94 Columbus Rd. Athens, OH 45701 Phone: (740) 592-2000 Web: www.matrixj.com Computer Maintenance Agreement Upon signature of the following maintenance contract, CLIENT NAME (heretofore referred to as “client”) will be agreeing to pay $100.00 per month to Matrix J Technologies (heretofore referred to as “MJT”) with a term of one year, from the date of *******. Contract payments are due on the 10th of every month. In return for the stated payment, MJT will be providing two hours of service per month for a total of 24 hours of service per year. Contracts are invoiced for the upcoming period and any additional charges incurred during the previous period will be included on the current invoice. Contract computer maintenance services do include, but may not be limited to: hardware and software problem diagnosis, repair, upgrades and/or installation; networking support including cable installation; server support and management; remote support, when applicable and available; printer and other peripheral support. Contract computer maintenance services do not include: parts and outsourced services necessary to complete a project that is not within the scope of MJT; largescale projects (which would be negotiated at the time of projects called into question). Also not included would be services offered by any and all current and/or future divisions of MJT currently being website design, including website maintenance on an extensive level, and graphic design, including logo design and other desktop publishing design services. ese services are offered as separate packages from MJT and would be billed accordingly. Terms regarding emergency service are as follows: If an emergency should arise that cannot be delayed until the next scheduled visit, MJT will respond within 24 hours. It is the client's responsibility to indicate when an emergency visit is necessary. An emergency service call will immediately accrue the equivalent of one hour of time in addition to actual labor time. When requesting an emergency visit, the client has the option to deduct the time used from the next scheduled visit only or be billed for the time used at their contracted rate. Should the emergency visit require more time than is allotted for the next appointment, then all additional time will automatically be billed at the contracted rate. If rollover time is available, as described in the following paragraph, emergency service will first be deducted from any available rollover time and then proceed into the process as described above. Terms regarding rollover time are as follows: Rollover time will be accrued through hours not worked in a single period, in this case one week/month. e rollover time will have a cap of one hour(s) and zero minute(s), being no more than 50% of the contracted time for a single period. Upon completion, or termination, of the contract all rollover time will be reset to zero whether or not the client chooses to renew the contract for another term. Terms regarding past due accounts: Contract invoices are sent out by the 10th of each month with terms for Net Due on the 10th of the following month, thus giving a minimum of 30 days for payment. In light of such, MJT does not provide any additional grace period. Payments not received by the due date are considered past due and will immediately accrue a late fee in the amount of $25.00 plus $25.00 per week following the due date until the account is brought current. If a payment continues to remain in a past due state for a second period, MJT then considers the contract suspended and all work will cease until one of two options occurs: (1) Client confirms their withdrawal from the contract thus still leaving an amount due of the two past due payments that must be paid; (2) Client makes a payment for the full amount past due and thus brings the account current at which time the contract will be reinstated and all other work will continue as planned. MJT guarantees completion of projects in a timely and efficient manner. In order to accomplish this, a single additional MJT employee may accompany the designated tech with no additional charges incurred. Additional employees and/or subcontractors, if needed, will incur a cost to the client at half the contracted rate per person. Approval will, of course, be sought by MJT from the client before bringing in this additional help. MJT reserves the right to decide when such aid is necessary. Charges at the contracted rate, billed in 15-minute increments, will be applied upon accrual of time spent above and beyond the depletion of contracted and rollover hours. Matrix J Technologies reserves the right not to be held liable for any damage to computer equipment and/or other technological property of client. is contract is legal and binding upon signature of authorized personnel from each entity involved. Only the signors of this contract may request the other entity for a termination previous to the completion of the contract’s term with a notice of 60 days. If termination would occur within a single period, MJT will fulfill work according to what has been paid for by the client. If client wishes to terminate immediately, client will be obligated to pay for the 60-day termination period in full on the following invoice. Any rollover time accrued up to the point of early termination of the contract will null and void. Signature of Authorized Personnel from client: _________________________________________ Date: ____________ Signature of Authorized Personnel from Matrix J Technologies: _________________________________________ Date: ____________
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