11117/2014 P.OO1l001 19:15 ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPRENTICESHIP OPPORTUNmES Please post In a conspicuous pItt" Reproduce and distribute as necessary FOR THE TRADE OF: ELEVATOR CONmUCTOR NUMBER OF OPENINGS: As Need.d DATES FOR APPUCATION REQUEST IN PERSON: December 17111,lSth and 19th, 2014 PROGRAM SPONSOR: Intematlonal Unlan of Elevator Constructors, Local 174 joInt Apptentlceshlp Committee WHERE TO APPLY: All requests for appllcatfon must b. made In umn at: Add•••••: 780$ Professlon.1Place, Tamp., FLU637 Tfmes(s): 8:00AM to lZ:00PM .nd 1:30PM to 4:30PM GEOGRAPHICAL AREA: Tampa/St Pete, Sarlsotil/Ft Myers MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: be at lust elchteen years of ate AGE: MUst EDUCATION: Applicants shall be • hllh schoolll'aduate or provide proof of equivalent educational attainment such u compl.tton of the General Education Development (OED)tests. A copy would hall' to be provided on the date of requestl", appDcat'on. ' APTITUDE: All 'ppllcants shall piss an examination d•••• n.d to test the applicant's readlnc, math skills, Ind .ptlWde for employment In the elevltor Industry. PHYSICAL: Be capable of performln, the physfcal requirements of the job without pasln,l threat to the h-ealtfr ,nd safety of theIN.lve. or othen. OTHER: Upon seredlan, pass a drul test. (Paid by the employer) A photo I.D. mUl' '1M p,•• anted durlnl the application process. (11) Consent to a post offer pre-hire medical exam. FEES: $25.00 Tadn, fee Required on TEST PAY(ONLV A MONEY ORDER WILL 8E ACCEPTeD) Applicants will be selected without , ••• rd to race, color, rellclon, sex, national orIS'", or any other leplly protected status. The Elevltor Constructors are an Eq\l.1 Opportunity Emptoyer and a Drul Free Workplace. The/nte,natlonal Unkm of EltlVGror Constructors LotfII1I74 Joint Apprentl"~hlp CommI«et and rM Naffonttl ElwGtor Industry Educational PrDgfTIm are not mponllble tor delivery /ollure. on the part 01the us: Postol $eM". -Dtctlmh"r 17,20H
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