Registering a relationship Eligibility

Registering a
relationship information
Registry of Births
Deaths & Marriages
Births Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1995
Are you eligible to have your relationship
registered in NSW?
At least one person in the relationship must reside in
NSW. Neither applicant needs to be a temporary or
permanent resident of Australia. If so, you are eligible if
you and your partner are:
Same Sex Marriages
You are eligible to register your relationship in NSW if
you have been married overseas in a same sex marriage
Is there a cooling off period?
Yes, it takes 28 days after the application is received
and compliant for the relationship to be registered.
■ over
18 years of age
How can a registered relationship
be terminated/revoked?
■ not
married to each other or anyone else
A registered relationship is revoked following:
■ not
already in a registered relationship under this Act
■ the
lodgement of an application for revocation by one
or in another state or territory in Australia
of the persons in the relationship after 90 days
■ not
in a relationship as a couple with another person
■ the
death of a person in the relationship
■ not
related by family.
■ the
marriage of a person in the relationship
■ a
court making an order revoking the registration.
Relationship registration statements
must be completed by each applicant
Statutory declarations
(must be completed by each applicant )
Use black ink and write in BLOCK letters.
All corrections must be initialled. Do not use white out.
■ An
authorised witness who takes and receives a
■ All
photocopies of ID must be certified by an
authorised witness as being true and correct copies of
the originals. The following persons can certify your ID.
■ Justice of the Peace
■ Notary Public
■ Legal Practitioner
(holding a current practising certificate)
■ A person authorised to administer an oath under
section 26 of the Oaths Act 1900
■ A
copy of a document may be certified as a true
copy of the original only by a person (other than the
authorised witness) authorised to take and receive
statutory declarations.
Notice to withdraw
■ If
either or both applicants wish to withdraw the
registration application during the 28 day cooling
off period. There is no fee to withdraw, however
application fees are non-refundable.
Application to register a relationship | Page 1 of 9
Identification documents
(three forms of ID for each applicant)
statutory declaration in NSW must confirm your
identity before the declaration is made. If you have not
known the authorised witness for at least 12 months,
the witness must sight one identity document (original or
certified copy), such as an Australian passport, Australian
birth certificate, Australian or foreign driver’s licence, an
Australian Citizenship certificate, a pension card issued
by Centrelink, or an Australian Medicare card.
Registering a
relationship information
Registry of Births
Deaths & Marriages
How we deal with your information
Your right to privacy
Disclosure of information
The NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages
administers the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration
Act 1995 (NSW). The information required on this form is
collected under the provisions of this Act and forms the
basis for the registration of a relationship. The relationship
register is part of the civil records of NSW and is a
permanent historical record. However, these records are
not available for public scrutiny.
When you complete this application form, understand that
you have consented to the release of information provided
by you, to those agencies who may be able to validate that
information in support of your application.
To protect your privacy, the Registry requires proof
of your identity. In line with the Privacy and Personal
Information Protection Act 1998, the Registry is collecting
this information so that it can determine your eligibility to
register a relationship, to obtain the requested certificate
and to prevent fraud.
For further information on privacy please visit our website
Fees and processing times
Please call 13 77 88 for current fees and processing
times or check our website at
Phone: 13 77 88
NRS: 1300 555 727
If you require further information or need advice,
interpreting services are available by phoning the
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)
on 131 450
Documents provided as proof of identity may have their
authenticity verified through the online Certificate Validation
Service (CertValid) and the National Document Verification
Service (DVS). Documents issued by this office may also be
verified by other organisations using CertValid and/ or DVS.
How to lodge this application
Please post your application with your identification
and payment to:
NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages
GPO Box 30
Sydney NSW 2001
OR lodge your application in person at a Registry office.
Registry office locations and hours
Monday to Friday 8.00am – 4.30pm
■ 35
Regent Street
Chippendale NSW 2008
■ 160
Marsden Street
Parramatta NSW 2150
■ 95
Tudor Street
Hamilton NSW 2303
Application to register a relationship | Page 2 of 9
The information held by the Registry may be used for
statistical purposes and by law enforcement agencies, as
well as other uses provided for by law. Such access for
approved purposes may be granted to other Registries
and certain government agencies (including Passport
Office, Department of Immigration and Border Protection,
and motor vehicle or driver licensing authorities) and to
authorised non-government agencies.
This information may be provided to agencies including
(but not limited to) other Registries of Births, Deaths
& Marriages, law enforcement agencies, Department
of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFaT), Department of
Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP), and motor
vehicle or driver licencing authorities. Usually these
referrals will be to simply verify the documents or other
evidence that you have provided us in making your
application for a certificate. If there are discrepancies,
we may require you to correct any errors with the issuing
agency, before being able to process your application.
It is extremely important that all your identity documents
are accurate and reflect your correct identity information.
Registering a
relationship information
Registry of Births
Deaths & Marriages
Identification for each applicant
■ Please
provide at least three (3) forms of identification,
one of each from categories 1, 2 and 3.
■ If
you are unable to provide identification from category
1, you must still provide at least three (3) forms of
identification. At least one (1) of these must be from
category 2 and two (2) from category 3.
■ Photocopies
of identification must be certified by an
authorised witness as being true copies of the original
documents, as original proof of identity documents can
be used only if applying in person at the Registry.
■ The
person who is residing in NSW must provide at
least one (1) identification document containing a
current NSW residential address. See category 4.
■ All
documents must be current, and utility bills or rates
notices must have been issued within the last three
(3) months.
Category 1
Category 3
If born in Australia:
■ An
Australian birth
■ Medicare card
If born overseas:
■ New
citizenship certificate
■ New
Zealand birth
■ Proof
of permanent
residency from
Department of Immigration
and Border Protection
Department of
Veterans Affairs card
■ Security guard/
Crowd control licence
■ Tertiary education
institution ID card
■ Overseas birth
Category 2
Category 4
■ Australian driver’s licence
■ Recent utility account
■ Australian passport
■ Firearms licence
■ Credit or debit card
■ Centrelink or
with current residential
■ Foreign passport
■ Rates notice
■ Proof of age card
■ Lease agreement
A Post office box is not
acceptable evidence of
residential address
■ All
non-English forms of identification must be officially
translated by an accredited translator. Copies of
the foreign documents must accompany the official
Authorised witness
The following persons can certify photocopies of
documents as being true copies of the originals.
■ Justice
of the Peace
■ Notary
■ Legal
(holding a current practising certificate)
■ A
person authorised to administer an oath
under Section 26 of the Oaths Act 1900
Once you have read and understood the
information above, proceed to the next page
to complete your application.
Application to register a relationship | Page 3 of 9
To protect your privacy, the Registry requires
proof of your identity.
Registering a
relationship application
Registry of Births
Deaths & Marriages
Relationships Register Act 2010 (NSW)
Applicant Two
Family name
Family name
Family name at birth
Family name at birth
First given name
First given name
Other given name(s)
Other given name(s)
Date of birth
Sex Marital status
Never validly married
Married in a same sex marriage
that took place overseas
Date of birth
Married in a same sex marriage
that took place overseas
Place of birth
Residential address
Residential address
Address Line 1
Address Line 1
Address Line 1
Address Line 1
Contact number
Email address
Email address
Your parents’ details
Your parents’ details
Parent 1
Parent 1
Family name
Family name
Family name at birth
Family name at birth
First given name
First given name
Other given name(s)
Other given name(s)
Parent One’s mother’s
family name at her own birth
Parent One’s mother’s
family name at her own birth
Parent 2
Parent recorded on birth certificate as
Parent 2
Parent recorded on birth certificate as
Contact number
Place of birth
Never validly married
Sex Marital status
Family name
Family name
Family name at birth
Family name at birth
First given name
First given name
Other given name(s)
Other given name(s)
Parent Two’s mother’s
family name at her own birth
Parent Two’s mother’s
family name at her own birth
Application to register a relationship | Page 4 of 9
Applicant One
Statutory declaration
to register a relationship
Registry of Births
Deaths & Marriages
Relationships Register Act 2010 (NSW)
False representation
If you knowingly provide false information in this statutory declaration, you may be guilty of an offence under Section 57 of the
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1995.
Section 57 – False representation: A person who makes a representation in an application, notice or document under this Act
or in response to a notice under Section 44 of this Act (Registrar’s powers of inquiry), knowing the representation to be false or
misleading in a material particular, is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units or 2 years imprisonment, or both.
Each applicant must complete a separate statutory declaration.
Please use BLOCK CAPITALS, black ink and not use white out.
Applicant One
Family name
First given name
Other given name(s)
Residential address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Contact details
Contact number
Email address
declare that I am in a relationship with
Residential address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
and consent to the relationship being registered in the state of
New South Wales.
I am not registered under this Act or a corresponding law as being in
a registered relationship or an interstate registered relationship;
I have read and understand all the instructions in this document
including ‘Your Right to Privacy’ and ‘Disclosure of Information’.
I understand it is an offence to make false or misleading
representations in this declaration and penalties may apply;
I declare that all statements made in this declaration are true and correct;
I understand that this form remains the property of the State of
New South Wales and that the NSW Registry of Births Deaths
& Marriages may confirm or verify some or all of the information provided
and may disclose to persons or bodies with adequate
entitlement the information under the Relationships Register Act 2010
or Access to Information contained in the Register Policy.
I am 18 years of age or above;
I am not married;
I am not related by family to the other person in this relationship;
I am married in a same sex marriage that took place overseas
Application to register a relationship | Page 5 of 9
Statutory declaration
to register a relationship
Registry of Births
Deaths & Marriages
Relationships Register Act 2010 (NSW)
Declarant (applicant one for a registered relationship)
[An authorised witness must witness your signature, and supply other details below].
I certify that I have read and understood the declaration on the previous page.
of applicant ONE
[Sign declaration in presence of authorised witness]
Authorised witness
An authorised witness who takes and receives a statutory declaration in NSW must confirm your identity before the
declaration is made. If you have not known the authorised witness for at least 12 months, the authorised witness will
need to sight one identity document (original or certified copy).
I certify the following matters concerning the making of this statutory declaration by the person who made it:
[*please cross out any text that does not apply]
*I saw the face of the person OR *I did not see the face of the person because the person was wearing a face
covering, but I am satisfied that the person had a special justification for not removing the covering, and
2 *I have known the person for at least 12 months OR *I have not known the person for at least 12 months,
but I have confirmed the person’s identity using an identification document and the document I relied on was:
[describe identification document relied on – refer to page 1 “Statutory Declaration”]
Declared at In the state of Before me on (dd/mm/yyyy)
JP No.
(signature of
authorised witness)
Full name of authorised witness (block letters)
Contact phone number of authorised witness
Email of authorised witness
Address of authorised witness
Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Suburb/Town/City State/Territory Postcode
Justice of the Peace Legal Practitioner (with current practising certificate)
Notary Public
A person authorised to administer an oath under Section 26 of the Oaths Act 1900
Application to register a relationship | Page 6 of 9
Tick correct title of authorised witness:
Statutory declaration
to register a relationship
Registry of Births
Deaths & Marriages
Relationships Register Act 2010 (NSW)
False representation
If you knowingly provide false information in this statutory declaration, you may be guilty of an offence under Section 57 of the
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1995.
Section 57 – False representation: A person who makes a representation in an application, notice or document under this Act
or in response to a notice under Section 44 of this Act (Registrar’s powers of inquiry), knowing the representation to be false or
misleading in a material particular, is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units or 2 years imprisonment, or both.
Each applicant must complete a separate statutory declaration.
Please use BLOCK CAPITALS, black ink and not use white out.
Applicant Two
Family name
First given name
Other given name(s)
Residential address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Contact details
Contact number
Email address
declare that I am in a relationship with
Residential address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
and consent to the relationship being registered in the state of
New South Wales.
I am not registered under this Act or a corresponding law as being in
a registered relationship or an interstate registered relationship;
I have read and understand all the instructions in this document
including ‘Your Right to Privacy’ and ‘Disclosure of Information’.
I understand it is an offence to make false or misleading
representations in this declaration and penalties may apply;
I declare that all statements made in this declaration are true and correct;
I understand that this form remains the property of the State of
New South Wales and that the NSW Registry of Births Deaths
& Marriages may confirm or verify some or all of the information provided
and may disclose to persons or bodies with adequate
entitlement the information under the Relationships Register Act 2010
or Access to Information contained in the Register Policy.
I am 18 years of age or above;
I am not married;
I am not related by family to the other person in this relationship;
I am married in a same sex marriage that took place overseas
Application to register a relationship | Page 7 of 9
Statutory declaration
to register a relationship
Registry of Births
Deaths & Marriages
Relationships Register Act 2010 (NSW)
Declarant (applicant two for a registered relationship)
[An authorised witness must witness your signature, and supply other details below].
I certify that I have read and understood the declaration on the previous page.
of applicant TWO
[Sign declaration in presence of authorised witness]
Authorised witness
An authorised witness who takes and receives a statutory declaration in NSW must confirm your identity before the
declaration is made. If you have not known the authorised witness for at least 12 months, the authorised witness will
need to sight one identity document (original or certified copy).
I certify the following matters concerning the making of this statutory declaration by the person who made it:
[*please cross out any text that does not apply]
*I saw the face of the person OR *I did not see the face of the person because the person was wearing a face
covering, but I am satisfied that the person had a special justification for not removing the covering, and
2 *I have known the person for at least 12 months OR *I have not known the person for at least 12 months,
but I have confirmed the person’s identity using an identification document and the document I relied on was:
[describe identification document relied on – refer to page 1 “Statutory Declaration”]
Declared at In the state of Before me on (dd/mm/yyyy)
JP No.
(signature of
authorised witness)
Full name of authorised witness (block letters)
Contact phone number of authorised witness
Email of authorised witness
Address of authorised witness
Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Suburb/Town/City State/Territory Postcode
Justice of the Peace Legal Practitioner (with current practising certificate)
Notary Public
A person authorised to administer an oath under Section 26 of the Oaths Act 1900
Application to register a relationship | Page 8 of 9
Tick correct title of authorised witness:
Payment Details
to register a relationship
NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages ABN 30 854 211 521 GPO Box 30 Sydney NSW 2001 Tel: 13 77 88
Your certificate will be mailed to you if your application was received by post and will incur a postage and handling fee.
See separate ‘Fees for Products and Services’ flyer.
Please PRINT clearly in BLACK pen. Start at the left. Please complete all details.
Application fee Certificate fee
An application fee must be paid when you submit this form. This fee is non-refundable.
The Registry will issue a standard relationship certificate once a relationship has been registered.
Current fees may be confirmed at
NOTE: Payment includes the registration and the purchase of ONE standard relationship certificate.
Please specify certificate quantity: ________
Reason certificate is required
(e.g. visa requirement)
Additional certificates are at standard certificate price.
Your relationship to the person registered
(e.g. self)
Applicant’s Details (name you are using at present)
Family name
First given name
Other given name(s)
Company name
Company reference number
(If applicable)
(If applicable)
Suburb/Town/City Address Postcode
State/Territory Country
Delivery address Suburb/Town/City (If different from above)
State/Territory Postcode
Contact number Email address
of applicant
I certify that I understand the provisions overpage on
Identification, Privacy & Disclosure and that
the information I have provided is true and correct.
Applicant One
Family name
Family name at birth
First given name
Other given name(s)
Date of birth /
Applicant Two
Family name
Family name at birth
First given name
Other given name(s)
Date of birth /
PAYMENT DETAILS (complete this section for mail applications only). For schedule of fees, see Fees for Product and Services flyer.
Enclosed is a cheque*/ money order for $
OR please debit my: AMEX
Card number
Expiry date
*Cheques payable to the NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages
Personal/company cheques are not accepted for urgent applications.
Reg No.
App No.
Registry of Births
Deaths & Marriages
of cardholder
of cardholder