McDougall United Church November 23rd, 2014 FOOTBALL SUNDAY— SUNDAY—CFL WESTERN FINAL McDougall United Church 8516 Athabasca Street SE, Calgary, AB, T2H 1S1 Phone: 403-252-1620 Fax: 403-252-1655. WEBSITE: Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00 AM– 4 PM, (closed at lunch) Friday: 9:00 AM– Noon, Sunday: One hour before and after the Service Seeking wholeness in Christ; sharing God’s love! McDougall United Church worship November 23, 2014 Football Sunday (Western Final) GATHERING THE BELOVED COMMUNITY Choir and ministers/worship leaders process into Sanctuary, led by acolytes. Congregation stands, acolytes light candles and open Bible as minister welcomes congregation. Opening Hymn: Get on the Jesus Bus (Linnea Good) Opportunities and Celebrations: Those in worship are invited to sign our “welcome folders” which will be passed out during the announcements. Opening Prayer Solo: Drop-kick Me Jesus through the Goal Posts of Life (Paul Charles Craft) Story Time: (children are invited to go to the Faith Friends Program following story time) Song: You’ve Got to Move When the Spirit Says Move 2 AGCS #9 LISTENING FOR GOD’S VOICE (in age-appropriate ways) Scripture Reading: Luke 11: 14-23 (see p. 6 of this bulletin) Sermon: The gospel according to football Hymn: Will You Come and Follow Me? VU #567 SEEKING TRANSFORMATION Prayers of thanksgiving and intercession Lord’s Prayer (spoken) Presenting our gifts and Offerings Dedication Song: Pass It On VU #289 GOING INTO THE WORLD TO SHARE GOD’S LOVE Commissioning and Benediction Going Forth In Song: I’m Gonna Live so God Can Use Me VU #575 PRAYERS We pray for Music Ministry in all congregations We pray Blessings on volunteers with Inn From the Cold who care about the marginalized in tangible ways through their ministry tonight. 3 THIS WEEK AT MCDOUGALL Sun. Nov. 23rd after worship Sanctuary CONGREGATIONAL MEETING. After service today to discuss a new congregational project for McDougall. Sun. Nov. 23rd INN FROM THE COLD. McDougall hosts homeless guests for dinner, overnight stay and breakfast. Tues., Nov 25th. CURIOSITY CLUB ON CHRISTIANITY. Learn about and dis7:30-9:00PM cuss early church history from Jesus to Constantine Holy Grounds Coffee Lounge Tues., Nov 25th 7:00-8:30 PM Sanctuary MANO BELLS. Ring out your joy! Come learn to play the mano bells (handbells). It’s fun and simple. No musical experience necessary. Open to ALL. Wed, Nov. 26th 9:00 AM Hospitality Hall HERITAGE TIME OUT For women of all ages. We offer crafts, conversation, coffee and other activities of interest. Time out for you! Cost is nominal, childcare is available. Wed, Nov. 26th 7:00 PM REMEMBERING MONTH with Rev. Bob Mutlow . Join us for one or all of the Wednesday sessions for “Sharing our Stories Thu, Nov. 27th 10:00-11:30AM M&M Room ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP. Support group for caregivers of those suffering from Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. Information or to attend please call Clara 403-271-9570. Thu, Nov. 27th 1:00-3:30PM M&M Room AFTERNOON BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP. Reading Cool Water, 2010 fiction by Dianne Warren. Thu, Nov. 27th CHOIRS' WEEKLY PRACTICE M&M Room Sanctuary 4 6:10-6:55 PM: Bel Canto Singers—Ladies’ Ensemble practice 6:50-7:30 PM: Possibility Singers—Gospel, jazz and pop traditions 7:30-8:55 PM: Celebration Singers—this choir is open to all, drop in anytime for one or all practices. For information, call Antonina 403-252-1620, Ext 226 THIS WEEK AT MCDOUGALL contd Sat., Nov. 29th 8:30AM-3:30 PM Kitchen COMMUNITY KITCHEN. Planning, preparing and cooking with a large group. Take home 10-14 meals and soups. Save some money and have a lot of fun. Contact/Register by Sunday Nov. 23rd. . UPCOMING AT MCDOUGALL 55+ DISCUSSION. Tues., Dec 2nd, Noon-2PM. Movie showing. Title TBA HEALING PATHWAY. Thur., Dec. 4th. 9:00-Noon.Working with the body’s energy system, we use techniques which promote deep relaxation which, in turn, promote healing of the mind, body and spirit. Appointments must be booked. 403-252-1620 COMMUNITY KITCHEN MINI COOK. Fri., Dec.5th. We take home 7-8 meals and finish the cook with a shared lunch. Contact office 403-252-1620 to register. McDOUGALL FRIENDSHIP CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY December 19, 2014 With turkey dinner and fixings! Tickets: $20.00 TICKETS: Jim Robertson 403-252-1624 SIGN UP TO THE ORGAN DONATION REGISTRY In keeping with the spirit of stewardship, have you thought about organ donation as a way to give? Have you signed your donor card? This morning , Jennifer Bridle, Ann Gardner and Teresa Linzmayer will be in the Hospitality Hall after worship with laptops to sign you up to the online Organ and Tissue Donation Registry. You can register on line rather than sign that little card that you keep in your wallet. Visit for information or to register yourself OR see us after church ! Remember to bring your Health Card. 5 TODAY’S READING Luke 11:14-23 Now he was casting out a demon that was mute; when the demon had gone out, the one who had been mute spoke, and the crowds were amazed. But some of them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons.” Others, to test him, kept demanding from him a sign from heaven. But he knew what they were thinking and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself becomes a desert, and house falls on house. If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? —for you say that I cast out the demons by Beelzebul. Now if I cast out the demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your exorcists cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges. But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out the demons, then the kingdom of God has come to you. When a strong man, fully armed, guards his castle, his property is safe. But when one stronger than he attacks him and overpowers him, he takes away his armor in which he trusted and divides his plunder. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. 6 McDougall’s 8th Annual Christmas Cookie Walk Saturday December 6th 2014 at 10.00 am Mark your calendar now !!! McDougall United Church Hospitality Hall All Proceeds go to the Building & Development Fund Start thinking of your favourite Christmas Cookie Recipes and what you will bake for this great event. The McDougall Cookie Walk has proven to be a very successful money raiser for our Building Fund. We look forward to your continued support with your Christmas Baking for this very worthwhile cause. Be sure to tell your friends to come December 6th !! If you want to help with this project please contact, Clara, Eleanor or Judy. MULTIFOLKALS AT THE HITMEN GAME TODAY If you have signed up for the hockey game today, please see Mary Stevens in the Hospitality Hall after church to pick up your tickets. NOVEMBER: REMEMBERING MONTH. Wednesday, Nov 26th, 7:00PM in the Chapel. “Exploring Advent & End Times with Rev. Bob. ALL are welcome! Sign up sheets are available for McDougall’s Christmas decorating bee on Sat., Nov 29th. We need lots and lots of helpers! Decorating time 4-6PM with pizza to follow from 6-7PM. Hope to see you there! 7 WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS Minister Rev. Karen Holmes [email protected] 403-252-1620 ext.222 COFFEE SET UP Nov. 23rd Bob & Donna Wenstrom, Donna Traub Nov, 30th Lee & Jackie Beattie, Claire Campbell Minister Rev. Dr. Dave Holmes [email protected] 403-252-1620 ext 224 Office Administrators Lori Wilson & Lee Lepora [email protected] 403-252-1620 ext 0 Seniors’ Pastoral Care Minister Bob Mutlow [email protected] 403-370-2356 Director of Music Ministry Antonina Cox [email protected] 403-252-1620 ext 226 Accompanist Lori Chang-Foidl [email protected] Youth Leader Alina Cox [email protected] Faith Friends Leader Aileen Berridge [email protected] 403-252-1620 Facilities Coordinator (bookings) John Naylor [email protected] 403-252-1620 ext. 223 Caretaker Harpal Chahal Babyfold Caregiver Donelle Elliott COFFEE CLEAN UP Nov. 23rd Alf & Ann Berridge, Marion Wilson, Evelyn Cairns Nov, 30th Ted & Sylvia Steventon, Esther Petersen, Robin Hitchon GREETERS Nov. 23rd Brian & Ann Dowse LAY READER Nov. 23rd Nick & Lee Lepora Nov, 30th Juanita Morison SOUND Nov 23rd Barrie Clayton Nov, 30th Max Chernetsov STEWARDSHIP Nov. 23rd Margaret Hay, Charlie Marshall Nov, 30th Charlie Marshall, Glen Johnstone USHERS Nov. 23rd Paula Sangster, Glen & Joan Johnston, Jake Baum, Will & Carol Litwyn Nov, 30th Tom & Helen Foster, Earl Jones, Janet Hansen, Gordon Rycroft, Cec Day VPS Nov 23rd Lori Wilson Nov. 30th John & Iris Dawn Naylor 8 THE MCDOUGALL TEAM ACOLYTES Nov. 23rd Aidan & Audrey Scott Nov. 30th Thomas & Isabella Berridge
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