Neurology. A light lunch will be provided by Medtronic. For more information contact Karen Sampsell (4824867 or [email protected]). REGISTER NOW FOR CAMP FAITH SPRING 2015 SESSION Camp Faith is a wonderful place for preschoolers to come together to play, and grow, and learn in a Christian environment. Play games, sing songs, make crafts—and just have fun with your friends. Now registering for the Spring 2015 session on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for preschoolers (ages 2 ½ to 5). A Nursery is available for younger siblings (ages 6 weeks to 2 ½ years). Registration with small Activities Fee (for snack and craft supplies) are required. Contact Chanda Knight (455-4769) to register. Sunday, November 16, 2014 NAME ___________________________ PHONE ___________________________ EMAIL ___________________________ DO NOT SEPARATE NAME FROM TEAR-OFF!! Place the tear-off in offering plate. Sign-Up Wednesday Niter Nov. 19, 2014 ____ Number of adults/children, 7 yrs & up – $7.50 Holiday Pricing ____ Number of children, under age 7 – FREE ____ Number of takeout meals GIC Gathering November 18 ____I will join the group at Pizza Inn. HOLSTON UNITED METHODIST HOME FOR CHILDREN When Nathan took the stage to deliver the Valedictorian speech at Beacon School’s Graduation he told the story of his life and the hardships he encountered before coming to Holston Home. “I used to think that Holston Home would be a road block, something that was standing between me and where I wanted to go,” said Nathan. “But now I know that Holston Home is a ’detour’ that all of us get to take in order to find the right path.” With your help, children like Nathan will continue to “find the right path” here at Holston Home. Please pray for the ministry and be prepared to give generously on Sunday November 30. Hanging of the Greens COMMITMENT If you have not turned in your 2015 Commitment Card or Estimate of giving form, there’s still time for you to do this. You may mail them, drop them by the church office, or place them in the offering plate during worship today. Thanksgiving Baskets WEDNESDAY NITER MENU Buffet line opens at 5:30 pm. Reservations or cancellations must be made by 12:00 noon on Monday via the tear-off or by calling the church office (483-5273). If you fail to attend and did not cancel, you will be expected to pay. Please let us know by 4:00 pm Wednesday if your meal needs to be for takeout. Turkey and Dressing Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Caserole Coffee, Tea, and Lemonade Homemade Desserts ____ I will help decorate the church. Stone Soup Lunch ____I will bring veggies (Sat. am 11/22). ____I will help serve during Thanksgiving distribution (11/23). I will help in the following ways: ____donate #_____basket(s) filled with food items from the list. ____donate $35 for a basket ____donate $____ toward turkeys ____distribute/carry baskets (11/23) Participate in Worship I am available on the following dates to light candles on the Advent wreath & read scripture: ____Nov. 30 (Service ) ____Dec. 7 (Service ) ____Dec. 14 (Service ) ____Dec. 21 (Service ) ____Dec. 24, Christmas Eve (Services TBD) Our Staff This Week at Kern Carol Cox – Pianist [email protected] Mike Cox – Treasurer [email protected] Julie Johnson – Secretary [email protected] Chanda Knight – Children’ Ministry Coordinator [email protected] Ashley Lockridge – Praise & Worship Leader [email protected] Kevin Miller – Director of Music [email protected] Don Morris – Pastor [email protected] Wanda Parks – Organist [email protected] Debbie Shope – Program Director [email protected] Lindsay Shope – Nursery Coordinator [email protected] Karen Spearman – Congregational Care Assistant [email protected] Church Office 451 E. Tennessee Ave. Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Hours: Monday–Friday 9:00 am–4:00 pm Phone: (865) 483-5273 Fax: (865) 483-0192 Participants in Today’s Service Early Worship Greeter: Betty Hitchcock Early Worship Acolytes: Caleb & Abigail Bennett P&W Parking Greeters: Doris Doherty/Paulette Missaggia P&W Lay Reader: Wayne Missaggia Late Parking Lot Greeters: Tom Turley/Charles McAlister Late Narthex Greeters: Earl & Edith Taylor Late Worship Acolyte: Madeleine Morris Late Worship Crucifer: Kay Hamrick Late Worship Lay Reader: Jim Giles Children’s Circle: Jessica Torrance Offering Counters: Michele Brandenburg/Marjorie Nall Proofreader Michele Brandenburg Participants on November 23, 2014 Early Worship Greeter: Peggy Stuart Early Worship Acolytes: Caleb & Abigail Bennett P&W Parking Greeters: Scott and Carmella Ashburn P&W Lay Reader: Jeanetta Nutter Late Parking Lot Greeters: Larry & Ann Brown Late Narthex Greeters: Thomas Turley/Joan Vander Sluis Late Worship Acolyte: Will Meadows Late Worship Crucifer: Kay Hamrick Late Worship Lay Reader: Joyce Willis Children’s Circle: Jim Giles Offering Counters: Michele Brandenburg/Howell Simerly Proofreader Sandra Hicks 2014 GENERAL FUND General Fund November 9, 2014 Needed per week General Fund YTD Needed YTD General Fund Budget 10,339 10,326 433,115 464,670 536,977 Key: Sanctuary (S), Family Life Center (FLC), Narthex (N), Fellowship Hall (FH), Parlor (P), Prayer Room (PR), Memorial Garden (MG), Education Building (EB), Meeting Room (MR), Youth Room (YR) DAILY Kern Church in prayer (7 am, 11 am, 7 pm, 11pm) SUNDAY, November 16, 2014 – 23nd Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 am Early Worship Service (S) 9:00 am Praise & Worship Service (FLC) 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Late Traditional Service (S) 12:30 pm Leadership Council (P) 6:00 pm Revive Service (FLC) MONDAY, November 17, 2014 9:00 am Monday Morning Maintenance (FH) 10:00 am General Meeting (FH) 5:30 pm Yoga (FLC) 6:30 pm Revive Meeting (P) 6:45 pm Boy Scouts (FLC) 7:00 pm Trustees (Rm 5) 7:00 pm Friendship Circle (Sherry Smyrl’s Home) TUESDAY, November 18, 2014 9:00 am Camp Faith (Rm 24) 9:30 am PiYO Strength(FLC) NO Class till January 10:00 am Don’s OT Bible Study (P) 11:30 am Parkinson’s Support(FLC) 11:00 am Staff Meeting (MR) 6:15 pm GIC (Pizza Inn) WEDNESDAY, November 19, 2014 9:15 am Yoga (FLC) 10:30 am Mommy and Company (FLC) 4:30 pm Worship Team (P) 5:30 pm Wednesday Niter Dinner (FLC) 5:30 pm Employee Recognition Program (FLC) 6:30 pm All Classes 6:30 pm Chancel Choir (S) 6:30 pm Adventure Crew (N) 7:00 pm Praise Band (FLC) THURSDAY, November 20, 2014 8:00 am Prayer Group (P) 9:00 am Camp Faith (Rm 24) 9:30 am Zumba (FLC) NO Class till January 10:00 am Mary Martha Circle (FH) 6:00 pm Girl Scouts #69 (Rm 12) FRIDAY, November 21, 2014 SATURDAY, November 22, 2014 SUNDAY, November 23, 2014 – Christ the King Sunday 12:00 pm Hanging of the Greens 12:30 pm Stone Soup (FLC) 1:30 pm Thanksgiving Basket Distribution (FLC) HAPPY BIRTHDAYS 11/16 11/17 11/18, 11/19 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/23 Ricky Barber, John Cox, Dean LeBlanc, Iris Shelton Caroline Miller, Wanda Parks, James Sloan George Smith Mary Duggins, Sean Greene, D. J. Harvery, Jeanne Morales Elliott Cooper, Melissa Livesey, Libby White John Alig, David Allen, Rebecca Dongarra, Steve Martin, Keith McDaniel, Willie Napier Kathy Brown, Mike Cox, Patti Evans, Donna Roach, Suzanne Sauerwein, Ashley Word Jana Martin, Gabriel Rejman
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