Installation of the Ninth Archbishop of Chicago The Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich Celebration of The Liturgy of the Word with the Rite of Reception of the Archbishop in his Cathedral Church November 17, 2014 Page 9 Mass of Installation November 18, 2014 Page 15 Holy Name Cathedral Archdiocese of Chicago His Holiness Pope Francis His Excellency The Most Reverend Carlo Maria Vigano Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America His Eminence Francis E. Cardinal George, O.M.I. Eighth Archbishop of Chicago His Excellency The Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich Ninth Archbishop of Chicago The Coat of Arms Of His Excellency The Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich Ninth Archbishop of Chicago P E A C E B E W IT H Y O U T he archbishop’s coat of arms is composed of a shield, the design of which identifies the owner by rank or position. By heraldic tradition the design is described (blazoned) as if the shield is being worn on the arm of its bearer. Thus, where it applies, the terms “sinister” and “dexter” are reversed as the design is viewed from the front. As leader of an ecclesiastical province, called a “Metropolitan Archbishop,” the left side of the shield bears the arms of his jurisdiction, the Archdiocese of Chicago. They are composed of a golden (yellow) field on which a phoenix is depicted coming forth from a ball of flames, a symbol of rebirth in ancient mythology where the bird arose anew from the ashes. This is symbolic of the great City of Chicago that arose anew from the catastrophic fire of October 8, 1871. On the breast of the phoenix is the monogram of the Holy Name, the IHS, in gold (yellow) recalling that the Cathedralchurch of the See City is dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus. On each of the wingtips of the phoenix is a gold (yellow) fleur-de-lis, a form of lily often associated with French heritage, to honor the French missionaries, Joliet and Marquette, who brought The Faith to the region of Chicago. For his personal arms, seen in the dexter impalement of the design, Archbishop Cupich, has retained the arms, with some modifications, that were adopted when he became bishop of the Diocese of Rapid City, South Dakota. The upper portion of the Archbishop’s personal arms is composed of a blue field on which are displayed a simple crozier (bishop’s staff) in gold (yellow) that is placed upon two silver (white) lighted candles. The candles honor the Archbishop’s Baptismal patron, on whose feast day, throats are blessed with candles being held in a crossed position. These candles, joined with the crozier form a “Chi-Rho” the Greek letters “XP,” that are the first two letters of the name Christ in Greek. The blue field on which these charges are displayed honors Mary, the “parting gift of Christ” to the church universal (Preface from the Mass of the Feast of Mary, Mother of God.) The upper portion of the design is divided from the lower portion by a silver (white) wavy barlet to represent the Missouri River that forms the eastern border of the Archdiocese of Omaha, where Archbishop Cupich first exercised his presbyteral ministry. Below the river, on a field bearing the red color found in the arms of the Archdiocese of Chicago is a gold (yellow) circle and fleur-de-lis, taken from the arms of the Dioceses of Rapid City and Spokane, respectively, where the Archbishop served before being named to the Metropolitan See of Chicago. In the left (dexter) portion of the base, angularly divided, is a field of crimson and white checks, that is part of the arms of Croatia, the land and heritage of the Archbishop’s immigrant family. For his motto Archbishop Cupich has retained the phrase from the Gospel of John 20:21, recounting Christ’s appearance to his disciples after the Resurrection, and His greeting: “PEACE BE WITH YOU.” This is also the greeting of a bishop to the assembly at the Eucharist. The achievement is completed with the external ornaments that are gold (yellow) archiepiscopal processional cross, (with two cross members), that tends above and below the shield, and a pontifical hat, called a galero, with its ten tassels, in four rows, on either side of the shield. These are the heraldic insignia of a prelate of the rank of archbishop by instruction of the Holy See. Design Executed by: Deacon Paul J. Sullivan Celebration of The Liturgy of the Word CELEBRATIONand OF TR HEite LITURGY OF THE WORD of Reception AND RITE OF RECEPTION OF THE ARCHBISHOP of the Archbishop IN HIS CATHEDRAL CHURCH in his Cathedral Church PRELUDE PROCESSION A Festival Gathering arr. Tony Alonso The following pieces are sung during the procession of ecumenical guests and representatives from the ethnic communities of Chicago. Come, All You People g9h 10 Alabaré Plenty Good Room UYAI MOSE © 1994, Wild Goose Resource Group, Iona Community, GIA Publications, Inc., exclusive North American Agent. Alabaré © 1979, Manuel José Alonso and José Pagán. Published by OCP Publications, All rights reserved. Used with permission. Arrangement © 2007 By GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A704731. RECEPTION OF THE ARCHBISHOP Archbishop Cupich is met at the doors of the cathedral by the Reverend Monsignor Daniel Mayall, Rector of Holy Name Cathedral, Francis Cardinal George, and the Auxiliary Bishops of the Archdiocese of Chicago. He is presented with a crucifix to reverence with a kiss, then sprinkles himself and the ministers surrounding him with holy water. g1110 h PROCESSION TO THE SANCTUARY All Are Welcome Marty Haugen Text: Marty Haugen. Tune: TWO OAKS, Marty Haugen. © 1994, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A704731. 2 g 11 1h SIGN OF THE CROSS AND GREETING (SIT) WELCOMING THE ARCHBISHOP The Most Reverend Francis Kane The Archbishop is greeted by representatives from the leadership of the Archdiocese of Chicago, visiting interreligious and ecumenical representatives and civic officials of the community. The last to greet Archbishop Cupich is Fr. Louis Tylka, chair of the Presbyteral Council, who will represent the priests of the Archdiocese and invest Archbishop Cupich with the Archdiocesan Stole. Text: Taizé Community. Tune: Jacques Berthier. © 1986, 2011, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent. All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A704731. OPENING PRAYER g1312 h READING Ezekiel 37: 1-14 Dry bones of Israel, I will bring spirit into you, that you may come to life. REPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 107 Text: Lectionary for Mass, © 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL. Music: John Schiavone. © 2004, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A704731. Most BlaseJ.J. C Cupich MOST Reverend REVEREND BLASE UPICH HOMILY UNIVERSAL PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER CLOSING PRAYER AND BLESSING RECESSIONAL African American Spiritual 14 g 13 h Ministers ofofthe Liturgy Ministers the Liturgy CELEBRANT: Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I. HOMILIST: Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich DEACON: Rev. Mr. Michael Olsen READER: MS. Robin L. Brown ARCHDIOCESAN REPRESENTATIVES: Administrative Council Archdiocesan Pastoral Council Youth Council Religious Superiors Order of Deacons Seminary Rectors Presbyteral Council CIVIC REPRESENTATIVES: City of Chicago State of Illinois IINTERRELIGIIOUS nterreligious ECUMENICAL REPRESENTATIVES: The Orthodox Church The Episcopal Church The Jewish Community The Lutheran Church African American Pastors The Muslim Community Interreligious Representatives ORGANIST: Dr. H. Ricardo Ramirez CANTOR: MS. Katherine Gray Noon CHOIRS: The Holy Cross Marimba Ensemble Members of the St. Sabina Choir, Michael Drayton, director SERVERS: Mr. Israel Jimenez Mr. Robinson Ortiz Mr. Pszemyslaw Tomczyk Mr. Tyler Murphy g 14 h 15 TThe ofOF HEM Mass ASSof OFInstallation INSTALLATION RCHBISHOP BLASE J.upich CUPICH AArchbishop Blase J. C PRELUDE Sonata pian e forte, Ch.175 Giovanni Gabrieli You are a Priest Forever Petra Castañeda Canzona Per Sonare No. 1 "La Spiritata" Giovanni Gabrieli Fanfarria por una celebración H. Ricardo Ramirez Entrada Festiva, Op. 93 Flor Peeters g 15 h PPRO C ESSI O NA L rocessional ANTIPHON H. Ricardo Ramirez Music: H. Ricardo Ramirez, © 2014. All rights reserved. Used with permission. HYMN AND I WILL COME TO THE ALTAR OF GOD H. Ricardo Ramirez Music: H. Ricardo Ramirez, © 2012. All rights reserved. Used with permission. g1716 h Sign of the Cross and and Greeting Greeting Francis GG eorge , O.M.I. RANCISE. E. C Cardinal ARIDINAL EORGE , O.M.I. Rite nstallation RITEof OF IINSTALLATION Reading of the Apostolic Mandate THE MOST REVEREND CARLO MARIA VIGANÒ Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America Acceptance of the Apostolic Mandate ARCHBISHOP VIGANÒ: Archbishop Cupich, you have heard the letter of His Holiness, Pope Francis. You are called by the Holy Spirit to serve almighty God and the people of the Archdiocese of Chicago in faith and love as their Shepherd. Having already accepted the appointment of the Holy Father, are you willing to serve the people of this Archdiocese in the tradition of the Apostolic faith of the Church? ARCHBISHOP CUPICH: With faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ, and with love of God in my heart, I do accept the pastoral care of the People of God in the Archdiocese of Chicago. I resolve to serve faithfully the spiritual needs of this local Church. The Assembly responds: Thanks be to God Procession to the Cathedra Cardinal George and Archbishop Viganò lead the new Archbishop to the Cathedra where he is seated and then is presented with the crozier of George Cardinal Mundelein. 18 g 17 h GLORIA Refrain/Estribillo: First time: cantor, then all Verses/Estrofas: Music: George Salazar, © 1984, published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Reprinted under LicenSing #609765. Arrangement © H. Ricardo Ramirez, © 2014. All rights reserved. Used with permission. O pening Prayer OPENING PRAYER A rchbishop Blase J. Cupich ARCHBISHOP CUPICH g1918 h L I T URGY OF T HE W OR D FIRST READING ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 28: 11-16, 30-31 After three months we set sail on a ship that had wintered at the island [of Malta]. It was an Alexandrian ship with the Dioscuri as its figurehead. We put in at Syracuse and stayed there three days, and from there we sailed round the coast and arrived at Rhegium. After a day, a south wind came up and in two days we reached Puteoli. There we found some brothers and were urged to stay with them for seven days. And thus we came to Rome. The brothers from there heard about us and came as far as the Forum of Appius and Three Taverns to meet us. On seeing them, Paul gave thanks to God and took courage. When he entered Rome, Paul was allowed to live by himself, with the soldier who was guarding him. He remained for two full years in his lodgings. He received all who came to him, and with complete assurance and without hindrance he proclaimed the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ. Palabra de Dios. Te alabamos Señor. PSALM 107 Verse 2: His command raised up a storm wind which tossed its waves on high. They mounted up to heaven; they sank to the depths; their hearts melted away in their plight. Verse 4: They rejoiced that they were calmed, and he brought them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his kindness and his wondrous deeds to the children of men. Music: H. Ricardo Ramirez, © 2014. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 20 g 19 h SECOND READING 2:3-7, 3-7,9-11 9-11 PHILIPPIANS hilippians 1: I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you, praying always with joy in my every prayer for all of you, because of your partnership for the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. It is right that I should think this way about all of you, because I hold you in my heart, you who are all partners with me in grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. And this is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value, so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. Oto słowo Boże Bogu niech będą dzięki. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Music: Robert F. Twynham. © 1958, 1964, World Library Publications, Inc.. All rights reserved. Reprinted under license #AL1214993. GOSPEL MATTHEW 14: 22-33 HOMILY ARCHBISHOP BLASE J. CUPICH 21 g 20 h UNIVERSAL PRAYER Music: Mike Hay. © 1994, World Library Publications, Inc.. All rights reserved. Reprinted under license #AL1214993. For our Holy Father, Pope Francis and for all bishops: may they preach Christ’s kingdom of justice, love and peace. (Tagalog) For the parishes and institutions of the Archdiocese of Chicago and for all who minister to God’s people. (Croatian) For all who share one Lord, one faith, one baptism: adorned with a rich variety of gifts, may the Church bear witness to the ends of the earth. (Vietnamese) For blessings of peace, good health and wisdom upon our Archbishop, Blase Cupich: may his ministry bring us closer to Christ and to one another. (Italian) For all races and nations: may violence and division give way to peace and prosperity. (Ojibway) For all who are in need: may the hungry, the oppressed, and all who suffer find hope in the Lord’s love and compassion. For all who have died in the hope of sharing Christ’s resurrection, especially the deceased members of Archbishop Cupich’s family. g 21 h 22 L I T URGY OF T HE E UC HA RIS T PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS How Lovely Are the Messengers Felix Mendelssohn How lovely are the messengers that preach us the gospel of peace. To all the nations is gone forth the sound of their words, throughout all the lands their glad tidings. Hymn Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service Text: Albert F. Bayly., © 1988, Oxford University Press. Tune: BEACH SPRING. All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A704731. g2322 h EUCHARISTIC ACCLAMATIONS Mass for the City Richard Proulx Holy Memorial Acclamation g 2324h AMEN Music for Holy, Holy; Memorial Acclamation; Amen from Mass for the City, Richard Proulx, © 1991, 2010, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A704731. LAMB OF GOD Vatican Edition XVIII COMMUNION PROCESSION COMMUNION ANTIPHON—John 6: 69, 70 H. Ricardo Ramirez Music: H. Ricardo Ramirez; © 2013. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music: H. Ricardo Ramirez, © 2014. All rights reserved. Used with permission. g2524 h TASTE AND SEE James E. Moore, Jr. Text: Psalm 34; James E. Moore, Jr. Tune: James E. Moore, Jr. © 1983, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A704731. EGO SUM PANIS VIVUS Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina I am the living bread who descended from Heaven. Whosoever eats from this bread shall live forever. Alleluia. g 25 h 26 SERDECZNA MATKO Traditional Polish Translation: 1. Stainless the Maiden, sent to guard and guide us, protect your people from the fear inside us. Children of Eve, our heritage we squander, grant us your mercy, leave us not to wander. 2. To you we turn, poor orphans in our sighing, Mother of mercy filled with love undying. Hear our petition, for we have none other, open your heart, O sweet, Virgin Mother. g2726 h LORD, WHEN YOU CAME / PESCADOR DE HOMBRES / BARKA 1. Lord, when you came to the seashore You weren’t seeking the wise or the wealthy, But only asking that I might follow…. Refrain 2. Tú sabes bien lo que ten-go, En me barca no_hay oro ni_espadas, Tan sólo re-des y mi traba-jo. (Refrain) 3. Ty potrzebujesz mych dłoni, Mego serca młodego zapałem, Mych kropli potu i samotności. (Refrain) Phonetically: Tih pot-she-bu-yesh mih* dwo-ni, Me-go ser-tsa mwo-de-go za-pa-wem, Mih* krop-lee po-tu ee sa-mot-nosh-chi…(Refrain) 4. Lord, send me where you would have me, To a village, or heart of the city’ I will remember that you are with me. (Refrain) Text: Pescador de Hombres, Cesáreo Gabaráin, © 1979, published by OCP Publications; trans. By Willard Francis Jabusch, b. 1930, © 1982, administered by OCP Publications. Tune: Cesáreo Gabaráin , © 1979, published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Reprinted under LicenSing #609765. Polish trans: Stanislaw Szmidt, SDB. All rights reserved. Used with permission. g 2728h Prayer After Communion Blessing and Dismissal g 28 h CLOSING HYMN O God, Beyond All Praising Text: Michael Perry. © 1982, 1987, Hope Publishing Company. Tune: THAXTED, Gustav Holst. © 1988, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under #A704731. g 2930h MMinisters inistersofof Liturgy thethe Liturgy PRINCIPAL CELEBRANT: Archbishop Blase J. Cupich INSTALLING BISHOP: Francis E. Cardinal George, O.M.I. CONCELEBRANTS: Visiting Cardinals Auxiliary Bishops and Priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago Visiting Bishops and Priests DEACON OF THE WORD: Rev. Mr. Robert Regan DEACON OF THE EUCHARIST: Mr. Leroy Gill READERS: Mr. Jose Torres Sr. Ania Strycharz, MChR INTERCESSORS: Ms. Sheila McLaughlin Mrs. Teresita Nuval (Tagalog) Mr. Trieu Nguyen (Vietnamese) Sacred Heart Croatian (Croatian) Oratory of the Sacred Heart (Italian) Ms. Georgina Roy (Ojibway) Mr. John Thomas MASTERS OF CEREMONIES: Rev. Bradley Zamora Rev. Ronald Kunkel Rev. Matthew O’Donnell Rev. Marek Smolka Rev. Matthew Compton Rev. Pawel Komperda Rev. Jamie Mueller Rev. Thomas Byrne SERVERS: Mr. Michael Trail Mr. Juan Ramirez Ms. Elizabeth Knobbe Ms. Amanda Thompson Mr. Ryan McMillin Mr. Andy Matijevic Mr. Adam Gonzales Ms. Cristina Bax Ms. Sarah Balough 31 g 30 h CANTORS: DIRECTOR OF MS. Katherine Gray Noon Mr. Luis Galvez CHOIR: Archdiocesan Choir, Cathedral Singers, Women’s Schola, Cathedral Filipino Singers, Schola Cantorum Cathedralis MUSIC: Dr. H. Ricardo Ramirez ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC/ ORGANIST: BRASS OCTET: MR. David C. Jonies Chicago Brass Quintet and Mr. Ross Beacraft, contract FLUTE: Ms. Karin Ursin HARP: Ms. Lillian Lau LITURGICAL ARRANGEMENTS: The Office for Divine Worship and the staff of Holy Name Cathedral g 31 h The Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich Ninth Archbishop of Chicago Installed as Archbishop November 18, 2014 Episcopal Ordination September 21, 1998 Ordained a Priest August 16, 1975 I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you, praying always with joy in my every prayer for all of you. (Philippians 1:3)
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