Document 441030

John Brooks (767-1218) Don Heyen (733-6116) Chris Pipes (704-2538)
David Darter (781-5962) Max Macon (766-1994) Tommy Pipes (322-2724)
Dick Findley (767-0280) Gil Peters (586-1182)) Ross Roberts (631-9828)
Edgeme re Ch urch of Chris t
Nov. 16 Romans 2-4
Nov. 17 Romans 5-9
Nov. 18 Romans 10-12
Nov. 19 Romans 13-15
Nov. 20 Romans 16: 1 Cor. 1-2
Nov. 21 1 Corinthians 3-5
Nov. 22 1 Corinthians 6-8
Worship & Fellowship
A Look at our Records
Sunday Mornings
Bible Class
AM Worship
9:30 -- Bible Study
10:15 – Fellowship
10:30 – Worship
Sunday Evenings
5:30 – Bible Study
Wednesday Evenings 7 :00 – Bible Study
Called to Serve this Week
Sunday Morning
Joe Kohler
Opening Prayer
Communion Prayer Michael Crittenden
Stephen Wolf
Offering Prayer
Tommy Pipes
Closing Prayer
At the Table:
Dick Findley
Evan Findley
Scott Findley
Uniforms for the Children
in Honduras and
Children in these
countries are not allowed
to go to school unless
they have a uniform.
All $5 bills in the
collection plate go
towards uniforms for the
children of the
congregations we support
in Honduras and
Our goal is $12,000.
Paul Ford
Hugh Gregg
Tom Greenwade
Lance Segers
Sound Room
Keevin Baxter
Greeters Danny Huddleston & Max Macon
Kathy & Keith Cash
Children’s Church
Rose Cotton
November 16,
Weekly Budget
$ 8,048.00
YTD Budget Difference $ (6,099.39)
Nic/Hon School Uniforms $ 9,980.20
Please report to the Sound Room
10 minutes prior to worship.
If you cannot serve,
please contact Tim Sawyer,
Sawyer 636-5536
or [email protected].
Boys to pick up cards
Logan Carter
Kyler Hennan
the Lord
James Kinzer
Parker Landes
Psalm 100:2
Deacon of the Week
Deacon of the Month
Elder of the Month
Keith Hillard
Scott Harnden
Tommy Pipes
Mission News - Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, Texas
If you would like to host a military student, please
click on Operation Thanksgiving from Sheppard’s
main page at; you will
receive a confirmation number after you enter your
information. Only registered drivers can pick up
Drivers must go through Main Gate, where each
driver will be met by Base personnel for
Student pick up be will begin at 9 a.m., 27
November. Thank you for caring!
Ken Holsberry
Tyler Cope
Miguel Lechuga
4728 Neta Lane
Wichita Falls,
TX 76302
Phone: 940-766-0107
Church of Christ
For Our Guests . . .
We are so glad you are here today and pray that it will be a spiritual
blessing to you. Children’s Church is for ages 2-6. The children are
dismissed during the greeting time.
Journey Groups are weekly small groups that meet in homes. If you’d
like more information on participating in a group, please see Ken
The Sonshine House needs blankets
and men’s winter jackets.
♦ Men’s
Prayer Breakfast, this
Saturday, November 15, 7:30 a.m.
in the Fellowship Hall.
is November 23.
We will have our annual Thanksgiving
Dinner. We ask for a donation of $10 per
family to benefit the Sonshine House.
♦ Prison Hospitality at the Allred Unit,
this Sunday, November 16. 40
dozen cookies are needed. Cookies
must be purchased and in their
original package.
♦ We will not meet Wednesday night,
November 26.
♦ The office will be closed Wednesday
Darter Group
Heyen Group
Holsberry Group
Nichols Group
Pipes/Hillard Group
Shanks/Findley Group
Sunday @ 5:30
Sunday @ 5:00
Sunday @ 12:30
Sunday @ 5:00
Sunday @ 5:00
Sunday @ 5:00
• Stephen Wolf will be having shoulder surgery Wednesday, Nov. 19
• Debbie Baxter’s daughter-in-law, Jeannie Witt, had surgery for an
aneurysm. She is in ICU at Zale Lipshy Hospital in Dallas.
• Jane Atkinson’s daughter-in-law, Sheri, has high blood pressure and
they are worried about her unborn baby.
• Bob Williams is recovering from a broken ankle.
• Lance Segers is recovering from surgery.
• Dorthy Morgan’s sister-in-law, Barbara Wright.
• We continue praying for Brian Stuart,
Karen Wolf’s
Stuart Brian Tweedie (Karen
brother), Dale Havins, Dick Leach, Brian Stuart, and Philip Aragon.
Please bring salads,
vegetables and desserts.
Everything else will be
afternoon, Thursday and Friday,
November 26, 27 & 28.
♦ Lubbock Christian University Praise
Choir Friday, Dec. 12, 7:00 p.m. at
Wilbarger St. Church of Christ in
December Events Calendar is in the Teen Room on the Information
Sunday Nov. 16th: Serving at Faith Mission. Leaving right after services
and will return by 2pm.
Sunday Nov. 16th: Journey group at Harris’ House from 5-7pm.
November 23rd: Teen Lead Worship Service. Sign-up with Tyler today.
November 23rd: Teen Journey Group at the Adams’ House.
December 6th: Watching the movie “Elf” in Decatur; leaving at 8:15am.
Cost is $6 for movie, popcorn, and drink. Bring money for lunch.
Winterfest is Jan. 16th-18th. Forms are in the Teen Room!
Birthdays & Anniversaries this week:
16 l Larry Nichols
17 l Renee Harnden
19 l Jessica Vasquez
20 l Anna Mae Riddle