Document 443152

July 24, 1962
Filed Sept. lO. 1959
4 Sheets-Sheet 1
¿LT j.
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W/LFEED 6’. 55mm-HMP
W Fama,
July 24, 1962
Filed Sept. l0. 1959
4 Sheets-Sheet 2
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W/L Ffa-'ED é'. Bmw/MMP
M Ííw
July 24, 1962
Filed Sept. l0. 1959
4 Sheets-Sheet 3
W/L FRED 6’. BEHUc/-leMP
July 24, 1962
Filed Sept. lO, 1959
4 Sheets-Sheet l4
W/LF/ëen 6. .55am/«MMP
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Patented July 2d, lihdä
tatable pipes, one of which is- shown at 16 `provided at
their upper -and lower ends with cranks such yas 17 and
18. The upper 'cranks cooperate with a top retainer 19
to -prevent the upper portion Ínom `ñalling off the car. The
Ul lower cranks 18 are journalled in roller hangers, one
a corporation of Ohio
of which is shown at 20, which slidably support the
Filed Sept. 1‘0, 1959, Ser. No. 839,236
lauxiliary door 14 for longitudinal movement upon track
‘5 Claims. "(Cl. 2li-_23)
13. The construction of the mechanism for imparting
This invention v‘relates 4to laterally movable doors for
lateral movement to the auxiliary door forms no particu
‘railway cars and more particularly -to constructions for 10 lar part of the invention.
preventing upward vmovement thereof upon impact to the
When the doors are closed they are locked together by
a lock indicated generally by the reference numeral 21.
It is an object of this invention to provide laterally
At this time the -forward margin of the main door 12
movable doors for railway cars which shall cooperate
is received in the front stop 22 carried by the front mar
with members carried by the cars to prevent upward 15 ginal portion of the auxiliary door 14 in the usual manner.
`movement of the doors when they are closed wherein the
Railway cars equipped with the doors briefly described
cooperative relationship shall »be established bythe lateral
hereinabove are used to >transport grain as well as other
movement ofthe doors into door vopenings formed in the
commodities. In particular when the commodity is grain
side walls of the cars.
great pressure is exerted against the inside of the auxiliary
A further object is to provide laterally movable doors
door which lies flush with the sidewall tending to force
for railway cars which shall carry means adapted to
it laterally out of the door opening. This pressure is re
cooperate with members carried by the cars 'to prevent
sisted by any desired means at the front and rear vertical
upward movement of the doors when they are closed.
margins of the door which secure the door to the car.
A further obiec’t is to provide laterally movable doo-rs
The securing means illustrated in applicant’s Patent
of ‘the character set ‘forth immediately above wherein’ the 25 2,834,067, granted May 13, 1958, incorporated herein by
means shall serve as reinforcements for the doors.
reference is preferred. As shown in this patent the secur
A further object is to provide laterally movable doors
ing means for the front vertical margin of the auxiliary
for railway cars wherein the doors shall carry means and
door comprises upper ‘and lower vertically sliding lock
locking devices at the front edge thereof which shall co
ing bolts. The lower locking bolt 23 is illustrated in
operate with the same members secured to the cars to
FIGURES 3 and 4 of the drawings of the instant appli
prevent upward and outward movements of the front edge
of the doors when they are closed.
Moreover, when the commodity carried by these cars is
Other objects of the invention will become clear as the
grain, blows against the cars occurring when they are
description thereof proceeds. «
struck or upon sudden application of the brakes produce
In the drawings forming part of this specification:
' an upward movement of the grain. I have discovered
FIG. l is an elevation of a portion of a side wall of
that this upward movement of the grain, which is sub
a railway car having `a main :sliding door and an auxiliary
stantially duid in its motion, produces an upward move
laterally movable door and illustrating 'one form of the
ment of the front margin of the auxiliary door. The
instant invention, parts being broken away.
pressure of the grain against the auxiliary door is such
FIG. 2 is an enlarged elevation of the lower forward 40 that this margin of the auxiliary door is maintained in
corner of the door and the adjacent portion of the carA
raised position thereby promoting the loss of grain.
side and illustrating -the instant form of the invention,
The instant invention prevents the deleterious >eifect of
a part being broken away.
the grain upon the auxiliary door. In _the considered form
FIG. 3 is a vertical section taken on line 3-3 of FIG. 2,
0i the invention a member 24, preferably in the form
Wilfred -A. Beauchamp, Chicago, Ill., assignor to The
Youngstown Steel Door Company, Cleveland, (Ehio,
parts being omitted.
FIG. 4 is a horizontal section taken on line 4_4 of
FIG. 2, a part being broken -away to more clearly illus
' 'of a casting, is secured as by means of welding to the low
er portion of the front stop 22 fastened to the front verti
cal margin of the auxiliary door. The front stop is formed
trate the invention.
FIG. 5 is an elevation similar to FIG. 1 showing an
other form of the invention.
FIG. 6 is an enlarged elevation similar to FIG. 2 of the
form of the invention illustrated in FIG. 5.
FIG. 7 is a vertical section taken on line 7-7 of
to provide laterally alined inner and outer channels 25
FIG. 6.
nel 25 and serves to reinforce this part. At its lower
end the member 24 is projected forwardly as shown at
2‘7 so as to extend beyond the front stop 22. To permit
this projection the lower part of channel 25 is removed
as shown more clearly in FIGURES 2 and 3 of the draw.
FIG. 8 is a horizontal section Italren on line 8_8 of
FIG. 6.
In the embodiment of the invention illustrated in FIG
URES 1-4 the reference numeral 10 designates a portion
of «a side wall of a railway car provided with a wide door
opening 11. The door opening is closed by means of a
main door 12 of any desired construction slidable longi
tudinally of the oar on the outside of the side wall It)
upon a track 13 and an auxiliary door 14 of any desired
construction also slidable longitudinally upon the track
13 after it has been moved laterally out of ‘the door
opening 11 in which it is seated when closed. The main
l door 12 slides to the right as viewed in FIG. 1 and-the
auxiliary door sli-des to the lett to expose the dooropening.
Any desired mechanism may be used to move the
and 26. Channel 25 faces rearwardly and receives the
member 24. Channel 26 faces forwardly and receives
the front vertical margin of the main door when the
doors are closed.
The member 24 extends along lthe lower part of chan
The instant form of the invention also provides a mem
ber 28, preferably in the form of a casting, which is se
cured to the side sill structure 29 of the car and coop
erates with member 24 to prevent upward movement of
the front vertical margin of the auxiliary door when it
is closed. As shown in FIGURES 2, 3 and 4 of the draw
ings the front vertical margin of the auxiliary door is
reinforced by an inwardly extending Z-shaped'bar Sli
riveted to the door. The inner flange 3l of this rein
forcement is spaced laterally from the front stop 22 and
aurdliary door 14 laterally into and out of the door open
70 together therewith defines a space in which a guide cast
ing. The mechanism illustrated generally embodies a rne
chanical advantage device 15 and a pair of vertical ro
ing 32 for the sliding bolt 23 of the locking device here
inabove referred to is received. As shown more clearly
in FIGURE 3 of the drawings the lower portion of the
inner flange 31 of the Z-shaped reinforcing bar 30 is
removed as indicated at 33 so that it terminates above
the member 23. Thus the reinforcing bar offers no inter
ference to the lateral movement of the auxiliary door
into and out of the door opening.
The member 28 embodies a vertical liange 34. A hori
zontal flange 35 projects forwardly from ñange 34 ad
jacent to the top edge thereof. Flange 35 extends along
flange 34 and adjacent to the forward edge of the latter
turns downwardly and inwardly to provide a flange 36.
At its lower edge flange 36 is extended outwardly into
a ñange 37 under which the projection 27 lies when the
operating mcchanism forces the door laterally into the
door opening. During lateral movement of the door the
horizontal leg 58 of angle member 57 is projected through
the opening 54 provided in the plate 48. Cooperation
between the plate 4S and angle member 57 prevents up
ward movement of the auxiliary door.
Locking bolt 2‘3 is engaged with its keeper when the
door is closed and prevents outward movement of the
door. Loss of grain is prevented.
The described forms of the invention have been illus
trated in connection with the laterally movable auxiliary
door of a door combination involving such a door and a
sliding door. The invention, however, is not limited in
auxiliary door is closed as shown more clearly in FIG
URE 2.
A horizontal iiange 38 extends forwardly from the lower
use to such a door combination, but it applicable as
portion of flange ‘34. Flange ’38 rests upon the side sill
It will be apparent that numerous changes and modifi
cations in the details of the invention will be clear to
structure 29 as shown in FIGURE 3.
At its outer end
flange 38 is provided with a down-turned flange ‘39 which
bears against the side sill structure, A reinforcing rib 4t) extends between flanges 37 and 39.
At the rear of the member 28 the Vertical flange 34
well to single lateral movable doors, that is, laterally
movable doors used without straight sliding doors.
terminates above the side sill structure at a rearwardly
those skilled in the art. It is intended, therefore, that
all such modiiications and changes be comprehended with
in this invention which is to be limited only by the scope
of the claims appended hereto.
I claim:
extending horizontal wall 41 which forms the bottom of
a keeper portion of member 28 adapted to receive the
\ a door opening and a main longitudinally sliding door
locking bolt 23. The keeper portion is completed by a
wall 42 which extends upwardly from wall 41 to a down
wardly and outwardly sloping wall 43 adapted to coop
l. In a railway car having a side wall provided with
and an auxiliary laterally movable door for closing the
door opening, said auxiliary door when closed lying in
the door opening, said auxiliary door carrying a front
stop at the front margin thereof, said front stop project
erate with the similarly sloping nose 44 of the locking
bolt 23 to automatically raise the locking bolt as the 30 ing laterally outward of said auxiliary door, said front
auxiliary door moves laterally into the door opening. A
stop engaging said main door in outwardly spaced rela
supporting vertical wall 45 extends downwardly from wall
tionship to said auxiliary door when said doors are closed,
41 and rests upon the side sill structure.
a member secured to the lower portion of said front
The horizontal flange 35 supports the adjacent end of a
stop, said member having a flange projecting forwardly
threshold plate 46 secured in the door opening for the 35 beyond said front stop, and a member secured to said
main door so that the horizontal flange 47 of the threshold
car, said flange moving under said second member as
plate is ilush with the top edge of the vertical iiange 34.
said auxiliary door is moved laterally into the door open
To close the auxiliary door 14 it is moved along the
ing, said members cooperating when said door is closed
track 1'3 until it lies in front of the door opening 11.
to prevent upward movement of said auxiliary door.
The operating mechanism is then actuated and the door
2. In a railway car having a side wall provided with
is moved laterally into the door opening. During this
a door opening and a main longitudinally sliding door and
movement the projection 27 of the member 24 passes
an auxiliary laterally movable door for closing the door
under the horizontal flange 37 of the member 2S. At
opening, said auxiliary door when closed lying in the
the same time the sloping nose of the lower locking bolt
door opening, said auxiliary door carrying a front stop
23 rides up the sloping wall 43 of the member 28 and 45 extending outwardly therefrom and having rearwardly
drops into the keeper portion of member 28. The over
and forwardly opening channels, said forwardly opening
lapping engagement of projection 27 with horizontal wall
channel receiving the front edge of the main door when
37 prevents upward movement of the forward margin
the doors are closed, a member secured to the lower por
of the auxiliary door, and the engagement between lock
tion of said front stop in said rearwardly opening channel,
ing bolt 23 and vertical wall 42 prevents outward move 50 said member having a iiange projecting forwardly beyond
ment of this margin. Loss of grain is thereby prevented.
said front stop, and a member secured to said car, said
Another form of the invention for preventing upward
movement of the auxiliary door is illustrated in FIG
URES 5 to 8 of the drawing. In this form a plate 48
is secured to the lower forward corner of the auxiliary
door. The door panel 49 is offset outwardly as shown
at 50 to overlap the plate 48. 'I‘he plate projects for
wardly beyond the door panel as shown at 51 and en
flange moving under said second member as said auxiliary
door is moved laterally into the door opening, said mem
bers cooperating to prevent upward movement of said
auxiliary door.
3. In a railway car having a side wall provided with
a door opening and a main longitudinally sliding door
and an auxiliary laterally movable door for closing the
door opening, said auxiliary door when closed lying in
Plate 48 also projects downwardly below the panel as 60 the door opening, said auxiliary door carrying a front
gages and reinforces the front stop 22 as shown at 52.
shown at 53. An opening 54 is formed in the project
ing portion 53.
The side sill structure is designated by the reference
numeral 55. The vertical leg 56 of an angle member
vertical lock and a front stop at the front margin thereof,
said front stop projecting laterally outward of said aux
iliary door, said front stop engaging said main door in
outwardly spaced relationship to said auxiliary door when
57 is secured in any desired manner to the side sill struc 65
said doors are closed, a member secured to the lower
ture so that the horizontal leg 58 thereof projects laterally.
A locking device embodying the lower vertically slid
ing locking bolt 23 is carried by the forward margin of
the auxiliary door. Locking bolt 23 is adapted to be re
portion of said front stop, said member having a flange
projecting forwardly beyond said front stop, and a keeper
secured to said car, said flange moving under said keeper
and said lock engaging said keeper as said auxiliary door is
ceived in a keeper (not shown) secured to the side sill 70 moved laterally into the door opening, said lock and said
structure in the manner hereinabove set forth in connec
keeper cooperating to prevent outward movement of said
tion with the first described form of the invention.
auxiliary door when said auxiliary door has been moved
`In closing the auxiliary door of the considered form
laterally into the door opening, said flange and keeper
of the invention it is moved along the track 13 until it
cooperating to prevent upward movement of said auxiliary
lies in front of the door opening. Actuation of the door 75 door,
4. In a railway car having a side wall provided with a
door opening, a door, means on said door mounting said
door on said car, said means being operable to impart
lateral movement to said door into and out of the door
opening,k a member secured to said car below the door
plate member extending ddwnwardly below the lower
edge of said door, said downwardly extending portion of
said plate member having an opening therethrough, said
ñange being projected through the opening in said plate
opening, and a member carried by said door, said latter
opening, said ñange cooperating with said plate member
member extending downwardly below the lower edge of
said door, said downwardly extending portion of said lat
to prevent upward movement of said door. ì
ter member moving into vertical interlocking relation
ship with said ñrst member as said door is moved laterally
into the door opening and cooperating therewith to pre
vent upward movement of said door.
member as said door is moved laterally into the door
References Cited in the file of this'patent
Ransome ___________ __ June 12, 1894
5. In a railway car having a side wall provided with
Hussey ______________ __ Aug. 14, 1906
a door opening, a door, means on said door mounting
said door on said car, said means being operable to im
part llateral movement to Said door into and'out of the
door opening, a member secured to said car below the
Hussey _____________ __ Oct. 26, 1909
Nelson ______________ __ Sept. 2, 1919
Brodhage ____________ __ Oct. 19, 1920
Fahrenbruch _________ __ Feb. 22, 1921
door opening, said member having an outwardly extend
ing flange, a plate member secured to said door, said
Guerrant ___________ __ Sept. 18, 1923
Voss _______________ __ Nov. 25, 1941