SOUTHERN CANTERBURY A & P ASSN Event Schedule – 4th Annual Show Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd November 2014 Waimate Show Grounds Extra Schedules, entry forms and trade space applications Available [email protected] or contact Event Secretary, Katrina Kelly 034346422 e mail: [email protected] Entries Close 3rd November 2014 LATE ENTRIES WILL INCUR A $10 LATE FEE Officers for 2014 Patrons: J Andrews, M Studholme, JB Campbell, M Coles, J Goodhew, J Deans President: Vice President: JuniorVicePresident: Treasurer Show Manager Event Secretary: Athol Smith Dan Studholme James Davis Kevin Cromie Reto Oswald Katrina Kelly Committee Philip Bailey, Emma Barker, Kevin Brosnahan John B Campbell, Maureen Chamberlain, Tim Douglass, Peter Faulkner, Ian Gould, John Guy, Paul Harrison, Ian Jackson, Judith Johnson, Digger McCulloch, Chris Medlicott, Tim Mehrtens, David Morgan, Jane Neave, Tiffany Ottley, Colin Pankhurst, Nick Ruddenklau, Willy Sheddan, Megan Talbot, Jacob & Ineka van Neuren, Kevin Wells, Hugh Wigley WAIMATE KENNEL SOCIETY 2 x Championship Dog Shows in conjunction with the A&P Society on the 22/23 November 2014 – WAIMATE SHOWGROUNDS Puppy stakes on Saturday after the completion of each group Judging commences 9am both days Judges : Lyn Watson [Victoria,Australia] - Barbara Doyle [ Victoria,Australia] All dogs and owners must be registered with New Zealand Kennel Club. Entries close: Final 20th October Entry Fees : Breed $13.00 Stakes $8.50 Cheques payable to Waimate Kennel Society Entries to : Sylvia Schmidt, 157 Cones Road, RD7, Rangiora 7477 Inquiries Lynne Marie Tuhou 03 6898544 NO EXHIBITOR’S PASS UNLESS ENTRY FEE EXCEEDS $7 (Children (under 15years) admitted FREE Special general cups and prizes AJ Hoskins Challenge Cup is awarded for the exhibitor gaining most points in the following sections: Sheep, Sheep Dog Trials, Cattle and Horses. Points allocated as follows: 1st prize 3, 2nd prize 2, 3rd prize 1, Champion 3, Reserve Champion 2. BF Mercer Challenge Cup for most points in Spinners & Weavers, Pottery, Photography and Art Sections. Violet Mercer Cup: awarded for most points in children’s classes including pupils cooking. The Shetland Challenge Salver donated by Voe and District Agricultural Society Shetland awarded to the child under 16 years of age who has gained the most points overall in the show Waimate A&P Association Challenge Trophy for Best Trade Exhibit plus sash donated by Quality Presentations, Palmerston North Arthur Robertson Memorial Challenge Trophy awarded for Most Outstanding Stall in Market Lane. ALL CUPS WON AT SOUTHERN CANTERBURY A&P NEED TO BE SIGNED FOR AT THE SECRETARYS OFFICE BEFORE TAKING THEM FROM THE GROUNDS. THANK YOU General Regulations 1. All exhibits not on the ground by the specified time will not be allowed to go into competition. 2. All horses must be ridden, haltered or led. Bulls calved before December 31st last, must be led by a ring through the nose and under adequate supervision. 3. Attendants in charge of stock admitted free by ticket, and subject to the orders of the stewards. Anyone disobeying the orders of the stewards will be liable to a fine of $5. 4. Exhibitors will be required to state as accurately as possible at the time of entry, the date of birth of all stock in classes where age is specified, and in all classes of sheep the date of last shearing. 5. The same animal may be shown in two or more classes by paying the necessary entry fee for each class unless where otherwise specified. 6. No stock or implement exhibited to be removed from the yards until after 4.00pm on the day of the show without a special order from the committee, except that cattle may be removed after 3.30pm. 7. The committee will not under any circumstances hold themselves responsible for loss, damage or mis-delivery of stock, implements and any article exhibited. 8. All livestock must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor at the time of entry except in the case of members of the Southern Canterbury Young Farmers Clubs who may exhibit in their own name stock, excluding stud stock, owned by the farmer on whose property the Young Farmers Club member is employed at time of entry. 9. Extra stock, implements etc not eligible under any of the enumerated classes may be exhibited by paying the usual entrance fee the same as those in the class they refer to. Honorary certificates will be awarded. 10. In all sheep classes where a weight is specified, all exhibits in these classes shall be weighed, and where sheep are to be a specified weight, the sheep sub-committee have power to make allowance for wet fleece. 11. In all novice entries for horse or pony events, the horse, pony or rider as the case may be, must not have won no more than 5 wins in a conformation class at the time of the show. 12. All protests must be in writing and may be entered either before or after the judges have proceeded to their duties. The party entering a protest in horses, cattle and sheep must deposit $25 and in all other sections $10 deposit will be required. The deposit will be returned if the protest is sustained. If the protest is lodged before the judges proceed to their duties, the onus of proof will rest with the exhibitor; if after that, the onus of proof will rest with the party protesting. No protest will be received later than one hour after the awards were made and the prizewinning ticket affixed. The committee will decide all protests as soon as possible and there will be no appeal from their decision. 13. All prizes not claimed within one month after the date of the show shall be forfeited. 14. Exhibits in purebred classes must be from a registered flock. 15. The committee have full power to deal with any matter which may arise requiring instant attention, and which may be in the interest of the Association or for the safety of the public, and their decision shall be final. 16. PRIZE MONEY - Prizemoney will only be given if the judge considers the exhibit to be worthy of the prize If there be seven entries in a class, a third prize will be presented with a ‘highly commended’ ticket. Every private prize will be dealt with in accordance with the conditions of the donor; but if there be no conditions, the prize will be given as the committee thinks fit. Power is reserved to withhold a prize where judges consider it ought not to be awarded for want of sufficient merit, even where there is competition. Champion and Reserve Champion will be selected as follows: First prize winners in all eligible classes to be paraded before the judge. Immediately the Champion has been selected, the 2nd placed animal in the class from which the Champion has been selected shall parade with the other first placegetters for Reserve Champion. All exhibits must enter the judging ring in the order in which they appear in the Catalogue, and must not wear prize tickets won in previous contests. The points for prizes counts as follows: Champion and 1st prize each 3 points, Reserve Champion and 2nd prize 2 points, 3rd prize 1 point. Half points when there is no competition. In any class where special entry is made for a Special Prize these classes shall not count in the aggregate for most points prizes. 17. All prize winners of horse and pony classes must attend the Grand Parade. Failure to do this will mean prize money will be forfeited. 18. In all sections of the Southern Canterbury A&P Association show, if a refund is required the association will retain 25% of entry fees for administration expenses incurred. 19. In ALL horse and pony events hard hats MUST be worn. 20. Any competitor or exhibitor who is rude to a judge or any official will be expelled from the events or competition. 21. The use of tranquilisers, stimulants, or any drug capable of effecting the performance of horses or ponies is forbidden. Competitors are advised that tests for forbidden substances may be carried out during the show and that testing of all animals is at the owner’s risk. Testing for forbidden substances will be carried out under the Royal Agricultural Society Forbidden Substance Judiciary Committee (FSJC) procedures and rules (refer rule 112RAS Equestrian Competitors and Judges Rule Book and rule 55a of the RAS General Rules and Regulations). 22. The Committee reserves the right to refuse or cancel any entry without adducing any reason for so doing. 23. Entry forms: if your entry is (a) not signed, (b) illegible, (c) not accompanied by the required cards, forms etc, or (d) the correct monies are not included, YOUR ENTRY FORMS WILL BE RETURNED 24. Arrears: No person who is in arrears with regard to entry fees, subscriptions or any other show charge, is eligible to compete at any A&P show. Proof of payment will be required before any restriction will be lifted. 25. The committee reserves the right to alter, combine, split or delete classes where deemed necessary SHEEP Conditions and regulations: All sheep must be penned and ready for judging by 9.00am and no stock to be removed from the yards until after 4.30pm on the day of the show. All sheep in the purebred classes must be from a registered flock. In all cases with lamb/s at foot, lamb/s to be taken into consideration. Names of breeder of purebred sheep and date of shearing must be given at time of entry. No sheep may be exhibited in more than one class, except in classes for special prizes with special entry. Sheep in natural condition are eligible for entry as such in all classes in the schedule but must comply with the following conditions: 1 That the sheep have not been housed, rugged or covered at any time or in any way 2 That the wool has not been trimmed in any way since shearing, except crutching or dagging 3 That there has not been any colouring, oiling or locking, except dipping 4 If any sheep are delivered to the showgrounds suffering from footrot, or are suspected by any inspector to be suffering from footrot or any similar infection, those sheep, and all others belonging to the same vendor will be disqualified from the show and sent home 5 Brucellosis: all sheep entered in the Association's show must be from an accredited brucellosis free flock or blood tested negative. Copy of certificate must accompany entries. 6 Unless otherwise stated all wool/dual purpose wool Breed sheep In the shorn classes must be machine shorn on or after 20 July in the current year and no later than days before the date of the show. All shorn terminal (meat) breed sheep classes to be close, evenly and fairly machine shorn on or after 1 September 2013. Entry fee: Members $3.50, Non members $4.50 Prizes: Unless otherwise specified, prizes in all classes will be $6, $4 and $2 respectively. Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons will be given with Champion and Reserve Champion All Breeds judged at approximately 1.30pm. Supreme Champion Ram Hogget, Down Breeds Supreme Champion Ram Hogget, Wool Breeds Sponsored by WAIMATE VETERINARY SERVICES Supreme Champion All Breeds Ewe Hogget Sponsored by PETER WALSH ASSOCIATES Romney E R McConnell Challenge Trophy; Champion Romney Ram Hogget A S Elworthy Romney Cup; most points in Romneys A K Askin Challenge Trophy; best pen of three Romney rams (class 1087) C E. Maindonald Cup; best woolled Romney. 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 Ram over 18 months Ram over 18 months - shorn Ram under 18 months - shorn Ewe over 18 months (woolly or shorn) with lamb/s at foot Ewe under 18 months Ewe under 18 months – shorn Three flock rams under 18 months – shorn (See Class 1087) Corriedale Thibenzole Challenge Cup; Messrs Merck, Sharp & Dohme (NZ) Ltd challenge cup for the exhibitor gaining most points in Corriedale Sheep. 1010 Ram over 18 months 1011 Ram 18 months or under - shorn 1012 Ewe over 18 months (woolly or shorn) with lamb/s at foot 1013 Ewe under 18 months 1014 Ewe under 18 months – shorn Three flock rams under 18 months – shorn (See Class 1087) Border Leicester A F Ruddenklau Memorial Cup; most points in Border Leicester classes - to be held for one year. Cairnforth Trophy; The late F G Brown trophy for best pen of three Border Leicester Flock Ram Hoggets M D Studholme Challenge Cup; most points in Stud Border Leicester Ewe. D M Elliott Memorial Challenge Trophy; best Border Leicester Ram Hogget. S J Blair Challenge Trophy; best Border Leicester Ewe Hogget. The Border Leicester Breed Committee of the NZ Sheepbreeders' Association offers cash prizes of $20 each for the best ram and ewe under 18 months; $20 for the best ram, 18 months to 30 months, and $60 for Group Class shorn ram hogget, shorn ewe hogget, woolly ewe hogget. The winning entries must be from flocks registered with the New Zealand Sheepbreeders' Association. Payment of prize money only when there are 2 exhibitors with a minimum of 3 entries Open Classes 1020 Ram over 18 months 1021 Ram over 18 months - shorn 1022 Ram under 18 months - shorn 1023 Ewe over 18 months with lamb/s at foot 1024 Ewe under 18 months 1025 Ewe under 18 months - shorn 1026 Shorn ram hogget, shorn ewe hogget & woolly ewe hogget Natural Condition Classes 1027 Ewe under 18 months, shorn as lamb 1028 Ram under 18 months - shorn 1029 Ewe over 18 months - shorn with lamb/s at foot 1030 Ewe under 18 months - shorn Three flock rams under 18 months – shorn (See Class 1087) Lincoln 1035 Ram over 18 months 1036 Ram under 18 months - shorn 1037 Ewe over 18 months, with lamb/s at foot 1038 Ewe under 18 months - shorn Three flock rams under 18 months – shorn (See Class 1087 Merino – Horned or polled 1040 Ram over 18 months 1041 Ram under 18 months - shorn 1042 Ewe under 18 months Three flock rams under 18 months – shorn (See Class 1087) Suffolk 1050 Ram over 18 months - shorn 1051 Ram under 18 months - shorn 1052 Ewe under 18 months - shorn Ewe over 18 months with lamb/s at foot (see class 1085) 2 Flock rams under 18 months – shorn (see Class 1086) South Suffolk South Suffolk Challenge Cup; the late Mr F J Henshaw for the exhibitor gaining most points in South Suffolk classes. 1045 Ram over 18 months - shorn 1046 Ram hogget under 18 months - shorn 1047 Ewe hogget under 18 months with lamb/s at foot 1048 Ewe hogget shorn - under 18 months Ewe over 18 months with lamb/s at foot (see class 1085) 2 Flock rams under 18 months – shorn (see Class 1086) Southdown Southdown Challenge Rose Bowl; W I Hay Challenge Trophy for the exhibitor gaining most points in Southdown Section 1055 Ram over 18 months - shorn 1056 Ram under 18 months - shorn 1057 Ewe under 18 months - shorn Ewe over 18 months with lamb/s at foot (see class 1085) 2 Flock rams under 18 months – shorn (see Class 1086) South Dorset Down 1060 Ram over 18 months - shorn 1061 Ram under 18 months - shorn 1062 Ewe under 18 months - shorn Ewe over 18 months with lamb/s at foot (see class 1085) 2 Flock rams under 18 months – shorn (see Class 1086) Hampshire 1065 Ram over 18 months - shorn 1066 Ram under 18 months - shorn 1067 Ewe under 18 months - shorn Ewe over 18 months with lamb/s at foot (see class 1085) 2 Flock rams under 18 months – shorn (see Class 1086) Dorset Down 1070 Ram over 18 months - shorn 1071 Ram under 18 months - shorn 1072 Ewe under 18 months - shorn Ewe over 18 months with lamb/s at foot (see class 1085) 2 Flock rams under 18 months – shorn (see Class 1086) Poll Dorset 1075 Ram over 18 months - shorn 1076 Ram under 18 months - shorn 1077 Ewe under 18 months - shorn Ewe over 18 months with lamb/s at foot (see class 1085) 2 Flock rams under 18 months – shorn (see Class 1086) Texel 1080 Ram over 18 months - shorn 1081 Ram under 18 months - shorn 1082 Ewe under 18 months - shorn Ewe over 18 months with lamb/s at foot (see class 1085) 2 Flock rams under 18 months – shorn (see Class 1086) Interbreed Classes Natural Condition Classes 1085 1086 1087 Essential Nutrition - Meat breed ewe over 18 months with lamb/s at foot Canterbury Meat Packers Two sires under 18 months of one breed most suited for breeding lambs for chilled trade. Prizes: 1st $60; 2nd $45; 3rd $30; 4th $15. Three rams of any breed or description suitable for breeding replacements Crossbred Craigburn Challenge Cup: the late Alan Grant Trophy to exhibitor gaining most points in this Section Norton Francis Challenge Trophy; the Late Norton Francis Silver Cigar Box for winner of class 1088 1088 Three ewes under 18 months, any breed or cross suitable for breeding export lambs. 1089 One Ewe with lamb/s at foot; lamb/s to be taken into consideration Gift Lamb Entry Free. Prizes: 1st $6; 2nd $4; 3rd $$2. NZ Refrigerating Co Ltd, Prime Lamb Challenge Cup; Winner of this Section. 1095 Gift lamb most suitable for export Lambs to be exhibited at show where they will be judged on the hoof (registered sheep not eligible) Black & Coloured Judge: Max Affleck Owaka Associate: Will Gibson Middlemarch Conditions and regulations: BRUCELLOSIS: All sheep entered in this Association Show must be from an accredited Brucellosis free flock, or blood tested negative. Copy of certificate must accompany entries. All natural condition and shorn after 1 July last Natural Condition 1096 Ram over 18 months 1097 Ram under 18 months 1098 Ewe over 18 months with lamb/s at foot 1099 Ewe under 18 months 1100 Wether – any age Special Classes 1101 Novice (BCSBA member) strong ewe lamb/s at foot 1102 Novice (BCSBA Member) - strong ewe hogget 1103 Woolly ewe hogget under 18 months, fine or strong – CHAMPION ($10 prize) AND RESERVE ($5 prize) CHAMPION RAM CHAMPION ($10 prize) AND RESERVE CHAMPION ($5 prize) EWE SUPREME CHAMPION BLACK & COLOURED SHEEP ($15 PRIZE) Children’s Pets lambs, sheep & kid goats POST ENTRIES ACCEPTED; judged at 10am Conditions and regulations: Exhibits must be penned prior to this time and ready for judging. Entrant MUST LEAD HIS OR HER OWN ENTRY and take part in the Grand Parade. Sponsored by Hazlett Rural Ltd. Entry fee; $2.00 Prize money; 1st $13, 2nd $10, 3rd $7.50, 4th $5 Ribbons for 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be given in each class. Prize money for best mannered pet lamb and sheep donated by the President Athol Smith. 1110 Best pet sheep over 12 months (any breed) 1111 Pet lamb - children 6 years and under 1112 Pet lamb - children 7 years to 9 years 1113 Pet lamb - children 10 years and over 1114 Best kid pet goat (all breeds) CHAMPION RIBBONS for pet lamb, pet sheep and pet goat will be given providing there are 6 entries or more in these classes SUPREME CHAMPION LAMB receives $50 Wool Conditions and regulations: Entries close Friday 7 November (applies to this section th only) and all exhibits to be in by 5pm Wednesday 19 November to PGG Waimate or can be dropped off at showgrounds before 10am on Friday 21st November Unless stipulated on entry form all fleeces in the Natural section will be kindly gifted to the A&P. Fleeces may be left or sent to PGG, Waimate prior to the show. Please ensure that each fleece is put in its own bag or wrapped properly. Ensure it is labelled with exhibitor's name, address and class number. Fleeces to be judged on quality, character, colour and weight of fleece. Only wool off sheep in the current season eligible for competition. Fleeces must be skirted sufficiently No entry fee for Natural Section. Coloured Section Entry Fee Members 50c, non members $1. Prizes in each class: 1st $4, 2nd $3, 3rd $1. Ardenlea Challenge Rose Bowl; The late Mr I H C McNeill Cup for most points gained by competitors from the Waimate District. N A Rattray Challenge Cup; re-donated by the Neal family for most points in Crossbred Wool Classes. CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION FINE WOOL FLEECES. CHAMPION & RESERVE CROSSBRED FLEECES SUPREME CHAMPION FINE/CROSSBRED FLEECE Natural SectionJdge Judge: 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 Jackie Donald MNZ Merino hogget 16 micron and under Merino hogget - 16.1 micron and over Adult Merino ewe or wether - 16 micron and under Adult Merino ewe/wether, 16.1 - 18 micron Adult Merino ewe/wether, 18.1 micron & over Merino ram Corriedale or halfbred hogget under 26 micron Corriedale or halfbred hogget over 26 micron Corriedale or halfbred ewe/wether under 27micron Corrieddale or halfbred ewe/wether over 27micron Strong hogget fleece - shorn as lambs after January 1 last. 1131 Strong crossbred ewe or wether 1132 Strong crossbred hogget 1133 5Kg of six month second shear blend (any breed) 1134 5kg of eight month second shear blend (any breed) 1135 Strong Cross Breed Ram CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION FINE WOOL FLEECES CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION CROSSBRED FLEECES SUPREME CHAMPION FINE/CROSSBRED FLEECE Black & Coloured Section Judge: 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 Fiona Gardner Waimate Fine ewe or wether, 52s or finer Strong ewe or wether, 50s and stronger Fine hogget, 54s and finer Strong hogget, 52s and stronger Novice (BCSBA Member) - strong mature fleece Novice (BCSBA Member) - strong hogget fleece CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION FLEECE SPECIAL PRIZE CHAMPION $10 RESERVE CHAMPION $5 Drive & Yard Sheep Dog Trials Sponsored by Transport Waimte Ltd Saturday; post entries will not be accepted Conditions and regulations: 1 Person to take charge of sheep at a peg and drive through a set of hurdles, then through a prearranged course. 2 Competitor must follow sheep through obstacle. 3 Person to hold gate when yarding. 4 Order of running to be drawn, but the committee reserves the right to alter this if circumstances warrant 5 Any matter not provided for in these conditions and not governed by the rules of the Association, shall be decided by the Stewards in charge, whose decision shall be final Time allowed: 9 minutes. Points Obtainable: Each drive 10, each obstacle 10, work at yard 20, pen 10: Total 100 Ribbons for 1st to 4th in both classes Entry fee: Maiden Dog - $5 (covers both classes) Open Dog - $5 Class 174 Maiden; for dogs which have not won an open Maiden Trial. Winner to hold The late Arthur Baikie Trophy for one year. 1st $40, 2nd $25, 3rd & 4th $15 Class 175 Open Winner to hold Waimate Collie Dog Trial Club Challenge Cup for 12 months. 1st $50, 2nd $30, 3rd $20, 4th $15 Goats Dairy Goats Conditions and regulations: All goats must be penned by 9.45am ready for judging which will commence at 10.00am The rules of the Royal Agricultural Society for exhibiting dairy goats shall apply (plus any local rules as each A&P Association may wish to apply) Exhibitors must provide full name, registered or recorded number of each exhibit, and date of birth, in addition to the information required on the entry forms. Entry Fee: Members $2; Non Members $3.50 Prizemoney: 1st $5; 2nd $3; 3rd $2. Standard Age Classes 1149 1150 Kidded doe in milk 3 years and under Kidded doe in milk over 3 years and under 5 years 1151 Kidded doe in milk 5 years and over CHAMPION DOE; To be selected from the first prize winners in 1149, 1150 and 1151. RESERVE CHAMPION DOE: the second prize winner in the class from which the Champion Doe was selected to be paraded with other prize winner. 1152 Grand Champion Standard Age CHAMPION CHALLENGE – Sponsored by SC Dairy Goat Club. Special Classes ALL ANIMALS ENTERED IN THIS SECTION MUST BE ENTERED IN THEIR STANDARD AGE CLASS. 1153 Best Udder Open to all does who have borne a kid. To be judged when full and again when stripped out. Points awarded for both full and empty udder to be totalled to determine the prize winners (does must be finally stripped prior to entering the ring for second part) 1154 Dam and Daughter in milk Dam and one or more daughters to be judged on the doe's worth as a breeding matron. At least the daughter's to be bred and owned by the exhibitor. 1155 Senior Progeny Two daughters in milk of same sire but different dams. The names of the sire and dams to be given on the entry form. 1156 Junior Showmanship For young persons 15 years of age and under; to be judged on exhibitor's ability to lead, place, turn, stop and start their goat. Show preparation and appearance of both exhibitor and goat to be taken into account. Exhibitor's age to be included on entry form. 1157 Junior Herdsperson Exhibitors 15 - 25 years showing an adult goat. Judged on presentation and knowledge of the anatomy of the goat, also handling and health of the adult goat. Goat does not have to belong to the exhibitor. STANDARD AGE GOATLING & KID CLASSES 1160 Maiden Doe or Goatling Over 12 months and under 30 months that has not borne a kid, including maiden milkers and springing does 1161 Maiden Doe Kid CHAMPION JUNIOR DOE - to be selected from Classes 1160 and 1161 inclusive. RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR DOE HERD REGISTER STANDARD AGE BUCK CLASSES 1162 1163 Buck Kid under 12 months Buckling over 12 months and under 2 years 1164 Buck 2 years and over CHAMPION BUCK – to be selected from Classes 1163 and 1574 1575 1164 inclusive 1576 RESERVE CHAMPION BUCK 1165 Grand Champion Standard Age CHAMPION CHALLENGE BUCK – sponsored by SC Dairy Goat Club Beef Cattle – Beef Breeds – UNREGISTERED CLASSES 1168 1169 1170 Doe in milk Goatling 12 months and under 30 months Doe Kid 1 month to 12 months. Dairy and Beef Cattle Any other breed Jersey Breeds Friesian NAIT NUMBER: 696975 Conditions and regulations: Cattle must be on the grounds by 10am and judging to commence 11am. No exhibit will be allowed to go into competition after 11am without the permission of the committee. No exhibit will be allowed to go into competition after keeping judges waiting ten minutes. The date of birth of all cattle must be stated at time of entry. TB: All cattle, including yearlings, entered for showing must be from a TB accredited herd. A TB test certificate, dated within 6 months prior to the last day of the show must accompany entry forms, or be received by the Secretary at least seven days before the show. All cattle will require the NAIT approved RFID tag. It is the livestock exhibitors responsibility to record all animal movements with NAIT 48 hours prior to leaving the farm/property for the Show and then within 48 hours of returning to the farm/property from the Show. NO ENTRIES ACCEPTED WITHOUT DOCUMENTS Stock exhibited in Purebred Class must be eligible to be registered All Dairy Bulls twelve months and over must be rung and under adequate supervision. All Dairy Bulls two years and over must have two leaders. All placed animals must enter the Grand Parade The assistance of all Stewards in Cattle Section would be appreciated in assembling cattle for the Grand Parade and loading cattle after the show. Pentland Hills Challenge Cup: most points in Hereford Cattle. Winner to have name engraved on trophy and hold for 12 months. The Turton Challenge Trophy: most outstanding entry in Beef Breed; winner to have name engraved on trophy and hold for 12 months. Championship Ribbons: Best Cow or Heifer, and Best Bull in each Purebred Section and Crossbred Section Best in Beef Breeds. Entry fee: Members $3, non members $4 Prizes: 1st $4, 2nd $2.50, 3rd $1.50 Dairy Cattle Bull, 1 year and under 2 years Heifer, 2 years and under 3 years (suitable for dairy purposes) Dairy cow in milk 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 Heifer calf born since 1st June last Heifer, 1 year and under 2 years Heifer, 2 years and under 3 years Pair of yearling heifers (group) Cow any age st Bull calf born since 1 June last Bull, 1 year and under 2 years Bull, 2 years and over Pet Calves Points will be accumulated in this section for the WORLD WIDE SIRES Pet calf competition. Age of child is at 9 November 2014 for the first of three competitions starting with the Vetlife Pet Day on November 9th at North Otago A&P showgrounds, Southern Canterbury A&P November 22nd and finishing with North Otago A&P February 28th 2015 Any breed of dairy or beef calf is allowed Age of calf from 1st June 2014 Points will be awarded 1st-5, 2nd-4, 3rd-3, 4th-2, 5th-1 Champion 2 points, Reserve 1 point Competitors must compete at North Otago A&P on February 28th 2015 to receive prizes World Wide Sires donates a leather calf halter to the winners in each age group and wide ribbons down to 5th. POST ENTRIES ACCEPTED JUDGED AT 11.30AM Conditions and regulations: The committee reserves the right to combine classes if there are insufficient entries Entry fee: $1 Prizes: 1st $15, 2nd $10, 3rd $5 Champion $30 & Reserve Champion $20 Prize money for the best mannered pet calf in the show donated by the President, Athol Smith.. Class 1598: Care, Condition and Grooming 10 years and under Class 1599: Best Led Calf 10 years and under Class 1600: Best Knowledge 10 years and under CHAMPION AND RESERVE PET CALF 10 years and under Class 1601: Care Condition and Grooming 11 years and over Class 1602: Best Led Calf 11 years and over Class 1603: Best Knowledge 11 years and over CHAMPION & RESERVE PET CALF 11 YEARS and OVER Classes Heifer calf born since 1st June last Bull calf born since 1st June last Heifer, 1 year and under 2 years Heifer, 2 years and under 3 years Cow any age Bull, 1 year and under 2 Bull, 2 years and over CROSSBRED 1571 1572 1573 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 Heifer calf born since 1st June last Bull calf born since 1st June last Heifer, 1 year and under 2 years (suitable for dairy purposes) 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 Alpacas Judge: Keenan Scott Entry Fees Members Southern Canterbury A & P $6; non members $8. No entry fee for some special classes. Entries st close 1 November. All Alpacas to be penned by 9.30 am with judging to commence at 9.45 am. This show is run under the Rules and Regulations of AANZ Conditions of Entry: 1. All animals must belong to a clear TB herd where whole herd testing is performed in accordance with the AANZ voluntary TB scheme. Copies of current TB certificates to be enclosed with entry forms. 2. All alpacas entered in Championship Classes must be registered with the IAR and carry a brass ear tag displaying its corresponding IAR number. Copies of registration certificates are not required to be enclosed with the entry forms. Please note that A1 forms are not acceptable 3. The exhibitor is the owner(s) listed on the alpaca's registration certificate. In the case of a registered lease, the lessee is deemed the owner. 4. The age of the alpaca is its age on the day of the show. 5. All exhibitors or handlers must place their animals in the pens allotted by the Convener 6. No animal shall be removed from the show prior to the completion of the Grand Parade without the permission of the Chief Steward. CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES SURI BREED CLASSES 1604 1605 1606 Junior Female Suri 6 & under 12 mths White Junior Female Suri 6 & under 12 mths Light Fawn Junior Female Suri 6 & under 12 mths Mid/dark Fawn 1607 Junior Female Suri 6 & under 12 mths Brown 1608 Junior Female Suri 6 & under 12 mths Grey/roan 1609 Junior Female Suri 6 & under 12 mths Black 1610 Junior Male Suri 6 & under 12 mths White 1611 Junior Male Suri 6 & under 12 mths Light Fawn 1612 Junior Male Suri 6 & under 12 mths Mid/Dark Fawn 1613 Junior Male Suri 6 & under 12 mths Brown 1614 Junior Male Suri 6 & Under 12 mths Grey/roan 1615 Junior Male Suri 6 & under 12 mths Black CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR SURI 1616 Intermediate Female Suri 12 & under 24 mths White 1617 Intermediate Female Suri 12 & under 24 mths Light Fawn 1618 Intermediate Female Suri 12 & under 24 mths Mid/Dark Fawn 1619 Intermediate Female Suri 12 & under 24 mths Brown 1620 Intermediate Female Suri 12 & under 24 mths Grey/roan 1621 Intermediate Female Suri 12 & under 24 mths Black 1622 Intermediate Male Suri 12 & under 24 mths White 1623 Intermediate Male Suri 12 & under 24 mths Light Fawn 1624 Intermediate Male Suri 12 & under 24 mths Mid/Dark Fawn 1625 Intermediate Male Suri 12 & under 24 mths Brown 1626 Intermediate Male Suri 12 & under 24 mths Grey/roan 1627 Intermediate Male Suri 12 & under 24 mths Black CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE SURI 1628 Senior Female Suri 24 mths & over White 1629 Senior Female Suri 24 mths & over Light Fawn 1630 Senior Female Suri 24 mths & over Mid/Dark Fawn 1631 Senior Female Suri 24 mths & over Brown 1632 Senior Female Suri 24 mths & over Grey/roan 1633 Senior Female Suri 24 mths & over Black 1634 Senior Male Suri 24 mths & over, White 1635 Senior Male Suri 24 mths & over, Light Fawn 1636 Senior Male Suri 24 mths & over Mid/Dark Fawn 1637 Senior Male Suri 24 mths & over Brown 1638 Senior Male Suri 24 mths & over Grey/roan 1639 Senior Male Suri 24 mths & over Black CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION SENIOR SURI SUPREME CHAMPION SURI Erik van Schreven Memorial Trophy for Supreme Suri HUACAYA BREED CLASSES 1640 Junior Female Huacaya 6 & under 12 mths White 1641 Junior Female Huacaya 6 & under 12 mths Light Fawn 1642 Junior Female Huacaya 6 & under 12 mths Mid/Dark Fawn 1643 Junior Female Huacaya 6 & under 12 mths Brown 1644 Junior Female Huacaya 6 & under 12 mths Grey/roan Junior Female Huacaya 6 & under 12 mths Black Junior Male Huacaya 6 & under 12 mths White Junior Male Huacaya 6 & under 12 mths Light Fawn Junior Male Huacaya 6 & under 12 mths Mid/Dark Fawn 1649 Junior Male Huacaya 6 & under 12 mths Brown 1650 Junior Male Huacaya 6 & under 12 mths Grey/roan 1651 Junior Male Huacaya 6 & under 12 mths Black 1645 1646 1647 1648 CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR HUACAYA 1652 Intermediate Female Huacaya 12 & under 24 mths White 1653 Intermediate Female Huacaya 12 & under 24 mths Light Fawn 1654 Intermediate Female Huacaya 12 & under 24 mths Mid/dark Fawn 1655 Intermediate Female Huacaya 12 & under 24 mths Brown 1656 Intermediate Female Huacaya 12 & under 24 mths Grey/roan 1657 Intermediate Female Huacaya 12 & under 24 mths Black 1658 Intermediate Male Huacaya 12 & under 24mths White 1659 Intermediate Male Huacaya 12 & under 24 mths Light Fawn 1660 Intermediate Male Huacaya 12 & under 24 mths Mid/Dark Fawn 1661 Intermediate Male Huacaya 12 & under 24 mths Brown 1662 Intermediate Male Huacaya 12 & under 24 mths Grey/roan 1663 Intermediate Male Huacaya 12 & under 24 mths Black CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE HUACAYA 1664 Senior Female Huacaya 24 mths & over White 1665 Senior Female Huacaya 24 mths & over Light Fawn 1666 Senior Female Huacaya 24 mths & over Mid/Dark Fawn 1667 Senior Female Huacaya 24 mths & over Brown 1668 Senior Female Huacaya 24 mths & over Grey/roan 1669 Senior Female Huacaya 24 mths & over Black 1670 Senior Male Huacaya 24 mths & over White 1671 Senior Male Huacaya 24 mths & over Light Fawn 1672 Senior Male Huacaya 24 mths & over Mid/Dark Fawn 1673 Senior Male Huacaya 24 mths & over Brown 1674 Senior Male Huacaya 24 mths & over Grey/roan 1675 Senior Male Huacaya 24 months & over Black CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION SENIOR HUACAYA SUPREME CHAMPION HUACAYA The Murray Bruce Perpetual Trophy for Supreme Huacaya Fancy Huacaya NON CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES Non Championship Fancy Classes sponsored by NZ Summerhill Alpacas The following classes are for entire males and females and must be registered. Entries on the form provided. Entry Fees apply. 1676 Fancy Female Suri Junior 6 & under 12 mths 1677 Fancy Female Suri Intermediate 12 & under 24 mths 1678 Fancy Female Suri Senior 24 mths & over BEST FANCY FEMALE SURI 1679 Fancy Male Suri Junior 6 & under 12 mths 1680 Fancy Male Suri Intermediate 12 & under 24 mths 1681 Fancy Male Suri Senior 24 mths & over BEST FANCY MALE SURI PREMIER FANCY SURI 1682 Fancy Female Huacaya Junior 6 & under 12 mths 1683 Fancy Female Huacaya Intermediate 12 & under 24 mths 1684 Fancy Female Huacaya Senior 24 mths & over BEST FANCY FEMALE HUACAYA 1685 Fancy Male Huacaya Junior 6 & under 12 mths 1686 Fancy Male Huacaya Intermediate 12 & under 24 mths 1687 Fancy Male Huacaya Senior 24 mths & over BEST FANCY MALE HUACAYA. PREMIER FANCY HUACAYA NZ Summerhill Alpacas Perpetual Trophy for Premier. Non Championship Wether Classes May be unregistered, must not be entire. Entry on the forms provided. Entry Fee applies. 1688 Wether Suri 6 months and over 1689 Wether Huacaya 6 months and over The above classes may be further split into age groups should entries permit. Special Classes to be entered on the day – No Entry Fee Class 1690 Get of Dam (Suri) This class is for the exhibiting of progeny from the same dam. The dam is not shown. Progeny are shown in groups of two and can be of mixed sex, age and colour but must have been shown in their respective Championship classes at the same show. Progeny can be owned by different exhibitors. Class 1691 Get of Dam (Huacaya) This class is for the exhibiting of progeny from the same dam. The dam is not shown. Progeny are shown in groups of two and can be of mixed sex, age and colour but must have been shown in their respective Championship classes at the same show. Progeny can be owned by different exhibitors. Class 1692 Sires Progeny (Suri) This class is for the exhibiting of progeny from the same sire. The sire is not shown. Progeny are shown in groups of two and can be of mixed sex, age and colour but must have been shown in their respective Championship classes at the same show. Progeny can be owned by different exhibitors. Class 1693 Sires Progeny (Huacaya) This class is for the exhibiting of progeny from the same sire. The sire is not shown. Progeny are shown in groups of two and can be of mixed sex, age and colour but must have been shown in their respective Championship classes at the same show. Progeny can be owned by different exhibitors. Class 1694 Child Handler (5-10 years inclusive) to be judged on handling ability and knowledge Class 1695 Junior Handler (11-16 years inclusive) to be judged on handling ability and knowledge. Poultry Saturday - judging commences at 10am Conditions and regulations:: Penning by 9.30am on Saturday; debenching at conclusion of Show approx 4pm Entry fee: 50c Prizes: 1st $1.50, 2nd $1, 3rd 50c South Island Poultry Pigeon & Cage Bird Assn donates $10 and a certificate to the Grand Champion Rosettes will be awarded to best in each section; poultry, 1500 Game Poultry, all varieties, male 1501 Game Poultry, all varieties, female 1502 Heavy Poultry, all varieties, male 1503 Heavy Poultry, all varieties, female 1504 Light Poultry, all varieties, male 1505 Light Poultry, all varieties, female 1506 Old English game bantams, all varieties, male 1507 Old English game bantams, all varieties, female 1508 Fancy bantams, all varieties, male 1509 Fancy bantams, all varieties, female 1510 Ducks, all varieties, male 1511 Ducks, all varieties, female 1512 Fancy pigeons, all varieties, male 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1522 1523 1524 1525 Fancy pigeons, all varieties, female Homer pigeons, all varieties, male Homer pigeons, all varieties, female Canaries, all varieties, male Canaries, all varieties, female Budgerigars, all varieties, male Budgerigars, all varieties, female Finch, all varieties, male Finch, all varieties, female Any British bird, male Any British bird, female Hook beak, all varieties, male Hook beak, all varieties, female Cage Bird, children's, male Cage Bird, children's, female Poultry, children's, all varieties, female Poultry, children's, all varieties, male Bantam, children's, all varieties, male Bantam, children's, all varieties, female Pigeon, children's, all varieties, male Pigeon, children's, all varieties, female Duck, children's, all varieties, male Duck, childrens, all varieties, female Any British Bird, Male Any British Bird, Female Hook beak, all varieties, male Hook beak, all varieties, female Donkeys EAST RING SUNDAY 24TH NOVEMBER 10.30am Judge: Ian Gould Entry Fee: Members $5; non members $10 st nd rd th Prizemoney: 1 $15, 2 $12, 3 $10, 4 $5 Donkey In Hand Conformation Section NOTE: Jacks over 2 should be led with bit in mouth. 1900 Best Presented donkey on a Lead Rein (50% donkey, 25% gear, 25% handler) 1901 Foal or Yearling Donkey 1902 Jenny Donkey 2 years and over 1903 Jack Donkey 2 years and over (to be shown in a bit with adult handler) 1904 Gelding Donkey 2 years and over Mule In-Hand Conformation Section 1905 1906 1907 Best Presented Mule on a Lead Rein (50% animal, 25% gear, 25% handler) Mule 2 years and under Mule 3 years and over Donkey In-Hand Performance Section 1908 Best Paced and Mannered 1909 Donkey Pattern 1910 Donkey Challenge (To be judged on willingness & accuracy through four challenges from the challenge list) Mule In-Hand Performance Section 1911 Best Paced and Mannered Mule 1912 Mule Challenge 1913 Mule Open Pattern (To be judged on style, willingness & accuracy through four challenges from the challenge list) Donkey and Mule Harness Section Donkeys and Mules are to be judged and awarded separately. Mules must not be judged against donkeys. 1914 Best Presented Donkey/Mule in Harness (50% animal, 25% gear, 25% handler) 1915 Best Paced and Mannered Donkey/Mule 1916 Cone Course (Accuracy in negotiating a series of cones.) 1917 Driven Challenge (to be judged on style, willingness & accuracy through four challenges) Ridden Mule Section 1918 1919 1920 Best Paced & Mannered Mule under saddle Ridden Open Pattern Ridden Challenge (to be judged on style, willingness & accuracy through four Challenges) Horses Conditions and regulations: To be read in conjunction with the General Conditions of the Southern Canterbury A&P Association and the Royal Agricultural Society Equestrian Rule Book and Guidelines. The RAS Equestrian Rule Book is available for purchase from, The Central District Secretary, Sandra Curd, ph 03 302 4754 ADMINISTRATION FEE: A $6 fee is payable by each exhibitor. YELLOW CARD: This Show supports the ‘RAS Yellow Card' system, which will be offered for any inappropriate behaviour towards show officials, judges, fellow competitors or any other third party connected with the show bringing the equestrian discipline into disrepute, or cases which are of a less serious nature to the above in accordance with the conduct of members, owners, lessees, competitors and/or exhibitors as provided in the RAS Equestrian Competitors and Judges Rulebook and rule 13 of the RAS Constitution. ENTRY FEES include RAS Levy of $1 per class. This Levy is charged by RAS to assist funding of judge/steward training, drug testing and administration. ALL HORSES/PONIES to be on the grounds ready for judging by 8.30am Saturday. A, B & C rings will be judged simultaneously, commencing at 8.30am BOXES & YARDS: Application for boxes $20, and open yards $10, must be paid with entry fees. MARES OR GELDINGS only, except led and hack jumping classes. All stallions and handlers must wear ID labels. NOVICE CLASSES - PERFORMANCE CARDS: All novice horses to be shown in a snaffle bit. Please note that a record of wins must be carried, and presented when asked for; failure to do so will result in elimination. Central Districts of the Royal Agricultural Society collates all A&P Show results to enable secretaries to keep a record of all novice wins. RAS rule 65: A novice horse or pony or rider is one that has yet to win six classes in any division within the competitions provided at any A&P Show. RAS rule 67: All wins in novice classes within each division count, and must be recorded on the RAS Performance & Measuring card. Should a novice horse or pony win an open conformation class, including ladies & gentlemen classes, these wins must also be recorded. Once a horse/pony has achieved six wins in conformation classes, this horse/pony is not eligible to return to 'novice' status should it change sections at the beginning of a new show season. Once a horse/pony has achieved six wins in paced & mannered classes, this horse/pony is not eligible to return to 'novice' status should it change sections at the beginning of a new show season. This ruling excludes lead rein ponies and first ridden ponies. Novice ponies may be ridden by riders of any age in novice classes, but not in the open section where the stated age applies.Once a horse/pony has had five wins in conformation classes (or six wins in paced & mannered classes) it is no longer eligible for novice classes in that division. HEIGHT CERTIFICATES: All horses and ponies in classes of prescribed height must carry a height certificate. Failure to do so will result in elimination. Annual Metcalf or Life Certificate will be accepted ELECTRONIC DEVICES: RAS rule 51d - Any electronic or audio equipment carried on a competitor deemed to be possible of outside assistance to a competitor, is banned from all competitions at any RAS or Affiliated Shows, with the penalty of forfeiting all prize money, awards and qualifications, and elimination from any further classes at that show FORBIDDEN SUBSTANCE TESTING: The use of tranquillisers, stimulants, or any drug which affects the performance of horses or ponies is forbidden. Competitors are advised that tests for forbidden substances may be carried out during the Show, and that testing of all animals is at the owner's risk. Testing will be carried out under the Royal Agricultural Society (Incorporated) Forbidden Substance Judicial Committee (FSJC) procedures and rules (refer rule 89 RAS Equestrian Judges and Competitors Rule Book, and Rule 55a of the RAS General Rules and Regulations). DISABLED EXHIBITORS requiring an aid for assistance during competition may apply to the RAS for an ID card ALL HORSE/PONY PRIZE WINNERS must attend the Grand Parade Your signature on the entry form and/or participation in the competition denotes acceptance of these conditions and the rules as defined in the RAS Equestrian Rule Book J H Mitchell Challenge Cup: exhibitor gaining the most points in any one of the two following sections (1) All light horse sections (2) Ponies (exclusive of all competition). Points allotted as follows; Champion 2 points; Reserve Champion 1 point, 1st 6 points, 2nd 4 points, 3rd 2 points, and providing there are more than six entries, 4th 1 point. Waimate A&P Challenge Cup: (re-donated by the trustees of the late Miss L. Rutherford) for most points in the Hack and Hunter events. Betty Harper Cup: most points in hack and hunter events. Waihuna Cup: Champion Hunter. R H Rickman Memorial Challenge Trophy: winner of Open horse 1.20m, Class 2031 E Jackson Challenge Cup: winner of Open horse 1.30m, Class 2016 J R Patrick Cup: most points in Clydesdales Mount Studholme Rodeo Cup: donated by Mr & Mrs R Olds awarded annually to the winner of most points in the harness section Hacks over 158cm Main Ring. Saturday 8.30am. Judge Nicky Hutchinson Entry Fee: Members $6; Non members $12. Prizemoney: 1st $20; 2nd $15; 3rd $10; 4th $6. 1701 Best Presented horse, rider and gear 1702 Novice hack with 0 - 5 wins 1703 Open hack up to 163cm 1704 Open hack over 163cm 1705 Ladies & Gentleman’s hack over 158cm Champion and Reserve Champion Hack 1706 Best paced & mannered hack 1707 Best rider in hack section 1708 Led Adult Hack mare or gelding over 158cm (not eligible for any other Led Class) Park Hacks over 148cm & not over 158cm Main Ring.Saturday 8.30am. Judge: Paddy Stronach Entry Fee: Members $6; Non members $12. Prizemoney: 1st $20; 2nd $15; 3rd $10; 4th $6. 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 Best Presented horse, rider and gear Novice park hack with 0 - 5 wins Open park hack over 148cm & not over 153cm Open park hack over 153cm & not over 158cm Lady’s or gentleman’s park hack over 148cm and not over 158cm Champion and Reserve Champion Park Hack 1721 Best paced & mannered park hack 1722 Best rider in park hack section 1723 Led Adult Park Hack mare or gelding over 148cm and not over 158cm. (not eligible for any other Led Class) Saddle Hunter over 148cm Main Ring. Saturday 8.30am. Judge: Nancye Jack Entry Fee: Members $6; Non members $12. Prizemoney: 1st $20; 2nd $15; 3rd $10; 4th $6. 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 Saddle hunter turnout (not as for hunting field) Novice saddle hunter with 0 - 5 wins Open saddle hunter up to 163cm Open saddle hunter over 163cm Lady’s or Gentleman’s saddle hunter over 148cm Champion & Reserve Champion Saddle Hunter 1734 Best paced and mannered saddle hunter 1735 Best rider in saddle hunter section 1736 Led Adult Saddle Hunter mare or gelding over 148cm. (not eligible for any other led class) Group B Ponies Main Ring. Saturday 8.30am. Judge: Mavis Harris Entry Fee: Members $5; Non members $10. Prizemoney: 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $7; 4th $5. 1756 Best Presented pony, rider and gear 1757 Novice pony with 0 - 5 wins 1758 Open pony over 128cm and not over 133cm 1759 Open pony over 133cm and not over 138cm Champion and Reserve Champion Group B Pony 1760 Best paced and mannered pony 1761 Best boy or girl rider in Group B 1762 Led Adult Group B Pony over 128cm & not over 138cm (Not eligible for any other Led Class) Riding Horse Group C Ponies Main Ring. Saturday 8.30am. Judge: Miss PJ Johnson Entry Fee: Members $6; Non members $12. Prizemoney: 1st $20; 2nd $15; 3rd $10; 4th $6. Main Ring. Saturday 8.30am. Judge: Entry Fee: Members $5; Non members $10. Prizemoney: 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $7; 4th $5. 1737 1738 Best Presented Riding Horse, rider and gear Novice Riding Horse 0 - 5 wins over 148cm & not over 163cm 1739 Novice Riding Horse 0-5 wins over 163cm 1740 Open Riding Horse over 148cm & not over 163cm 1741 Open Riding Horse over 163cm 1742 Riding Horse suitable for a Lady or Gentleman Rider Champion and Reserve Champion Riding Horse 1743 Best paced and mannered Riding Horse 1744 Best rider on a Riding Horse 1745 Led Adult Riding Horse over 148cm (not eligible for any other Led Class) Ponies Riders under 17 years at date of show for all sections excluding novice classes which have no age restriction. All pony riders to wear approved, protective helmets. Please note: all conditions and regulations as defined under 'Horses and Ponies' apply to ponies also Entry fee: Members $5, non members $10 Prizes: 1st $15, 2nd $10, 3rd $7, 4th $5 Waimate Pony Club Challenge Cup: awarded to pony and rider (nominated at date of entry) gaining most points. To qualify, entrants must be a member of the Waimate Pony Club and have attended a minimum of 6 rallies since last Southern Canterbury A & P Show day A J Davey Challenge Cup: awarded annually for the Best Boy or Girl Rider in Group A. R C & E R Harper Cups: awarded to the Best Rider in Groups B and Group C SUPREME CHAMPION PONY from Group A. B and C Group A Ponies Main Ring. Saturday 8.30am. Judge : Annabelle Hampton Entry Fee: Members $5; Non members $10. Prizemoney: 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $7; 4th $5. 1746 Best Presented pony, rider and gear 1747 Novice pony with 0 - 5 wins 1748 Open pony over 138cm and not over 143cm 1749 Open pony over 143cm and not over 148cm Champion and Reserve Champion Group A Pony 1750 Best paced and mannered pony 1751 Best boy or girl rider in Group A 1752 Led Adult Group A Pony over 138cm & not over 148cm. (Not eligible for any other Led Class) 1766 Best Presented pony, rider and gear 1767 Novice pony with 0 - 5 wins 1768 Open pony not over 123cm 1769 Open pony over 123cm and not over 128cm Champion and Reserve Champion Group C Pony 1770 Best paced and mannered pony 1771 Best boy or girl rider in Group C 1772 Led Adult Group C Pony not over 128cm (Not eligible for any other Led Class) Led Rein Pony Saturday 8.30am Judge: Tania Bellamy Entry fees: Members $5, non members $10 Prizes: 1st $15, 2nd $10, 3rd $7, 4th $5. Combination may not compete in any other section. Not over128cm. All riders to be aged 7 years and under, with a minimum of 4 years at time of show in all classes of this Section. District class entrants must be owned and ridden by a South Canterbury resident. RAS Leases accepted but must have existed for a minimum of 60 days. Proof of this to be carried. 1790 Best Presented pony, rider and handler 1791 Best leading rein pony 1792 Most suitable first pony Champion and Reserve Champion Led Rein Pony 1793 Best leading rein rider 6 - 7 yrs 1794 Best leading rein rider 4 - 5 yrs First Ridden Pony Saturday Follows Led Rein. Judge: Tania Bellamy Entry fees: Members $5, non members $10 Prizes: 1st $15, 2nd $10, 3rd $7, 4th $5. Not over 138cm. All Riders to be under 10 yrs of age at time of show in all classes of this section. Combination may not eligible to compete in any other section. However, if a show does not provide a First Ridden Section then it is permissible for the pony and rider to compete in the open section but not to exceed three shows. Riders only eligible to compete in the First Ridden Section for a maximum of 24 months from the date of the first show in First Ridden Section. No cantering as a class allowed, however, judge may ask in individual workouts. Same combination may not enter led rein section and the First Ridden Section BUT the same pony may be entered in both with different rider in the First Ridden Section providing classes do not clash. These ponies are not eligible for any Group B or C classes. District entrants must be owned and ridden by a South Canterbury resident. RAS leases accepted but must have existed for a minimum of 60 days. Proof of this to be carried. Snaffle bit only. ALL height and performance cards must be carried; failure to do so will result in elimination 1775 Best Presented pony & rider 1780 Best combination pony & rider 1781 Pony most suitable as child's first pony 1782 Best first ridden pony Champion & Reserve Champion First Ridden Pony 1783 Best paced & mannered 1784 Best rider 8 - 9 yrs 1785 Best rider under 8 yrs 1786 Special Class: Paced & Mannered – Riders will be asked to work on a circle together and will be asked to canter. Pleasure Horse & Pony Club Section Main Ring. Saturday 8.30am. Judge: Stewart McGiffert Entry Fee: Members $5; Non members $10. Prizemoney: 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $7; 4th $5. RULES All riders must be under 21 years of age Pony Club regulation helmets must be worn. All riders must be a financial member of a Pony Club Branch name to be noted on entry form Pony Club uniform to be worn Committee reserves the right to alter classes. Snaffle bits only No plaiting Ponies and riders not to compete in any other section (excluding Harness and Jumping events. 1795 Best Pony Club Pony/Hack, must be a member of a Pony Club. 1796 Best Pony 1797 Best Hack Champion and Reserve Champion Pony Club Hack/Pony 1798 Paced and mannered Pony 1799 Paced and mannered Hack 1800 Rider 1801 Best Pairs In Hand Horses & Ponies Led Ponies & Hacks Saturday 8.30am - Judge: A Bishop Can be entered in one section only Entry fee: Members $5, non members $10 Prizes: 1st $15, 2nd $10, 3rd $7, 4th $5 1805 Best Presented horse/pony & handler 1806 Pony entire up to 148cm 1807 Pony yearling; colt, filly or gelding up to 140cm 1808 Two year old pony; colt, filly or gelding up to 146cm 1809 Dry mare 3 years and over up to 148cm (ponies competing in Groups A, B, C, First Ridden or Led Rein are NOT ELIGIBLE for this class.) 1810 Pony brood mare; in foal or with foal at foot Champion and Reserve Champion Led Male Pony Champion and Reserve Champion Led Female Pony 1812 Hack yearling; colt, filly or gelding 1813 Hack 2 year old - colt, filly or gelding 1814 Dry mare 3 yrs and over - over 148cm (Hacks, Park Hacks, Riding Horses & Saddle Hunters competing in ridden classes are NOT ELIGIBLE for this class.) 1815 Brood mare; in foal/foal at foot, over 148cm 1816 Hack stallion 3 yrs and over, over 148 cm Champion and Reserve Champion Led Hack In Hand Welsh Mountain Pony Main Ring. Saturday Follows in Hand Horses and Ponies. Judge: A Bishop Ponies entered in this section are not eligible in other led classes Must be registered with the Welsh Pony and Cob Society of NZ and registered number stated on entry form otherwise entries will not be accepted. Please indicate Section A, B, C or D. Partbred ponies must be registered and not have less than 25% Welsh Blood. Purebred ponies in this section must not be plaited. Entry Fee: Members $5; Non members $10. Prizemoney: 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $7; 4th $5. 1869 1870 1871 1872 Best Presented Pure or Partbred Best Purebred Stallion Section A B C & D Yearling Purebred Section A B C and D 2 yr old or 3 yr old Purebred Section A B C and D 1873 Broodmare Purebred Section A 4 years and over visibly in foal or foal at foot 1874 Broodmare Purebred Section B C and D 4 years & over visibily in foal or foal at foot 1875 Dry Mare or gelding 4 yrs & over Purebred Champion and Reserve Champion Purebred Welsh Mountain Pony 1876 Best Partbred Stallion 4 years & over 1877 Yearling Partbred, colt, filly or gelding 1878 2 yr or 3 yr old Partbred, colt, filly or gelding 1879 Mare Partbred 4 years & over visibly in foal or foal at foot 1880 Dry Mare or gelding 4 yrs or over Partbred Champion and Reserve Champion Partbred Welsh Mountain Pony Shetland Ponies Saturday Follows the Welsh Section - Judge: A Bishop Ponies to be shown in natural coat and full feather. All entries to be purebred. Toonmal Cup for Champion Youngstock (Classes 1822 & 1823). Cup and ribbons donated by Toonmal Stud. Entry fee: Members $5, non members $10 Prizes: 1st $15, 2nd $10, 3rd $7, 4th $5 1820 Best presented Shetland Pony 1821 Stallion 4 years and over 1822 Yearling; colt, filly or gelding 1823 Two and 3 year old; colt, filly or gelding 1824 Mare or gelding 4 years and over 1825 Best paced Shetland Pony 1826 Best mannered Shetland Pony 1827 Purebred Shetland Pony 34 inches and under. Any age, any sex to mature to 34 inches or under. Champion & Reserve Champion Shetland – Male Champion & Reserve Champion Shetland - Female Clydesdales Main Ring. Saturday 1pm Judge: Nancye Jack Entry Fee: Members $5; Non members $10. Prizemoney: 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $7; 4th $5. 1830 Best presented Horse & Handler 1831 Clydesdale yearling any sex 1832 Clydesdale 2 year old any sex 1833 Clydesdale entire 3 years and over 1834 Clydesdale mare 3 years and over 1835 Clydesdale gelding any age Champion & Reserve Champion Clydesdale Male (classes 1831-1835) Champion & Reserve Champion Clydesdale Female 1836 Best walking Clydesdale 1837 Best Ridden Clydesdale. To be judged on performance of both horse & rider. 1838 Best Heavy Horse attached to a sledge. 1839 Best Heavy Horse or horses attached to a wheeled vehicle. Miniature Horses Saturday 8.30am. Judge: Chas Cooling Under 38” – unplaited. Entry Fee: Members $5; Non members $10. st nd rd th Prizemoney: 1 $15; 2 $10; 3 $7; 4 $5. CATEGORY A 1840 Best Presented 1841 Yearling; colt, filly or gelding 1842 Mare 2 years and over 1843 Colt/stallion 2 years and over 1844 Gelding 2 years and over 1845 Best movement 1846 Best head CATEGORY B 1850 Best presented 1851 Yearling; colt, filly or gelding 1852 Mare 2 years and over 1853 Colt/stallion 2 years and over 1854 Gelding 2 years and over 1855 Best movement 1856 Best head Champion and Reserve Youngstock – judged from 1st & 2nd winners in classes 1841 & 1851 Champion and Reserve Champion Senior Horse judged from 1st & 2nd winners in classes 1842-1844, 1852- 1854. COMBINED CATEGORY A & B 1860 Best solid colour A & B 1861 Best multi-colour A & B 1862 Youth showmanship 1863 Adult showmanship 1864 Harness obstacle challenge Miniature Jumping Classes 1865 Hunter Jumper - Novice 2 years & over Cat A 1866 Hunter Jumper - Novice 2 years & over Cat B 1867 Hunter Jumper - Open Cat A 1868 Hunter Jumper - Open Cat B Harness Horses & Ponies Main Ring: Saturday approx 11.30am. Judge: Ian Gould Entry Fee: Members $5; Non members $12. Prizemoney: 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $7, 4th $5. 1885 Best turnout, any height 1886 Non hackney, not to exceed 133cm 1887 Hackney not to exceed 133cm 1888 Non hackney, over 133cm 1889 Hackney over 133cm 1890 Best paced, any height 1891 Best mannered, any height 1892 Best lady/gentleman driver. To be driven through a set pattern. Champion and Reserve Champion Hackney Champion and Reserve Champion Non Hackney Side Saddle Main Ring. Saturday. To follow Supreme Horse Judging. Entry Fee: Members $6; Non Members $12. Prizemoney: 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10, 4th $6. 1895 Best turnout side saddle 1896 Best ridden side saddle combination 1897 Best paced and mannered side saddle Champion and Reserve Champion Side Saddle Hunter Jumping - Horses Main Ring. Saturday. 11.30am approx. Judge: Paddy Stronach Entry Fee: Classes 2001-2003:Members $6; Non members $12. Prizemoney: 1st $25; 2nd $15; 3rd $8, 4th $4. 2001 Novice Hunter with 0 - 5 wins 2002 Hunter not over 163cm 2003 Hunter over 163cm 2004 Qualified Hunter that has hunted at least 3 times In 2013 Qualification card must be carried. Includes wire. Entry Fee: Members $8; Non members $12. st nd rd th Prizemoney: 1 $50; 2 $30; 3 $20; 4 $10 2005 Open Hunter Includes wire jumps. Entry Fee: Members $10; Non members $15. Prizemoney: 1st $100; 2nd $50; 3rd $30 4th $20. Champion & Reserve Champion Hunter. Pony Hunters Main Ring. Saturday 11.30am approx. Judge: Mavis Harris 148cm and under. Entry Fee: Members $5; non members $8. Prizemoney: 1st $12; 2nd $8; 3rd $6; 4th $5. 2010 Novice Pony up to 148 cm 0-5 Wins 2011 Pony Hunter up to 128 cm 2012 Pony up to 138cm 2013 Pony Hunter up to 148 cm 2014 Open Pony Hunter up to 148 cm (includes wire jump) Champion and Reserve Champion Pony Hunter Show Jumping CONDITIONS AND RULES: 1. All Riders, Horses and Ponies must compete with the appropriate ESNZ membership 2. All classes run under ESNZ rules current at the time of the show 3. Prizes and conditions for all South Island Series will be on the Canterbury Show Jumping website LEVIES AND FEES: 1. ESNZ JUMPING LEVY: $5 per equine 2. FLEXI-START: $10 per equine per day (compete in any jumping non series class) Entries for Show jumping must be on official ESNZ entry forms with payment for entry fees, administration fee of $6(per horse), yards $10 each for members or $15 for non members, catalogue $5, back numbers $2 (per rider), ESNZ Levy $5 (per equine) and Flexi Start if required Saturday. Ring 1. Follows Hunter Classes 2015 Young Rider - 238.2.2 1.25m-1.35m Entry Fee: $30. Prizemoney: 1st $150, 2nd $120, 3rd $90, 4th $60, 5th th $50 6 $30 2016 Pro Amateur Rider – 238.2.2 1.25m-1.35m Entry Fee: $25. Prizemoney: 1st $130, 2nd $100, 3rd $80, 4th $60, 5th $50, 6th $30 2017 CALEDONIAN AMATEUR RIDER SERIES 1.10m-1.20m art 238.2.2 Entry Fee $18. Prizemoney:1st $100; 2nd $60; 3rd $50, 4th th th $40, 5 $30, 6 $20 2018 JUNIOR RIDER SERIES – 1.15-1.25m art 238.2.2 nd rd th Entry Fee $18. Prizemoney: 1st 100, 2 $60, 3 $50, 4 th th $40, 5 $30, 6 $20 2019 Horse 1.20m AM5 IJO 238.2.2 Entry Fee: $10. Prizemoney: 1st $60, 2nd $50, 3rd $40, 4th $30, th 5 $20 2020 Horse 1.10m AM5 IJO 238.2.2 st nd rd th Entry Fee: $10. Prizemoney: 1 $50; 2 $40; 3 $30; 4 $20; 5th $10 Ring 2: SATURDAY Follows Hunter Classes Run under ESNZ. Entries must be on official ESNZ forms. Entry Fee for Classes 2021-2028 $8. Prizemoney: 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $8; 4th $5 2022 Pony 85cm AM5 IJO 238.2.2 2023 Pony 95cm AM5 IJO 238.2.2 2024 Pony 1.10m AM5 IJO 238.2.2 2025 Pony 1.20m AM5 IJO 238.2.2 2026 Pony 85cm TA2 238.2.1 2027 Pony 95cm TA2 238.2.1 2028 Pony 1.05m TA2 238.2.1 2029 Pony 1.15m TA2 238.2.1 2030 Horse 1.00m AM5 IJO 238.2.2 Entry Fee: $9 Prizemoney: 1st $30, 2nd $20, 3rd $15, 4th $10, th 5 $5 Ring 1 Sunday – 8.30am 2031 Canterbury Saddlery Pony Points 1.10m AM5 238.2.2 Entry Fee $8. Prizemoney: 1st $30; 2nd $20; 3rd $15; 4th $10 2032 Horse 1.10m TAM5 238.2.2 st nd rd th Entry Fee: $10. Prizemoney: 1 $50; 2 $40; 3 $30; 4 $20; th 5 $10. 2033 Horse 1.20m TAM5 238.2.2 Entry Fee $15. Prizemoney: 1st $60; 2nd $50; 3rd $40; 4th $30; th 5 $20. 2034 Open Horse 1.30cm TAM5 238.2.2 st nd rd th Entry Fee: $20. Prizemoney: 1 $90; 2 $70; 3 $60; 4 $50, th 5 $40 2035 COUNTRY TV HORSE GRAND PRIX 1.40m1.50m; 261.5.3 Entry Fee $60. Prizemoney: 1st $500; 2nd 400, 3rd $270, 4th $170 , 5th $100, 6th $60 2036 Pony Grand Prix 1.15m-1.25m art 261.5.3 st nd rd th Entry Fee: $12. Prizemoney: 1 $66; 2 $50; 3 $40; 4 $30; th 5th $25; 6 $24. 2037 Horse 1.20cm TA2 238.2.1 Entry Fee: $10. Prizemoney: 1st $60; 2nd $50; 3rd $40; 4th $30; 5th $20. 2038 Horse 1.10cm TA2 238.2.1 st nd rd th Entry Fee: $9 Prizemoney: 1 $50; 2 $40; 3 $30; 4 $20; th 5 $10. 2039 Horse 1.00m TA2 238.2.1 Entry Fee: $9 Prizemoney: 1st $30 2nd $20 3RD $15 4TH $10,5th $5. Ring 2 - Sunday – 8.30am Entry Fees Classes 2039-2043 $7. Ribbons only. 2039 Intro Horse 70cm AM5 (IJO) 2040 Intro Pony 70cm AM5 (IJO) 2041 Intro Pony 80cm AM5 (IJO) 2042 Intro Horse 80cm AM5 (IJO) 2043 Horse 90cm TAM5 (IJO) 2044 Pony 90cm TA5 IJO st nd rd th Entry Fee: $8. Prizemoney 1 $25; 2 $15; 3 $10; 4 $5. 2045 Pony 1m TA5 IJO Entry Fee:: $8. Prizemoney: 1st $25; 2nd $15; 3rd $10; 4th $5. 2046 Horse 1m TA5 IJO st nd rd th th Entry Fee $9 Prizemoney: 1 $30; 2 $20 3 $15 4 $10, 5 $5 Home Industries Section For all Saturday classes there will be no admission to the shed from 9am when doors will be closed NOTIFICATION OF PRIZE MONEY COLLECTION POINT AND TIMES WILL BE POSTED IN THE HOME INDUSTRIES BUILDING ON SATURDAY MORNING Entry fee: Members $1, non members $1.50 Prizes (or all Home Industry classes unless stated otherwise): 1st $2.50, 2nd $2, 3rd $1.50. FRIDAY 21 NOVEMBER ALL EXHIBITS IN BY 4PM FRIDAY. Conditions and regulations: All exhibits to be bona fide work of exhibitor PLEASE INDICATE THE SIZE OF YOUR ARTICLE(S) ON THE ENTRY FORM J C FAULKNER MEMORIAL CHALLENGE TROPHY; exhibitor gaining most points in the Home Industries section. BF MERCER CHALLENGE CUP presented for most points in Knitting, Sewing, Craft, Photography and Art combined Winner to have name engraved on Trophy and hold for 12 months. All trophys to be signed for at the office before taking from showgrounds Knitting - Sewing - Craft SC Black and Coloured Sheep Breeders Association give $10 for an article demonstrating "The most artistic use of natural coloured wool” - up to 25% white permitted Special Prize of $50 for most points in classes 1200-1220. 1200 Baby or child's hand-knitted garment. 1201 Adults hand-knitted garment 1202 Knitted article in fine wool 1203 Baby or child's hand-knitted set (any ply) 1204 Soft toy, any medium 1205 Article of cross-stitch embroidery (no assissi) 1206 Dressed Doll 1207 Handmade greeting card 1208 Wall Hanging 1209 An article of patchwork 1210 Craft article, any medium not covered in schedule 1211 A page of scrapbooking 1212 Item of hand-made jewellery 1213 Garment - felted, any medium 1214 Felted article - any medium 1215 Weaving with fine yarn - any Medium 1216 Weaving with hand spun yarn - any medium 1217 Any Article using Hand Dyed materials 1218 Hank of Handspun fine yarn – any medium 1219 Hank of Handspun novelty yarn 1220 A piece of pottery Photography ALL EXHIBITS IN BY 4PM FRIDAY ENTRIES MAY BE POSTED - if unable to collect your photos on show day please include a SAE for return Conditions and regulations: All photographs to be marked with competitors name and class number on back and not to exceed 130mm x 180mm in size unless otherwise stated. A 2.5cm mount is allowed for all photographs. ColourPrint will give a framed canvas print up to A3 size for the best photography entry. Please see School and Childrens section for childrens classes 1245 Garden scene 1246 Plant study 1247 Monochrome, any subject 1248 Monochrome, any subject, developed and printed by exhibitor 1249 Colour Print, landscape or seascape 1250 Colour Print, farm interest 1251 Colour Print, child or children study 1252 Colour Print, portrait or figure study 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 Colour print, candid - people at work or play Colour Print, animal study Colour Print, any other subject Colour Print, Waimate District Pictorial Scene Colour Print, an activity which has taken place in Waimate District Digitally enhanced print - any subject Art ALL EXHIBITS IN BY 4PM FRIDAY Conditions and regulations: Exhibitor to show no more than 2 entries per class. All exhibits to be bona fide work of exhibitor PLEASE INDICATE DIMENSIONS OF ART WORK(S) ON ENTRY FORM. Please see School and Childrens section for childrens classes 1265 Secondary School pupils, drawing, any medium 1266 Secondary School pupils, painting, any medium 1267 Secondary School pupils, multimedia piece, any subject 1268 Adult, sketch work 1269 Adult, painting – oil,acrylic, water 1270 Adult, multimedia piece, any subject 1271 Open, Sculpture Adults Floral ALL EXHIBITS IN BY 9AM SATURDAY Conditions and regulations: Entries accepted up to 5pm Friday 22 November. Post entries will be accepted at the secretary’s office from 7.30am on Saturday, however. Your entry form must be completed and accompanied by the correct entry fee (no change given). You may experience some delay while entries are processed All exhibits to be grown by exhibitor. Entry fee: Members $1, non members $1.50 Prizes: 1st $2.50, 2nd $2, 3rd $1.50 PPCS Challenge Trophy will be presented for most points. Champion Bloom awarded DISTINGUISHING CHARACTER OF ROSES Exhibition blooms are Hybrid Tea Roses which are more than half open. They are large roses which have a single bloom on a head and no side buds. Decorative blooms are long slender blooms which are from quarter to half open with no side buds. A stem is a rose with more than one open flower and buds. 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1 Exhibition Rose 1 Decorative Rose Miniature Rose, one stem Miniature rose, three stems Patio Rose, one stem 1 Peony Rose 1 Floribunda Rose, one stem Old English Rose, one stem 1 Rose, full bloom 1 Red Rose 1 White Rose 1 Truss of Rhododendron Bearded Iris, one stem 1 iris, any other variety Any other flower not in schedule, shrub 3 vases of annuals of distinct varieties 3 vases of perennials of distinct varieties Floral arrangement suitable for hospital patient 4 varieties of flowers suitable for rock garden. Separate containers Adults Cooking ALL EXHIBITS IN BY 9AM SATURDAY Conditions and regulations: Exhibitor’s name must be attached under plate/tray All exhibits to be bona fide work of exhibitor SAVOUY TEAROOMS CHALLENGE CUP, to be awarded to exhibitor with most points in Adult Cooking Entry fee: Members $1, non members $1.50 Prizes: 1st $2.50, 2nd $2, 3rd $1.50 1295 Chocolate cake, plain icing . Special prize for best entry by a male exhibitor 1296 3 oven scones 1297 3 muffins 1298 Carrot cake 1299 Decorated cake 1300 3 pieces shortbread 1301 3 pieces uniced cooked square 1302 3 Belgium biscuits 1303 Fruit cake 1304 Fruit or Nut Loaf 1305 3 cupcakes, decorated 1306 3 truffles 1307 3 pikelets 1308 6 hen eggs, brown or tinted 1309 Jar of raspberry jam 1310 Jar of marmalade 1311 Any other jam not in schedule 1312 A jar of pickle 1313` A jar of relish School and Children’s Section Ann & Alister Wilson Challenge Trophy for best school participation SCHOOL ENTRIES MUST BE MADE on a special entry form and posted with payment to the Secretary Katrina Kelly, 125 Devils Bridge Rd, RD1D, Oamaru 9492 Violet Mercer Cup awarded for most points in children's classes Special rosettes will be given to the child with the most points in each section. All exhibits to be the bona fide work of exhibitor. All exhibits to be at the Waimate Showgrounds by 4pm Friday st 21 November at the Home Industry Shed, Waimate Showgrounds Name and age of entrant and school must be shown either underneath or on back of exhibit. Please don’t mount any artwork. Entry fee: 50c all classes. Prizes (unless stated) 1st $5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2 Special prize for best entrant across the following 5 classes: 1423 – Decorated Cup Cake 1425 – Biscuits 1437-1440 – Vegetable Creature 1409– Item of craft 1352-1355– A Living Thing st nd rd Prize Money 1 $30, 2 , $20 and 3 $10 Any enquires from schools, please phone Emma Barker (03) 6897438, 021375568, or email [email protected] Art & Craft Special Prizes: for best entrant in Classes 1350-1353 – 1st $30; 2nd $20; 3rd $10. All exhibits to be the bona fide work of exhibitor. Paintings no bigger than A4 Earlychildhood/Pre School Classes 1350 Painting – any subject – created by children under 5 years of age 1351 Piece of Art any other medium – created by children under 5 years of age Primary School Classes 1352 Painting; A Living Thing, No bigger than A3 size Years 0, 1 & 2 1353 Painting; A Living Thing, No bigger than A3 size Years 3&4 1354 Painting; A Living Thing, No bigger than A3 size, Years 5&6 1355 Painting; A Living Thing, No bigger than A3 size, Years 7&8 1356 Painting; Landscape –No bigger than A3 size, years 0, 1 & 2 1357 Painting; Landscape, - No bigger than A3 size Years 3, 4 & 5 1358 Painting; Landscape –No bigger than A3 size, Years 6, 7 & 8 1359 Handmade Xmas Card, years 0, 1 & 2 1360 Handmade Xmas Card, years 3 & 4 1361 Handmade Xmas Card, years 5 & 6 1362 Handmade Xmas Card, years 7 & 8 1363 Pencil or ink sketch work - Any other subject 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 No bigger than A3 size, Years 0-4 Pencil or ink sketch work - Any other subject – No bigger than A3 size, Years 5-8 Pencil or ink sketch work - Portrait –No bigger than A3 size years 1, 2,3 Pencil or ink sketch - Portrait – No bigger than A3 size, Years 4, 5 & 6 Colour Piece (could be pastel, crayon, pencil, chalk) Any subject – No bigger than A3 size. Years 0-4 Colour Piece (could be pastel, crayon, pencil, chalk) Any subject – No bigger than A3 size. Year 5-8 Graphic Design - Design a Poster for 2015 A & P - Years 0, 1, 2 & 3 Graphic Design - Design a Poster for 2015 A & Years 4, 5 & 6. Can use any medium, digital entries welcome. The winning posters will be used to advertise the 2015 A&P show 3D Sculpture - Years 0 - 4 3D Sculpture - Years 5 – 8 We have the ability to hang items and would encourage this option Handwriting 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 Printing; 5 lines of unlinked script, years 1 & 2 Printing; 5 lines of unlinked script, years 3 & 4 Printing; 5 lines of unlinked script, years 5 & 6 Printing; 5 lines of unlinked script, years 7 & 8 Handwriting; 5 lines of linked script, years 3 & 4 Handwriting; 5 lines of linked script, years 5 & 6 Handwriting; 5 lines of linked script, years 7 & 8 School Photography Early Childhood/Pre School Classes 1390 Photograph – Any subject – by children under 5 years of age Primary School Classes 1391 Photograph - Any Subject - Years 0 - 4 1392 Photograph - Any Subject - Years 5 – 8 Secondary School Students are encouraged to enter photography in classes 1245 – 1259 Hobby A Scarecrow (any size) – any age and be a school or group entry Early Childhood/Pres School Classes 1401 An animal made from lay dough – by children under 5 years of age Primary School Classes 1402 Lego Creation – no larger than 40cmx40cm in size Years 0-3 1403 Lego Creation – no larger than 40cmx40cm in size, Years 4 - 6 1404 Lego Creation – no larger than 40cmx40cm in size, Years 7 & 8 1405 Jewellery; necklace, any medium excluding food or seeds - Years 0 - 4 years 1406 Jewellery; necklace, any medium excluding food or seeds - Years 4 - 8 1407 A page of scrapbooking - Years 0 - 4 1408 A page of scrapbooking - Years 4 - 8 1409 Any other article or craft, year 4 and up 1400 Pupils Cooking All exhibits to be bona fide work of exhibitor Special Prizes: for best entrants in Classes 1423 & 1425 – st nd rd 1 $30; 2 $20; 3 $10. 1422 3 muffins any variety (12 years and under) 1423 3 decorated cupcakes (12 years and under) 1424 Iced chocolate cake - no decoration 12 years and under 1425 3 Chocolate Chippie biscuits - 12 years and under 1426 4 decorated wine biscuits- must be edible- by child under 7 years 1427 4 decorated wine biscuits - must be edible – 7-12 years of age 1428 6 eggs, brown or tinted - 12 years and under. Childrens Floral Special Prizes: for best entrant in Classes 1437-1440 – 1st nd rd $30; 2 $20; 3 $10. Early childhood/Pre School Classes 1436 Creature made from vegetable, fruit and/or berries – by children under 5 years of age Primary School Classes 1437 Creature made from vegetable, fruit and/or berries, years 0 - 2 1438 Creature made from vegetable, fruit and/or berries, years 3 - 4 1439 Creature made from vegetable, fruit and/or berries, years 5 & 6 1440 Creature made from vegetable, fruit and/or berries - Years 7 & 8 1441 Buttonhole for male - 12 and under 1442 Ladies spray - 12 and under 1443 Miniature garden on a foam or meat tray – approx. 200mm x 250mm - years 0-4 1444 Miniature garden on a foam or meat tray – approx. 200mm x 250mm - years 5 – 8
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