PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT November 18, 2014 Agenda Item: Prepared by: 8.1 Thomas Last DATA SUMMARY Application Number: Subject: Location/ APN: Applicant: Representative: Zoning/General Plan: Environmental Status: 14PLN-17 An amendment to a previously approved Tentative Map, specifically, to reduce the number of lots from 49 to 37 lots and modify access to Ridge Road 2521 Ridge Road and 161 Upper Slate Creek Road / APNs 08-090-35 & 47 Towne Development of Sacramento, Inc. Jeremy Goulart R-1 PUD City will utilize the previously approved Mitigated Negative Declaration BACKGROUND/PROJECT DESCRIPTION: On June 26, 2007, the City Council approved a 49-lot residential subdivision on this subject property. Two key provisions in the Council’s 2007 approval included: 1) a density bonus for 12 additional lots since the applicant proposed to set aside 8 units as affordable; and 2) a requirement to obtain access to the subdivision on Upper Slate Creek Road, a private street owned by another person, rather than have direct access to Ridge Road. Since the previous applicant could not attain an access easement to Upper Slate Creek Road, the current applicant has modified the subdivision map to provide access to Ridge Road via Ryan’s Lane as originally proposed. However, the map still includes a stub road to Upper Slate Creek Road should access become available in the future. Additionally, the applicant now proposes to subdivide the land into 37 lots and not use the density bonus provision. The revised map still maintains a loop road and a pedestrian access way to the Grass Valley Ditch, a potential NID trail extension. A stub road is shown to Upper Slate Creek Road should an easement be obtained in the future. The proposed revised map removes a small pocket park, and modifies the architectural guidelines. The attached guidelines include an overall bungalow style design theme, and provide guidance on streetscapes, mass and form, building elevations, and materials and colors. SITE DESCRIPTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: The 9.2 acre site is located on the south side of Ridge Road, between Hughes Road and Upper Slate Creek Road. The site currently has two single family residences. Vegetation on the property consists of foothill grassland, mixed foothill woodland and Tentative Map Application 14PLN-17 1 Planning Commission Meeting of November 18, 2014 urban landscape. The lot rises to a high point in the rear of the property with a gentle slope towards Ridge Road. The elevation of the property ranges from 2,640 to 2,680 feet above sea level. Surrounding land uses consist of single family homes to the north, south, east and west. A mini-storage facility is also located to the north and the Alta Hill Reservoir, operated by NID, is also located to the west. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: The City prepared an Initial Study for the original project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. The study revealed the project may result in significant impacts on the environment, but mitigation measures were included to reduce these impacts to a level that was determined to be less than significant. Therefore, the City adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration. When a Negative Declaration is adopted, the California Environmental Quality Act does not require subsequent environmental work unless the City finds, based on substantial evidence of the whole record, one of the following: 1) there are substantial changes in the project that require major revisions to the negative declaration; 2) substantial changes occur with respect to circumstances under which the project is undertaken which requires major revisions to the negative declaration; or 3) new information of substantial importance, which was not known at the time the negative declaration was adopted, shows new or more severe impacts. The revised map does result in changes to the original project. However, since the project reduces the overall density and the amount of land disturbance is the same, there is a reduced level of overall impact than what was anticipated with the approved project. Therefore, staff believes the revised project does not warrant subsequent environmental review. GENERAL PLAN, ZONING AND DESIGN ANALYSIS: General Plan: The Grass Valley 2020 General Plan identifies the site as Urban Low Density (ULD). The intent of this General Plan designation is to accommodate single family homes at a density of 1 to 4 units per acre. At 9.2+ acres, the General Plan would allow 37 dwelling units. Zoning: The Zoning for the property is R-1 PUD. This zone is consistent with the ULD General Plan land use designation. All of the lots meet the minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet and the lot dimension standards of the Development Code. As noted in the Development Code, a public access way is still provided to a potential extension of the Litton Trail that would run along Grass Valley Ditch on the south end of the site. Staff’s main concern with the revised map is the treatment of the fencing along Ridge Road. The City’s Development Code discourages the appearance of fenced or walled in views. The original project included picket-style fencing along the Ridge Road frontage. The revised proposal includes a combination of a six-foot tall fence and landscaping to create some privacy and reduction in noise. Staff understands the need to balance privacy, safety and noise against creation of a neighborhood feel. Tentative Map Application 14PLN-17 2 Planning Commission Meeting of November 18, 2014 Therefore, the Planning Commission should consider the proposed treatment of this area. This could include a smaller picket style fence and solid landscape hedge, a decorative concrete or block wall, or wood fence along with an extensive landscape area including trees and shrubs. The City will also need to consider the maintenance of a landscape area along the Ridge Road frontage. Staff recommends the Planning Commission reviews this part of the project and provides input at the meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission, by motion, approve Tentative Map application 14PLN-17, subject to the findings and conditions noted below. FINDINGS: 1. The City received a complete Tentative Map Application 14PLN-17 on September 11, 2014. 2. On November 18, 2014, the Planning Commission reviewed and considered Tentative Map Application 14PLN-17. 3. On June 26, 2007, the City approved a Mitigated Negative Declaration for a 49-lot subdivision on the same property for this project. Pursuant to Section 15162 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, the City has determined that the revised project does not require major revisions, there are no significant changes in property or area circumstances, and no new information of substantial importance is now known that was not known at the time the previous environmental document was adopted. Therefore, no subsequent environmental review is required. 4. This project is consistent with City’s General Plan. 5. The proposed Tentative Map complies with the Development Code and the zoning. 6. The design of the subdivision will not cause substantial damage to fish or wildlife or their habitat. 7. The design of the subdivision will not cause serious public health or safety concerns. 8. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: ATTACHED Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Site (APN) Map 3. Conditions of Approval 4. Tentative Map 5. Architectural Guidelines cc: Applicants via email File Tentative Map Application 14PLN-17 3 Planning Commission Meeting of November 18, 2014 TD R DR KK NT IST AM O K KK K K KK KK WELK L MANZ VISTA C AV KK KK KKKK KKK KK H CT DR PL EE TERRY ST OHN SD K KKKK KKK K K KK KK K K KK K KK KK ST ST A DR E KKKKKKKK IA H IL L DR KK KK KK K 0 500 1,000 1,500 October 8th, 2014 2,000 2,500 Feet Tentative Map Application (14PLN-17) HU HILL ST City of Grass Valley Location Map K R ARCA D LIDSTER AV RD F N AN GH ES SIE NA BC DDR RD R LITTON DR R RA C OLLEG ED DR K M C ST RA C O LL N AI S IE R City Limit Project Location 20 þ } | · 49 þ } | · KK K KK HY D E C S KK TA AL AD Y ST J HO L CE J RE ES DR OR RD DOUGLAS AV EEK ES R AN D RN O CR C PR KKK KK KK K K KK K KKKKKKKKKK K RD KK E DG RI Y BUTTE VIEW DR ON RI Z D I LLE RO UG H W KKK KKKKK ALTA VISTA AV K KK KK KK KKK KK KK K K K KK KK EDAR ANITA D R RIDGEVIEW DR K KK KKK K KK K K KKKKKK K SIERRA D R K KK CAREY DR VE KKKK KKK K KKKKK KKK KK K DOL V R BRE S K Y Y C BRAGG AV RO E W KKKKK K KK KKKKKK KK K K KK K K KK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK RYANS LN KKKK KK KK KK KK KK KKK KK KK KK KK KKK K K KKKKK K KK KK K KK KK N KK IN ER CAROL DR K DORIS DR KKKKKK KKK KKK KK E N TLY E AR N W RG SO A M AS GL K KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKK K KK K E AT L S EK K H AT E LN KKKKK K KKK KK KKK KKKK KKKKKK KK KK K K KKKKK K KKKKKKKKK K K K K KKK KKKK K KK KK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K KKK KKK KK K KK KK K K KK K K KK K KKK KKK N DR KK K KKKKKKK KKKKKK K K KK K KKK KKK KKK K KK S WY SS OS O RO B R T R R E PL K TentativeKMap Application (14PLN-17) for Towne Development of Sacramento to amend an approved Tentative Map (06PLN-16,17) andAreduce the number of lots from 49 to 37 residential parcelsM located at 2521 Ridge Road and 161 Upper Slate Creek Road L LS (APNs 08-090-35 & 47) in the R-1 / PD (Single FamilyOResidence / Planned Development) Zoning District. N AN RG RA E DR EG W ROCK OO W K FAI RMO BER T R ON C KKKKKKKKKKKK K KK K K KK K KK KKKK KK KKKKKKK KAT ES KK Y KKKK K KK R KK KKK KK K MC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RIDGE MEADOWS APPLICATION 13PLN-17 AS APPROVED ON NOVEMBER 18, 2014 1. Tentative Map Application 14PLN-17 shall expire and become null and void in three years from this date, or November 18, 2017, or unless an extension is granted by the Planning Commission or the map is eligible for any state or local automatic extension. 2. The project shall be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the Planning Commission for Tentative Map 14PLN-17 unless changes are approved by the Planning Commission prior to commencing such changes, minor design change may be approved by the Community Development Department as determined appropriate by the Community Development Director. 3. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Grass Valley in any action or proceeding brought against the City of Grass Valley to void or annul this discretionary land use approval. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMIT, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 4. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and approval, an improvements and grading plan prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer; shall obtain a Grading Permit; and shall pay all appropriate fees for plan check and inspection at the time of permit issuance. The grading and improvement plans shall include roadway slopes and elevations, curb, gutters, sidewalks, street lights, striping and signing, paving, water and sewer pipelines, storm drains, any necessary raising of existing utilities, Ridge Road improvements and necessary easements, in accordance with City Standards. Ridge Road improvements are defined further in these conditions of approval. On sheet 1 of the tentative map, a note mentions that permeable pavement and walkways may be utilized. Permeable pavement in the public right-of-way will not be allowed unless a design exception is approved by the City Council or the City Engineer. 5. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and approval, a detailed Soils and Geology Report certified by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California and qualified to perform soils work. In addition to the California Building Code requirements, the report shall specify the pavement structural sections for the proposed roadways and existing roadway in relation to the proposed T.I.’s. The grading plan shall incorporate the recommendations of the approved Soils Report. Mitigation Measure 1 1 6. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and approval, drainage plans, hydrologic, and hydraulic calculations prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. The drainage plans and calculations shall indicate the following conditions before and after development: Quantities of water, water flow rates, major watercourses, drainage areas and patterns, diversions, collection systems, flood hazard areas, sumps and drainage courses. Hydrology shall be in accordance with the City of Grass Valley Improvement Standards and Specifications and Storm Drainage Master Plan. Drainage improvements/channels downstream of the project must be evaluated for capacity and improvements made at the developer’s expense, if needed. Drainage easements will be required for downstream drainage facilities crossing private property. Mitigation Measure 2 7. In order to preclude significant impact to downstream properties, the applicant shall limit the storm water run-off after development to the pre-development conditions for the 10, 25, and 100 year storm events. The site drainage system shall incorporate water/oil separators, or other approved methods to prevent site contaminants from impacting downstream watersheds. Mitigation Measure 2 8. Improvement Performance Security shall be submitted (if a subdivision improvement agreement is not in place). The amount of the security shall be for the sum of: 1) 100% of the cost of public improvements necessary to restore the public right of way back to existing conditions or the cost of the public improvements, whichever is less; 2) 10 % of the cost of erosion and sedimentation control necessary to stabilize the site; 30 10% of the cost of tree replacement; and 4) 100% of the cost to address any features which could cause a hazard to the public or neighboring property owners if left in an incomplete state. The minimum security amount shall be $500.00. The cost estimate shall be provided to the Engineering Division for review and approval as a part of plan submittal. All costs shall include a ten (10) percent contingency. 9. If any of the improvements which the applicant is required to construct or install is to be constructed or installed upon land in which the applicant does not have title or interest sufficient for such purposes, the applicant shall do all of the following at least 60 days prior to the filing of the final or parcel map for approval pursuant to Government Code Section 66457: a) Notify the City of Grass Valley in writing that the applicant wishes the City to acquire an interest in the land which is sufficient for such purposes as provided in Government Code Section 66462.5; b) Supply the City with (i) a legal description of the interest to be acquired, (ii) a map or diagram of the interest to be acquired sufficient to satisfy the requirements of subdivision (e) of Section 1250.310 of the Code of Civil 2 Procedure, (iii) a current appraisal report prepared by an appraiser approved by the City which expresses an opinion as to the current fair market value of the interest to be acquired, and (iv) a current Litigation Guarantee Report; c) Enter into an agreement with the City, guaranteed by such cash deposits or other security as the City may require, pursuant to which the applicant will pay all of the City's cost (including, without limitation, attorney's fees and overhead expenses) of acquiring such an interest in the land. 10. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and approval, a traffic report identifying the T.I.‘s for the developments roadways and for that portion of Ridge Road fronting the property. 11. The project applicant shall incorporate BMPs to control erosion and sedimentation of the canal during grading and installation of infrastructure, during all construction activities, and during project operation. The final drainage report (submitted per City requirements) shall include descriptions and/or plan drawings demonstrating the use of BMPs. BMPs for this project shall include the following measures, but may also include additional or alternative measures as determined appropriate and as approved by the City of Grass Valley: a) b) c) d) e) A Dust/Erosion Control Plan shall be submitted for review and approval to the Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District and the City of Grass Valley prior to the issuance of any grading permits. The plan shall comply with city standards and must be implemented for any construction to take place between October 15 and May 15 of any 12-month period. Grading activities shall be timed to minimize the amount of exposed areas during the wet season. By mid-October, all areas that have been graded and that will remain undeveloped during the rainy season shall be revegetated with compatible native vegetation and secured from the possibility of erosion. Streets adjacent to each construction and demolition site shall be kept clean of project dirt, mud, materials, and debris during the construction and demolition periods. Measures to prevent eroded soil from entering the canal shall be employed, including: placement of hay bales or other acceptable materials such as sediment barriers, installation of temporary earth berms, use of fabric silt fences, spreading hay or straw on exposed area, development of temporary settling areas, and use of other means for slowing runoff and reducing sediment loads. Sediment collected at the erosion control sites shall be collected and disposed of once revegetation has become established. Specifications for silt fencing shall be included on final grading and dust/erosion plans for each project area. The final landscaping plans shall include landscaping treatment for any cut and fill banks to minimize soil erosion in these areas. Landscaping 3 f) g) materials shall include drought-tolerant ground cover as well as a variety of trees and shrubs. Infrastructure shall be designed to minimize drainage concentration from impervious surfaces. Storm drainage from onsite impervious surfaces shall be collected and routed through specifically designed vaults and filters for entrapment of sediment, debris, and oils/greases as approved by the City of Grass Valley. Maintenance of these facilities shall be provided by the Ridge Meadows Homeowners Association, unless and until the facilities are accepted by the City for maintenance. Contractual evidence of a monthly maintenance program shall be provided to the city upon request. Mitigation Measure 3 12. The applicant shall offer to dedicate to the City for public use, all the public streets right-of-way or easements necessary to install, maintain, and re-install all public improvements described on the tentative map plans. 13. The project applicant/developer shall prepare and implement a post-development Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) in accordance with the NPDES Phase II Rule. The components of the SWMP shall include protection from flooding, protection and enhancement of the stream environment, prevention of erosion and adverse effects on water quality, incorporation of regional stormwater management goals, and minimization of the project’s potential adverse impacts. BMPs shall be included in the plan, as well as a mitigation monitoring program to ensure long-term success of the BMPs. The purpose of this mitigation measure is to provide a plan for ensuring that structural BMPs constructed as part of the proposed project are maintained appropriately such that they continue to perform their intended function as long as the project site is occupied. The SWMP shall address site-specific drainage characteristics, stormwater conveyance systems, discharge points, potential sources of runoff quality impacts, specific structural BMPs that have been constructed as part of the project, recommended operational BMPs, a maintenance program for structural BMPs, a monitoring program designed to evaluate the need for BMP modifications or additional BMPs, and identification of specific parties responsible for implementing each part of the plan. Specific BMPs shall be developed in consultation with the City of Grass Valley and based upon the State Water Resources Control Board general guidelines for development of BMPs. Examples of Best Management Practices that could be incorporated into the SWMP include the following: a) b) Direct roof runoff to grassy areas and away from paved areas or storm drains to promote overland flow of stormwater runoff and reduce velocities and peak flow rates; Provide vegetative swale or buffer areas, which could be incorporated into landscaped areas, to slow down runoff velocities and allow sediments and other pollutants to settle; 4 c) d) e) f) g) h) i) 14. Install hydrodynamic separators or filter-type inserts in storm drain inlets or catchbasins to remove pollutants from stormwater; Provide in-line storage of stormwater to reduce peak discharge, allow settling of pollutants, and reduce potential for downstream erosion; Provide enclosed trash areas; Perform street cleaning to remove potential debris and pollutants that could be picked up and conveyed by stormwater; Incorporate landscaping into the design; Prevent contact of stormwater with potentially contaminated facilities either by redirecting flows or providing other protection; and Develop and implement a maintenance program for the storm drain system and stormwater detention basins. Mitigation Measure 4 A Dust Mitigation Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District and City Engineer. Dust mitigation measures shall be implemented in accordance with the approved Dust Mitigation Plan. The dust mitigation plan and improvement plans shall include the following notes: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that all adequate dust control measures are implemented in a timely manner during all phases of project development and construction. All material excavated, stockpiled, or graded shall be sufficiently watered, treated, or covered to prevent dust from leaving the property boundaries and causing a public nuisance or a violation of an ambient air standard. Watering should occur at least twice daily, with complete site coverage. All land clearing, grading, earth moving, or excavation activities on the project shall be suspended as necessary to prevent excessive windblown dust when winds are expected to exceed 20 mph. All inactive portions of the development site shall be covered, seeded, or watered until a suitable cover is established. Alternatively, the applicant shall be responsible for applying City approved non-toxic soil stabilizers (according to manufactures specifications) to all inactive construction areas (previously graded areas which remain inactive for 96 hours) in accordance with the local grading ordinance. All areas with vehicle traffic shall be watered or have dust palliative applied as necessary for regular stabilization of dust emissions. All material transported off-site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent public nuisance. Paved streets adjacent to the project shall be swept or washed at the end of each day, or as required to remove excessive accumulations of silt and/or mud which may have resulted from activities at the project site. No burning of waste material or vegetation shall take place on-site. Mitigation Measure 6 5 15. The project developer shall adhere to the following tree protection measure as noted on the project site plans during any construction activities for this project: All trees to be saved shall be enclosed by a construction barrier placed around the dripline zone of the tree. The construction barrier shall consist of four-foot tall mesh safety fencing in a bright color. The fencing shall be tied to six-foot tall metal poles spaced a maximum of twenty feet apart. Each pole shall be placed with two feet below the surface of the ground. This measure and accompanying drawing shall be included on all final grading and construction plans. 16. If trees to be removed are 6” or greater in diameter, are classified to be in Group A or B per the California Forest Practice Rules, and are on timberland, the applicant shall obtain one of the following harvest document(s) from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and submit a copy of the approved document to the City: a) Less Than 3 Acre Conversion Exemption. Any project with less than 3 acres of land disturbance may qualify (see 14 CCR 1104.1 (a)(2) for conditions). b) Timberland Conversion (PRC4621) and Timber Harvest Plan (PRC.4581). Any project with 3 acres or greater or that do not meet the conditions in 14 CCR 1104.1 (a)(2). 17. The applicant shall submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the City for acceptance, file a Notice of Intent with the California Water Quality Control Board and comply with all provisions of the Clean Water Act. Mitigation Measure 5 18. The applicant shall install street light standards and luminaries of the design, spacing, and locations approved by the City Engineer. 19. No trucks may transport excavated material off-site unless the loads are adequately wetted and either covered with tarps or loaded such that the material does not touch the front, back, or sides of the cargo compartment at any point less than six inches to the top of the cargo compartment. Also, all excavated material must be properly disposed of in accordance with the City’s Standard Specifications. 20. The applicant shall submit sewer calculations for the proposed development and any calculations necessary to verify the existing sewer system’s ability to carry the additional flow created by the development. If improvements to the Slate Creek Lift Station are required to accommodate the projects additional flow, it will be the responsibility of the developers. 21. The public sewer lines shall be sized such that surrounding properties, such as those properties previously identified in the proposed Slate Creek Sewer 6 Assessment District will be able to connect to the sewer line. If the sewer line must be oversized in order to allow the surrounding properties connection, the developer may enter into an agreement for reimbursement per the Subdivision Map Act. 22. After completion of the grading and improvement installation, the following reports, in accordance with the California Building Code, shall be submitted to the City Engineering Department: a) b) c) d) 23. Prior to initiating grading and/or construction of the site improvements for the project, the developer shall initiate the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) 24. An as-built grading plan prepared by a Civil Engineer. A report by the soils engineer including locations and elevations of field density tests, summaries of field and lab tests, and any additional substantiating data or comments. A report by the engineering geologist including a final description of the geology and any new pertinent information (may be combined with soils engineer report). A statement of conformance to said as-built plan and specifications from the grading contractor. A minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of grading activities, the developer’s contractor shall notify both the Community Development and Engineering Departments of the intent to begin grading operations. Prior to notification, all grade stakes shall be in place identifying limits of all cut and fill activities. After notification, Community Development and Engineering staff shall be provided the opportunity to field review the grading limits to ensure conformity with the approved improvement and grading plans. If differences are noted in the field, grading activities shall be delayed until the issues are resolved. Placement of construction fencing around all trees designated to be preserved in the project. Submit for review and approval by the Fire Department, a Fire Safety Plan. Submittal of evidence to the Engineering and Community Development Department that appropriate clearances have been secured, such as an NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges, from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. Submittal of evidence to the Engineering and Community Development Department that appropriate clearances have been secured from the Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District. Submittal of two copies of the signed improvement/grading plans. Final landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Director prior to issuance of grading permits. 7 Landscape design shall comply with all provisions of the Grass Valley Development Code. Landscaping and irrigation shall be installed in accordance with the approved plans. 25. Surveys shall be conducted by a qualified biologist for any nesting raptors and special status species within the proposed development area. All surveys shall be completed prior to issuance of a grading permit. Should any special status species or nesting raptors be found onsite, the project applicant shall work with the California Department of Fish and Game and/or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to establish appropriate mitigation measures to avoid or lessen any impacts to special status species. If necessary, the project applicant and the California Department of Fish and Game and/or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shall establish a mitigation program, which shall be submitted to the City of Grass Valley Planning Division for approval prior to issuance of a grading permit for the project site. If any nesting raptors are found onsite, the mitigation program shall include preservation of active nest trees. Mitigation Measure 8 26. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the project developer shall prepare an Asbestos Dust Mitigation Plan pursuant to CCR Title 17 Section 93105. The Asbestos Dust Mitigation Plan must be submitted and approved by the Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District (NSAQMD) prior to any surface disturbance, including vegetation clearing. The Asbestos Dust Mitigation Plan shall include the provisions of the Construction Emission, Asbestos Dust, Fugitive Dust, and Erosion Control Plan. The Asbestos Dust Mitigation Plan shall also include any additional measures required by the State of California or the Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District. The Asbestos Dust Mitigation Plan shall be approved by the Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District prior to issuance of any grading permits. Mitigation Measure 9 27. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant/developer shall locate all staging areas for equipment as far as possible from existing residential areas. The staging areas shall be indicated on the grading plans submitted to the City of Grass Valley for review and approval. Mitigation Measure 10 28. The Grading and Improvement Plans must be signed by a representative of the Nevada Irrigation District (NID) before the City Engineer will approve the plans and issue the Grading Permit. 29. Ridge Road improvements will be per the approved Ridge Road Corridor plan. If the Ridge Road Corridor improvements are not constructed prior to approval of the grading and improvement plans, the grading and improvement plans must include interim improvements along Ridge Road. Interim improvements along Ridge Road must include asphalt dike and a 4-foot wide ADA approved path adjacent to the asphalt dike and drainage improvements to address the concentrated flows adjacent to the asphalt dike along the property’s frontage on Ridge Road. The developer may also be required to evaluate and participate in 8 other forms of financing mechanisms such as a Community Facilities District (CFD) that would serve to address the roadway improvement costs and subsequent long-term maintenance costs. If the financing mechanisms are not in place prior to issuance of the grading and improvement plans, the applicant must have approved plans for and construct the frontage improvements fronting the development along Ridge Road. 30. If the Ridge Road Corridor improvements are not constructed prior to approval of the grading and improvement plans, the grading and improvement plans must include an interim four way stop at Ridge Road and Slate Creek Road. The plan must be approved by the City Engineer as part of the Grading Permit and the improvements must be constructed prior to the issuance of occupancy for any home. 31. Per the Development Code, the Grading Permit shall expire one (1) year from the effective date of the permit unless an extension is granted by the City Engineer (for up to 180 days). DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL APPLY: 32. That prior to any work being conducted within the State, County or City right-ofway, the applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the appropriate Agency. 33. If any hazardous waste is encountered during the construction of this project, all work shall be immediately stopped and the Nevada County Environmental Health Department, the Fire Department, the Police Department, and the City Inspector shall be notified immediately. Work shall not proceed until clearance has been issued by all of these agencies. 34. Prior to final preparation of the subgrade and placement of pavement base materials, all underground utilities shall be installed and service connections stubbed out behind the hardscape improvement. Public utilities, Cable TV, sanitary sewers, and water lines, shall be installed in a manner which will not disturb the street pavement, curb, gutter and sidewalk, when future service connections or extensions are made. 35. Both temporary and permanent erosion control plans shall be submitted for review and approval along with the grading plan. Permanent erosion control measures shall include hydro-seeding of all graded slopes within 60 days of completion of grading. Erosion control measures shall be installed prior to October 15. 36. Where soil or geologic conditions encountered in grading operations are different from that anticipated in the soil and/or geologic investigation report, or where such conditions warrant changes to the recommendations contained in the 9 original soil investigation, a revised soil or geologic report shall be submitted by the applicant, for approval by the City Engineer. It shall be accompanied by an engineering and geological opinion as to the safety of the site from hazards of land slippage, erosion, settlement, and seismic activity. 37. Prior to placing the initial lift of asphalt and after all aggregate base is placed, all public sewer pipelines and storm drain pipelines shall be video inspected at the expense of the contractor/developer. All videotapes shall be submitted to the City. If any inadequacies are found, they shall be repaired prior to the placement of the final lift of asphalt. 38. The contractor shall comply with all Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) requirements. 39. If grading or other construction operations unearth archeological or historical Artifacts or resources, construction activities shall cease. The Planning Division shall be notified of the extent and location of discovered materials so that they may be recorded by a qualified archaeologist. Disposition of artifacts shall comply with state and federal laws. A note of this requirement shall be clearly delineated on the grading and building plans of the project. PRIOR TO RECORDING THE FINAL MAP, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 40. A Grading Permit, as described above, shall be issued by the City Engineer and all improvements described on the plans shall be completed or the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City Engineer to complete the grading and public improvements; and shall post sufficient surety guaranteeing the construction of all grading and improvements shown on the plans. Any necessary right-of-way required to complete the improvements will be acquired by the applicant at his/her expense. 41. The applicant shall submit to the City Engineer for review and approval a Final Map prepared by a Licensed Surveyor, or Registered Civil Engineer licensed to survey in the State of California, in accordance with the California Subdivision Map Act; and shall pay all appropriate fees for map check and recording. 42. Landscaping installed as part of the project along Ryan’s Lane and Ridge Road will be maintained through a developer created Landscaping and Lighting District in accordance with the State of California Landscaping and Lighting Act. Prior to the recordation of the Final Map, the applicant shall provide all documentation and pay all necessary City costs and fees for the formation of a Lighting and Landscaping District for the subdivision. The new Lighting and Landscaping must be incorporated into the City’s RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1988-2. 10 Prior to the recordation of the Final Map, the applicant shall provide all documentation and pay all necessary City costs and fees for the formation of a Maintenance District for the maintenance of the subdivision’s detention basin. 43. The project applicant/developer shall pay their fair share for the improvements at the intersection of Ridge Road/Sierra College Drive/Morgan Ranch Road. Mitigation Measure 7 44. Subdivider shall dedicate land, or pay a fee in-lieu of dedication, for park and recreation purposes in accordance with the City’s Subdivision Ordinance. 45. Subdivider shall provide an easement along the Grass Valley Ditch to the City for the purpose of a trail connection to the Litton Trail. 46. Lot lines for those lots adjacent to Ridge Road may need to be adjusted to allow for the construction of the sidewalk and bus stop along Ridge Road. The bus stop pullout area must be designed to be at least eight (8) feet wide, not including the bike lane, fifty (50) feet long, a minimum of thirty (30) foot tapers, and have a bus stop pad installed to Nevada County and ADA standards. 47. If the applicant desires to record the Final Map prior to completion of the grading and improvements as shown on the approved grading and improvement plans, the applicant shall enter into an agreement to complete the grading and public improvements; and shall post sufficient surety guaranteeing the construction of all of the improvements, in accordance with the City’s Development Code and the California Subdivision Map Act. The applicant must supply the City with a cost estimate, prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer, for all improvements shown on the grading/improvement plans. The cost estimate must be approved by the Engineering Division. The City will then prepare an agreement which will require City Council approval and will be required to be recorded prior to Final Map approval. PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND EXONERATION OF BONDS, OR OTHER FORM OF SECURITY, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 48. Sufficient surety (Maintenance Bond) guaranteeing the public improvements for a period of one year shall be provided. 49. "As-built" plans, signed by the Engineer of Record, must be submitted to the City Engineer's office on Mylar and a CD with an AutoCAD (or equivalent) drawing of the public improvements. 11 PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDINGS PERMITS, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 50. An on-site system of fire hydrants will need to be installed every 500 feet along the roadway access to all areas. Minimum fire flow of 1000 (one-thousand) gallons per minute @ 20 psi residual will be needed for all structures enclosed floor space, including the garages, up to 3600 (three-thousand-six-hundred) square feet. Larger fire flow will be needed for larger structures. 51. The fire hydrant system shall be installed and operating prior to any building materials for the structures being brought to the site. 52. All flammable, combustible and ladder fuels on the property, within 100 feet of any structure shall be removed. 53. Fire roadway access, during construction, shall designed to handle fire equipment, and will be reviewed by the Fire Department. 54. Prior to the issuance of the Building Permit, the applicant shall address all necessary water connections to Nevada Irrigation District. The connection shall include the water service line and meters for each unit. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 55. The applicant shall either install the four-way stop at the Ridge Road and Slate Creek Intersection, or pay their fair share for those intersection improvements as determined by the City Engineer. Plans for the Ridge Road and Slate Creek Intersection improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. 12
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