NYE BØKER I BIBLIOTEKET JANUAR - MARS 2015 MUSEOLOGI 069 Mak 2014 Arts and museum summit (konferanse) (2013 : Hong Kong) Making a museum in the 21st century / edited by Melissa Chiu New York. Asia Society. 2014. 160 s. 069.5 Man 2014 The manual of museum exhibitions edited by Barry Lord and Maria Piacente Lanham. Rowman & Littlefield. 2014. 262 s. 069.5 Tim 2014 Timing : on the temporal dimension of exhibiting (eds.) Beatrice von Bismarck ... [et al.] Berlin. Sternberg Press. 2014. 325 s.:(Cultures of the Curatorial) FILOSOFI 193 Ben 2014 Benjamin, Walter Skrifter i utvalg / Walter Benjamin ; ved Arild Linneberg ; oversatt av Arild Linneberg ... [et al.] [Oslo]. Vidarforl.. 2014. 2 b. 1 193 Hei 2014 Heidegger and the work of art history edited by Amanda Boetzkes and Aron Vinegar Farnham. Ashgate . 2014. 343 s. 193 Ros 2015 Ross, Alison Walter Benjamin's concept of the image / Alison Ross New York. Routledge. 2015. 164 s.:(Routledge studies in twentieth-century philosophy) KULTURSOSIOLOGI 302.231 Her 2012 Heritage and social media : understanding heritage in a participatory culture edited ny Elisa Giaccardi London. Routledge. 2012. xii, 251 s. 302.231 Mus 2013 Museum communication and social media : the connected museum edited by Kirsten Drotner and Kim Christian Schrøder New York. Routledge. 2013. viii, 215 s.:(Routledge research in museum studies) 305.23 Lek 2014 Lekar och spel : Nordiska museets och Skansens årsbok 2014 red. Dan Waldetoft Stockholm. Nordiska museet. 2014. 245 s.:(Fataburen) 306.47 Gre 2007 Grenfell, Michael Art rules : Pierre Bourdieu and the visual arts / Michael Grenfell and Cheryl Hardy Oxford. Berg. 2007. 212 s. 306.766 Stü 2014 Stüttgen, Tim In a qu*a*re* time and place : post-slavery temporalities, blaxploitation, and Sun Ra's afrofuturism between intersectionalitiy and heterogeneity / Tim Stüttgen Berlin. B-books. 2014. 186 s., 1 bl. 306.8 Hou 1984 Houlbrooke, Ralph A. The English family 1450-1700 / Ralph A. Houlbrooke London. Longman. 1984. vii, 272 s.:(Themes in British social history) 363.69 The 2012 Theorizing digital cultural heritage : a critical discourse edited by Fiona Cameron and Sarah Kenderdine Cambridge, Mass.. MIT Press. 2010. x, 465 s. INDUSTRIDESIGN 659 Kri 2014 Kristoffersson, Sara Design by IKEA : a cultural history / Sara Kristoffersson London. Bloomsbury Academic. 2014. viii, 148 s., kol. pl. KONSERVERING 778.6 Lav 2013 (Kons.) Lavédrine, Bertrand 2 The lumière autochrome : history, technology, and preservation / Bertrand Lavédrine and Jean-Paul Gandolfo Los Angeles. Getty Conservation Institute. 2013. XIV, 386 s. 778.6 Pén 2013 (Kons.) Pénichon, Sylvie Twentieth-century photographs / Sylvie Pénichon Los Angeles. Getty Conservation Institute. 2013. XV, 344 s. 760.28 Ros 1990 (Kons.) Ross, John The complete printmaker : techniques / traditions / innovations / John Ross, Clare Romano, Tim Ross New York. Free Press. 1990. VIII, 352 s. 761.3 Kaf 1972 (Kons.) Kafka, Francis J. Linoleum block printing / Francis J. Kafka New York. Dover. 1972. 84 s. 765 Ada 2007 (Kons.) Adam, Robert Intaglio : acrylic-resist etching, collagrphy, engraving, drypoint, mezzotint - the complete safety-first system for creative printmaking / Robert Adam, Carol Robertson London. Thames & Hudson. 2007. 240 s. 765 Mee 2011 (Kons.) Meek, James B. The art of engraving : a book of instructions / by James B. Meek Montezuma, Iowa. Brownell. 2011. X, 196 s. KUNSTTEORI 700.1 Osb 2013 Anywhere or not at all : philosophy of contemporary art Peter Osborne London. Verso. 2013. 282 s. 700.1 Wha 2005 What people want : populism in architecture and design Michael Shamiyeh (ed.) Basel. Birkhäuser. 2005. 395 s. 700.103 Maa 2009 Maanen, Hans van How to study art worlds : on the societal functioning of aesthetic values Amsterdam. Amsterdam University Press. 2009. 311 s. / Hans van Maanen 701.05 Sny 2015 Snyder, Laura J. Eye of the beholder : Johannes Vermeer, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, and the reinvention of seeing / Laura J. Snyder New York. W.W. Norton & Company. 2015. 432 s. 701.08 Art Utst. 1995 (Småtrykk) Articulations (utstilling) (1995 : New York) Articulations : forms of language in contemporary art : Fisher Landau Center, May 13 - Jume 30, 1995 / [tekst: Manon Slome ... [et al.]] New York. Whitney Museum of American Art. 1995. 31 s. 701.08 Ecs Utst. 2012 Ecstatic alphabets / Heaps of language (utstilling) (2012 : New York) 3 Bulletins of The Serving Library : #3 / [editors: Stuart Bailey, Angie Keefer, David Reinfurt] Berlin. Sternberg Press. 2012:(Bulletins of The Serving Library) 701.08 Kli 2014 Klimasauskas, Valentinas B and/or an exhibition guide in search for its exhibition / Valentinas Klimasauskas Oslo. Torpedo Press. 2014. 106 s. 702.9 Mov 2014 Moving pictures : intra-European trade in images, 16th-18th centuries edited by Neil de Marchi and Sophie Raux Turnhout. Brepols. 2014. xiii, 324 s.:(Studies in European urban history (1100-1800) ) TEMA I KUNSTEN 704.039455 Bea Utst. 2014 Beauty and truth = Cáppatvuohta ja duohtavuohta : dialogues between Sami art and art editors: Hanna Horsberg Hansen ... [et al.] Stamsund. Orkana Akademisk. 2014. 87 s. 704.039455 Sam Utst. 2013-2015 Sámi stories (utstilling) (2013-2015 : Tromsø ; Anchorage ; New York) Sámi stories : art and identity of an arctic people Stamsund. Orkana . 2014. 2 b. 704.042 Pol 2013 Pollock, Griselda After-affects / After-images : trauma and aesthetic transformation in the virtual feminist museum / Griselda Pollock Manchester. Manchester University Press. 2013. 383 s.:(Rethinking Art's Histories) 704.042 Vic 2013 (DVD) Vickery, Amanda The story of women and art : episodes 1-3 / written and presented by Amanda Vickery ; produced and directed by John Hodgson and Deborah Lee [S.l.]. Athena. 2013. 1 DVD (186 min.) 704.944 Per 2013 Perry, Gill Playing at home : the house in contemporary art / Gill Perrry London. Reaktion Books. 2013. 262 s., 1 bl.:(Art Since the 80's) 704.949 Net Utst. 2014 Nets : weaving webs in art (utstilling) (2014 : Kiel) Nets : weaving webs in art / [Kuratoren / curators: Anette Hüsch, Maren Wienigk, Dörte Zbikowski ; Herausgeber / editor: Anette Hüsch] Kiel. Kunsthalle zu Kiel. 2014. 119 s. + 56 bl. + 119 s 704.949 Rec Utst. 2010-2011 The record : contemporary art and vinyl edited by Trevor Schoonmaker Durham, NC.. Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University. 2010. 215 s. 704.9493 Rea Utst. 2014-2015 Really useful knowledge (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Madrid) Really useful knowledge : Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, October 28, 2014 - February 9, 2015 / [editorial coordination: Mafalda Rodríguez ; curators: What, How & for Whom/WHW] Madrid. Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofia. 2014. 285 s., 5 bl. AKADEMIER, KUNSTSKOLER 4 707.0944 Mic 2012 Michel, Christian L'Académie royale de peinture de sculpture (1648-1793) : la naissance de l'Ecole française / Christian Michel Genève. Librairie Droz. 2012. 422 s.:(Ars longa) 707.09481 OSLO. STATENS KUNSTAKADEMI 2015 Oslo. Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Avd. Kunstakademiet Villa Moderne i Arcueil : Kunstakademiets atelierhus i 75 år Oslo. KHiO. 152 s.. ill. (hovedsakelig kol.) / Åse Anna Markussen MUSEER OG SAMLINGER 708.2 LONDON. INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS 2014 London. Institute of Contemporary Arts Institute of Contemporary Arts : 1946-1968 / [authors: Anne Massey, Gregor Muir] London. ICA. 2014. 208 s.:(ROMA Publication) 708.2 LONDON. NATIONAL GALLERY 2014 Campbell, Lorne The sixteenth century Netherlandish paintings with French paintings before 1600 / Lorne Campbell London. National Gallery Company ; distributed by Yale University Press. 2014. 2 b. 708.3 BREMEN. KUNSTHALLE BREMEN Utst. 2014-2015 Bremen. Kunsthalle Bremen Eine Frage der Herkunft : drei Bremer Sammler und die Wege ihrer Bilder im Nationalsozialismus / hrsg. von Dorothee Hansen und Brigitte Reuter Köln ; Bremen. Wienand ; Kunsthalle Bremen. 2014. 127 s. 708.3 SAMMLUNG MAX LIEBERMANN Utst. 2013-2014 Verlorene Schätze: Die Kunstsammlung von Max Liebermann (utstilling) (2013-2014 : Ber Verlorene Schätze : die Kunstsammlung von Max Liebermann / herausgegeben für die Max-Liebermann-Gesellschaft Berlin von Martin Faass ; mit Beiträgen von Annegret Janda ... [et al.] Berlin. Liebermann-Villa am Wannsee , Nicolai. 2013. 296 s. 708.4 NANTES. MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS DE NANTES Utst. 2014 Nantes. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes La sculpture au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes : Canova, Rodin, Pompon... : catalogue sommaire des sculptures XVIIIe-XIXe siècles / sous la direction de Cyrille Sciama, Édouard Papet Milani ; Nantes. Silvana ; Musées des Beaux-Arts de Nantes. 2014. 287 s. 708.4 PARIS. MUSÉE D'ORSAY Utst. 2014-2015 Paris. Musée d'Orsay Sept ans de réflexion : dernières acquisitions du Musée d'Orsay, 2008-2014 / commissariat Guy Cogeval, Yves Badetz Paris. Musée d'Orsay ; Skira. 2014. 312 s. 708.81 CHRISTIAN BJELLANDS SAMLING Utst. 2015 Rickhard, Leonard (utstilling) (2015 : Høvikodden) Rickhard / Melgaard : utvalg fra Christian Bjellands samling / [redaktør: Tone Hansen] Høvikodden. Henie Onstad Kunstsenter. 2015. 157 s., 1 bl. 708.81 OSLO. NASJONALGALLERIET 2014 Haugstad, Børre Krig, kunst og kapital : Nasjonalgalleriets venner : vekst og fall 1917-1927 / Børre Haugstad Oslo. B. Haugstad. 2014. 94 s. 708.81 OSLO. NASJONALMUSEET 2014 Oslo. Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design Nasjonalmuseet : antikk skulptur : katalog / [redaksjon: Sven Ahrens, Nils Messel, Birgitte Sauge] Oslo. Nasjonalmuseeet for kunst, arkitektur og design. 2014. 255 s. 5 708.81 OSLO. NASJONALMUSEET FOR KUNST, ARKITEKTUR OG DESIGN 2015 Oslo. Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design Nasjonalmuseet : høydepunkter : kunst fra 1945 til i dag / [redaksjon: Sabrina van der Ley, Randi Godø, Marianne Yvenes] Oslo. Nasjonalmuseet. 2015. 223 s. 708.81 OSLO. NASJONALMUSEET FOR KUNST, ARKITEKTUR OG DESIGN Utst. 2015-2016 Oslo. Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design Fattig kunst - rik arv : Arte Povera og parallelle praksiser 1968-2015 / [ansvarlig redaktør: Sabrina van der Ley ; redaktører: Randi Godø og Andrea Kroksnes ; katalogredaktør: Øystein Sjåstad] Oslo. Nasjonalmuseet. 2015. 63 s. 708.89 HUMBLEBÆK. LOUISIANA 2013 Gohr, Siegfried German art in the Louisiana collection : [Roth, Köpcke, Beuys, Baselitz, Richter, Kiefer, Polke, Immendorff, Penck, Lüpertz] / Siegfried Gohr [Humlebæk]. Louisiana Museum for Modern Art. 2013. 162 s. 708.89 KØBENHAVN. DET NATIONALE FOTOMUSEUM. DET KONGELIGE BIBLIOTEK 2004 Jonge, Ingrid Fischer Fotografi i Diamanten : udvalgte værker fra Det Nationale Fotomuseum / Ingrid Fischer Jonge København. Det Kongelige Bibliotek. 2004. 231 s. 708.9492 AMSTERDAM. RIJKSMUSEUM 2014 Amsterdam. Rijksmuseum Modern times : photography in the 20th century / Mattie Boom and Hans Rooseboom Amsterdam. Rijksmuseum. 2014. 327 s., 6 bl. 708.9494 ZÜRICH. KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN ZÜRICH Utst. 2015 Zürich. Kunsthaus Zürich. Graphische Sammlung Meisterzeichnungen : 100 Jahre grafische Sammlung im Kunsthaus Zürich / [Herausgeber: Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft/Kunsthaus Zürich ; Texte: Bernhard von Waldkirch... [et al.]] Zürich. Scheidegger & Spiess. 2015. 238 s. 708.951 TAIPEI. YAGEO FOUNDATION COLLECTION Utst. 2014-2015 Guess what? (vandreutstilling) (2014-2015) Guess what? : hardcore contemporary art's truly a world treasure : selected works from the Yageo Foundation collection / [curated by: Hosaka Kenjiro in cooperation with Pierre Chen] Tokyo. National Museum of Modern Art. 2014. 215 s. KUNST – ULIKE PERIODER 709.034 Mon Utst. 2014-2015 Monet, Gauguin, Van Gogh ... : Japanese inspiration (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Essen, Monet, Gauguin, Van Gogh ... : Japanese inspiration / Kunsthaus Zürich Göttingen. Edition Folkwang/Steidl ; Kunsthaus Zürich. 2014. 373 s. 709.034 Mon Utst. 2014-2015 (DVD) Monet, Gauguin, Van Gogh ... : Inspiration Japan ein Film von Werner Raeune ; in Zusammenarbeit mit Sandra Gianfreda und Claire Guitton Göttingen. Edition Folkwang ; Steidl. 2014. 1 DVD (41 min.) 709.04 Cot 2013 Cottington, David The avant-garde : a very short introduction / David Cottington Oxford. Oxford University Press. 2013. 136 s.:(Very Short Introductions) 709.04052 Adv Utst. 2015 Adventures of the black square (utstilling) (2015 : London) Adventures of the black square : abstract art and society 1915-2015 / edited by Iwona Blazwick ... [et al.] München. Prestel. 2015. 287 s. 6 709.04071 Pos Utst. 2014-2015 Post pop (utstilling) (2014-2015 : London) Post pop : east meets west / edited by Marco Livingstone ; with essays by Chang Tsong-Zung, Andrei Erofeev, Marco Livingstone [S.l.]. CentreInvest UK Ltd.. 2014. 432 s. 709.040755 In Utst. 2015 (Småtrykk) In search of an author (utstilling) (2015 : Oslo) In search of an author : a play in three acts and one exhibition : first performed at the Unge Kunstneres Samfund in Oslo, Norway, March 26 to April 26, 2015 / [kuratorer] Andrew Berardini and Chiara Giovando Oslo. UKS. 2015. xii s. 709.046 Ava Utst. 1982 Avanguardia transavanguardia (utstilling) (1982 : Roma) Avanguardia transavanguardia / a cura di Achille Bonito Oliva Milano. Electa. 1982. 151 s. 709.05 Art (7) 2014 (DVD) Art:21 : art in the twenty-first century : season 7 Art21, Inc. ; executive producer & curator: Susan Sollins [S.l.]. PBS. 2014. 1 DVD-plate (240 min.) 709.05 Fis 2013 Fisher, Elizabeth On not knowing : how artists think / Elizabeth Fisher and Rebecca Fortnum London. Black Dog Publ.. 2013. 159 s. 709.074 HAMMERFEST. KUNSTFESTIVAL 2013 Vit at jeg elsker deg : om kunst og sted Hanne Hammer Stien (red.) Stamsund. Orkana Akademisk. 2014. 152 s. KUNSTNERE, ARKITEKTER, FOTOGRAFER, DESIGNERE 709.24 ABRAMOVIC, Mar. Utst. 2014 Abramovic, Marina (utstilling) (2014 : London) Marina Abramovic : 512 hours / [edited by / curated by Sophie O'Brien] London. Serpentine Galleries. 2014. 125 s., 1 bl. 709.24 AI, WEIWEI 2014 Ai Weiwei : spatial matters : art, architecture, activism edited by Ai Weiwei and Anthony Pins London. Tate. 2014. 507 s., 1 bl. 709.24 ALBERS, Jos. Utst. 2014 Albers, Josef (utstilliing) (2014 : Høvikodden) Josef Albers : no tricks, no twinkling of the eyes / edited by Tone Hansen and Milena Hoegsberg Köln ; Høvikodden. Walther König ; Henie Onstad Kunstsenter. 2014. 195 s., 2 bl. 709.24 ANDO 2005 Langen Foundation : ein Kunst- und Ausstellungshaus von Tadao Ando Neuss. Langen Foundation. 2005. upag. 709.24 ANDREASSEN, Mar. Utst. 2015 Andreassen, Marit Victoria Wulff (utstilling) (2015 : Stavanger) Through the woods : Marit Victoria Wulff Andreassen / [redaktør / editor: Vibece Salthe] Stavanger. MUST - Museum Stavanger. 2015. 103 s. 709.24 ATKINS, Ed Utst. 2014 7 Atkins, Ed (utstilling) (2014 : London) A seer reader : Ed Atkins / [curator: Rebecca Lewin ; editors: Rebecca Lewin and Melissa Larner] London. Serpentine Galleries. 2014. 132 s. 709.24 BACKER, L. 1988 (Småtrykk) Stining, Eivind Arkitekt Lars Backer og Restaurant Skansen / Eivin Stining Stockholm. Stockholms Universitet. 1988. 37 s. 709.24 BALDESSARI, John Utst. 1999 Baldessari, John (utstilling) (1999 : New York) John Baldessari : Tetrad series / essay by Thomas McEvilley New York. Marian Goodman Gallery. 1999. 64 s. 709.24 BALKE, Thora 2014 Balke, Thora Dolven 2005. : conversation with Tacita Dean / Thora Dolven Balke ; moderated by Gaby Hartel ; text by Sam Thorne [S.l.]. forf.. 2014. 208 s., 2 bl. 709.24 BARE, Bja. 2014 (Småtrykk) Bare, Bjarne Grapnel grapple / Bjarne Bare Oslo. Cornerkiosk Press. 2014. 24 bl. 709.24 BARE, Bja. 2014 (Småtrykk) Bare, Bjarne Cropping the ocean / Bjarne Bare Oslo. Cornerkiosk Press. 2014. 24 bl. 709.24 BECKMANN 1981 Buenger, Barbara Copeland Max Beckmann's artistic sources : the artist's relation to older and modern traditions / Barbara Copeland Buenger Ann Arbor. University Microfilms International. 1979, cop. 1981. iii, 383 s. 709.24 BECKMANN 1993-1996 Beckmann, Max Briefe / Max Beckmann ; herausgegeben von Klaus Gallwitz, Uwe M. Schneede und Stephan von Wiese ; unter Mitarbeit von Barbara Golz München. Piper. 1993-1996. 3 b. 709.24 BECKMANN 1997 Beckmann, Max Self-portrait in words : collected writings and statements, 1903-1950 / Max Beckmann ; edited and annotated by Barbara Copeland Buenger ; with new translations by Barbara Copeland Buenger and Reinhold Heller and assistance from David Britt Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 1997. 418 s. 709.24 BECKMANN 2003 Zeiller, Christiane Max Beckmann : die fruhen Jahre, 1899-1907 / Christiane Zeiller Weimar. VDG. 2003. 380 s. 709.24 BECKMANN 2011 Spieler, Reinhard Max Beckmann 1884-1950 : the path to myth / Reinhard Spieler Köln. Taschen. 2011. 200 s. 709.24 BECKMANN Utst. 2014-2015 Beckmann, Max (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Hamburg) Max Beckmann : the still lifes / edited by Karin Schick and Hubertus Gassner Munich. Prestel . 2014. 197 s. 8 709.24 BECKMANN Utst. 2014-2015 Beckmann, Max (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Wiesdbaden) Beckmann : Goethe - Faust / herausgegeben von Roamn Zieglgänsberger ; mit Beitragen von Christiane Zeiller und Roman Zieglgänsberger Wiesbaden ; München. Museum Wiesbaden ; Hirmer. 2014. 239 s. 709.24 BEHRENS Utst. 2013 Behrens, Peter (utstilling) (2013 : Erfurt) Peter Behrens : vom Jugendstil zum Industriedesign : [Kunsthalle Erfurt, 24. März bis 16. Juni 2013] / herausgegeben von Thomas Föhl und Claus Pese Weimar. Klassik Stiftung Weimar. 2013. 362 s. 709.24 BIBALO, Gre. Utst. 2014 Bibalo, Grete Lis (utstilling) (2014 : Tønsberg) Grete Lis Bibalo : from here to there / [tekst: Tone Lyngstad Nyaas] [S.l.]. Galleberg forl.. 2014. 85 s., 1 bl. 709.24 BOIFFARD Utst. 2014-2015 Boiffard, Jaques-André (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Paris) Jacques-André Boiffard, la parenthèse surréaliste / Clément Chéroux & Damarice Amao Paris. Éditions du Centre Pompidou ; Éditions Xavier Barral. 2014. 137 s. 709.24 BORREMANS, Mic. Utst. 2014-2015 Borremans, Michaël (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Brussel ; Tel Aviv ; Dallas) Michaël Borremans : as sweet as it gets / edited by Jeffrey Grove Ostfildern. Hatje Cantz. 2014. 303 s. 709.24 BROODTHAERS, Mar. Utst. 2013-2014 Reading cinema, finding words (utstilling) (2013-2014 : Kyoto ; Tokyo) Reading cinema, finding words : art after Marcel Broodthaers / [editor: Chinatsu Makiguchi] Kyoto. National Museum of Modern Art. 2013. 203 s. 709.24 CÉZANNE Utst. 2014-2015 Cézanne, Paul (utstilling) (2014-2015 : New York) Madame Cézanne / Dita Amory ; with contributions by Philippe Cézanne... [et al.] New York ; New Haven. Metropolitan Museum of Art ; distributed by Yale University Press. 2014. 224 s. 709.24 CHADWICK, Hel. 2015 (småtrykk) Holder, Will The library of Helen Chadwick / reproduced by Will Holder Paris. Paraguay Press. 2015. 8 bl.:(The Social Life of the Book) 709.24 CHAGALL Utst. 2006 Chagall, Marc (utstilling) (2006 : Baden-Baden) Chagall in neuem Licht / Hrsg. von der Stiftung Frieder Burda ; Texte von Jean-Louis Prat... [et al.] Ostfildern ; Baden-Baden. Hatje Cantz ; Museum Frieder Burda. 2006. 239 s. 709.24 CHANEL 1973 Baillén, Claude Chanel Solitaire / by Claude Baillén ; translated from the French by Barbara Bray London. Collins. 1973. 192 s. 709.24 CHANEL 1976 Charles-Roux, Edmonde Chanel : her life, her world : and the woman behind the legend she herself created / Edmonde Charles-Roux ; translated from the French by Nancy Amphoux London. Cape. 1976. 380, xii s., pl. 709.24 CRESPI 2014 Giuseppe Maria Crespi : i disegni e le stampe : catalogo ragionato 9 Marco Riccòmini Torino. Umberto Allemandi. 2014. 291 s. 709.24 DAY, Lu. 2014 Casey, Andrew Lucienne Day : in the spirit of the age / Andrew Casey Woodbridge. Antique Collector's Club. 2014. 247 s. 709.24 DEGAS 2014 Spinillo, Rosa I Bellelli e Degas : iconografia e storia di una famiglia italiana / Rosa Spinillo Roma. Palombi. 2014. 147 s. 709.24 DEGAS Utst. 2014 Degas, Cassatt (utstilling) (2014 : Washington, D.C.) Degas, Cassatt / Kimberly A. Jones ; with contributions by Elliot Bostwick Davis ... [et al.] Washington ; Munich. National Gallery of Art ; DelMonico Books/Prestel. 2014. 160 s. 709.24 DEGAS Utst. 2014-2015 Degas, Edgar (tstilling) (2014-2015 : Karlsruhe) Degas : Klassik und Experiment / herausgeben von Alexander Eiling für die Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe Karlsruhe ; München. Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe ; Hirmer. 2014. 299 s. 709.24 DILLER SCOFIDIO + RENFRO (DVD) Diller Scofidio + Renfrro : reimagining Lincoln Center and the High Line New York. Checkerboard Foundations. 2012. 1 DVD-plate (54 min):(Checkerboard Architecture Series) 709.24 EINARSSON, Gar. Utst. 2015 Einarsson, Gardar Eide (utstilling) (2015 : Århus) ARoS focus // New Nordic : Gardar Eide Einarsson : a madman, a patient, a condemned man, a worker or a schoolboy / [redaktører / editors: Erlend G. Høyersten, Lise Pennington, Anne Mette Thomsen] Århus. ARoS. 2015. 141 s., 5 bl.:(ARoS focus // New Nordic) 709.24 EKBLAD, Ida Utst. 2013 Ekblad, Ida (utstilling) (2013 : Middelburg) The root cellar / Ida Ekblad Middelburg. De Vleeshal. 2014. 59 s., 2 bl. 709.24 ELIASSON, Ola. Utst. 2002 Eliasson, Olafur (utstilling) (2002 : Wien) Olafur Eliasson / Einar Thorsteinn : to the habitants of space in general and the spatial inhabitants in particular / [edited by Christine Kintisch] Wien. Bawag Foundation. 2002. 136 s. 709.24 ESDAILE, Pet. 2014 Bjerke, Øivind Storm Peter Esdaile / Øivind Storm Bjerke Oslo. Labyrinth. 2014. 198 s. 709.24 EUGEN Utst. 2015 Eugen, Prins av Sverige (utstilling) (2015 : Stockholm) Prins Eugen : fasetter ur ett liv / Anna Meister och Karin Sidén (red.) Stockholm. Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde ; Atlantis. 2015. 317 s.:(Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde utställningskatalog) 709.24 EVANS, Cer. Utst. 2014 Evans, Cerith Wyn (utstilling) (2014 : London) Cerith Wyn Evans / [editors: Cerith Wyn Evans, Rebecca Lewin and Melissa Blanchflower ; exhibition curator: Rebecca Lewin] London. Serpentine Galleries. 2014. Upag. 709.24 FEHN 2014 10 Villa Schreiner : architect Sverre Fehn essay by Mari Hvattum ; editors Nina Berre, Mari Lending Oslo. Pax. 2014. 157 s.:(asBuilt) 709.24 FEININGER, L. Utst. 2009 Feininger, Lyonel (utstilling) (2009 : Halle) Lyonel Feininger : zurück in Amerika 1937-1956 / herausgegeben von Wolfgang Büche München. Hirmer. 2009. 229 s. 709.24 FEUERBACH Utst. 2013-2014 Feuerbach, Anselm (utstilling) (2013-2014 : Wiesbaden, Hamburg) Nanna - entrückt, überhöht, unerreichbar : Anselm Feuerbachs Elixier einer Leidenschaft / herausgegeben von Peter Forster ; mit Beiträgen von Peter Forster...[et al.] Petersberg. Imhof. 2013. 285 s. 709.24 FOLMOE, Trine 2015 Folmoe, Trine Allmira Myran Mine malte dager / Trine Allmira Myran Folmoe ; [tekster: Kristin Søhoel, Håkan Sandell, Bertrand Besingye, Trine Folmoe] [S.l.]. forf.. 2015. 109 s., 1 bl. 709.24 FORTUN, Mar. 2014 Fortun, Marthe Ramm Inverted sky : letters for Jackie / Marthe Ramm Fortun London ; Oslo. Black Dog Publ. ; Unge Kunstneres Samfund (UKS). 2014. 94 s., 1 bl. 709.24 FREUD, Luc. 2013 Greig, Geordie Breakfast with Lucian : a portrait of the artist / Geordie Greig London. Jonathan Cape. 2013. 260 s. 709.24 FREUD, Luc. Utst. 2012 Freud, Lucian (utstilling) (2012 : London ; New York) Lucian Freud : drawings / selected by William Feaver London ; New York. Blain|Southern ; Acquavella Galleries. 2012. 227 s. 709.24 FRIEDRICH 2008 Grave, Johannes Caspar David Friedrich : Glaubensbild und Bildkritik / Johannes Grave Zürich. Diaphanes. 2011. 153 s. 709.24 FRIEDRICH 2010 Spitzer, Gerd Caspar David Friedrich in der Dresdener Galerie / Gerd Spitzer Dresden. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden ; Sandstein. 2010. 61 s. 709.24 FRIEDRICH, C.D. 2005 Neidhardt, Hans Joachim Caspar David Friedrich und die Malerei der Dresdner Romantik : Aufsätze und Vorträge / Hans Joachim Neidhardt Leipzig. E.A. Seemann. 2005. 111 s. 709.24 FRIEDRICH, C.D. 2007 Zschoche, Herrmann Caspar David Friedrichs Rügen : eine Spurensuche / Herrmann Zschoche Dresden. Verlag der Kunst. 2007. 119 s. 709.24 FRIEDRICH, C.D. 2008 Zschoche, Herrmann Caspar David Friedrich im Harz / Herrmann Zschoche Dresden. Verlag der Kunst. 2008. 107 s. 11 709.24 GARAICOA, Car. 2012 Carlos Garaicoa : la fotografía como intervención / photography as intervention [coordinación / coordinator: Cristina Leyva] Madrid. La Fabrica. 2012. 147 s., 2 bl. 709.24 GARAICOA, Car. Utst. 2002 Garaicoa, Carlos (utstilling) (2002 : Kassel) Carlos Garaicoa : continuity of somebody's architecture / continuidad de una arquitectura ajena : project for Documenta 11, Platform 5, Kassel, Germany, June 8-September 15/2002 / [texts/textos: Carlos Garaicoa, Orlando Hernández, Eduardo Luis Rodríguez ; artistic director/director artístico: Okwui Enwezor] [S.l.]. Gli Ori. 2002. 61 s., 1 bl. 709.24 GARAICOA, Car. Utst. 2010 Garaicoa, Carlos (utstilling) (2010 : Dublin) Carlos Garaicoa : overlapping / [editor: Mary Cremin ; exhibition curated by Seán Kissane] Milano. Charta. 2010. 287 s. 709.24 GAUGUIN, Paul 2014 Gamboni, Dario Paul Gauguin : the mysterious centre of thought / Dario Gamboni ; translated by Chris Miller London. Reaktion Books. 2014. 464 s. 709.24 GAUGUIN, Paul Utst. 2015 Gauguin, Paul Paul Gauguin / edited by Raphaël Bouvier and Martin Schwander Basel. Fondation Beyeler. 2015. 225 s. 709.24 GENTILESCHI, A. 2015 Locker, Jesse M. Artemisia Gentileschi : the language of painting / Jesse M. Locker New Haven. Yale University Press. 2015. 236 s. 709.24 GENZKEN, Isa 2015 Isa Genzken edited by Lisa Lee Cambridge, MA. MIT Press. 2015. 205 s.:(October Files) 709.24 GORMLEY, Ant. Utst. 2014 Gormley, Antony (utstilling) (2014 : Stockholm) Meet : Antony Gormley / [editors: Rosalind Horne and Kajsa Pontén] Stockholm. Galleri Andersson/Sandström. 2014. 126 s. 709.24 GREEN, Gre. [u.å.] Green, Gregory Terror and empowerment / Gregory Green Brugge. Culturcentrum Brugge. [u.å.]. 30 bl. 709.24 GULLIKSEN, Bjørn Utst. 2015 Gulliksen, Bjørn Melbye (utstilling) (2015 : Tønsberg) Når en sommerfugl slår med vingene... : Bjørn Melbye Gulliksen / [tekst: Tone Lyngstad Nyaas, Jon Øien og Kjeld-Willy Hansen] [Barkåker]. Galleberg forl.. 2015. 91 s., 2 bl. 709.24 GUNDERSEN, Gun. Utst. 2015 (Småtrykk) Gundersen, Gunnar S. (utstilling) (2015 : Oslo) Gunnar S. Gundersen : 1921 - 1983 : utstilling : Blomqvist kunsthandel, 6. februar - 8. mars 2015 / [redaksjon: Gidske Munthe og Anders Elvestad ; tekst: Mari Sundet, Gunnar Krogh-Hansen og Anders Elvestad] Oslo. Blomqvist. 2015. 57 s. 709.24 GUSTON, Phi. 2014 (DVD) 12 Philip Guston : a life lived [directed by Michael Blackwood] New York. Michael Blackwood Productions. 2014. 1 DVD (58 min.) 709.24 GUTTORMSGAARD, Gut. Utst. 2015 Guttormsgaard, Guttorm (utstilling) (2015 : Oslo) Guttorm Guttormsgaard : kjent, ukjent : Stenersenmuseet 7. febr. - 21. juni 2015 / Jon-Ove Steihaug (red.) Oslo. Pax. 2015. Upag. 709.24 GUTTU, Ane Utst. 2014-2015 Guttu, Ane Hjort (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Quimper) Urbanisme unitaire : Ane Hjort Guttu / [direction éditoriale: Keren Detton ; textes: Keren Detton, Ane Hjort Guttu, Francois Piron] Quimper. Le Quartier. 2014. Upag. 709.24 GYLLENHAMMAR, Cha. Utst. 2015 Gyllenhammar, Charlotte (utstilling) (2015 : Göteborg ; Västerås) Charlotte Gyllenhammar / [katalogredaktör / catalogue editor: Anna Hyltze] Göteborg. Göteborgs konstmuseum . 2015. 95 s. 709.24 GÖTZ, K.O. 2014Ströher, Ina K.O. Götz : Werkverzeichnis / Ina Ströher Köln. Wienand. 2014-. b. 709.24 HALS, Gje. Utst. 2008-2009 Hals, Gjertrud (utstilling) (2008-2009 : Ålesund) Gjertrud Hals : søylens letthet - trådens tyngde : Kunstmuseet KUBE, Ålesund, 15. november 2008 - 11. januar 2009 / kuratert av Tove Lande ; katalogtekst: Jorunn Haakestad og Tove Lande Ålesund. Kunstmuseet KUBE. 80 s. 709.24 HAVRAN, Jiri Utst. 2015 Havran, Jiri (utstilling) (2015 : Hamar) Jernbanenes typologi / Jiri Havran ; [tekst: Ingrid Blekastad, Andreas Dreyer, Jiri Havran] Oslo. ARFO. 2015. 295 s. 709.24 HOFFMANN, Josef Utst. 2014-2015 Josef Hoffmann - Adolf Loos : ways to modernism and their impact [curator Matthias Boeckl] Basel. Birkhäuser. 2015. 333 s. 709.24 HORN, Reb. Utst. 2014-2015 Horn, Rebecca (utstilling) (2014-2015 : München) Rebecca Horn : black moon mirror : Galerie Thomas Modern, 21. November 2014 - 21. Februar 2015 / [Katalogredaktion: Ralph Melcher, Claudia Seelmann] München. Galerie Thomas Modern. 2014. 54 s., 1 bl.:(Galerie Thomas Modern - Katalog) 709.24 HUSEBY, Ben. 2014 Huseby, Benjamin Alexander Weeds and aliens : an unnatural history of plants / B. A. Huseby Oslo. Torpedo Press. 2014. 91 s. 709.24 JAAR, Alf. Utst. 2014 Jaar, Alfredo (utstilling) (2014 : Helsinki) Tonight no poetry will serve : Alfredo Jaar / [editors: Patrik Nyberg, Jari-Pekka Vanhala] Helsinki. KIASMA. 2014. 326 s.:(Museum of Contemporary Art publications) 709.24 JAAR, Alf. Utst. 2014-2015 (småtrykk) Jaar, Alfredo (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Kristiansand) 22 women : a project by Alfredo Jaar : SKMU 10.10.2014 - 15.2.2015 / [introduction essay by Else-Brit Kroneberg ; women's essays by Capucine Gros] 13 Kristiansand. SKMU. 2014. 28 bl. 709.24 JENSSEN, Olav Utst. 2014-2015 Jenssen, Olav Christopher (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Saarbrücken) Olav Christopher Jenssen / herausgegeben von / edited by Roland Mönig ; [Kurator / curator: Roland Mönig] Saarbrücken. Saarland Museum. 2014. 160 s. , MMXIV 709.24 JOHANNESSEN, Jens Utst. 2014-2015 Johannessen, Jens (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Trondheim) Jens Johannessen : retrospektiv / [kurator / redaktør: Cathrine Hovdahl Vik] Trondheim. Trondheim kunstmuseum. 2014. 160 s. 709.24 JOHNS, Jas. 1994 The prints of Jasper Johns : 1960-1993 : a catalogue raisonne [editor: Jean G. Crocker] ; with a text by Richard S. Fields New York. Universal Limited Art Editions. 1994. Upag. 709.24 JORN Utst. 2014-2015 Jorn, Asger Ganz schön gerissen! : Asger Jorns Collagen und Décollagen / Katharina Henkel (Hg.) Emden. Kunsthalle Emden. 2014. 175 s. 709.24 K2S ARCHITECTS 2014 K2S Architects : beyond the wall of sound [texts Toyo Ito, Hans Ibelings, Juhani Pallasmaa, Salka Hallström Bornold] Stockholm. Arvinius + Orfeus. 2014. 224 s. 709.24 KILPPER Utst. 2009 Kilpper, Thomas (utstilling) (2009 : Berlin) Thomas Kilpper / herausgegeben von Marius Babias Köln. Walther König. 2009. 115 s.:(n.b.k. Ausstellungen) 709.24 KIMSOOJA Utst. 2013-2014 Kimsooja (utstilling) (2013-2014 : Vancouver) Kimsooja : Unfolding : Vancouver Art Gallery, [October 11, 2013-January 26, 2014] / [curated by Diana Augaitis] Ostfildern. 183 s.. 2013. 183 s. 709.24 KITTELSEN 2014 Troll kan tegnes : folkeeventyrene i Asbjørnsens ord og Kittelsens bilder Henning Østberg (red.) . Asbjørnsenselskapet. 2014. 198 s.:(Juletræet : Asbjørnsenselskapets årsskrift) 709.24 KOKOSCHKA Utst. 2013-2014 Kokoschka, Oskar (2013-2014 : Rotterdam, Wolfsburg) Oskar Kokoschka : portraits of people and animals / [concept and editorial supervision Beatrice von Bormann] Rotterdam. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. 2013. 215 s. 709.24 KOUDELKA, Josef Utst. 2013-2014 Koudelka, Josef (utstilling) (2013-2014 : Tokyo) Josef Koudelka : retrospective : The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, November 6, 2013 - January 13, 2014 / [editor / curator: Masuda Rei] Tokyo. National Museum of Modern Art. 2013. 191 s. 709.24 KOUNELLIS, Jan. Utst. 2014-2015 Kounellis, Jannis (utstillling) (2014-2015 : Saint-Étienne) Jannis Kounellis / [commissariat / curatorship: Lóránd Hegyi] Milano. SilvanaEditoriale. 2014. 184 s. 709.24 LA PATELLIÉRE Utst. 2014-2015 La Patellière, Amédée de (utstilling) (2014-2015 : vandreutstilling) 14 Amédée de La Patellière : les éclats de l'ombre / sous la direction de Patrick Descamps Paris. Gourcuff Gradenigo. 2014. 214 s. 709.24 LAHDELMA & MAHLAMÄKI 2014 Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects : works Peter B. MacKeith, editor Helsinki. Rakennustieto. 2014. 152 s. 709.24 LEONARDO DA VINCI 2013 The lives of Leonardo edited by Thomas Frangenberg and Rodney Palmer London. Warburg Institute. 2013. vii, 266 s.:(Warburg Institue colloquia) 709.24 LERIN, Lars 2014 Lerin, Lars Naturlära : limes norrlandicus / Lars Lerin [Stockholm]. Bonnier. 2014. 405 s., 5 bl. 709.24 LERIN, Lars Utst. 2014 Lerin, Lars (utstilling) (2014 : Skärhamn) Lars Lerin : kulisser / [curator Bera Nordal] Skärhamn. Nordiska akvarellmuseet. 2014. 101 s., 1 bl. 709.24 LOOS (DVD) Emigholz, Heinz Loos ornamental / Film von Heinz Emigholz [S.n.]. Filmgalerie 451. 2008. 1 DVD-plate (72 + 30 min) 709.24 MAN RAY Utst. 2014 Man Ray (utstilling) (2014 : Paris) Man Ray, Picabia et la revue Littérature : ouvrage publié à l'occasion de l'exposition au Centre Pompidou, Galerie d'Art Graphique, 2 juillet - 8 septembre 2014 / [conception and direction: Christian Briend et Clément Chéroux] Paris. Centre Pompidou. 2014. 167 s. 709.24 MARQUET Utst. 2013-2014 Marquet, Albert (utstilling) (2013-2014 : Pontoise) Albert Marquet : les bords de Seine, de Paris á la côte normande / [commissaire Christophe Duvivier] Paris. Somogy éditions d'art. 2013. 127 s. 709.24 MASÓ 2014 Masó : public architecture during the Mancomunitet edite by Jordi Falgàs Girona. Fundació Rafael Masó. 2014. 253 s. 709.24 MCALINDEN, Mik. Utst. 2014 (Småtrykk) McAlinden, Mikkel (utstilling) (2014 : Oslo) Mikkel McAlinden : average northern limit Oslo. Galleri K. 2014. 24 bl. 709.24 MELGAARD, Bja. Utst. 2015 Melgaard + Munch (utstilling) (2015 : Oslo) Melgaard + Munch : the end of it all has already happened / Lars Toft-Eriksen, ed. Ostfildern. Hatje Cantz. 2015. 255 s. 709.24 MOLINARI, A. Utst. 2005 Molinari, Antonio (utstilling) (2005 : Düsseldorf) Genio vigoroso ed originale : die Zeichnungen des Antonio Molinari : museum kunst palast, Sammlung der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf / bearbeitet von Sonja Brink Düsseldorf. Museum Kunst Palast. 2005. 191 s. 709.24 MUNCH Utst. 2014-2015 15 Munch, Edvard (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Helsinki) Edvard Munch : elämän tanssi / [editor: Otto Selén] Helsinki. Didrichsen. 2014. 191 s.:(Didrichsen julkaisu = Didrichsen publikation) 709.24 MUNCH Utst. 2014-2015 Munch, Edvard (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Helsinki) Edvard Munch : elämän tanssi / [redaktör: Otto Selén] Helsinki. Didrichsen. 2014. 191 s.:(Didrichsen julkaisu = Didrichsen publikation) 709.24 NAY, Ernst 2012Ernst Wilhelm Nay : Werkverzeichnis : Aquarelle - Gouachen - Zeichnungen Bearbeitung: Magdalene Claesges Ostfildern. Hatje Cantz. 2012-. b. 709.24 NOLDE, E. Utst. 2015-2016 Nolde, Emil (utstilling) (2015-2016 : Stockholm, Göteborg) Nolde : färgstormar / red. Karin Sidén, Catrin Lundeberg, Christian Ring Stockholm. Carlssons bokförl. i samarb. med Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde & Göteborgs konstmuseum. 2015. 175 s.:(Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde utställningskatalog) 709.24 OOPEAA 2014 OOPEAA : Office for Peripheral Architecture [editor Julie Cirelli] Stockholm. Arvinius + Orfeus. 2014. 223 s. 709.24 OVERBY, Rob. Utst. 2014-2015 Overby, Robert (vandreutstilling) (2014-2015) Robert Overby : works 1969-1987 / edited by Alessandro Bellini and Martin Clark ; [curator: Alessandro Rabottini] Milano. Mousse publishing. 2014. 301 s., 1 bl. 709.24 PAOLINI, Giu. Utst. 2013-2014 Paolini, Giulio (utstilling) (2013-2014 : Roma ; London) Giulio Paolini / a cura di / edited by Daniel F. Herrmann, Bartolomeo Pietromarchi Macerata. Quodlibet. 2014. 168 s. 709.24 PECHT 1982 Bringmann, Michael Friedrich Pecht (1814-1903) : Massstäbe der deutschen Kunstkritik zwischen 1850 und 1900 / Michael Bringmann Berlin. Gebr. Mann Verl.. 1982. 514 s. 709.24 PICASSO 1995Picasso's paintings, watercolors, drawings and sculpture : a comprehensive illustrate [Herschel Chipp et al.] San Francisco. Alan Wofsy. 2015. xix, 381 s.:(Picasso comprehensive catalogue) 709.24 PICASSO Utst. 2014 Picasso, Pablo (utstilling) (2014 : Bremen) Sylvette, Sylvette, Sylvette : Picasso und das Modell / Kunsthalle Bremen ; [Hrsg.: Christoph Grunenberg und Astrid Becker] München. Prestel. 2014. 297 s. 709.24 PICASSO Utst. 2014-2015 Picasso and Spanish modernity (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Firenze) Picasso and Spanish modernity : works from the collection of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía / edited by Eugenio Carmona Florence. Mandragora. 2014. 253 s. 709.24 REMBRANDT Utst. 2014 Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn (utstilling) (2014 : Mora) Rembrandt etchings from the Zorn collections : summary catalogue / Johan Cederlund, Ed de Heer, Michiel Kersten Mora ; Eindhoven. Zornmuseet ; Lecturis. 2014. 253 s. 16 709.24 REMBRANDT Utst. 2014-2015 Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn (utstilling) (2014-2015 : London, Amsterdam) Late Rembrandt / Jonathan Bikker ... [et al.] London ; Amsterdam. National Gallery Company ; in association with the Rijksmuseum. 2014. 327 s. 709.24 RHOADES, Jason Utst. 2013-2015 Rhoades, Jason (utstilling) (2013-2015 : Philadelphia, PA ; Bremen ; Gateshead) Jason Rhoades, four roads / [curator:] Ingrid Schaffner ; with contributions by Martha Buskirk, Chris Kraus, and Paul Schimmel ; [editor: Anthony Elms] Philadelphia, Pa ; München. University of Pennsylvania ; Prestel. 2014. 198 s., 1 bl. 709.24 RICHTER, Ger. 2012 (DVD) Gerhard Richter : painting written and directed by Corinna Belz [S.l.]. Kino Lorber. 2012. 1 DVD (97 min):(Zero One Film) 709.24 RICHTER, Ger. 2014 Gerhard Richter : editions 1965-2013 edited by Hubertus Butin, Stefan Gronert, Thomas Olbricht Ostfildern. Hatje Cantz. 2014. 337 s., 1 bl. 709.24 ROSA 2014 Volpi, Caterina Salvator Rosa (1615-1673) : "pittore famoso" / Caterina Volpi Roma. Ugo Bozzi. 2014. xv, 685 s. 709.24 RØDLAND, Tor. Utst. 2015 Rødland, Torbjørn (utstilling) (2015 : Høvikodden) Torbjørn Rødland : sasquatch century / texts by Milena Hoegsberg and Linda Norden ; [editor: Milena Hoegsberg] Milano. Mousse publ.. 2015. 150 s. 709.24 SAKS, Adam Utst. 2014 Saks, Adam (utstilling) (2014 : Berlin) Adam Saks - Fabrizia Vanetta / [curator / editor: Christoph Tannert] Berlin. Künstlerhaus Bethanien. 2014. Upag. 709.24 SCHLEMMER Utst. 2014-2015 Schlemmer, Oskar (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Stuttgart) Oskar Schlemmer : Visionen einer neuen Welt / Ina Conzen Stuttgart ; München. Staatagalerie Stuttgart ; Hirmer. 2014. 299 s. 709.24 SEKGALA, Tha. Utst. 2014 Sekgala, Thabiso (utstilling) (2014 : Berlin) Thabiso Sekgala : Paradise / [with essays by Simon Njami and Post Brothers ; editors / Herausgebers: Nicola Müllerschön, Christoph Tannert] Berlin. Künstlerhaus Bethanien. 2014. 80 s. 709.24 SIRANI 2014 Modesti, Adelina Elisabetta Sirani 'Virtuosa' : women's cultural production in early modern Bologna / by Adelina Modesti Turnhout. Brepols. 2014. 448 s.:(Late medieval and early modern studies) 709.24 SOMMER, Hel. 2015 Sommer, Helene Dust / Helene Sommer [S.l.]. forf.. 2015. 49 s., 7 bl. 709.24 STEINWEISS 2011 Reagan, Kevin Alex Steinweiss : the inventor of the modern album cover / by Kevin Reagan ; with an introduction by Steven Heller 17 Cologne. Taschen. 2011. 416 s. 709.24 STEYERL, Hito Utst. 2014-2015 Steyerl, Hito (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Eindhoven ; Brisbane) Too much world : the films of Hito Steyerl / edited by Nick Aikens Berlin. Sternberg Press. 2014. 247 s. 709.24 STORSVEEN, Eli. 2014 Storsveen, Elise Album / [Elise Storsveen, Eline Mugaas] New York ; Oslo. Primary Information ; Teknisk Industri. 2014. Upag. 709.24 STRAND, Nina 2014 (småtrykk) Strand, Nina Backstage / Nina Strand [Oslo]. Objektiv forl.. 2014. 16 bl. 709.24 STRAND, Nina 2015 (småtrykk) Strand, Nina Solo / Nina Strand [Oslo]. Objektiv forl.. 2015. 18 bl. 709.24 STRAND, Nina u.å. (småtrykk) Strand, Nina Trollet som ikke ville være troll / av Nina Strand og Kitty Chaisy Strand [Oslo]. Objektiv forl.. [u.å.]. 12 bl. 709.24 TAKEUCHI Utst. 2013 Takeuchi, Seiho (utstilling) (2013 : Tokyo, Kyoto) Takeuchi Seiho (1864-1942) : Tokyo, September 3 - October 14, 2013, The National Museum of Modern Art ; Kyoto, October 22 - December 1, 2013, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art / [texts by Nakamura Reiko ...] Tokyo. National Museum of Modern Art. 2013. xvi, 214 s. 709.24 TEHRANI, And. Utst. 2013 (Småtrykk) Tehrani, André (utstilling) (2013 : Oslo ; Bergen) André Tehrani : popular disorder / [tekster: Natasha Marie Llorens, Anthea Buys] [S.l.]. Lord Jim Publ.. 2013. 36 s., 1 bl. 709.24 TORVUND, Ing. 2015 Torvund, Ingrid When I go out I bleed magic / Ingrid Torvund Oslo. Torpedo Press. 2015. Upag. 709.24 TUTTLE, Ric. Utst. 2014-2015 Tuttle, Richard (utstilling) (2014-2015 : London) Richard Tuttle : I don't know : the weave of textile language / edited by Richard Tuttle, Magnus af Petersens, Achim Borchardt-Hume London. Whitechapel Gallery ; Tate. 2014. 203 s. 709.24 VELDE, H. 2013 (Småtrykk) Schmidt, Martin H. Henry van de Velde in Weimar : Sonderdruck Villa Grisebach, Berlin / Text: Martin H. Schmidt Berlin. Fischer. 2013. 31 s. 709.24 VESTERLID 2014 Villa Engen : architect Are Vesterlid essay by Nina Berre ; editors Nina Berre, Mari Lending Oslo. Pax. 2014. 159 s.:(asBuilt) 709.24 VIGELAND, G. Utst. 2015 18 Vigeland, Gustav (utstilling) (2015 : Oslo) Avkledd! : Alfred Hrdlicka og Gustav Vigeland : verk fra Sammlung Würth og Vigeland-museet / redigert av Anne-Birte Rasmussen Snilsberg og C. Sylvia Weber . Swiridoff. 2015. 85 s. 709.24 WAGER, Kira Utst. 2014 Wager, Kira (utstilling) (2014 : Oslo) Kira Wager : utvalgte verk/selected works 2006-2014 / essay av/by Stian Gabrielsen Oslo. Galleri K. 2014. 79 s., 1 bl. 709.24 WALLEVIK 2012 Engelstad, Elisabet Vallevik Fjorden var vegen : fotopioneren Anders Paulsson Wallevik / Elisabet Vallevik Engelstad Oslo. Aschehoug. 2012. 223 s. 709.24 WILLBRAND 2014 (Småtrykk) Willbrand, Carola Carola Willbrand : Das Cut Up als erweiterter Handarbeitsbegriff / [herausgegebn von Elke Purpus] Köln. Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek der Stadt Köln. [2014]. [40] s.:(Kleine Schriften der Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek) 709.24 WOLF, C. 1979 Raeber, Willi Caspar Wolf : 1735-1783 : sein Leben und sein Werk : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Schweizer Malerei des 18. Jahrhunderts / von Willi Raeber Aarau ; München. Sauerländer ; Prestel. 1979. 380 s.:(Oeuvrekataloge Schweizer Künstler) 709.24 ØRMEN, Lene Utst. 2015 (Småtrykk) Ørmen, Lene Baadsvig (utstilling) (2015 : Oslo) Dear darkling : Lene Baadsvig Ørmen / [tekst: Eirik Senje] Oslo. UKS. 2015. 15 s. 709.24 ÅDLANDSVIK, Stian Utst. 2012 Stein mit Vollausstattung (utstilling) (Dortmund : 2012) Stein mit Vollausstattung : Stian Ådlandsvik - Lutz-Rainer Müller - Mark Pepper - Thomas Woll : ein Projekt der Dortmunder Kunstverein 2011-2014 / [Redaktion: Sandra Dichtl ... [et al.] ; Texte: Dr. Christoph Brockhaus ... [et al.]] Dortmund. Dortmunder Kunstverein. 2014. 33 s., 40 s. DE ENKELTE LANDS KUNST 709.43 Fan Utst. 2014-2015 Fantastische Welten (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Frankfurt am Main, Wien) Fantastische Welten : Albrecht Altdorfer und das Expressive in der Kunst um 1500 : eine Ausstellung des Städel-Museums, der Liebighaus-Skulpturensammlung, Frankfurt am Main, und des Kunsthistorischen Museums, Wien ... / hrsg. von Stefan Roller und Jochen Sander ; mit Beitr. von Daniela Bohde ... [et al.] Frankfurt am Main ; München. Städel Museum ; Hirmer. 2014. 288 s. 709.43 JUNGER WESTEN 2013 junger westen (utstilling) (2013 : Recklinghausen) Kunstpreis junger westen 2013 : Malerei : Kunsthalle Recklinghausen 1. Dezember 2013 bis 2. Februar 2014 / [Katalog: Hans-Jürgen Schwalm, Ferdinand Ullrich ; Ausstellung: Hans-Jürgen Schwalm] Recklinghausen. Kunsthalle Recklinghausen. 2013. 95 s. 709.43 Kun Utst. 2014 Kunstpreis der Böttcherstrasse in Bremen (utstilling) (2014 : Bremen) Kunstpreis der Böttcherstrasse in Bremen 2014 : Kunsthalle Bremen, 19.07. - 05.10.2014 / [Redaktion / copy editing: Eva Fischer-Hausdorf] Bremen. Kunsthalle Bremen. 2014. 144 s. 709.43 Lev 2013 Levine, Emily J. Dreamland of humanists : Warburg, Cassirer, Panofsky, and Hamburg School / Emily J. Levine 19 Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 2013. 444 s. 709.43 Pet 2014 Petropoulos, Jonathan Artists under Hitler : collaboration and survival in Nazi Germany New Haven. Yale University Press. 2014. 407 s. / Jonathan Petropoulos 709.438 Fyd 2014 Fydrych, Waldemar Lives of the orange men : a biographical history of the Polish Orange Alternative movement / Major Waldemar Fydrych ; introduction by The Yes Men ; edited by Gavin Grindon Wivenhoe. Minor Compositions. 2014. 330 s. 709.477 Pre Utst. 2014 Premonition (utstilling) (2014 : London) Premonition : Ukranian art now / [editor: Viktoriya Burlaka] London. Booth-Clibborn. 2014. 142 s., 1 bl. 709.48 Mag Utst. 2015 Det magiske nord (utstilling) (2015 : Oslo, Helsinki) Det magiske nord : finsk og norsk kunst omkring 1900 / [redaktør: Timo Huusko] Oslo ; Helsinki. Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design ; Ateneum Art Museum. 2015. 236 s. 709.48 Nor 2014 Nordic contemporary : art from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden editor: Hossein Amirsadeghi ; essays: Patricia G. Berman, Charlotte Bydler, Hanna Johansson London. Thames & Hudson. 2014. 364 s. 709.48 Sik Utst. 2015 Siksi - the Nordic miracle revisited (utstilling) (2015 : Moss) SIKSI : the Nordic art review : 1986 - 1995 / [kuratorer: Gertrud Sandqvist og John Peter Nilsson] Moss. Punkt Ø. 2015. 292 s. 709.481 Gje 2014 Gjesvik, Torild The road in art : three cases from nineteenth-century Norway / Torild Gjesvik Oslo. University of Oslo. 2014. 262 s. 709.481 Kri Utst. 2015 Krigens skygge (utstilling) (2015 : Oslo) Krigens skygge : politisk kunst i Norge 1914-2014 / red./ed. Kari J. Brandtzæg [Oslo]. Teknisk Industri. 2015. 190 s. 709.481 Ung Utst. 2014-2015 Ung. Lovende (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Moss) Ung. Lovende : Punkt Ø, Galleri F 15, 29 November 2014 - 25 January 2015 / [editor: Maria C. Havstam ; curator team: Anja Bjørshol and Maria C. Havstam] Moss. Punkt Ø. 2014. 75 s., 1 bl. 709.5 Sus Utst. 2013-2014 Suspended histories (utstilling) (2013-2014 : Amsterdam) Suspended histories / [editing: Tonko Grever & Manon Braat ; guest curator: Dr Thomas J. Berghuis] Amsterdam. Museum Van Loon. 2013. 91 s., 1 bl. 709.52 Ree 2014 Reeve, John Japanese art close-up / John Reeve London. The British Museum. 2014. 144 s. ARKITEKTUR 20 720.1 Hul 2014 Hultzsch, Anne Architecture, travellers and writers : constructing histories of perception 1640-1950 / Anne Hultzsch Oxford. Legenda. 2014. XII, 226 s.:(Studies in comparative literature) 720.1 Pad 2008 Padovan, Richard Proportion : science, philosophy, architecture / Richard Padovan London. Routledge. 2008. XII, 390 s. 720.1 Tan 1994 Tankebygninger : arkitektur og kunsthåndværk 1851-1914 redigeret af Vagn Lyhne og Kristian Berg Nielsen Århus. Klim. 1994. 298 s. 720.103 Arc 2015 Architecture and movement : the dynamic experience of buildings and landscape edited by Peter Blundell Jones and Mark Meagher Abingdon. Routledge. 2015. XI, 298 s. 720.103 Jon 2011 Jones, Paul The sociology of architecture : constructing identities / Paul Jones Liverpool. Liverpool University Press. 2011. VIII, 195 s. 720.103 Ste 1998 Stevens, Garry The favored circle : the social foundations of architectural distinction / Garry Stevens Cambridge, Mass.. MIT Press. 1998. 253 s. 720.82 Wom 2003 Women's places : architecture and design 1860-1960 edited by Brenda Martin and Penny Sparke London. Routledge. 2003. xx, 178 s. 720.941 Cri 1994 Crinson, Mark Architecture, art or profession? : three hundred years of architectural education in Britain / Mark Crinson & Jules Lubbock Manchester. Manchester University Press. 1994. XII, 210 s. 720.943 Co 1990 Co, Francesco Dal Figures of architecture and thought : German architecture culture 1880-1920 / Francesco dal Co New York. Rizzoli. 1990. 344 s. 720.9436 Bes 2014 Best of Austria : Architektur - architecture 2012_13 [editor Barbara Feller] Zürich. Park Books. 2014. 270 s. 720.945 Med 2014 The Medici Villa at Careggi : history, surveys and analysis for restoration work a cura di Luigi Zangheri Firenze. Olschki. 2014. 242 s.s 720.9481 Jen 2014 Jenssen, Hugo Lauritz Tjuvholmen / Hugo Lauritz Jenssen Oslo. Press. 2014. 222 s. 21 720.94897 Suo 2014 Suomi Seven [editor/curator Peter Cachola Schmal] Helsinki. Museum of Finnish Architecture. 2014. 107 s. 720.952 Mor 1961 Morse, Edward Japanese homes and their surroundings / Edward S. Morse Mineola, N.Y.. Dover Publ.. 1961. xxxv, 372 s. 720.95694 Rot 2015 Rotbard, Sharon White city, black city : architecture and war in Tel Aviv and Jaffa / Sharon Rotbard London. Pluto Press. 2015. 244 s. 720.96 Afr 2015 African modernism edited by Manuel Herz...[et al.] Zürich. Park Books. 2015. 639 s. 720.96 For Utst 2015 (Småtrykk) Forms of freedom : African independence and Nordic models [kurator Nina Berre] Oslo. Nasjonalmuseet for kunst. 2015. 45 s. 720.973 Woo 1999 Woods, Mary N. From craft to profession : the practice of architecture in nineteenth-centry America / Mary N. Woods Berkeley. University of California Press. 1999. 265 s. 724.19 Ryk 1983 Rykwert, Joseph The first moderns : the architects of the eighteenth century / Joseph Rykwert Cambridge, Mass.. MIT Press. 1983. VII, 585 s. 727.7 Yaw 2014 Yawein, Oleg The Hermitage XXI : the new art museum in the General Staff Building / Oleg Yawein ; edited by Georgi Stanishev London. Thames & Hudson. 2014. 207 s. 727.8 Heb 2014 Hebron, Stephen Dr. Radcliffe's Library : the story of the Radcliffe Camera in Oxford / Stephen Hebron Oxford. Bodleian Library. 2014. 94 s. KERAMIKK 738.09051 Hor 2015 Horizon : transferware and contemporary ceramics Paul Scott, Knut Astrup Bull (eds.) Stuttgart ; Oslo. Arnoldsche ; Nasjonalmuseet. 2015. 191 s. 738.0941 Lin 2009 (Småtrykk) Linthorpe Art Pottery (firma) Linthorpe Art Pottery : philanthropy by design / by Gillian Moore [Middlesborough. G. Moore. 2009]. 67 s. 738.09481 Bey Utst. 2014-2015 Beyond G(l)aze (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Suzhou, Bergen) 22 Beyond G(l)aze : Suzhou Jinji Lake Art Museum, 24 May-23 August 2014 : KODE | Art Museums of Bergen, 23 January-12 April 2015 / [catalogue editor: Gjertrud Steinsvåg] Oslo. Norwegian Crafts. 2014. 101 s. SMYKKEKUNST 739.27 Bol Utst. 2015 Bollmann Collection Schmuck 1970-2015 : Sammlung Bollmann. Fritz Maierhofer: retrospektive / Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Elisabeth Schmuttermeier (Hg./eds.) Wien. MAK. 2015. 143 s. 739.27 Mul Utst. 2014 Multiple exposures (utstilling) (2014 : New York) Multiple exposures : jewelry and photography / Ursula Ilse-Neuman Milan. Officina Libraria. 2014. 256 S. 739.53 Gre 2010 Grenier, Fleur Pewter : designs and techniques / Fleur Grenier Ramsbury. The Crowood Press. 2010. 159 s. 739.53 Lon 1999 London. Victoria and Albert Museum Pewter at the Victoria and Albert Museum / Anthony North and Andrew Spira London. V & A Publications. 1999. 192 s. 739.53 Rob 2013 Robinson, Paul Carter 20th century pewter : Art Nouveau to Modernism / Paul Carter Robinson Woodbridge. Antique Collector's Club. 2012. 231 s. TEGNING 741.0904 Int Utst. 2014-2015 Intenzione manifesta (utstilling) (2014-2015 : Torino) Intenzione manifesta : il disegno in tutte le sue forme / drawing in all its forms / [a cura di / edited by Beatrice Merz con / with Marianna Vecellio] Torino. Castello di Rivoli. 2014. 284 s., 2 bl. 741.5 Hel Utst. 2013-2014 Hell or paradise (utstilling) (2013-2014 : Genève) Hell or paradise : the origins of caricature 16th-18th centuries / edited by Frédéric Elsig and Simona Sala Genève. Infolio ; Musée international de la Réforme. 2013. 160 s. 741.66 Pla 2012 Pladecovers : vinylens revival Lars Dybdahl og Laura Liv Weikop (red.) København. Designmuseum Danmark ; Forlaget Vandkunsten. 2012. 213 s. 741.674 Hjo 2013 Hjorth Christensen, Line Plakatbevægelsen : en britisk designfront i mellemkrigsårene / Line Hjorth Christensen København. Museum Tusculanum Press. 2013. 302 s. 741.674 Pra Utst. 2013 Tokyo. National Film Center (firma) Czech posters for film : from the collection of Terry Posters : [August 28-December 1, 2013, National Film Center, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo] / [curated by Hidenori Okada, Tuko Ikeda] Tokyo. National Museum of Modern Art. 2013. 75 s. 23 741.923 Zei Utst. 2006 Zeichenkunst des Barock aus der Sammlung der Königin Christina von Schweden (utstilli Zeichenkunst des Barock aus der Sammlung der Königin Christina von Schweden / Rheinisches LandesMuseum Bonn, Museum der Bildenden Künste Leipzig Leipzig. Seeman. 2006. 95 s. 741.9436 Von Utst. 2015 Von der Schönheit der Natur (utstilling) (2015 : Wien) Von der Schönheit der Natur : Die Kammermaler Erzherzog Johanns / herausgegeben von Klaus Albrecht Schröder und Maria Luise Sternath Wien ; München. Albertina ; Hirmer. 2015. 255 s. 741.9492 Old Utst. 2014 Old drawings, new names (utstilling) (2014 : Amsterdam) Old drawings , new names : Rembrandt and his contemporaries / Peter Schatborn, Leonore van Sloten Varik. Uitgeverij de Weideblik. 2014. 184 s. DESIGN 745.2 Mcd 2009 McDonough, William Cradle to cradle : remaking the way we make things / William McDonough & Michael Braungart London. Vintage Books. 2009. 192 s. 745.2 Mcd 2013 McDonough, William Upcycle : beyond sustainablilty : designing for abundance / William McDonough and Michael Braungart New York. Melcher Media. 2013. xvii, 227 s. 745.2 Too Utst. 2014-2015 Tools (utstilling) (2014-2015 : New York) Tools : extending our reach New York. Cooper Hewitt. 2014. 269 s. 745.20904 Dis Utst. 2014-2015 Disobedient objects edited by Catherine Flood & Gavin Grindon London. V&A Publishing. 2014. 144 s. 745.209051 Des 2014 Designing here / now : a global selection of objects, concepts and spaces for the fut edited by Allan Chochinov and Eric Ludlum London. Thames & Hudson. 2014. 442 s. 745.20952 Pro Utst. 2013-2014 (Småtrykk) Product design today (utstilling) (2013-2014 : Tokyo) Product design today: creating "Made in Japan" : November 1, 2013-January 13, 2014, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo / [edited by: Karasawa Masahiro...[et al.]] Tokyo. National Museum of Modern Art. 2013. 55 s. 745.20952 Tok Utst. 2013-2014 Tokyo. National Museum of Modern Art From crafts to Kogei : in commemoration of the 60th Japan TraditionalArt Crafts Exhibition : [December 21, 2013-February 23, 2014, Crafts Gallery, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo] / [edited by: Karasawa Masahiro... [et al.]] Tokyo. National Museum of Modern Art . 2013. 155 s. TEKSTILKUNST 24 746.14 Tor 2014 Torgenrud, Heather Norwegian pick-up bandweaving / Heather Torgenrud Atglen, PA. Schiffer Publ.. 2014. 176 s. 746.412 Ach 2009 Achenbach, Nora von Kagoshi : Japans Meister der Bambusflechtkunst / Von Nora von Achenbach Hamburg. Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe. 2009. 151 s. 746.44 Sva 2015 Svansbo, Ann-Sofi Broderier från 50- och 60-talet / Ann-Sofi Svansbo, Anna Lindqvist [Stockholm]. Hemslöjdens förlag. 2015. 83 s. 746.92 Tor 2015 Tortora, Phyllis G. Dress, fashion and technology : from prehistory to the present / Phyllis G. Tortora London. Bloomsbury Academic. 2015. xv, 245 s. :(Dress, body, culture) MØBELKUNST 749.09051 Yud 2015 Yudina, Anna Furnitecture : furniture that transforms space / Anna Yudina London. Thames & Hudson. 2015. 271 s. 749.09489 Mag 1987 Magnus Olesen (firma) Magnus Olesen 1937-1987 : en dansk møbelvirksomhed / Frederik Sieck [S. l.]. Forskers forlag. [1987]. 90, vii s. 749.32 Sch 1937 Schneck, Adolf G. Der Stuhl : alte und neue Typen aus verschiedenen Ländern in Konstruktion, Ansichten und Masszeichnungen / Adolf G. Schneck Stuttgart. Julius Hoffmann Verlag. 1937. 64 s.:(Das Möbel als Gebrauchsgegenstand) MALERI 751.73 Arg 2014 Argus Street art Bergen / Argus, John_xc, Walter Wehus [Oslo]. Kontur forl.. 2014. 191 s. 759.07 Res Utst. 2013-2015 Re:set (vandreutstilling) (2013-2015) Re:set : abstract painting in a digital world / herausgegeben von Robert Simon ... [et al.] Bönen. Kettler. 2014. 111 s. 759.3 Mor 2010 (DVD) Moritz, Reiner E. Deutsche Romantik : Friedrich, Runge, Richter, Carus, Dahl / directed by: Reiner E. Moritz ; editors: Elke Riemann, Claudia Schwender, Cornelia Berger, Dagmar Franke-Sowa Berlin. Arthaus musik. 2010. 1 DVD-plate (50 min.):(1000 Meisterwerke) 759.38 Imp Utst. 1997-1998 Impressionismus und Symbolismus (utstilling) (1997-1998 : Baden-Baden) Impressionismus und Symbolismus : Malerei der Jahrhundertwende aus Polen : 6. Dezember 1997 - 1. März 1998 / [Ausstellung und Katalog für Baden-Baden: Dirk Teuber] 25 Baden-Baden. Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden. 1997. 239 s. 759.4 Inv Utst. 2014 L'invention du passé (utstilling) (2014 : Bourg-en-Bresse) L'invention du passé : Gothique, mon amour... 1802 - 1830 : tome 1 / [Magali Briat-Philippe] [Paris]. Hazan. 2014. 192 s. 759.4 Mon Utst. 2015 Monet and the birth of impressionism (utstilling) (2015 : Frankfurt am Main) Monet and the birth of impressionism / [editor Felix Krämer] Frankfurt am Main ; Munich. Städel Museum ; Prestel. 2015. 295 s. 759.4 Ser 2014 Sérié, Pierre La peinture d'histoire en France 1860-1900 : la lyre ou le poignard / Pierre Sérié Paris. Arthena. 2014. 590 s. 759.9492 Bor 2014 Borchert, Till-Holger Masterpieces in detail : early Netherlandish art from Van Eyck to Bosch / Till-Holger Borchert Munich. Prestel. 2014. 495 s. 759.9492 Emo Utst. 2014-2015 Emotions : pain and pleasure in Dutch painting of the golden age (utstilling) (2014-2 Emotions : pain and pleasure in Dutch painting of the golden age / [essays Gary Schwartz, Machiel Keestra] Rotterdam ; Haarlem. NAi 010 ; Frans Hals Museum. 2014. 152 s. 759.9492 Wep 2014 Wepler, Lisanne Bilderzählungen in der Vogelmalerei des niederländischen Barocks / Lisanne Wepler Petersberg. Michael Imhof Verl.. 2014. 240 s. GRAFIKK 769.9481 Tra 2003 (Småtrykk) Trasop skoles grafikksamling [tekst: Ane Hjort Guttu]. Ane Hjort Guttu. 2003. 11 s. 769.952 Hot 2005 The Hotei encyclopedia of Japanese woodblock prints general editor Amy Reigle Newland ; speceialist advicers Julie Nelson Davis... [et al.] Amsterdam. Hotei Publ.. 2005. 2 b. FOTOGRAFI 770.1 Cla 1980 Classic essays on photography edited by Alan Trachtenberg ; notes by Amy Weinstein Meyers New Haven, Conn.. Leete's Island Books. 1980. 300 s. 770.9090511 Sat 2013 The naked eye Charles Saatchi London. Booth-Clibborn. 2013. 251 s. 770.9485 Tio Utst. 2008-2009 Tio fotografer (utstilling) (2008-2009 : Kund) 26 Tio fotografer : Lunds konsthall, 15 november 2008 - 18 januari 2009 / [tekst Anders Kreuger, Åsa Nacking] Lund. Lunds konsthall. 2008. 107 s. VIDEOKUNST 777 Nie Utst. 2015 Nietzsche was a man (utstilling) (2015 : Pori) Nietzsche was a man : video art by Iranian women : Pori Art Museum / Porin taidemuseo, 06.02.2015 - 24.05.2015 / [editing / toimitus: Pia Hovi-Assad, Kati Kunnas-Holmström] Pori. Pori Art Museum. 2015. 87 s.:(Pori Art Museum publications) ORIENTALISME 782.1 Lee 2010 Lee, Josephine The Japan of pure invention : Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado / Josephine Lee Minneapolis. University of Minnesota Press. 2010. xxiv, 248 s. LITTERATUR 895.6 Mom 1891 Momo Taro : et japanesisk sagn : fortalt i vers av Samuth ; med tegninger af O.A. Hermansen København. GAD. 1891. 104 s. REISEHÅNDBØKER 912 Bai 2014 Bailly, Jean-Christophe Le monde sur une feuille : les comparatifs de montagnes et de fleuves dans les atlas du XIXe siècle / Jean-Christophe Bailly, Jean-Marc Besse, Gilles Palsky Lyon. Fage éd.. 2014. 203 s. 914.1504 Let 2013 Le Tac, Hélène Gatelangs Dublin / Hélène Le Tac, Nicolas Peyroles Oslo. Aschehoug. 2013. upag. :(Aschehougs reiseguider) 914.304 Fla 2014 Flamsholt Christensen, Jytte Turen går til centrale Tyskland / af Jytte Flamsholt Christensen København. Politikens forlag. 2014. 168 s. 914.304 Fla 2015 Flamsholt Christensen, Jytte Turen går til Sydtyskland / af Jytte Flamsholt Christensen København. Politiken. 2015. 168 s. 914.3604 Pro 2014 Proksch, Christine Turen går til Østrig / af Christine Proksch København. Politikens forlag. 2014. 168 s.:(Politikens rejsebøger) 914.3704 Fis 2015 Fischer, William Gatelangs Praha / William Fisher ... [et al.] Oslo. Ascehoug. 2015. upag.:(Ascheoug reiseguider) 27 914.3804 Gra 2014 Grandferry, Vincent Gatelangs Warsawa / Vincent Grandferry ; oversatt av Lisbeth Kristoffersen Oslo. Aschehoug. 2014. upag.:(Ascheoug reiseguider) 914.404 Let 2015 Le Tac, Hélène Gatelangs Nice / Hélène Le Tac Oslo. Aschehoug. 2015. upag.:(Ascheoug reiseguider) 914.9304 Lyk 2014 Lykke Eriksen, Margrethe Turen går til Bruxelles & Belgien / af Margrethe Lykke Eriksen København. Politikens forlag. 2014. 144 s.:(Politikens rejsebøger) 914.97204 Nør 2014 Nørgaard, Tom Turen går til Kroatia og Slovenia / av Tom Nørgaard ; oversatt av Ståle Bråten Oslo. Aschehoug. 2014. 156 s.:(Ascheoug reiseguider) 917.304 Bon 2015 Bonetto, Christian New York city / Christian Bonetto ; oversatt av Haakon Larsen Oslo. Cappelen Damm. 2015. 256 s.:(Lonely planet lommekjent) 917.304 Vor 2014 Vorhees, Mara Pocket Boston : top sights, local life, made easy / Mara Vorhees . Lonely Planet Publ.. 2014. 168 s.:(Lonely Planet) 917.304 Zim 2014 Zimmerman, Karla Pocket Washinton D.C. : top sights, local life, made easy / Karla Zimmerman . Lonely Planet Publ.. 2014. 160 s.:(Lonely Planet) BIOGRAFI OG HISTORIE 920 ZERI 2013 Federico Zeri et le connoisseurship sous la direction d'Anna Ottani Cavina et de Mauro Natale Paris. Tableau. 2013. 70 s. 948 Bau 2004 Baudou, Evert Den nordiska arkeologin : - historia och tolkningar / Evert Baudou Stockholm. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. 2004. 443 s. 948.21 Hol 2014 Holden, Finn Aker Brygge og Tjuvholmen : fra fattig utkant til rikt sentrum / Finn Holden Oslo. Dreyer. 2014. 148 s. 948.21 Sch 1963 (Mag KA23) Schulerud, Mentz Piberne og pigerne i Vika : av en Christiania-forsteds historie / Mentz Schulerud Oslo. Storebrand og Idun. 1963. 169 s. 949.2 Lin 2015 Lindemann, Mary The merchant republics : Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Hamburg, 1648-1790 / Mary Lindemann 28 New York. Cambridge University Press. 2015. 356 s. ARTISTS’ BOOKS Egen hylle Johnslien, Marte Showgrounds / Marte Johnslien [S.l.]. forf.. 2007. 21 bl.:(Oslo Lusaka Artists' Books) Egen hylle Johannessen, Kurt Ser - er / Kurt Johannessen [Bergen]. Zeth forl.. 2015. 40 bl. 29
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