Updated 28 August 2015 Page: 1 / 9 Department of Clinical Neuroscience Division of Insurance Medicine Curriculum Vitae - Magnus Stenbeck born 1951 Telephone: +46852486141, +46854132498 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Current Position 2010 Docent, Senior Researcher. Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division of Insurance Medicine, Karolinska Institute. Previous Positions 2010-2010 Researcher. Unit for Epidemiology, Department of Statistics and Follow-up, National Board of Health and Welfare. International infrastructure for health monitoring, Senior Consultant Research Methodology. 2007-2009 Senior Researcher; Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institute. Parttime. Director, Database Infrastructure Committee. DISC is the Swedish Research Council’s Expert Committee for the development of research data infrastructure in all scientific disciplines. During the initial phase focusing in particular on register based research in the medical and social sciences. 2007-2009 Senior Researcher. University of Karlstad. Department of Social and Life Sciences. Parttime. Tobacco behavior research. Counseling of doctoral students. 2007-2010 Researcher. Unit for Analysis; Center for Epidemiology, National Board of Health and Welfare. Parttime. International infrastructure for health monitoring, Senior Consultant Research Methodology. 1998-2007 Director. Head of Unit for Analysis. Center for Epidemiology (EpC), National Board of Health and Welfare. Responsible for national public health and social reports, and register based social and epidemiological research 1992-1998 Department Director. Researcher at the R&D section EpC. Appointed “specialsakkunnig” in research methodology. 1991-1992 Assistant Professor. Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA Postal address Karolinska Institutet Division of Insurance Medicine SE-171 77 Stockholm Sweden Visiting address Berzelius väg 3, 6th floor Telephone +46 8 524 832 24 (secretary) Email: [email protected] Web ki.se/im Page: 1991-1992 Assistant Professor. Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA 1990-1991 Evaluator. Health Program Unit, Social Medicine Kronan, KI and the County Council of Stockholm. 1990-1990 Researcher. Statistics Sweden. 1988-1990 Researcher. Department 55 Behavioral Sciences, National Defense Research Institute of Sweden. 1987-1988 Research/Teaching Assistant. Social Science Computing Facility, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA 1984-1987 Research Assistant. National Science Foundation grant SES84-11359. PI: Professor Otis Dudley Duncan. 1984-1984 Teaching Assistant. Department of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA 1976-1983 Researcher. Department 55 Behavioral Sciences, National Defense Research Institute of Sweden. (leaves of absense during corresponding periods of employment at the University of Karlstad,(see below) 1982-1983 Lectureship, University of Karlstad (25%) 1981-1981 Lectureship, University of Karlstad (50%) 1980-1981 Lectureship, University of Karlstad (100%) 1980-1980 Lectureship, University of Karlstad (50%) 1979-1979 Lectureship, University of Karlstad (100%) 1976-1976 Research Assistant, Department 55 Behavioral Sciences, National Defense Research Institute of Sweden. 1975-1976 Military service as Research Assistant, Department 55 Behavioral Sciences, National Defense Research Institute of Sweden. Education (academic) 1991 Ph.D. Sociology. University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (Thesis: Rasch Measurement of Labor Market Change) 1986 M.A. Sociology. University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (Thesis:The Quality of Work Measurement) 1975 Socionom, Socialhögskolan Örebro Docent 1998 Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Stockholm (Committee: Denny Vågerö, Staffan Marklund). Academic distinctions 2/9 Page: 1985 Honors pass on Masters Examination. Received Charles B Spaulding Prize for best MA Thesis, Dept of Sociology, University of Santa Barbara; CA, USA Commissions of trust 2009 Chair of the Nordic Steering Committee for the development of Action 7 Access to National Data Repositories within the eNoriaNet action plan for Nordic research infrastructure. 2010 - Swedish representative in the Steering Committee for the development of a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) for the Council of European Social Science Data Archives (CSSSDA), a part of the European Strategy Forum for research Infrastructure (ERIC) 2009-2010 Member of the expert committee on the review of Mental Health of Children and Adolescents, Royal Academy of Science, Stockholm 1996-2002 Member of the Research Board (Forskningsnämnden), 2005-current National Cancer Society, Sweden. Included reviewing applications to the Nordic Cancer Union (NCU). 2006-2009 Member of the Program Committee for “välfärdsstatistik”, Statistics Sweden. 2003-2006 Member of the Program Committee for The Level of Living Survey, Statistics Sweden. 1996-2000 Member of the Priority committee F (Pk F), Epidemiology National 2005-current Cancer Society, Sweden 200-2002 Vice Chair, Prority committee F, Epidemiology, National Cancer Society, Sweden 2009-2010 Government representative to the Health Information Committee (HIC) within the EU Directorate for Health and Consumer Affairs DG Sanco). 2002-2008 Government representative to the Health Information Committee (HIC) within the EU Directorate for Health and Consumer Affairs (DG Sanco). 2003-2007 Member of the Board. Institutet för Psykosocial Medicin (IPM). 1998-2007 Member of the Board. Institutet för Member of the Board. Svensk Epidemiologisk Förening (SVEP). 1998-2003 Consulting Editor for Statistics, European Journal of Public Health 3/9 Page: 1993-2009 Member of a number of international expert committees dealing with the build-up of an infrastructure for a European health information system, such as: CARE (EU work group in the 1990’s for the exchange of hospital data, predecessor to HMP) Health Monitoring Programme (HMP) and associated work groups for monitoring, analysis och reporting (predecessor to Strand 1 within DG Sanco) NCA:s work groups for Personal Data Protection Issues (reviewed the legal and ethical prerequisites for national and international databases and registries containing sensitive personal information) European Core Health Indicators Group (coordination of the development of a European Health Indicator list) Health Systems Working Party (health systems indicatos, e.g. health care quality, health care providers etc.) Working Party for Morbidity and Mortality Indicators Working Party for the development of a common Healthy Life Years Indicator Indicator Subgroup of the Social Protection Committee (DG Employment) Peer reviewed original articles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Wiberg M, Friberg E, Palmer E, Stenbeck M. Sickness absence and subsequent disposable income - a population based cohort study. Scand J of Pub Health; DOI 10.1177/1403494815575341 Wiberg M, Friberg E, Stenbeck M, Alexanderson K, Norlund A, Hillert J, Tinghög P. Sources and level of income among individuals with multiple sclerosis compared to the general population: A nationwide populationbased study. 2015; Mult Scler; pii: 1352458515570767 Nyren, O, Stenbeck M, Grönberg H. The European Parliament Proposal for the new EU General data Protection Regulation may severely restrict European epidemiological research. Eur J of Epidemiology 2014;29(4):22730. Lindqvist PG, Epstein E, Landin-Olsson M, Ingvar C, Nielsen K, Stenbeck M, Olsson H. Avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for all-cause mortality: results from the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort. J Intern Med 2014 Jul;276(1):77-86 Stenbeck M, Allebeck P. Do the planned changes to European data protection threaten or facilitate important health research? Eur J Public Health 2011;21(6):682-3. Verschuuren M, Badeyan G, Carnicero J, Gissler M, Asciak R, Sakkeus L, Stenbeck M, Deville, W. The European data protection legislation and its consequences for public health monitoring: a plea for action. European Journal of Public Health 2009;18(6):550-1. Stenbeck M, Hagquist C, Rosén M. The association of snus and smoking behaviour: a cohort analysis of Swedish males in the 1990's. Addiction 2009 Sep;104(9):1579-85. Haglund B, Eliasson M, Stenbeck M, Rosén M. Is moist snuff associated with excess risk of IHD or stroke? A longitudinal follow-up of snuff users in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2007;35(6):618-22. 4/9 Page: 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Törnberg S, Kemetli L, Svane G, Rosén M, Stenbeck M, Nyström L. Patterns of participation in a cohort aged 50-60 years at first invitation to the service-screening programme with mammography in Stockholm county, Sweden. Preventive Medicine 2005;41:728 - 33. Lindqvist R, Stenbeck M, Diderichsen F. Does hospital discharge policy influence sick-leave patterns in the case of female breast cancer? Health Policy 2005;72(1):65 - 71. Talbäck M, Stenbeck M, Rosén M. Up-to-date long-term survival of cancer patients: an evaluation of period analysis on Swedish Cancer Registry data. European Journal of Cancer 2004;40(9):1361 - 72. Talbäck M, Rosén M, Stenbeck M, Dickman PW. Cancer patient survival in Sweden at the beginning of the third millenium - predictions using period analysis. Cancer Causes and Control 2004;15:967 - 76. Lindqvist R, Alvegard TA, Jönsson PE, Stenbeck M. Hospital stay related to TNM-stage and the surgical procedure in primary breast cancer. Acta Oncologica 2004;43(6):545 - 50. Talbäck M, Stenbeck M, Rosén M, Barlow L, Glimelius B. Cancer survival in Sweden 1960 - 1998. Developments across four decades. Acta Oncologica 2003;42(7):637 - 59. Wennborg H, Bonde J, Stenbeck M, Olsen J. Adverse reproduction outcomes among employees working in biomedical research laboratories. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment, and Health 2002(1):5 - 11. Rosén M, Lindqvist R, Stenbeck M. Revise the review process of the Cochrane collaboration. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2002;30(3):238 - 9. Lindqvist R, Möller T, Stenbeck M, Diderichsen F. Do changes in surgical procedures for breast cancer have consequences for hospital mean length of stay? A study of women operated on for breast cancer in Sweden, 1980-95. International journal of technology assessment in health care 2002;18(3):566 - 75. Duffy SW, Tabar L, Chen H, Holmqvist M, Yen M, Abdsala F, Epstein B, Frodis E, Ljungberg E, Hedborg-Melander C, Sundbom A, Tholin M, Wiege M, Åkerlund A, Wu HM,Tung TS,Chiu YH,Chiu CP,Huang CC, Rosén M, Smith RA, Stenbeck M, Holmberg L. The impact of organized mammography service screening on breast carcinoma mortality in seven Swedish counties. Cancer 2002;95(3):458 - 69. Stenbeck M, Rosén M, Sparén P. Causes of increasing cancer prevalence in Sweden. The Lancet 1999;354:1093 - 4. Hagquist C, Stenbeck M. Goodness of fit in regression analysis - R2 and G2 reconsidered. Quality and Quantity 1998. Lindholm LA, Rosén M, Stenbeck M. Determinants of willingness to pay taxes for a community-based prevention programme. Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine 1997;25(2):126 - 35. Fehrman-Ekholm I, Elinder C-G, Stenbeck M, Tydén G, Groth C-G. Kidney donors live longer. Transplantation 1997;64(7):976 - 8. Stenbeck M, Rosén M, Holm L-E. Cancer survival during three decades, 1961 - 1991. Acta Oncologica 1995;34(7):881 - 91. 5/9 Page: 24. Johnell O, Stenbeck M, Rosén M, Gullberg B, Kanis JA. Therapeutic strategies in the prevention of hip fracture with drugs affecting metabolism. Bone 1993;14:885 - 7. 25. Friedland R, Palmer D, Stenbeck M. The geography of corporate production - urban, industrial and organizational systems. Sociological Forum 1990;5(3):335 - 60. 26. Duncan OD, Stenbeck M, Brody CJ. Discovering heterogeneity: continuous versus discrete latent variables American Journal of Sociology 1988;93(6):1305 - 21. 27. Duncan OD, Stenbeck M. No opinion or not sure? Public Opinion Quarterly 1988;52:513 - 25. 28. Duncan OD, Stenbeck M. Panels and cohorts : design and model in the study of voting turnout Sociological Methodology 1988:1 - 35. 29. Duncan OD, Stenbeck M. Are Likert scales unidimensional? Social Science Research 1987;16:245 - 59. The 1990 PhD Thesis, “Rasch measurement of Labor Market Change”, is a monograph which in line with U.S procedure was not published prior to the dissertation defense. The same is true for the 1986 Master’s Thesis “The Quality of Work Measurement”. Articles in supplements of peer reviewed journals 30. Stenbeck M, Hjern A. Social consequences of illness International Journal of Social Welfare2007;16(Supplement 1):S105-S26. 31. Stenbeck M, Persson G. Working life, work environment, and health. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Supplement2006;67:229 - 45. 32. Stenbeck M. Illness and social situation. International Journal of Social Welfare. [Original]. 2002;11(Supplement):61 - 6. 33. Persson G, Boström G, Diderichsen F, Lindberg G, Pettersson B, Rosén M, Stenbeck M, Wall, S. Health in Sweden. The National Public Health Report 2001. Summary. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Supplement. [Overview]. 2001;29(58):1 - 6. 34. Stenbeck M, Holm L-E. Male genital organs. In: Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. Cancer Survival in Sweden in 1961 - 1991. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1995. p. 61 - 6. 35. Stenbeck M. Breast. In: Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. Cancer Survival in Sweden in 1961 - 1991. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1995. p. 49 52. 36. Stenbeck M. Methods and Material. In: Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. Cancer Survival in Sweden in 1961 - 1991. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1995. p. 1 - 4. 37. Odlind V, Rosén M, Stenbeck M. Female genital organs. In: Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. Cancer Survival in Sweden in 1961 - 1991. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1995. p. 53 - 60. 38. Holm L-E, Stenbeck M. Skin. In: Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. Cancer Survival in Sweden in 1961 - 1991. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1995. p. 75 - 82. 6/9 Page: 39. Holm L-E, Rosén M, Ericsson J, Stenbeck M, Barlow L. Digestive Organs. In: Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. Cancer Survival in Sweden in 1961 1991. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1995. p. 11 - 38. 40. Holm L-E, Gunnarskog J, Stenbeck M. Respiratory system. In: Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. Cancer Survival in Sweden in 1961 - 1991. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1995. p. 39 - 48. 41. Gunnarskog J, Stenbeck M, Holm L-E. Lip, oral cavity and mesopharynx. In: Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. cancer Survival in Sweden in 1961 1991. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1995. p. 5 - 10. 42. Ericsson J, Stenbeck M. Lymphatic and haematopoetic tissues. In: Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. Cancer Survival in Sweden in 1961 - 1991. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1995. p. 109 - 24. 43. Ericsson J, Stenbeck M. Eye, brain, and nervous system. In: Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. Cancer Survival in Sweden in 1961 - 1991. Oslo: Scandinavianl University Press; 1995. p. 83 - 94. 44. Ericsson J, Stenbeck M. Urinary tract. In: Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. Cander Survival in Sweden in 1961 - 1991. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1995. p. 67 - 74. 45. Ericsson J, Holm L-E, Stenbeck M. Thyroid, endocrine glands, bone, muscle and connective tissue. In: Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. Cancer Survival in Sweden in 1961 - 1991. Supplement 4 ed. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1995. p. 95 - 108. Supplement of peer reviewed journals 46. Persson G, Danielsson M, Rosén M, Alexandersson K, Lundberg O, Lundgren B, Stenbeck M, Wall, S. Health in Sweden: The National Public Health Report 2005. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Supplement 2006;67:3 - 10. 47. Persson G, Boström G, Diderichsen F, Lindberg G, Pettersson B, Rosén M, Stenbeck M, Wall, S., editors. Health in Sweden - The National Public Health Report 2001. 48. Stenbeck M, Rosén M, editors. Cancer Survival in Sweden in 1961 - 1991. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1995. 1b Other published work. Books, review articles, book chapters, etc. 49. Baan C, Barendregt, J, Bonneux L, Brönnum-Hansen H, Gunning-Schepers L, Kamper-Jörgensen F, Maas P, Mheen P, Mooy J, McPherson K, Naidoo B, Rosén, M, Stenbeck M, Thorogood M, Welvaart R. Public Health Models. Tools for health policy making at national and European level 1999. 50. Talbäck M, Hakulinen T, Stenbeck M. Cancerförekomst. Onkologi. Stockholm: Liber; 2008. p. 17-25. 51. Stenbeck M. Otis Dudley Duncan. Encyclopedia of Social Measurement: Elsevier Inc.; 2005. p. 691 - 7. 52. Stenbeck M. The four Prevent 2.8 country models. Sweden. In Public Health Models Tools for health policy making at national and European level 1999. 7/9 Page: 53. Stenbeck M. Lönearbetets organisation. In Karlsson JC, editor. Om lönearbete 1984. p. 81 - 127. Book reviews 54. Stenbeck M. Sample size tables for clinical studies. In: European Journal of Public Health. 1998;8(3):262 - 5. 55. Stenbeck M. Fundamentals of item response theory. In: Hambleton, Swaminathan, Rogers, editors. Contemporary Sociology 1992. p. 289 - 90. Non-reviewed journal articles 56. Stenbeck M. Rökfri målsättning odiskutabel men vägen dit bör diskuteras. Läkartidningen 2015;11: fothcoming 57. Rosén M, Stenbeck M, Asplund K. Vår kritik mot rapporten om akohol och samhälle bemöts inte. Läkartidningen 2015:112:DAY6 58. Rosén M, Stenbeck M, Asplund K. Ska medelålders inte kunna dricka ett glas vin? Läkartidningen 2014;111:C94P 59. Rosén M, Stenbeck M. Sjukdomsmönster i framtiden: Minskade risker för individen, men ökad sjukdomsbörda för samhället. Läkartidningen2000;11. 60. Rosén M, Stenbeck M. Entydiga resultat i förväntad riktning. Läkartidningen2000;97:859 - 60 61. Rosén M, Stenbeck M. Framtidens sjukdomsmönster. Minskade risker för individen, ökad sjukdomsbörda för samhället. Läkartidningen2000;97(11):1276 - 80. 62. Rosén M, Nyström L, Stenbeck M. Kunskapsunderlaget har stärkts till förmån för mammografiscreening. Läkartidningen2000;97:737 - 40. 63. Rosén M, Nyström L, Stenbeck M. The National Board of Health and Welfare: stronger evidence basis for the benefits of mammography. Läkartidningen2000;97(7):739 - 40. 64. Rosén M, Lundin A, Nyström L, Rutqvist L-E, Stenbeck M, Talbäck M. Incidens och dödlighet i bröstcancer. Läkartidningen2000;97(4):294 - 9. 65. Rosén M, Stenbeck M, Rehnqvist N. Kommentar: Svårt prioritera en av två kostnadseffektiva metoder. Läkartidningen1999;96:4779. 66. Rosén M, Rehnqvist N, Stenbeck M. Kvinnor - fortsätt gå på mammografi! Läkartidningen1999;96:1883. 67. Stenbeck M, Rosén M. Förbättrad överlevnad vid cancer i Sverige? Läkartidningen1995;92(49):4710 - 4. Theses 68. Stenbeck M. Rasch Measurement of Labor Market Change [PhD Thesis]. Santa Barbara, California, USA: University of California; 1990. 69. Stenbeck M. The quality of work measurement [Master's Thesis]. Santa Barbara, California, USA: University of California; 1986. Reports from conferences and papers in conference proceedings 8/9 Page: 70. Petersen S, Bergström E, Cederblad M, Ivarsson A, Köhler L, Rydell A-M, Stenbeck M, Sundelin C, Hägglöf, B. Barns och ungdomars psykiska hälsa i Sverige. En systematisk litteraturöversikt med tonvikt på förändringar över tid. . Konferens om Trender i barns och ungdomars psykiska hälsa; 2010-04-12--14; Stockholm, Sweden: Royal Academy of Science. 71. Fomkin R, Stenbeck M, Litton J-E. Federated Databases as a Basis for Infrastructure Supporting Epidemiological Research. In: DEXA: 20th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Application 2009. p. 313-17. 72. Stenbeck M. Rasch measurement and the problems of nonrandom nonresponse, random response errors, rotation group bias, and population heterogeneity in gross flow tables from the Current Population Survey. The 1st International Conference on Methodological Issues in Official Statistics; 1995; Stockholm, Sweden: Statistics Sweden. 9/9
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