Woodford Stanley River Catholic Parish Churches: St Michael’s, Kilcoy & St Mary’s Woodford PHONE: 07 5496 1369, FAX: 07 5496 1890 EMAIL: [email protected] Fr Geoffrey’s mobile: 0416 400 260 & EMAIL: [email protected] or JAM’s mobile: 0419 722 961 Weekday masses during November will be offered for family and friends through a roster request system. Please complete a ‘”Holy Mass Intentions” or yellow “November Masses” envelopes and return to either Fr Geoffrey with your details, those of your loved ones and preferred day for timing. Requests will be collated on a first in first served basis and may extend into December. Wednesdays are reserved for Kilcoy and there will be no specific mass offered on Saturdays or Sundays. Brisbane Northern Rivers Deanery Presents: Gospel of Mark Presentations by Sr. Pauline Smoothy R.S.M. Vinnies Christmas Appeal 2014 WHERE: Holy Cross Catholic Church, Anzac and Nottingham Streets, Kippa Ring WHEN: 7pm to 8.30pm Gold coin donation All Welcome Please RSVP and for further information email: [email protected] The Vinnies Christmas Appeal runs annually throughout November to February to support the people that will suffer in silence and will be doing it tough over the Christmas period. This Appeal aims to provide much needed help from practical assistance to food hampers, emotional support, toys and gifts for children, individuals and families so they too can experience the joy of Christmas. There are envelopes in the churches for your use or see Carmel . Please give generously. rd Week 1 : Wednesday 3 December: "Discipleship, Fear and Failure in the Gospel of Mark" The atmosphere of persecution that Mark was written Week 2 : Wednesday 17th December “The Mystery of the Son of Man: Jesus and his followers 'on the way' ” The passion and resurrection of Jesus. Promise: "Thus says the Lord God: I Myself will look after and tend My sheep." ¬Ez 34:11 Praise: Praise Jesus, the King of Glory, the risen King of kings and Lord of lords! Alleluia! PresentationMinistries.com © 2014 REFLECTION: AT THE KING'S FEET "Christ must reign until God has put all enemies under His feet." ¬ 1 Corinthians 15:25 The Old Testament describes God's plan as making His enemies His footstool (Ps 110:1). Reigning kings in Old Testament days placed their feet on the prone bodies of their enemies as a sign of bringing them to submission. God's vanquished enemies would likewise be subject to His will (1 Cor 15:27-28). In the New Testament, God's enemies are described as humbled beneath Jesus' feet (Mt 22:44). Jesus, God Himself, died on His cross for all His enemies (Rm 5:8). He reigns on His cross as crucified King (Jn 19:19). We all were enemies of Christ the King as we lived in sin (Rm 5:10). Then we came to know Jesus as Savior, Lord, God, and King, and we repented. We came to the foot of His cross and were shocked speechless when we realized how much Jesus, King of the universe, suffered out of love for us (Is 52:15). We humbled ourselves at His crucified feet (Mt 22:44), and we fell at His feet to worship, thank, and praise Him (Lk 17:16). King Jesus washed our feet; now we "must wash each other's feet" (Jn 13:14). We wash King Jesus' feet by feeding the hungry, welcoming strangers, visiting prisoners, and comforting the ill (Mt 25:35ff). Have you subjected everything to King Jesus? Give Him your all. Place "all things under His feet" (1 Cor 15:27). Prayer: Jesus, "King of kings" (Rv 19:16), I rejoice to be Your subject. To You "be honor and everlasting rule!" (1 Tm 6:16) SAINT OF THE DAY: Pope St Clement I was the fourth Bishop of Rome after Peter, Linus and Cletus. He lived towards the end of the first century, but nothing is known for certain about his life. Clement’s letter to the Corinthian church has survived. It is the first known Patristic document, and exhorts them to peace and brotherly harmony. If someone you know is sick, please let Fr Geoffrey know so a pastoral visit can be arranged. Hall Cleaner Church Cleaner Yare/Mower Readers Special Ministers Counters Kilcoy This week (22-23 Nov) Della Lopez Irene Christie Anton Lenhart Leyna Smith Pam Cuskelly Jackie Lane Helen Owen Maureen Burton Margaret & JAM Irene Christie Anton Lenhart Anton Lenhart Della Lopez Mike Christie Eileen Feldman Jackie Lane Vonnie Bischoff Carmel & Vonnie This week (22-23 Nov) Hall Cleaner Church Cleaner Yard/Mower Readers Special Ministers Counter/s Next Week (29-30 Nov) Arkley & Kay Moira Nemesi Marty Tanwyn Peter Nemesi Rhonda Affoo Joan Stanton Valerie Goosen Joan Stanton Jim Cassidy Arley & Kay Cecily & Trish Marty Tanwyn Terry Gabbedy Pam Cuskelly Anne Barradeen Joan Stanton Joan Stanton Terry Gabbedy Prayer Intentions Please pray for those who are sick and needy, including: Rhonda Mikala Craig, Jane Handsley, Peter Nemesi, Louise and Baby Sophia Cooper, Vonnie Bischoff, Jim Owen, Francesca Nobile, Carmen Altez, Alan Jamieson, Dawn Gleeson, Natasha Lackovic, Maria Hosmer, Maria Doig, Fr Brian Taylor, John Benson, Guiseppe Vidoni, Vera Vidoni, and Ivy Turner, may find peace and healing in Jesus. Please pray for those who died recently and for those whose anniversaries occur about now especially Jill Warner, Kevin Slingsby, Kevin Costello, Fr Stan Griffith, Ron Keim, Rose Cochran, Mavis Bitossi, Marine Hickey, Pat Hennessy, Fr Michael (Mick) Hayes, Jack Gilbert and Eunice Barry. . May they rest in VINNIES CHRISTMAS CARDS: $2 for 5 FOR THOSE INTERESTED: The Parish Pastoral Council would like to reactivate the Liturgy Committee in 2015. An initial meeting will be held in Woodford (a meeting will be held in Kilcoy at a later date) after 8:00 am Mass 24 November to discuss how this might work. Anyone who is involved in the liturgy—music, sacristans, readers, special ministers, rosters, sacramental program, announcements etc. Next Week (29-30 Nov) Christmas Lights Bus Trip: the cost is $20 per person for Thursday 11 December leaving Woodford at 5:30 pm sharp. The bus will depart from the street in front of the church in Peterson Road. The final route will be discussed with the bus company. There will be a stop at St Gerard Majella Catholic Church, West Chermside where food will be available for sale. For tickets contact Leo & Margaret on 5496 1740 or Trevor & Jacquie on 0428 958 490 MASS TIMES: 22 TO \30 NOV Sat 6 pm St Michael’s Kilcoy Sun 8am St Mary’s Woodford Mon 8am St Mary’s Woodford Tue NO MASS Wed 8am St Michael’s Kilcoy Thu 8am St Mary’s Woodford Followed by Blessed Adoration Fri 8 am St Mary’s Woodford Sat 6pm St Mary’s Woodford Sun 8am St Michael’s Kilcoy Weekend of 15-16/11/14 Combined Collections Envelopes NA$ Loose NS$ Total NA$ The 2015 Columban Calendar is available for $10. We have only ordered the minimum amount this year as last year we returned half. If more are needed, please notify Julie-Anne by phone (leave a message) 5496 1369 or email [email protected] to get more. Prayer for rain: Loving Father, protector and provider of everything created, we thank you for your blessings. We pray for rain for the this arid land especially where people are struggling for water. We make this prayer through Jesus our Lord. Amen. St Vincent de Paul Conference Telephone number for assistance: 0488 727 345 in Woodford and Kilcoy areas, please leave a message for someone to return your call. The Annual Christmas Appeal runs to end of December—please give generously.. Prayer after Holy Communion Soul of Christ, sanctify me Body of Christ, save me Blood of Christ, inebriate me Water from the side of Christ, wash me Passion of Christ, strengthen me O good Jesus, hear me Within Thy wounds hide me Suffer me not to be separated from Thee From the malicious enemy defend me In the hour of my death call me And bid me come unto Thee That with Thy saints I may praise Thee Forever and ever. Amen NEWSLETTER NOW ON WEBSITE: Go to: www.stanleyriver.org NOVEMBER 28 Fri 10 am Ecumenical Advent Studies— Thellie’s Place, 8 Kennedy St, Kilcoy 29 Sat 7:30 am Annual Memorial Mass to celebrate the lives of deceased Christian Brothers at Nudgee College Chapel 30 Sun 1st Sunday of Advent Meeting of interested persons in Woodford re Liturgy Committee - after Mass— Leo & Fr Geoffrey will coordinate. DECEMBER 3 Wed Week 1 Gospel of Mark, Holy Cross, Kippa Ring—see noticeboards 5 Fri 10 am Ecumenical Advent Studies— Champagne & Roses, 79 Peterson Rd, Woodford 6 Sat Christmas & Annual Family Gettogether @ Aloaka Lodge from 10:30 am RSVP 28 Nov 5422 4500 6 Sat Carols @ Kilcoy 7 Sun 2nd Sunday of Advent 7 Sun 4pm Carols @ Mt Mee Community Church 8 Mon 2 pm Parish Finance Council, Parish Office 10 Wed 10:00 am The Archer thank you morning tea RSVP Rosemary 0468 590 623 by 28 Nov 11 Thu 5.30pm Christmas Lights Bus Trip departure from Woodford returning by 11 pm
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