GLOBAL INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR PROCUREMENT OF MACHINES FOR COLOURED MEDALS/ COINS Not Transferable Security Classification: Non - Security DOCUMENT FOR GLOBAL INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR PROCUREMENT OF MACHINES FOR COLOURED MEDALS/ COINS. Tender No. 54/EOI - 196 (14-15)/6000005107 Dated: 11.11.2014 This E.O.I. Document Contains 15 Pages. Documents is given to: M/s______________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________ Details of Contact person in IGM, Kolkata regarding this tender: (Shri. P. Joshi) Asst. Manager (Purchase & Store) For and on the behalf of GENERAL MANAGER India Government Mint, Alipore, Kolkata – 700053 West Bengal Ph.No.033-24014938 FAX: (+) 91-33-2401-0553 email: [email protected] 1 SECTION I : NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) 54/EOI - 196 (14-15)/6000005107 Dated: 11.11.2014 Global Invitation for Expression of Interest (E.O.I.) for Procurement of Machines for Colored Medals/ Coins 1. India Government Mint (A unit of SPMCIL), ALIPORE, KOLKATA-700053, invites sealed tenders from eligible and qualified Tenderers for supply of following goods & services : Schedule No. Brief description of Services Procurement of Machines for Colored Medals/ Coins 1. Type Of Tender (Two Bid/ PQB/ EOI/ RC/ Quantity EMD 03 No. (01 each for IG Mints at Kolkata, Mumbai & Hyderabad) Not Applicable Expression Of Interest (EOI). Development/ Indigenization/ Disposal of Scrap/ Security Item etc.) Dates of sale of EOI documents: From 11.11.2014 to 23.12.2014 during office hours Price of the EOI Document Not Applicable Place of sale of EOI documents IG Mint, Kolkata - 700053 Closing date and time for receipt of EOI 23.12.2014 up to 3.00 PM document. Place of receipt of EOI document IG Mint, Kolkata - 700053 Date and time of EOI opening 23.12.2014 at 3.30 PM. Place of opening of EOI IG Mint, Kolkata - 700053 2 1. Interested firms may obtain further information about this requirement from the above office. They may also visit our website mentioned below for further details. 2. Non-refundable Empanelment fee of Rs.500/will be charged in the form of account payee demand draft/ Banker’s Cheque/ Fixed Deposit Receipt, drawn on a scheduled commercial bank in India, in favour of India Government Mint, Mint, Kolkata(A unit of SPMCIL), SPMCIL) payable at Kolkata. However, E.O.I. document is distributed for free. 3. If requested, the Invitation to E.O.I. documents will be mailed by registered post/ speed post to the domestic tenderers, for which extra expenditure per set will be Rs.100/-. The firm is to add the applicable postage cost in the non-refundable fee mentioned in Para 2 above. 4. Invitation to E.O.I. Document may also be downloaded from the website and submit it along with the required non-refundable fee as mentioned in Para 2 above. 5. The firms will ensure that their tenders, duly sealed and signed, complete in all respects as per instructions contained in the Invitation to E.O.I. Documents, are dropped in the tender box located at the address given above on or before the closing date and time indicated above, failing which the documents will be treated as late and rejected. 6. In the event of any of the above mentioned dates being declared as a holiday/ closed day for the purchase organization, the tenders will be sold/ received/ opened on the next working day at the appointed time. 7. The India Government Mint, Kolkata is not responsible for transit (postal/courier) delays of tender documents/tenders. 8. The tender documents are not transferable. 9. The agreement/contract of the firm, whose performance is not found satisfactory, cancelled by the GM, IGM, Kolkata. 10. The Empanelment Fee should be furnished in any one of the following forms (a) Account Payee Demand Draft or (b) Fixed Deposit Receipt or (c) Bankers Cheque. can be 11. The firm should furnish the firm’s name, full postal address (Office), Phone Number and Fax Number; Name of the authorized contact person and e-mail address. 3 12. The firm should not have been blacklisted /debarred for dealing by Government of India or any State Govt. in any manner and an undertaking should be submitted along with the Bid, to this effect. 13. Participants are required to stamp and provide their authorized signature on every page of the E.O.I. document and all the supporting documents submitted as a token of acceptance to the mentioned terms and conditions. 14. Interested firms have to submit attested copies of various license certificates like Trade License, Vat Registration Certificate, Central Sales Tax Registration Certificate, Service Tax Registration Certificate and other registration certificates as required as per the prevalent Prices & Registrations of the Govt. of West Bengal with their application. (Shri. P. Joshi) Asst. Manager (Purchase & Store) For and on the behalf of GENERAL MANAGER India Government Mint, Alipore, Kolkata – 700053 West Bengal Ph.No.033-24014938 FAX: (+) 91-33-2401-0553 email: [email protected] 4 Introduction India Government Mint, Kolkata is a unit of Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd. (SPMCIL), a wholly owned Government of India Enterprise. There are four (04) Mints out of which IGM, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Hyderabad are engaged in manufacture of coins and medals whereas; IG Mint Noida is engaged in manufacture of Circulative coins. These Mints, so far have been manufacturing traditional mono metal and bimetal coins and medals. It is envisaged that coloured medals/coins will also be manufactured in these Mints. With this objective in mind, an Expression of Interest on turnkey basis, is hereby, invited from the reputed firms having proven capability and experience either singly or in association with others in providing machines for manufacture of coloured medals/coins. Relevant information such as Terms of Reference, Qualifying Criteria, Expected contents for EOI & other General Terms & Conditions are given below: 5 A) Terms of Reference i) Prepare list in terms of available facilities and existing practices vis-a-vis choice of technology available, suggest most suitable technology, prepare a list of hardware/Machines required and new practices to be adopted to enable manufacture of coloured medals/coins. ii) Prepare (a) (b) (c) (d) a report bringing out "As Is" and "To Be" status along with List of Plant & Machinery required Budgetary price, Indicative space required List of likely Manufacturers of such machines. iii) Any special training required for workmen, staff and officers for successful implementation and for of adoption of technology, if any. iv) The delivery period for supply of machines along with the pre dispatch inspection dates after placement of Purchase Order is to be mentioned. B) Expected contents of Expression of Interest The intending firm must submit the following documents: i) List of similar technology work successfully executed in the last 05 years. ii) Order No., Date and approx. value of work, Name & Address of the Customer, Name and Contact No., mail-id of the contact person and Certificate for successful completion of the project and the value of the project. iii) Name, Address & Contact person details List of Technology Collaborator/ Provider/ Associate, if any. iv) Company Profile, details of current activities and Management structure including evidence of incorporation, if applicable. v) Documentary evidence for the Qualifying Criteria listed above. vi) The schematic write up detailing choice of technology available for manufacture of coloured medals/coins. 6 C) General Terms & Conditions i) India Govt. Mint, Kolkata, reserves the right to cancel/refloat this Expression of Interest, if necessary, without assigning any reasons whatsoever. iii) Last Date for submission of Expression of Interest: The letter of Expression of Interest with supporting documents must be submitted at the following address by 3.00 p.m. on 23.12.2014. . iv) For security reasons, the firm will be required to provide Bio Data of their representative visiting IGM Kolkata. v) The Company/firm will be selected on quality & Cost basis. Procurement Process Following are the details of the procurement process of IGM, Kolkata 1. At first the EOI for procurement of machines for Colored Medals/ Coins in question is published. 2. The firms participating in the EOI are called for details presentation and discussion regarding their offer of service/goods. 3. Later on open Tender will be floated comprising of 3 parts namely PQB, TechnoCommercial Bid & Financial Bid which are to be submitted in three separate double sealed envelopes on or before the due date of submission of tender. The envelopes containing Bids shall be super scribed as “Pre Qualification Bid”, “Techno-Commercial Bid”, “Financial Bid” as the case may be. 7 Qualifying Criteria The following are the Qualifying Criteria which must be fulfilled by the intending Firm: i) The intending Firm should have been in existence for a minimum of 03 years. ii) Have experience of supplying the machines with similar application in the field of coloured medals/coins manufacturing Companies. The firm will be evaluated for short listing, inter-alia, based on their past experience of providing similar services, financial strength, technical capabilities etc. each firm will be assigned scores based on weightages assigned to each of the criteria in E.O.I. Sl. No. Criteria Weightage 1. Past Experience of the Firm 40% • Number of years of experience of the firms in executing similar job work. (15%) • Number of similar job work performed and list of vendors along with documentary evidence (15%) Whether the service provider has his own R & D facilities for similar product Financial Strength of Bidder (10%) • 2. 3. 4. • Turnover figures of the last 3 years • Net Profit figures of last 3 years With copies of audited financial statements Quality Accreditations 25% 5% 10% • Capability/ Tie ups • Schematic write-up of Technology available 5. • Technical support infrastructure 10% 6. • Product Support for number of years. 10% The firm who will score more than 50% percentage of marks will be shortlisted. 8 Note:1. All experience, past performance and capacity/capability certified by the authorized signatory of the bidder firm. related data should be 2. All financial standing data should be certified by certified accountant’s e.g., Chartered Accounts (CA) in India and Certified Public Accountant/Chartered Accountants of other countries. Bidder to furnish stipulated documents in support of fulfillment of essential qualifying criteria. Non-submission of documents may lead to rejection of offer. 9 Ban and Blacklisting In the following cases, firms or individuals should be banned/ blacklisted including declaring them ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to participate in the tenders to be floated: (i) If any of the bidder(s) is found presenting misleading/ false information/ documents in the tender forms, statements etc. (ii) If a firm submits fraudulent un-encashable Financial Instruments stipulated under the Tender and Contractual conditions. (iii) If a firm violates the Code of Ethics (Para 2.2) and directly or through an agent, engages in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in procurement or execution of Contract. (iv) Cartel formation or quotation of Pool/ Co-ordinated rates leading to “Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition” (AAEC) as identified under the Competition Act, 2002. (v) Deliberate attempts to pass off inferior goods/services or short quantities. (vi) Violation of Fall Clause by Rate Contract holding Firms. (vii) Attempts to influence IGM, Kolkata (A unit of SPMCIL) decisions on scrutiny, comparison, evaluation and award of Tender. 10 Annexure : I Invitation for Submission of EOI 1. Name of the Organization: 2. Type of the organization: 3. Reference No: 4. EOI Title: 5. Category: 6. Sub category: 7. Date of Announcement: 8. Last date for submission: 9. Broad Description of Work: 10. Pre Qualification Criteria: (Not Applicable) 11. Bid Documents (if Any): Not Applicable. 12. EOI should be submitted to: The General Manager, IG Mint, Kolkata – 700053. 11 Annexure : II Application for Participation (The applicant should study carefully the Rules of Enlistment and the list of documents to be annexed with the application form before filling the form. Applications found deficient in any respect are liable to be rejected without any further correspondence). CLASS/ CATEGORY…………………. 1. Name of applicant : Shri/Smt/M/s... 2. Nationality : ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Office Address: Home Office Regd. Office 4. Telephone Number…………………………………………………………………. 5. Fax No. …………………………….…Email ID: ……….………………………………………. 6. Constitution - (Tick the appropriate) Individual ( ) Public Ltd. Company ( Sole Proprietorship Concern ( ) Private Ltd. Company ( ) ) Partnership Firm ( 7. Names of Partners/Directors: Sl. No. If Company-Names of Directors If Partnership Firm-Name Partners 1 2 3 12 ) 8. Is the individual/ sole proprietor/ any partner/ directors of company: Sl. No Particulars Yes /No (a) Dismissed Govt. Servant (b) Removed from approved list of contractors. (c) Demoted to a lower class of contractors . (d) Having business banned/suspended by any govt. in the past. (e) Convicted by a court of law. (f) Retired engineer/official from engineering Dept. of Govt. of India within last two years. (g) Director or partner of any other company/firm enlisted with CPWD or any other department. (h) Member of Parliament or any State Legislative Assembly. If answer to any of the above is „Yes‟, furnish details on a separate sheet 9.(a) Name of person holding power of attorney... (b) Nationality Indian / Other (c) Liabilities 10. Name of Bankers with full address and Account Details ………... 11. Place of business 12. Full time technical staff in applicant’s employ Categories Number Graduate engineers with minimum 5 years‟ experience Graduate engineers with minimum 3 years‟ experience Diploma engineers with minimum 3 years‟ experience 13. Does the applicant have sufficient T&P, Machinery, and Equipment, arrangements for quality control and workshop as per requirements? (Attach details on separate sheet) (In case of authorized dealers, provide these details pertaining to OEM) 14. Does the applicant possess valid Electrical License (For Electrical): Yes/ No 13 15. Whether registered with Sales tax authorities (Give details of registration and enclose copies thereof). 16: Financial Reports: Provide copies of last 3 year’s audited Annual report/ Balance Sheet/ Profit and loss statement including for the year 2010-2011. 17. (a) Whether already enlisted with any other organization: Yes/ No (b) If yes, give details: (i) Name of department... (ii) Class of category... (iii) Empanelment authority & address... (iv) Empanelment No. & date... (v) Date of validity…………………………………………………………………………… (vi) Tendering limit... 18. Is any person working with the applicant is a near relative of the officer/official of IGM: Yes/No If yes, give details 19. Empanelment fee enclosed: Date Draft No. Amount Issuing Bank Branch In favour of 20. Details of Works completed and in progress during the last 5 years. This list should include all works whose gross amount of work done is more than the required magnitude for the class in which registration is required. 14 21. Certificates: (i) I/We (including all partners) certify that I/We have read the Rules of Enlistment of Contractors in IGM as amended upto date and shall abide by them. (ii) I/We certify that the information given above is true to the best of our knowledge. I/We also understand that if any of the information is found wrong. I am liable to be debarred. (iii) I/We certify that I/We will not get myself/ourselves registered as contractor(s) in IGM, Kolkata under more than one name. Signature(s) of applicant(s): Sl. No Names Signature Address 1 Date: ....................... Place……………… No. of documents attached: 15
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