KAYAKO NA BOBOS Pocket Dictionary

Pocket Dictionary
1) Basic wordlist
2) Short grammar sketch
3) Useful phrases
General expressions
Family & You
The time
Accidents & Problems
The weather
Money & Shopping
Going out
4) Thematic wordlist
Body Parts
At Home
Zodiac signs
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Basic wordlist
A a - aha
able - tengi
about - tos
account - pako
acid - choi
across - tumula
act ajam
addition amau
adjustment aneno
advertisement kumpotan
after ze
afternoon baninta
again wai
against fe
agreement ijelu
air hum
airplane neni
airport nenila
alcohol piso
all yo
almost fafau
ambulance semini
among laban
amount awi
amusement inye
and ai
angle pil
angry wonka
animal unga
answer awaika
ant sindi
any kakwa
apparatus tal
apple bol
approval itushun
April Pamaro
arch pilido
argument aruka
arm lele
army varunyo
art yus
as shi
at la
attack aderu
attempt akemun
attention ihea
attraction akunju
August Diamaro
authority ikoi
automatic lori
awake zonong
B b bul
baby simben
back zeze
bad ming
bag bos
balance imas
ball roya
band jinyo
bank parado
base bando
basin sobeo
basket kwebeo
bath shimbeo
be la
beautiful nenyun
because chumun
bed zonya
bee zundi
beer binso
before ku
behavior asapu
belief ajeho
bell fanka
bent opil
berry sinsu
between bambo
beverage soto
bird une
birth asenchu
bit asi
bite adun
bitter von
black sol
blade tufan
blood banso
blow fum
blue saska
board num
boat soni
body senyo
boiling arum
bone sempe
book kaiko
boot vunos
bottle shepe
box beo
boy simbu
brain jeje
brake basha
branch pelele
brass shupingu
bread binki
breath ahum
brick duzu
bridge vano
bright dinshi
broken bai
brother bua
brown rai
brush zipe
bucket pinseo
building audo
bulb vukos
burn wepi
burst bumbai
bus naini
business apopo
but esto
butter mosana
button ponkos
by za
C c chis
cake binsa
call kava
camera tantal
canvas longo
card asha
care zua
carriage winda
cart ponda
cat meo
cause mun
cent simpio
certain reshi
chain vanaya
chalk lampe
chance tengito
change tonyin
cheap pasi
cheese mosa
chemical avo
chest bambi
chicken kwo
chief tikoi
child ben
chin kuvu
church kelesia
circle aro
city dola
clean oshim
clear tunyun
clock tatal
Kah Pocket Dictionary
cloth ango
cloud shul
coal pisol
coat shango
cold ven
collar kenos
color san
comb zidun
come de
come in nubo
comfort yoisa
committee tosonyo
common nyoshi
company ponyo
comparison amashun
complete kwambe
competition afefi
complex wiva
condition atonto
connection ava
conscious jele
control koi
cook janzu
copper pingu
copy sunto
cord naya
cork nyausa
cost popa
cotton pezi
cough hua
country an
cover zonzi
cow mul
crack abai
credit tipa
crime aminja
cruel mweng
crush bus
cry yoyoi
cup seo
current vonu
curtain shengo
curve ropil
cushion mwebos
cut tu
D d doa
damage baisa
danger izen
dark sol
daughter bemwana
day anin
dead mia
dear zai
death imia
debt vupa
Kah Pocket Dictionary
December Zemaro
decision abaska
deep naibo
degree pilio
delicate chausa
dependent rava
design asaje
desire tinju
destruction abayo
detail sinchau
development arim
different yinshi
digestion asenza
direction ano
dirty boi
discovery ahenyun
discussion akaru
disease isemi
disgust iheka
dish kisa
distance inainu
distribution apaucho
division ajambe
dizzy dadaju
do jam
doctor umomi
dog bau
door doki
doubt hoha
down vu
drain simonso
drawer kum
dress jango
drink soza
drive muno
drop mumbon
drugs juvo
dry song
dust sinshum
E, e ebe
ear ahim
early kuvi
east tinuno
edge siski
education akwan
effect munya
egg reo
eight dia
elastic vavau
electric na tipi
end abas
engine nutal
enough yosa
equal wengi
error awoi
even ewe
evening zekita
event ato
ever kwiku
every yo
example tanto
exchange yom
existence ilaila
expansion awanu
experience atoju
expert utunjo
eye ayun
F, f feo
face kuku
fact rejo
fall bon
false kom
family vanyo
far nainu
farm saido
fat sau
father uba
fear iyika
feather nezi
February Sumaro
feeble mimiza
feeling iju
female wanasa
fertile temben
fiction tokeo
field sayan
fight jaru
finger yol
fire api
first na kwa
fish gan
five jom
fixed tenunung
flag pengo
flame simpi
flat hu
flight anenu
floor vuku
flower afo
flu romi
fly nenu
fold shem
food aki
foolish jejeng
foot vuvu
for tos
forbidden tusung
force dono
fork kipyu
form asa
forward kunu
four pan
fowl done
frame aski
free namil
frequent wito
Friday Vaita
friend ustu
from chu
front kulu
fruit gun
full yobo
future deta
G,g ga
garden lula
general nyoza
get za
girl simwana
give pau
glass ashe
glove lengo
go denu
goat menga
gold vungu
good nen
government punyo
grain zoi
grass poi
great wamwa
green pesan
greens pesanyo
grey/gray shua
grip hile
group wonyo
growth itomwan
guide uheno
gun chenya
H,h hos
hail tikos
hair zizi
half sumbe
hammer pedu
hand lele
hang pim
happy nyeka
harbor soki
hard re
harmony iluju
hat vanti
hate heka
have le
he yu
head titi
healthy nensa
hearing ahinju
heart bamba
heat isham
hello mai
help leo
here lau
high wen
history kwita
hole acha
hollow chabo
hook apil
hope keho
horn tipe
horse win
hospital semido
hour rio
house yudo
how hashi
humor hauju
hundred mel
hurt yai
I, i ini
I wa
ice revo
idea henje
if tonto
ill semi
important kungi
impulse jajamun
in bo
increase tomwi
industry jamponyo
ink tanso
insect udi
instrument jia
insurance arepa
interest ijoke
invention ahenjo
iron fangu
island solan
J, j jus
January Kwamaro
jelly vasau
jewel angu
join tombe
journey anunai
judge urenka
jump pya
June Vaimaro
July Teomaro
K,k kona
keep lara
kettle pimbeo
key kaipe
kick chevu
kind shimbe
kiss mweki
knee vupil
knife tuya
knot asku
knowledge ajo
L, l lal
land an
language yuka
last yeku
late zevi
laugh hauka
law renya
lead kula
leaf pesho
learning akwan
leather chingo
leave chu
left yino
leg vuvu
let tuska
letter kotan
level angi
library kodo
lift ponti
light adin
like shi
limit witi
line nana
linen zisku
lip kiski
liquid soso
list yoko
little (small) sin
little (less least) si
living hai
lock kaida
long nai
loose mwehu
loss amole
loud kale
love nenju
low hu
luggage bosonyo
M, m mem
machine tal
make jam
male busa
man ubu
manager ureno
map lasho
March Yemaro
mark totan
market chipola
married odova
Kah Pocket Dictionary
match kwaron
material avo
mass winyo
May Jomaro
may tus
meal kito
measure wanyun
meat seki
medical na momi
medication, medicine miki
memory awaijo
metal fan
middle ban
military varunyo
milk mosa
mind jea
mine momola
minute sirio
mist vushina
mixed ososko
Monday Sunta
money apa
monkey nyai
month maro
moon mam
morning ninku
mosque mashido
mother uma
motion anunu
mountain gin
mouth kiki
move nunu
much (more most) wi
muscle sese
music aji
N, n nain
nail - rau
name senka
narrow silu
nation punan
natural na tokwe
nauseous kimi
near fafau
necessary tentim
neck kenke
need tinza
needle pyu
nerve juno
net akwe
new hen
news hencho
night manta
nine sasta
no nong
noise akale
Kah Pocket Dictionary
normal janjasa
north mano
nose fuku
not nong
note sinko
November Maumaro
now tau
number dau
nut peo
O, o oho
observation aboyun
October Ninimaro
of na
off omori
offer pau
office kando
oil sauso
old naita
on tila
one kwa
only sisi
open mil
operation amomitu
opinion ijesa
opposite fe
or eom
orange nyu
order haza
organization kekwe
ornament angu
other yin
out chi
oven zubeo
over ti
owner ule
P, p pina
page kosho
pain ayai
painful yai
paint sanso
paper asho
parallel kwano
parcel bosha
part ambe
past fauku
pasta sobin
paste sasau
payment apapau
peace ive
peanut vuvos
pen kope
pencil champe
person uyu
physical na senyo
picture tan
pig wil
pin pyu
pipe nos
place ala
plane neni
plant pea
plate kihu
play jafi
please soi
pleasure ishushi
plough/plow kuntuya
pocket bobos
point pyo
poison minki
police murenyo
polish moham
political na nyonoka
poor sile
porter udoki
position rashi
possible ten
pot deo
potato pem
powder shum
power ikoi
present taula
price apopa
print kopom
prison fondo
private lobo
probable tentom
process atonu
produce jampo
profit nenza
property aule
prose janjaka
protest fecho
public yotos
pull kum
pump ponuya
punishment afon
purpose ikeno
push pon
put jara
Q, q kwen
quality sangi
question ahaka
quick ge
quiet sus
quite ningile
R,r ras
rail fanuno
rain tiso
range itenai
rat jekil
rate ige
ray dino
reaction awaijam
red yam
reading akoyun
ready kuri
reason amun
receipt simpoko
record choko
regret yoyau
regular daito
relation ava
religion nampuno
representative ulaka
request soi
respect wenju
responsible puza
rest zonza
restaurant kizado
reward topa
rhythm dai
rice lanki
right zano
ring rongu
river sonai
road nuno
rod pepe
roll danu
roof doti
room bea
root pevu
rough ham
round rosa
rub nyom
rule renya
run gevu
S,s ses
sad yoyun
safe van
sail tihungo
salt fim
same kwashi
sand vushum
Saturday Teota
say ka
scale varau
school kwando
science jono
scissors rantu
screw dapyu
sea finso
seat rala
second na sun
secret asiska
secretary renkan
see weyun
seed benzoi
selection jezanyo
self yulo
send munu
seem yunkule
sense ju
separate chusi
September Sastamaro
serious tereke
servant dozia
seven teo
sex ajai
shade dinyau
shake dende
shame ipuchu
sharp pyusa
sheep me
shelf huya
ship soni
shirt koshango
shock den
shoe chivu
short fau
shut okai
side lulu
sign tan
silk kwengu
silver nyengu
simple gejo
sister mea
six vai
size wanio
skin senchi
skirt faungo
sky tiska
sleep zon
slip shoi
slope moila
slow mwenu
small sin
smash geche
smell fufu
smile nyeki
smoke jem
smooth mwesa
snake nanai
sneeze fuhua
snow mwere
so echu
soap shinas
society ronyo
sock vungo
soft mwe
solid re
some si
son bembu
song ajika
sorry yauka
sort shimbe
sound auhim
south nino
soup runso
space labo
spade chal
speak weka
special sisa
sponge rehom
spoon kichal
spring chuta
square pampil
stamp toiko
stage nungi
star mangu
start nuku
statement ayoka
station fanaila
steam somus
stem semban
steel refan
step numbe
stick pepe
sticky totoi
still rata
sting japyu
stitch sisku
stocking vunai
stomach biki
storm funto
stone adu
stop bas
store podo
story atoka
strange janjang
street nuno
stretch hikum
stiff renu
straight nosa
strong sere
structure doshi
substance avo
such shai
sudden cheta
sugar shushum
suggestion ajeka
summer shanta
sun nin
Sunday Kwata
support kelu
surprise ahoi
Kah Pocket Dictionary
swap yom
sweet shu
swim sofi
synagogue kenesedo
system aren
T, t tais
table nunya
tail lua
take za
talk ka
tall wen
taste juloi
tax pumbe
taxi vani
teaching amukwan
temple nando
ten nini
tendency ajanjake
tent dongo
test zayun
ticket desha
than tunti
that ye
the then tai
theory atoje
there lai
thick gai
thin chil
thing aya
thirty yenini
this wau
though eye
thought aje
thousand pol
thread sinaya
three yem
throat kembo
through tum
thumb luyol
thunder tibum
Thursday Jonta
ticket desha
tight hi
till deche
time ata
tin fambeo
tired zonju
to denu
today nintau
Kah Pocket Dictionary
toe vuyol
together kwala
toilet choraya
tomorrow zemanta
tongue loilo
tooth dun
top ati
touch leche
town dola
trade popo
train fanai
transport nujau
tray zanum
tree ape
trick konyam
trouble dodoi
trousers sungo
true ho
Tuesday Yenta
turn nuda
twenty sunini
twist munda
two sun
U, u usu
umbrella tisovan
under vu
unit wanio
up ti
use za
V, v voi
value itempa
vegetable peki
verse dairon
very wi
vessel bobeo
view nayun
violent geru
voice kika
vomit monki
W, w wia
wait tara
waiter dobu
waitress doana
walk nuvu
wall donum
wallet pabos
war anyoru
warm sham
wash shim
waste lenza
watch yun
water aso
wave gon
wax resau
way nuno
weather titom
Wednesday Panta
week ninyo
weight ijum
well nen
west vununo
wet oso
wheel ada
when eta
where hala
while tabo
whip chenaya
whistle funji
white lam
who hayu
why hamun
wide wilu
will akeju
wind tihum
window shenum
wine suso
wing nechi
winter venta
wire pino
wise wanjo
with lu
woman wana
wood pevo
wool mezi
word kaya
work kan
worm lia
wound amitu
writing ajanko
wrong woisa
X, x kes
Y, y yil
year tiro
yellow jin
yes eo
yesterday ninye
you li (sg.) linyo (pl.)
young sita
Z, z zawa
Short grammar sketch
Only some main aspects of Kah are highlighted in this section. For a more extensive description
of Kah grammar, please check:
Kah is written in the Roman script. The following letters are used in the official spelling:
A pronunciation guide to each of the phonemes of Kah is:
Spanish "mal"
French "beau"
Spanish "churro"
Spanish "dar"
Spanish "el"
French "faire"
English "good"
English "high"
Spanish "si"
English "joke"
Spanish "como"
English "quarter"
French "lire"
Spanish "mal"
Swahili "mwalimu"
Spanish "no"
Spanish "señor"
Spanish "no"
Spanish "por"
Korean “Pyongyang”
Spanish "rey"
French "sel"
English "she"
Swahili "Swahili"
French "tu”
Spanish "su"
English "veil"
English "we"
Spanish "yo"
French "zero"
An n before a k of g (producing the consonant clusters nk and ng) is pronounced as ng as in
the English word bang.
Nouns in Kah do not inflect for number, case or number. Definite of indefinite aspect is rarely
kaiko - book, a book, the book, books, the books
kaiko wi - many books
kaiko yem - three books
kaiko wau – this book
kaiko ye – that book
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Basic personal pronouns:
wa - I
li - you
yu – he, she it (animate)
ya – it (inanimate)
wanyo - we
linyo - you
yunyo – they (animate)
yanyo – they (inanimate)
Impersonal pronoun:
al – one, they, you
Reflexive pronouns:
walo - myself
walonyo - ourselves
lilo - yourself
lilonyo – yourselves
yulo – he, she it (animate) yulonyo – themselves (animate)
yalo – it (inanimate)
yalonyo – themselves (inanimate)
Deictic pronouns:
wau – this, these
ye – that, those
Reciprocal pronoun:
noyom – each other
Interrogative pronouns:
haya - what?
hayu - who?
hala - where?
hana - which?
hashi - how?
hasa - what kind of?
hata - when?
hamun - why?
hano - where to?
hachu - where from?
hawi - how much/many?
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Example sentence:
kaiko wau – this book
wana ye – that woman
Example sentence:
maika noyom – to greet one another
Verbs in Kah do not inflect for tense, gender, number. This means they have one basic form that
is modified by both the context and individual constituents surrounding it. Important words
modifying verbs are:
kwi - already, indicates the action has already taken place
la - to be at, indicates the action is still taking place
denu - to go, indicates an action will take place in the future
kwiku - before, ever, indicates an action has ever taken place
lum - about to, on the brink of, indicates an action is about to take place
janja - usually, have the habit of, indicates an action usually takes place
ke - intend, indicates the action could take place, "would", "how I wish"
om - "let's!" "may you" indicates the wish that the action takes place
tinti - should, ought to, indicates the action should be taking place, "should"
And examples of their use are:
gevu – run, to run
wa kwi gevu – I ran
wa la gevu – I am running,
wa denu gevu – I will run
wa ke gevu – I would run
Kah has no true adjectives like English. Instead, it has stative verbs which are placed after the
noun they modify:
nia wi - many cars
nia gele - fast car
nia yam – red car
nia ominza – stolen car
When placed in front of the verb, the verbal character of these stative verbs shows:
nen nia – the car is good
gele nia – the car is fast
yam nia – the car is red
ominza nia – the car is stolen
Adjectives can function as adverbs as well and modify verbs:
nia nen – good car
jam nen – do well
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Numerals are placed behind the noun:
nia vai - six cars
bukim yem – three kings
The basic numerals are:
one – kwa
two - sun
three - yem
four - pan
five - jom
six - vai
seven - teo
eight - dia
nine - sasta
ten – nini
eleven - nini kwa
twelve - nini sun
thirteen - nini yem
fourteen - nini pan
fifteen - nini jom
sixteen - nini vai
seventeen - nini teo
eighteen - nini dia
nineteen - nini sasta
Kah Pocket Dictionary
twenty - sunini
thirty - yenini
fourty - panini
fifty - jonini
sixty - vainini
seventy - teonini
eighty - dianini
ninety - sastanini
one hundred – mel
thousand - pol
ten thousand - dua
hundred thousand - wisti
million - bena
ten million - nungu
Useful phrases
General expressions
Hello, hi, basic greeting
Mai (wai)
Hello (back), standard answer
Good morning, afternoon, evening
Mai ninku, baninta, zekita
How are you?
Haya la?
I'm fine. And you?
Nen. Li ha?
Om wayun
Thank(s) (you)
Pai (li)
No thanks
Soi nong
You're welcome
Mai pau
Here you go
Mai za
Excuse me
I'm sorry
I (don't) know
(Nong) jo
I (don't) understand
(Nong) jebo
Can you help me please?
Soi leo
I would like...
I speak a little...
Weka ... si
I don't speak any...
Nong weka...
(Mandarin) Chinese - Hanka
English - Ingilka
Arabic - Arabaka
Spanish - Espanyaka
Russian - Ruska
Portuguese - Putugalka
Urdu - Uruduka
Indonesian - Indonesanka
Bengali - Bangalka
Malay - Malayuka
German - Doichika
Japanese - Nihonka
Italian - Italka
Hindi - Hindika
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Family & You
Mai nende
Please come in
Soi nubo
What's your name?
Haya senka...?
My name is...
Mister..., Miss...
Ba..., Ma...
Nice to meet you
Mai jobo
I am...
May I call you...?
Tus wa kaka li...?
Allow me to introduce myself
Tus wa henka walo
I'd like to introduce you to my family
Soi henka li vanyo
This is my father, mother, brother, sister
Uwau uba, uma, bua, mea
I have no, one, two, three sisters
Mea meng, kwa, sun, yem le
I have (no) brothers or sisters
Faben (nong) le
This is my husband, wife
Uwau vabu, vawana
I (don't) have (any) children
Ben (nong) le
I have two sons and a daughter
Bembu sun ai bemwana kwa le
I'm from China, Australia, Mexico
Wechu Chongan, Ostorelan, Mehikan
I live in Shanghai, Melbourne, Acapulco
Dora Zaheh, Melboron, Akapulkoh
one - kwa
two - sun
three - yem
four - pan
five - jom
six - vai
seven - teo
eight - dia
nine - sasta
ten - nini
eleven - nini kwa
twelve - nini sun
thirteen - nini yem
fourteen - nini pan
fifteen - nini jom
sixteen - nini vai
seventeen - nini teo
eighteen - nini dia
nineteen - nini sasta
twenty - sunini
thirty - yenini
fourty - panini
fifty - jonini
sixty - vainini
seventy - teonini
eighty - dianini
200 - sumel
300 - yemel
400 - pamel
500 - jomel
600 - vaimel
700 - teomel
800 - diamel
Kah Pocket Dictionary
ninety - sastanini
one hundred - mel
900 - sastamel
1,000 - pol
2,000 - sumpol
3,000 - yempol
4,000 - pampol
5,000 - jompol
6,000 - vaipol
7,000 - teopol
8,000 - diapol
9,000 - sastapol
10,000 - dua
20,000 - sundua
30,000 - yendua
40,000 - pandua
50,000 - jondua
60,000 - vaidua
70,000 - teodua
80,000 - diadua
90,000 - sastadua
100,000 - wisti
200,000 - sumwisti
300,000 - yemwisti
400,000 - pamwisti
500,000 - jomwisti
600,000 - vaiwisti
700,000 - teowisti
800,000 - diawisti
900,000 - sastawisti
1,000,000 - bena
2,000,000 - sumbena
3,000,000 - yembena
4,000,000 - pambena
5,000,000 - jombena
6,000,000 - vaibena
7,000,000 - teobena
8,000,000 - diabena
9,000,000 - sastabena
10,000,000 - nungu
23 - sunini yem
27 - sunini teo
75 - teonini jom
97 - sastanini teo
123 - mel sunini yem
423 - pamel sunini yem
Two kids - Ben sun
Five cars - Nia jom
Six kilos - Wambio vai
25 grams - Bio sunini jom
90 minutes - Sirio sastanini
50,000 rupee - Rupiah jondua
half - sumbe
third - yembe
quarter - pambe
...and a half - ...ai sumbe
first, second, third - na kwa, sun yem
tenth, hundredth, four thousandth - na nini,
mel, pampol
the fourth street - nuno na pan
the tenth beer - binso na nini
The time
What time is it?
Haya rio?
It's (one, two, three...) o'clock
Ata rio na (kwa, sun, yem...)
It's half past four, five, six
Ata sumbe ze pan, jom, vai
It's a quarter past seven, eight, nine
Ata pambe ze teo, dia, sasta
It's a quarter to ten, eleven, twelve
Ata pambe ku nini, nini kwa, nini sun
It's five to one, five, eight
Ata jom ku kwa, jom, dia
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Excuse me, could you tell me the time?
Yau, tengi ka wa haya rio?
I (don't) have a watch
Tatil (nong) le
At what time shall we meet, eat, go?
Rio hana om deche, kiza, denu?
When shall we go?
Hata om denu?
In the morning, afternoon, evening, night At noon, midnight, sunrise, sunset
La ninku, baninta, zekita, manta
La banin, bamanta, nintito, vunuto
What's the date?
Haya ninka?
Ninka Diamaro na nini
It's August 10th
Kwamaro - January
Sumaro - February
Yemaro - March
Pamaro - April
Jomaro - May
Vaimaro - June
Teomaro - July
Diamaro - August
Sastamaro - September
Ninimaro - October
Maumaro - November
Zemaro - December
Kwata - Sunday
Sunta - Monday
Yenta - Tuesday
Panta - Wednesday
Jonta - Thursday
Vaita - Friday
Teota - Saturday
Ninyo - week
Next week, friday, month
Ninyo, Vaita, maro zenu
Last week, friday, month
Ninyo, Vaita, maro yeku
What day is it?
Haya anin?
Anin Kwata, Sunta, Yenta
It's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
On Friday, Saturday, Sunday
La Vaita, Teota, Kwata
Today, tomorrow, yesterday
Nintau, zemanta, ninye >
I would like a ticket for the train, bus, ferry Where can I buy a ticket?
Soi desha tos fanai, naini, sotuni
Hala tengi paza desha?
A (business, economy, first, second) class Is there an express train?
Gefanai la ha?
Desha na shibo (wenti, pasi, na kwa, na sun)
The train to Plymouth, Moscow, Mumbai
Fanai denu Pilimas, Maskavah, Mumbaih
The train from Plymouth, Moscow, Mumbai
Fanai chu Pilimas, Maskavah, Mumbaih
When is the train (to Acapulco) leaving?
Hata fanai (denu Akapulkoh) chu?
When does the train (from Nairobi) arrive?
Hata fanai (chu Nairobih) de?
A single, retour ticket please
What platform does the train leave from,
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Soi desha na denu, wainu
arrive at?
Dezeo hana be fanai chu lai, de lai?
Is this the bus to town?
Awau naini denu bandola ha?
Where is this bus going?
Hala naini wau denu?
Excuse me, is this seat taken?
Yau, raya wau obora ha?
Where is the bus station, railway station?
Hala nainila, fanaila?
Can you tell me where the ... is?
Soi ka wa ala na ...
I'm lost
Straight ahead, to the left, to the right
Noshi ku, la yino, la zano
Take the second street to the right
Nubo nuno na sun la zano
Then take the third street to the left
Tai nubo nuno na yem la yino
And go straight ahead (until you see the
railway station, museum, city hall)
Ai denu noshi ku (deche weyun fanaila,
yusudo, dolado)
Hey! Taxi!
Hea! Vani!
I'd like to go to the hotel, restaurant,
Soi denu naido, kizado, nenila
How much is it to the airport?
Hiwi popa denu nenila?
Please stop here
Soi bas lau
Please turn back here
Soi wainu lau
This is the wrong direction
Ano woisa
Please turn right, left
Soi denu zano, yino
(Please stop at) this, that building
(Soi bas la) audo wau, ye
Where is the reception, please?
Yau, hala dozala?
Where is the car park, please?
Yau, hala churala?
Hey! Anybody home?
Hea! Uyu la ha?
Do you have a vacancy?
Bea zazang la ha?
I would like a room
Soi bea
A single room, a double room
Bea tos ukwa, bea tos usun
I would like a room with running water
Soi bea le aso ya sonu
Does this room have a toilet?
Choraya bea wau le ha?
Kah Pocket Dictionary
I would like a room with hot water
Soi bea le aso sham
How much do you charge per day?
Hiwi pazako tos anin?
Is that including (all) meals?
Aye lebo kito (yo) ha?
I intend to stay for a day, a week, a few
Ke lara anin kwa, ninyo kwa, anin si
What's my room number?
Haya dau na bea?
What floor is my room on?
Dongi hana bea la?
Roomservice? I would like to order a...
Hea dezua! Soi haza...
I stay in room no. 301
Dobo bea na yemel kwa
Please take my luggage to room...
Soi deza bosonyo bea...
Please wake me up at 7:00 AM
Soi monzon wa la rio na kwa la ninku
I'll leave tomorrow (afternoon, evening)
Denu nuchi zemanta (la baninta, zekita)
Please have my bills ready by the time I
Soi jamoyo pazako tos eta nuchi
Do you have room for a tent,
Labo la tos dongo, doni ha?
Where is the shower block?
Hala dombe na shimbea?
Food, water, eat, drink, dish, beverage
Aki, aso, kiza, soza, kisa, soto
Restaurant, snackbar, (food) stand, market
Kizado, sauzudo, chipo (na aki), chipola
Let's go to a restaurant!
Om denu kizado!
Kizado (Kwonton, Ital, Han) la dola wau
Is there a (Cantonese, Italian, Chinese)
restaurant in this town?
Do you have a table for two, three, four?
Nunya tos usun, uyem, upan la ha?
I reserved a table in the name...
Kubora nunya tos senka...
I'd like a table at the window
Soi nunya lu shenum
I'd like to see the menu
Soi weyun jezako
Hea dobu, doana!
Waiter, waitress!
Soi pazako!
Check please!
Soi haza...
I would like to order...
Bread, greens, vegetables, meat, rice,
potatoes, pasta/noodles
Binki, pesanyo, peki, seki, lanki, pem, sobin
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Chicken, pork, beef, fish
Kwo, wil, mul, gan
(Tomato, chicken, mushroom) soup
Runso (chu chom, kwo, sefo)
I'll have the tomato soup
Haza runso chu chom
I would like the fried chicken with noodles
Soi kwo osauzu lu sobin
Does that come with fries?
Pempe lu aye ha?
Is the salad included?
Aye lebo venki ha?
Is this dish spicy?
Kisa wau piju ha?
Is this halal, kosher
Awau halal, kosher ha?
Does this contain meat, beef, pork?
Awau bole seki, mul, wil ha?
I'm allergic to shellfish, peanuts, sesame
Waimi peleng, vuvos, risul
I am prohibited from consuming alcohol,
pork, beef, meat
Tusung wa kiza piso, wil, mul, seki
May I see the wine list?
Soi weyun yoko na suso
I'd like some white, red wine
Soi suso lam, yam si.
Do you have local wine?
Suso lashi le ha?
What's today's special?
Haya asisa na anin?
What can you recommend me?
Haya soi noka?
May I have some more bread?
Soi amau na binki
May I have another drink?
Soi soto mau
I would like to order dessert now
Soi haza zekisa tau
This is not what I ordered
Awau nong aya be haza ya
May I smoke here?
Tus en jenza ha?
Where is the smoking area?
Hala dombe na jenza?
I'm ill, dizzy, nauseous
Wa semi, dadaju, kimi
Pain, illness, medication, hospital
Ayai, ami, miki, semido
Do you take medication?
Kikiza miki ha?
I have a headache
Titi yai
I have a stomach ache
Biki yai
I have a sore throat
Kembo yai
I have a temperature
I'm in a lot of pain
Yai wi
Kah Pocket Dictionary
I have diarrhea
Yaiza soboi
I'm vomiting (all the time)
Monki (tato wi)
I think I have food poisoning
Je wa yaiza iminki na aki
I used drugs, alcohol, marijuana, hashish
Kiza juvo, piso, jujem, juzun
I have been stung by a bee
Zundi japyu wa
I'm having an allergic reaction
Yaiza waimito
I think I have the flu
Je wa yaiza romi
Can you give me something for the pain?
Soi pau miki tos ayai
(I think) I need a doctor
(Je wa) tinza umomi
I need a doctor who speaks French,
Arabic, Chinese, English
Tinza umomi yu weka Faransaka, Arabaka,
Hanka, Ingilka
Could you please call me a doctor?
Soi kava umomi wa
It's an emergency!
Tincheta lo!
What's the matter?
Haya doi?
Does this hurt?
Awau yai ha?
How long has it been like this?
Ata hiwi ya shau?
Is this the first time this has happened?
Awau tato na kwa en to ha?
How old is your baby?
Tiro hiwi simben le?
Has it been able to sleep last night?
Tengi kwi zon mantai?
What kind of medication do you take?
Miki hia kikiza?
Do you take medication?
Kikiza miki ha?
This is a prescription for some tablets
Awau hazako na miki
Take one three times a day (before each
meal, after each meal)
Kiza akwa tato yem tos anin (ku kito yo, ze
kito yo)
You should go to the hospital
Tinti denu semido
This is broken, sprained, infected
Awau bai, ominda, omito
I have a prescription
Hazako le
I would like some plasters
Soi shotol si
I have sunburn (on my back, arms, face)
Wa nimpi (la zeze, lele, kuku)
Do you have anything for a cold?
Miki le tos vemi ha?
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Accidents & Problems
I'm lost
Hey! Police!
Hea! Murenyo!
Call a doctor, an ambulance the police!
Kava umomi, semini, murenyo!
I have been robbed
Al pompau wa
My wallet, car, bag has been stolen
Al minza pabos, nia, bos
I have been beaten up
Al cheche wa
I have been hit by a car
Nia che wa
I lost my wallet, id, driver's license,
Mole pabos, senkoko, munoko, bosho
Is there a police station nearby?
Murendo la fafau ha?
I'd like to report a crime
Soi toka aminja
(The perpetrator) went that way!
(Uminja) denu noi!
The weather
The weather is good, bad, changing
Titom nen, ming, tonyin
Is the weather good?
Titom nen ha?
How is the weather (tomorrow, today)?
Haya titom (zemanta, nintau)?
It's cold
It's warm
It's hot
It's very hot
Shansha wi
Is it cold outside?
Achi ven ha?
Is it raining(, snowing, hailing)?
Tiso(, mwere, tikos) de ha?
I'm cold, hot
Venju, shanju
I'm too hot, cold
Shanju, venju vivi
It's raining
Tiso de
It's snowing
Mwere de
It's blowing
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Tihum fum
It's storming
Funto la
It's thundering
Tibum muhim
It's freezing
Revento la
It's sunny
Nin la (dindi)
The moon is shining
Mam la dindi
Money & Shopping
I'd like to change money
Soi yom apa
What's the exchange rate for (U.S.) dollars,
Euros, Yuans?
Hiwi vambe na yom na Dolar (na R.J.), Eroh,
I'd like to change some traveller's cheques Where do I sign?
Soi yom posho na ununai
Hala tinti sentan?
What time does the bank open
Rio hana al jamil parado?
What time does the bank close?
Rio hana al kai parado?
Twenty bucks
Pio sunini
Fifty cents
Simpio jonini
Can I help you?
Soi wa leo ha?
No thank you, I'm just looking
Soi nong, la yun sisi
How much does it cost?
Hiwi popa?
How much does this/that cost?
Awau/aye hiwi popa?
How much does this hat(, pen, bread)
Tia(, koya, binki) wau hiwi popa?
This costs 3 dollar
Awau popa dolar yem
Can I try it on?
Tus wa jango keja?
Can you take it out, please?
Yau, soi mombo
What size do you take?
Haya wanio be za?
What is the size (of this, that, these
Haya wanio (na awau, aye, sungo wau)?
Kah Pocket Dictionary
I would like to...
I would like to buy this one, that one
Soi paza awau, aye
I'll take it!
Ke paza!
That is all
Would that be all?
Oyo ha?
Can you wrap it for me?
Soi totol
Can I buy all?
Tengi paza ayo ha?
No, it's too expensive
Nong, zapa vivi
Going out
Where would you like to go?
Hala soi denu?
What would you like to do?
Hata soi jam?
What about the cinema, a restaurant,
What is playing?
disco, the theatre, a museum?
Haya tenyun?
Soi tanudo, kizado, senjido, nyando, yusudo
What time does the movie begin, end?
Rio hana tanu nuku, bas?
Does this film has English subtitles?
Tanu wau le vuko na Ingilka ha?
I (don't) like action, scifi, romantic, fantasy Is this a chick flick?
Awau tanu na wana?
(Nong) nenju tanu na nyeru, jonokeo, juva,
I've already seen it
Kwi weyun
Let's get out of here
Om nuchi lau
What did you think of the film, play,
concert, exposition?
Hashi jesa tanu, nyanto, jito, munyunto?
I think it was excellent, awful, alright,
Jesa ya wanen, sangileng, nen, wenye
I'd like to reserve for a party of four
Soi kubora tos upan
I have a reservation in the name...
Kubora tos senka...
I'd like to cancel my reservation
Soi monto akubora
I want a refund
Pauka amompa
Would you like to dance (with me)?
Keju senji (lu wa) ha?
May I take over?
Tus wa yonza ha?
Can I buy you a drink?
Tus wa paza li soto ha?
I love, hate this song!
Nenju, minju ajika wau lo!
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Let's sit down for a while
Om nura sinta
Do you want to go outside?
Keju nuchi ha?
Are you single?
Vavang ha?
Can I see you again?
Tus wayun li ha?
I love you
Nenju li
I'm sorry, I didn't know she was with you
Yauka, nong jo yu lu li
When is the match starting?
Rio hana fito nuku?
I'd like to go see a football match
Soi weyun fito na vuchero
Which teams are playing?
Finyo hana jafi?
I'd like to sit behind the goal, at the halfway line
Soi nura ze chebeo, la sumbeno
What's the lineup?
Hayu woyoko?
Who's the forward, goalie, that central
Hayu kuche, chaku, uwairu ban ye?
Goal! Yay!
Fio! Nye!
Hands! Offside! Foul! Penalty kick!
Lele! Kuvi! Feja! Fonche!
Run! Pass! Shoot! To the left!
Gevu! Tunche! Che! Denu yino!
That's a schwalbe!
Akombon lo!
Hey ref! Are you blind?
Hea ufiren! Yunjung ha?
Go Penguins!
Oi Dobune!
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Thematic wordlist
alligator - wiluki
animal - unga
ant - sindi
anteater - sindiki
antelope - gepya
ass - gau
baby bird - unga
bark - bauka
bat - nenga
bear - moa
beaver - pedundu
bee - zundi
beetle - chidi
billy goat - bumenga
bird - une
bison - daramul
bitch - wanabau
blackbird - solone
bovine - mulushi
bug - udi
bull - bumul
bullock - womombu
butterfly - sandi
cage - pebeo
calf - bemul
camel - zewali
carrion - miaki
cat - meo
cattle - mul
centipede - melevu
chick - bene
chimpanzee - shiku
chinchilla - shunshim
claw - turau
cock - bukwo
cockatoo - zizeone
cod - pengan
coot - kivan
cow - mul
crab - randi
cricket - chindi
crocodile - pembenga
crow - kal
crustacean - uranyanshi
cuckoo - yombene
deer - pepya
dinosaur - kuvenga
dog - bau
dolphin - kwishu
dove - mosone
dragon - kinyi
duck - kwau
eagle - tirau
elephant - naifu
emu - zeone
falcon - dodeza
feather - nezi
fin - senyum
fish - gan
flamingo - foyane
fly - uzo
fodder - dongaki
fox - yambau
frog - goi
gazelle - songepya
giraffe - naiken
goat - menga
goose - gaune
gorilla - nyenze
grasshopper - chimpapya
guinea pig - nyikil
gull - sokal
hamster - pombonga
hare - gehim
hedgehog - pyunga
hen - wanakwo
hippo - somul
hoof - nurau
hoopoe - kintine
hoot - wuka
horn - tipe
horse - win
horseshoe - vufan
hyena - hahau
iguana - pyunayu
insect - udi
itch mite - chichul
jackal - sumbau
jaguar - pyoro
jellyfish - shevau
kangaroo - pyavu
killer whale - sonumia
kitten - bemeo
ladybug - popyodi
lamb - beme
lark - tijika
lead, leash - nonaya
leopard - pemeo
lion - kimeo
llama - jawali
louse - bandi
mackerel - kwaninzu
magpie - dinguke
mammal - mosonga
mammoth - wanaifu
mane - kenzi
marsupial - bibosonga
mastiff - wambau
miaow - meoka
millipede - polovu
mole - vunga
monkey - nyai
moorhen - yankivan
mosquito - banzo
mouse - kil
nest - zondo
newt - goinai
nightingale - manjika
ocelot - simeo
octopus - diavu
orangutan - yanyai
ornithological - na nejono
osprey - naifu
ostrich - gevune
otter - soroi
ovine - meshi
owl - manyun
ox - kamul
oyster - soram
parrot - sankane
partridge - sayane
paw - lele/vuvu
peacock - milua
penguin - dodane
pet - donga
pheasant - vune
phoenix - pine
pig - wil
pigeon - mosone
pigsty - wilido
porpoise - sowil
poultry - donenyo
primate - tinyai
puppy - bembau
quail - sinsivune
rabbit - naim
ram - bume
Kah Pocket Dictionary
rat - jekil
raven - wankal
rhino - fupenga
roar - rul
robin - yambambi
rook - beski
rooster - bukwo
saddle - rachi
salmon - yangan
seagull - sokal
seal - sobau
sealion -naisobau
shark - dungan
sheep - ume
slug - zedodi
snail - zedodi
snake - unai
spider - kwenga
squirrel - pekil
stable - angado
stag - bupepya
starfish - mangunga
starling - shinane
stork - dezane
swallow - sunulua
swan - kinkene
swift - sinsivu
swine - pewil
tadpole - goilia
tail - lua
tarantula - zivu
tentacle - lelua
thrush - pyoreo
tick - chunchul
tiger - unana
tit - chindine
tortoise - zedo
trough - naiseo
trout - saunyum
trunk - fulele
tuna - shangan
turkey - lulune
turtle - zedo
tusk - dunai
udder - chumbos
unicorn - tipewin
vet - ungamomi
vulture - miane
wagtail - lulua
walrus - findun
wasp - shodi
whale - pechonga
wing - nechi
wolf - mambau
worm - lia
yak - zimul
yellow wagtail - lulua jin
zebra - nanawin
zebu - walimul
zoo - angala
Body parts
abdomen - bibi
abdominal - na bibi
abs - bigongo
ankle - vuron
anus - chocha
aorta - wanos
aortic - na wanos
arm - lele
armpit - lehucha
ass - zevu
back - zeze
backbone - zepe
ball(s) - suro(nyo)
bangs - tiyunzi
beard - kuvuzi
belly - bibi
belly button - biyun
body - senyo
bone - sempe
bottom - zevu
brain - jeje
breast(s) - mose(nyo)
brow - yuntino
bum, butt - zevu
buttock - zevulu
calf - vuzeo
cell - sesu
cervix - bembiki
cheek - luku
cheekbone - sempe na luku
chest - bambi
Kah Pocket Dictionary
chin - kuvu
ear - ahim
eardrum - hinchil
elbow - lepil
eye - ayun
eyebrow(s) - zino(nyo)
eyelash - yunzi
eyelid - yunchi
face - kuku
fallopian tube - masuno
feature - asa
finger - yol
fingertip - tivi na yol
foot - vuvu
forehead - kukuti
freckle - chipyo
fringe - tiyunzi
genitals - fabinyo
groin - vuvuban
gum - dunse
guts - bibonyoi
hair - zizi
hand - lele
head - titi
heart - bamba
heel - vuvuze
hip - vululu
hipbone - vuvaku
index finger - noyol
instep - vuvuti
jaw - kuvu
joint - vaya
kidney - shimbi
knee - vupil
kneecap - piltia
leg - vuvu
limb - sen
lip - kiski
little finger - sinyol
liver - vombi
lung - humbi
mole - sankos
moustache - fuzi
mouth - kiki
mustle - sese
nail - rau
neck - kenke
nipple - chunkos
nose - fuku
nostril - fucha
ovary - mabi
palm - lebo
pancreas - shungibi
paunch - kubiki
pelvic - na sandira
pelvis - sandira
penis - babi
perineum - chaban
pimple - moskos
pore - chicha
prostate - buchobi
pupil - dingocha
rectum - zebino
retina - yumbonum
rib - lupe
shoulder - tilulu
skeleton - sempenyo
skin - senchi
skull - jebeo
sole - vubo
spine - zepe
stomach - biki
temple - yunzelu
testicle(s) - suro(nyo)
thigh - tivuvu
thorax - semban
throat - kembo
thumb - luyol
thyroid - na yongebi
thyroid gland - yongebi
tit - mose
toe - vuyol
tongue - loilo
tooth - dun
torso - semban
trachea - hunos
tummy - bibi
umbilical cord - biyunaya
urethra - sindi
uterus - bisonos
vagina - macha
vein - banos
vulva - chasa
waist - banaro
windpipe - hunos
wisdom tooth - vizedun
womb - bembi
wrinkle - chino
wrist - leron
acid - choivo
acidic - choivova
-al - -saufu
alcohol (generic) - pis
aldehyde - saufu
alhocol (ethanol) - piso
-amine - -chawachu
amino- - chawachuamino acid - choichawachu
ammonia - chawa
apparatus - tal
arsenic - fuangu
asparaginase - pepekivoron
asparagine - pepekivo
aspartic - choivo na pepekivo
-ate - -yena
atom - vin
atomic - na vin
butane - siachamus
calcium - pevo
carbon - cham
carbon dioxide - hunchomus
carbon monoxide - chamahum
carboxyl acid - chanchoi
chemist - uvojono
chemistry - vojono
-ene - -chanti
enzyme - voron
ethanol - piso
formaldehyde - fusaufu
fossil fuel - womwavo
glycerine, glycerol - saupis
greenhouse effect - zeto na sheshando
greenhouse gases - mus na sheshando
half life - sunuta
helium - ninia
hydrocarbon - siacham
hydrogen - sia
hydroxyl - humusiava
hypo- -ite - -kwana
hypochlorite - humpesanakwana
-ide - -mena
insoluble - temongovang
isotope - kwalavo
-ite - -suna
ketone - chamahum
laboratory - votola
lipid - sauvo
magnesium - monsongu
manganese - babaivo
mercury - songu
methane - bimus
methanol - pepiso
microscope - sinsiyunya
molecular - na vavin
molecule - vavin
morphine - zonazon
nickel - sidingu
nitrate - vemushena
nitrite - vemusuna
nitrogen - vemus
nitroglycerine - bunsaupis
octane - fuangu
-oate - -chanchoi
-oic acids
-ol - -pis
-one - -chamahum
oxide - pepekivoron
oxygen - humus
ozone - hunti
ozone layer - huntingi
particle - vimbe
per- - ate - -pana
permanganate - babaivopana
phosphate - diniayena
phosphorus - dinia
Kah Pocket Dictionary
plutonium - vendungu
polyol - wipis
potassium - sofingu
protein - sevo
radon - jumus
silicon - pidungu
sodium - finsongu
sulphate - piskayena
sulphur - piska
titanium - tilangu
tungsten - jundu
uranium - moiraya
-yne - yenchanti
zinc - shungu
anorak - boshango
apparel - saska
apron - rai
attire - ango
backpack - zebos
bag - bos
baggy - mwele
bathing suit - sochi
bathrobe - nyongongo
belt - vatol
blouse - koshango
boot(s) - vunos
boxer(s) - fauvu
bra - moseo
bracelet - lengu
briefs - fauvu
burqa - sisengo
button - kosha
cap - vantia
chador - tingo
clothes - ango
coat - shango
cords - naya
dress - sengo
to dress - jango
earring - hingu
espadrilles - kwechi
fabric - kwengo
fancy dress - tipungo
fasten - kaiva
flipflops - vunyum
g-string - banaya
glasses - shenyo
glove - lengo
gown - sengo
Kah Pocket Dictionary
handbag - simbos
handkerchief - fungo
hat - tivan
hood - tibos
hoodie - tibosha
jacket - chivan
jeans - noska
jumper - mengo
kimono - kaisengo
lingerie - bongo
longsleeve - nailele
material - kwengo
mocassin - huchi
necklace - kenaya
nightdress, gown - mantango
niqaab - kukungo
overall(s) - kanchi
overcoat - shango
pajamas - mantango
pants - sungo
pocket - bobos
pullover - mengo
purse - simbos
pyjamas - mantango
raincoat - sovan
ring - rongu
sandal - nayavu
scarf - kentol
shawl - kentol
shirt - koshango
shoe - chivu
shorts - fauvu
shortsleeve(d) - (o)faulele
skirt - bes
slacks - sungo
sleeve - lelengo
slippers - dochivu
sneaker - vauvu
sock - vungo
sole - vulu
spectacles - shenyo
stocking - vungo
suit - kwango
sunglasses - ninshenyo
suspenders - rankum
sweater - mengo
swimshorts - sofau
tanga - vauro
thobe - vurungo
tie - kengo
to tie - kainaya
thong -banaya
tights - hivu
toga - sengo
trainer - vauvu
trousers - sungo
trunks - fauvu
t-shirt - taisa
tux(edo) - milku
umbrella - tivampe
underwear - bongo
to undo, untie - monaya
veil - kukungo
waistcoat - faushango
wallet - pabos
washing - shim
watch - tatil
to wear - wengo
zip(per) - kairon
black - sol
blue - saska
brown - rai
gray, grey - bes
lilac - susan lam
navy - saska sol
orange - nyu
pink - fosan
purple - susan
red - yam
reddish - yanshi
violet - susan
white - lam
yellow - jin
address book - yoko na kovaka
admin(istrator) - kwereno
ADSL - kwevanai shilung
AFAIK - EWJ, eche wa jo
AIUI - SWJ, shi wa jebo
AKA - AJMS, al jo mau shi
a-life - uhai sado
anonymous - senkaleng
applet - sindan
application - dani
argument - vangadau
artificial intelligence - inenje sado
assign - pauno
attachment - auvalu
automatic translator - yinkadan (lori)
autosave - shiko lori
avatar - kwezatan
background - zetan
back slash - moinana monu
back up (copy) - vansun
to back up - vansunko
bandwidth - izage
banner - kumpotan
bit - dio
bitmap - diolasho
blog - kwetoko
bold - ogau
bookmarks - novala
to boot (up) - jari
boot disk - jolea na jari
BRB - LW, lum wainu
browse, surf - kwenu
browser - kwenudan
BTW - ML, mau lo
buffer - banzakula
to buffer - banzaku
bug - damwoi
buggy - damwoile
to burn - shikoza
byte - dio
cache - kushiko
CAD - AZD, asaje za dal
to call - kava
capital - kotan wan
caps lock - raponkos na wan
card - pisha
cascading style sheets - sashiko na wemwi
cd-rom - dalea
cd burner - shikotal na dalea
cd-rom drive - daleakia
character - kotambe
character set - kotambenyo
chat - kweka
check box - kovoala
chip - pichil
click - akwaibo
to click - kwaibo
clipboard - shikora
code - adanko
combo box - ronkola
command line - nana na danko
commercial software - dan poshi
to compile - ronza
compiler - ronzadan
component - yambe
to compress - jalonsi
computational - dauvale
computer - dal
configuration - arendan
to configure - rendan
console - kital
control structure - doshi na koi
cookie - kwereo
cursor - latanto customize - neno
cyberspace - kwelan
data - aujo
database - jobeo
database management system - rondan na
reno na jobeo
database manager - ureno na jobeo
data source - achu na aujo
data structure - josa
DBMS - RRJ, rondan na reno na jobeo
to delete - monyo
to deprecate - tushunung
desktop - dantanku
Kah Pocket Dictionary
desktop publishing - adanko na kwesho
to develop - jarim
developer - ujarim
development - arim
dialog box - yonkala
disk - jolea
disk drive - joleaki
docking cradle - pivacha
docking station - pivaya
domain name - kwelaka
DOS prompt - konana na DOS
dotcom - pyo com
double click - akakwaibo
to double click - kakwaibo
download - akunjo
to download - kunjo
down time - movato
drive - joleaki
DSL - kwevanai
e-business - kwepo
educational software - danyo na mukwan
email - akova
to email - kova
to encrypt - sistanko
encryption - asistanko
enter - ponkos na muho
to execute - muho
to expand - wanu
e-zine - kwetako
FAQ - AW, ahaka wito
fiber optic - dinaya
file - joko
file sharing - kwaza na joko
firewall - vanundan
flame - foiko
flame war - anyoru na foiko
flat rate - ropa tenyining
floppy disk - nyunsha
floppy drive - nyunshaki
folder - ranchi
font - tansa
footer - kovu
forum - kwekola
to forward - tumpau
frame - aski
free software - danyo lempa
FTP - KLJ , kutoren na lain na joko
FTP software - danyo na KLJ
function key - ponkos na kamun
FYI - EJ, eno jo
GIS - rondan na aujo na anjono
graphics - tandanyo
graphics card - tampisha
handheld - til
Kah Pocket Dictionary
hard disk - zanjolea
hardware - rea
header - kujo
home page - kukwesho
host computer - bandal
hypertext - novako
icon - dantan
image map - novatan
inbox - kovalea
Information Society - Ronyo na Aujo
to initialize - nuku
to install - kebo
instant messaging - akweka
to instantiate - jantanto
integer - akwambe
interface - koiku
Internet - kweva
Internet user - sindiki
ISDN - AAKO, Akwe na Acho Kwashita Oboshi
ISP - PK, Paulakwe na Kweva
IT - JA, Janjono na Aujo
italics - moiko
iteration - awai
junk mail - shonko
key - ponkos
keyboard - ponkosha
keyword search - akake na tos
label - vako
lag - deze
LAN - unga
laptop - kaidal
link - nova
list box - yokola
to link (to) - janova to load - zaku
to log in, on - bova
to log off, out - chuva
loop - koro
to loop - jankoro
machine - tal
mailbox - kovalea
malware - mindan
margin - baski
matrix - nanakosa
menu - jezako
method - shiren
modem - vadal
moderator - umovi
module -vadambe
mouse - kwaya
net - kweva
network - akwe
newsgroup - hentokwe
notebook - kaidal
object-oriented - josale
object-oriented design - asaje josale
object-oriented programming - danko josale
octet - diadio
offline - omova
off-topic - chitos
online - ojava
OOP - DJ, danko josale
open source - na achu mil
open source software - danyo na achu mil
operating system - bandanyo
OS - AM na achu mil
output - achopau
to output - chopau
to overwrite - koyom
page break - shotu
parallel port - vaki kwano
parameter - baswi
password - deshoka
to paste - lainko
patch - vanchi
PC - dodal
PDA - daltil
peer to peer - kwembeva
peripherals - varea
phishing - ajokom
to ping - nayoncho
pixel - tanzoi
platform - danyovu
pop-up menu - jezako na tipya
pop-up (window) - choski na tipya
port - vaki
portal - kukwesho
preview - akuyun
processor - zatunya
program - adanko
to program - danko
programmer - udanko
programming language - dankoka
proprietary software - danyo ole
provider - paulakwe
pull-down menu - jezako na vukum
to push - pom
to put online - kwecho
query - akake
to query - kake
query language - dankoka na kake
to quit - bas
real time - ata ho
recipient - upauza
to recompile - yinkemun
relational database - jobeo na va
removable - tenzachu
to render - chopau
rendering - achopau
resolution - tanzoyo
ring - banzakuro
root - kuban
root directory - kuban
root user - kwereno na kuban
router - winodal
to save - shiko
to scan - tanza
scanner - tandal
screen - yunum
screenshot - tan na yunum
screen saver - zazanku
scrollbar - dayuno
search engine - dan na kake
self-extracting - kunchi lori
sender - umunu
serial port - vaki na zenu
server - bandal
service provider - paulakwe na azua
to set up - sara
shareware - danyo yova
shell - dangi
shift - ponkos na riom
shortcut - fauno
sidebar - lukono
site - kwesho
slash - moiko
smiley - unyeki
sniffer - hokaya
socket - zacha
software - danyo
sound card - pisha na hinka
source code - adanko na achu
space - menko
spacebar - ponkos na menko
spam - shonko
to spam - kova shonko
spellchecker - korendan
spreadsheet - sindiki
spyware - sishundan(yo)
start menu - kwetoko
status bar - ano na nungi
string - kotanu
to surf - kwenu
syntax - varon
sysadmin - kwereno (na rondan)
system - rondan
system administrator - kwereno (na rondan)
tab - ponkos na lapya
tag - vako
taskbar - lekela
text file - joko na auko
thumbnail - sintan
toggle - moria
to toggle - jamoria
tool - zadan
Kah Pocket Dictionary
toolbar - ano na zadan
top level domain - kwelaka na angi tiku
touch screen - lechenum
to type - ponko
to uninstall - monkebo
to unzip - molonsi
update - atauto
to update - jantauto
upgrade - ahenen to upgrade - henen
user - kweza
username - kwezaka
variable - atenyin
videoconference - wiluki
viewer - yundan
virtual reality - sindiki
virus - sishiko
to visualize wallpaper - nuntango
weblog - kwetoko
web page, site - kwesho
window - choski
wireless - pinoleng
word processing - akodan
word processor - kodan
worm - kwebanu
to zip - jalonsi
account - pako
ATM-machine - repatal
audit - unga
bank - parado
bank note - pasho
bankrupt - pateneng
bankrupcy - patenento
bill - poko
blank cheque - posho membo
budget - kuyumpa
capital - lenyo
capital stock - bopara
capitalism - lepuno
capitalist - na lepuno
cash - rep
in cash - repale
cent - simpio
check, cheque - posho
checkbook - kaiko na posho
coin - pakos
CPI - AAU (Ajewi na Apopa na Uzabas)
credit card - kupausha
currency - patan
current account - pako ribo
deficit - iyosang
deposit - arabo
to deposit - rabo
dime - (pakos na) simpio nini
disposable income - depa tentas
dollar - Dolar
earnings - aupaiza
economic - na pokwe
economical - na pokwe
economic growth - atomwan na pokwe
economic viability - itehaira na pokwe
economist - upokwejono
economize - japokwe
Kah Pocket Dictionary
economy - pokwe
embezzlement - akompo
to embezzle - kompo
exchange rate - adau na yom
expenditure - awiza
finance - panu
to finance - wepa
financial - na panu
financing - awepa
fiscal - pumpava
to fluctuate - gongo
fluctuation - agongo
fraud - akompo
fund - nopa
gain - wiluki
grand - unga
grant - sindi
IMF - sindiki
income - depa
inheritance - atinza
insolvency - patenento
insolvent - pateneng
to invest - pabo
investment - apabo
insurance - arepa
to insure - repa
invoice - poyoko
to lend - kupau
loan - akupau
market stability - itera na apopo
misappropriation - leminza
money - apa
money laundering - arensa na apa
mortgage - arepuza
to mortgage -repuza
net - akwe
nickel - (pakos na) simpio jom
overheads - popara
to pay - papau
payment - apapau
pecuniary - na apa
penny - simpio
per capita income - depa tos uyu
PIN - DSU (Dau na Senko na Uyu)
PIN number - Dau na Senko na Uyu
price - apopa
profit - saipa
profitability - itenenza
profitable - tenenza
purchase - apaza
to purchase - paza
quarter - (pakos na) simpio sunini jom
quote - apopaka
to quote - popaka
to raise - jamwen
rate - adau
recession - novunu
to reimburse - mompa
reimbursement - amompa
to remortgage - wairepuza
rent - saipa
return - waipau
revenue - depa
to rise - tonwam
to settle - rera
share - pombe
shareholder - pombele
smallchange - pakos
to spend - wiza
spending - awiza
spending power - itengi na wiza
to squander - lenza
stock - bopara
stock exchange - poyondo
stock market - apopo na bopara
subsidize - leopapau
subsidy - leopa
sum - amundau
tax - pumbe
tax payer - upumpau
treasury - pumpa
value - itempa
venture - zempato
venture capital - lenyo na zempato
wealth - ifosa
wealthy - fosa
withdraw - raza
withdrawal - araza
World Bank - Parado na Yula
academy - tikwando
academic - na tikwando
A-levels - angi na
to attend - dedenu
attendance - adedenu
bachelor - ujongi
class - kwanyo
classroom - kwambea
course - kwantonyo
curriculum - tayoko
degree - jongi
dissertation - kejoko
doctor - wokwan
doctorate - timukwangi
education - amukwan
educational - na mukwan
educational software - danyo
na mukwan
exam(ination) - sindiki
grant - wiluki
hall - unga
homework - akwanza
to learn - kwan
learning - akwan
lecturer - wiluki
master's degree - tijongi
mortarboard - pampiltia
nursery school - fikwando
pedagogical - na mukwanjono
pedagogy - mukwanjono
PhD - wokwangi
postgrad - uzejongi
postgraduate - zejongi
practice - kwansa
principal - kwandoti
professor - timukwan
pupil - ukwan
school - kwandoi
student - ukwan
student (univ.) - utikwan
to study - kwan
to teach - mukwan
teacher - umukwan
teacher training - akwansa na
teaching - amukwan
thesis - kejoko
university - tikwando
Kah Pocket Dictionary
ancestor - chufa
aunt - luma
brother - bua
brother-in-law - vabua
child(ren) - ben(yo)
cousin (m/f) - luben
dad(dy) - baba
daughter -bemwana
daughter-in-law - vabemwana
engage - kuva
family - vanyo
family member - uvanyo
father - uba
father-in-law - vaba
fiancé - kuvabu
fiancée - kuvawana
godfather - nansoba
godmother -nansoma
godparents - nansofanyo
grandchild(ren) - bemben(yo)
grandfather - bati
grandmother - mati
grandparent(s) - fati(nyo)
halfbrother - sumbebua
halfsister - sumbemea
husband - vabu
married - odova
marry - dova
mom(my) - mama
mother - uma
mother-in-law - vama
nephew - lubu
niece - luana
parent - ufa
parents - fanyo
related - vanyova
relative - uvanyo
sibling(s) - faben(yo)
single - vavang
single parent - ufa vavang
single parent family - vanyo
na ufa vavang
sister - mea
sister-in-law - vamea
son -bembu
son-in-law - vabembu
spouse - wodova
stepbrother - zabua
stepfather - zaba
stepmother - zama
stepsister - zamea
triplets -yembenyo
twins - sumbenyo
uncle - luba
wife - vawana
almond - yunsa
anchovy - fingan
apple -bol
apricot - yunsasu
artichoke - kikwil
aubergine - solpos
avocado - sawas
bacon - sawil
banana - kipil
basil - kinsho
bay leaf - sunsosho
bean - vos
beer - binso
biscuit - kwinki
bitter - von
blackberry - kokosu
to boil - rum
to (bring to a) boil - murum
brandy - konyak
bread - binki
breakfast - kuki
broad bean - vonovos
broccoli - pechos
broiled - pizu
brown sugar - shushum rai
Kah Pocket Dictionary
butter - mosana
cabbage - shoro
caffeine - kauvo
cake - binsa
candy - shuki
caper - choifo
carrot - nyuvu
cauliflower - fochos
celeriac - pepeshoro
celery - pepesho
cereal - bin
chamomile - chaifo
champagne - subul (na
cheese - mosa
cherry - sunsu
chestnut - pena
chicken - kwo
chili, chilli, chile - fenai
chips (french fries) - pempe
chips (potato chips) - kichil
chocolate - raimos
chop - lupetu
chorizo - horizoh
ciabatta - chabatah
cider - boloso
cilantro - dishusho
cinnamon - perai
cinnamon powder - (shum
chu) perai
clementine - sinkus
clove - fosong
cocktail - pisosko
cod - pengan
coffee - kau
cognac - konyak
cook - zuzu
to cook - janzu
cookie - kwinki
core - ban
coriander - dishusho
corn - buna
courgette - naipos
couscous - koshum
cream - mosau
crisps - kichil
croissant - kwasan
cucumber - pepos
cumin - mosaki
curry - sora
dish - kisa
lettuce - shoshos
donut - robin
liver - vombi
drink - soto
lobster -ranyam
to drink - soza
macaroni - makaronih
drinking water - aso tensoza malnutrition - isikivo
to eat - kiza
mandarin - sinkus
egg - reo
margarine - mwesau
eggplant - solpos
marmalade - gumbus
egg white - alam (chu reo)
marzipan - peosana
egg yolk - ajim (chu reo)
mayonnaise - mayones
emmental - emental
meal - kito
endive - vonsho
meat - seki
fat free - sauleng
meatballs - sekiro
fat free milk - moso sauleng
melon - sopos
feast - kinento
meringue - alanshu
fennel - beli
milk - moso
fillet - mompetu
mince - bustuki
flour - binshum
mint - vensho
food - aki
mushrooms -sefo
free-range eggs - reo kayang mussel - seram
French fries - pempe
mustard - choichos
French stick - pebinki
nectarine - simwechi
fried egg - reo osawa
noodle - sobin
fruit - gun
nougat - vauzun
fruit juice - mos
nut - peo
garlic - fua
nutmeg - shunashum
gaspacho - gaspachoh
nutrition - akivo
gelatine - vasau
octopus - diavu
gin - kwoiso
oil - sau
ginger - chavu
olive - sausu
gingerbread - chavuki
olive oil - sau chu sausu
gluten - vunkivau
onion - chichi
GM food - aki na AS (ajodo na on the rocks - le revo
orange - nunyu
grapes - asu
orange juice - mos chu nunyu
grated cheese - mosa oshuntu oregano - xxx
grilled - okwezu
organic - na abi
ham - jenze
paprika - fengun
hazelnut - gempeo
parmesan - mosa na Parma
herb - loiki
parsley - zirosho
honey - azun
parsnip - gaivu
ice cream - remos
pasta - sobin
jam - gumbus
paste - sana
juice - mos
pea - suvos
ketchup - chombus
peach - mwechi
king prawns - vuram
peanut - vuvos
kirsch - kirish
pear - was
kiwi fruit - zigun
pepper - fen
lager - binso yam
picnic - chikito
lamb - beme
pie - kichi
lard - wilisau
pineapple - kintiki
leek - peshope
pistachio - rampeo
lemon l - jinkus
plum - wansu
lemonade - shuso
pomegranate - yangusu
lentil -huvos
pop - chanso
popcorn - bumbuna
pork - wil
potato - pem
prawn - vuram
prune - somwansu
puff pastry - zuzeo
pumpkin - nyupos
rabbit - naim
radish - gechos
raisin - sonsu
raspberry - kosusu
ravioli - raviolih
raw - zuzung
redcurrant - sinyam
red wine - suso yam
restaurant - kizado
rib - lupe
rice - lanki
ripe - rim
roasted - opizu
roll - binkos
roquefort - rokofor
rosemary - mansoza
rosé wine - suso foyam
rum - rom
rye - solki
saffron - vunjim
sage - besho
salad - venki
salmon - yangan
salt - fim
sandwich - tumbenyo
sardine - fangan
sarnie - tumbenyo
sauce - kiso
sausage - sepe
scotch - wiskih
scrambled eggs - soskoreo
seafood - finsoki
seed - zoi
sesame - rishum
shot - soto
shredded cheese - mosa
skimmed milk - moso sauleng
slice - tumbe
soda - chanso
sole - nyungan
soup - runso
soy(a) - sebin
soy(a) milk - moso chu sebin
soy sauce - kiso chu sebin
spaghetti - aspagetih
spinach - fansho
sprout - sinshoro
Kah Pocket Dictionary
squash - vupos
squid - solua
starter - kusinki
steak - setu
stew - sora
stock - runsoso
stone - benzoi
strawberry - kimpopyo
sugar - shushum
supper - wanki
sweets - shuki
syrup - peso
tabouleh - tabuleh
tea - chai
tequila - tiliso
thyme - bemesho
tofu - bimosa
tomato - chom
tomato sauce - chombus
tonic water (aigua) tònica
topping - atila
treacle - pizun
tuna - shangan
turkey - lulune
turnip - vuchos
vanilla - fozi
veal - bemul
vegan - ungazang
vegetable - peki
vegetable oil - sau chu peki
vinaigrette - auchoisu
vinegar - choisu
walnut - jejepeo
water - aso
watermelon - asopos
well-done - otuntu
wheat - vunki
whisk(e)y - wiskih
white wine - suso lam
whole milk - moso kwambe
wholemeal bread - binki
wine - suso
yam - sepem
yoghurt - choimos
yolk - ajim (chu reo)
zucchini - naipos
continent - anyo
country - punan
land - an
mountain - gin
mountain range - ginyo
valley - wenseo
pass - banki
river - sonai
ocean - wanso
sea - finso
lake - boso
Abkhazia - Apasan
Afghanistan - Auganan
Albania - Shichipan
Algeria - Jazairan
Andorra - Andoran
Angola - Angolan
Antigua & Barbuda - Antigan ai Barabudan
Argentina - Arentinan
Armenia - Hayan
Australia - Ostorelan
Austria - Esteran
Azerbaijan - Azeran
Bahamas - Bahaman
Bahrain - Barainan
Bangladesh - Bangalan
Barbados - Barabedosan
Belarus - Belarusan
Belgium - Belegan
Belize - Belizan
Benin - Beninan
Bhutan - Durukan
Bolivia - Boliban
Bosnia & Herzegovina - Bosonan ai
Botswana - Chuanan
Brazil - Barazilan
Brunei - Burunayan
Bulgaria - Bulkaran
Burkina Faso - Burukinan
Burma - Miamaran
Burundi - Rundian
Cambodia - Kampuchan
Cameroon - Kamerunan
Africa - Kwalan
Antarctica - Teolan
Asia - Sunan
Europe - Panan
North-America - Joman
Oceania - Yeman
South-America - Vayan
Global regions
Central-America - Joman na Nino
Central-Asia - Sunan na Ban
Eastern Europe - Panan na Tinuno
Far East - Sunan na Vununo
Middle East - Sunan na Tinuno
North-Africa - Kwalan na Mano
Subsaharan Africa - Kwalan vu Saharan
Western Europe - Panan na Vununo
Arctic - Venanyo
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Canada - Kanadan
Cape Verde - Kabu-Veredian
Centr. Afr. Republic - Kimingan na Kwalan na
Chad - Chadan
Chile - Chilan
China - Chongan
Colombia - Kolomban
Comoros - Komoran
Congo-Brazzaville - Kongoan na Barazavil
Congo-Kinshasa - Kongoan na Kinshasan
Costa Rica - Kostarikan
Côte d’Ivoire - Kotivoran
Croatia - Haravatan
Cuba - Kuban
Cyprus - Kipirosan
Cyprus, Northern - Kuburusan
Czech Republic - Cheshan
Denmark- Danmark
Djibouti - Jibutian
Dominica - Dominikan-Wosoh
Dominican Republic - Dominikan-Santo
East-Timor - Timoran na Tinuno
Ecuador - Ekwadoran
Egypt - Masaran
El Salvador - Salbadoran
Equatorial Guinea - Ginan na Banaro
Eritrea - Ereteran
Estonia - Estian
Ethiopia - Ichopan
Fiji - Vitian
Finland - Swoman
France - Faransan
Gabon - Gabonan
The Gambia - Gambian
Georgia - Karatevelan
Germany - Doichan
Ghana - Ganan
Greece - Elan
Grenada - Gerenadan
Guatemala - Guatemalan
Guinea - Ginan
Guinea-Bissau - Ginan-Bisauh
Guyana - Guyanan
Haiti - Aitian
Honduras - Ondurasan
Hungary - Majaran
Iceland - Isan
India - Baratan
Indonesia - Indonesan
Iran - Iran
Iraq - Irakan
Ireland - Airan
Israel - Isirailan
Italy - Italan
Jamaica Japan - Nihonan
Jordan - Urudunan
Kazakhstan - Kazakan
Kenya - Kenyan
Kiribati - Kiribasan
Korea, North - Chosonan
Korea, South - Hangukan
Kosovo - Kosovan
Kuwait - Kuwaitan
Kyrgyzstan - Kuruguzan
Laos - Lawan
Latvia - Latavian
Lebanon - Lebenan
Lesotho - Lesutuan
Liberia - Laiberan
Libya - Liban
Liechtenstein - Litastainan
Lithuania - Lituan
Luxembourg - Lechebigan
Macedonia - Makedonan
Madagaskar - Malagashan
Malawi - Malawian
Malaysia - Malayan
Maldives - Divehian
Mali - Malian
Malta - Maltan
Marshall Islands - Machelan
Mauritania - Muritan
Mauritius - Morisan
Mexico - Mehikan
Micronesia, F.S. of - Ronan na Mikironesan
Moldova - Molodovan
Monaco - Munegan
Mongolia - Mongolan
Montenegro - Charana-Goran
Morocco - Mahareban
Mozambique - Mosambikan
Nagorno-Karabakh - Karabahan
Namibia - Namiban
Nauru - Naweran
Nepal - Nepalan
Netherlands - Nedaran
New Zealand - Autearoan
Nicaragua - Nikaraguan
Niger - Nisheran
Nigeria - Naijiran
Norway - Noran
Oman - Uman
Pakistan - Pakistan
Palau - Belawan
Palestine - Filastan
Panama - Panaman
Papua New Guinea - Papua-Nuginan
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Paraguay - Paraguayan
Peru - Peruan
Philippines - Pilipan
Poland - Polan
Portugal - Putugalan
Qatar - Gitaran
Romania - Romanan
Russia - Rusan
Rwanda - Ruandan
Sahrawi Arab D.R. - Saharan
St. Kitts & Nevis - Seng-Kichan ai Nivis
St. Lucia - Sen-Lusian
St. Vincent & Grenadines - Sen-Vinsantan ai
Samoa - Samoan
San Marino - San-Marinoan
São Tomé & Principe - Sau-Tomean ai
Saudi Arabia - Saudan
Senegal - Senegalan
Serbia - Saraban
Seychelles - Seselan
Sierra Leone - Salonean
Singapore - Singapuran
Slovakia - Solovakan
Slovenia - Solovenan
Solomon Islands - Solomonan
Somalia - Somalan
Somaliland - Somalian
South Africa - Kwalan na Nino
South Ossetia - Iroan
South Sudan - Sudan na Nino
Spain - Espanyan
Sri Lanka - Lankan
Sudan - Sudan
Suriname - Saranan
Swaziland - Swatian
Sweden - Severan
Switzerland - Savaichan
Syria -Suran
Taiwan - Taiwan
Tajikistan - Tojikan
Tanzania - Tanzan
Thailand - Tayan
Togo - Togoan
Tonga - Tongan
Transnistria ( - Piridenyesteran
Trinidad & Tobago - Tirinidadan ai Tobegoan
Tunisia - Tunisan
Turkey - Tirikan
Turkmenistan - Tirikimenan
Tuvalu - Tuvaluan
Uganda - Gandan
Ukraine - Ukarainan
United Arab Emirates - Ronan na Kimbuan
Kah Pocket Dictionary
United Kingdom - Kiman Okwa
United States of America - Ronan na Joman
Uruguay - Uruguayan
Uzbekistan - Ozobekan
Vanuatu - Vanuatuan
Vatican City - Vatikanan
Venezuela - Beneswelan
Vietnam - Viyetan
Yemen - Yaman
Zambia - Zambian
Zimbabwe - Zimbabuan
Capital cities
Addis Ababa - Adis-Ababah
Abu Dhabi - Abu-Zabih
Abuja - Abujah
Accra - Akarah
Al Aaiún - Ayun
Al Quds - Kudushalem
Aleppo - Halab
Algiers - Jayer
Amsterdam - Amastadam
Andorra la Vella - Andorah
Ankara - Ankarah
Antananarivo - Antananarivoh
Apia - Apiah
Asgabat - Ashagabat
Asmara - Asamerah
Astana - Astanah
Asunción - Asunshon
Athens - Atinah
Baghdad - Bahdad
Baku - Bakuh
Bamako - Bamakoh
Bandar Seri Begawan - Banda-Sari-Bagawan
Bangkok - Kurung-Tep
Bangui - Bangoih
Banjul - Banjul
Basseterre - Baster
Beijing - Peching
Beirut - Bairut
Belgrade - Beogarad
Belmopan - Belemopan
Berlin - Bealin
Bern - Bean
Bishkek - Bishikek
Bissau - Bisauh
Bogotá - Bogotah
Brasilia - Baraziliah
Bratislava - Baratisilavah
Brazzaville - Barazavil
Bridgetown - Birijataun
Brussels - Birisel
Bucharest - Bukurest
Budapest - Budapest
Buenos Aires - Buenos-Aires
Bujumbura - Bujumburah
Cairo - Kahirah
Canberra - Kemberah
Caracas - Karakas
Castries - Kastaris
Chisinau - Kishinauh
Conakry - Konakirih
Copenhagen - Kobahaun
Dakar - Dakar
Damascus - Dimaskah
Dhaka - Dakah
Dili - Dilih
Djibouti - Jibutih
Dodoma - Dodomah
Doha - Dohah
Dublin - Dubulan
Dushanbe - Dushambeh
Freetown - Firitaun
Funafuti - Funafutih
Gaborone - Haburunih
Georgetown - Jorojotaun
Guatemala City - Guatemalah
Hanoi - Ha-Noih
Harare - Harareh
Hargeisa - Haragaisah
Havana - Habanah
Helsinki - Helesinkih
Honiara - Nagoniaran
Islamabad - Isilamabad
Jakarta - Jakaratah
Jerusalem - Kudushalem
Juba - Jubah
Kabul - Kabul
Kampala - Kampalah
Katmandu - Katamanduh
Khartoum - Karatum
Kiev - Kijev
Kigali - Kigalih
Kingston - Kingistan
Kingstown - Kingistaun
Kinshasa - Kinshasah
Kuala Lumpur - Kwala-Lumpuh
Kuwayt City - Kuwait
Libreville - Libaravil
Lilongwe - Lilomweh
Lima - Limah
Lisbon - Liziboah
Ljubljana - Yubianah
Lobamba - Lobambah
Lomé - Lomeh
London - Landan
Luanda - Luandah
Lusaka - Lusakah
Luxembourg - Lechebig
Madrid - Madarid
Majuro - (Manjuro
Malabo - Malaboh
Malé - Maleh
Managua - Managuah
Manama - Manamah
Manilla - Mainilah
Maputo - Maputoh
Maseru - Maseruh
Mexico City - Mehikoh
Minsk - Minsik
Mogadishu - Mukudishoh
Monaco - Muneguh
Monrovia - Monoroviah
Montevideo - Montebideoh
Moroni - Murunih
Moscow - Maskavah
Muskat - Maskat
N’Djamena - Nijaminah
Nairobi - Nairobih
Nassau - Bahaman (Nasauh
New Delhi - Nai-Dilih
Ngerulmud - Engerulumud
Niamey - Nyameh
Nicosia - Laukosiah
Nicosia - Leokoshah
Nouakchott - Nawakashot
Nuku’alofa - Nuku-Alofah
Oslo - Osoloh
Ottawa - Otawah
Ouagadougou - Wagaduguh
Palikir - Palikar
Panama City - Panamah
Paramaribo - Paramariboh
Paris - Parih
Phnom Penh - Punum Pen
Podgorica - Podogorichan
Port Louis - Por-Loih
Port Moresby - Pot Mosobih
Port of Spain - Pot-Of-Sepen
Port Vila - Porot-Vilah
Port-au-Prince - Pot-O-Peres
Porto-Novo - Poroto-Novoh
Prague - Parahah
Praia - Parayah
Pretoria - Pitorih
Pristina - Piristinah
Pyongyang - Pyonyang
Quito - Kitoh
Rabat - Ribat
Reykjavik - Raichavik
Riga - Rigah
Riyadh - Riad
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Rome - Romah
Roseau - Wosoh
Saint John’s - Sen-Jans
San José - Sang-Hoseh
San Marino - San-Marinoh
San Salvador - San-Salbador
Sana’a - Sanah
Santiago - Santiagoh
Santo Domingo - Santo-Domingoh
São Tomé - Sau-Tomeh
Sarajevo - Sarayevoh
Seoul - Saul
Singapore - Singapur
Skopje - Sokopyah
Sofia - Sofiah
Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte Jayawaradenapura-Koteh
St. George’s - Sen-Jorojas
Stepanakert - Estepanakeret
Stockholm - Sotokolom
Sucre - Sukureh
Sukumi - Sukumih
Suva - Suvah
Taipei - Taipaih
Tallinn - Talin
Tarawa - Tainainanoh
Tashkent - Toshokent
Tbilisi - Tibilisih
Tegucigalpa - Tegusigalpah
Tehran - Teheran
Thimpu - Timpuh
Tirana - Tiranah
Tiraspol - Tiraspol
Tokyo - Tokioh
Tripoli - Tarabulus
Tskhinvali - Cherebah
Tunis - Tunis
Ulan Bator - Ulampatar
Vaduz - Faduch
Valletta - Valetah
Vatican City - Vatikanoh
Victoria - Vikitoriah
Vienna - Vin
Vientiane - Wiang-Chan
Vilnius - Vilinyus
Warsaw - Varasavah
Washington - Washintan
Wellington - Welintan
Windhoek - Vinduk
Yamoussoukro - Yamusukuroh
Yangon - Yangon
Yaoundé - Yaundeh
Yaren - Yaren
Yerevan - Yerevan
Zagreb - Zagareb
World cities
Central-America - Joman na Nino
Central-Asia - Sunan na Ban
Central-America - Joman na Nino
Central-Asia - Sunan na Ban
Bodies of water
Pacific Ocean - Wamwaso
Atlantic Ocean - Bamboso
Indian Ocean - Ninoso
Arctic Ocean - Manolaso
Southern Ocean - Teolanso
Mediterranean Sea - Bananso
Baltic Sea - Finso Balti
Black Sea - Finso Sol
At Home
alarm clock - tatil na monzon
armchair - lulera
ashtray - shunseo
balcony - numbeo
basin - soseo
bath(tub) - shimbeo
bathroom - shimbea
bed - zonya
bedroom - zombea
bedside table - lununya
blanket - menum
bowl - kiseo
broiler (Am.) - zubeo
Kah Pocket Dictionary
bubble bath - hohombeo
cabinet - murabeo
can opener - miltuya
casserole dish - seo na zura
cellar - vubea
chair - raya
chimney - jenos
chopsticks - kipe
clock - tatal
closet - dobeo
cloth - pimpivan
comforter - gaizongo
cooker - zubeo
cup - seo
cupboard - dobeo
curtain - shengo
cushion - mwebos
deck - vangila
detached house - yudo vavang
dining room - kibea
door - doki
drape - pimpivan
drawer - kumbeo
duvet - gaizongo
egg cup - reolea
faucet - sofan
fireplace - pila
fork - kipyu
freezer - revembeo
fridge - vembeo
frying pan - huzu
furniture - doyanyo
garage - churado
garden - luan
glass - soshe
grill - kwezuya
hairdryer - funsonya
hall - wambea
hallway - nubola
hearth - picha
home - vado
hoover - chuntal
to hoover - za chuntal
hose - vaunos
house - yudo
iron - monanaya
to iron - monana
jug - sodeo
kitchen - zubea
kitchen towelling - shotol
knife - tuya
lamp - dinya
lawn - poilu
light - adin
light bulb - dinshero
living room - nyobea
mattress - mwengi
microwave - gonzubeo
mincer - bustuda
mirror - shefan
mug - ledeo
nail clipper - luntuya
skillet - huzu
oven - zubeo
sleep sofa - naira na zon
pan - huzu
soap - shinas
pantry - simbea
sofa - naira
parlor/parlour - kabea
sponge - rehom
patio - chirengo
spoon - kichal
piece of furniture - doya
staircase - vangi
pillow - mwebos
stove - zubeo
pillowcase - chingi na mwebostable - nunya
place mat - kihungo
tap - sofan
plate - kihu
teapot - chaideo
plug - vaku
teaspoon - chaichal
pot - deo
tin opener - miltuya
quilt - gaizongo
toaster - raizuya
radiator - shanum
toilet paper - nyonsho
razor - zituya
tongs - sinsiranya
refrigerator - vembeo
toothbrush - dunzipe
rocking chair - nonoiraya
toothpaste - dunsana
roof - doti
towel - nyongo
room - bea
tub - shimbeo
rug - zinum
tumble dryer - sontal
saucer - sinkihu
twin (bed) - zonya na usun
scullery - luzubea
vacuum - chuntal
settee - naira
to vacuum - za chuntal
shampoo - zinas
wall - donum
shaving foam - pyus na zitu wardrobe - angobea
shed - dovan
washing machine - shintal
sheet - pezingo
weed - mimpea
shower - shompe
to weed - mompea
shower gel - shinaso
window - shenum
single bed - zonya na ukwa
wooden spoon - kichal chu
single family house - yudo na pevo
yard - luan
sink - shinseo
sitting room - rabea
Afrikaans - Afarikanka
Albanian - Shichipika
Amharic - Amaraka
Arabic - Arabaka
Aramaic - Aranka
Armenian - Haika
Assamese - Ohonka
Basque - Eoskaraka
Bengali - Bangalka
Breton - Berezeka
Bulgarian - Bulkaraka
Burmese - Bamaraka
Cantonese (Yue) - Kwontunka
Catalan - Katalaka
Chinese - Hanka
Croatian - Haravataka
Czech - Cheska
Danish - Danka
Dutch - Nedaraka
English - Ingilka
Estonian - Estika
Farsi - Faraska
Finnish - Swonka
French - Faransaka
Fula - Fulka
German - Doichika
Greek - Elka
Gujarati - Gujaratika
Hakka - Hakaka
Hausa - Hausaka
Hebrew - Iviritika
Hindi - Hindika
Hungarian - Majaraka
Icelandic - Iska
Igbo - Iboka
Indonesian - Indonesanka
Irish - Airika
Japanese - Nihonka
Javanese - Jawaka
Korean - Goreoka
Kurdish - Kuruduka
Latin - Latinka
Latvian - Latavika
Lithuanian - Lituka
Luxemburgisch - Lechebigika
Malagasy - Malagashaka
Malay - Malayuka
Maltese - Maltaka
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Marathi - Maratika
Min Nan - Banalanguka
Nahuatl - Nawaka
Nepali - Nepalka
Norwegian - Noroka
Oromo - Oromoka
Pashtu - Pastoka
Persian - Faraska
Polish - Polka
Portuguese - Putugalka
Punjabi - Panjabaka
Quechua - Kichuaka
Romani - Romanika
Romanian - Romanka
Romansch - Rumanchaka
Russian - Ruska
Sanskrit - Sansakarataka
Sardinian - Saradaka
Sinhalese - Singalka
Slovakian - Solovakaka
Somali - Somalka
Swahili - Swahilika
Swedish - Severeka
Tagalog - Tagalogoka
Tamil - Tamilka
Telugu - Teluguka
Thai - Taika
Tibetan - Pedeka
Turkish - Tirikika
Turkmen - Tirikimenka
Ukrainian - Ukarainka
Urdu - Uruduka
Uzbek - Ozobekeka
Vietnamese - Viyeteka
Welsh - Kamaraka
Wu - Wuka
Yoruba - Yorubaka
Zulu - Zuluka
adjective - sakalu
adverb - lukaya
alphabet - kotanyo
alphabetic - na kotanyo
auxiliary verb - janka keleo
bracket - kaitan
comparative - tuntisa
ellipsis - alechi
homonym - shihinkaya
homonymous - na shihinkaya
indicative - yokasa
Indo-European - na Hindi-Panan
intransitive - aujanzang
lemma - savuka
lexicographer - ukayakojono
lexicography - kayakojono
lexicologist lexicòleg
lexicology - kayajono
morpheme - kadombe
morphology - kadombejono
neologism - henkaya
nominal - na yaka
noun - yaka
occlusion - hunyau
occlusive - na hunyauka
oxymoron - lotenenka
palindrome - zezekushi
parenthesis - kaitan
participle - wejanka
phonetic - kasa
phonetically - na kasa
phonetics - kasajono
phrasal verb - janka na kanyombe
phrase - kanyombe
plosive - hunyauka
prefix - kuvasi
pronoun - yonku
pronounce - loika
pronunciation - aloika
question mark - hatan
quotation mark - shichotan
quotes - shichotan
semantic - na kabo
semantics - kabojono
semicolon - pyobastan
slang - boyuka
suffix - zevasi
superlative - tiosa
syllable - kayambe
synonym - kaboshika
synonymous - kaboshi
syntax - varon
terminology - rokokanyo
transitive - aujanza
verb - janza
vocabulary - kayanyo
vowel - milka
word - kaya
acrylic - na naisku
alumin(i)um (Br.) - lingu
bamboo - pepoi
cardboard - resho
cement - doshum
Kah Pocket Dictionary
chalk - landu
clay - sashum
coal - pisol
copper - pingu
cotton - pezi
crystal - shesangu
fuel, gas - nuso
gas - mus
glass - ashe
gold - vungu
iron - fangu
ivory - naidungu
lead - jungu
marble - shelam
metal - fansa
nickel - sidingu
nylon - vual
oil - sauso
paper - asho
petrol - nuso
plaster - landura
plastic - sawal
ruby - yangu
sand - shum
silk - kwengu
silver - nyengu
stainless steel - refan
steel - refan
stone - adu
straw - sombin
wood - pevo
abcess - tumosu
abortion - amombenjau
to abort, have an abortion - mombenjau
acupuncture - pyunojono
addict - ukemi
addiction - ikemi
to admit - botos
AIDS - Mirumi
allergy - iwaimi
amnesia - ijewaileng
anaemia - iyansuleng
antibiotics - misumia
antidote - feminki
appointment - yunta
arthritis - vayamitomi
asthma - hahumi
asthmatic a - na hahumi
astigmatism - pyononza
bacteria - misu
bandage - atol
to beat - dadai
benigne - tenuwing
blindness - iyunjung
blister - sosu
blood - banso
blood bank - parado na banso
blood donor - upau na banso
blood transfusion - asopombo (na banso)
brain damage - baisa na jeje
breast cancer - sukoimi na mose
bulimia - kemonki
cancer - sukoimi
carrier - lesis
to catch a cold - tovemi
cartilage - vayavau
casualty - utovu
cataract - yunshul
cerebral palsy - isenung na jeje
chemist - umikido
chemotherapy - tomwimiavo
chromosome - senjova
circulation - avoro
cod liver oil - sauso na vombi na pengan
cold - ven
condition - isa
(contraceptive) pill - benyauki
to contract - dele
corn - nyongayun
cot death - mitanyo na amia cheta na simben
to cough - huhua
cure - amomi
to cure - momi
cut - atu
deaf - hinjung
deafness - ihinjung
death - imia
deep vein thrombosis - banyau na banos
to deliver - munsencho
dementia - ijemwa
dermatology - senchijo
diagnose - mijoka
diagnosis - amijoka
diagnostic - na mijoka
to die - tomia
disease - isemi
DNA - senjovo
doctor - umomi
donor - unempa
dose - zambe
Down syndrome - mitanyo na Daun
drug - juki
drug addiction - ikemi na juki
eczema - zazaumi
egg - reo
epidemic - membenu
epilepsy - denjemi
euthanasia - amonjaumia
failure - iteneng
fertility - itemben
fever - imisham
feverish - misham
flu - romi
flu epidemic - membenu na romi
foot and mouth disease - kivusosu
Kah Pocket Dictionary
fracture - abai
gangrene - fumwa
gangrenous - na fumwa
general practice - avamomi
general practitioner - vamomi
geriatrics - anaitamomi
gland - chobi
gonorrhea - bisopi
GP (Br.) - vamomi
graft - laintu
gynaecologist - wanabimomi
gynaecology - awanabimomi
haemophilia - reteneng
haemorrhage - abanso
hangover - zemi
headache - ayai na titi
health - isenen
health center - bando na isenen
healthy - isenen
hearing aid - hintil
heart attack - bambanyau
heartburn - ayai na bikiso
heart condition - isemi na bamba
hearth problem - doi na bamba
heart rate - ige (na bamba)
heart transplant - alaintu na bamba
heatstroke - shanshami
hepatic - na vombi
hepatitis - vombimito
hereditary - tentunza
hernia - pombos
herpes - rosis
HIV - mirumi
HIV negative - mirumileng
HIV positive - mirumile
hospital - semido
hunchback - uzeo
ICU - DAL (Dombe na Azia Lon)
ill - semi
illness - isemi
immune system - miru
to infect - jamito
infection - mito
inhaler - hunzaya
injury - amitu
insomnia - zonteneng
insulin - shuzavo
IVF - abenjau bo bembi
leprosy - semwa
leukemia - sukoimi na lansu
liver - vombi
lung cancer - sukoimi na humbi
lymphatic - na sesokwe
mad cow disease - ijemi na mul
malaria - banzomi
Kah Pocket Dictionary
malignant - tenuwi
mammography - tundinotan na mose
manic - lonju
manic depression - jugongomi
manic depressive - ujugongomi
measles - kikishum
medical - na momijono
medicine - miki
menopause - mamarobas
menstruation - mamaro
metastasis - anuwi
metastasize - nuwi
midwife - sencholeo
mongolism - mitanyo na Daun
mouth to mouth - kiki tila kiki
multiple sclerosis - lansaure
mumps - lukuzeo
nausea - imonkiju
nerve - juno
neurological - na juno
neurologist - junomomi
neurone - sesu na juno
nose job - asasen na fuku
nurse - zizia
obesity - sesaumi
to operate - momitu
operating theatre - momitubea
operation - amomitu
oral - kizashi
organ - abi
orthopaedics - sendomomi
outbreak - pomwito
ovary - mabi
paediatrician - bemomi
pacemaker - bandaya
pain - ayai
painful - yai
painkiller - yaimiki
paralysis - isenung
paralyzed - senung
patient - womi
period - mamaro
pharmacist - umikido
phobia - yimi
physiotherapy - sendomizia
physiotherapist - usendomizia
pill - kikos
plaster - landura
plastic surgery - asasen
pneumonia - humbimito
prescription - hazako
psychiatrist - ujemijono
psychiatry - jemijono
puberty - torinta
pulse - adadai
rabies - randumi
radiologist - ubotanyun
rash - zaumi
respiratory - na huhum
rubella - yenyam
scalpel - momituya
scar - tuchi
schizophrenia - konjumi
seasick - nunumi
seasickness - nunumi
self examination - asayun na yulo
sexually transmitted disease - jaimi
short-sighted - fauyun
sick - semi
side effects - lumunya
SIDS - mitanyo na amia cheta na simben
skin cancer - sukoimi na senchi
to sneeze - fuhua
spina bifida - junaya mil
to sprain - minda
sunstroke - shanshami
surgeon - umomitu
surgery - amomitu
symptom - mitan
tablet - kikos
to test - sayun
to test positive - sayun mile
therapy - mizia
transplant - alaintu
treatment - azia
tuberculosis - bansohua
tumour - sukos
to twist - minda
ulcer - micha
ultrasound - hintan
to vaccinate - kupyu
vaccine - kupyuso
verruca - chikos
vomit - monki
to vomit - monki
waiting list - yoko na tara
wart - chikos
wheelchair - daraya
WHO - Kekwe na Isenen na Yula
withdrawal symptoms - mitan na muleng
wound - mitu
acorn - pelpeo
bark - pechi
branch - pele
bud - fokos
cactus - pyupea
carnation - lundun
chrysanthemum - bontangu
daisy - ninyun
flower - afo
geranium - rankinai
grass - poi
holly - ventasu
oak tree - pel
palm tree - kintipe
petal - fosho
pine - vempe
poinsetta - chulangu
poppy - zona
rose - jufo
rose bush - jufopea
shoot - dewansho
shrub - hupea
sunflower - ninda
tree - ape
tulip - gaisho
willow - pimpele
abstention - azang
activist - uyinke
alliance - rustunyo
ally - rustu
ambassador - chipunkado
bicameral - sumbeale
by-election - apunza na ambe
cabinet - puntinyo
campaign - kenoko
chancellor - nokati
civil servant - upunya
coalition - tastunyo
communism - nyolepuno
communist - unyolepuno
congress - rombea
constitution - vurenyo
consul - chilaka
consulate - chilakado
council - nokanyo
councillor - unoka
defense minister - punti na wairu
democracy - nyokapuno
democratic - na nyokapuno
Department of Homeland Security - Rembe
na Ivan na Falan
dictator - upompun
dictatorship - pompunto
Earth Summit - Tikara na Yula
to elect - punza
Kah Pocket Dictionary
electorate - punzanyo
elections - punzato
elector - upunza
embassy - chipunkado
envoy - chipunkado
European Economic Community - Kwalanyo
na Pokwe na Panan
European Union - Ronan na Panan
exile - aponchi
to exile - ponchi
to extradite - yom
extradition - ayom
fascism - pombampuno
fascist - na pombampuno
foreign minister general election - punzato yoza
to govern - pun
government - punyo
governor - sinanti
Home Office - Puntimbe na Abo
Home Secretary - Punti na Abo
House of Commons - punzaku
House of Lords - nyaukunyo
House of Representatives - punzaku
impeachment - aminjachi
to impeach - minjachi
leader - noti
mandate - titusko
Marxism - Makaspuno
Marxist - Umakaspuno
mayor - dolati
mayoress - dolati
member of congress - urombea
member of parliament - upunka
minister - punti
MP - tipunti
nationalism - ampuno
nation state - punan na nyoshinyo
Nazism - Nazipuno
parliament - punka
parliamentary - punka
(parliamentary) chamber - punkabea
political - na nyonoka
politician - unyonoka
politics - nyonoka
presidency - ipunyoti
president - punyoti
prime minister - tipunti
radicalism - vuchupuno
to recall - waimunde
to return - wainu
to rule - pun
sanctions - amimunza
seat - wembera
Secretary of State - vupunti
Security Council - Nokanyo na Ivan
self government - lopun
Senate - nyaukunyo
senator - nyauku
socialist - na koilepuno
town hall - dolado
treaty - luko
United Nations - Punan Okwa
Universal Declaration of Human - Ayoka
Yoza na Koika na Yunga
unicameral - kwabeale
to vote - punza
abbey - zuado
angel - nanuka
apostacy -ananchu
apostate - unanchu
apostatize - nanchu
apostle - nutoka
atheism - namalempuno
atheist - unamalempuno
baptism - ananso
Baptist - unanso
bible - Bibilia
biblical - na Bibilia
bishop - episkopos
blasphemy - anamaru
to blaspheme - namaru
born-again Christian - Uhiristos waisencho
Kah Pocket Dictionary
buddhism - Ibudah
buddhist - Ubudah
candle - pisau
cardinal - karadinal
catechism - apunoza
cathedral - rayado
catholic - katoliki
catholicism - ikatoliki
chapel - nankabea
christian - Uhiristos
christianity - Ihiristos
church - kelesia
clergy - nankan
commandment - akamun
conversion - ananza
convert to - nanza
cross - pano
to pray - nanka
devil - mifai
prayer - ananka
divinity - inam
to preach Easter - Kizambas
priest - nankati
God - nam
prodigal son - bembu nojong
Greek Orthodox Church - Kelesia El Kuvijanjaprophecy - ananyun
habit - lenkengo
prophet - unanyun
hallowed - onampu
Quran - Kuran
headscarf - titingo
Rabbi - nankati
hell - Mingan
ramadan - Ramadan
hindu - Udarama
religion - nampuno
hinduism - Idarama
Russian Orthodox Church - Kelesia Rus
ideology - puno
imam - nankati
sacred - nampu
Islam - Isilam
sacrifice - achupau
Islamic - na Isilam
to sacrifice - chupau
jew - Uyehudi
saint - unampu
jewish - na Iyehudi
Scriptures judaism - Iyehudi
sect - chinoto
Koran - Kuran
shiite - na shiapuno
Lent - kizanta
sin - nanyau
minister - nankati
to sin - jananyau
miracle - nanto
sruti - Shurutih
missionary - nanaiza
sunnite - na sunapuno
monk - lenke
synagogue - kenesedo
mosque - mashido
Tanakh - Tanah
muslim - Wisilam
temple - nando
nun - lenke
turban - titol
Our Father - Uba na Wanyo
Vatican - Vatikan
pilgrim - unanu
to worship - tiju
pilgrimage - nanuto
American football - vuchero (na Joman)
athlete - usefiru
athletics - sefiru
badminton - neziro
ball - roya
ballpark - fiseo na chepero
base baseball - chepero
basketball - kwecharo
bat - chepe
to beat - fiti
bench - naira
biathlon - sunsefito
bodybuilder - dosese
bodybuilding - adosese
bowls botxes
boxing - chefi
canoe - pembeni
canoeing - apembeni
centre back - uwairu na ban
centre forward - kuche na ban
champion - utito
championships - tito
changing room - bea na yingo
coach - ukwanku
cricket - nonoiro
cross country skiing - anushoya tunu lasa
cup - seo
cycling - asunda
cyclist - usunda
decathlon - ninisefito
derby - lashiru
discus - huro
downhill skiing - ashoya na vunu
extra time - tumwita
final - basto
to fish - ganza
fishing - aganza
football - vuchero
footballer - uvuchero
Kah Pocket Dictionary
football club - finyo na vuchero
football match - fito na vuchero
forward - kuche
free kick - achevu tas
friendly - fito na istu
game - afi
goal - fio
goalie - chaku
goalkeeper - chaku
golf - chafi
ground - fiseo
gym - sefido
gymnasium - sefido
gymnast - usekwansa
gymnastics - sekwansa
half - sumbe
hammer - pedu
header - ache na titi
head wind - tihum feno
high jump - apya na wen
hiking - anuvuvu
hockey - chepil
hoop - kwecha
horse riding - anuwin
to hunt - numia
hunter - unumia
hunting - anumia
hurdle - pyanum
ice skating - ashoitu
indoor football - vuchero na bo
indoor pool - sobeo na bo
injured - omitu
injury - mitu
injury time - mituta
inline skates - vuda
keeper - chaku
lap - aro
leisure centre - bando na zazanta
linesman jutge de línia
long jump - apya na nainu
marathon - Maraton
martial arts - rufi
match - fito
medal - tongu
midfielder - ulaban
mountain bike - chisunda
offside - viku
Olympic Games - Tito na Olimpos
own goal - fio na yulo
paddle - hupe
parachuting - abonovan
penalty - afon
penalty kick - fonche
personal trainer - ukwanku na kwalo
to play - jafi
Kah Pocket Dictionary
player - ufi
play-off - munchufi
podium - wenum
pole vault - apepya
potholing - avuchanu
qualifying standard race - geto
racket - chekwe
ref(eree) - ufiren
return - na wainu
rhythmic gymnastics - sekwansa na dai
rock climbing - adutinu
rollerblades - vuda
rollerblading - anuvuda
roller hockey - chepil na vuda
rowing - ahuhupe
runner - ugevu
score - afio
to score - jafio
scoreboard - yunum na fio
season ticket - desha na fitoro
sending off - amunchi
shot - achen
shotput - achen
side - kenyo
sideline - lunana
skate - shoitu
to skate - nushoitu
skateboard - danum
skating - ashoitu/avuda
ski - shoya
to ski - nushoya
skier - ushoya
skiing - anushoya
ski lift - vangia na nushoya
ski slope - moila na nushoya
skittles - vutipero
snowboard - shoyanum
to snowboard - nushoyanum
snowboarding - ashoyanum
soccer - vuchero
sport - sefi
sportsman - usefi (busa)
sportswoman - usefi (wanasa)
squad - kenyo
squash - nunchekwe
squash court - bea na nunchekwe
squash racket - chekwea na nunchekwe
stadium - fiseo
stands - ravangi
to swim - ganu
swimmer - uganu
swimming - aganu
swimming cap - tia na ganu
swimming pool - ganula
swimming trunks - ganungo
synchronized swimming - aganu kwashito
tackle - nyauza
tail wind - tihum chu zelu
team - kenyo
tennis - chekwe
time trial - tageto
tournament - tito
track and field - sefiru
to train - kwanku
trainer - ukwanku
transfer - alaimpo
transfer window - tocha na laimpo
triathlon - yensefito
trophy - zangu
trunks - fauvu
volleyball - lechero
wakeboarding - nugon na kunku
walker - unuvu
water skiing - anushoya na aso
water sports - sefi na aso
weightlifting - jumponti
winger - lukuche
winter sports - sefi na venta
after - ze
afterwards - zeye
afternoon - baninta
April - Pamaro
August - Diamaro
autumn - bonta
century - meltiro
date - ninka
dawn - nintita
day - anin
day before yesterday kuninye
decade - ninitiro
December - Zemaro
dusk - vunuta
early - kuvi
evening - zekita
fall - bonta
fortnight - ninyo sun
February - Sumaro
Friday - Vaita
hour - rio
January - Kwamaro
July - Teomaro
June - Vaimaro
late - zevi
March - Yemaro
May - Jomaro
midday - banin
Middle Ages - Bambota
minute - sirio
Monday - Sunta
month - maro
monthly - marosa
morning - ninku
next week - ninyo ya zenu
night - manta
November - Maumaro
now - tau
October - Ninimaro
Saturday - Teota
season - manyo
September - Sastamaro
soon - gela
spring - chuta
Stone Age - Tanyo na Adu
summer - shanta
Sunday - Kwata
Thursday - Jonta
time - ata
today - nintau
tomorrow - zemanta
tonight - zekita wau
Tuesday - Yenta
twilight - sindi
Wednesday - Panta
week - ninyo
weekend - nintas
weekly - ninyosa
winter - venta
year - tiro
yearly - tirosa
yesterday - ninye
Kah Pocket Dictionary
to accelerate - getum
acceleration - agetum
accelerator - getunya
aircraft - neni
airplane - neni
airport - nenila
ambulance - semini
anchor - nivu
automatic - nia gedapeleng
back seat - raya na ze
to back into - zekunu nubo
to back up - zekunu
bicycle - sunda
bike - sunda
bin lorry - lenzavoni
boat - soni
bodywork - nisenyo
boot - jaura
brake - basha
to brake - nubas
breakdown - baito
breathalyzer - pisohuntil
breathalyzer test - azayun na
bumper - chezaku
bus - naini
bus stop - nainila
cab - vani
cable car - nayani
car - nia
caravan - jaunana
car hire - lapaudo na nia
car park - churala
car rental - alapau na nia
chariot - winda
chassis - nidovu
child seat - raya na ben
clutch - gedava
coach - vubongi
cup holder - seolea
depot estació
drink driver - umuno viso
to drive - muno
driver conductor
drivers' license - munoko
driving license - munoko
drunk driver - umuno viso
Kah Pocket Dictionary
e-brake - basha na lele
ferry - tunsoni
flight - anenu
to fly - nenu
freeway - genuno
frigate - geluvan
front seat - raya na ku
fuel - nuso
funicular railway - nayani na
gear - geda
gear stick - gedape
to get off - nuchi
to get on - nubo
green light - dinya pesan
handbrake - basha na lele
handlebars - hilea
headlamp - kudinya
head-on - akwache na ku
helicopter - datini
helmet - tibeo
highway - genuno
horn - pyenya
hot-air balloon - hom na hun
immobilizer - jarinyau
jeep - Jip, pandani
lorry - jauni
manual - nia gedapele
motorbike - suni
motorway - genuno
passenger - nibo
patrol car - nia na vanyun
pedestrian - unuvu
people carrier - zani
plane - neni
platform - dezeo
port - soki
power steering - donoleo na
public transport - nyonujau
to pull in - nubo
to pull out - nuchi
to pull over - nubas lu
to pull up - nubas ku
rail(road) - fanuno
rear-view mirror - shefan na
red light - dinya yam
refuse truck - lenzavoni
rider - usuni
road - nuno
road rage - iwomwo na muno
road safety - ivan na nuno
to run over - che
runway - nenito
rush hour - lonyota
safety belt - vatol (na ivan)
to sail - soti
seat belt - vatol (na ivan)
ship - soni
skateboard - danum
spaceship - tilani
spoiler - gelua
standby ticket - desha na
station - fanaila
steering wheel - noda
stick shift - gedape
submarine - vusoni
subway - vunai
SUV - limwani
taxi - vani
tire - hunda
traffic - nolanyo
traffic light - nodinya
train - fanai
tram - dolanai
trunk - jaura
tube - vunai
turnpike - tumpano
tyre - hunda
underground - vunai
underground car park churala vukuvu
van - zani
wheel - ada
windscreen/shield - kushe
windshield wipers sheshimpe
wing mirror - shefan na lu
zebra crossing - nanatum
atmosphere - musko
atmospheric - na musko
avalanche - shoibon
barometer - humponya
blow - fum
breeze - sihum
Celsius - Seleshas
climate - titonyo
climate change - ayin na
cloud - shina
cloud cover - tingi chu shina
cloudy - shinale
cyclone - shinada
degree - shamio
downpour - vobon
drought - sonto
Fahrenheit - Faranait
flood - wendeto
to flood - wende
fog - vushina
foggy - vushinale
forecast - akuka
to forecast - kuka
freeze - toreven
frost - revento
gale, gust - chehum
hail - tikos
to hail - tikos bon
heatwave - shanshato
hurricane - shinada
ice - revo
Kelvin - Kelevin
lightning - tipingu
mist - vushina
monsoon - rohum
overcast - tingi (chu shina)
rain - tiso
to rain - tiso bon
rainbow - sansapil
raindrop - sinso chu tiso
rainfall - ashon chu tiso
ray of sunshine - dino chu
shower - ashon
snow - mwere
to snow - mwere bon
snowfall - abon na mwere
snowflake - mwerengu
storm - funto
sun - nin
sunny - ninile
sunshine - adindi na nin
temperature - isham
thermometer - shamwia
thunder - tibum
trough - zanos
umbrella - tisovan
weather - titom
weather forecast - akuka na
wind - tihum
acrobat - pyamashus
actor (generic) - unyam
actor (male) - nyambu
actress - nyamwana
administrator - kwereno
adviser - unoka
ambassador - chipunku
anthropologist - uyungajono
archaeologist - ukwitayajono
archaeology - kwitayajono
archbishop - episkopos na ti
architect - udoyus
army - varunyo
artist - uyus
astrologer - umanguka
astronaut - utilani
astronomer - utilanjono
astronomy - tilanjono
attorney - fononka
au pair - chilanzia
author - koko
babysitter - benyun
baker - binzu
bartender - upohu
bass player - uvuji
beekeeper - uvazia na zundi
biologist - uhaijono
biology - haijono
biophysics - jaidonyajono
bishop - episkopos
blacksmith - safanche
blue-collar worker - lekan
bodyguard - yuvan
boss - uti
bouncer - udoki
bricklayer - doduzu
business - apopo
business (adj.) - na popo
businessman - upopo
businesswoman - upopo
butcher - usetu
butler - tizua
cabbie - uvani
cab driver - unvani
captain - niti
career - kansanu
caretaker - dotazia
carpenter - pevosa
Kah Pocket Dictionary
cartographer - ulashojono
cartography - lashojono
cashier - payom
chancellor - nokati
chef - zuti
chemist - uvojono
chemist (Br.) - umikido
chemistry - vojono
chief executive gerent
civil servant - punzua
cleaner -ushim
clerk - ukokan
climatology - titonyojono
coach - ukwanku
to collaborate - lukan
collaboration - alukan
colonel - nanati
commission - lekenyo
committee - tosonyo
company - ponyo
composer - urombe
conciliator - umoru
conference - akara
congress - rombea
constable - vumuren
cook - kizuzu
copper - umuren
corporal - tivaru
correspondent - tokava
council - nokanyo
councillor - unokanyo
course - kwantono
criminologist - uminjajono
criminology - minjajono
curriculum vitae, CV - kwiyoko
defense minister - punti na wairu
delegation - lakanyo
dentist - dumomi
detective - ukele
diplomat - punyova
doctor - umomi
driver - umuno
drummer - udaya
ecology - haiva
ecologist - haiva
economist - upokwejono
editor - unengoko
egyptology - masaranjono
electrician - tipikan
electronic engineering - jodojono na tipikwe
emperor - wikim
employee - ukanka
engineer - ujodojono
engineering - jodojono
enology - susojono
Kah Pocket Dictionary
entrepreneur - ponyoku
estate agent - domumpo
factory - talado
faculty - jombeno
farmer - usai
fire brigade - mompinyo
fireman - umompi
firm - ponyo
fisherman - uganza
foreign minister - punti na chilan
founding member - umbe na munku
gardener - upetu
general - yoruti
general manager - ureno yoza
general practitioner - vamomi
general strike - kambasto yoza
geographer - wanjono
geography - anjono
geologist - wansajono
geology - ansajono
governor - sinanti
GP - vamomi
grammarian - ukarenjono
guide - uheno
guitarist - uponai
gynaecologist - wanabimomi
hairdresser - zitutu
to headhunt - kankaza
headhunter - ukankaza
head office - tikando
to hire - koza
historian - ukwitajono
Home Secretary - punti na bolan
homework - akwanza
human geography - anjono na ronyo
hygienist - umishinjono
hypnotist - ujelano
illustrator - utan
industry - jamponyo
interior minister - punti na bolan
to interpret - jeboza
janitor - dozia
job - akanka
job market - apopo na kan
job offer - ajeka na kanka
journalism periodisme
journalist - tokacho
judge - urenka
king - bukim
labour - asekan
to labour - sekan
labour dispute - aru na sekan
laboratory - votola
law - renya
lawyer - fononka
lecturer - timukwan
librarian - ukodo
lieutenant - layongi
linguist - uyukajono
linguistics - yukajono
magician - papashun
magistrate - renkayun KAYA
mailman - unuko
to manage - reno
management - areno
manager - ureno
market - chipola
marketing - nyopo
masseur - usenyom
maternity leave - laulantus na ima
math(s) - dawijono
mathematician - udawijono
mathematics - dawijono
mayor - dolati
mayoress - dolati
mechanic - utal
medicine - momijono
medium - ufaika
meeting - akara
merger - avasko
miller - ushunyada
minister - punti
monopoly - koikwasi
MP - tipunti
musician - uji
navy - sorunyo
neurologist - junomomi
night shift - tambe na manta
notary - urenko
nun - lenke
nurse - zizia
occupation - kansa
oceanography - wansojono
office - kambea
organization - kekwe
orthodontics - adunyoren
out-of-work - kankaleng
to outsource - chikoza
outsourcing - achikoza
paediatrician - bemomi
painter - utanka, sasanso
paternity leave - laulantus na iba
personnel - rembe na aren na ukanka
pharmacist - umikido
PhD - wokwanhgi
philologist - ukwitakajono
photographer - utanza
physics - donyajono
pianist - ujidun
plumber - noskan
poet - udaiko
police - murenyo
policeman - umuren (busa)
policewoman - umuren (wanasa)
politician - unyonoka
politics - nyonoka
Pope - papah
postgraduate - zejongi
postman - unuko
preacher - nankati
priest - nakati
primer minister - tipunti
prince - kimbu
princess - kimwana
privatization - ajanyotos
producer - panuti
to promote - chore
professor - timukwan
programmer - udanko
psychologist - ujujono
publicist - unyocho
queen - wanakim
rabbi - nankati
radiologist - ubontanyun
raise - ajamwen (na kampa)
receptionist - udozala
to recruit - kankaza
recruiter - ukankaza
reporter - tokacho
research - akejo
to research - kejo
researcher - ukejo
to resign - kanchu
resignation - akanchu
rise - ajamwen (na kampa)
to sack - monza
sailor - usoni
salary - kampa
school - kwando
science - jono
scientist - ujono
scout - uhenu
scriptwriter - koko na tonuko
secretary - renkan
Secretary of State - vupunti
servant - dozua
shepherd - ungano
sheriff - timuren
shift - tambe
shop assistant - podozua
shrink - ujumizia
singer - ujika
smuggler - usispo
social work - ronyokan
sociologist - uronyojono
Kah Pocket Dictionary
soldier - varu
solicitor - fononka
specialist - utunjo
staff - tinyo
store clerk - mumpoku
strike - kambasto
student - ukwan
to study - kwan
substitute teacher - umukwan na layom
task - aleke
taxi driver - uvani
to teach - mukwan
teacher - umukwan
technician - joshikan
term - tanyo
trade union - kwenyo
trade unionist - ukwenyo
training - kwankuto
to translate - yinka
translation - ayinka
translator - uyinka
travel expenses - apopa na nunai
troubadour - nunaiji
umpire - ufiren
unemployed - kankaleng
unemployment - ikankaleng
university - tikwando
vet(erinarian) - ungamomi
wage - kampa
waiter - dobu
waitress - doana
work - akan
to work - kan
worker - ukanka
work force - kankanyo
workshop - kwankanto
writer - koko
Zodiac signs
Zodiac - angaro
Aquarius - Ubobon
Aries - Bume
Cancer - Randi
Capricorn - Somenga
Kah Pocket Dictionary
Gemini - Sumbenyo
Leo - Kimeo
Libra - Jumasha
Pisces - Sungan
Sagittarius - Uchempil
Scorpio - Pyulua
Taurus - Bumul
Virgo - Bimwana