Staff Registration Form First Name Surname Title Date of Birth Availability Sex Anytime W/ends Evenings Daytime Address State Postcode Mobile Tel Email Home Tel Other Contact Height Hair Colour Blonde Hair Style Long Brown Shoulder-length Straight Eye Colour Blue Wavy Hazel Brown Black Red Short Shaved Curly Spiked Green Shoe Size (Please state Australian size) Waist Hips Chest Bra Size Visible Piercing Visible Tattoos No No Yes Yes Inside Leg Dress/Suit Size If ‘Yes’ specify position If ‘Yes’ specify position Ethnic Origin Nationality Languages Spoken Fluency All Licences and Levels Dates of Renewal Brandhoney PTY LTD Studio 8 | 285a Crown St | Surry Hills | NSW 2010 ABN 99 142 412 315 Grey Vehicles / make & model What computer do you have if any? Do you own a digital camera? Computer skills? Social networks? Promotional/Hospitality/Merchandising Experience: Brand Role Details Other Relevant Work Experience: Company Role Details Qualifications Certifications Specialist Skills Hobbies & Interests Brandhoney PTY LTD Studio 8 | 285a Crown St | Surry Hills | NSW 2010 ABN 99 142 412 315 If you could have any superpower, what would it be any why?... Bank Details (for EFT payments): Bank Name BSB Account Name ABN (mandatory) Account Number For Office Use Only: Notes Photos received Date of photography Brandhoney PTY LTD Studio 8 | 285a Crown St | Surry Hills | NSW 2010 ABN 99 142 412 315 Brandhoney Staff Code of Conduct 1 If you have any problems that may affect an activity you are booked on, Brandhoney should be contacted immediately 2 Look smart at all times – appearance and turnout will be noted in order to be booked again 3 Girls make up should be natural and applied with care 4 Jewellery should be kept to a minimum, only wedding bands, stud earrings and watches are permitted unless otherwise agreed upon booking 5 Nails should be manicured and should have clear or French polish only 6 Men should be clean shaven at all times unless otherwise agreed upon booking 7 No smoking, drinking alcohol, chewing gum or eating while working or in uniform 8 No gossiping with other members of staff whilst working 9 No hands in pockets whilst working 10 Always be proactive, polite and diplomatic 11 Remember the client is always right 12 Never come to work with a hangover 13 Leave any personal problems at home 14 Make sure you leave ample time for any journeys - lateness will not be tolerated 15 Mobile phones to be switched off at all times unless you are the Team Leader or otherwise agreed upon booking 16 Smile, be cheerful, enthusiastic and enjoy yourself at all times! I agree & endeavour to carry out the above listed Code of Conduct Full name: Signature: Date: Brandhoney PTY LTD Studio 8 | 285a Crown St | Surry Hills | NSW 2010 ABN 99 142 412 315 CONTRACT BETWEEN BRANDHONEY PTY LTD (ACN 142 412 315) (“THE COMPANY”) AND … …(“THE BRAND AMBASSADOR”) 1. The company 1.1 2. The company undertakes marketing and promotional activities (“the business”) for its clients. The Brand Ambassador 2.1 The Brand Ambassador has represented to the company that he or she has skills and expertise that will assist the company in carrying on the business in a professional, efficient and timely manner. 3. Relationship between the parties 3.1 The Brand Ambassador is a self-employed independent contractor. 3.2 The agreement between the parties is not intended to create a relationship of employer and employee and at no time shall the Brand Ambassador represent that he or she is an employee of the company. 4. Separate Engagement 4.1 Each provision of services by the Brand Ambassador shall constitute a separate and distinctive engagement under this contract for services. Unless amended in writing between the parties, the terms and conditions of this contract shall apply to each engagement. 5. Responsibilities of the Brand Ambassador 5.1 At all times, the Brand Ambassador shall act responsibly, honestly, professionally and promptly, particularly having regard to the best interests of the client as well as of the company. 5.2 To assist in ensuring that the Brand Ambassador does discharge his or her responsibilities in the way that is intended, the Brand Ambassador agrees that he or she will not, whilst providing services to the company, provide identical or substantially similar services to any other person or business. This clause shall not limit: 5.2.1 The Brand Ambassador providing services of any type when he or she is not providing services to the company; and 5.2.2 The Brand Ambassador providing services whilst he or she is providing services to the company that are not identical or substantially similar to the services provided by the Brand Ambassador to the company. 6. Assignment of agreement 6.1 The Brand Ambassador may not assign all or part of the agreement between the parties except with the prior written consent of the company. The Brand Ambassador acknowledges that the company shall have the sole discretion as to whether or not to agree to an assignment of all or part of the agreement and in deciding whether or not to exercise the discretion, the company will have regard to, amongst other matters, the best interests of the company and of the client. 7. Fees for services 7.1 The fees payable by the company shall be agreed between the parties prior to the commencement of any particular assignment. Any variation thereof must be approved in writing by the company. 8. Payment for services 8.1 The Brand Ambassador will, if requested by the company, notify the company of the start time and the finishing time of the performance by the Brand Ambassador of any services rendered and provide a report to the company in a format defined by the company after the services have been completed. 8.2 As a general rule, the company will pay for services provided by the Brand Ambassador within one (1) month from completion of the assignment. 8.3 The Brand Ambassador will be paid gross, namely without deduction of tax. The Brand Ambassador shall be responsible for the payment of his or her own tax. 8.4 The Brand Ambassador shall not be entitled to annual leave, accrued annual leave, sick pay and other entitlements ordinarily accrued to employees. Brandhoney PTY LTD Studio 8 | 285a Crown St | Surry Hills | NSW 2010 ABN 99 142 412 315 8.5 9. Payment will only be made electronically, by bank transfer to the Brand Ambassador. Expenses 9.1 The Brand Ambassador shall be liable for his or her own travelling expenses. 9.2 The Brand Ambassador may only claim for reimbursement of expenses incurred by the Brand Ambassador if they are of a nature that was approved by the company prior to the commencement of a particular assignment. 9.3 Where a Brand Ambassador claims reimbursement of any expenses incurred by him or her, he or she must provide satisfactory evidence, including vouchers, receipts, invoices and the like, and so as to enable the company to satisfy itself that the amounts claimed are reasonable and proper. 10. Insurance 10.1 Unless expressly advised in writing by the company, the company will not take out insurance to cover any claims that may arise in favour of the Brand Ambassador and arising out of the performance of the assignment. If the Brand Ambassador wishes to have any such insurance, he or she is liable to take out and maintain same. 11. Cancellation 11.1 Occasionally, clients of the company cancel their arrangements with the company, such arrangements giving rise to the provision of services by the Brand Ambassador. Where a client does cancel an arrangement, the company shall use its best endeavours to try and obtain payment of its agreed fee. If it does obtain payment, then it will pay the Brand Ambassador the fee agreed by the company with him or her. 11.2 In circumstances in which the company is not paid its agreed fee by a client who or which cancels the arrangement before its commencement, the company shall not be liable to pay the Brand Ambassador the fee agreed to be paid. This clause shall only apply to arrangements that are cancelled prior to their commencement. 12. Confidentiality 12.1 For the purpose of performing the assignment, the Brand Ambassador may or will become aware of information (“the confidential information”) relating to the business, finances or personnel of the company, or of its clients. The confidential information often contains commercially sensitive and/or secretive information. 12.2 The Brand Ambassador agrees to keep secret the confidential information during the course of this agreement and for a period of two (2) years after the performance by the Brand Ambassador of the last assignment by him or her for the company. The Brand Ambassador shall not, directly or indirectly, divulge the confidential information during that period. 12.3 This clause does not apply to information that is within the public domain, unless it is within the public domain as a result of a breach of this agreement by the Brand Ambassador. 13. Restraint 13.1 The Brand Ambassador shall not, during the course of this agreement and for a period of one (1) year from the date of the completion of the last assignment by the Brand Ambassador for the company directly or indirectly do work for the client, or any associated (as defined by the Corporations Act 2001) company or business of the client. This provision is necessary to protect the commercial interests of the company and the Brand Ambassador acknowledges that it is reasonable in all the circumstances. 14. Variation of agreement 14.1 15. The agreement between the parties may not be varied except with the written consent of the parties hereto. Governing Law 15.1 The agreement between the parties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New South Wales and, as appropriate, the Commonwealth of Australia. 16. Superseding effect 16.1 These terms and conditions supersede any other agreements, warranties, arrangements or understandings that may have existed between the parties prior to the date hereof. Brandhoney PTY LTD Studio 8 | 285a Crown St | Surry Hills | NSW 2010 ABN 99 142 412 315 SIGNED by the parties on.... … …. Duly authorised on behalf of Brandhoney PTY LTD (ACN 142 412 315) …… ….. The Brand Ambassador (ABN … ..) Brandhoney PTY LTD Studio 8 | 285a Crown St | Surry Hills | NSW 2010 ABN 99 142 412 315
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