11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Page 1
with bow kill of
buck he bagged
in Morris Creek.
A nice kill to
start the 2014
season off in
style. Congratulations Charlie
on this nice 9point Buck!
Send All Deer Pictures to be published to:
[email protected]
Please send any Fishing pictures along with
details of the catch to;
.com or mail it to;
The Country Times,
P.O. Box 1451,
Clendenin, WV 25045
Jeff Lane enjoying his retirement fishing and catching this HUGE
42.25” long, weighing in at 35-lbs. Muskie that was caught on Nov. 8th
on one of his fishing trips! This is the biggest Muskie’s that Jeff has
caught! Congratulations Jeff on this catch of a lifetime.
HE White Elementary School students got to visit their new redesigned
library on Thursday November 12th. The students were thrilled and
amazed with the transformation. Following are some of the student’s
comments which were priceless: WHOA, I never want to leave this
place, AWESOME, I love the swing, LOOK at that, can we come in
here during recess, when I go to the bathroom I’m going to the library to
read and hide out, I want to stay in here forever, I LOVE it etc. Cont.
on page 3
Page 2
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Big Chimney Automotive and
Diesel Specializes
in Fleet Maintenance and Diesel Mechanics.
Repairs on all Diesel's Duramax, Cummings,
and Powerstroke and heavy equipment.
Services: Alignments, Oil Changes, Brakes,
Shocks and Struts, Tires, Air Conditioning
Service, Tune-up's, Computer Diagnostic,
State Inspections, and much more...
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Call Now For Advertising Rates You can call,
write or E-Mail me with your ads, news, stories, announcements or funny jokes.
Phone: 304-546-9088
E-Mail: [email protected]
Sug Sams, (The Country Times, LLC) P.O.
Box 1451, Clendenin WV, 25045
Visit my web page @
Most the articles and pictures in this paper are created by
the owner of The Country Times (Sug Sams). There shall
be no reprints or copies of these stories or pictures unless
written consent of the owner (Sug Sams). Articles or pictures sent in to me for print can be used with the permission from the sender. I have no problem with the use of
my pictures and articles been used as long as you have
written consent prior to the usage. Thank you very much,
Owner, Editor and everything else! Sug Sams
The Country Times reserves the right to accept or refuse any articles, stories, advertisers (or advertising)
that they choose. The judgment of The
Country Times is solely their own discretion and may not reflect on any one individual or business. Dated 4/25/05
Sug Sams, Owner, Editor, etc...
Sunshine to…
...H. E. White’s New Library and all who
made it possible
...Jeff Lane and his buddies who helped him pull the
huge muskie in the boat
...Charlie Cobb with his nice Bow Kill
...The Salt to keep our streets cleared
...Christmas Bazaar on Nov. 22nd at the Clendenin Rec.
Clouds to…
...this dang cold weather
...stray dogs that carry my cat dishes away and barks
constantly because the owners won’t feed them
Page 3
The Country Times
Issue Dates for 2014:
Oct 24, Nov 7, Nov 21, Dec 5, Dec 19.
All ads and news stories must be in
one week prior to Issue Date to
guarantee printing. Call or text-304546-9088
[email protected]
Cont. from page 1…
Our PTO has worked extensively to redesign the
library for our students. Vicky Samples (former
Clendenin Librarian) and her husband Tom Samples have spent many days and hours preparing,
cleaning, organizing, categorizing, labeling, and
shelving all the books. We are very excited for
our students and so appreciative and grateful to
our PTO and Vicky and Tom! The library is
themed to go along with the schools Innovation
Zone community schools grant. There was A
LOT of love, time, and dedication put into redesigning and preparing the library for our students.
We want to graciously thank our outstanding volunteers: Tom and Vicky Samples, David and Angie Morris, Rick and Jessica Paxton, Dale and
Melonie Dolin, David and Tanya Smith, Tina
Hall and Alice Bowe for all their hard work and dedication to our school!
Hello Readers,
It’s that time of the year where everyone will be running around like crazy trying to
get shopping, cooking, house cleaned for guests, and so on. We all will be stressed to
the limits and short tempered. Just remember what the seasons are for, to give thanks
and celebrate the birth of Jesus. When you are stressed you tend to snap at your
spouse, kids, friends, and even strangers. When you are ready to lose your temper try
to stop and remember what the Holidays are for and realize the ones you are about
ready to bite their head off is as, or more stressed as you are. Holidays are for families, but sometimes that might not be possible for reasons such as distances, differences, work, or other reasons. Make the most of the ones around you and enjoy each
day, because you never know if this might be your last holiday with the ones you
love. Also remember the less fortunate or the ones that have no family and take a few
minutes and drop them off a plate of goodies or spend a few minutes with them. The
littlest thing that might not seem much to us might mean the world to someone else.
Until the next issue…Keep Smiling! Sug
Page 4
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
4802 Chimney Drive,
Big Chimney, WV 25302
(304) 965-6222, (Off 119 ..Old
DQ bldg.on Elk River) Country,
Folk Art, Primitives and Victorian
Open Mon.-Fri.10:00-6:00, Sat. 10:00-4:00
Mushroom Chopped Steak
1-Package Chopped Steak (4pcs)
1-Can Mushroom Soup
1-can mushrooms
1/2 Cup-Flour
1/2 tsp.-Dry Italian Seasoning
1/2 tsp.-Seasoning Salt
2-cup water (more or less)
Combine flour, and the seasonings in small bowl. Roll the chopped
steak in the mixture and place in frying pan coated with butter or cooking oil. Brown on both sides. Pour Mushroom soup and mushrooms
over chopped steak and mix well. Pour 1 cup water and the rest as
needed. Cook on low for thirty minutes (stirring as needed) or until
steak is tender. *Serve over mash potatoes.
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Page 5
Ask about our custom-fit digital hearing protection
•Boosts low level sounds to help you detect game
moving through leaves and undergrowth.
•Impulse suppression to protect your hearing when firing.
•Wind noise reduction.
•Different types and styles available.
Poca Valley Bankshares Player of the Game
Award Herbert Hoover High School
For 11/7/14 Game: Herbert Hoover vs.
L to R: Mitchell Smith (Poca Valley
Financial), Trenton Mahan (Co-Player
of the Game),
Joseph Barnes (Co-Player of the
Game), & Coach Tim Myer.
Page 6
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
58 Mt. Pleasant Drive,
Elkview, West Virginia 25071
Phone: (304) 965-7062
Fax: (304) 965-9262
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Pastor Lee Swor
Gary L.
arrived early
this year
could be a
very interesting 3 or 4 months. The salt that The Town
of Clendenin ordered and was told that we might not
get has been delivered and is now stored in the new salt
shed and ready for use. We are still looking for someone who would like to earn some money this winter
that has a small truck or ATV with a blade and insured
to help with snow removal this winter. The Street Department will be installing the “Salt Spreader” in the
Dump Truck this week and will make sure that it is in
working order. Deer Gun Season will be opening next
week and I hope the hunters have a safe and enjoyable
season. There are still a few tables available for the
Christmas Bazaar at The Recreation Center on November 22nd. Don't forget on Saturday December 13th at 1:00 pm The Christmas
Parade and Breakfast with Santa at
10:00am in the Town of Clendenin. I
hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving.
Sunday School-
10:00am/ for all ages
Morning Services-
Evening Service-
Wednesday Night
Nursery Provided
The Following individuals appeared in Clendenin Municipal Court November 12, 2014 and were adjudicated guilty:
Tandra Smallwood, 45 of Summersville, cited for failure to obey stop sign and expired
driver’s license on September 11, 2014.
Ashley Shelton, 19 of Elkview, cited for speeding on October 11, 2014.
Toni Winkler, 44 of Clendenin, cited for driving on suspended on October 14, 2014.
Randall Woods, 59 of Clendenin, cited for Expired registration and failure to obey stop
sign on October 22, 2014.
Vallie Wheeler, 33 of Clendenin, cited for use of electronic device while driving and no
insurance on October 27, 2014.
Joan Ashley Rucker, 31 of Clendenin, cited for Expired MVI and Expired Registration on
November 3, 2014.
Gregory Hamilton, 50 of Clendenin, cited for expired registration on November 4, 2014.
Gerald Hawkins, 45 of Elkview, cited for expired MVI on October 3, 2014.
Joseph Waychoff, 33 of Clendenin, cited for driving on suspended and no seat belt on October 10, 2014.
Gary England, 55 of Elkview, cited for no proof of registration on November 5, 2014.
Dana Lyons, 32 of Clendenin, cited for defective equipment
and driving on suspended on October 24, 2014.
Johnnie Hardman, 29 of Elkview, cited for no seat belt on
November 1, 2014.
The following individuals failed to appear:
Robyn Hickman, 46 of Elkview, cited for speeding on September 24, 2014
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11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
The Thanksgiving Snowstorm
I remembered a Thanksgiving that to this day I smile and thank the heavens for my guardian angels; It
looked like it was going to be a bad winter this year. Here it was a few days before Thanksgiving and
the snow was pouring down with inches accumulating quickly. I had pulled a double shift at the diner
where I was a waitress for the extra money and the walk home a few blocks from my house was a
beautiful scene with large snowflakes floating down in the night lights like angels. The fresh air
cleared my head. It was going to be rough this year for the holidays. I was a single mom with two
small kids to take care of. The pay at the diner kept food and roof over our heads, but that was about it.
I was hoping to make enough in tips the past few days to buy a turkey and trimmings for a Thanksgiving dinner, but with the snow all our normal customers and travelers were staying home and not venturing out to the diner. I arrived home to two jubilant children. An elderly neighbor, Mrs. Ariel had
taken them and me under her motherly wings and offered to watch them while I worked at no charge.
She was great with them and they loved her dearly, I was blessed to have such a wonderful neighbor.
As soon as I shut the door my seven year old son looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes and
asked, “Did you get a turkey?” I choked back tears and told him we still had another day and I was
picking it up tomorrow on my way home from work, but for now we better get him tucked in since his
little sister was already sound asleep in her bunk bed in the room they shared. I raced him to his room
pretending to trip so he could beat me to his bunk bed thanking how lucky I were of having two children I loved more than life. After getting him all tucked in and setting on the side of his bed rubbing
his head until he fell asleep I quietly left their room and went to the kitchen and fixed me a cup of tea
and counted my tips. It was such a slow night, but with luck tomorrow I could get enough to buy the
turkey and the trimmings for a Thanksgiving meal. The next day I left for work with high hopes of
making some good tips and on my break going to the grocery store to get a turkey. I got to work and
within the hour the skies opened up and the snow started again. My heart sank. I had to get enough to
buy that turkey or my son would be so disappointed. After a couple hours and only one customer my
boss said we were closing early. I almost started to cry when I heard the bell above the door ding. I
looked back to see an elderly couple come in and my boss shrugged his shoulders and said looks as if
we might have to wait a bit longer. The bell dinged again and two road crew guys that were running
the salt plow came in and asked if we had fresh coffee. As I took care of the elderly couple my boss
took care of the road crew. I took their order and they were two of the sweetest people with their smile
and the way they looked at each other. They asked me if I had plans for Thanksgiving and I told them
of my sweet kids I had at home. I didn’t let them know how I wanted to make enough to buy a turkey
and was watching the clock to get to the grocery store to buy one. We chatted while their food was getting ready and I left them alone while they ate their meal. I took a bathroom break and when I came
back the elderly couple was going out the door and smiled and waved as they were leaving. I went to
clean their table and saw they had left what looked like five or six dollars. I was glad because that
would be enough with what I had to get the turkey for dinner. My boss came out and said it was time
to close and I was glad. I was rushing to clean and sweep and my boss said to leave he would take care
of it and I needed to go buy a turkey. I was rushing in the store grabbing the turkey and thought I better
see exactly how much I had so I know what we would have to do without. I reached in my pocket and
pulled out the dollar bills the elderly couple had left and I saw a piece of paper folded among the dollar
bills. I unfolded the paper and I started crying as I read the note. The note read; every year we choose
to help a waitress this time of year and with the snow this diner was the one we picked because the
snow kept us from going farther. I once was a waitress and someone helped me like this and I want to
return the favor. I looked down and there was two- one hundred dollar bills folded among the ones’! I
started crying and couldn’t stop. It felt like the biggest weight had been lifted off my shoulders. An announcement came over the intercom announcing the store was closing early because of the snow
storm. I rushed to get everything and grabbed ice cream, chips, juices, and other items that normally I
couldn’t buy. I paid for the groceries for the first time in years without worrying I wouldn’t have
enough to pay for the groceries. I knew the clerks at the store and they always allowed me to take a
shopping cart home when needed. I was pushing the cart home with it the fullest it had ever been and
didn’t even feel the cold snow hitting my face. This was the happiest I had been in a long time. I saw
the curtains moving when I got near the front door and it opened as I was coming up the stairs with
two little ones smiling ear-to-ear! My son was shouting, “You got it, you got the turkey!” I grabbed my
two kids and hugged them to me knowing right then I was the luckiest person in the world right then to
have them. The next day we had one of the best dinners I could ever have hoped for with my neighbor,
Mrs. Ariel joining us for the feast thanks to my two guardian angels.
Reward for Gabby, a 8 wk old German
Shepherd pup that disappeared from the
Queen Shoals area. She weight about 12
pounds and is black with tan markings,
most notable is a patch of hair shaved
from her tail that hasn ' t
g r o w n
mother was found in
Morris Creek. Please
if you have any information help us bring
our baby home. Call
Page 8
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Chambers New Paint & Body Shop is now open! We do estimates and accept insurance claims. From a scratch to an entire
vehicle we can handle all paint & body jobs!
Under Coating
*Plus Tax and any additional work/parts/sizes, additional charges may apply
•Reg. & Modified inspection station •Engine repairs •custom exhaust •oil changes •brake jobs •tire
rotations •alignments •a/c service •we sell tires, batteries & more
Bed Liner Specials
•Tough Durable Urethane Coating •UV
Resistant •Scratch & Stain Resistant •Protects
against Rust, Corrison,Salt, Damp & Extreme
Temperaatures •Water Proof •Flexible •Deadening
Sound •Vibrations
*any additional work/parts/sizes, additional
charges may apply
Plus tax
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Page 9
HE White Elementary Receives Grant
You are invited to come taste the “Flavors of Fall” and learn more
about the Women of Faith trip to Charlotte, NC in 2015, featuring the
20th Anniversary Farewell tour – LOVED, You are seen, You are
known, You are free. Please join us at Elkview Baptist Church on November 21st at 6:30 pm. Refreshments will be provided. Contact Kristi
Clark 304-965-0906 for more information. Women of Faith Faithfully
Mattresses FOR SALE
Pillowtop Mattress Set – Queen, $150, New! Factory
Plastic! Manufacturer Warranty! Can deliver. 304-553
King Size Mattress Set – New! In Plastic, Warranty.
$275. 304-553-8703 Delivery Avail.
Full Mattress Set - $135. New with Warranty. Factory
Package. Will Deliver. 304-553-8703
Memory Foam Mattress – Super Comfortable, Great
Night’s Sleep! New with Warranty! $250. 304-553-
HE White Elementary school recently received an Innovation Zone Grant from
the West Virginia Department of Education to join many schools across the
nation to become a Community school. This is an amazing opportunity for HE
White students, staff, parents and the entire Bomont community! Grant writers Amanda Shelton, Brittany McGowan and April Kearns - along with a grant
steering committee of community members and school staff - identified and
prioritized the needs of the school and community and developed a strategic
action plan that will move the community and school forward. Community
schools offer a personalized curriculum that emphasizes real-world learning
and community problem-solving. Schools become centers of the community
and are open to everyone – all day, every day, evenings and weekends. Together with their partners, community schools are helping more students be
ready to learn when they start school, improving the skills and attitudes students need to learn, improving student academic outcomes and helping students graduate ready for college and careers. Community schools are making
a difference in the lives of children, youth and families across the country.
Community schools are partnerships between educators and community partners-including community based organizations, local government, institutions
of higher education, United Ways, unions, school districts and others. It is a
community-based effort to coordinate and integrate educational, developmental, family, health, and other comprehensive services through communitybased organizations, and public /private partnerships. Several organizations,
businesses and individuals became community partners with HE White Elementary to focus on early intervention, student achievement, adult literacy, and
wellness which will lead to improved student learning, stronger families, and a
healthier community. We envision that our intense focus in these four areas
will alter the educational culture and community mentality to one that emphasizes the significance of learning, not only at school, but at home and in the
community, as well. This grant gives our school the opportunity to be innovative and unique because it is solution-driven, multi-faceted, collaborative, and
proactive which will lay the groundwork to optimize chances for graduation
and college readiness. We are very excited about all the opportunities this
grant provides for our students, staff and community. According to the Coalition for Community Schools, the community schools strategy provides a coherent framework for all children to succeed in college, career and life. In today’s test-oriented school culture, an effective community school offers the
opportunities that all children deserve and helps remove barriers to learning; it
ensures a foundation for principals to lead, teachers to teach and students to
learn. We need community schools because research and experience tell us
that young people need a wide range of opportunities and supports to succeed.
All children regardless of their economic, racial or family circumstances deserve access to the array of opportunities that more well off families provide to
their children. Schools must re-engage the broader public and community
schools are the place where this can happen. The heart and soul of our community school will be our community school garden. Research shows that
schools that use school gardens and environment based learning have higher
scores on standardized testing in areas of reading, writing, math, science, and
social studies. The study also found that student gardeners are more engaged
and enthusiastic about learning, show greater pride in their accomplishments,
and have fewer attention and discipline problems. We are so excited about all
the opportunities available to our students, staff, parents and community. We
are in the beginning stages of planning and launching our Community school
which will address our four targets of early intervention, adult literacy, student
achievement, and community wellness.
Gospel Sing
Christian Church (Thurman Summers Church)
Date: December 6th, Time: 6:00pm
Directions: Exit 19 Turn Right (north) then left onto Spencer Rd., about
4 miles turn left cross metal bridge, then turn right
Singers: David & Shelia Bowen & Ron Shamblin
Chili and Cornbread Dinner
W/Desert and beverage~$6.00
Sat., Nov. 22nd, 3:00pm-7:00pm
Veterans of Foreign Wars 8516
232 Pinch Road
Page 10
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Wife’s Revenge
Snow Removal
The Town of Clendenin is accepting applications for Snow Removal
for the 2014-15 Winter. Stop in at Town Hall
for application and for more information call:
304-548-4192 Must provide own snow removal
equipment and be insured.
A couple who had been happily married for years
had only one friction in their marriage was the husband’s habit of farting loudly every morning when
he awoke the noise would wake his wife and the
smell would make her eyes water and make her
gasp for air. Every morning she would plead with
him to stop ripping them off because it was making her sick. He told
her he couldn't stop it and that it was perfectly natural. She told him to
see a doctor, she was concerned that one day he would blow his guts
out. The years went by and he continued to rip them out. Then one
Christmas day morning, as she was preparing the turkey for dinner and
he was upstairs sound asleep, she looked at the innards, neck, gizzard,
liver and all the spare parts, and a malicious thought came to her. She
took the bowl and went upstairs where her husband was sound asleep
and, gently pulling the bed covers back, she pulled back the elastic
waistband of his underpants and emptied the bowl of turkey guts into
his shorts. Sometime later she heard her husband waken with his usual
trumpeting which was followed by a blood curdling scream and the
sound of frantic footsteps as he ran into the bath room. The wife could
hardly control herself as she rolled on the floor laughing, tears in her
eyes! After years of torture she reckoned she had got him back pretty
good. About twenty minutes later, her husband came downstairs in his
blood stained underpants with a look of horror on his face. She bit her
lip as she asked him what was the matter. He said, “Honey you were
right… all these years you have warned me and I didn't listen to you.”
“What do you mean?” asked his wife. “Well, you always told me that
one day I would end up farting my guts out, and today it finally happened, but by the grace of god, some Vaseline and two fingers. I think I
got most of them back in.
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Hours: M-F 10am-6pm
Sat. 10am-4pm
We offer a large variety of feed items for your farm
animals and family pets. We have; bird feed, cat/
dog food, cow, goat, hogs, horse, rabbit and other
Lowest Prices in the Area
Thank you for supporting our local hometown
Page 12
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
QVC Lock-N-Lock, QVC Games, Candleberry Candles/Tarts/Air Freshners, Sheet Sets, Knives
(Old Timers, Uncle Henry, and More), Designer Purses, Lighted Pictures, Hats, WV Birdhouses,
WV Rugs, & WV Hats, Ball Bats, Tools, Christmas Décor of all kinds and so much more!
Christmas Trees,
Lights, Garland, Ornaments, Yard Signs,
Figurines, Wrapping,
Ribbons, Toys, and
Much More!
Page 13
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
1,000’s of Tools
Chain Saws, Snow-blower, tiller, tool
chests, welder, hydraulic jacks, deep
well sockets, open end wrenches, impact wrenches, impact sockets, socket
sets, 3/4, 1/2, 3/8 inch sockets, screwdrivers, dry vacs, chisels, hammers of
all sorts, drills, skill saws, wrenches,
channel locks, vise grips, pliers of all
sorts, chicken wire, logging chains, tow
chains, wire cutters, hundreds of more
tools...Huge Auction on Friday, Nov.
21st and Sat. Nov. 29th, doors open at
5:30pm, Auctions starts at 6:30pm
Christmas Trees, Lights, Bulbs,
Tree Toppers, Christmas Wrap,
Perfume Gift Sets, Lock-N-Lock,
and so much MORE!!!!
There will be tools, 40” TV, Christmas items, glassware, hats,
knives, candles, tarts, lighted pictures, Christmas flags, Christmas metal yard signs, primitive items and much more!
Page 14
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
A/C Service
(up to 2lbs. Freon)
Expires 12/5/14
Tire Rotation
(excludes dually)
Expires 12/5/14
Oil Change
Up to 5-Qts.
Expires 12/5/14
Pizza Special
Every Tues.
1-topping pizza
For $7.00
Front End
(Most vehicles/price
per each end)
Expires 12/5/14
(Parts extra if needed)
Expires 12/5/14
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Page 15
81 Iddleman Drive, Pinch WV
Hair, Mani’s, Pedi’s, & Waxing
Shari Ball-Owner/Operator
Nancy Stricker-Operator
Facials Coming Soon!!!
Rumor has it…
...It’s time to start thinking about Santa coming to town
...Danny is going to kill a deer...this has to be a rumor
...Someone took a pregnancy test...wonder what the results are???
...A lot of peoples diets will be forgotten for the next few weeks
...The dog pound will start getting filled up if owners don’t start
keeping their pets from being nuisance to their neighbors
...It is what it is
...Sams Auction is the place to go for Christmas Presents!
Sudoku Directions: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column,
and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through to 10. There is only
one solution to the puzzle.
“Today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday.”
“The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes
from your enemies.”
“The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but the ability to
keep your mouth shut in one language is priceless.”
“Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood. You'll have many
opportunities to change a mood, but you'll never get
the opportunity to replace the words you spoke.”
Don’t Throw Stones When
You Live In A Glass House
Pick up a Copy Of The Country
Times At These Locations:
Big Chimney, Mink Shoals: Hardees, Harding's, Master Crafters
Primitive Gift Shoppe, O.V. Smith’s Hardware, The Outlet Store, Dr.
Richards, Means Stone, Olin’s Market, Headhunters, Ford &
Sweeney, Tops Off Barbershop Express, Big Chimney Auto Diesel
Repair, Health Source, Welcome Home Primitives N more
Clendenin: Sams Auction & Bargain Barn, Scarlett Motors, Clendenin Laundromat, Clendenin Pharmacy, Giovanni's Pizza, JU-G’s, TriState Bit & Drilling Supply LLC. ., Ultratan, Main Street Florist,
Clendenin Auto Body, Chase, Elk Beauty Salon, Shafer's Super Stop,
Speedway, Matics Funeral Home, Poca Valley Bank, Angela’s Cut &
Tanning, Liberty Tax Service, Creations, Clendenin Library, Jon’s
Barber Shop, Ktrenas Kloset, Smith Ins., Penny Pinchers, Cooters
Auto Repair, Taylor Music, Rockin Robins, Save-A-Lot, Reciprocity
Gifts. MJ Automotive
Elkview: Fabric Hut, Ponderosa, Scissors, Special Occasions Unlimited, Seven Eleven, Kroger's, Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, Smith’s
Food Fair, Teed & Associates, McDonald’s, Elk River Auto, Poca
Valley Bank, Jeff’s Auto, Rogers Hardware, Pinch Exxon, Pizza Hut,
Dean Jeffries-State Farm Ins., The Country Cottage Hair Salon, Elk
Family Dentistry, Franks’ Body Shop, Dr. Bill Gibson DDS, Fabric
Hut, Good Family Pharmacy, Elk Valley Physical Therapy, Elkview
Library, Gold Key Realtor, nTelos, RONI’s, Shari’s Family Hair
Care, Chambers Auto Repair
Charleston Area: Shrewsbury Auction House, Twin Hills Family
Restaurant, Capital Flea Market, The Outlet Center, Swor Insurance,
Bigley Go Mart, Chamber Auto Repair,
Clay Area: Crossings
Restaurant-Maysel, Bullard’s Exxon, Go-Mart,
Ginos/Tudors, Rite- Aid,
Clay Court House, Bowen’s Dental
Page 16
Clendenin First Baptist Church
Pastor Gary Walker: Church- 548-6132
Sunday School: 10:00am-10:45am (all ages)
Morning Worship/Children's Church: 11:00am
Evening Worship: 7:00pm
Wednesday: AWANA- 6:30 - 8:00pm
Mid-week Bible Study- 7:00pm/ Choir-8:00pm
Children's Handbell Practice: time varies
Nursery provided all services
Clendenin Advent, Pastor Mike Todorovich
Sunday School 9:45am,
Morning Worship and King’s Jewels 11:00am
Evening Service 7:00pm
Clendenin Church of Nazarene
Sunday School at 9:45am,
Morning Worship 10:50am
Sunday Eve. 6:00 pm
Bible Study/Teen Serv. 7:00pm
United Methodist Brawley Chapel
Sunday Worship: 9:00am
Sun. School-9:45
Pastor: Rev. Scott Ferguson
Clendenin United Methodist Church,
Pastor: Scott Ferguson
Sunday School: 10:00am,
Morning Sunday Worship: 11:00am
Wed.-Bible Study-6:00pm, Choir: 7:00pm
P.O.Box 686, Clendenin, WV, 25045,
Gospel Light Community Church
Sunday School 10:00am
Sunday Eve. 7:00pm
Clendenin Church of God
Pastor Ryan Seabolt
Sunday School-10:00am
Sunday Worship Service-11:00am
Friday Eve.-7:30pm
Kelly Hill F.W.B. Church
Sunday Morning-10:00am
Sunday Eve.-7:30pm
Wednesday Eve.-7:30pm
Pastor Jeff Nichols
Jordan Mound Gosp. Tab.
Sunday School- 9:45am
Sunday Evening-7:00pm
Thursday Evening-7:30pm
St. Annes Outreach 304-539-3636
Jordan Light Missionary Baptist Church
Pastor: Robert Jett
Sunday School 9:45 AM, Sunday Morning Worship
11:00 AM, Sunday Evening Worship 7:00 PM
Wednesday Evening Bible Study 7 PM, Wednesday
Evening Youth and Children’s Bible Study 7 Pm
Heritage Baptist Church, Sunday School All ages - 9:45
a.m., Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. AWANA
begins in Sept. Ages 2 through 6th grade. Teen Classes.,
Sunday Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening
Classes for all ages- 7:00 p.m. Nursery is provided at
every service. Visit our website at or
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Liberty Advent Church, Twistabout,
Sunday Morning 10:00am-11:00am,
Morning Worship 11:00am-12:00pm
Wed. Bible Study & Worship 6:30pm
Pastor: Doug Burdette
Mount Hope Community Church
Monday at 7:30pm(off Ambler Ridge)
Clio Community Church
Sunday Morning 10:00am, Sunday Eve. 7:00pm
Wednesday Eve. 7:00pm
Sand Run Gospel Tabernacle Church
Youngs Bottom, WV
Sunday School-10:00am, Morning Worship-11:00am
Sunday Worship-6:00pm, Wednesday Bible Study and
Teen Service 7:30
Pastor Frank Allen
Blue Creek Advent Church
Sunday School-9:45am,
Morning Worship-11:00am
Wednesday Bible Study-7:00pm
Pastor-Terry Johnson
Thorofare Community Church
Sunday Morning-10:00am, Sunday
Evening-7:00pm Wednesday Eve.7:00pm, Pastor:-Claude Holley Jr.,
Every One Welcome
Stillwaters Ministries, (former Bufflick Welford Church),
Seth Parsons Pastor,
Sunday Morning, Service 10:00 AM, Sunday
Evening Service 6:30 Everyone Welcome.
New Beginnings Church Of The Nazarene Of Pinch
Pastor Larry Arbogast
Sunday Schedule: Fellowship/Refreshments-9:30am
Sunday School-10:00am,Morning Worship-10:45 am
Children’s Church-10:45am, Sunday Evening Worship6:00pm, Wednesday Bible Studay-7:00pm
Noah’s Ark Full Gospel Church
Sun. Night 7:00pm, Thurs. Night 7:00pm
Sunday School-10am
1st church on left up Jordan Creek
Senior Pastor : Roger Mullins
Pastor: Jimmy Marcum: For information
Call 304-548-7704
Feed the Hungry-Every 3rd Sat.
each month at noon, Everyone Welcome
Big Chimney Baptist Church
Sunday School-10:00am, Morning Worship-11:00am
Sunday Evening-6:30pm, Wed. Night Bible Study6:30pm, Youth Meetings All Services
Pastor Dan Forwood
Antioch Advent Christian Church, Aarons Fork Road,
Elkview, Pastor Nahum Balser, Sunday Services, Sunday School 10:00, Morning Worship 11:00, Wednesday Services, Bible Study 7:00
Little Sandy Baptist Church
Sunday 10am, Sunday Eve. Worship 6pmWednesday
Eve. Prayer meeting & Bible Study Pastor Roger L
Canaan Baptist Church
1919 Bigley Ave., Charleston, Church # 304-343-4915
Sunday-10am-11am, Eve.-6pm, Wed. Bible/Youth
study 7pm. Pastor Ray Williams
Elk River Ministry Inc., Queen Shoals
Full Gospel Church
Thurs. 7:00pm
Blue Creek Church, Wed. 7:00pm
Cold Springs Gospel Tabernacle,
Pastor John Casey
Sun., Morn. Worship:10:00am,
Sunday School: 11:30am
Sunday Eve. Service:7:30pm
Tuesday Eve.: 7:30
Clendenin United Pentecostal Church
Sunday-10:00am, Sunday Eve.-6:00pm
Wednesday 7:30pm
Everyone Welcome
For Prayer or Information, Call-548-6323
Doctors Creek Community Church
Services Sunday morning at 10:00 am
Sunday night at 7:00 pm
Tuesday night at 7:00 pm
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
Pastor Lee Swor
Sunday School-10:00am
Morning Worship Service-10:50
Sunday Evening-6:30
Wednesday Night-7:00pm
Christ’s Baptist Church
Pastor Bob Harrison
Sunday School 10:00am, Morning Worship 11am
Sunday Eve. Worship 6pm
Wed. Serv. 7:00pm, Youth Wed. 7:00pm
Everyone Welcome,
Sandy Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Aaron’s Fork Rd, Elkview WV 304-965-5959
Sundays:Sunday School 10am
Sunday Worship Service 11am
Sunday 6pm-‘Master Club for Children’ Sunday eve.
Worship– 6pm, Wed. eve. SVC-7pm,
Pastor Roger Petry
Rolling Hill Methodist Church
5781 Thorofare Rd.
Sun. School: 10:00am, Follow by Worship Serv.
Sun. Eve. Worship: 7pm
Thurs. Bible Study an Worship 7pm
Cottontree Community Church
Pastor: Bill Meadows
Sunday: 10:00am
Sunday Eve.: 6:00pm
Wed. Eve.: 7:00pm
Ed’s Fork Community Church
Sunday Mornings 10:00am, Sunday Evenings 7:00pm,
Wednesday Evenings 7:00pm, Pastor Bob Paintiff
Pisgah Free Will Baptist Church across the river from
lower end of Clay Cherokee Drive Service times Sunday 10AM and 7PM Dennis Vance Pastor
Where Love Is
Liberty Christian Minstries.
Service hours are Sun 10:00am & 6:00pm,
Wednesdays 7:00.
Spencer Road
Pastor is still Mel Kerr.
See more church listings on page 20
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
♦ Stone
♦ Masonry Products
♦ Building Stone
♦ Sand
♦ Driveway Gravel
♦ Concrete
♦ Mortar
♦ Cinder Blocks
♦ Flag Stone for Patio
♦ Indiana Limestone Products
(Ohio Buff & Blue Colors)
Small and Large Jobs!!! Oil Changes, Brake Jobs, Engine
Repairs, Tires rotations, and much more!
Hours: M-F~ 7am-6pm
Sat.~8am-1pm~~Closed Sunday
Page 17
Page 18
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Angela’s located @ #12 Virginia Ave., Clendenin, second
street after crossing the Clendenin Bridge on the right
Burke Memorial Methodist Church
Located across Camp Creek Bridge
Sunday Morning Preaching-9:AM
Sunday School-10:AM,
Wednesday Night Bible Study-7:PM
Pastor: Jerry Chandler
Young’s Memorial Church, Queen
Pastor Allen Jones
Sunday School 10:00am,
Sunday Preaching 11am & 6pm
Tuesday Bible Study 6:30pm
Across Queen Shoals Bridge– approx. 2
miles on right
Faith Missionary Baptist Church
Bomont, Cross Queen Shoals bridge.
Services are: Sunday 10 am
Sunday 6 pm, Wednesday 7 pm
Pastor Ralph Davis
Faith Missionary Baptist Church
Dutch Ridge Road/Laurel Road
Sunday Eve.-6:00pm, Tuesday-6:00pm
Pastor-Jim Myers,
Associate Pastor-LeeRoy Anderson
Word & Faith Baptist Church, Falling
Sunday Morning: 10 A.M,
Sunday Night: 6 P.M., Wednesday
Night: 7:30 P.M., Pastor: Calvin Ray
Lifesong (a Southern Baptist Church)
2152 Greenbrier St., Charleston
(Located across the road from the
Meadowbrook Nursing home)
Pastor Danny Cunningham, 10:45 am
Sunday, 7:00pm Wed., lifesongbap-
Come Check out our Christmas Ideas!
Christian Church
Spencer Rd. (Above Cottontree)
Sat. Night 7:00pm
Pastor Rudy Casto
More info; 304-548-6646
Johnson Creek Baptist Church
Vineyard Ridge, Walton WV
Services Sunday 10:00am & 6:00pm,
Wednesday 7:00pm
Starting Nov.
Contact information 304-548-4416
Cooper's Creek Advent
Christian Church
Approx 2.5 miles down
Cooper's Creek from
Big Chimney Exit off I79
Sunday School 10 AM
Message @ 11:15 AM
Reamer Hill Community Church
Leatherwood Road, Clendenin
Sunday School 10:00 am
Wednesday 7:00 pm
Sunday 7:00 pm
Pastor Tim Hobbs
Three Mile Wesleyan Church
Sunday School - 10AM
Sunday Morning Worship - 11AM
Sunday Evening - 6PM
Wednesday Evening - 7PM
Classes for all ages at all services!
Pastor Kelton Hoffman
For More Information please call
Indian Creek Mission Church
1854 Quick Rd, Elkview WV
Pastor: Homer Wiseman
Sun. School 10am Worship
Serv. 11am
Eve. Service-6:00pm
Youth Groups
A Bible Believing Church
Bethany Baptist Church
1512 Greenbrier Street
Sunday School-9:50
Morning Worship-11am
Junior Church-11am
Wednesday Service & Awanas
Brawley United Methodist Church
Sunday Worship service 9:45am
Pastor Scott Ferguson
3 miles North of Clendenin
Elk Hills Presbyterian Church
(Located on Rt. 119 @ Elk Hills)
Entrance on Viking Road
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m.
Handicap Accessible
Free Estimates
Insurance Claims Welcomed
Owner: Herb Townsend
Page 19
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
MLS#154126 Call Christy
-304-389-6345 or Ralph
Roane Co.-$49,000.,
MLS#150844– 14 acres
M/L. Call April Goodwin
MLS#153710 - 6 acres M/L
MLS#154995-Call Ralph
LynchCall Ralph Lynch-304-546Lynch-304-546-5090 or
5090 or Christy Strimel-304
Christy Strimel-304-389-389-6345
Charleston - $35,000.
MLS#146062-CallCassandra Casto-Napier304-776-0272
Elkview - $200,000.
acres. Call-Christy-304
Charleston - $66,900.
MLS#148413-CallCassandra Casto-Napier304-776-0272
Clendenin - $99,500.
Clendenin - $67,000.
MLS#151579- 3 acres M/
L. Call-April Goodwin
Clendenin - $79,000.
MLS#153841- 3 acres M/L
Call-Ralph Lynch-304-5465090 or Christy Strimel-304
Pinch- $45,000 MLS#
151522-Building Lot-4
acres M/L. Ralph Lynch304-546-5090
Clendenin- $50,000 MLS#
154371- 26 acres. Call
Ralph--304-546-5090 or
C h a r l e s t o n - $ 9 4 , 5 0 0Charleston-$134,900.
E l k v i e w - $ 1 6 ,MLS#
MLS#152734-Call Ann
Call-Ralph Lynchsandra-304-776-0272
304– 415-4695
Mink Shoals-$109,000
MLS#152884 -Call Ralph
Lynch-304-546-5090 or
Christy Strimel-304-3896345
Creek$ 3 8 , 0 0 0
MLS #145738-Cal l
Call- Call
Chel yan$79,900
MLS# 153094-CallAnn Cavender-304–
MLS#152906-3 acres M/
L Call: Cassandra- 304776-0272 11
Cassandra Casto-Napier304-776-0272
MLS#152823-Call: Ralph
Lynch-304-546-5090 or
Christy Strimel-304-3896345
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Page 21
Elsie Maxine Naylor, 87, of South Charleston, went home to be with the Lord on Saturday, November
15, 2014, at Hubbard Hospice House West in South Charleston after a long illness. Elsie was the daughter of the late Lewis I. and Lizzie Ethel (Facemyer) Given. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Dorrel E. Naylor; son, Robert E. Naylor; sisters, Lucille Mangus, Mae Osborne, Jessie Given; and
grandson, Mark Naylor. Elsie, a former member of the Clendenin Advent Christian Church, graduated
from Clendenin High School in May of 1945 and went on to become a secretary at Walton High School.
She later became a secretary for the West Virginia State Board of Examiners of Registered Nurses ,
from which she retired. Elsie is survived by her son, John L. Naylor, of Lexington, KY; daughters,
Nancy L. Alfred, of South Charleston; Sharon D. Naylor, of South Charleston; granddaughter, Kelly
Woodyard and husband Shane; great grandchildren, Abby, and Eden; and step great grandchild, Isaiah.
In lieu of flowers the family suggests donations to Hubbard Hospice House West 4605 MacCorkle Ave
S.W. South Charleston, WV25309 Elsie’s funeral service will be 2 pm Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at
Matics Funeral Home in Clendenin with Chaplain Pete Thompson officiating. Burial will be at Elk Hills
Memorial Park in Big Chimney. Her family will receive friends one hour prior to the service at the
funeral home.
P.O. 549
124 First Avenue
Clendenin, WV, 25045
Monuments Available
Betty Lou Parsons, 88, of Elkview, went home to be with the Lord on Friday, November 14, 2014, at
Hubbard Hospice House in Charleston after a long illness. Betty, a Christian, was the daughter of the
late Rance E. and Pansy Mae (Metz) Campbell. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Denver
I. Parsons; brothers, Bill Campbell, and Robert Campbell; sisters, Katherine Morris, Wanda Campbell
and Joan Ebert. Betty is survived by her sons, Richard Parsons, and wife Mary, of Charleston; Stephen
Parsons and wife Kathy, of Amma, Thomas Parsons and wife Jackie, of Elkview; daughter, Teresa Dezern, and husband Larry, of Hermitage, TN; brothers, Charles
Campbell, of Elkview, Jim Campbell, of Winston-Salem, NC; grandchildren, Tammy Cohan, Scott Dezern, Tina Parsons, Janie Hall, Julie Davis, Sarah Hicks, Leah
Drake; 13 great grandchildren; 6 great great grandchildren; many nieces and nephews; and special friends, Marcella Campbell and Phyllis Wolfe. Her family would
like to thank the staff at Meadowbrook Acres, St. Francis Hospital – ICU, and Hubbard Hospice House. Betty’s funeral service will be 2 pm Monday, 2014, at Matics Funeral Home in Clendenin with Minister Steve Fox officiating. Burial will be at Koontz Cemetery in Clendenin. Her family will receive friends two hours prior
to the service at the funeral home.
Raymond “Dickie” Clyde Hughes, 77, of Pigeon, went home to be with the Lord on Monday, November 10, 2014, at CAMC General Hospital in Charleston. Dickie
was the son of the late William and Mary (Runions) Hughes. He was also preceded in death by his brothers, Charles, Albert, Rex, and Buster Hughes; sisters, Carolyn Jones, Dorothy Lyons, Emma Bush, Icie Hughes, and Dory Hughes. Dickie is survived by his brother, Steven Hughes, of OH; sister, Alice Jett, of Pigeon; and
many nieces and nephews. Dickie’s graveside service will be 11 am Friday, November 14, 2014, at Jett Cemetery in Big Pigeon with Pastor Jack McCune officiating. Condolences may be expressed online at
Howard Henderson Hall, 84, of Lizemore, went home to be with the Lord on Wednesday, November 12, 2014, at home surrounded by his family. Howard was the
son of the late Samuel and Lucille (Welch) Hall. He was also preceded in death by his brothers, Melvin, Earl, Ray, Everett, and Elbert Hall; infant sister, Mildred
Hall; and grandson, Leroy Hall, Jr. Howard is survived by his wife Beatrice (Mullins) Hall; sons, Leroy Hall of Clendenin, Tommy Hall of Indore, Howard Keith
Hall of Lizemore; daughters, Linda Sue Brown of Indore, Joyce Ann Hall of Clendenin, Hilda Faye Stephenson of Indore; brothers, Harold Hall of Bomont, Walter
Hall of Bomont; sisters, Betty Jane Driggs of Texas, Helen Moore of Virginia, Nina Dawson; 10 grandchildren; and several great grandchildren. Howard’s funeral
service will be 2 pm Saturday, November 15, 2014, at Matics Funeral Home in Clendenin with Brother Charles Blankenship officiating. Burial will be at King Mullins Cemetery in Bomont. His family will receive friends 6 to 8 pm Friday at the funeral at the funeral home.
Billy Ray Carper, 78, of Walton, went home to be with the Lord on November 9, 2014, after an eight month battle with brain cancer, at Miletree Center in Spencer,
surrounded by his loving family. He was the son of the late Ollie Genevia (Harris) Carper. Billy, a Christian and Korean Conflict Army veteran, played the mandolin for Joy Echoes and the Rocky Branch Bluegrass Band. He loved to farm and hunt, and was an avid horseman. Billy was retired from Pennzoil and was a trustee
of Rocky Branch Cemetery in Walton. Billy is survived by his loving wife of 54 years, Janet Carol (Seabolt) Carper; son, Ricky Allen Carper of Walton; special
friend and son, Gary Wayne Carper of Walton; daughter, Deborah Sue Thomas of Walton; grandchildren, Danielle, Adam, Amanda, Stephen; great grandchildren,
Michael, Caden, and Trayven. His family would like to thank Dr. Christiansen, Stephanie Westfall, and all the nurses at Miletree Center for their outstanding service. Billy’s funeral service will be 1 pm Wednesday, November 12, 2014, at Matics Funeral Home in Clendenin with Pastor Dana Clay and Pastor Bill Walton officiating. Burial will be at Rocky Branch Cemetery in Walton. His family will receive friends 6 to 8 pm Tuesday at the funeral home.
Delcie Othel Burdette, 90, of Procious, passed away November 8, 2014 at home after a long illness. Othel was the daughter of the late John Franklin and Maggie
Bell (Shamblin) Davis. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Chester Arthur Burdette Sr. December 17, 1980; sisters, Addie Davis Bragg and Pearl Davis;
brothers, Herbert, Lloyd, Cecil, Clarence, Burley (Ray) and Lawrence (Larry)Davis. She was a member of the Liberty Advent Church where she worked in many
capacities including Sunday School Teacher. She was also in the ladies auxiliary, Alpha Delta Kappa, life member of NEA and WVEA and a member of the Clay
County Health Board. She also taught elementary school in various schools in Kanawha and Clay County for 35 years. Othel is survived by her daughters, Betty
Robinson of Clendenin and Doris (Herman) McKown of Newton; sons, Arthur (Ruth) Burdette of Charleston and Charles (Chuck) Ray (Beth) Burdette of Clendenin; brothers, John Neldon Davis of Westminster, MD, Odbert (Bert) Nelson Davis of Parkersburg and Ralph Edwin Davis of Maysel; grandchildren, Sonja Fore,
Allen Cantrell, Joy McKown, Herman McKown, Amy Beasley, Chet Burdette, Wanda Burdette and Charles (Charlie) Burdette; great great grandchildren, Jeremiah
Halstead, Christine Halstead Ahn, Joshua Cantrell, Adam Cantrell, Reuben Beasley, Mya Beasley, Ava Beasley, Evan Burdette, Ethan Burdette, Eli Burdette, Layla
Burdette, Brooklyn Burdette, Braydon Burdette and Brilee Burdette; step grandchildren, Randy Robinson and Robin Fairchild; the family would like to express a
special thanks to Othel’s loving caregivers, Elisha and David Rucker, and Lorene Miller. Othel’s funeral service will be 1 pm Thursday November 13, 2014 at Matics Funeral Home with Rev. Scott Ferguson officiating. Burial will be at Sams Cemetery, Procious. Visitation will be from 6 pm to 8 pm Wednesday November 12,
2014 at the funeral home.
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Page 22
Pancakes, Sausage, Orange
Juice or Milk and a fun time!
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
• Fully Stocked
• Competitive Prices
• Large Selection of Merchandise
• Friendly Service
Page 23
Page 24
11/21/14-The Country Times-Issue #278
Fri. & Sat.~10:30am-10:00pm
Turkey, Ham, Hot Rolls, Mashed Potatoes, Yams, Corn, Green Beans, Salads,
Cranberries, Desserts, and much more!
Chicken, Pork, Steak, Seafood, Combo Meals, Desserts, Salads and
much more…Family Dining in a Friendly Atmosphere