COMBE BANK SCHOOL ESAFETY INTERNET POLICY The internet is a part of everyday life for education, business and social interaction. The school has a duty to provide students and staff quality internet access and use of ICT in general which is safely supervised in order to ensure an excellent and safe learning experience. The internet is an open environment and this very openness makes it vulnerable to security threats. Our Esafety Coordinator, Miss Esther Wright, is responsible for keeping SLT and Governors up to date on developments in this ever- changing area and for monitoring provision in school. AIMS OF THE POLICY 1. To explain the school’s strategy for achieving high levels of safety when using ICT. 2. To give school guidelines to ensure that pupils and staff are aware of their responsibilities and that they put them in to practice. 3. To monitor ESafety via this policy, by raising agenda items on the IT management committee and by general vigilance. 4. To ensure appropriate steps are taken to raise awareness of the safe use of the internet and protect pupils from cyber – bullying. This policy, supported by the school’s acceptable use agreements for staff, governors, visitors and pupils, is designed to protect the interests and safety of the whole school community. It is linked to the following mandatory school policies: Safeguarding (Child Protection), Behaviour Rewards and Sanctions Policy, Anti – Bullying Policy Introduction Information and Communications Technology covers a wide range of resources including web - based and mobile learning. It is also important to recognise the constant and fast-paced evolution of ICT within our society as a whole. Currently the 1 internet technologies children and young people are using inside (*) and outside (**) the classroom include: Websites * Email, instant messaging and chat rooms ** Social Media, including Facebook and Twitter ** Mobile/Smart phones with text, video and/or web functionality ** Other mobile devices with web functionality * Gaming especially on line gaming ** Learning platforms and Virtual Learning Environments * Blogs and Wikis ** Podcasting * Video Broadcasting e.g. Youtube * Music Downloading * At Combe Bank we understand the responsibility to educate our staff and pupils on safety issues. We teach them the appropriate behaviours, critical thinking skills and general pitfalls, to enable them to remain both safe and legal when using the internet and related technologies, in and beyond the context of the classroom. The school provides guidelines on expectations of internet use to both pupils and adults. All users have a responsibility to follow the guidelines. Separate guidance documents concerning safe internet use are attached in the appendix of this policy. eSafety in the Curriculum The school has a framework for teaching safe use of the internet skills in ICT and PHSE and C lessons and Assemblies. Pupils are taught about copyright, respecting other people’s information, safe use of images and other important areas through discussion, modeling and appropriate activities Pupils are aware of the impact of Cyberbullying and know how to seek help if they are affected by any form of online bullying. Pupils are also aware of where to seek advice or help if they experience problems when using the internet and related technologies; i.e. parent/ carer, teacher/ trusted staff member, or an organisation such as Cybermentors, Childline or CEOP report abuse button. 2 eSafety Skills Development for Staff The e–Safety Policy is given to and discussed with all members of staff. To protect all staff and pupils, the school will implement Acceptable Use Agreement which is signed by all staff (teaching and non – teaching,) pupils and parents EACH YEAR and retained for our records. New staff will receive information on the school’s eSafety Policy and acceptable use agreement as part of their induction. Up-to-date and appropriate staff training in safe and responsible Internet use, both professionally and personally, are provided for all members of staff as part of INSET days at the start of each academic year. All staff are made aware of their individual responsibilities relating to the safeguarding of children within the context of eSafety and know what to do in the event of misuse of technology by any member of the school community. All staff are encouraged to incorporate eSafety activities and awareness within their curriculum areas Staff will be made aware that Internet traffic can be monitored and traced to the individual user. Discretion and professional conduct is essential. All members of staff are made aware that their online conduct out of school can have an impact on their role and reputation within school. Civil, legal or disciplinary action could be taken if they are found to bring the profession or institution into disrepute, or if their conduct is felt to have undermined confidence in their professional abilities. Managing the School eSafety Messages Esafety training forms part of the school curriculum across the school and is used to raise the awareness and importance of safe and responsible internet use amongst pupils. We endeavour to embed eSafety messages across the curriculum whenever the internet and/or related technologies are used. eSafety rules or copies of the student Acceptable Use Agreement will be posted in all rooms with Internet access. eSafety advice will be promoted widely through school displays, newsletters, class activities. Cyberbullying (along with all other forms of bullying) of any member of the school community will not be tolerated. This is included in the school’s policy Anti – Bullying Policy. There are clear procedures in place to support anyone in the school community affected by cyberbullying. All incidents of cyberbullying reported to the school will be recorded. 3 Clear procedures are in place to investigate incidents or allegations of cyberbullying, as with all forms of bullying and the ESafety Coordinator is informed. Internet Access The school will maintain a current record of all staff and pupils who are granted access to the school’s electronic communications. All staff will read and sign the Staff Acceptable Use Agreement. At Key Stage 1 pupils’ access to the Internet will be by adult demonstration with occasional directly supervised access to specific and approved online materials At Key Stage 2 pupils will be supervised. Pupils will use age-appropriate search engines and online tools and online activities will be teacher-directed where necessary. Secondary students will apply for Internet access individually by agreeing to comply with the Acceptable Use Agreement. Parents will be asked to read and sign the School Acceptable Use Agreement for pupil access and support it. All visitors to the school site who require access to the school’s network or internet access will be asked to read and sign an Acceptable Use Policy. Information Systems Security& Monitoring Virus protection is updated regularly. The security of the school information systems and users is reviewed regularly. All internet activity is logged by the school’s internet provider. These logs may be monitored by authorised staff. Management of Filtering The school will have a clear procedure for reporting breaches of filtering. All members of the school community (all staff and all pupils) will be aware of this procedure. If staff or pupils discover unsuitable sites, the URL will be reported to the School e-Safety Coordinator who will then record the incident and escalate the concern as appropriate. Any material that the school believes is illegal must be reported to appropriate agencies such as Kent Police, the IWF or CEOP. The school’s broadband access will include filtering appropriate to the age and maturity of pupils. 4 Email Staff will only use official school provided email accounts to communicate with pupils and parents/carers, as approved by the Senior Leadership Team. Pupils may only use approved email accounts for school purposes. Pupils must immediately tell a designated member of staff if they receive offensive email. Pupils must not reveal personal details of themselves or others in email communication or arrange to meet anyone without specific permission from an adult. Management of Published Content The school website will comply with the school’s guidelines for publications including respect for intellectual property rights, privacy policies and copyright. The School will have a policy regarding the use of photographic images of children which outlines policies and procedures. Management of Social Media, Social Networking and Personal Publishing The school will control access to social media and social networking sites. Pupils will be advised never to give out personal details of any kind which may identify them and / or their location. Examples would include real name, address, mobile or landline phone numbers, school attended, IM and email addresses, full names of friends/family, specific interests and clubs etc. Staff wishing to use Social Media tools with students as part of the curriculum will risk assess the sites before use and check the sites terms and conditions to ensure the site is age appropriate. Staff will obtain documented consent from the Senior Leadership Team before using Social Media tools in the classroom. Staff personal use of social networking, social media and personal publishing sites will be discussed as part of staff induction and safe and professional behaviour will be outlined in the school Acceptable Use Policy. Staff are advised not to admit pupils in school as ‘friends’ on their Facebook page. 5 Management of Videoconferencing Parents and carers consent should be obtained prior to children taking part in videoconferences. Videoconferencing will be supervised appropriately for the pupils’ age and ability. Management of Emerging Technologies Emerging technologies will be examined for educational benefit at the IT Management Committee and at staff meetings and a risk assessment will be carried out before use in school is allowed. Pupils will be instructed about safe and appropriate use of personal devices both on and off site in accordance with the school Acceptable Use or Mobile Phone Policy. Personal Data Protection Personal data will be recorded, processed, transferred and made available according to the Data Protection Act 1998. Management of Learning Platforms and Learning Environments The Senior Leadership Team and staff will regularly monitor the usage of the Learning Platform (Moodle) by pupils and staff in all areas, in particular message and communication tools and publishing facilities. Pupils/staff will be advised about acceptable conduct and use when using the LP. Only members of the current pupil, parent/carers and staff community will have access to the LP. All users will be mindful of copyright issues and will only upload appropriate content onto the LP. When staff, pupils etc. leave the school their account or rights to specific school areas will be disabled or transferred to their new establishment. Mobile Phones and Personal devices Pupils in Y7 – 11 may bring mobiles in to school but they should remain in their lockers throughout the day. Sixth Form students may use mobile phones in the Sixth Form Centre. Staff are not expected to use their mobile phone when pupils are present. 6 If members of staff have an educational reason to allow children to use mobile phones or personal device as part of an educational activity then it will only take place when approved by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Parent Support Parents’ attention will be drawn to the school e–Safety Policy in newsletters, the school prospectus and on the school website. Information and guidance for parents on e–Safety will be made available to parents in a variety of formats. Parents will be encouraged to read the school Acceptable Use Agreement on a regular basis and remind their cuildren of its implications. Risk Assessment The school will audit ICT use to establish if the e–Safety policy is adequate and that the implementation of the e–Safety policy is appropriate. Governors will be informed about this policy and changes to it. The school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that users access only appropriate material. However, due to the global and connected nature of Internet content, it is not possible to guarantee that access to unsuitable material will never occur via a school computer. The school cannot accept liability for the material accessed, or any consequences resulting from Internet use. School response to incidents of concern All members of the school community will be informed about the procedure for reporting Esafety concerns (such as breaches of filtering, cyberbullying, illegal content etc). Any security breaches or attempts, loss of equipment and any unauthorised use of suspected misuse of ICT must be immediately reported to the school’s eSafety Co-ordinator and the school’s Network Manager (Barrie Rhodes). Additionally all security breaches, lost/stolen equipment or data (including passwords), virus notifications, unsolicited emails, misuse or unauthorised use of ICT or all other policy non-compliance must be reported to the school’s Network Manager. The e-Safety Coordinator (Esther Wright), school’s Network Manager (Barrie Rhodes) and Child Protection Coordinators (Julie Tricks and Esther Wright) will record all reported incidents and actions taken in the School e-Safety incident log and other in any relevant areas e.g. Bullying or Child Protection log. 7 The school will manage e-Safety incidents in accordance with the school discipline/behaviour policy where appropriate. A breach or suspected breach of policy by a school employee, contractor or pupil may result in the temporary or permanent withdrawal of school ICT hardware, software or services from the offending individual. Where there is cause for concern or fear that illegal activity has taken place or is taking place then the school will contact the Children’s Safeguard Team or e-Safety officer and report the concern to the Police. eSafety Incident Log August 2013 Reviewed September 2014 To be reviewed by Council at Council meeting on November 20 2014 8 e-Safety Contacts and References CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre): e–Safety Officer, Children’s Safeguards Team, Families and Social Care, Kent CountyCouncil. The e-Safety Officer is Rebecca Avery email: [email protected] Tel: 01622 221469 Children’s Officer for Training & Development, Children’s Safeguards Team, Families andSocial Care, Kent County Council. The Children’s Officer for Training & Development isMike O’Connell email: [email protected]: 01622 696677 Children’s Safeguards Team: Click Clever Click Safe Campaign: EiS- ICT Support for Schools and ICT Security Advice: Internet Watch Foundation (IWF): Kent e–Safety in Schools Guidance: Kent Police: In an emergency (a life is in danger or a crime in progress) dial 999. For othernon-urgent enquiries contact Kent Police via 01622 690690 or contact your Safer SchoolsPartnership Officer. Also visit or Kent Public Service Network (KPSN): Kent Safeguarding Children Board (KSCB): Kidsmart: Schools Broadband Service Desk - Help with filtering and network security: 01622 206040 Schools e–Safety Teach Today: Think U Know website: Virtual Global Taskforce — Report Abuse: 9
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