Religious of Jesus and Mary US Province Bridges November 21, 2014 NEWS FROM OUR SISTERS PLANNING FOR QUEST FUTURE RJM PARTNERS IN MISSION, Inc From Sr. Rita Ricker A s Provincial of the U.S. Leadership Team, Sr. Margaret Perron welcomed the group at the beginning of their planning meeting on November 8th held at the Stuart Center. Sr. Margaret recalled the history of QUEST which started as a summer program in the inner cities and rural towns of USA, Ireland, and Mexico and grew to year-long experiences. Sr. Margaret invited those present to work with the RJM’s, both in honoring the past, the roots of QUEST, and in re-thinking and re-visioning a program: 1) Whose mission will be grounded in that of the RJM charism; 2) That will ensure partnership, empowerment, sustainability at all levels; (3) That will assure a future for our Haitian brothers and sisters. The mission in Haiti presents “fertile ground” for carrying out our three General Chapter Priorities. L. to R.: Rita Ricker, RJM, Pat Regan, Jennifer Prillaman, Amy Jobin, Pat Dillon, RJM, Vivian Patenaude, Rjm, Mary Bourdon, RJM and Frances Beard A HAPPY AND LOVING THANKSGIVING Sr. Margaret Mary Quinn, RJM sends Thanksgiving wishes to all in the Province. She keeps all in her heart and prayers! From the Leadership Team Happy Thanksgiving and special thoughts and blessings to all our sisters in the Province and throughout the Congregation. FROM THE PROVINCE OFFICE November 27 – 28th: Provincial Offices closed to observe the Thanksgiving Holiday (no Bridges). PLEASE PRAY FOR GOD’S HEALING FOR… all our RJM Sisters, families, friends and benefactors in need of God’s healing, especially all our sisters in nursing care throughout the Congregation. Birthday wishes to all our Sisters who celebrate and birthdays in December. Natalia Mejia 1st Maria B. Rojas 11th Vivian Patenaude 16th Claudette Lapointe Consolata Valcourt Laura Dulude 17th 19th 20th THE PROMISE OF ADVENT O God stir up our hearts, we beseech you, to prepare ourselves to receive your son. When he comes and knocks, may he find us not sleeping, but awake to righteousness, ceaselessly rejoicing in his love. May we be ready to receive his promise of eternal life. The Gelasian Sacramentary c.500 OF INTEREST THE WINTER 2015 ISSUE OF OCCASIONAL PAPERS IS ENTITLED: “LEADERSHIP IN THE MIDDLE SPACE”. In her address at the 2014 LCWR assembly Nancy Schreck, OSF explored the concept of living and ministering in what she termed “the middle space.” As she noted, religious life is currently in a middle passage with “the in breaking of something new, of major shifts in world view, our cosmology, with the concurrent breakdown of so much of what is familiar.” IF YOUR COMMUNITY WOULD LIKE TO ORDER 1 OR MORE COPIES OF THE WINTER ISSUE OF OCCASIONAL PAPERS, PLEASE SEND IN YOUR ORDER TO RITA RICKER AT EMAIL [email protected] BY DECEMBER 5. THANK YOU!
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