Stephen Decatur High School 9913 Seahawk Road Berlin, Maryland 21811 Main Office: 410-641-2171 Guidance: 410-641-2207 Thomas D. Zimmer, Principal The Seahawk Press Volume III November 2014 Message from The Principal Thomas D. Zimmer MARK YOUR CALENDARS Dear Parents, We are swiftly moving through another school year and the events for the remainder of 2014 are rapidly approaching. From my observations and from talking with students, parents, and teachers, the first two months of school have gone extremely well. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support of the school, staff and our students. The week of November 17 has been designated as American Education Week. I encourage each of you to visit with us during this time. It is a week for thanking those who make a difference in the school: teachers, educational support personnel, administrators, community volunteers, parents, and countless others. This would also be a great time to see what your child experiences in his or her classes each day. We hope many of you take the opportunity to explore SDHS during this time. Congratulations to all of our fall sports teams for their outstanding seasons! We are proud of each and every one of our athletes who put forth a phenomenal effort to excel in their endeavors. Please encourage your student/athlete to participate in our winter sports season, which begins November 15. I would like to remind all athletes interested in winter sports who have not yet had a physical that they must have on completed prior to the 15th or they will be unable to participate in try-outs or practices. On Friday, November 7, report cards will be issued to all students at the end of the day during homeroom. If you have any concerns regarding your student’s report card, please contact the guidance office at 410-641-2207 to set up an appointment to meet with his/her counselor and teachers. Please take a moment to note the Thanksgiving Holiday schedule on this page. We are very thankful for all of you who show a commitment to your child’s education. Enjoy this time spent with family and friends, count your blessings and have a wonderful holiday! Nov. 2 - Daylight Savings Time! Turn Your Clock’s Back Nov. 3-4 - SCHOOL CLOSED FOR STUDENTS PROFESSIONAL DAYS Nov. 5 - Band Booster Meeting Nov. 6 - After Prom Meeting 5:30 p.m. Nov. 7 - Report Cards Distributed Nov. 8 - SAT Testing Nov 10-21 - Pet Food Drive Nov. 10 - SIAC Meeting @SDMS 5:30 p.m. Nov. 12 - Athletic Booster Meeting Nov. 17-21 - American Education Week Come Visit SDHS! Nov. 20 - Parent Conferences 5-7 p.m. Nov. 26-28 - SCHOOL CLOSED Thanksgiving Holiday Counselor ’s Corner MONTHLY NAVIANCE TIPS We commend all of the students who are working so diligently to complete their college applications. As we have said before, Naviance is new for all of us and every day is a learning experience for everyone. It is so important that students (and parents) come into the guidance office if they are facing any obstacles with Naviance. The problem can usually be solved in a short amount of time. All students in grades 9 – 11 should be logging on to Naviance to complete their assigned tasks. By utilizing Naviance, students are able to gain a wealth of information regarding both career and college planning. Students who do not have home computer use or are having difficulty navigating the program are encouraged to utilize both the staff and the computers in the guidance office. For seniors who are completing the college application process, we have a few tips. Students should wait until they are ready to submit an application before requesting transcripts and teacher recommendations. It is mandatory that a student speak with a teacher personally before requesting a recommendation at which time he/she should make it clear as to which college(s) the recommendation is to be sent. Students who are submitting applications using the Common App must match it to Naviance in order for the guidance office and teachers to be able to send the necessary documents. This should be done on the “Colleges I Am Applying To” page. BE MINDFUL OF DEADLINES! MANY ARE COMING UP. November will have a number of scholarship deadlines. The applications and instructions may be accessed through the College Link on Naviance. Underclassmen should be checking these also as there are numerous scholarships through the year that will be available to them. DIPLOMAS A student’s name will be printed on the high school diploma exactly as it appears in Power School. This information has been taken from the birth certificate. If you have any questions or concerns as to how your child’s name is recorded, please contact the guidance office. COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE AND SCHOLARSHIP LETTERS Congratulations to our seniors who have already been accepted to college and have been awarded scholarship money. Please encourage your child to supply the guidance office with copies of all acceptance letters and scholarship awards. This information is required to generate end of year reports. ASVAB Juniors and seniors who are contemplating entering the military will have the opportunity to take the ASVAB test at Stephen Decatur on November 12. This test is free of charge. Any student wishing to take it should register with Mrs. Russo in guidance. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Just a reminder that parents must supply the school with a new proof of residence if their address changes. Simply writing the new address on the yellow emergency card at the beginning of the year will not suffice. SDHS Extended School Program/After School Academy (ASA) To prepare for the upcoming High School Assessments (HSAs), the After School Academy will be offering review courses from January 5 – January 12. The purpose of these review courses is to provide concentrated remediation so that students will achieve passing scores for graduation. HSA content areas include government, biology, math, and English. Any child enrolled in an HSA course this semester has the opportunity to attend. Transportation will also be available. Be sure to submit your After School Academy registration form to Mrs. Berquist in the Curriculum Resource office by December 19th. At the close of Cycle 1, we had nearly 300 participants! Our Cycle 2 session runs from January 5 – February 26, 2014. Among the many enrichment offerings, we also offer Math Help and Homework Tutorial. Additionally, the Seahawk Writing Center offers help for those students struggling with any kind of writing. Registration forms are available in this newsletter, in the main office, the Curriculum Office, the Guidance Department, or from your child’s teachers. Forms may also be accessed by visiting our Stephen Decatur High School website by locating the After School Academy under programs or the ASA Facilitator, Mary Berquist, under Curriculum Resource. If a student has already registered to participate in the After School Academy program, he/she may just submit the Winter Session course offerings form. The After School Academy (ASA) allows your child’s learning to continue beyond the regular school day. With a variety of exciting educational sessions offered Monday through Thursday from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m., students have the opportunity to build upon their skills and interests. ASA courses range from S.A.T. preparation, academic intervention and tutoring to enrichment and extracurricular programs. Snacks and transportation are available as well. Rules and behavioral expectations are consistent with those of the regular school day. For more information or to submit completed registration forms, contact Mary Berquist in the Curriculum Office (A143). You may also contact Mrs. Berquist at (410) 641 – 2171 ext. 2230 or e-mail her at [email protected]. TESTING CORNER In October, all 9th graders were administered the ReadiStep and all 10th graders, along with selected 11th graders, took the PSAT. The results should be released in December. Both of these tests offer valuable information to students, parents, and educators. For more information about these assessments visit: County, State, and all other pertinent testing dates have been placed on the school website at http:// Please make every effort to ensure that students are present and on time during these dates. Testing make-up sessions often cause a tremendous strain on students due to missed instructional time/activities and the demands of makeup work are taxing. The new state assessment, PARCC, will be administered in two parts this year to English 10, Semester 1 students the week of December 8th and again the week of January 5th. During Semester 2, English 10 and students enrolled in College Prep Algebra with Ms. Kominos and Mrs. Candeloro will take the PARCC assessment the weeks of April 20th – May 1st and again the week of May 11th. No other content areas will be taking the PARCC assessment this year. Lastly, High School Assessment scores for students who took the Algebra, Government, English, or Biology test last year were sent home with students on Monday, October 27, 2014. Should you have any questions regarding testing, please feel free to contact Mrs. Mason at [email protected] or 410-641-2171. After School Academy Permission for Participation _____Session I (Fall) _____ Session II (Winter) 9/22/14 – 11/20/14 1/5/15 – 2/26/15 _____ Session III (Spring) 3/30/15 – 5/14/15 Student ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian ______________________________ Address ______________________________________ City _________________________________________ Telephone Number(s) (3:00 – 5:30 p.m.) ________________ Emergency Contact #1 Name _____________________ Telephone # ___________________ Emergency Contact #2 Name _____________________ Telephone # ___________________ Special Needs (Medical Information/dietary needs): ____________________________________________ Transportation ____ My child will need bus transportation and will ride the bus on days he/she is scheduled for classes unless a note from home is sent to the teacher. (Bus students whose classes end before 4:30 must report to the Curriculum Office (A143) until dismissed for the bus.) ____ My child will not need bus transportation. I understand that he/she is required to sign out with the teacher if leaving before class ends. Cancellations If necessary for a teacher to cancel class, a message will be sent home with the students the day before if at all possible. Please encourage your child to share any cancellations with you. Emergency cancellations will be announced in time for students to leave at the end of the normal school day. Attendance and Supervision All Stephen Decatur High School and Worcester County rules and policies apply to the Extended School Program. Student attendance at ASA is a privilege and attendance is not mandatory. Out of courtesy, it is expected that students will notify their ASA teachers of planned absences. Accurate records of student attendance are kept; therefore, parents are encouraged to contact the school if they have any question about whether or not their child is attending regularly. Students signed up for the program who do not attend may not remain on school grounds unless under the supervision of a staff member. Violation of this rule will result in disciplinary action and possible removal from the program. If it is necessary to contact a parent during extended school hours, the number at the top of the page will be called first. Please provide two alternative numbers where you or another responsible party can be reached between 3:00 – 5:30 p.m. The Worcester County Board of Education does not discriminate in admissions, access, treatment, or employment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, sex (including sexual harassment), sexual orientation, marital status, color, gender identity and expression, national origin, creed, religion, age, ancestry, genetic information, or physical or mental disability. I have reviewed the information provided above, read the policy statement for the After School Academy, and agree to its conditions. __________________________ ________ Student Signature Date ____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________ Date After School Academy TENTATIVE WINTER COURSES: January 5 – February 26, 2015 Name ________________________ Place a check mark beside the courses you wish to attend. If class meets on multiple days, indicate which day(s) you plan to attend by circling on the schedule below. Courses are offered with minimum registration of 10 students. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Academic Team ____ Investment Club/Personal Finance (App)ter SchoolComputer Science ____ K.A.A.A.T. Art Club ____ Math Help! Chess Club ____ N.J.R.O.T.C. Engineering Club ____ S.A.T. Verbal Review Gaming Group ____ S.A.T. Writing Workshop (Sat) Homework Tutorial ____ Smoking Education Hospitality Academy ____ Spanish Club/Spanish Tutorial H.S.A. Remediation ____ Seahawk Writing Center ____ Wellness Wednesday COURSE TEACHER/ LOCATION Sawyer (A120) DAY(S) DATES TIME BUS Monday 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4:30 Yes Moore (C144B) Monday 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4:30 Yes Cassino (A126) Monday 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4:30 Yes Engineering Club Explore, invent, build Krantz (A124) Tuesday 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4:30 Yes Hospitality Academy Patnode (C129) 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4:30 Yes Marx (A112) Tuesday or Thursday Tuesday 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4 only Yes K. Patrick (C162) Tuesday 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4:30 Yes M. Miller (D151) Wednesday 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4:30 Yes Powell (Media Center) Moore (C144B) Wednesday 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4:15 Yes Wednesday 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4:30 Yes Terlizzi (B1072B) Wednesday and by Appointment Throughout school-year 3 – 4:30 M. Bunting/Fluty (Gymnasium) Magaha (A170) Wednesday 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4:30 Yes Thursday 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4:30 Yes Cassino (A113) Thursday 1/5 – 2/26 3 – 4:30 Yes Fardelmann (C135) Thursday 1/5- 2/26 3 – 4:30 Yes Moore (C144B) Saturday TBA TBA TBA 10 – 12:30 3 – 4:30 NO Academic Team For the serious intellectuals and trivia buffs! Gaming Group For the serious gamers. Board games too! Spanish Club/Spanish Tutorial ʕNecessitas estudiar Español? Cooking, decorating, and event planning. Investment Club Learn financial skills for a lifetime. K.A.A.A.T. Kids Against Animal Abuse & Testing (App)ter School Computer Science Calling all computer techies! Math Help! Struggling with College Prep Algebra? S.A.T. Verbal Review Seahawk Writing Center Wellness Wednesday Focus on your physical well-being. Chess Club Homework Tutorial/ Test Review Art Club Explore your inner Picasso. S.A.T. Writing Workshop H.S.A. Remediation Subject Area Teachers 1/5 – 1/12 only Yes (During ASA sessions) Yes FROM THE ATHLETIC BOOSTERS As we round out the Fall season of sports and many of our amazing teams continue play into the post season, The Athletic Boosters would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support. Our concession stand has been very successful thanks to the many parents who give of their time to work shifts before or after their children play, giving other parents the opportunity to do the same. Many of our volunteers are parents of seniors and we would like to thank them for their support over the years. We would love to personally name each family but for fear of forgetting someone, we would like to say thank you, and you know who you are, for giving of your time and energy to this worthwhile organization. We will begin to move items indoors for the winter season and we look forward to meeting new parents. If you have some free time while it is cold outside, please consider working a shift or two either in our concession stand or apparel store. Basketball and Wrestling are very popular sports at Decatur and our concession has a reputation to be one of the best. We continue to be very busy and are always looking for volunteers. Contact us at [email protected] or speak to a Coach or Athletic Boosters Officer to find out more. We will be installing the new light pole banners that were recently purchased in the upcoming weeks. We are looking forward to seeing the banners in the rear parking lot and spreading our Decatur pride to our guests. The Apparel Store will be stocked with new items for the holiday season. We will extend our hours during the month of December to Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 11-1. Shop early for the best selections!! We were very happy to be able to honor a large monetary request from Coach Martinek and the Decatur Wrestling team as they were in desperate need of new Wrestling mats. Coach Martinek came to us several weeks ago with his request in hopes of having the new mats by the start of Wrestling season. We approved his request (one of the largest we have ever had) and look forward to seeing this new equipment put to good use. Remember, that is what the Athletic Boosters are here for, to supplement the teams’ needs and requests that the school cannot handle. Honoring requests like these help our student athletes in becoming the best they can be at their particular sport. Good Luck Coach Martinek! Thank you to the many parents and coaches that have been attending our monthly meetings. We have had increased attendance at each meeting. Increased attendance means increased interest which helps us to better understand the needs of the school. Please consider attending our monthly meeting held on the second Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the teachers’ lounge across from the cafeteria. We hope to see you there! Kim Holloway, President ** Kate Coates, Vice President ** Ashley Furvay, Secretary ** Kim Mumford, Treasurer BAND BOOSTER NEWS It’s hard to believe that the month of November is already here. The band has already performed at four football games and three parades! Our students have done some amazing things in a short amount of time, and the busy band season is still to come. As you may know the SDHS marching band has started its second fundraiser for the Fall season, fresh citrus from Florida. All band and colorguard students have been given all of the citrus information and are available to take orders. This fundraiser will run approximately two weeks in length. The booster club will be offering prizes to those top three sellers of this fundraiser. As always, orders can also be placed directly with Mr. Foell at 410-641-2171. The band boosters would like to recognize two additional performances in November. The marching band will be playing their final home football game on November 7th. This is a special night for all performers at SDHS, because this will be the senior recognition night for band, Colorguard, cheerleaders, and football players alike. The other November performance will bring the string orchestra into the spotlight. It is the privilege for the SDHS orchestra to play during a breakfast event made possible by our assistant superintendent, Mr. Lou Taylor. This special occasion will bring community leaders and business people together for the benefit of all students in Worcester County. The band boosters would also like to recognize two special instrumental students: Mr. Lucas Quillen and Mr. Frankie Nanna. Both of these instrumentalists have been working towards the goal of auditioning for the Maryland All State Honor Band. They will be travelling across the bridge on the second and third weekends for both the junior and senior band auditions. The band boosters want to wish both of them the best of luck and hope they represent Stephen Decatur High School exceptionally well. We don’t want to forget our drumline! They have been working diligently with Mr. Shuster getting the cadences together and making them as polished as possible. With everything that goes on the drumline should always reference their schedules for the November practice dates and times. The November practice days will be two Wednesdays in a row followed by the following two Mondays. Then BOOM!! Parade season hits! We hope to see you all at the November meeting, which is set for the 5th. As an early reminder the December meeting is set for Wednesday the 3rd. Have a Happy Halloween! The Worcester County Arts Council is pleased to offer the following after school classes for children! Creative Fun with Arts & Crafts: Using a variety of materials, including yarn, fabric, colored pencils and tissue paper, students will create wall hangings, stained glass, jewelry and other projects inspired by the Arts & Crafts movement. Instructor: Erika Uebel. All supplies included Tuesdays: Nov. 4, 11, 18 & 25; 4-4:45 p.m. (2-4 years old). $6 per class YogArt: A Yoga & Art For Children: This fun class combines the fine art experience with the practice of basic yoga movements and positions. Each session will include a yoga practice paired with sketching, priming a canvas, and painting in acrylics to create a finished work of art. Instructor: Char Wederbrand. Art supplies included, students bring yoga mat. Mondays: Nov. 3, 10, 17 & 24, Dec. 1. 4-5 p.m. (8-14 years old) To register call: 410-641-0809. Space is limited & advanced registration is required! Attention parents: The Yearbook and K-Coast are giving away $1,000.00 Buy a yearbook online between now and December 1st and you will be entered in a drawing for one of two $100 gift certificates or one of 16-$50 gift certificates from K-Coast Surf Shop. Every online purchase of a 2015 Yearbook will be eligible for the drawing which will take place the week of December 8th. Go to and buy your book today!
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