International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 9, Number 14 (2014) pp. 2351-2366 © Research India Publications A Case Study Analysis on Job Satisfaction with Reference to BHEL, Ranipet Dr. S. Poongavanam Assistant Professor, AMET Business School, AMET University, Chennai ABSTRACT Job satisfaction is a general attitude towards job, it is the difference between the quantum of reward workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive. Employee is a back bone of every organization, without employee no work can be done. So employee’s satisfaction is very important. Employees will be more satisfied if they get what they expected, job satisfaction relates to inner feelings of workers. The main aim of this study is to analyze the satisfaction level of the employees. Chi-Square test and percentage analysis have been used in this study to analyze the job satisfaction. Key words: Job satisfaction, Rewards & Performance INTRODUCTION The organization may give importance to certain factors such as Canteen, rest room facilities, rewards, recognition and promotion policy so that satisfaction of the employees may be improved further. Job satisfaction is one of the cherished goals a worker wants to achieve in his work environment. it is yet another colorful feature that adorns his cap of glory. Employee’s satisfaction and retention have always been the vital issues for management. Dissatisfaction results in high level of absenteeism and labor turn out. satisfaction employee’s tend to be more productive, creative and committed to their employer. Dynamic performance has a direct proportionate relationship with job satisfaction .job satisfaction is closely associated with the employee’s ability in discharging the duties that are assignment to him .since job is an important part of one’s life, job satisfaction has it’s impart on one’s general life also. According to f Herzberg job satisfaction arises from two sets of issues. Namely hygiene issues have been addressed the motivators create satisfaction among the employees. Hygiene issues are. 2352 Dr. S. Poongavanam Company’s administrative policies Supervision Salary Interpersonal relation and Working condition motivators include: Work itself Achievement Recognition Responsibility Advancement OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY To study the degree of overall job satisfaction in the organization. To study the impact of different factors such as organizational climate, job security, promotion policy on the overall job satisfaction. To study the satisfaction level of employees non monetary rewards. To suggest ways and means to enhance job performance of the employees in the organization. SCOPE OF THE STUDY A job satisfaction will be defined as the amount of overall positive affect that individuals have towards their job. Job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experience. Job satisfaction is a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings with which employees view their work. Job satisfaction being an emotional response to a job cannot be seen as such it can only be inferred. Job satisfaction if often determined by how satisfactorily outcome meet or exceed one’s expectations. NEED FOR THE STUDY Various theories like Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory, Herzberg's MotivationHygiene Theory, and Vroom's Expectancy Model have been extended to describe the factors responsible for the Job Satisfaction of the employees in the organization. Broadly we can say that an employee’s 'Job Satisfaction' is related to a number of variables such as age, occupational level, size of the organization, organizational climate, educational qualifications, educational and economic background, size of the family, gender of the employee, etc. In this context this study is undertaken to crave intellectual challenges of the employees on their jobs. This study helps to find out the effective pay system and promotion policies. Quality or supportive Supervision establishes cordial and supportive personal relationship with subordinates and takes A Case Study Analysis on Job Satisfaction with Reference to BHEL, Ranipet 2353 interest on subordinate well being. Experience shows that employees get more out of work than only money, employees are more concerned with their work environment for both personal comport and facilitations doing a job. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY Only the executive in the level of E1 to E4 are taken for the study. The information collected through questionnaires are biased, on the employees may not feel to express them freely. The study considers only the situation in BAP/BHEL RANIPET. Some of the response could not tally with statement and do not express out of fear. The study undertaken may not applicable to all employees. RESEARCH DESIGN A pilot study was conducted on a sample size of 10. The researcher made a number of changes in the questionnaire, to aid proper survey The tool used for collecting data was questionnaire is. A questionnaire is a simply formalized schedule to obtain and record specified and relevant information, with tolerable accuracy and completeness? Non probability random sampling – convenience sampling is used to collect the data. The data were collected through a specially designed questionnaire for the present study. The four point’s liker scaling was used in order to elicit frank opinion of the respondents with regard to work value in BHEL at RANIPET. For this purpose the researcher interviewed the executives at different levels and from various departments, selects at random stratified sampling. Sources of data Both the primary data and the secondary data are taken into account for the purpose of the study. Primary data: Primary data and secondary data have been used in this research. Primary data have been collect from among the target group (sampling) by administrating the questionnaire consisted the liker scale responses. The questionnaire is carefully constructed and properly setup. b) Secondary data: Secondary data are extracted from the file, records obtained from personnel department of the BHEL in RANIPET. 2354 Dr. S. Poongavanam DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION CAREER OPPORTUNITY AND JOB SATISFACTION Job satisfaction not merely depends on the present working environmental or job security. A part from job security and wage future opportunity for promotion and development are playing vital role in worker satisfaction. If the current job has no scope for future progress workers dissatisfied. If the job has multi-dimensional promotion and growth job satisfaction will be high. After certain years of service the worker will dejected with the present job and develop monotonous. This will develop negative attitude among workers. To know scopes of the present job the following question was asked. Table 1 Opportunity and Job satisfaction Data No of respondents Percentage Highly satisfied 35 35% Satisfied 35 35% Natural satisfied 15 15% Dissatisfied 15 15% Total 100 100% Table 5.3 reveal that 35% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the carrer opportunity of them jobs. However 35% reacted that they are only satisfied and 15% are some what satisfied. If is interesting that 15% of the respondents were dissatisfied with the opportunity provided by the job. JOB SECURITY AND SATISFACTION Job security is one of the basis of job satisfaction. Human needs are not equal strength but may in image some priority pattern. In particular as the primary needs reasonably well satisfied a worker places more emphasis on the secondary need. First level needs involve basis survival and include physiological needs for food air and water. The next need level that tends to dominate is bodily safety and security. To know the level of satisfaction about the job security the following questions was asked. A Case Study Analysis on Job Satisfaction with Reference to BHEL, Ranipet 2355 Table 2 Job security and satisfaction Data No of respondents Percentage Highly satisfied 30 30% satisfied 45 45% Natural satisfied 25 25% Dissatisfied - - Total 100 100% Table 2 reveals that 30% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the job security. However 45% of the respondents are only satisfied and 25%of the respondents are somewhat satisfied . STYLE OF SUPER VISION AND SATISFACTION The success of every organization is depends upon the quality of the supervisor. Supervisor is one who lifts the workers to higher rights beyond its normal limitation. In is the ability of supervisor may be positive or negative. A negative supervisor emphasis penalties and punishment . this will affect job satisfaction similarly autocratic supervisors also affect job satisfaction. To know the opinion of the respondents about the supervisor style the following question was asked. Table 3 Style of supervisor Data No of respondents Percentage Highly satisfied 5 5% Satisfied 45 45% Natural satisfied 35 35% Dissatisfied 15 15% Total 100 100% 2356 Dr. S. Poongavanam Table 3 reveals that 5% of the respondents are highly satisfied with style of supervisor under he is working 45% of the respondents are only satisfied. However 35% are partially satisfied and 15% are dissatisfied about the style of supervisor ORGANIZATION CHANGE AND INNOVATION JOB SATISFACTION In the present scenario of globalization dynamic setting of the business is inevitable an organization’s is ability to change itself is regarded as one of the important factor of its effectiveness. The need for introducing change in an organization may be tow types A. To cope up the environmental change B. To grow from one style to another Before introducing change and innovation workers should be consulted. Because it is the work force that is going to implement present the change and innovation. If they are not properly consulted they may develop misunderstanding and fear. This in turn affects job satisfaction. To know the impact of organizational and innovation, opinion of the respondents are asked. Table 4 Organizational change and innovation Data No of respondents Percentage Highly satisfied 15 15% Satisfied 45 45% Natural satisfied 25 25% Dissatisfied 15 15% Total 100 100% Table 4 reveals that 15% of the respondents are satisfied with the relationship with organization change. However 45% reacted that they are only partially satisfied. EXIESTING ENVIRONMENT Environmental may be understood has all those factor which have their bearing on satisfaction of worker. There tow type of environmental internal and external. Internal environment include culture, union, organization culture and conflicts. Internal environment is useful for the workers in order to become proactive and not reactive to A Case Study Analysis on Job Satisfaction with Reference to BHEL, Ranipet 2357 the environment. If the environment is congenial workers develop satisfaction in order to know the opinion if respondents over the environment the following question was asked. Table 5 Existing environment Data No of respondents Percentage Highly satisfied 25 25% satisfied 15 15% Natural satisfied 60 60% dissatisfied - - Total 100 100% Table 5 reveals that 25% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the relationship in the working environment 15% respondents are only satisfied. However 60% reacted that they are only partially satisfied. It is consulted that majority of the respondents are not satisfied with existing environment. CANTEEN FACILITIES AND SATISFACTION Canteen facilities are another factors that has influence on job satisfaction. For requiring energy and refreshing the mind and body refreshment is inevitable, in addition to refreshment provision of the canteen facilities the work gets together with his friends friendly consultation about the work may also facilitate. To find out the satisfactory level of canteen facilities question was asked. Table 6 Canteen facilities Data No of respondents Percentage Highly satisfied 35 35% 2358 Dr. S. Poongavanam Satisfied 45 45% Natural satisfied 15 15% Dissatisfied 5 5% Total 100 100% If is clear from the table 5.9 is 35% of the respondents are higher satisfied with the canteen facilities in the company, 45% of the respondents are satisfied 15% of the respondents are partially satisfied and 5% of the respondents are dissatisfaction with the canteen facilities in the company. FLEXIBILITY AND FREEDOM THE WORK Having assigned a job to a worker, the worker should be given full freedom to execute the job. Frequent interruption from the work manger may affect the zeal and enthusiasm of worker. If the worker has given full freedom he can give the best in the performance the following question was asked. Table 7 Flexibility and Freedom of the job Data No of respondents Percentage Highly satisfied 10 10% satisfied 60 60% Natural satisfied 30 30% dissatisfied - - Total 100 100% A Case Study Analysis on Job Satisfaction with Reference to BHEL, Ranipet 2359 Table 7 reveals that 10% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the freedom given to them in the performance of the job assigned to them. However 60% reacted that they are only partially satisfied. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND JOB SATISFACTION Organization is a frame work with in which people are working. Organizational structure is the prescribed pattern of work related to behavior of workers which result in the accomplishment of organization goal. Various functions which make up the organization. Specialization and co-ordination are the main issues in designing organizational structure. The specialization includes the division of lab our and the usage of special machine tools and equipment. To ascertain the affect of organizational structure and job satisfaction the following question was asked. Table 8 Organizational structure and job satisfaction Data No of respondents Percentage Highly satisfied 10 10% Satisfied 60 60% Natural satisfied 30 30% Dissatisfied - - Total 100 100% Table 8 reveals that 10% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the organization structure 60% of the respondents are only satisfied. However 30% reacted that only partially satisfied. EXENT OF WORK AND JOB SATISFACTION Job satisfaction is not only depends on monetary and non-monetary incentives provide by the company. It is also depends on the extent of work assigned to a worker. If the extent of the work assigned the following question was asked. 2360 Dr. S. Poongavanam Table 9 Extent of work and job satisfaction Data No of respondents Percentage Highly satisfied 10 10% Satisfied 50 50% Natural satisfied 40 40% Dissatisfied Total 100 100% It is observed from the table 9 reveals that 10% of the respondents are highly satisfied with extent of work assigned to them 50% of the respondents are satisfied. However 40% reacted that they are only partially satisfied WORK CLIMATE AND JOB SATISFACTION The internal working environment of every organization has certain commonly perceived psychological characteristic or traits which are collectivly callecd its climate. These trits vary from organization to therefore every organization has its own unique work climate. Good work climate on the job satisfaction the following question was asked. Table 10 Work climate and job satisfaction Data No of respondents Percentage Highly satisfied - - Satisfied 55 55% Natural satisfied 45 45% Dissatisfied - - A Case Study Analysis on Job Satisfaction with Reference to BHEL, Ranipet Total 100 2361 100% It learned that table 10 revealed that 55% of the respondents are satisfied with work climate is the working environment. However 45% reacted that are only partially satisfied. SATISFACTION OF PROMOTION POLICY Promotion taken place when an employees moves to position to a position higher than the one formerly occupied. His responsibility satus and pay also increase. When as a result of promotion there is no increase in the employees pay it is called a depromotion is usually made decorative by giving a new and a longer title to the employees work will be satisfied only it the have provided promotion with monetary incentives. To get the reviews of the worker on the promotion policy of workers the following question was asked. Table 11 Satisfaction of promotion policy Data No of respondents Percentage Highly satisfied 5 5% Satisfied 35 35% Natural satisfied 35 35% Dissatisfied 25 25% Total 100 100 It is clear from the table 11 that 5% of the respondents are satisfied with the promotion policy of the organization 35% of the respondents are partially satisfied and 35% of respondents are dissatisfied with the promotion policy. QUALITY OF FOOD AND SATISFACTION CONCESSIONAL RATE Efficiency and productivity of the workers is very much determined by the food they take. If the workers allowed to take food with in the factory provided by the employees at free of cost or as confessional rate it will enhance the satisfaction of workers. Quality food provided by the company should be satisfactory. If the quality is not good it will create unnecessary problem and ultimately result in dissatisfaction. To ascertain the level of satisfaction on the food the following question was asked. 2362 Dr. S. Poongavanam Table 12 Quality of food and concessional rate Data No of respondents Percentage Highly satisfied - - satisfied 60 60% Natural satisfied 25 25% Dissatisfied 15 15% Total 100 100% It is observed from the table 12 that 60% of the respondents are satisfied with the quality food provided. However 25% reacted that they are only partially satisfied and 15% of the respondents dissatisfied with the food provided in the organization. TRANSPORT FACTILITY AND SATISFACTION Transport is one of factor that influences job satisfaction and absenteeism. If proper transport facilities are not provided it will cause cense the work force in attending and leaving and job. To know the satisfactory levels of transport facilities provided by the company the following question was asked. Table 13 Transport facilities and satisfaction Data No of respondents percentage Highly satisfied 15 15% Satisfied 65 65% Natural satisfied 15 15% Dissatisfied 5 5% Total 100 100% A Case Study Analysis on Job Satisfaction with Reference to BHEL, Ranipet 2363 It is clear from the table 13 that 65% of the respondents are satisfied with the transport facilities provided by the company. However 15% of the reached they are only partially satisfied and 5% of the respondents are dissatisfied about the transport facilities provided by the company. It is interesting to not that 15% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the transport facilities. Calculation showing the chi-square test of homogeneity HO=> All the factors are equally important for employee Absenteeism in organization. Factors Highly Satisfied Satisfied Natural Satisfied Dissatisfied No of Respondents 25 50 15 10 ei = Percentage (%) 25% 50% 15% 10% 25 + 50 + 15 + 10 = 25 4 (oi-ei)2 (oi-ei)2/ei oi Ei 25 25 0 0 50 25 625 25 15 25 100 4 10 25 25 6.25 35.25 = ( − )2 cal = 35.25 0.05 with (4-1) 3df =7.815 cal> table value 35.25>7.815 Hence we reject Ho Hence we conclude that all the factors are not equally important for employee housing facility in an organization. FINDING AND SUGGESTION There is a mutual understanding and good relationship among the worker in the organization. A majority of the respondent is satisfaction with the job assigned to them and such they are happy with the job. 2364 Dr. S. Poongavanam Recognition of the oneself in working group yet another factor that his impact on job satisfaction. It is suggestion that step may be taken to another to alter the style of supervision. It is interesting to note that no one is dissatisfaction with the security of their jobs. With regards to the introduction of the change and innovation is the job, more than 50% of the respondents are satisfaction. However it is suggested that workers consent may be obtained before introducing any change. It is observed hat 68% of the respondents are partly satisfaction with the existing work environment changes can be so as to enchase the level of satisfaction among workers. Its asserted that 38% of the respondent are partly satisfaction with worker participation is decision-making process. I is suggested that periodical meeting of worker at various levels of the organization may be arranged to discuss the problem of the workers. With regard to the freedom and flexibility in the performance of job 78% of the respondents are satisfied and 22% are partly satisfied steps can be taken to assess the performance of the workers only on the basic of request from the workers guidance may be given to the worker. Assignment of workers and its performance depends upon the ability and skill of the workers. It is asserted that majority of the respondents are satisfied with the work assigned to them. It is asserted that a majority of the respondents are not satisfied with their cope in a achieving their ambition and promotion it is suggested that department and fragmentation of the organization may provide more scope for workers. With regard to other facilities like medical housing transport and canteen it is observed that a majority of the respondents are satisfied. However to retain the level of satisfaction workers involvement in these field suggested It is asserted that 54% of the respondents are dissatisfaction with motivation it is advised to assess the reason for dissatisfaction whether the dissatisfaction is due to lack of monitoring or non-monetary. Accordingly steps may be taken to enhance the level of satisfaction on motivation. SUGGESTION In a competitive business market employee’s creative talents are tapped to meet the business results and when such is the case the employees are not satisfied with system on innovation in business BHEL may look in this matter for future improvement. Through BHEL has a time- bound promotion policy for their employees more than 20% employees are not satisfied with the present promotion policy which in turn may affect not only their career growth but also the result of the organization? The management may review the existing promotion policy for future improvement. A Case Study Analysis on Job Satisfaction with Reference to BHEL, Ranipet 2365 As observed during the study BHEL has made enormous arrangements for the housing requirement of its employees in sprite of these employees are not fully satisfied. The BHEL management may try to meet their needs. Motivation is a prime device for each and every employee one has to be motivated in achieving ones goal. But the study reveals that more than half of the employees expressed their view. They are of the view that they were not properly motivate. The management may find out the possibilities for improvement. CONCLUSION It is obvious from the data obtained from the respondents that the workers of this factory have high level of job satisfaction. They believe that their prospects & survival is better in the factory. They have greater sense of belongingness; their identity to the organization is remarkable and even if any one replay in negative that reflects their feelings and attachment towards the organization only. If this is properly utilized in a systematic way the promotion of this industry will go to the highest level. Further investigators has pointed out various matters that are responsible for the existing high level of jobs achievement and matters which are advantage to the management to improve the organization . 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