th Minutes of Management Meeting 12 November 2014 7:30pm @ Neston South Wirral Hockey Club 1 2 3 4 Apologies for absence: Present: Patron Chris Todd, President Chris Reece, Chairman Tony Shutt, Chris Leyland, Chris Hampson, Bill Connor, Dave Sutherland, Tony Davies and Jon Parr th Minutes of meeting: 17 September 2014 Proposed: C. Reece and seconded: J. Parr as an accurate record. Reports: Chairman: TS reported that Dave Perry has decided not to take appointments from NHUA and NWHUA, he congratulated Jon Parr on passing his level 2 fitness test, and attaining his EH Umpire Level 2 award. New Umpires have joined the association this season. Radios, TS informed the committee on the feedback from several clubs regarding umpires using the open mic radios to communicate during the game and how it had a positive effect on the players, CH gave a brief feedback on his experience with radios to date this season. 5 Secretary: The only emails received were from several club umpires asking about the differences between England Hockey insurance and the Associations, Chairman explained in brief the differences, membership of England Hockey, reduced fees for some EH and training games and a monthly magazine. The Association insurance is equivalent to the England Hockey “Gold” cover 6 The Treasurer: CH reported on the current state of the accounts, bearing in mind we are mid-season and only a small number of invoices being paid (NWHUA assets) but the accounts look on track for the predicted forecast. Jon Parr also stated the possibility of sponsorship from several companies. Jon being in the process of receiving moneys from two but hopefully could be more in the future. Chairman thanked Jon on behalf of the Association 7 Saturday Appointment: TS reported, again this season on the shortage of umpires for the start of the season, the first four weeks having only umpires to the majority of clubs but not all. This has eased slightly but it is a cause for concern. CH suggested that he and other umpires may be in a position to double up and umpire more than one appointment if start times would allow. TS is already doubling up umpires when possible, which is dependent on match start times. 8 Sunday Appointment: CL Apart from the first two rounds of the Cheshire & Lancashire HA competitions, the Association have had no requests for umpires. The Association as with last season have problems with umpires, umpiring Sundays, the Association tries to appoint umpires when requested but the clubs are realising the current situation and providing their own but shortly we will be at the end stages of the competitions (Semi and Finals) clubs will be requesting umpires, February and March next year 2015. Post meeting: th Preston has requested umpires for their Lancashire Cup fixture. Preston v Southport on Sunday 7 December 2014 Umpires Mark Wilkie and Tony Lydiate appointed. th Cheshire HA Men’s Cup and Plate Semi-Finals, only one fixture Oxton v Deeside Ramblers 18 January 2015 to st confirmed to date, with provisional dates for: Brooklands MU Vs Deeside Ramblers 31 January 2015, Lymm Vs Wilmslow and Macclesfield Vs Bebington 13 December 2014, Umpires to be Appointed by SC when dates have been confirmed 9 Mid-Week Appointment Secretary: The BUCS fixtures started in October 2014 and there are 5 League games in all (5 Men and 5 Women) There could be a Cup game but post Management meeting it could be cancelled. Manchester Uni Men v St Andrews Uni th Men was to be at home to Manchester but it could be cancelled? Due date 26 November 2014 This season again like last season we only have 5 umpires making themselves available to umpire Wednesdays E.Dickinson, N.Titford and T.Davies for Manchester Uni Women A.Jerrold and C.Taylor for Manchester Uni Men 10 NHUA: (CR) th Management Meeting, 18 November 2014 at Cleckheaton Club Discipline, Hospitality, on Pitch Behaviour – Please complete feedback on the North HA Website (Personal Area), although complaints have been received, the overall marks on the system are quite positive, contradicting verbal and emailed reports from Umpires and Officials. TS Also gave NHUA an Update on the EH Umpire Development. 11 NWHL: DS attended the NWHL meeting on 11/12/2014, and explained the progress on the EH Umpires Development Courses. Also discussed to which level in the NWHL Level 1 and Unassessed Umpires are appointed by clubs. 12 Cheshire: TS Reported on a meeting he had with representatives from Cheshire HA Women’s League and agreed that unassessed umpires can umpire Division 3 with an assessed umpire; all unassessed umpires will only be able to umpire Division 4-5 if they have gone through the new EH level 1 Course 13 Umpire Development Officer: th TS Reported on the first Umpire Development Course on 11 November 2014 at Timperley H C, it was well attended with a number of NWHUA members (Chris Reece, Bill Connor, Jon Parr and Chris Leyland) taking the course members. TS is expecting to set up more courses in the near future. th Next EH Umpire Development meeting: 19 November 2014 14 NWHUA Affiliation: th CR reported that NWHUA’s application to Affiliate to the North HA, was agreed at the North HA meeting Monday 10 November, Fee NIL. CR is in the process of confirming NWHUA Affiliation with EH. 15 NWHUA Constitution (Rules) (CR) CR proposed changing the NWHUA Rules to Constitution of the NWHUA consistent with other Association’s, the new format was unanimously agreed by the committee. It was also agreed at this time as we are amending the rules or constitution we also include Patron in the Constitution, to be put on the Agenda for the .A.G.M. 2015. 16 Cheshire/Lancashire Boxing Day Match (CT) th CT reported that this year’s matches will take place at Northern H.C. which coincides with their 125 Anniversary Match details are: 10.15 Over 40’s, 11.45 Over 50’s, 1.30 Seniors: Umpires to be appointed by the MC 17 Umpire exchange with Kent HUA At present there has been any communication with Kent HUA, CT to contact. (TC) to send email to umpires for interest/volunteers CT Suggested we adopt the same process/format as NHUA. 18 Umpire Clothing (TS) TS reported that he has been in contact with the Shop Sportsville Wirral Sports Shop, Greasby, for supply/sale of NWHUA Kit and accessories, web address: association.html CR to put a link on the NWHUA web page, with a news item AOB (Chris Todd) th Deeside Ramblers running a prep-school competition on Monday 16 October 2014 from 1000hrs-1530hrs, the umpires were year eleven and twelve pupils from local school. Chris also mentioned that he and Tony Shutt had been invited to th th Northern Hockey Club for a dinner as guests to celebrate their 125 anniversary. The dinner is on the 29 November 2014 Jon Parr raised about setting up a closed social media site for our Association The committee discussed this and it was agreed that JP & DS look into this and report back at the next meeting. st Next meeting: Bowdon H C 21 January 2015 Meeting Closed 2100hrs
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