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Utgave: 29.06.15 (Kun uthevede navn er bekreftet, dette er en foreløpig skisse) Merk: Debattpanel
vil ha maks 6 deltakere.
Grønn: Debatt / Rød: Lukket / Gul: Lunsjarr. / Rosa: Høytidelig.
Lyseblå: Bøker / Grå: Konsert / Lilla: Film / Blå: Barn
The protest festival Scandinavia’s festival of
A festival for engagement against inequality and indifference, against standardisation of society,
one-track market thinking and a feeble notion of tolerance.
A program commemorating Erik Bye, Kris Kristofferson, Axel Jensen, Jens Bjørneboe and Henrik
«Tenk nøye på hva du vil mene.
Det kan bli dyrt å stå alene»
- Jens Bjørneboe
Festival week 2015
13-19 September
Festival artist: Anja Solvik
Sunday 13 September
Film Sunday: In memory of actor Lars
Andreas Larssen
Showing eccentric films, serious documentaries, hysterical comedies, old classics, musicals or
something completely out of the ordinary.
12:00 Fimpen
A 1974 Swedish film featuring Johan "Fimpen", an extremely talented football player who gets the
opportunity to play with Hammarby IF and the Swedish national team.
(Director: Bo Widerberg)
13:30 – 15:00 Football fun for kids and adults
Håkon Ohlgren and Roger Ødegård bring football trading cards and their book
«Alt var mye bedre under Keegan»
1970s fun for toddlers (and maybe parents too?)
Competitions, football talk. Showing of Fimpen
14:00 All thoughts are kin
A young man claims to be possessed by demons.
(Director: Aleksander Johan Andreassen)
14:30 KYS (Kjærlighet, Ydmykhet, Smerte) – Love,
Humility, Pain
Three artists, with no knowledge of boat construction, build a boat from garbarge and imagination –
and sail from Kristiansand to Münster, Germany. The artists are Erik Pirolt and Trond Nicolas Perry.
Kristian Mosvold is owner and producer for Substans film.
15:30 Together
The small village of Vidaråsen is a community for people suffering from mental retardation.
(Director: Ragnhild Nøstem Bergem)
15:45 On borrowed time
Pål Eikrem suffers from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and can only communicate with his eyes
because the rest of his body is paralyzed.
(Regi: Ragnhild Nøstem Bergem)
16:00 The Bookman
A documentary about Geir Hovind Frøysedal, known as the Bookman.
(Director: Bård Kjøge Rønning / Fabien Greenberg)
16:15 Drone
A film about life under drones.
(Director: Lars Løge)
17:40 Manislam – Islam and Masculinity (2014)
(Director: Nefize Özkal Lorentzen)
18:45 A cup of tea
A dark «Documedy» about disease, chaos and death. 79 min (Director: Gunnar Hall Jensen)
(Ticket price kr 100,- for up to 5 films. Buy tickets in advance at the cinema)
Monday 14 September
Election day – Everyone is invited to
come out and vote!
Tuesday 15 September –
«Krenk ikke den lidende
med turneringer i alfabetet.»
- Arnold Eidslott
Triztan-Teltet, Nedre Torv
13:00 Suffering cafe - discussion and debate: The right
to a dignified life with medical marijuana?
Sofie Haughom, patient suffering from chronic pain
Arild Knutsen, CEO, Association for Human Narcotics Policy
Dagfinn Haarr, Municipal doctor
Moderator: Svein Versland
( 100,-)
Program host (from the festival);
Kick Cafe, Dronningens gate
18:00 Conversation: Meeting freedom!
Interview with Veronica Orderud and Erling Havnå
Interviewer: Johnny Brenna
Former kick-boxer Erling Havnå was sentenced to 17 years in prison for taking part in the NOKASrobbery, which led to the shooting and death of policeman Arne Klungland. Veronica Orderud was
one of four suspects convicted of the premeditated murder of her parents in law and sister-in-law.
She was sentenced to 21 years in prison. Today they have served their sentences, but what are their
new lives like?
( 100,-)
Kick Cafe, Dronningens gate
Norwegian songwriter, vocalist and guitarist whose first album was released in 2007. He has played
in Dublin with Irish musicians.
Kick Cafe, Dronningens gate
20:00 DEBATE: Child welfare services – undeserved
bad reputation or more harm than good?
«The road to hell is paved with good intentions», says Gro Hillestad Thune. This is the basis for the
evening’s debate.
Opening address by Gro Hillestad Thune, human rights advisor
Monica Brunner, child welfare manager Kristiansand
Willy Tore Mørch, professor of child and youth mental health
Cecilie Bedsvaag, economist who has lost a child in the system
Martin Sansri Andersen, chair, National Association for Children in Social Services
Vegard Bø Bahus, lawyer
Rune Fardal, psychological case worker
Alexia Bohwim, author
Moderator: Hans-Christian Vadseth
Musical performance: Julie Gibb (CAN)
( 150,-)
Snadderkiosken, Elvegaten
22:00 «It was our own earth that was taken away, and
the land lay cold and wet in the night.»
Ceremony at the Erik Bye monument!
Speech and laying of flowers: Steinar Westin
Music: Tom Roger Aadland
(Free admission)
Program host (from the festival);
Wednesday 16 September –
«Min bønn i dag er denne:
Fri mig om mulig fra nød;
men gi mig ikke å ete
min nestes fattige brød!»
- Arnulf Øverland
Triztan-Teltet, Nedre Torv
Triztan-Teltet, Nedre Torv
13:00 Value cafe: Stop, I want to get off – discussion
about returning to life
Geir Berthelsen (50) is founder of The World Institute of Slowness. He has been the pioneer for slow
living since the 1990s. Slow living is a lifestyle of slowing the tempo in a stressful daily life and finding
balance in life.
Core values are personal growth, being together and a simpler life with conscious consumption.
( 100,-)
Program host (from the festival);
Bankkjelleren, Dronningens gate
(by invitation only):
Kick Cafe, Dronningens gate
17:30 DEBATE: Economic and social inequality –
the largest challenge in Norway today?
It is not easy to discuss poverty in the wealthiest corner of the world. The Norwegian population
wishes to distribute wealth equally, yet inequality steadily increases? The rich become richer, and the
upper middleclass keeps the pace. The remainder of the population lags further and further behind.
Steinar Westin, professor in social medicine
Johanna Engen, CEO, Welfare Alliance
Daniel Suhonen, Swedish editor in chief, debater, author and social democrat
Trine Skei Grande, party leader, Liberal Party
Christian Tybring-Gjedde, government representative, Progress Party
Linda Tånevik, doctor and missionary
Moderator: Trygve Wille Jordheim
Musical performance: Julie Gibb (CAN)
( 150,-)
Program host (from the festival);
Kick Cafe, Dronningens gate
Awarding of the Erik Bye memorial award.
Not since the second world war have so many people been displaced. They flee mostly from
war and conflict in poor countries. But a large majority does not end up in rich countries.
Nearly nine out of ten refugees that cross international borders end up in poor countries.
This is a sharp increase from ten years ago, when the poor countries took in “only” 70
percent of the world’s refugees.
The poor become poorer and the rich become richer. What does this mean for achieving the United
Nations Millennium Development Goals? 1. Halve extreme poverty 2. Achieve universal primary
education. 3. Promote gender equality. 4. Reduce child mortality 5. Improve maternal health. 6.
Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases. 7. Halve the proportion of the population without
sustainable access to safe drinking water. 8. Develop a global partnership for development.
Festival speech: Steinar Westin
Speech for the prize recipiant: Kjell Magne Bondevik
Acceptance speech: Bob Geldof
Musical tribute: Julie Gibb. Hawk Christensen, Rita
Other contributers: Rune Edvardsen
Program leader: Tina Sødal, Strømmestiftelsen
Thursday 17 September –
«Det er synd at slike arma sku rotne i mollinn»
- Setesdalskjempa Bjørgulv Uppstad (1789-1866)
13:00 Death cafe (Repeat of last year’s success)
Theme: Should we burn or rot?
Conversation with Hans-Christian Vadseth and Tone Martha Sødal,
married couple with differing opinions
Moderator: Sylfest Lomheim
Most people who die in Oslo are cremated. Most people who die in southern Norway are buried. A
man from northwestern Norway was married to a woman from Kristiansand. He wished to be
cremated, she wished to be buried. Skepticism in southern Norway surrounding cremation can stem
from the myths that Christians must not be burned. How true are these myths? Is there any biblical
foundation for them?
Musical performance: Æ
Program host (from the festival);
Artist and songwriter from Træna (northern Norway) who has toured as an opening act for Stefan
18:00 DISCUSSION: From oil wealth to national
poverty or necessary equalisation in an unequal
Does our abundant and unequal society need a crisis such as the oil crisis? Or is it the beginning of a
downward spiral like we saw at the end of the 1980s? Will we soon see scenarios where families
must sell their house, be unable to afford day care, possibly be forced to get rid of their car and go
from middleclass wealth to fighting for survival? How can society handle this? Note: National Oilwell
Varco declined to participate in this debate.
John Olav Egeland, commentator, Dagbladet
Elisabeth Engemyr, CEO, NAV Kristiansand
Hans Herlof Grelland, philosopher
Ellen Kongsnes, energy journalist, Aftenbladet (Stavanger)
Mette Gundersen, candidate for mayor, Labour Party
Maria Reinertsen, economist, journalist for Morgenbladet and author of, among other publications,
Ligningen for lykke. Tallene tankene og tilfeldighetene bak den rådende økonomiske fornuft.
Moderator: Eirik Vigsnes
Program host (from the festival);
Kick Cafe, Dronningens gate
20:30 MINI CONCERT: Julie Gibb (CAN)
Canadian songwriter, singer and musician.
Kick Cafe, Dronningens gate
Anna Lindman wrote the book «Den där jävla døden. Vi ska alla dö så vi kan
lika gärna prata om det».
Lindman will be interviewed by Elisabeth Thorsen, pastor at the Dome Churh
in Oslo.
Anna Lindman has interviewed several subjects including psychologists, therapists, oncologists,
pastors, funeral home workers, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, atheists, politicians,
artists and people who know that they are close to death. Could we learn that death is a part of life?
(200,- . Buy tickets in advance at Billettservice)
Program host (from the festival);
Friday 18 September –
«Noen ser en bro
en stige en vei
Men jeg tror Gud er håpet
og intet annet
skal også ha et navn»
- Tore Coward
Misjonshuset, Kristian IVs gate
12:00 – 15:00 Cafe - Discussion about faith and doubt
Musical performance: Kirsten Daugaard
Misjonshuset, Kristian IVs gate
12:00 DISCUSSION: Opening address: «The skeptic’s
Alf Gjøsund, commentator in Vårt Land, talks about
his doubt
Conservative vs liberal: «God’s clear word», is it really
so clear?
Hanne Nabintu Herland, author and religious historian
and Elisabeth Thorsen, pastor at the Dome Church in
Program host (from the festival);
Frikirken, Tollbodgata
17:30 LECTURE: Jesus movement in the 1970s: What
happened to our love revolution?
Lecture by Peter Svalheim, who will launch a book about the Jesus movement
in October.
Frikirken, Tollbodgata
18:00 DEBATE Should the church and congregations
«mix up in the politics» of the fight against inequality
and poverty?
Stein Reinertsen, bishop, Agder
Roland Utbult, Swedish Christian singer, author and member of parliament
Alf Gjøsund, commentator, Vårt Land
Jan Hanvold, editor, TV channel Vision Norway and Christian businessman
Ingeborg Mongstad-Kvammen, Secretary General, the Norwegian Bible Society
Elisabeth Thorsen, pastor, Dome Church, Oslo
Tomm Kristiansen, journalist and author
Moderator: Finn Holmer Hoven
Musical performance: Uffe and Roland Utbult
Program host (from the festival);
Frk. Larsen, Markens gate (discussion in our first venue where we began 15 years ago)
20:00 CONVERSATION: NATO’s evolution from
defensive to offensive – reflections 25 years after the
first Iraq war
Hanne Nabintu Herland meets general and
former Chief of Defense of Norway Sverre Diesen.
Religious historian and author
Moderator: Anders
21:30 INTIMATE CONCERT Jerusalem (accoustic)
(Ulf «Uffe» Christiansson with friends)
Jerusalem was formed in 1975 and is a Christian hardrock band. Not the whole band.
( 150,-)
Saturday 19 September –
Det går et rykte om hus i den nedlagda staden.
Det sägs att man kan stryka handen över det
och att det kallas smekning.
Det finns de som talar om läppar
och att man kan utforska världen med dem utan ord.
Somliga hävdat att de har följt en linje i en handflata
med fingartopparna och hamnat i ett delta
som leder till havet.
- Ylva Eggehorn
13:00 PHOTO LECTURE: Free us from what others
say. Free us from ourselves.
Emma Engdahl is a Swedish sociologist.
Musical performance Vidar Frøysnes
Program host (from the festival);
Haandverkeren, Torvet
14:00 DEBATE: Free us from homework – the big
homework debate for parents, teachers and students
Andreas Bjerkedal. CEO, MentorNorge
Eirinn Larsen, historian and researcher, BI
Åge Hvitsten, teacher, Sandefjord Videregående school
Norunn Tveiten Benestad, member of education committee and government representative
(Conservative Party)
Endre Hægeland, student, 8th grade in Mandal
Moderator: Øyvind Økland
Musical prformance: Ulf «Uffe» Christiansson with friends
Kick Cafe, Dronningens gate
Program host (from the festival);
Kick Cafe, Dronningens gate
1930 - 10 x 10 what we (don’t) dare to say or think
Minister of Education and Research Torbjørn Røe Isaksen published in Morgenblad a list of the ten
least politically correct ideas in Norway in 2015. Shortly thereafter, Frode Helmich Pedersen at the
Centre for Humanistic Legal Studies responded that this was politically incorrect from the
conservative party and came back with ten policitally incorrect liberal cases. Around the same time,
Knut Olav Åmås, director at Fritt Ord, published his list in Aftenposten. Protest Festival has compiled
a list from these lists.
An evening for regular people who live differently in a different world.
19:30 OPENING ADDRESS: Eivind Ljøstad, editor,
19:40 Lill May Vestly: Man is man, woman is woman,
the differences must be accepted and respected
1950 Øyvind Kleiveland: You should not commit adultry
20:00 Are Saastad: Women also hit
The equal rights debate needs men and men need equal rights.
20:10 Morten Dahle Stærk: Living together and sex
before marriage is a sin
20:20 Hilde Susan Jægnes: I chose not to have children
20:30 John Petter Fagerhaug: Depression is a friend
and healthy, not a disease like many think
Hallvardsson sings Kristofferson with a Setesdals
21:10 Malin Lenita Vik: Sometimes I hate the middle
class most of all
21:20 Ellinor Grimmark (SVE): Abortion is murder
21:30 Peter Norman Waage: Introducing radical civil
salary: equal pay for all, regardless of profession and
whether or not working
21:40 Carsten Graff (DK): Adultery can be healthy for
21:50 Musical finish: Ulf «Uffe» Christiansson (SVE) with
musicians from Jerusalem
Program leader: Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad
( 250,- )
Program host (from the festival);
Festivalkontor: Hotel Norge, Dronningens gate 5
Info: 905 46504
Web: www.protest.no
Festivalleder: Svein Inge Olsen
905 46505 / [email protected]
Økonomileder: Roger Christiansen
[email protected]
Bookingansvarlig: Ann Osaland
Billettansvarlig: Linda Aleksandersen
Telt – og kafeteriaansvarlig: Helen Eskeland
Teknisk ansvarlig: Stig Knudsen
Festivalkontoret: Anton Joakimsen
Deltakervert: Cynthia Trydal
Trykk og design: Wicki Løland
Web og design: Vibeke Engen
Håndverkeren, Torvet
Håndverkeren, Torvet
16:00 DEBATE: Sexual assault in the church – it should
not happen
Elisabeth Torp, Solveig Fiske, Svein Josefsen, Gunnar Ringheim
Artistic performance:
( 150,-)
Kick Cafe, Dronningens gate
20:00 DISCUSSION: Meet the saviors – they give life
and hope in a poor world
It has been 30 years since Bob Geldof gathered many of the world’s biggest artists for the
campaign against poverty.
Program host (from the festival);
DISCUSSION: Religion – The elephant in the room
Religion and healthcare – when faced with serious illness and death, the big questions
around faith come to the surface.
Triztan-Teltet, Nedre Torv
13:00 Fun in the tent: Coffee talk about the
significance of childhood in adult life
( 100,-)
Geir Lippestad on his new book about how we
treat those who are different.
TBC. Bokmål meets two role models for dialects and Nynorsk - Therese Johaug and
Ingebjørg Bratland.
Concert with Ingebjørg Bratland
Frikirken, Tollbodgata
20:00 DISCUSSION: The atheist meets the pastor
Aage Samuelsen at 100?
Aage Samuelsen, a charasmatic and controversial preacher, would have turned 100 years old this
Hanne Sørvaag, Bjørn Eidsvåg, Terje Formoe, Hans Inge Fagervik, Inger Lise
Free us from «the contagion»
Terrorism and freedom of speech in the media –
what about the «contagious effect»?
When terror strikes the world, newspapers are filled with stories about extremism. Experts are called
in from universities and the media. This brings more terror, followed by even more news stories.
They talk constantly about not succumbing to terrorism, but no one talks about “the contagious
effect” that can attract “lone wolves”. Can extreme focus on extremism cause “normal” people to
become terrorists because of their need for attention or because they see that terror actually works?
Should the media treat these cases like suicide, with silence?
Morten Horn, doctor and humanist
John Olav Egeland, commentator, Dagbladet
Vebjørn Selbekk, editor, Dagen
Trond Henry Blattmann, experienced terrorism firsthand
Geir Lippestad,
Moderator: Eirik Vigsnes
20:30 INTRO: Ulf «Uffe» Christiansson: How can God
be good in an evil and cold world?
Erik Bye Memorial Award 2015
Awarded to
Bob Geldof
Who over a long period of time has demonstrated the courage to go against the grain and
mainstream opinions, to unyieldingly fight for justice and human dignity, and to influence social
development in a positive direction.