2014 The Messenger

The Messenger
Central Lutheran Church
1420 Cordova Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
907/ 277-1622 phone,
907/ 272-6235 fax
[email protected]
Interim Pastor
Rev. Dr. Judith T. Wozniak
[email protected]
Synodically Authorized Minister
Sandy Mjolsnes
[email protected]
Office Manager
Kathy Freeman
[email protected]
Worship & Study
Sundays worship at 9:30 am
Tuesdays early bird study 6:30 am
Wednesdays Bible study Noon
Thursday evening worship at 7 pm
Financial & Membership Secretary
Jean Boecker
[email protected]
Kathy Dale
[email protected]
Find our congregation on
Confirmation & All Saints Sunday
Sunday 11/2 at 9:30 am
Church Council meeting
Sunday 11/16 at 8 am
Interfaith Thanksgiving Eve Worship
Service 7 pm Weds 11/26 @ St. Mary’s
Dear partners in ministry,
Last week I attended a clergy workshop on
stewardship. While much of the discussion focused
on finances, all agreed that stewardship is not just
about money. Stewardship is about taking care of
ourselves physically, spiritually, emotionally, and
mentally. If we don’t take care of ME first, we can’t
serve others the way we would like to.
1420 Cordova Street
Anchorage AK 99501
[email protected]
Stewardship also is about sharing the gifts God
gave us. Every child of God, no matter how young
or old, has gifts to share with the whole Church.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for
being such a generous congregation. In most
churches I’ve served I have had to be a cheerleader
for the synod and for the ELCA. I’ve had to
encourage church councils to support an increase
in benevolence. I often have been embarrassed at
synod assemblies when I see the giving of all the
congregations and mine could not begin to
Children’s Corner ‒ by Pastor Judy
November is the month of Thanksgiving. Of course
we should be thankful all year round, but when the
holidays come it seems especially a good time to
thank the people in our lives who have been kind
to us. And we should remember to thank God for
bringing those people into our lives! With the use
of so many electronic gadgets today, it is hard to
find anyone who writes notes. I think someone in
your life might be waiting to hear from you. Why
not write a thank you note to someone you like
during the month of November? And don’t forget
to pray for that person, too!
Thank you for your generosity not only to Central
Lutheran Church, but to the synod, the ELCA, and
to local social agencies. I thank you not only for
your financial contributions, but to the faithful
volunteers who give up hours of their time to help
those in need. In the near future we will celebrate
the women of the ELCA with a special Thank
Offering worship service. It is my hope that we
soon we will have a men’s group started at Central,
Your big sister in Christ’s love,
Pastor Judy
Fitness Corner ‒ by Pastor Judy
There are times in life when we feel down and
there are certain events in life that trigger such
feelings. True depression, however, is a medical
This year you can enjoy an interfaith Thanksgiving illness that must be treated for a person to live life
Eve worship service. It begins at 7PM at St. Mary’s to the fullest. If not, it can lead to disability, even
Episcopal Church on the corner of Lake Otis and
suicide. Common symptoms of clinical depression
Tudor. We hope to make this an annual tradition, include: Feeling slowed down, worrying
so please do come and show your support. You can excessively about finances and health, losing
also give thanks by contributing to the
weight, pacing and fidgeting, having difficulty
Thanksgiving food baskets or by helping with their sleeping, having difficulty concentrating,
experiencing physical symptoms such as pain or
gastrointestinal problems, and withdrawing from
Finally, I thank you for being a community that
regular social activities.
knows and shares God’s grace.
(taken from Healthy Alaska, a publication of
Providence Med Center)
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Judy Wozniak
Bible Corner ‒ by Pastor Judy
Take this quick quiz on the Ten Commandments
from our confirmation sources:
1. The 10 Commandments can be found in:
A. Exodus 20
B. Joshua 24
C. Mark 11
D. Exodus 10
2. Moses went up to pray to God on:
A. Mt. McKinley
B. Mt. Sinai
C. the Mt. of Olives
D. Mt. Olympus
3. The people would not go near the mountain
A. Snow made the road impassable
B. They were afraid
C. They thought the mountain was cursed
D. The road was flooded
4. How many commandments are about our
relationship with God?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
5. How many commandments are about our
relationship to our neighbor?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 10
6. Luther believed that:
A. If we keep the 10 commandments,
we will go to heaven
B. The 10 Commandments give us the basics
for faithful living
C. The 10 Commandments should be
expanded to 100
D. Both A and B
7. God gave the 10 Commandments to:
A. Adam
B. Aaron
C. Moses
D. Jesus
8. The 4th Commandment is to:
A. Honor your brother or sister
B. Remember the weekend and make it fun
C. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
D. Honor your father and your mother
Our Tuesday morning Bible study group arrives at
6:30AM for just 1 hour to engage in a lively
discussion of various biblical books and other
topics. We will study the book of Kings this fall. All
are welcome.
Our Wednesday at noon Bible study meets each
week for 1 hour in the Cordova Room to gain
insight into the texts that will be read the following
Sunday in church. All are welcome.
There are women’s groups that engage in Bible
study throughout the year. I urge men to form one
or two, and maybe a young adult study and a
couples study, too! Nurture your faith. It is a
precious gift.
Adult Education Class with Craig Carlson
Craig Carlson will lead "The City upon a Hill: A
Survey History of Religion in America" 10:45 11:45 am each Sunday in the Community Room,
September 7 - November 23.
Advent is Coming
Handel’s Messiah* is a familiar event scheduled in
many cities around the world during the Christmas
or Easter holiday season. The fine Bible Study
series published by the Kerygma Program of the
Presbyterian Church, offers an in-depth look at the
biblical background to Handel’s oratorio. Pastor
Judy will present the Advent portion of the Bible
Study on the Sundays leading to Christmas as an
adult class on Sunday morning. You do not have to
be a music expert nor a Bible expert to benefit from
this course. The schedule is as follows:
November 30: Advent 1:
Comfort, Comfort My People
December 7: Advent 2:
Who May Abide the Day of His Coming?
December 14: Advent 3:
For Unto Us a Child Is Born
December 21: Advent 4:
Glory to God in the Highest!
Watch for a course on Lutheran Basics next year.
* Want to sing in The Messiah here in Anchorage on
Sunday, December 7? All welcome! Rehearse at
Central Lutheran, Sundays in November, 2 - 4 pm.
Learn more at www.AnchorageConcertChorus.org
Midweek Worship
– Sandy Mjolsnes, Synodically Authorized Minister
Join us Thursday
evenings through
November 20 at
7 pm. We’ll
share Holden
Evening Prayer
on 1st, 3rd, and
5th Thursdays,
and Holden Prayer
Around the Cross on
2nd and 4th
Thursdays. Both
include Holy Communion and a short homily based
on the lessons from the previous Sunday.
Holden Prayer Around the Cross is a meaningful
devotional prayer service that was originally
developed at Holden Village. Co-authored by
Susan Briehl and Tom Witt, the service include
scripture readings, prayers, silence, and an
opportunity to sit or kneel near a large cross, light
a candle and pray. It includes a rich variety of
musical styles to provide a backdrop for this
contemplative worship experience. Because these
services take place in near darkness, this music is
simple and easily learned.
If you are interested in being a reader for Midweek
Worship, let me know ([email protected], 3381882). If you would like to attend Midweek
Worship and do not drive or are concerned about
driving in the winter, let me know and I will do my
In Advent, we will begin holding midweek worship best to arrange transportation.
on Wednesday evenings, sharing Holden Evening
Prayer at 7 pm following our traditional soup
suppers at 5:30 pm. All ages are invited to dine,
study, and worship, on Wednesdays, December 3,
10, and 17.
Holden Evening Prayer was composed by Marty
Haugen, a prolific liturgical composer, while he was
on sabbatical in Holden Village, a Lutheran retreat
center in Washington State, during the winter of
1986. It’s a lovely setting of vespers following the
traditional form while using contemporary and
inclusive language. Many, many thanks to our
musicians Debbie Pankow and Holly (Emmel)
LSSA Christmas Stockings: Central women will
be making Christmas stockings for the children of
LSSA clients again this year. We will have a
"sewing and stuffing" party on Saturday, November
22, at church in the Community Room beginning at
9 am. Donations wanted: small stuffed animals
and toys, pencils, crayons, candy, small books
or notebooks, etc. to put in the stockings. Learn
more from Kay Zernia at 333-5249
[email protected].
Central Lutheran is praying for. . .
November ELCA Alaska prayer partner: Fairbanks Lutheran Church
Central members or close family of our members who’ve passed in the last year:
Phillip Andrew (father of Tim Andrew), Marjorie Madsen (mom of Else Goltz), Joyce Suckow (aunt of
Elaine Bergman), June Thompson, June Shoemaker (sister of Ruth Rapp), Katherine Skinner (mother of
Dixie Foley), “Sy” Aldrich Syren, Sceone Grasse, June Hanson (mother of Steve Hanson), Elaine Dick,
Viola Stansell, Helen Strusz, Sue Salas Peterson, Ryle Amberg, Mary Ann Lindbeck, Mera Lou Anderson
(mother of Vickie Helm), Kenneth Foley (father of Shannon Foley), Jeff Dusenbury (friend of Voris family),
Henry Klapproth (grandfather of Kathy Freeman), Adele Werner (mother of Linda Padden),
Elaine Bergman, Kerri Hanson Krump (sister of Steve Hanson)
The call committee has been chosen and these are
the members: Juliana Andrew, Larry Helgeson,
Sam Monroe, Nelson Priddy, Jonathan Reece
(Secretary), Judith Muller (Vice-Chair), Debbie
Pankow (Chair) and alternates Madeleine Bulkow,
Hedric Hanson, and Bonnie Kragt. We will be
meeting the second and fourth Sundays at Noon,
with a few changes due to holidays. We have met
twice and will be giving our recommendations to the
Council concerning the Ministry Site Profile later this
week. Once this is done, it will be given to the Bishop and she will start looking at candidates for us.
Call Committee
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Each meeting will include a short devotion. The following are
the Bible texts we will be using: Matthew 28:16-20, Matthew 9:9-13, Luke 5:1-11, John 1:35-46, John 12:2026, Romans 12:1-8, 1 Corinthians 3:1-9, Ephesians 6:10-18, Philippians 2:1-11, Colossians 3:1-17, 1 Timothy 2,
and 1 Timothy 4:6-16.
The call process is a very open process. We will be sharing as much information as we can. Information about
possible candidates must remain confidential. If there any questions, please feel free to ask any one of us. If
we don't have the answer, we will try and find someone who does. We are looking forward to the Spirit not
only moving through the Call Committee but through the Congregation as we move forward with calling a
-- Debbie Pankow
Please continue to keep the Kuwaa
people in your prayers, especially as
their country fights the spread of
Here in Anchorage, we will celebrate
the fifth anniversary of the Kuwaa
Mission with a gathering on Sunday,
November 30, at St. Mark Lutheran
Church. Watch the Central Lutheran
Church weekly eNews or bulletins for more details on this event.
Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support.
Donations may be given in two ways:
1. Make out check and send to: The Kuwaa Mission: c/o Bethany Lutheran Church, 1340 8th Street,
Slidell, LA 70458
2. Go to the Kuwaa Mission Website at www.kuwaamission.org: use PayPal to make a one time or
automatic monthly donation
obtain volunteers for various tasks, pulpit supply (i.e.,
finding substitute pastors), preaching herself (Sundays
and mid-week services), baptizing, performing
funerals, pastoral care, and cooperating with other
ministries in Anchorage. The SAM role will largely
provide supportive services, and also allow Central
Lutheran to hear a second voice from the pulpit.
Personnel Committee is currently working on a job
This morning (Sunday October 26) Central Lutheran
Church’s Call Committee members were
commissioned. While much of our recent attention has
been focused towards advancing the call process,
Council and others have been addressing other matters
as well. I write about a few to spread some
informational news.
Homelessness: Homelessness has also become a topic
of interest. As temperatures drop, Central Lutheran’s
Emergency Cold Weather Shelter (ECWS) opens for
service. Central, as well as other Anchorage churches,
provides a warm, safe place for homeless families to
stay overnight. This service is limited to families; not
to single individuals. Covenant House has pointed out
Personnel: On the personnel front, there are two things the need young single persons have for warm shelter as
in the works. First, Council has approved extending
well. It is not clear what may arise out of that.
Pastor Judy’s contract through next spring. This
extension will enable the call process to proceed at a
In September, Council approved a new program
normal pace, and serve Central Lutheran’s needs. In
“Beyond ECWS.” A committee developed and
extending the contract, our Bishop suggested that we
proposed Beyond ECWS to offer some help and
establish more intentional expectations on what we
support to families who are our guests in Central’s
desire Pastor Judy to focus her attention. The Council Emergency Cold Weather Shelter. The support may
identified three areas: Youth, Visitation/Caring
include prayers, fellowship, transportation, furnishings
Ministries, and Supporting our Visioning Processes.
(furniture & clothing), and financial support. The
The expectation is not that Pastor Judy do everything
Beyond ECWS committee will be coordinating with
herself in these areas, but rather that in addition to her social services agencies so that Beyond ECWS does
hands on work, that Pastor also exert efforts to oversee not provide support available elsewhere. The Beyond
and support volunteers. The main point is to help
ECWS committee is open to all interested persons.
ensure we do not allow things to fall through the cracks
on these important areas. Pastor Judy will largely be
Central Lutheran’s AFACT organizing committee has
continuing work she has already been doing, but
identified homelessness as one possible topic of
perhaps more visibly. For example respecting visitation interest to explore this fall and winter. One of the
and caring ministries, Pastor’s monthly report to
committee’s activities is to conduct research to identify
Council will include information on time she has spent both needs in the community and passions, interests,
in visitation, without disclosing any confidences. Also and concerns of Central Lutheran members. The
this morning, 15 Caring Ministers were commissioned. Central AFACT organizing committee continues to
These wonderful people have been providing
meet regularly, and is also open to all interested
substantial visitation and caring ministry support over persons, whether you are interested in homelessness or
the years.
any other community topic.
The second personnel matter is making more official
Sandy Mjolsnes’ role as a Synodically Authorized
Minister (“SAM”). We are creating a paid staff
position (following ELCA policy for SAM’s, the
position will include a stipend and allowances for
continuing education and expenses). Over time, under
the supervision of Pastor Judy, Sandy has assisted in a
variety of ways in worship, including organizing to
Brian Bjorkquist
CLC Council President
Monica Richardson
Pacific Lutheran University
Alex Trabold
University of Alaska Anchorage
Rowan Bulkow
Harvey Mudd College
Sorry, directory updates are not posted
in our online edition.
Members, please contact the church office
for directory information.
Grace Graham
Willamette University
Ingrid Kelly
Western Colorado State University
Ted Kelly
Green River Community College
Helen Muller
Ashley Powell
Western Oregon University
PRAYER SHAWLS ~ Do you know what they are or
to whom we give them? Prayer shawls are knitted
shawls or blankets, made by volunteers, with prayers
spoken for the future recipient during the creation of
the shawl. The completed shawls are given to anyone
who may need comfort or a show of love. A letter is
given with each Prayer Shawl which explains it. Some
lines from the letter are ... " Wrap it around you when
you're sad, happy, needing comfort, cold, ill, worried,
troubled, at peace, needing answers, have no
questions, praying." .... " As you wear this shawl, may
you be cradled in hope, kept in joy, graced with peace,
and wrapped in love." If you know someone who
might want or need the gift of a Prayer Shawl, stop by
the office and pick one up. There is no charge, but
donations to the ministry are appreciated. Do you
knit? We would love to have you join our ministry.
For more information contact Betty Friest 907-3375108. -- Betty Friest
What is the ELCA doing in the world? Learn more at
Central hosts an Emergency Cold Weather Homeless
Shelter for families each Wednesday throughout the
winter. This is an important ministry to our
community, as shelters fill quickly during the winter.
Five other churches provide the same service on other
nights of the week. Three volunteer staff members are
needed each night we are open, to ensure the safety of
all. Might you be interested in sleeping over at the
church as a part of this ministry? Volunteer for one
night or ten, the choice is yours. Please speak with
Larry Graham to learn more or attend a training
Would you or a family member like a visit from
Pastor or a Caring or Eucharistic Minister? Please do
call the church office and request a visit.
Lutheran Social Services of Alaska
or a template of the pattern please contact the LSSA
office. Note, ladies of Central Lutheran will gather on
Saturday, November 22, at 9 am in the Community
Room to create and fill stockings for LSSA. Donations
of goodies (small toys, craft supplies, candies, other
stocking stuffers) welcome. Kay Zernia organizes.
Harvest of Hope Auction
This year Lutheran Social Services of Alaska will
hold this exciting event supporting our programs on
Friday, November 14th at the Sheraton Anchorage.
The Harvest of Hope auction is a major source of
funding, fulfilling the need of over 40,000 individuals
during the past year. Come join the festivities, dine
Neighborhood Gift
and enjoy the charitable convivial atmosphere of the
This year all the Neighborhood Gift sites will again
silent and live auctions with auctioneer Paul McGuire. come together at the Sullivan
Arena for distribution of toys
Tickets are $100 or $800 for a table of 8 and you can and meals on Monday, Depurchase yours by calling Sue at the LSSA office at
cember 15th and Tuesday, De272-0643 ext. 10, or go online at www.lssalaska.org
cember 16th. We have dividclick on the events tab and then the Harvest of Hope
ed the city by zip codes as to
tab. We promise you that your contribution will go a which day families will shop.
long way towards fostering hope for many within our Eagle River residents food and
gifts will be distributed on
Tuesday, December 16th only at Harvest Christian
Fellowship. You can sign up to volunteer by going this
Thanksgiving Blessing
We are finalizing our plans with others in the faithwebsite based community of Anchorage for this year’s
Thanksgiving Blessing food basket distribution. Last
year we distributed food to 1,198 households amount- Fred Meyer Community Rewards
ing to 5,146 individuals. This year we are planning to Thank you to everyone who have signed up to help
serve 1,400 households. LSSA is the site coordinator earn dollars for LSSA just by shopping with your Fred
for the distribution at Central Lutheran Church and
Meyer Rewards Card. If you haven't signed up simply
need your help in many ways. As usual we are asking join the program by linking your Fred Meyers Reour Lutheran congregations to collect the corn, green wards Card to Lutheran Social Services of Alaska at
beans, stuffing mix or cranberry sauce that your con- www.fredmeyer.com/community_rewards. You still
gregation has been assigned. We also need your help will received the Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Revolunteering with set-up and distribution on Monday, bates at the same time you are helping LSSA.
November 24th. Shifts on Monday are from 9am to
12:30pm, 12:30pm to 4:30pm and 4pm to 8pm. If you Save the Date
can help us out at one of these times please call the
November 14th – Harvest of Hope Auction, Sheraton
LSSA office at 272-0643 ext 10 and speak with Sue or Anchorage 6pm
go email us at [email protected].
November 24th – Set up and distribution for
Thanksgiving Blessing, Central Lutheran
December 15th and 16th – Set up and distribution for
Christmas Stockings
It has become a tradiNeighborhood Gift, Sullivan Arena
tion to present Christmas stockings to the
Together Caring for Others,
families with young
children who visit our
Alan Budahl
food pantry during the
Executive Director
month of December.
Lutheran Social Services of Alaska
We ask that you include a story or activity book about 1303 W. 33rd Ave., Anchorage AK 99503
Jesus’ birth in the stockings. If you need instructions
Coming Events
Coming Events
Coming Events
Fifteen Golden Opportunities folks gathered and
enjoyed great fellowship and laughter and some fine
food along with the recitation of two Robert Service
poems by member Dick Freisinger, as well as a short,
touching poem he dedicated to his own dog. We also
played a hilarious game of 'Hedbanz' and Cribbage.
Our next meeting will be Monday, November 10, at
Doriola's restaurant on Tudor at noon. Among our
future plans is to attend the afternoon "Messiah"
presentation at West High School in December,
followed by a dessert get-together.
Confirmation Day will be All Saints Sunday,
November 2, at our 9:30 am worship service. Katrina
Nordgaard and Madeline Maurer will be confirmed -the color of the day is white.
Pastor Judy and friends offer confirmation class for
middle school youth (grades 6-8) on the first two
Sundays of the month, 10:45 - 11:45 am.
Heather Helgeson & Jonathan Reece welcome high
school youth for weekly Sunday School in Room 1.
We’ll study, care for each other, have fun, and prepare
for the Youth Gathering next summer.
Bonnie Kragt, Sharon Jones and friends welcome
youth ages 4 through elementary school for Sunday
School class each Sunday, 10:45 - 11:45 am. We
gather in Room 3 for snacks, music, crafts, playacting of the lectionary Bible story, story-telling and
Cheryl Demetz and friends welcome toddlers to
Winkie Bears - a Sunday School class just for wee
ones. Find them in Room 8 on Sundays, at 10:45 am,
for snacks and Bible stories and play.
Central Book Group will be reading "Lila" by
Marilynne Robinson, the story of a young woman,
growing up on the fringes of society, who enters a
small-town church in the town of Gilead and finds
relationships there which reshape her life. Robinson, a
Pulitzer Prize winner and National Book Award
finalist, has once again written a compelling novel of
the mysteries of existence. Discussion will be on
Monday evening, December 1, at 6:30 p.m. in the
Cordova Room. We welcome all readers to join us.
Wanted: dress up clothing, snack donations (call Kay
Zernia), and volunteers in February and beyond to tell the
story of the day (call Sharon Jones). Many, many thanks to
those who have given of their time, talent, and snacks in
support of Sunday School this fall! You are appreciated!
Current 8th - 12th graders, begin planning now to
attend the ELCA Youth Gathering, July 15-19,
2015. Registration opens October 15 and fills
quickly. The cost of the airfare and other
transportation, housing, event registration, most
meals, and one or two special events will total
approximately $1500 for each participant, with youth
group fundraising, Central’s general fund, and each
family taking on one third of that cost. Please submit
your registration form through Kathy in the Central
office and your deposit of $150 (this portion is nonrefundable, the remaining $350 may be paid over the
next six months). We’ll book our airline tickets this
fall, using mileage or companion ticket donations
wherever possible to keep expenses low. Learn lots
more at http://www.elca.org/gathering or contact
Jane Hanson, Heather Helgeson, or Jonathan Reece.
Fellowship Committee hosts a family event on
Sunday 11/16,
2 - 4 pm. We will
be making childfriendly placemats
to include with
the Thanksgiving
dinner that CLC
members will
provide to Clare
House. All ages
invited - all
materials will be provided - refreshments will be
Central Lutheran Prayer Chain will sincerely pray for your needs, joys
and sorrows. Our prayer chain always welcomes new links. If you would
like to contact the prayer chain with a prayer request or become a part of
the chain, please contact Karen Emmel at 345-5709 or
[email protected]
John & Janet Brewer
Patrick & Anne McCormick
James & Monica Brown
Erik & Lisa Maurer
Kjell & Karen Nordgaard
Leonard & Sandra McKinney 11/16
Matthew & Sonja Amundsen 11/28
Kent & Stephanie Thomas
Stephanie Wolanin 11/1
Lorayne Embretson 11/1
Erik Falskow
Steffen Peuker
Phil Kettering
Dee Kennedy
Kevin Patterson
Heather Helgeson 11/7
Karen Bevolden-Nordgaard
Norman Brown
Dana Patterson
Keith Padden
Caiden Terrill
Rae Elde
Kong Xiong
Erik Maurer
Elaine Wilson
Emma Phillips
Elaine Hildahl
Birte Eliasen
Beverly Johnson
Pierre Nicolet
Hawken Wanamaker 11/19
Doug Luiten
Sharon Jones
Anita Soiseth
Peri Sanders
John Novak
Amada Lofgren
Holly Beach
Stacy Schmitz Reece 11/30
Rebecca Thorsness 11/30
Luke Helgeson
Sorry, directory updates are not posted in our online edition.
Members, please contact the church office for directory information.
Central Lutheran Church
Rev. Dr. Judith T. Wozniak, Interim Pastor
1420 Cordova Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
November 2014
Central Lutheran Church is Here for You! We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for pastoral
visits and announce information to the congregation, when appropriate. Please notify the church office
(277-1622) as soon as possible when:
 A member of your family or a friend dies;
 Hospital or home visitation would be a blessing;
 You or someone you know wants to plan a baptism or wedding;
 You or someone you know is ill or grieving;
 You move or change your telephone numbers or email.
Please contact the church office if your address has changed
or you no longer wish to be on our mailing list. Thank you!