1 क्षेऽीय कायार्लय -1, कोटा अंचल िनिवदा दःतावेज़ शॉिपंग सेंटर कोटा शाखा पिरसर में आंतिरक साज सज्जा कायर् की िनिवदा के िलए अंितम ितिथ 11.11.2014 साँय 3.00 बजे है । शॉिपंग TENDER DOCUMENT INTERIOR WORKS SHOPPING CENTRE KOTA BRANCH OF SBBJ. OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER STATE BANK OF BIKANER AND JAIPUR REGIONAL OFFICE -1 A-3,INDUSTRIAL AREA,KOTA-324007,RAJASTHAN Last Date Of Submission Of Sealed Tender was 1500 Hours on 11.11.2014. EMD & COST TENDER DOCUMENT SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN SEPEARTE SEALED ENVELOPE SUPERSCRIBING THE NAME OF THE WORK. Sbbj shopping centre Kota tender 2 Regional Office-1, KOTA. (Raj) Dear Sir, Proposed Interior work of our Bank's Branch SHOPPING CENTRE KOTA premises NOTICE FOR INIVITATION OF TENDER Sealed tenders on item rate basis are invited from the contractor on the approved panel of SBBJ Regional Office, KOTA. Tender documents may be down loaded from the Bank's web-site (http://www. sbbjbank.com) as well as Govt. web site (http://www.tendersgovt.in) can also be obtained from the office of the undersigned. While submitting tender a crossed demand draft for Rs.500/- (Rs. five hundred only) (non refundable) is to be enclosed against cost of the tender, payable at KOTA and drawn in favour of SBBJ. Estimated cost of the work Earnest money Rs. 7.98 lacs Rs. 16,000 (Sixteen Thousand only) by crossed Demand draft payable at KOTA and drawn in favour of SBBJ, Region 1, KOTA Place where tender to be submitted In the Tender Box kept in the AGM Sectt., SBBJ, Regional office , KOTA Time and date of submission of Ten- 3.00 pm on date 11.11.2014 der Time and date of opening of tender 4.00 pm on date 11.11.2014 Yours faithfully, Asstt. General Manager Sbbj shopping centre Kota tender 3 ::TENDER DATA:: SBBJ’S APPROVED PANEL INTERIOR CONTRACTORS, OF RESPECTIVE COST CATEGORY ARE ONLY ELIGIBLE FOR PARTICIPATING IN THIS TENDERING PROCESS. Details of Work to be done : Interior WORK OF SHOPPING CENTRE KOTA BRANCH, SBBJ. Form Of Contract : Item wise rate. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) : Rs. 16,000/- (Rupees Sixteen Thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft in favour of State Bank Of Bikaner And Jaipur payable at KOTA (EMD SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN SEPARATE SEALED ENVELOPE SUPERSCRIBING THE NAME OF WORK). Validity Period of Contract : 180 Days Last Date of submission of Sealed Ten- : der 11.11.2014 up to 1500 Hrs. Date of Opening of Tender : 11.11.2014 at 1600 Hrs. Period Of Completion : 40 (Forty) Days Defects Liability Period : 12 (Twelve) Months from the date of virtual completion. Agreed Liquidated Damages : a) 1.0% of the contract value for the first week. b) 2.0% of the contract value for the subsequent week(s) Subject to maximum of 10% of the contract value. Estimated cost of work : Rs 7.98 lacs Cost of Tender Document : Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) through demand draft/ Bankers cheque favouring SBBJ payable at KOTA (Non-refundable). Detailed tender documents can also be downloaded from the Bank’s website http://www.sbbjbank.com OR the website hosted by the NIC i.e. http://www.tenders.gov.in. While submitting a tender crossed demand draft of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) (nonrefundable) to be enclosed against the cost of tender document payable at KOTA and drawn in favor of Assistant General Manager -1 (RO, KOTA), SBBJ. Both tender fee and EMD dds to be inserted in envelop marked 1, while the quotation / documents to be submitted in another envelope marked 2; both envelops to be inserted in a third envelop, which is to be then submitted to the mentioned place. Sbbj shopping centre Kota tender 4 LETTER FROM CONTRACTOR TO THE AGM -1 (RO, KOTA) TO. THE ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER -1 STATE BANK OF BIKANER & JAIPUR REGIONAL OFFICE, KOTA. Dear Sir, PROPOSED INTERIOR WORKS AT SBBJ SHOPPING CENTRE KOTA BRANCH, SBBJ. Having examined the specifications, conditions of the tender, form of item rate, contract, schedule of quantities relating to the above work and having visited and examined the site of the proposed works having acquired the requisite information relating to thereto as affecting the tender invited by you on behalf of the State Bank Of Bikaner & Jaipur (SBBJ). I/We, the undersigned hereby offer to execute the above proposed works on item rate basis in strict accordance with the contract conditions and specifications for the sum of Rs………………./- (Rupees ……………………………………………………………………………………….only) or such other sums any be ascertain in the accordance with the said contract. 2. I/We, undertake to complete and deliver the whole of the works within a stipulated period as specified in the contract conditions. I/We, shall be under obligation to pay the sum as stated in the conditions of the contract for every day that the works shall remain incomplete, damages, as compensation subject to the conditions of the contract relating to an extension of time. 3. I/We, enclose herewith my/our tender with Earnest Money remittance of the amount already mentioned, in the form of demand draft in favour of State Bank Of Bikaner & Jaipur payable at KOTA. I/We, hereby agree that this sum shall be forfeited by the SBBJ in the event of my/our tender being accepted and I/We fail to execute the contract when called upon to do so. 4. In the event of the tender being accepted: I/We, agree for retaining the EMD amount as a part of the security deposit. Further, I/We agree that 8% of the gross amount of each interim bills shall be deducted and accumulated till the sum along with the sum already deposited as EMD equals the total security deposit as per clause of the conditions of the contract. Yours faithfully, SIGNATURE OF THE CONTRACTOR (With official seal) Sbbj shopping centre Kota tender 5 GENERAL RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF TENDERERS PROPOSED INTERIOR FURNISHING WORKS OF SHOPPING CENTRE KOTA BRANCH, SBBJ. 1. Tenders are hereby invited on behalf of the State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur (herein after called as SBBJ) FROM SBBJ’s APPROVED PANEL INTERIOR CONTRACTORS ONLY FOR THE RESPECTIVE COST CATEGORY. Tender documents may be obtained from the office of the SBBJ Region-1, Kota against payment of MENTIONED tender cost, payable through the demand draft (non-refundable) during office hours of any working days. OR Detailed tender documents can also be downloaded from the Bank’s website http://www.sbbjbank.com OR the website hosted by the NIC i.e. http://www.tenders.gov.in. While submitting a tender crossed demand draft of mentioned tender cost (non-refundable) to be enclosed against the cost of tender document payable at KOTA, and drawn in favour of Assistant General Manager , SBBJ, Regional Office, KOTA. 2. Sealed tenders should be submitted to the Assistant General Manager-1, State Bank Of Bikaner & Jaipur, Regional Office, KOTA. and superscribed with name of work so as to reach him not later than 11.11.2014 up to 1500 Hrs. OR The sealed tenders may be dropped in the TENDER BOX kept in the Regional Office, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, KOTA. 3. The tenderer shall deposit with SBBJ prescribed amount by demand draft as Earnest Money which amount shall be forfeited in the event of refusal or delay in signing the contract within seven days (or within a day in case for some urgent works) from the date of issue of acceptance letter for tender. The EMD of unsuccessful renderers will be returned without any interest, after a decision is taken regarding the award of the contract. The earnest money of the successful tenderer shall be adjusted towards security deposit. A Tender Not Accompanied With The Requisite Earnest Money In Demand Draft Shall Stand Rejected. 4. The EMD should be submitted in separate sealed envelope superscribing the name of work. 5. THE TENDERER SHALL NOT MAKE ANY CORRECTIONS/ ALTERATIONS /ADDITIONS/OMISSIONS ON THESE DOCUMENTS. CONDITIONAL TENDERS WILL NOT BE ACCPETED. 6. The tenderer must obtain for himself on his own responsibility and at his own expenses all the information’s which may be necessary for the purpose of filling this tender and for entering into a contract for the execution of the same and must examine the drawings and inspect the site of the work and acquaint himself with local conditions and matters pertaining thereto, nature and requirements of the works facilities of transport condition, access and storage of material. THE WORK MAY HAVE TO BE EXECUTED AFTER OFFICE HOURS I.E. AFTER 7.00 PM TO 7.00 AM NEXT DAY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. The tenderer shall provide in their tender for cost of carriage, freight and other charges as also for any special difficulties and including police restriction for transport etc. for proper execution of the works as indicated in the drawings. The successful tenderer will not be entitled to any claim of compensation for difficulties faced or losses incurred on account of any site condition which existed before the commencement of the work or which in the opinion of the Bank might have deemed to have reasonably been inferred to be so existing before commencement of work. 7. The contractor should quote the rates in figures as well as in words. The amount for each item should be worked out and the requisite totals given. Sbbj shopping centre Kota tender 6 8. All rates shall be quoted on the proper form of the tender alone. 9. Special care should be taken to write the rates in figures as well as in words and the amounts in figures only, in such way that interpolation is not possible. The total amount should be written both in figures and in words. In case of figures, the words “Rs.” should be written before the figure of rupees and words “P” after the decimal figures, e.g. Rs. 2.15P. and in case of words, the “Rupees” should precede and the word “paise” should be written at the end, unless the rate is in whole rupees and followed by the words “only”, it should invariably be up to two decimal places. While quoting the rate in schedule of quantities, the word “only” should be written closely following the amount and it should not be written in the next line. 10. The acceptance of a tender will rest with the STATE BANK OF BIKANER AND JAIPUR which does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender, and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received without the assignment of a reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or are incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. The Bank reserves the right to accept the tender in full or in part and the tenderer shall have no claim for revision of rates or other condition if his tender is accepted in parts. 11. Each of the tender documents/components is required to be signed by the person or persons submitting the tender in token of his having acquainted himself with all the conditions/ specifications as may be laid down. Any tender with any such document / paper not signed or with details marked as applied for shall be out rightly rejected. It will be obligatory on the part of tenderer to tender and sign and tender documents for all the component parts and that, after the work is awarded, he will have to enter into an agreement for each component with the competent authority in the Bank. CONDITIONAL TENDERS SHALL BE REJECTED. If any of the documents are missing or unsigned the tender shall be considered as invalid also rates not filled up in any item or marked as actual plus percentages shall make the tender as invalid and shall be rejected. 12. Any additions/alterations made while filling the tender must be attested by initials of the tenderer. Over writing of figures is not permitted. Failure to comply with either of these conditions will render the tender void. No advice or any change in rates or conditions after submission of the tender will be entertained. 13. Initial security deposit: The Amount of Initial Security Deposit shall be 2% of the accepted value of the tender including the Earnest Money Deposit. 14. Security deposit equivalent to 8% of the gross value of each interim bill shall be deducted. 50% of the security deposit shall be returned with the final bill payment and balance 50% after expiry of defect liability period of 12 months from the date of virtual completion as certified by the architect (if appointed by the bank for the project)/Bank’s Civil Engineer. Earnest Money Deposit would be adjusted with the security deposit in the final bill. Rates quoted are inclusive of all taxes, levies, duties and other charges such as freight, insurance, octroi, loading/unloading, moving the position in site etc. for complete item. However, the service tax may be quoted separately as applicable. 15. Within seven working days of the receipt of intimation from SBBJ of the acceptance of his/their tender, the successful tenderer shall be bound to implement the contract by signing an agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract, but the work order or the written acceptance by SBBJ of a tender will constitute a binding agreement between SBBJ and the contractors so tendering whether such a formal contract is or not subsequently entered into. 16. All compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor to SBBJ under the terms of this contract may be deducted from the security deposit or from any other sum that may be or may become due to the contractor on any account whatsoever and in the event of the security deposit being reduced by reason of such deductions the contractor shall within 7 days of being asked to do so make good in cash or cheque any sum or sums which may have been deducted from his security deposit. Sbbj shopping centre Kota tender 7 17. In case where the same item of work is mentioned at more than one place in the schedule of quantities the lowest of the rates quoted by the contractor shall be taken into account for payment of the item. 18. The work should be completed within stipulated time from the date of the work order issued to the contractor to commence the work or from the date of taken over the possession of the site for commencement of work. If the contractor fails to complete the work by the scheduled date of completion or within any sanctioned extended time limit he will have to pay damages as stipulated for the period that the work remains incomplete. THE SAMPLES OF ALL THE MATERIALS, APPROVED COLORS/SHADES SHALL BE GOT APPROVED FROM BANK’S ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING FURTHER. The drawings contain sketches showing salient features, details at the various scale indicating extent of work and specifications to be followed. These can be modified by SBBJ from time to time in accordance with technical requirements at the site. 19. Any damage done to the property of SBBJ during execution of work shall be the responsibility of the contractor and it shall be made good by him at his cost to the entire satisfaction of SBBJ. The SBBJ shall have full powers to get the material or workmanship etc. inspected and tested by an independent agency for it’s soundness and adequacy at the cost of contractor. 20. The quantities contained in the schedule are approximate only. The work as actually carried out will be measured up from time to time for which payment shall be made subject to the terms and conditions of the contract. 21. No mobilization advance shall be released to the contractors at the start of work. Only one running payment shall be made to the contractor as per the work progress after verification of running bill by the Bank’s Civil Engineer or the Architect if appointment for the project. The final bill has to be verified by the Bank’s Civil Engineer. Tender shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the due date of its submission to SBBJ. However, the SBBJ will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders either in whole or in part, without assigning any reason whatsoever. 22. All items of work mentioned in the schedule of quantities are to be deemed and paid as completed works in all respects and details including preparatory and finishing works involved directly, related to and reasonably detectable from the drawings, specifications and schedule of quantities and no further extra charge will be allowed in this connection. In the case of lump sum charges in the tender in respect of any item of works, the payment of such items of work will be made for actual work done on the basis of lump sum charges as will be assessed to be payable by SBBJ. 23. The tenderer should note that the tender is strictly on item rate basis and their attention is drawn on the fact that the rates for each and every item should be correct, workable and selfsupporting and based on the specification schedule submitted herewith. Financial bids marked as percentages above or below the PWD BSR / CPWD BSR or any such other instrument would be summarily rejected. If called upon by SBBJ detailed analysis of any or all the rates will have to be submitted. The SBBJ is not bound to recognize the contractor’s analysis. Any plea regarding business secrets/ contractors working confidentialities etc. would not be accepted and such tenders are liable to be rejected. 24. All designated material samples will be tested and inspected at contractor’s expense if desired by the Bank at designated laboratories. 25. The contractor shall conform to the provision of all local bye-laws and acts relating to the work and to the regulations etc. of the government and local authorities and of any company with whose system the building is supposed to be constructed. The contractor shall give all the notices required by the said act, rules and regulation and byelaws etc. and pay all charges/ fees payable to such authorities for execution of the work involved. The cost if any shall be deemed to have been included in his quoted rates, taking into account all liabilities for licenses, fees for footpath encroachment, restoration etc. and shall indemnify the employer against such liabilities and shall defend all actions arising from such claims of liabilities. Sbbj shopping centre Kota tender 8 26. Certificates of purchase of company specified items/ units like tiles, ceiling tiles, chairs, tube lights, vertical blinds, Interior fixtures and fittings and any such other units as deemed necessary by the Engineer have to be attached by the contractors from the authorized distributors/ dealers/ company showroom along with the furnishing bills. 27. For any further drawings/ details/ clarifications please advice through the Bank. 28. Bank reserve the right to cancel or any of the tenders and can change / drop/ reduce the quantities / items mentioned in the schedule at any time, before, placing of the order or even during execution. The decision of the competent authority in all matters pertaining to the work execution shall be final and binding. 29. Prior approval to be obtained in writing from the competent authority if, any changes/modifications/additions/alterations/ omissions made in the design/execution of work In case, out of tender/any extra work done at site without prior permission from the competent authority, the same will not be considered for the payment. 30. Canvassing in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection. ----------------OOO------------------ Sbbj shopping centre Kota tender No. Particular COST ESTIMATE OF CIVIL & INTERIOR WORK FOR SBBJ BANK, SHOPPING CENTRE, KOTA Qty Units Rate in words False ceiling works 800 Gypsum false ceiling The ceiling shall be of plain gypsum sheets using GI framework. It will be provided in combination with Armstrong ceiling for entire Bank except in the non‐banking areas (i.e. record room, stationary room, strong room, ups etc), and as per the given design. b The thickness of the gypboard sheet will be 12.5mm minimum. The framework shall consist of GI channel framework. The perimeter channel will be of 24 to 26 gauge having one flange of 20mm and other 30mm and web 27mm along the perimeter of the ceiling. It shall be screw fixed to brick wall with the help of rawl plug of dimension 38mmx12mm dia. fixed into the soffit at 610mm centers. c The intermediate channels of size 45mmx0.9mm thick with two flanges of 15mm each shall be suspended from ceiling using angle of size 25mmx10mmx0.55mm spaced not more than 1220mm c/c which are fixed to soffit with GI 27mmx37mmx25mmx1.6mm cleat and steel expansion fasteners. Ceiling section of 0.55mm thickness having curled web of 80mm and two flanges of 26mm are fixed to intermediate channel with the help of connecting clip of 2.64mm dia. in the direction perpendicular to intermediate channel at 457mm center to center. d No additional load like light fittings etc. shall be directly put on the ceiling frame. Separate suspension system shall be adopted for the same. e The ceiling plasterboard shall be fixed to the ceiling section using 3.5x25mm corrosion resistant self‐tapping zinc plated dry wall screw at 230mm centers. Suspension ceiling angle shall be fixed firmly, vertically straight and tightly fixed to the framework by means of nuts and bolts. No one shall be allowed to walk over the ceiling system. it Shall be finished with recommeded fillers, paper tapes, finisher and two coats of primer suitable for gypsum board, one coat of putty and two coats of Asian make paint. Refer schedule of Interior, furniture & finishes. Shall have grooves in two levels, cutouts for lights and AC grills as per drwgs. The ceiling shall be in perfect level and smooth finished. Shall have edge groove details and cove lighting provisions as per drwgs. The enclosed drawing should be followed for the arrangement of the false ceiling and the supporting systems. 1 a 2 Grid false ceiling sqft 1000 sqft Page 1 of 10 Rates Amount COST ESTIMATE OF CIVIL & INTERIOR WORK FOR SBBJ BANK, SHOPPING CENTRE, KOTA No. Particular Qty Units Rate in words a The grid false ceiling shall be provided in the Banking Hall, Manager’s etc. Refer drwgs. The ceiling height and level shall be determined at the perimeter. The minimum height of the ceiling cavity should be 100mm. All service fittings integrated within the suspended ceiling must be independently supported from the ceiling grid by a structure designed for the purpose. b Ceiling tiles Shall be Armstrong Fine fissured Classic lite RH99 of 16mm thickness. Suspension system Shall be of Armstrong Trulok Silhouette reveal profile grid system with 15mm flanges incorporating 3mm central recess in global white with black reveal. Silhouette main runners and cross tees to have mitred ends and “birdsmouth” notches to provide mitred cruciform junctions. c ♦ Installation Main runners will be placed at 1200mm centers securely fixed to the structural soffit by approved hangers at 1200mm maximum centers and not more than 150mm from spliced joints. The last runner at the end of each main runner should not be greater than 600mm from the adjacent wall. 1200mmm long cross tees to be interlock between main runners at 600mm centers to form 1200x600mm modules. Cross tees longer than 600mm require independent support. 600x600mm modules to be formed by fitting 600mm long cross tees centrally between the 1200mm cross tees. The 1200mm cross tees to have central “birdsmouth” notches to facilitate fitting of 600mm cross tees. The perimeter trim to be Armstrong Trulok equal wall angle of white color secured to walls at 450mm maximum centers. III 1 a b c PARTITIONS 150 FULL HT. DOUBLE SKIN PLAIN WOODEN PARTITION WITHOUT GLAZING Providing and fixing full height double skin wooden partitions 60 mm thick with following specifications. Providing frame of hardwood of section 46 mm X 46 mm (ready) comprising of horizontals and verticals at, 600 mm c/c or part thereof , vertically and horizontally fixed firmly to walls / floors / RCC roof etc. Alternate vertical members to go upto RCC ceiling and firmly fixed. Providing 6 mm thk. Commercial grade plywood of approved make , finished / fixed with 1 mm thick laminate of approved make & shade fixed with adhesive , fixed on both sides of the partition framework. The laminate to be fixed with adhesive on both sides of the partition upto False ceiling level . Page 2 of 10 sqft Rates Amount COST ESTIMATE OF CIVIL & INTERIOR WORK FOR SBBJ BANK, SHOPPING CENTRE, KOTA No. Particular Qty Units Rate in words All concealed wooden surfaces of frame are to be painted with anti- termite chemical emulsion as d manufactured by fevicol industries i.e. terminator brand or equivalent. A teak wood melamine polished beading to be provided at the junction of partition with the ceiling/ e false ceiling. The cost to include provision for extra framewark as necessary to make provision for skirting, f switch boxes, light fittings/ lights etc, making provision for laying conduit etc. NOTE : For measurement of the area of the partition , the height upto False ceiling will be considered. FULL HT. PARTLY GLAZED DOUBLE SKIN WOODEN PARTITION (cash/ BM 2 cabin ) Providing and fixing full height partly glazed 60 mm thick double skin wooden partitions with a following specifications. b Providing frame of hardwood of section46 mm X 46 mm comprising of horizontals and verticals at, 600 mm c/c or part thereof , vertically and horizontally fixed firmly to walls / floors / RCC roof / Beams etc. Alternate vertical members to go upto RCC ceiling and firmly fixed.in the middle glass pannel hardwood section shall be provided as per the site condition/ drawing. c Providing 6 mm thk. Commercial grade plywood of approved make, fixed on both sides of the salwood partition framework, finished with 1 mm thick laminate of approved make & shade . The laminate to be fixed with adhesive on both sides of the partition upto False ceiling level. ( only for bottam and top pannel ) d The partition will be provided with 8 mm thick clear float glass of size approx. 1200 mm height and 1200 mm width or part thereof , fixed at 1200 mm above the floor level /as per pattern shown in drawing with 2nd class teakwood / rubber wood beading of size 19 X 27 mm approx. duly melamine polished fixed on both sides of the glass. The float glass to be etched as per approved design.The beading for fixing glass to be fixed on both sides of the partition in such a way that it should be finished flush with the partition. ( Etching of the glass area shall be paid seperately). e f All concealed wooden surfaces of frame are to be painted with anti- termite chemical emulsion as manufactured by fevicol industries i.e. terminator brand or equivalent. A teak wood melamine polished beading to be provided at the junction of partition with the ceiling/ false ceiling. Page 3 of 10 424 sqft Rates Amount No. Particular g COST ESTIMATE OF CIVIL & INTERIOR WORK FOR SBBJ BANK, SHOPPING CENTRE, KOTA Qty Units Rate in words The cost to include provision for extra framewark as necessary to make provision for skirting, switch boxes, light fittings/ lights etc, making provision for laying conduit etc, also to include provision for transaction windows of size 200 x 100, in side partition of cash cabin partition. NOTE : For measurement of the area of the partition , the height upto False ceiling will be considered. 3 a b c d 0 LOW HEIGHT PARTITIONS Providing and fixing low height double skin wooden partitions 60 mm thick of approx. 1650(1200 +450) mm height with the following specifications. Providing frame(UP TO 1200 mm ) of hardwood of section 46 mm X 46 mm comprising of horizontals and verticals at, 600 mm c/c or part thereof , vertically and horizontally fixed firmly to walls / floors etc. Providing 6 mm thk. Commercial grade plywood of approved make , finished / fixed with 1 mm thick laminate of approved make & shade with adhesive , fixed on both sides of the partition framework. All concealed wooden surfaces of frame are to be painted with anti- termite chemical emulsion as manufactured by fevicol industries i.e. terminator brand or equivalent. e Above partition ht. (1200) mm , Provide 450mm height teakwood FRAME WORK OF SECTION 60 X 60 MM including malamine polish/painting etc. complete WITH 8 MM THICK FLOAT GLASS WITH EATCHING AS PER DRAWINGS. ( Etching of glass shall be paid separately ) f The cost to include provision for extra framewark as necessary to make provision for skirting, switch boxes, light fittings/ lights etc, making provision for laying conduit etc. 4 do --as above but over ht 1350mm ( 900+450mm ) 5 6 sqft 125 sqft ETCHING ON GLASS OF ANY THICKNESS Etching the glass surfaces as per given/ approved design. Only glass area will be measured for payment. 0 sqft 3M / Garware make anti shatter / safety film 0 sqft Page 4 of 10 Rates Amount COST ESTIMATE OF CIVIL & INTERIOR WORK FOR SBBJ BANK, SHOPPING CENTRE, KOTA No. Particular Qty Units Rate in words P/f anti shatter / safety film as manufactured by 3M/ Garware, and as per manufacturer's instructions. 7 444 WALL/ PILLAR PANELLING do -- as above in full height partition but Providing and fixing 1.00mm thick approved laminate for panelling on wall with one groove at skirting level and other joints and grooves as directed including 6mm thick. Plywood backing on 46 x 25mm hardwood frame at 450 c/c both ways etc. complete as directed. sqft 8 12 mm thick float glass on counters 70 sqft P/f 12 mm thick glass as per drawing / fixing detail/ instructions and specifications. The glass to start from the counter and upto the partition height in cash counters and upto a height of 1350 (frm FFL) in front counters. The cash counter glass to be provided with a closable opening of 125 height and of semi circular shape. The glass to be fixed with help of patch fittings, refer schedule of specifications. IV DOORS 180 1 Main entrance door Providing and fixing at site Full glass door in 100 x 50 x 2.0mm aluminium powder coated outer frame and glass shutter of 12.0mm float glass with approved shade powder coated aluminium section on top & bottom rail heavy duty standard type with minimum thickness of 2.85 mm including fixing at site with heavy duty floor spring arrangement and Brass cover plate. Necessary locking arrangement in the top rail all materilas, labour etc complete. 2 126 Cabin doors Page 5 of 10 sqft sqft Rates Amount No. Particular COST ESTIMATE OF CIVIL & INTERIOR WORK FOR SBBJ BANK, SHOPPING CENTRE, KOTA Qty Units Rate in words Door frames shall be made out of 3”X2” (clear) teak wood. The wood should be free of knots and proper rebates and grooves should be made before fixing. The frame members should be in single piece of wood. The flush door should be 32mm thick non‐decorative type with block board core of wood strips and frame of 1st class hard wood and finished with 1mm thick Laminate on both sides, as per drwg. Refer schedule for interiors, furniture & finishes for wooden flush door and laminate specifications. The flush door should have teak wood beading with melamine polish all around. Only ISI marked flush doors should be used. The door shall include 8 mm glass with etching as per design. The glass shall be supported with teak wood beading and melamine polished. Stoppers should be provided at skirting level to prevent the door from hitting the wall. Cylindrical lock cum handle to be provided in the flush door. SS heavy duty hinges to be used for fixing the door to the frame. Door stopper at bottom to be provided also SS Hydraulic door closer to be provided in each door. Refer schedule of interiors, furniture & finishes. 3 Wicket Gate Wicket gate have to match with the partition / counters. Wicket gate should be made up of 32mm flush door finished with 1mm laminate. The door shall have SS finished door lock, heavy duty SS hinges, SS handles, door stopper etc. as per schedule of interior, furniture & finishes. Refer schedule of interiors, furniture & finishes. Refer drwgs. V STORAGES 1 Storages‐‐ (all heights) 450 deep storages shall be made up of 19mm thick blockboard The storage shall have suitable size edge teak wood beading. The bottom of the storage unit to be provided above 19 mm Bockboard skirting of skirting height. The storage shall be inclusive of all locks, SS tower bolts, handles, SS hinges, magnetic catchers and all hardware as per schedule of interiors, furniture finishes. Page 6 of 10 15 sqft 90 sqft Rates Amount COST ESTIMATE OF CIVIL & INTERIOR WORK FOR SBBJ BANK, SHOPPING CENTRE, KOTA No. Particular Qty Units Rate in words The storage shall be inside finished with two coats of synthetic enamel paint with two coats of primer and one coat of putty and all exposed surfaces finished with 1.00mm thick laminate. . Refer schedule of interiors, furniture & finishes. Refer drwgs. Verticals out of 19 mm thk. Blockboard to be provided at every 900 mm or part thereof, as per site conditions. At every 410 clear height, internal horizontal shelves to be provided. The unit may be split vertically in two or more parts, as per the site conditions and instructions, for heights more than 1200mm The storage unit to be provided with a 6 mm thk. Plywood backing, front openable shutters, out of 19mm thk. Blockboard to be provided . Note: The front vertical area of the storage unit will be measured for payment. 2 FRONT COVER TO EXISTING STORAGES P/f covering to existing storages, out of 19mm thick block board and necessary framework. Openable shutters, including all necessary hardware, SS hinges, Locks, Handles, magnetic catchers, etc. complete. The front exposed surfaces of the storage to be provided with 1.0 mm thick lamnate, while the internal surfaces to be painted with 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint on 2 coats of primer and one coat of putty. Note:- elevation area to be measured for payemnt VII COUNTERS 1 Bulk Cash Counter (3’9”ht) working counter (2’6”ht) The counter will have two levels and shall be made up of 19mm thk. blockboard. The counter shall have 1 ½”x ¾” teak wood edge beading with melamine polish. Provision shall be made for digital name display. The counter shall have keyboard tray, CPU trolley, Foot rest and cable manager. a Refer schedule. b c For every 1.35 to 1.65 mt. / as specified unit length of the counter on drawer unit will be provided. The Drawer unit will comprise of three sliding drawers on telescopic channels with divisions for currency notes, including all hardware, locks as per schedule of interiors, furniture & finishes. Side Credenza/ printer table shall be made of 19mm thick blockboard and finished with 1mm thick laminate. It shall have two top drawers 4” deep with telescopic channels and two bottom openable shutters with all hardware. Refer schedule of interiors, furniture & finishes.(to be paid seperately) Page 7 of 10 0 sqft 10 rft Rates Amount No. Particular d e COST ESTIMATE OF CIVIL & INTERIOR WORK FOR SBBJ BANK, SHOPPING CENTRE, KOTA Qty Units Rate in words The inside of counter and credenza will be finished with two coats of synthetic enamel paint and two coats of primer, while all exposed surfaces to be finished with 1.0 mm thick laminate, all exposed edges will be finished with appropriate size teak wood beading, melamine polished. The apron shall be made as per design and made of 19mm blockboard, finished with 1mm thick laminate, Refer drwgs. The apron shall have table with additional height upto 3’9” and will be provided with 12mm thick plain glass ledge of 1’0” width to be fixed as per design. 2 Running Counter (Front counter‐‐ 2’6” width) Counter shall be made up of 19mm commercial blockboard, finished with 1.00mm thick off‐white laminate. The apron shall be made up of 19mm block board, with all exposed surfaces finished with 1mm thick lamnate. The counter shall have 1 ½”x1” teak wood edge beading with melamine polish. Running counter shall have Drawer unit comprising of two sliding drawers on telescopic channels and bottom openable shutter, EBCO make keyboard tray, wire manager, foot rest, CPU trolly and with all hardware as per schedule of interiors, furniture & finishes. . The inside of counter and drawer unit will be finished with two coats of synthetic enamel paint and two coats of a primer. The counter shall have 1’0”x3’0”x 1½” thick projected panel at every 4’6” length and shall be finished with 1mm thick laminate on all sides. These panels above the counter will be provided with digital name plates as per specification enclosed in the branding section of this manual. The b panel will be finished with 8mm float glass with SS button refer drawing. 20 rft 3 Running Counter (Stitching Counter) Counter shall be made up of 19mm plywood finished with 1.00mm thick off‐white laminate. The counter shall be 2'0" wide and will have 1 ½”x1” beech wood edge beading with melamine polish. Running counter shall have Drawer unit comprising of two sliding drawers on telescopic channels and bottom openable shutter with all hardware as per schedule of interiors, furniture & finishes. The inside of counter and drawer unit will be finished with two coats of synthetic enamel paint and a two coats of primer. The counter shall have CPU trolley, Foot rest and cable manager. Refer schedule of interiors, b furniture & finishes. Refer drwgs. 0 rft 1 each IX MOVEABLE FURNITURE(purchase items 1 Manger's table Page 8 of 10 Rates Amount COST ESTIMATE OF CIVIL & INTERIOR WORK FOR SBBJ BANK, SHOPPING CENTRE, KOTA No. Particular Qty Units Rate in words Table of size: 6’0”x2’6”x2’6”ht with side credenza‐ 3’6”x1’6”x2’3”ht. Shall be made of 19mm thick blockboard. Table to be blocked vertically from visitor's side with 19 mm block board , leaving a gap of about 6" from the visitor's side, The table shall have 1 ½”x 1” thk teak wood beading The table shall have EBCO make keyboard drawer on telescopic channels as per schedule of interiors, furniture & finishes. The Drawer unit will comprise of two sliding drawers 4" each, on telescopic channels and bottom openable shutter with all hardware as per schedule of interiors, furniture & finishes. The table shall have CPU trolley, Foot rest and cable manager. Refer schedule. Side Credenza shall be made of 19mm thick blockboard. It shall have two top drawers 4” deep with telescopic channels and two bottom openable shutters with all hardware. Refer schedule of interiors, furniture & finishes. All the exposed surfaces of the table, drawer unit and side credenza to be provided with 1.0 mm thick laminate, while the internal surfaces to be enamel painted. 2 Officer’s/Staff Tables(SIZE AS SHOWN IN DRAWING) 1 each do-- as above, but the Table of size: 5’0”x2’6”x2’6”ht with side credenza‐ 3’0”x1’6”x2’6”ht. 3 Cheque writing table, (incluidng suggestion box and cheque drop box) 1 each Shall be made of 19mm plywood and finished with 4mm thick laminate on all exposed surfaces. The table shall have 8mm glass with graphics of 3M(to be paid seperately). The glass will be fixed with SS buttons as per design. The table top shall be of 12mm thick glass for top and vertical divisions for keeping withdrawal/ deposit forms. The panels shall have 4mm thick SS strips at 2’0” length. Refer schedule of interiors, furniture & finishes. Refer drwgs. 4 Pin up boards Supplying and fixing in position pin up boards, fabricated with 6mm ply covered with 12 mm soft board, padding and upholstered with fabric costing rs. 150/- per mtr. The edges of soft wood to have Teak wood moulding, melamine polished. 30 sqft 5 Vertical Blinds 200 sqft Page 9 of 10 Rates Amount COST ESTIMATE OF CIVIL & INTERIOR WORK FOR SBBJ BANK, SHOPPING CENTRE, KOTA No. Particular Qty Units Rate in words Providing and fixing fabric slats of 4” wide as per schedule. It will have bottom pockets for housing bottom weights coupled together by means of endless bead chain pivotally attached as per manufacturer’s specifications. The slats overlap should not be less than 12mm. The slats movement will be on travelers assembled and should include head channel, spline, shaft, slat traveler, slat spacer links, tilt control, slat carriers, bottom weights, linkage chains, channel mounting brackets, traversing cord and fabric slats with all the necessary hardware’s as per schedule. 6 Acrylic emulsion paint Two ore more coats of premium acrylic emulsion paint, over the existing wall surfaces, after 1840 SQFT scrapping the existing finish, applying one coat of primer and one coat of putty and/ or POP to repair the wall as per the sitecondition including all materials, labour etc complete. 7 Cash cabin steel pipes P/f 40 mm dia, MS hollow pipes, to the ceiling of cash cabin 180 rft 200 sqft 8 metalic texture paint P/f Asian paint royal play metallic or approved equivalent metallic texture paint as per direction. GRAND TOTAL OF INTERIOR AND FURNISHING WORKS Page 10 of 10 Rates Amount
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