Diocese of Dunkeld Scottish Charity No SC001810 St Peter and St Paul a 29 Byron Street Dundee DD3 6QN Parish Priest: Mgr Ken McCaffrey Fr Beatus Mauki SJ [in residence] Deacon: Hall: Ninewells Hospital Chaplain: [email protected] Rev Charles Hendry [818183] Fay Martin [07932 432577] Canon Aldo Angelosanto 611282 [Lochee] or Hospital [660111] Schools: St Peter and St Paul’s School [436448] St John’s High School [307060] Webmaster: Martin D Kelly [email protected] Web Site: www.stpeterandstpaul.co.uk THIRTIETH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Sunday 26th October 2014 This week: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Masses at 9.30 and 11.00 Mass at 9.30 a.m. Mass at 9.30 a.m. [Saints Simon & Jude] Charismatic Prayer Group at 7.30 p.m. Funeral Mass at 9.30 a.m. [Rebecca Lyon] Eucharistic Adoration from after Mass until 3.00 p.m. Mass at 9.30 a.m. Mass at 9.30 a.m. Mass at 9.30 a.m. {Solemnity of All Saints] NEXT SUNDAY - Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed Reconciliation: After morning Mass each weekday Saturday : 5.30 p.m. On Request Saturday of this week is the FEAST OF ALL Saints. It is not a Holyday of Obligation PLEASE PRAY FOR: For our recently deceased: Anne Creegan, Winnie Golden, John Niven, George Fyffe & a Rebecca Lyon [Funeral on Wednesday at 9.30 a.m.] And for all whose anniversaries occur at this time: Williamina Stewart, Alistair Devlin, Martha Moreland, Thomas Kierans, Flora Murray, Richard Miller, Mary McGinness, David Gollan, Liz West, Georgina Walker & Robert Boyle For those sick in hospital: Baby Orryn Glancy, Peter Devlin, Cathy Boyd & Fr Kieran O’Brien OSA And all those who are sick or housebound in our parish and receive the Eucharist each Sunday: COLLECTIONS Sunday 19th October £1025 (£544.50was Gift Aid) Mary’s Meals - Back Pack Appeal We are hoping to have this years back packs picked up at the end of October. Many thanks to everyone who has given so generously to this years appeal. Could you please give any further donations to either Ben or Trish before next Sunday The next VOCATIONS MASS to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, religious life and Diaconate and to pray for our priests in on Tuesday 28th October at 7.30 p.m., in Wellburn, All welcome TEA GROUP Why not come and get to know your fellow parishioners with a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit after 11a.m. mass. There is no charge but all donations go to SCIAF. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION EUCHARISTIC ADORATION on Wednesdays from after Mass until 3.00 p.m. Can you give a short time to pray before the Blessed Sacrament to pray for peace in the lands where Jesus lives and walked. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD will resume next Sunday, 2nd November at 11 o’clock Mass Saturday 22nd November a Musica Sacra Conference - Music in Catholic Liturgy - National Music Day 2014 Martin Baker, Master of Music, Westminster Cathedral Ben Saunders—Diocese of Leeds Hugh McKnight—Schola St Patrick, Edinburgh Closing Mass with Bishop Robson If you would like to attend please let Fr Ken know Details: Phone: 01382 225453 THE DUNDEE NATIVITY Weekly rehearsals for the Dundee Nativity Play take place in Meadowside St Paul’s on Fridays from 7.00 –9.00. Why not join the cast and have a go at acting in a costumed nativity play, taking place in front of the City Churches Building on Christmas Light Night on Friday 14th November. Professionally directed by Jerry Averill of new Scottish Arts, with an excellent script, volunteers of all ages can look forward to fun experience as we remind the crowds about the true meaning of Christmas. “It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may be freed from their sins”. . The month of November is the month of the Holy Souls. Throughout November a Novena of Masses will be celebrated for the repose of the souls of those whose names appear on the November lists. Any other Masses for anniversaries etc. will be celebrated as normal and announced when desired. Lists and envelopes are available, please hand them back as soon as possible. Any donations in the envelopes go towards the celebrating of these Masses for the upkeep of the clergy. Many thanks for your generosity in the past. Our annual Mass for the Bereaved will be held on Monday 3 November at 7pm. All welcome. a Little Sisters of the Poor to leave Dundee The Little Sisters of the Poor order have today [Friday 24th October] announced that they will be leaving Dundee in 2015. The Sisters are making every effort to ensure continuity of care at the “Wellburn Care Home” which they operate and are actively negotiating with various parties at present, in the hope of securing a new operator for the facility. Commenting on the decision, the Provincial of the order, Sister Joseph said; “It is with great sadness and regret that the Little Sisters of the Poor have decided that they will be leaving Dundee in 2015. This has been a very painful decision for us, but due to a decrease in the number of Vocations to the Congregation and the age of the sisters, they now feel that they are unable to continue their mission here.” Sister Joseph added; “The Little Sisters have been in Dundee since 1863 and last year celebrated 150 years of service to the elderly in the city, in the footsteps of their foundress St Jeanne Jugan. The sisters are immensely grateful for the support they have been given by the people of Dundee, Bishop Emeritus Vincent Logan, Bishop Stephen Robson, the priests and religious in the Diocese of Dunkeld and by the City Council and they are thankful to God for all that they received from their benefactors and friends.” Reacting to the decision, Bishop Stephen Robson said; “While I am saddened by this decision, I understand completely the challenges which the Sisters face and sympathise with the circumstances they find themselves in. I have always had and continue to have the highest regard for the Little Sisters of the Poor and the work that they do. They have made an immeasurable contribution to the life of the City of Dundee over the past 150 years. I share their hope that the “Wellburn Care Home” will continue to providing much needed care to some of the most vulnerable elderly people in our community.”
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