UNIVERSITI BRUNEI DARUSSAT.AM MINIMUM ENTRY QUATIFICATIONS To be considered for the award of a grunci Darussalam Governmenr Scholarshrp, applicants must satisfy the entry requirements set by the following instjtutionsl 1, ADMISSION TO UNIVERSITI BRUNEI DARUSSALAM (UBD) Applicants must satisfy the general entry requirements and specific entry requirements as set for each programme. Applicants must also note that fulfi ling the general entry requrrements and spectfic entry requir€ments does not guarantee entry into UBD,s programmes as admission to all pro8rammes is competitive and lin ited subject to avaalability of space. Entry Requirement for ph.D, programmes General entry requirements. The minimum requirenent for a ph.D. programme is normally a relevant Master's Degree o. its equivalent from institutions recognized by the University Senate. Applicants are also required to submit a detailed research proposal, whi(h is normally expected to include the followrng: proposed tttle; rationalej aims and methodology; literature review, preliminary bibliography; provisional timetable; provisional table ot contents, and an indicatron of any special requirements for the study. The maxrmum duration of a ph.D. programme is normally 5 Vears full time or 7 years part-time. ii) Specific entry requirements Attachment A. for ph.D. programmes can be obtained in Entry Requirement for Master Degree programmes i) General entry req uirements. The minimum requirement for a Master,s Degree programme is normally a relevant Bachelor's Degree with Honours (Second Class Honours and above) or its equivalent from institutions recognized oy the University Senate, unless otherwise stated_ Applicants who do not possess a Second Class Honours Degree may be considered, provided they have relevant working experience ano possess other academic or professional qualifications deemed suitabl€ and eq'rivalent Ior the purpose of admission to the pro8ramme. For entry to the Master's degree programme in English medium, applicants must be able to demonstrate English language proficienry with at least a credit 6 in English Language at GCt ,O, Level Examination or a grade C'in TGCSE English (as a Second language) or an IELTS score of 6.0 or TOEFL minimum overall score of at least 550 Please take note that other specjfic entry requrrements may be provided under the separate programmes. For a Master's degree by Research. the applicant must submit a research proposal with the application. The research proposal rs generally expected to include the following: proposed titlej rationale; aims and methodology; literature review; preliminary tribliography; provisional timetable; provisjonal table of contents, and an indication of any special requirements for the studv. ii) Master's bv Research Currently, Master's by Research offered by various programmes are available. The duration of the Master,s by Coursework is I year fulftime {or 2 years part-time) and Maste.,s by Research is 2 years full,time {or 4 years part time). rii) Specific entry requirements for Master,s Degree programmes can obtained in Attachment A. 1.3 Entry Requirement for First Degree programmes r) Point system for GCE 'A'Level euatification L-GJade , tariff pointi l be irzoi i100: --l I -80 -6d iI l.oI ii) General entry requirements. For English,medium and Bilin8ual programmes, at least a credit 6ln English Language at GCE'O' Level Examination or a grade.C, in TGCSE tnglish (as a Second Language) or an tELfS score of 6.0 or a tOtFL mrnrmum overall score 550. iii) Spec,fic entry requirerrents . : The Bachelor of Arts lHonours) programme requi.es the followrng minimum qualificat ons: . 160 points for two passes at GCE ,A, Level or equivalent {2) . In relevant subjects; or 200 points for rhree {3) passes at cCE ,A, Level o. equivalent jn relevant sub.iects; or . An Internationa Baccalaureate with a score of 2g points; or . 5 merits in Higher National Diploma excluding Communication Skills; and . At least a credrt 6 in Malay Language at GCE ,O, level fe! candidates wishrng to major in Brunei Studies, Malay Literarure and Malay Language and Linguistics. The Eachelor of Science lHonours) programme requires the followrng minimum . qu alificati,l ns: 160 points for trvo (2) passes at GCE ,A, Level or equivalent (one of which must be jn one of the following t of which must be in one of the following Mathematics, . subjects: Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, physics); or 200 points for three (3) passes at GCE ,A, Level or equivalent tone Ch subjects: Biology, emistry, physics); or An International Eaccalaureate with a score of 2g points witn minimum of 5 points jn relevant subjects at higher level; or a . 5 merits in Higher National Diploma excluding Communication Skills; . The Bachelor of Business (Honours) programme .equires the following minimum qualifications: . 160 poants for two (2) passes at GCE 'A' Level or equivalent relevant subjects; or . 200 points for three {3) passes at cCE 'A' Level or equivalent relevant subjects; or . t . . rn rn An lnternational Baccalaureate with a score of 28 points, or Any relevant Higher National Diploma qualification recogoized by University Senate; and At least a credit 6 in Mathematics at GCE'O'level. The Bachelor of Health Scien€e (Honours) programme requires the following minimum qualifications: Moior : Eiomedicol Science . 240 points for three (3) passes (must be from Biology, Chemistry, Mathematjcs or Physics) with a minimum of three {3) grade C's (CCC). Any other subject will also be consider depending on case bv case basis; or r An International Baccalaureate with a score of 30 points; and . Candidates satisfyang the entry requirements will have to underBo a selection interview process known as the Multiple Mlni Interview (MMl). Mojor : Nurcino,lMidwifery o A minimum of 220 points for three {3) passes from giology, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physrcs Other subjects may be considered on a case by case basis; or . An lnt€rnationally recognized degree of second class honours rn a relevant discapllne from Universrta Brunet Darussalam or any other university recognized by the University Senat€; or . . An International baccalaureate with a score of 28 points; or A recognized National Diploma in Sciences or it's equivalent with at least three merits in related subject. (Ac€ept€d subje€ts wilt be assessed on a case by case basis) . Candidates satrsfyang th€ entry requirements will have to undergo a selection ant€rview process known as the Multiple Mini Interview (MM l) and required to go through prescribed medical fitness examin.tion and must be certified as fit to follow the programme. r The Eachelor of Enqineerine (Honours) programme requires the following minimun qualification5i . A minimum of 260 points for three {3) ,A, level passes (The GCt 'A'Level passe\ must include Mathematics and either phvsics or . . Chemistry and passing a qualifying interview) An Internationi I Baccalaureate wjth a score of at least 2g points wtth a minimum of 5 points in relevant subjects which must include Mathernatics and either physics or Chemistry at higher level and pass, qualifying intervlew. Applicants witlr other qualifications such as Higher National Diploma {HND) .nay be admitted on a case by case basis sub.iect to being able to IJlfill equivalent requirements and approval from the Dean of FacJlty of Integrated Technologies. 1.4 Entry Requirement for Diploma programmes i) G€neral entry requirem ent. At least a credit 6 in Errglish Language at grede'C'in IGCSE ,O, Level Examrnanon or a €ngli:;h (as a Second Language) or an IELTS score of 6.0 GCE or a TOEFL minimum o!erall score 550. ii) Specific entry requirem':nts . The Dioloma of Health followtng mintmum q . At least 5 . Science lNursins) programme requires the ualrf rcatrons credits in GCE 'O' Level txamination or equivalent, including Mathematics, Science, . its English Langua8e; or A recognizel Certificate for Assistant Nurse or Cenificate in Midwifery (Division lt) with working experience ot not less than 2 Year! after completing the certificate programme . . Candidates must be successful at the interview conducted bv the Universitv and oasses a medical fitness examination The Diploma of Health Science lMidwifervl programme requires the following minimum qualifications t At least 5 credits in : GCE 'O' Level Examination or equivalent, including Mathematics, Science, . . . lts English Language; or A re€ognized Certificate for Assistant Nurse or Certificate in Midwifery {Division ll) with working experien€e of not less than 2 Years after completing the certificate programme. Candidates must be successful at the interview conducted bv the University and passes a medical fitness examination Ihe Diploma of Health Science lParamedic) programme requires the followlng minim,rm qudlif ications . . . At least 5 credits in GCE 'O' Level Examination of tts equivalenr, including Mathematics, 5cience, English Language; or A recognized Certificate for Assistant Nurse or certificate in Midwifery (Division ll) with working experience of not . . less than 2 Years after completing the certificate programme. Candidates must be successful at interview conducted bv the University and passes a medical fitness examination. The candidate must be of more than 5 feet tall. Attachment A Specific Entry Requirements tor Master prosramme bv Research and ph.D SUTTAN OMAR ALI SAIFUDDTEN CENTRE OF rSr-NrVriC , SrUOiii .99!!9!!-|!ll9:9_C!y {l!:o) i" tslamic Civitira_tion and conremporafy tssues De'ree Requrements A research propoidr o.trining tne scope'oi *o-*E research should be submitted The proirosal should rnclude, 'noJpe"oeritrrirt not be confined toi Introductton of sublect; Researrh aims anrj objectives, includin6 any worktng hypotheses if appltcable. Literature review; Methodoiog,,,, rncluding any data ,eqrrrements rt applicable; Resource requirements, andi Ttmetable oi work I he resea ch proposal should be approximately 1,500 words In length Lntry Requirements :A relevant graduate d€gree rs normally expected Langtrage Requlrerrenrs GCE O Levei Engfuslr credrt or equtvalent proflcaency in the Arabrc language rs an advantage. - ol41s lt EESlClty4Eqli., -ug.t"np-q9a1lisuei Requirements r A research proposat or-ti,n,ng-ine ,cof-ot *orf, OV ,A"p"nO""t research should be submitted. lhe proposal should include, bLrt not be confined to. Introduction ot subject; Research aims an.j objectives, including any worktng hypotheses if applicable; Lrterature revjew; Methodology. Including any data requtrements if applicable; Resource reguirements, and; Timetable of work. The research proposal should be "-l|a!!g Degree approxlmately 1,500 words in jeneth. Lntry Requtrements expected. :A relevant, mtnlmum Seconcj Class, undergradrate degree is normallv Language Requirernents : GCE O Level Engllsh credtt or eoutvalent. proficiency in the Arab c language ts an advantdge. recoBnlsed i.lnlverslty I First class honours BSc degree in Physics or closely related discipline from a recognised iuniversity; j b) Publication in a reputable journal or equival€nt work experience; ] c)Applicants whose native tongue is not tnglrsh sho.-rid srbrrrt eviderrce o{ Lnglish prolrciency (minimum score of 550 for IOtl'1, 6.0 for lLLT5, credrt 6 in GCI'O' Level Examination or grade rr IGSCt l65Cl Lnglr>h In tnglish ..r5 as a il second language) : C _;:i.. i r.rocurr Doctor or of |-Philosophy n||osopny (PhD) in MarnemarrEs Mathematics tr!ul In a) Master's degree rn Mathematics or In a relevdnt area from a recognised university, b) At Jeast 2 publications in a reputable joJ ral or equivalent work experience; c) Applicants whose natave tongue is not Englrsh should submit evrdence ot Englrsh proficiency (minimum score of 550 {of I OLI'1, 6.0 {or lELT5. rredrt 6 rn GCE 'O' level Examination or grade in IGSCE English as a second language) b) At least 2 pubircatrons in a reputable journal or equivalent work experience; c) Applicants whose rlative tongue is not English should submit evadence of tnglish proficiency (mrnimum score of 550 for IOEFt, 6.0 for IELIS, cred.t 6 in GCE 'O' Level Examrnation or grade I in IGSCL LnBlrsh as a second langua8e) C C I I ,Doctorof philosophy_tllgl,.!!gIAy_s-!!_q'!s I a) Master's degree in Energy studies or closely related field from a recognised university; or First class honours 85c degree in Energy Stud'es or closely drscipline; b) Prrblications in a reputable journal or equivalent work experience; c) Applicants whose nattve tongue is not Fnglish should submit evidence of English proticiency {n}inimum score of 550 for TOEFL, 6.0 for lElTS, credrt 6 in GCE 'O' Level txamination or grade C rn IGSCE English as a second lanBuage) I Doctor of.Philosophy (1.!9lil 99IS9!qr Science a) Master's degree in science or engineering or In a relevdnt area from a recogntsed university, b) At least one publicrtions in a reputable journal and two articles in proceedings of international conferences based on peer revrew t!llpaper submisston with not les5 than 4 pages or eqirivalent work experience; c) Applicants whose natrve tong,ue is net English shoJtcj rubmrt evrdence ol Engllsh proliciencY im;nin]i.rm score of 550 for lOEl!, 6.0 for ltLIS, credrt 5 in GcE 'O' Level Examinaiion or grade C in lcSCf English as a serond languagei ; untversty; b) Publications in a reputable journal or equrvalant work experience will be an added bonus: c)Applicants whose native tongue is not EnBrish shourd submit evidence of Engrish proficiency (minimum score of 550 for TOEFL, 6.0 for tEtIS, credit 6 in GCE ,O, Level Examination or grade C in IGSCE English as a second lantuage) Doctor of a) Master's degree in Biotechnorogy or crose,y rerated disciprint from a recognised universitir, or First class honours Bsc degree In Biotechnorogy crosery rerated disciprine from a recognised university, b) Applicants whose native tongue is not Engrish shourd submit evidence of Engrish proficiency {minimum score of 55O for TOEFI. 6.0 for l[LfS, credit 6 in in IGSCE English as a second language) GCE ,O, Level Examination or grade C Doctor of a)Master,5de8reein8io|ogyorc|ose|yretateadiffi or First class honours Bsc degree in Biorogy crosery rerated disciprine from a recognised university; b)Applicants whose native tongue is not Engrish shourd submit evidence of Entrish proficiency (minimum score of 550 for ToEFt 6.0 for rELl s, credit 6 in GcE 'o' Lever Examination or grade c in IGSCE English as a second language) Doctor of a) Master's degree in Biology or closely related discipline from a recognised university, or First class honours gsc degree in Biology closely retated discipline from a recognised university; b) Applicants whose native tongue is not English should submit evidence of English proficiency (minimum score of 550 for ToEFI, 6.0 for lEr-Ts, credit 6 in GcE 'o' Level Examination or grade c in IGSCE English as a second language) Doctor of in Geoscience a) Master's degree or First class honours Bsc in Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry or related Earth Sciences from a recognised university. b) At least 2 publications in a reputable journat or equivalent work experience. c) Applicants whose native tongue is not English should submit evidence of English proficiency {minimum score of 550 for ToEFL,6.0 for |ELT5, credit 6 in GCE 'o' Level examination or grade c in IGSCE English as a second language). tvt"tt", oi iii"n.u in ihvsics I a) At leasr J tower se(ond class {or eqirivai;;i} nonours , related drscrpirne from a recongnised universit,,,; I B;.t"1"".;,;;a;;; u<5rsc r phy;i-;;tr;+ P y5rL> ur Lrusery trj Applicants wlrose native tongue is 1oJ Engrirh sho,,rd submrt evidence of tngrish proficiency r- i'ni"r.r,nllore 6t sso ioiiL, o.o in lGSCt English as a second language) r"itiii, cieJit o r" cti:o, [evel Examioation or grade C Master of Science in Mathematics a) At least a lower second class (oriquiu"feng trono,r,, Sacfreforad"t"" t^ M"tt*,n"ti., o,' Mathematics Education or in a relevant area from a recognised universrty; b) Applicants whose native tongue is not Engrish shourd submit evidence of Engrish proficiency {minimum score of 550 for TOEFI, 6.0 for IELTS, credit 6 in GCE ,O, Levet Examination or grade C in IGSCE English as a second language) cEssloiequiuatenti@ aj At teast a lower s.cond closely related discipline from a recognised university; b)Applicants whose native tongue is not Engrish shourd submit evidence of Engrish proficiency (minimum score of 550 for TOEFI- 6.0 for IELTS, credit 6 in GCE ,O, Levet Examination or grade C in IGSCE English as a second language) Master of Science in a) At least a lower s".ond.6 from a recognised universityj blApplicants whose native tongue is not Engtish should submit evidence of Engtish proficiency [minimum score of 550 for TOEF|, 6.0 for lEtTS, credit 6 in GCE ,O, Level Examination or grade C in IGSCE English as a second language) a) Master's degree in glotogy o or Fi'"'t class honours Bsc degree in Biology crosery rerated disciprine from a recognis€d university; b) Applicants whose native tongue is not English shourd submit evidence of Engrish proficiency (minimlm score of S5O for TOEFI- 6.0 for IELTS, credit 6 in GCE ,Cr Level Examination or grade C in l65CE English as a second lancuaeel Master of S€ience in a) At least a lower second cliss (or eguivalent) honours Bachelor,i aegree in a ;fiva;,i area from a recognised university; b) Appl'cants whose native tongue is not Engrish shourd submit evidence of Engrish proficiency lminimqm sc_ore.of sso foj roFJL, 6.qlo,!Mrqrjq!!qj! !!! 9 grade lgf{qx?mination_or c 10 I in IGSCE English as a second language) PENGIRAN ANAK PUTERI RASHIDAH SA'ADATUL EOLKIAH INSTITUTE OF HEA[TH SCIENCES Doctor of A Master's degree in midwifery or in nursing with maternal and child health as specialisation is required. A candidate with a First Class Honour:; in midwitery or in nursing with adequate maternaland child health components in the c(rrriculum may also be considered. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed. Subject to relevant UBD retulations, depending on the merits of each case, a Master's by research degree candidate in a relevant field at UBD may be considered for conversion to a PhD candidate. Do€tor ot A Master's degree in nursing is required. Candidates with a First Ciass Honours in nursing may also be considered. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed. Subject to r€levant UBD regulations, depending on the merits of each case, a Master's by research degree candidate in a relevant field at UBD may be considered tor conversion to a phD candidate. Doctor of in Clinical Sciences a relevant experience equivalent to a Master's degree or Master's degree in any health related discipline from a recognized institution. MBBS degree or equivalent with ShonJisted candidates will be interviewed. Subject to relevant UBD regulations, depending on the merits of each case, a Master's by research degree candidate in a relevant tield at iJBD may be considered for conversion to a phD candidate, Short'listed candidates will be interviewedSubject to relevant UBD regulations, depending on the merits of each case, a Master's by glggf! d"gr"" .""did"t" i 11 candidate Doctor of PhD) in Public Health Degree Requirements : A written thesis that is judged acceptable by the Board of Examiners. The thesis, based on the findings of an approved original research investigation, shall not normally exceed 100,000 words. As stipulated in relevant UBO regulations, the candidate will need to successfully complete an oral examination on the subiect matter ofthe thesis. Entry Requirements: Normally, a Maste/s degree in a relevant discipline including medicine, nursing, health science, or other health or health-related discipline from a recognized university is the minimum ac:demic qualification required for entry. In exceptional cases, subject to relevant UBD regulations, an applicant with a First Class Honours degree or relevant a recognized institution may be considered. Subject to relevant UBD qualifications from regulations, depending on the merits of each case, a Master's by research degree candidate in a relevant field at UBD mav be considered for conversion to a PhD candidate. Master ot Health Science in A minimum of Second Class Honours in BHSc {Midwifery) or in a Bachelor's degree in nursing with adequate maternaland child heallh component in the curriculum- Each candidate must have a license to practise through registration. Shortiisted candidates will be interviewed. Master of Health Science In Nursing A minimum of a Second class Honours in BHsc (Nursing) or in a Bachelor's degree in from a recognised institution. Each candidate must have a license to practise regastration. nursing through i i I Short-listed candidates will be interviewed. Master of Health Science in Clinical Sciences MBB5 degree or equivalent, a first or an upper second class honour's degree in any health related discipline, or other disciplines with strong interest or experience in health sciences from a recognized institution. Short'listed candidates will be interviewed. Master ot Health science in Biomedical Sciences A First or an Upper S€cond Class HonouB in relevant field of biomedical or health sciences or a Bachelor's degree in medicine. A Lower Second Class Honours may also be considered when supported with evidence of strong research interest. 12 Short lisied c.r,tdioates wlll be lntervrewed The thesis, based on the findints of an approved originar research investigation, shal not oormally exceed 60,000 words. As stipulared in the relevant uBD regulations, the examiners may subject a candidate to an oral examina:ion or such other tests as thev think necessary to assess the acceptability r,f the thesis. tntry Requirements : Normally, a Second Clrss or equivalent Bachelor,s degree in medicine, nursing, health science, or other health or health-related discipline from a recognized university is the minimum academic qualification required for entry. Shortlisted applicants mav be interviewed on a case by case basis. i Language Re-quirements; Relevant EnBlish language requirements stiputated by UBD. ACADEMY OF ERUNEt STUDIES To be accepted to the degree, applicants mr st demonstrate that thev have suffictent background and €xperience in Independent ;upervised research to successfu!ly complete PhD. The normal requirement is for a Maste.'s D€gree in an appropriate disctpline from a a recognrsed rn:trtutron of hrgher tedrnrng Applicants whose native tongue is not Englisr are requrred to demonstrate their proficrency rn the Englash Language by having (or obtaininglooe of the {ollowing qualifications: 1 At least a credit 6 in Englash Language at GCE'O,Level Examination. 2. A grade'C' in IGCSE English {as a second language). 3. A mrnrmum TOEFL score of 550 for the paper.based test. 4. A minimum IELiS score of 6,0. Please note that ToEtvrELTs score reports a.e only varid for two years after the test and the validity period should not expire before the b.eginning of the application period for the relevant intake for which is applied. Master of Brunei Studies Applicants will need a qualification equivalent to a Bachelor'; t"t second class) in a relevant discipline from a university or institution recognized bythe s€nate. degr;;;;l if."*i" t""ii I l Applicants whose native tongue is not English are req!ired to demonstrate therr profrciency the English Language by having (o. obtaining) one ofthe following qualifications: 1. At teast a credi! 6 in English Language at G(.8 'O' Level Examination. 2. A grade 'C' in IGCSE English (as a second larrguage). 3. A minimum TOEFL score of 550 for the pap:r based test. 4. A minimum IELTS score of 6.0. rn i l I Please note that-roEFV|ELTS score reports are onry varid for two years after the test and the validrty period should not expire before the beginning of the apprication period for the rerevant intake for which is applied. FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Doctor of Appropriate relevant exp€rience and pubrication, which demonstrates appricant,s anarytical ability, is a detinite weightage. Master of Arts in Applicants must meet the minimum quait'cation setm graduate studies, including a bachelor's degree from an accredited instrtution, with at l€ast an uppet second class standing. ToEFL is usualy required for student, {prease check the un,versity website for general requirements). A background in Sociology or Anthropology is required. Admissioo to the program is at the discretion of the programme,s Graduate committee and is purely based on academic record, letters of recommendation, and substantial research proposal A research proposal with specific objectives, methodologies and retevant literature is a must for the admission evaruation which shourd demonstrate appricant's preparation for postgraduate studies. Doctor ot in Profgssional CommuniGtion and The Media Applicants must possess a Master,s Oegree, o@ Brunei Darussalam or any other university recognised by Universiti Brunet Darussalam. Master of Ans in profesJional Communication and The Media Applicants mu$ poss€ss a degree (preferabrv upper s,ec""o iiii"erriti Brunei Darussalam or any other university recognised by Universrtr tsrunei Darussalam. Cand,cjates w,th relevant professional experience may also be considered. ii.iiHo".*ii-ii., . Doctor ofPhilosophy (phD) in Malay t iteratuie I^rdm^-.^r^h :--' Memperoleh rrjazah Sarlana --- ?.. (M. A) ^,-_;,--__datam Uidang resuiJsiefi;" universiti yang diterima oleh senat. M"trv, A;; uBo;i;;fi;;' bidang I Doctor of MA in Lin.uistics from universiti Brunei Dr russaram o, an-Gt;; *w";,t,tr€.og.i.ed b!, the university, and he/she shourd have a prior background of research and/or writing on Maray linguistics. Master of Arts in and 8A Honours {minimum secondlrass upper) from u"i""^iti gr"*i-D"-;G. - *y.t* university recognized by the university, ano he/she should have a prior background of research and/or writrng on Malay linguistics. Doator I i of Applicants must possess a Masters degree in i,"ory or clorety ;bt"d d,;D|irte, *th h€hl grades from the universiti Brunei Darussaram or from any other university recognized by i universiti Brunei Darussaram. A wel-deve]oped proposar that demonstrater n" i analytic skills, grasp of historicar methods, famiriarity with rerevant "ppr,.""r;i bibriography and primarv sources, and keenness to pursue an original research must be submitted. Appropriate ,.luu"nt i €xperience and publications may also be taken into account. j 1 Master of Arts in A.minimum second crass ,,ndergraduate o"@ sublects is r€quared. Those hording a first crass undergraduate degree In a rerevant subject wrthout a Master's degree may also be considered. Master of Ans in nretevani,rninimu-mseconJ?jsi,-o?c,aoua[.aegreeisnormattyeip"cteo. A relevant, minimum second class, undergradi.ratu Oegree,s Doctor of noi;"ilv Literature A Master's degree in English Literature or a relevant subiect area. Master of Arts in Llterature ";p".tud. (al A trrst degree (trrst o. second class Honours) In tng|sh Lrterature or equrvalent. or {b) Rejevant work Ing expenence. Applrcants are requrred to 5!bmit a researclt proposatof.rpproxrmately 500-1,000 words !4!ftet g!44s_h -E$!!sh t anguage and tinguistics r{a) A fir5t degree (first or second class Honours) rn Lrng.ristics or eqr.]ivalent, or (b) Relevant workrng expenence. Applicants a re requ ired to , -D!49ry1q!'ilgrl!tv su bm it a resea rc h proposa I of a pp roximately 500 1,0O0 words lllo)l r4 Second Cla5s Honours{oieq,tivatent)* po,tfot,o. oetarled proposal. Language Requirements: English as prescribed by Universiiy requirements Master of Arts in Art Second Class Honours + Portfolio + detailed Drooosal. Language Requirements: English as prescribed by University requirements Dotlor of A Master's degree in Linguistics or a relevant subiect area. Applications to the phD programme must be accompanied by a detailed research proposal of approximately 10O0 words. Language Requirements :A high level of proficiency in spoken and written English Doctor of Applicants must hold a Master's degree in Sociology or Anthropology from an accredited university, with minimum CGPA set by the university {please check the Graduate Studies website for general requirements). The application must come with a well-developed research proposal thai demonstrates the applicant's solid familiarity with relevant sociological/anthropological literature, methodology of research and a doable research issue. Appropriate relevant experience and publication, which demonstrates applicant,s analwical ability, is a definite weightage. Master of Arts in Applicants must meet the minimum qualification set bv the Universitv for Admission to graduate studies, including a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution, with at least an upper second class standing. TOEFL is usually required for students (please check the universiW website for general requirements). A background in Socioloty or Anthropology is required. Admission to the program is at the discretion of the programme's Graduate Committee and is purely based on academic record, letters o{ recommendation, and substantial research proposal. A research proposal with specific objectives, methodologies and relevant literature is a must for the admission evaluation which should demonstrate applicant's preparation for postgraduate studies. UBD SCHOOT OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS _ lintlg eol!91 el Plr ilgsoj hy ( eho I i1 a) Mdsters degree rn a related disciplane. b) A sound reseJrch proposal c) English GC! O'Level Credrt 6; lELi5 Ooctor of 6 ,. IOtfL 550 in Economics a) Masters degree In a related discipline. blA sound research proposal c) English. GCt'O'level Credjt ti; rEITS 6.1,; tOEFt '' 550 Doctor of P!ilosopty (P-hDl_!! l{9ggg!E!t a) Masters degree In a related discipline. b) A sound research proposal c) Entlrsh:GCt'O' Level Credat 6; lELtS - 6.:,, IOfFt 550 Master of Finance retevini dist ipline i-rn u u-nGriiiy i"iognrieo by senate. b)A research proposal i cl English 6Ct'O'Levet Credit 6; tEtfs 6 5; tOLFL 550 a) At least 2nd class Honours in L__,_ Master of Economics : a) At least 2nd Clas5 Honours in relevant dis( rplrne from a university recoBnrzed by Seoate b) A research proposal I c) Eng|sh: GCE 'O Level Credrt 6; tELT5 - 6.5. IOTFL - 550 - tl,!e$elof Manaqe..Tql!. j i a)At least 2nd Class Honours in ,e-levani Jiii 'pfin"-t-rn i b) A research proposdl I c) Engiish;GCL'O'Lpvel Credit 6; |ELTS - 6 5r IOLFT 550 *i*i"ty recognrzect by Senate INSTITUTE OF ASIAN STUDIES Doctor of Plilosophy (PhD) in Asian Studies a ) Master's degree rn a relevant subject, usL.)lly with a mrnimum of a 2no ClJss Upper Honours Degree (or equrvalent ) b ) A well developed proposal that demonstrates the applicant's extensrve readrng, grasp of analytic methods the relevant rnateraals ard STrong interest In p!rSL|t Ot a re5earch.based career c.) Any Asia related toprc whrch ts relevant t ) the expertise of any uBll 5tatf or to anV existing fesearch project nldy be cor]srdered Facrlity rt relev,lnt language/s rs requrred Specific Entry Requirements for Master programme by Coursework SULTAN HASSANAT EOLKIAH INSTITUTE OF EDUCATI'ON _rytlstgt 9!lqgllfiin€ Bacheiors degree or equivalent from a recogniseJ universrty. cieJit o in cct ;o; ievet rngirih LanSuage or Grade 'c' rn r6csL tngl,sh or an rtLTs score ot 6.0 or a rofLL score of at least 600 Master ol Education -.-" Bachelors degree or equivaient f ,ecogn,r"- urfersitv; creOG ,n Lev"i tngtot' Language o. Grade 'c' rn IGCSt tagrrsh or an rtLTs score of 6 0 or a roF!L score of ar least 600 , ct-o- M?{gf e! rq{hr$ Bachelors degree or equrvalent trom a recognized universitf; Ci"O,t O tanguage or Grade 'c' In rccs! tngrish or an rtLTs score i" 6Ct;O;r"u"i ingl,ih of 6 0 or a ToFLL score of at reast biO fACULTY OF SCIENCE Master of Scfence in petroleum Geoscience bv Coursework '] .:' :. -::':j ::: :.!r :-.:: :.___:.:__....-.. ,t At a, r-..* - -_class a) least a L.l^l-^_tower- second =-::'_1-' (or equivalent) t,onorri su.f"ior;i legree rn Geotogy. Geophysrcs, Geochemlstry or related Earth Sciences from a recognjsed unrversrty; bl Applicants whose native tongue is not Englrsh shouid submtt evidence ol Engl,sh protrciency imrnrmuol srore of 550 fof IotFL, 6.0 for It,.s, credit 6 in cct 'o' Lever Ixamrnatron or gfade c in IGSCE tnghsh as a second language) J9s!9I 9l!.!9gs rL E!9Ls,y slud",i.gs llq;rs"noir - I a) At least a lower second ctasi ior eqrivafe"tt r,'o^orii a"ihu,,./, engineering or in a relevant area from a recognised ilniversity; bl Apphcants whose native tongue is not tnglish should submit evidence : (mtnrD'lum score of 550 for TOtfL, 6.0 for ,O, ltLTS, credit 'n : IcSCE English as a second language) _ _ 6ln GCE a'"ir"" t" i.i""iJ oi ol tnglish protrcrency Level Examrnatron or gracle C r{_.-uf*oiAiiaAnDaocr,AliclErvcrs t!_:99$.99:! 4I!9 n sqqies by coursewor k A mrnrm.rm of a 2nd ciass Lower uonorrs -eg;e"'io,. uqriu"f*ti , ;"t;r;;;t,";, ora prelerence 15 given to those who have strong backBroJnd In socrar soences, Internattonal relalrons. busroess and public po|cy while work experience is r)ot essentral, rt is an advant.rpe !1aj!-e!14{: Master of Arts in Malay Lilgrature Ly 'Me,nperclehr rjazah Sarjana Muda C"urs.*oit {B A) denean kepulian Kelas Kedua dalam brdang Kc\,rsa\terd.tn Melayu oarr UtsD dfau larn larn unlve,\lt, yang drterrma olelt Senat Master of Arts in-History- by Coulsework Applr{dr'lt5 ntust hold a degree (nrinrmum secr:nd Clats flonour5) lron] Universitr grtne, Darrrssdlarr_sr 9ly. -91tre1 uoiversrty le.lggnisg-g bV Unrvef srtt Bru'|el Darussaldm Appiic.tnts - t8 - mlst alSO lru*t.i have a Strong background in hrstc flcal studres 'iincu"c" niii'i" ingriirt [irq;uistics by couriework "r ";Jrlonorrs) in any a.ts or :ocrdt sLrence drrcrpline, (b) (lrrst or secon; itass A frrst osgrse or Relevant workrng experience. Language Requrrements: A hrgh level of pro,rcrency in spoken and wfltten Engltsh. i t_ trllEulslll o!l9g!9ry9i,I_ by courre*ork l,:=:y*",Ti.11,1::lllldl_-1!.Eu9g!llLu , Mas!,91*o,l4t!l,il !{4ay_qlguag; ;d ringuisti.i I iJA Honours {orinrmun} Second class Lowe') from universiti Bruner Darussalam or anv other lrniversrty recognized by the Unrversity, anrl he/she should have a prror background in Malat, Ioguistrc5 PENGIRAN ANAK PUTERI RASHIDAH SA'ADATUL BOTKIAH INSTITUTE \,I OF fIl:'t|HEAITH I fI JlIEIILEJ SCIENCES _irqtlrylsJi_en!! llMna'yllla_!!!L!?rel{lor_ll9di_ciLo".t"t' _ofly! I An applicant for ddmission into the program ne must satisfy the tollowing requirements a| Holds a Pflma!.y Medacal Degree MBBS or rts equivalent recogntzed by the grunei Medical Board (BMB) bl Holds a lrcense or registered to practtce rnedicine ln Brunei Darussalant or a recognized post In other countrre5. c) Has a minrmum of twelve (12) months pos: qualification clinical experience e.g. completion of the pre. reBrstratio n year. d) Applicant satrsfying the entry requirements will be called for rntervrelv. Admission is i competrtrve and not Buaranteed. r Master of Public Health G;"d-clr- ri"q B-".f" lor's deg;ee r" m"drc,*, nrrlne, t ,.,uni"-, "i"rr".i "urtn or other health or health related drscipline frrm a recognized unaversrty is the minimum academrc qualifrcatton required for entry. Shortlisted applicants may be rntervrewed on a case bv case basrs i N"-,r"ilt, ; I UBD S€HOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 3?!!9t ot l!Epicl'n?!9c_!r!9r't9!94 - a) At least 2nd Class Honours degree in anv d scipline from a unrversrtv recognized by Senate b) tnglrsh: GCt'O'Level Credrt 6 ; ; l!Ll5 6 5. UaJErg! Ego!-"1!tq !y Serr.-"ry9a!_. _ - roEfL 550 ---__" At least 2nd Class Honours in Economics or related disctpline l,o"n o,,niue",ty iSenate. i aJ r"i.i"ii"Jlv I b) En8lrsh GCt O Level Credrt 6 : ltLlS 6.5. IOTFL 550 l-q8!:lic by Coursework - !t411tSI9! 19 alAt least 2nd Ciass Horrours In any discipline lrom a !niversrty recognrzed bV Sendte b] Applicants \,fithort an honours degree wtth at least tllree ye,lr5 of relevant experience c) Lngirsh. cCL 'O Level Credrt 6 ; tEtl S 6.5, I OtFL 550 Master oJ Management by Coursework a)At least 2nd Cra5s Honour\ degree in any d,sc,ptrne I,om bj Engrr5h GC[ 'O'Lever Credrr 6, tLL tS b.5. lOirr :50 ,t university recognrzed by Senate Master of Business aaminisvation by Cou.sework alAt least 2nd Class Honours degree from a unrverslty recognrzed by Senate, dnd at leJst th.ee Vears of ferevdnt workrng expenence OR A professronal quatrfrcatton with at least three years ot relevant workrng experrence b) to8lrsh: GCL 'O' Level Credir 6 j iELI5 6.5; TOEFL 550 Note : lhe above entry requirements are subJect to changes For fo.ther information, pieale refer to our weos[e ;.:r!....ri;r.- . INSTITUT TT.KNOLOGI BRUNEI MINISTRY OF EDUCATION NEGARA tsRLINEI DARUSSALAM THE BIIUNEI DARUSSALAI\I GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPS FOr{ THE 201sl2016 ACADEMTC SESSION .-\pp11..11t1., tlho fulfill thc nrinintunr rn'r\ r(\lui&,n.tci]ts in a pr.o1,r;lrn11,,11 tlrt,ir tltrrico, tlffert,tl .rt thc lrr.ititul lt'krrokrlii Brun.i .rt cithcr l){\hn.of l,hiiosophr, (l'hl)) tlegreL,. \lasters l)e1;ret,bt. llcsr.arclr or Lnderll .rr.iuatt, l)t,1;rt t, ar{ n()rr. elifiilrlt: t,, applv tr', the Injtitut(' urrd('t tlti' G(\\..[nnr(,lrt !1.!('l.tf.hiP S(irontc fi)r tl]c a.-a.iemic \1,dr 2lli5/201b. jULNTMUM t:N I RY RIjQU l.t {t.t\ l)octor of Philosophy (t'hD) dep i. lt. Nrs ee i\ p(rstgr.tduitt('l\l.lsters !li,gr.rr(, 1(,(1)t!ritr:d bl.tlre Nat.ionai ,\..r.rlit.rtion (lourrcil rrf IJrunei [)arussa larrr. A relevanl uppt'r stctrrrtl .lass lronours Ba(h.l(rrs dt,gree. r,r trquivaltnt, b\ llrf \.rh{rnrl \rerldit.rtrrrn Crrun.il ()t Brulrei I)arussaLrm rt'r'trgrizr'.1 nt. At least d Crctlit Sir (Ch) lrntrish Languol;e at Ccl: ()rrlinarr Lcvr,l or 'n l()liFl- rnirrinrunr ()vcr(rlj \(rlrf i5(l or rts an ltrl-IS sr'orc of 6-l) or cquir.al('rrt. lhc f-Iglish Iantlu;r!]i' r.quir(,nt(\.lls mar- tt h..rivtrl r,r,lrt ri, qunlil\ iirti stu!lies in llililr,'r l,.lucatit'n \r'c.. in tlre nrr,diurrr ot [rnglis]r I-.tngpagr.. l\'lrt'rt' t.rnr'litiatt's i,rrrrplt'tc,,l thcir hilihr:r t,tlut.rtirrrr rnore tlr:rn lrt',rrslrior kr thcir, urr,'nt .rpph!.rtt()n tlrr,r rrrll nr.,,tl hr \hr,11.that lhel I't.rr t'totrtirrut,d ttrshr,ll (rr ry(rrk in thc nrcrlirrrrr rrf l:nrllish. 1.2 l\-lasters l)egree trv lltsearch '\.rrrrrrrd<Lr.is honours ll.rrhtltrrs.ltlir,r,. or t,quira[,ni. r(,((!l:ni./r(l b\ llr('\.rli(\r,rl rr. r\( ( r('Jitahr)n ( ()urrril trl lJrurrr,r Ilrruss,tl.tm. r\t l.n\i n ( r('(iir Si\ (C6) i l.nglislr l .rngtr.r13, .rt (icl ()rJinan r_ert,r ,,r .rrr lI-1,15 srrrrr' trf 6.t) ru l()hlrt_ !lininlun.l o\.(,r.tll sc(rr{,5atr ur rt\ .rlUivdlent lhc Iinglish l_.rn11ua11c rr\lUirtmsnt\ nr.rr bi,rr..rirrti rrhfrt. qu.rlil\rrti stuJrcj, in llilfrt,r Iirluc.rtion $r,rr, in thc nr.,.lru|rr rrf I:nclish l.anliuage l\'lrt'rc eantlitlatt,s !()nrPlrtr,(l their hi11lrt,r cdu(nti()n nrilrl than I rt'ars lur(rr t() thl'it (.urr('nt alrPli..tti(]ll tirc\.\1.ill n.rd Io \h()h.tli,l! lltrr lr.rr, e tontitrut'J hr studr (rr \1(lrl ill thr ntfJiunl ()l F_ngli:,h Undergraduate l)egree and foundation Degrec 1.3 A1-rp!;,'.1n1r lirr ar.lmissiorr to iirst r[11rr,t,Prt)l'tnn]nr.s nrust sitfisi\-tltr,tirllorrirli nrtnlmunl ('ntrI rcqut At Llrst r,Llu r r('D1r,ntlia (-r.drt 5i\ (Cr') in \l.rtlrftl.rtir s at CCI: ()r.rlrnarr 1.t,r,,1 iv.rl(,nt r,r rts .\t L'.rst.r (-rr\lit Si\ {Cfi) in lrnlilish L,rn6.uag,at GCt Ortlin.rlr Ltrtl or atr ll LIS s.r'l' of {r.0 ,'r l()!f-L lnrlintullr ()\frdll s{trr(, i5tt .rr rts r\l1r l hc rvnl|nf . loiklr ing points.rrr. used as a b.rsis f()r ih(, l(rllo\\.ing Ltntt I\\tttr Jegr(, llrr)llr(tnrn1r,s_ l{0 n0 B ( I rlt) ti{l t) 1r0 I Jtl Ar - BACI{ELOR Of INGtN[.[tt|N(; (HONS) tN CtVlr tNGrNIERtNG A2 - BACHELOR Of tNGtfiEtRrNc (1{oNS) rN CtV|l. & (; [{)r[(.lrNr(.Ar. EN(;rNE!.RtN(; A3 - BACHILOn O]- tNGtNl,llRtNG (HONS) tN CMl. & STRUCTURAL IN(]tN[€RtN(; d { n)lrrillrunt r,l ll(} tdrrll p(,ult\ lor l.\'l('rt,l passts rn \ulrir.als in(lu(irng \i.lthcnrntr.r iL,rnll.(. rtt highr'r) dnJ l'h\\i,:5 (Crd(1('C r)r higlrr,r) arrd Lrrrt.r.le\rIrt s(t(,rrr(..,utrlrrl lrdll\ i rlu!lt, {rr(, ( htlnrirtr\,li()lotll t)f\itir in(t ti\hn.,toti\, (;(,oliral,h\ nrl(l (-(rdrputrnr,) lr .\ nrrni'|runr rt :l{) tarr L OR p,,int\ t,)r'} A-lt,rcl p.rsst,'i irr \lnlhcnrdti(s.rnd I,h\srr\. ()R ..\n Irlh.rnation.l l],(..rl.t u rp.t tr. s(r)rr,(!t:S lr{lurt\ l,r(,tr,r.rlrh \\ith nl||1rnlunr (,t I'hr srL s and \t.rthr,nr.rtils ,rt !t,rnrl.rrr.l lt,r t,l or I t\)ints .rl hr*ht r |r,\ r,l d .\ r{.k\,rntltlF(,'ltl)l\ l( llighe' st)(\ rlird lrr the l,].lrlt\ i P(rrnt\ in ()tt Nnti{nr.rl I)iPlolr.r{,r rt\frlui\dl(!rt|\rthntrcptab[.gral,*.r,, A.l - BA( ItFll ()l{ ()I IN(;lNttRtNc (tr()Ns] tN ct.tlNfl('Al tN(;lNtjtiRING .r r\ rrri,rirnunr (t :Jl1 -\ I c\fl prjiDls krr i .\' lert.l p.r:.1,* rrlt,ilh t I'h\\r(\. (.lr(,rnrrtr\ . kl \l.rthr'orntl(s (r\.ludr g | |ltlltt,r \l.rtlr{ t|.tttr\) dnri lrt,f{.t.rhl\ at gr.lJ(, ( or higher ()R lt .\lr Inh' l.rtirnt.ll lll Lal,rurr'.t[' sr,'tr of ]fi lr.inl< ft.r,lrr,rtrl\ \1.ith irf 5 point,, I'h\rr(s. -\ldtlr..lndlt(5 anllr'or L_hcurrstr\ .tl \t,rnd.rrd l,rr,l ()r-l ltoitlt{,lt 'lininlUllr htgher [,\r.l A6 - EACHH_OR OF FNGINUI:RtNC l*t()Ns) tN ELE(-TRtCAr & C()t\tttuNICATIC)Ns T,NCIN}:ERIN(; A7 - BA('HEr.()R Ol I.NGINIIIRING tNt;tNtrluNc {}toNsl tN El_L(-TRt(.A1. & tl lr) l-(-rRONl(. .\ nrrnirtt{rnr ol l:t) .\ Lrvrl |ointr l,,r 1 ;\ letel passcs In both \l.tihetnati.!, dn(l I'h\..iii\,it !lr.l(L"C' or higlrr.r, ant{ a \'i.'nct,sr I'iRt (nornrall\ r.ludc Ch. u!,tr\, Srologt arrrl I.urthtr \idlh(lrdtr( \l ()n It r\ nrnimuDr trf ltltl A' Lcvt'l |rnrtr krr f 'A' le\,el .it ltr.rJc '( (,r hifihl'r passt's irr irrilutlinli \{.rthrntnti(s nrrLl |h\sr!s ()R I A|r lrrlrrnitlondl ll,rtcalaurr',rtt, srorr ,rt 1ll lxlints $'rth n)inrrunr ot 5 p(rint\ in I'hrsii:r,rtlrl \l.rth.nr,rhL5 dt :'hn(lnrrl lt'\ r:l or -| l'innts .lt a hrghr'r L'\t'l, anrl Pr(.i('rdbh in lrt(r relerdnt sutlr\ t\ nt hrghr'r h'\rl rl :\ rt'ltr ant lJ l l ( ,/BI)l \l ( llrghrr \,rronal \P({ ia'erl t\ tho t:d.ulh ()R l)iplnnra rr rtt .qui\ ak'[l r{ tth ,r.ceptalrl(, grn!i(\ .r\ A8- BAC LLO|{ Of INCtNt}t{tNG (I.t()Ns) tN MtcIIATRONIC INGtNIERINC a) r\ rt1'riorur'ol lfo .\'l-r'rcl l\r.ts lor t'.\'ler-cl \ldthdmnti.\ (Gr.rdc C (i. hghr'r), fnss.o in.lullrng \lathenrati(s or Furtht,r I,hr srrs ((;r.rde C r)r high..) dn(i d rr,lcvant :a-it.'.c liubir\ (nornraU! inr lu(i{. ( hoDristr\, t),,srl|r n,,,t tr( tu()log\ an(i Corlrl'uling) r ()R [!l .\ nrirtirlrunr i\f ltlo troints tr)r ]'n' lc|I p,rligcs ir includiiB \lathenhtt(\ dod I,h\.ri!\,rt '( or highcr and a c.r.l!t rn ( h|nr istr\ ,!t CCI: C)rd ana r\ lrr|cl ortuur\dtenr r) d) Br.rJe OR ,.\rr Intr'rnatl()nnl Ba( ( nlttur \'.rtc l)iplonra xorc ot:8 l)oi|lt\ i!ith,r nlinilnullt ()l J froiI1t! nt l)h\ \ir !, \l,rtlrr'D,rtras ald ( hcni:!tr\' nt ,itdnddrd lctr'l or .r uxlinlunr or I prlints nt hrglt r lt'vel OR .\ r.h,\.int ltlt:( i trl)l\h( llil3hr't \rtrL)nil I)rplonra or it\ (,.luivdlrrlr rlith n.rtptdbl! Brd.lc5 ns 5Dt\ A9 - if i&l b\ tht'iatultr BA('l{€LOlt Of t NGINEIRINC (tI()NS} tN MB(]HANt('AL tNCtNl,IRINC :\ rtttnt tunr ol l:()'r| I eLcl l'ornt.i ir'r .l r\- lclel Itit!i.t!.s In.ludtng \lathcrnati(., or Furthrr \lnlhrnrati.,, ((;r.rdt' (' or higlrt'r), I,hriii\ ((;radr''(-'or hightr)and .r relt'\rnt \.rcni.e sul,1,..t (rn,r nld llf n1( lu(k ( h'lll istr\ , t\'s\ln .r1ll l .( hn('ktg! dnli (_rrnl l)u ttng ) ()n :\ nrDrnrurr ('l lSl) r\ le\1,1 fr)int\ tor l .\ Lrr'l p.rssc5 i rlurlrng \lnthcrn.ltr.s and l,lr\\r.! nt Fr.r(lr ( or hr$hr'r.rn(l d ir('drt i11 (-hc r{\lr\ dt(;(-1,()ritn,!r\ Iereli,r|qur.ratcnt ()R :\lr lrrt.,rnati.nal ll.tr.dLrrrfdt(. l)ipl(, rr s(('r. ot 1$ Brt|tt! ri rtlt nllnrnlllrr ,,t J l.ornt:i rn I'h\\t!s \lnlllcnr.!tiL \ rnd Chr'Dristr! ,rl st.tnddr(l l('{r,l L,r .r ntinrrllunt rrl + }rrjtnt\ dt htgh{,r tr,v.l .t .\r.k\nrttBll(,'tll)lVl( ()tt llighr'r \.rti,,nnl l)rflorrr.r or its.!ut\al!,ll s'thr(.tl'tdl'[.g,.rrl(,\.r. !l\\ rlici [\ tht, ta( ult\ 410- BACIit:l ()R or BUSIN!.S5 (llONS) lN 8U5tNtSS INt()RI\tAI IO\ SyS Mrs AIr - BA( tll:l OR OI BLISINISS IHONS) IN Ft NA N( t & e-BUSINISS A12 - BA('lllL()lt ol BUslNtrss (l{()Ns} rN r\tAItKI:.flNc AND tNroRrtAI r()N syst ttts A13 - lrA('HLl ()R Ot'BUStNISS {HONS) tN A(.({)t Nl.tNG ANt) tNl'ORStATION SySTf ]\ts Al.l - tlA('HFl OR Ot BUStNtSS (HONSI tN Appt |l.D [(.ON()i\flCS ANt) I.tNAN(.li Al5 - IIA('llll.()R Ol; tiUStNISS (ttOnnS) t N t lCH N{)L(X;\. t\rANA(;r.i\rrNt .l'\'||Iinln)u|rro1](){),\,t-crt'|llornts|t)r]'\|('\|l \ulrl(\t5 (nornrrll\ i|l(htdc ]\a(ountinll. lt-ononrrcr. \lro,rH(,rrent ol ilu,,,n,,r. , Il||srn(,ss Stu(lir(, \lnlhonrdhr\,tn.l (_(,ntlrutt-r qtu(lirs,/ ( r,nrputfi\!) lr i\ rr\int',tlrnt t )t( ,\' I t,rt,l pornts ior 2.,\ l$.cl parsts rn roh,r.an! I nghslt ro(ltutr \ullr,..t\ ()li ( -\n lrtlenr.ttronil B.rlr.tl,{urr,ntr, l)ipl(,tlr.t sa\rr.t, ot:5 foi Ls (lli ii A ll l l:(',r lll ) l VtiL igher Ndti(nr,tl l)ipl{,lr,r in liusirrr,\\ fit,l(ls r\.ith n('(('plablc grdd6 5pr,( rlicd hl lhe fa.ult\ --F are --aniaer'ori st-rrrrrtct fH<irv.sy rrrr r lt-r n rvtr,i-iitipurirr;r; At7 - BA(-Htt.()tt oI s('ttNC[ (ltoNs) lN cot\,tpu.rINc Ar8 - BACHI t.()R Of S('t[NCt (]toNs] tN (.ot\tpuTF.R NITh.ORK & sL( uRITy At9 - BACHTLOR OF SCttNC[ (HONS] tN CRI]AT|\.I I\tUI TtirrLt)tA 420 - UA(-Hf l_()R OF S(IEN(.[: (lioNs) tN l)tct rAL irt[DIA .r .\.rt|rnrnrurll Ln 180 ol:00 .\ l.evr,t l\rint5 tltr 1.,\' k,tcl passts i|l.ludrlg ]talhr.tnrtirs and trrir ot[,r nk'\'allt lnSl15h fio(lrunr subj(\'ts {rrornrallr rnrlrrrl(. Iurlh(,r Ith,krli\. ( ,,nrfutrng rrn,l l)rsrgrr b .\ .IiDinrunr t( l,\ trnrrl,It\ ) llit)':\' An IDtern.rti,'rral \lathcfirati(( tor: l.cvel p()irts .rr ltar'c616u1.'41.' Dipr,,,,r" 2 ..\, l(,r.el I'aslitx in,ludiDS l.rtrr\. l,h\sict. (.hcl|listr\. .r..+tal)[, Frd(lts as \ldtho l.rtr.s an(l ,:]l' ot ]ti P.inrr r'ith st.n(l.rrri level arrtl Pteterabl\ rl A hltrant tllFC,,ltl)l\il:(-ltagher lr rth \l,rtll. ()lt (!t reL'rant [:nglrsh nrt,.liunr sr|lrjr\ t ' .K ()lt iih t$ o siit,rrit (rnc (,or(,r nrrni.runr o, 5 poinL\ Natrondl l)rlrlonra ilr Inhjrnrdtion te(hnr)togr, r.t.rted frel(is spR.if itri [,r tht, tarultr Al)Dl]'tQNAL lttrOUIt(LMFIN rS Ltritst.rkcrrat lllllc/lJI)lvrrc \ation.rl I)iprorna Inust trt, rcr('\,.lrrt.rrrri rel.rr.rr trr tltc progr.lnlnt" applittl for. l)rioritt.rrill lrr,tiivcn t,r tlrost, aPl]lrr a|lts 11.lro hati ar hier ctl 1;.rrrl gratlr.s irr tlrr, rt L,r anl units .r'tl lultil the rcqu rrtrncrrts sct [r' tlrc L nitr,r\rl\ \\'illing trr a. r cpt tir(,()flt,r !ir,t [.t tht, L nir r,rsitr . P,,,1'rdrt]lIr' r hdt,,.\ 11 tll h\, etrl,,rt.InIrl :1 irr s sr_rbjer ts '\Pplicarrts rrrust .rls():;atisiy tlr(, l()llorl.inp; adriitional rcquirt'rrr(.nt\.. Il ns N() I.URTI I Ilt (-l tAN(iF in (-lt'ar frrrm.rnr soirrrit| i.isue.i irn(l ir rneJi..rllr lit tlrr, 3 4ltr.t_(,4\ls r!,lt() AR! N,().! q(\=s!!).L!!!{) APPI!.nnt{ in thr' fr}ll.)rl, iDt: (!t(1t{)t i('s r,\'rll .rut()rn.ltir.rlh not l.r, corrsirir,reri: II \ot frrlfilling ntilritltuln .1n(l ,r l\iiti(nr.ll cntr'\ roLluirenrents as mcnti()rr(,d in Pnr.rllfrPh I .,rn\i f. 1l Pr.,r'iousll rcjt.t tcti .rn (tfcr lronr tht.\lrrristrr oi I-rlutatiorr ior .rnr prol]rarrrrrrrr I).rrussal.rnl (Ll]l)). Urrirt,rsiti Islanr Sult.rn Sharit ..\li ( L i\ lSS.\). Prriitt'knil llrunt,i or l rshhrt t clnol,rg ttrun(,i ( l t t]). nt Lrnr\r'rsiti [irunci II l-.lti. ap[]li!-rti(nrs rr\ ('i\ (.d nlt('t. tltc ( l(]sinll Jntr, (rr nn\ in.r]m[rlek, applic.tti(t,l or ,ll:pli.ation rtith nrrn-L'crti{iorl fcrtili(ilt.'s .lnd (l(\.umenls attacht rl rrr arl .rlrPli..tti{rn.(nrt.linit]ll 4 J. uDtr-uc ot. rnisl..rdinl! intrrnn.rti(rtr. (-;liN-t.gAt. rN,r.pB!4AIIQN I lror furtlrt'r enquirics, plcl11;1 s,ul1.,.,,- ASSISTANT RIGISTRAR (A('Al)l:tvlt( IlII ) RT:GISTRAR'5 O}'[IC$INSTITUT 1'[KNOI,O(; I BRUN I:I- tAl.AN TUNGKU I.tNK, cAIX)N(; ltl' NECARA BRUNhI l)ARUSSAI AM 1410 Tel.: 2461O20 - 9 ll0 lines) [ax.: 2461035/2461036 Website: httf /,/t\'r\ ri .itlr.( dir trrr l:mail: rra,hr.rh.rr.rit 1.2 ,: ii lt.c(t.r. h ' l'ro1'ramnres {rifcrt'd .rro listt'rl in thr, .,\plln.1i.'.1'1 .r( ( (}mpdnvinli iniirrmahon (Plr.rsc rcfct. hr APPTNI)IX'A' PROGRAN' N' b-S OIJFERED UN DETT THE BRUNEI DARUSSALAI!' GOVEI{NMENl' SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THE 201sl2016 ACADEMTC SESSION INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BRUN EI Programme Progtamme i tar,f!its: l. Cofirl'/,rli''g t' ln.fortndti.t Slst.r . 2. I futronic Connt'rtc 3- | ltctroric I ttning 1. Itntgrtunrning 5. St'curity 6. Nrr.l,ort 7. Bdrtkils s, l ti,tttnce il. I (ottonrias dn.l Rc/rrlerl Jssrl,s 9- Ilutnlu Resourcc Ilaugentnt anl ltq'eloprrrctrl Rrse,-rch 1)octor of Philosophy {l'hD) DeFree 13yeals+lyc,rr P.ogramme Name Pht) rariting-uF peiiod) 'I 0- Bus ittss I ttfonrtd t i on 5v. t rt rr 1l. Geottchtricsl I ugi cfting 1 2. 5truc t urtI Lugiteeriug 3. Cottst nct io rna tL'ri i l. 11. llrtttr Rcsotnc I ngturvritry 7 5. ItLttt'tr Etgitrccritg lb. Cotrtut i.ntrntr L Situ' i S 1 7. Rtttt tt tb WS a stt i ua b I t I ut i n tttittg I tl. fr,ltlhouttic&l itlodtling 1 9. 11 tutftctu ri tg rttt i lll t tcri t ls 20, llrathn nlicil d i Co,llrutttt i.r .tl Cl.tur 2l. I htrno-l luid trrtd I .tsrt t echnologrl 22. Iltsigtr Grouy 23, Chonittl Crttlysis 21. Iliotr".hrtoligll 23. l?htololqrl oJ Crnnplty 4a1"rirt1. I l\tasters Degrse by Research {2ye.rrs+lye.rr writing-up period) _ llt t) _ li.rrtelor,'f Fngirrtt AI l,Ulry,'1,rg (nr,l.rhuid 11116.{i lorrs}1,L!_til{ of ljnEnttrin[ (l l(nr:,) rr.-(-iri] l; -,lJ.rchr'lor l1.rr ht lrrr r,f I n;',irrct'riny, ll lorrsi J,r ( li.rl8 i" Ai ,1 / rtgtttr'r'rrrr.,' Ilachclrrl r.i lrnliirrtL'rirr1,, :ll {4 }',tARs) Atl Ail Al3 A1.l Aio i ;:- .ilt 1l |rtrs) u I l* lrnnl & I ln lnnt - B"!\Lq i't !t-Iiill!'1'ri116 {1]'rns) itt \lttlutuutl I ugrttt't:ritrg . Ii.r( h.ln rJi Bu\iri'!\ (i l\nrs) l,r Arr*r,l.,j\ l,r/i)rrrr..lrr'rt 5r/:'i rr\ - lJar hr,l\rr ,'l [Jusitrr'ts (l l(]rr\) r,, I rrrrtrrrt 6 r-lrrstrttss . llaihcl rr t' i llu sincss (l l{)ns) rrl \ hr k lrrr.l ar!/ lrtru,rlak)x \Vri',l\ . lf.r.lreltrl trl l3usincss il lorrs) i| ..\ttoruh t nttl lttfunt ttkt,t \\lrnt\ . Ba.lr.lrrr rri llusirrr.ss l I rns). trt A pli rt l.l l onoul.t, f' I,itrt r t A10 .': _ ,1ll,L{ \lr- fhlr,rl I |l.tr,rr.,.,rS tl.'l t.f!,,t I l,tU1l,:,.nng 1l k.rrs) rr t-irr,r-rt r/ I rgrrrrtrrrrg (l!ia l) ll.rr ltclor r.f l:rrllinr,r,r inll ill()n\) in I /rr l,r, rl f' ('(' n,:.uuit.rlt,u ,,rt Undergraduale l)egree |,rdlll 1 - _ , li.r, lrt'i,,r. . ]fady!1r1 _B.rrhrtrl A l.) l'!atlrelt't ll.rt helol .\10 ll.rrJrelor _ t r it'rrs),rr.lli {ry:!X,'i ,} lttg*:t1L1f 'iorr (l t, lons) ir I t!,mrt (1't l,rh,tE 11' rr 5< il,nr-r' {l l(r'rs) ,,r (i,'r?a/liu ol !i rfn,.c (l iLrns) tir ( ir/tlrtri'r \r'la,rrtl li 5r'r'tttiltl ol i-ir,rr((' {l ltnsl ll ticalrtr' .\ ltrlatrttr',ltrt rn 5 i.na r' {l l('nt) rr,l )i5rirrl lhrlra .r r l3rrsin_r'sr_11 -; ;-ag%-::::_ ;i.ol-f l $L !,tlJl,rlhlllll i.cl+ t t- H Bt \Ul \l\ r,lsr lt r\t \.it\tt tA\rlt{lt,l t)..\Rl !ss.\t_ FOR i,lt \.-i.ilil:i.1.1..,j1'r::. \Ir (;()\.[R\\|D\T s(. 'Iltu 20|5/20|6.{(...\t)t \tl( ()t_ARS lps st_sst()\ \ppliclnts lrh,r lulllll lhc ttrittittrurtt . )tr.\ fclprrenrenl\ rr il nr(r!rlplnlc {rl lhcir.hoi(c. oli!'rcd trt I nircrsiri lilarr \trh:rrr shrrr | \li irr cilhrr'l)r,\'r,,r .,t t,lrilo.,,ph-r il'hl)l dcrrce. \l:rrlcr'r l)csrcc hr ( oLrr:crrorl lrrrd I)i.scrtirtion rrr t nJcrllrl.tulte l)cgrcc lrc n,nr cliuihlc lo itPl)l\ l(| lh! t ni!c.siti undc. lhc (rrlr( ltettt \clrolurrlrrgr \thcore Irr thc Jcit(lcn)ie \ctf l0l . :t) lt' r. \ \tltUu q\rR\. RLOI IREI .t\t's l.l. l)ocftrr of I'hiloroplrr (l'hl)) degrec i .\pplicants nrU\t hl|\c it relct nl nu\lct.'\ (lcsrcc li()tlt iin itlsliluti(,tr rcc,,gni,ed h\ thc Scntlc r'l l nircrsitr lrhnr Srllln \hirit .\lii or ,\pplicrnt\ rrhrr lurc ohrrrirrcd a rclctaDr baehc-['r's degree rrith lirst ( lass lJ()nr)urs ntirl bc considcrr d t ths di:!crcli()n (!l'lhc S!,lalc ofI nircr.iri lrlurn Sultun Sh.rril .\ li. 1.2. \laslrr's elegrct .\p0licaDts ntu\l hil\r a ruchclor-: dcsrcc \ith al l!,ast n Scc()tid ( l!\\ llor(1ur\ or'Jarrid in lhc rclc\ttrl di\ciplinc: or harr ohtaincd lt I ir.st l)c:trcc tn lhc tcl!'\lnl disciplinc arrcl ltare tr()t le\\ lhan thrre (-i) \r-nrs \\()rkitl! c\pericnc( in I rclrtcd ticl(l: ,\pplicants irlrPhinr't li'r ir.lr i'sir,rr trr .\rlbic-rrrcdiurrr lrogriltltrnrs \\ill lrc retlttired l,r sit un,.l prrss arr \tithic Lill1.:uJ!c terl: ||l \pplicants .tpl)l\in!l l('r .rdrrri.sion k, I:trgli.,h-rncrlrtrnt Pr(!!rrlnllc\ tllt\t rrbtairlcd p!\scJ: r) lhe llrorlci l'rinrirr_r \ch,','l ltcli-rri.'rr' I \nl]tir)l1i()r) ccrtilicltc: ht lllcN\lit (rrdil \i\ t('tir lngli'h langrragc r llrtrnti (rnrbridgc(,( l .()' lercl: rx u grlde ( il l(i( Sl l nllish' 11 an ll l l\ .r,irc ,,t (,.rr i,r .r l( )l | | nrirrirlurrr rr\cfitll \cr)tc ()l )i0: !l lcr\l ir crcdi{ sir (()) il \lllltcrr)lti(s ar lllrrnei ( anrlrridlc (i( | () Lercl lirl applicirrrt. ot \lit\tcr r,l lslurnii ll.rrrkrnl rrnrl lrnanic hr al llescltteh ft,rr:ranrntc. d) nD \() xl-(Jur'i! t'ccitiiliol) tr\t : ' lhc \la;tcr I)crr-ce Prru''rttttcs br (irurscrrorl, .\ l)isrertatir'n $ ill onlr litc ljlclnditlate., rc!.ti\lere(l lirr eltch il tlrc fr(uri llltc\ iirc itl lcitsl hc olli.rcd il'thcre 1..]. IlNchclor (legrce i\ rlr hrq-ltlgd !!1!1 !.lr! 'g1i!r!tu.\: r. .\nplicilnt\ tlru\l obtrirr(d pits\cd rhc lliuhcr ( rrlitic tr in l{cli{iorrs l}, ()r it\ cqUi\al!, r rrith ln ureralc, grade ..tiirrid- or u rllrlllrlltllll P(),,tt\ rti l6(l i,' t\\() a]) rulrictts I,r l{){) in lhrc!. (l) \..hicCl\ iD ( irmbridge (i( l '..\' l_crcl in \rlhic-nrcLliunr: rrn,.i tlrc sutrieer. rlrt,uld hc r,l I tlucatiorr ( S I l,{ rn Intnrurl ltla(lc l): llirult .! I)(t lttitttt (in t l) l) 6tt |r,t \l r \l) l/riut\ ( in^lt '\pnlicunls uith llisher \lrional l)iplonra tll\t)r nrar hc crusitlcrcd. subicer t,r lirllillinc Ilrc rcquiretrcnr\ r\l thc relc\lllt pr.rgrilnllr. |l. L n Itltl lt!,i t\ (;t\ 1.'( l1r[,rl+[u |r!ga!t!Url: .\pplic!tt1r\ nrurl rrbtaincd.passcd: i. ii. lllirrran School l{cliliirrrs I ralrinaliorr rcnilicatc lr ttr cqrriralcnt: (i( l 'A' Lcrcl or il: er;uirirlerrr rrillt nrininrut p()inl\ ot l6{) sUhject:.,r. 1{}{t in lltrcc 1,i; srrl.rjcil,: rrn.l thc suhtc!l\ rhoLrld be ,rl (;rrnbridgc in l\\() nr rn 1( I inuh t {l) trnrrnr gratle (t0 .l l) l0 l)t,i|t\. lntrtntl \ )l\ Ihc lrttcrnat l\'i|ll\' ( )ll l iortit r,t tuh' I llirL!llilufcitlc ll l(jtt l\tt,tt\ (;nklt,( illlJ I \ilninirtion rrilh.r \r) l\)i,t\. (,nLk, nrirrirntrnr seorr {)l :li lli::lrcr \,rtr,'rrrl l)iPl()rrr.r (ll\l),.,irl'jcet r,, lirltlllin:: rhc rc(lri'c ,clt\ ltltl l'\r o!fitnrnrc: rii lcrl\,il lhc .\t lctrrt.r eter.lit.ir t(rt itr Inslirlr IlnsrL.t!c ill llrunri (arnhritl!c (r( | -(). I c\e l \r it grirrlc ( in lt i( \l I ruli:h ,rr. rr ll I l\ scorc ol f).(,. (,f lOl,l llllnltllttnl I r )\ !|it ll \C()rr,rl 5 il): .\n rl-(.)ut-Jrt rccitittir)n trrt \cl l)\ llt. { nircr,itr. Slecifi c l{(|.tuircurcnlr l \pccillc lctluilcllcnr. lirr Blchr,krr of Sricnre in lrlaoric Filancc llttsiness \latlgcrnrll pr(tsritnll(\ . .\pplrrlnt .,lU\t ('blirincd iI lcit\t a crcJir .ir ( rrnbr i.ilc ( r( | -( ) lcrs. l: ) spccili( rcqrrirc.rcrrlr lirr llachelirr.f d(\thlc (lr!r(r l)t()srt|ltnl!: . Larrs und lluchclor 1(rt irr \lltlrcrrrirtii\ itt ot. l]rU,,ei (l,l-.ll) and llachel.r'f sharitrh (Bsl-) \pnli!irll rDurl t,[rrrircrl .rt le.r.l gruJr ( in (,er]enrl I'apeI i(il'l xl lJrunci( iinrhnJgd (;( | '.1' lcrcl ql l l,it\r in lnr srrhicct itt th. \ilmc c\ilnlrtt!lioll trhielr is cottsirlercrl rclcr:rnt I,r tltc I nirersitr ()thcr l.-nln Rcquircrrrrnts lirr First l)cgrcc I'rogrammts ll .1PllicJ''l\ *lt,' hrrc lirllilled lhc untr\ requircrnetll\ llr(,\e nri) hc rcqrrirctl r, sil arrrl l)r\\ .\[r[!rc lirl(l I rrgli-h I ansuas.' Plaecrnent rc\l\ irr(i iln \dnrirsirrnr lc:l c.rdUclcli I'r thc { niter:irr: ll ().h llir:hcr' ( crriricrrc in r{cligitrus l Jucrti.n l}Lrrrci rsfl't ll)anti lJrunei( anrbriduc (r( I \' Icrel eeditlcltc. ()r rlu.litie.t!(,n\ (jhlarncil lirr n()l I.r)(jre lhln thrcc' (i, .ittillr \\itltil lhc lir.t thrcc 1it lcatr rrill bc ii,n.i.lctcd. r\(cpI t(,r. itl'tplieant' rtpPl-r rrr,: untlcr \latrtrc ( i rdi(itle\ cntc:.:r,t \ uNrvERsrlr rsr.AM surTAN SHARtF AU (UNtSSA) DOCTOtAT i.rr lr rt r. iisolrry irj A rrocrai o|rL iia!.1'Ol , r ar\aoty Ji Sr)O'{t ., -rr . -Jr:r.y, jral{1.Jli,r jst\o.ry!\ COOT M!:51e. A r.rr:t.,Ll\lr, r 55\1r .'''.. tlri!} i-Jy al i orlif iislc,) o \at I i! rt,r.1i ;,;!orr.,1 MEDIUM i../trw.!( sot dr 1r:y Of INSIIUCIIONS ir I aoJ,!{.sr, ( Motle' ol5\Lr' o,r iby CoJ!rewo,( o/xj .)i\\erto|o rl Molle or .i\.r .)Jd 1 ,oy a o.rse*J( J.xl ) 5J6.r.ll .-,1 o.O .o iLe r!.ry ?etei : ,rj Vosle, c{ s O1i,a 3o'l(l \a DURAIION jr, t,, t)|]. o,\g:,oge or INSIRUCIIONS MASTTi DTGIEE PSOGIAM'IAtS \.irile.or ).1) MtDtu& Mts Molre ot owr loy le!.!c.arl ,,lijit$8i' . ":fiTt I r$ Ji.r.ir,r i i.rr "e.i !'..rrr-,rhi iri,rea..t5-ier.e. r rr -a :' ._rr r r: ! ,,. IA.jrr.),r'i, ,rr..' 5011.' r:r'i,i, : .l ra\! M,:t r:l.tl. 'r:- i il rra ::! r
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