N SUNDAY MORNINGS … O We gath ther ... for coffeee, tea or cocoa and conversatiion from 9:30am m, a good way to start your mo orning. Worship p calls us… To be in community, to o hear the ancient words come alive in song, in n story, in sermo on. To engage the t world in a meaningful m new w way. Children and Youth explore the season of Advent in their programs p and in n worship. We movve out… With a paause for coffee an nd conversation in the Hall, we m move back to our daily d lives, renew wed and ready forr all that is to com me. STAFF CONTACT INFOR RMATION Minister Youth, Family Minisster Children, Y Minister off Music Congregattional /Office Progrram Office Adm ministrator Choir Director Custodians Resident C SHAR RING STO ORIES SHAR RING LIV VES SHAR RING FAIITH Adve ent Chrisstmas 2014 4 Shaugh hnessy Heigh hts United Chu urch Rev. Dr. Steven Chamberss schambers@ @shuc.ca Pamela Jeffery [email protected] Roy Cam mpbell uc.ca music@shu Andrea Parker admin@shu uc.ca Janet Livvingstone accounting@ @shuc.ca Dr. Ram mona Luengen [email protected] Aaron Godbout G & Andrea Oliveri “The s season of Advvent means th here is someth hing on the horizon the likess of which we ha ave never seeen before. It is not poossible to keepp it from comiing, because it t will.”* SHAU UGHNESS SY HEIGHT TS UNITED CHURCH 1550 West W 33rd Avenu ue, Vancouver, B.C. B V6M 1A7 Phone: 604-261-6377 Email: [email protected] a As we gather in worship, in concerts, in meals, in grouups this Advent, Christmas and d Epiphan ny season, may we take some time, t rest quietlly, sit a bit. www.shuc.ca n the horizon n. Listen. Wait. Watch for what is emerging on Join us as a we pray, sing g, and dance our way to Christm mas. who are on the edge e of the Come along that we might care for and welcome all w journey’s path. Come along a so we mig ght care for one another. Come along in hope. *Jaan Richardson, Night Visions (Cleveland: United U Church Press,, 1998) Candlemass ©Jan Richardson Images 16 1 FINANC CIAL SUMMARY – OPERATING ACCOUNT CELEBRATE E E THE SEASON N! General Offerings, including Sunday con ntributions and monthly PAR co ontributions, received as at O October 31, 2014 4 2014 Acttual 2014 Budget 2014 Variance were $ 230,235 ($ 236,637 in 20113), $ 230,235 $ 240,316 $ ‐ 10,081 which is $ 10,08 81 less than budg get to date. Total Re evenue, including g rentals but not including flow th hrough, as at Octtober 31, 2014, is $ 500,561 ($ 495,817 in 2013). 2 Total Expe enses, including Capital transferss but not including flow thro ough for this period were $ 494,54 48 ($ 486,432 in 22013). Net Operating Income as at October 31, 2014 was $ 6,013 ($ 9,386 inco ome in 2013). Line of C Credit – we have not used any of our o available linee of credit of $50,000 A SERV VICE OF REME EMBERING THURSD DAY, DECEMBER 18, 1 6:30PM This is a time to gathe er in a quiet place to t remember . . . perhaps someon ne who has died d; perhaps a losss of a different kind: a relationship, a job, a home, a friend. This may be a time of healing strength and ho ope for you. The servvice will be follo owed by tea and d cookies in the chapel. WOMEN N’S CHRIST TMAS PARTY Y Cash on hand as at Novemb ber 10, 2014 is $ 97,219 9 Total Revenue Total Expense Total Nett Income 2014 Budge et $ 523,834 2014 Variaance $ ‐ 23,273 $ 494,548 $ 527,757 $ +33,209 $ $ ‐ 3,923 $ + 9,936 6,013 Sundayy, December 7, 2014, 7‐9 pm THOUGH HTS FROM THE LIBRARY Our collection of Christmas books has been reassembbled for all the faamily to enjoy. ost joyous of Christian seasons let us As we approach the mo ords of the English Poet pause and reflect once again on the wo Sir John Betjeman, C.B.E. The women of the congregation are invited to this annuaal party which will w be hosted byy Nancy Trott in her home at 753 West 20tth Avenue, Van ncouver. Please RSVP P to Andrea at [email protected] or call 604‐261‐6377. There is no neeed to bring anytthing, but if you would like to bring an appetizer or dessert, pleease include the diish you will be bringing with your response to A Andrea. No loving fin ngers tying strings No love thatt in a family dwells,, Around thosse tissued fripperies, s, No carolling in frosty air, The sweet an nd silly Christmas t things, Nor all the steeple shaking bellss nd inexpensive scennt can Bath salts an with this singgle Truth compare ‐ And hideouss tie so kindly meannt. That God wa as Man in Palestinee And lives to‐‐day in Bread and W Wine. The Wise W Women Also Came © ©Jan Richardson Ima ages ‐ 2 2014 Actua l $ 500,561 ‐ Pat Hudso on for the” Friends of the Libraary “ 15 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2014-2015 ENGAGIING TRANSFORM MATIONS Remaining dates in NOVEMBER 2014: On June 15, 2015, Shaugh hnessy Heights United U Church set in mo otion a process to o engage the con ngregation internallyy and the commu unity externally with w exciting ideas and d creative energyy. This intentionaal program, which wiill begin with an intentional and fo ocused conversaation about the fu uture, is design to o assist the congregaation move towaard the future. Tuesday, November 18, 25: Friday‐Saturday, November 21‐22: Sunday, November 23: Wednesday, November 26: Sunday,. November 30: REMINDER : On the weekend of November 28,29, 30th the Vancouver Police Department will be closing W33 Avenue at Granville street for construction of a water main.W33 Ave is not closed — if you turn on streets parallel to W 33rd and then access the area around the church via Connaught, you will be able to use the local streets, including parking on W33rd in front of the church, as normal. Five interlocking areas off Engaging Transfformation: Faith.Food @ SHUC SHUC Young Adult Retreat Soup and Bun The Holly Tea Advent One Inviting the congregation into an intentional d dialogue, a time of o Holy Conversation. E Expanding the exxploration of Spirritual Practices in the congregatiion. A Speakers Seriess designed to feed our c community intelllectually and spirritually and o offer to those beyyond the congreg gation an o opportunity to learn more about our o values and beeliefs. C Community Engag gement will seekk to reach the com mmunity (interna ally and externallyy) t through enhance ed communicatio on of our mission,, values and prog grams. S Support for New Initiatives, particcularly small grouup activities. DECEMBER 2014 Tuesdays, December 2, 9, 16: Wednesday, December 3: Sunday, December 7: Faith.Food @ SHUC Community Lunch, noon Poinsettia Sunday SHUC Women’s Christmas Party SHUC hosts lunch @ First United O Nata Lux, 7:30PM Service of Remembering, 6:30PM Saturday, December 13: Sunday, December 14: Thursday, December 18: All of thiss work is made possible by the use of available funds in the ment church’s general endowm and annu ual operations. Wednesday, December 24: CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES 4:30 pm Service for Young Families 7 pm All Ages service 10 pm Candlelight Communion The Church Office is closed from December 24 at noon un l Monday, January 5 at 9 am. A letter will w be mailed to households the week of Novembeer23rd that markks the launcch of the Holy Conversa ation. We look forward to t your participation. JANUARY 2015 Sunday, January 4: Tuesdays, January 13, 20, 27: Saturday, January 10: Sunday, January 11: Saturday, January 17: Saturday, January 24: Epiphany Faith.Food @ SHUC SHUC hosts lunch at First United 2nd Hour after Worship Choir Retreat Robbie Burns Dinner, fundraiser *Worship is every Sunday at 10am 14 3 CELEBRATING THE T SEASO ON OF MUSIC OUR R LIFE AN ND WORK K... FROM THE T SHUC COU UNCIL CHAIR, NANCY CHO As Adven nt draws near, th he choir, Roy and Ramona are preparing madly forr the busy and demanding time ahead. Sunday, November 30 will w usher in the seeason with musicc expressing Chrisst's coming birth.. It is also sign nificant for another reason: Charlo otte and Peter Buurns have commissioned Ramonaa to write an anthem in celebration of their 50 0th Wedding Annniversary. The new w work, Harmonyy of Souls willl be premiered on o this Sunday, in n the midst of conngregation and frriends. On the second Sunday off Advent, Decem mber 4, the choir w will present the premiere p of Who E'Er Would H Hope in Gladness, written by our veery own tenor leaad Paul Just. On Saturrday December 1 13 and Sunday D December 14, thee Shaughnessy choir will join the Amabiliss Singers for two Christmas conceerts ‐ a new experrience for us, and d one that we look forward to very much. 90 0 voices strong will be an impressiive sound in both h our sanctuary an nd that of New N Westminsterr Christian Reform med. We do hopee to see many of you there! Our veryy special Lessons & Carols Servicee will take place o on Sunday, December 21, with music m by Gjeilo o, Dubra, Sedek, Forbes, Honeggeer, Warland. As always, it will also o include many favouritee Christmas carolls to sing as a congregaation. The accom mplished violinist and memberr of the Vancouve er Opera Orchesttra, Andrea Siradze, S will be jo oining us, as we reeady ourselves spiritually for th he imminent arrivval of Christmaas. Lessons & Carols is a service very v dear to our heearts ‐ and it is ou ur hope that by elucidating and reflecting g musically on eaach portion of o the Christmas story, all of us prresent will be able to t hear it with a new n and fresh perrspective, one thatt allows us to experience the traditional narrativee in a more mean ningful and expressive way. Greeting gs from the SHUC C Council. Since September S we haave had 3 Council meetings m and two fundraising eveents ‐ Pasta and P Profiterole Party in September S and our o Annual Fall Faair in October. W We’d like to thank the leadership of Michelle M Jinn, Helen Cheung, Lorn na n and all their helpers to make bo oth events fun and Robinson memorable. November is i the time when we start our next xt year’s budget planning p as we taake into consideraation the need to o keep our building well maintained and Sunday School & Youth Prog grams running smoothly. s We’d also like to ackno owledge the lead dership of Meghan Pritchard in facillitating the growtth of the Young A Adult Group. We W are looking fo orward to some exciting e Congreg gational Dialogue es in the New Yeaar and have trained members m of the SHUC S congregation to be our facilitato ors. We encourag ge all to attend and have a voice in the futture of SHUC. Co ouncil members welcome w your input, pleease speak to any of us. 2014-2 2015 COUNCILL MEMBERS Chair – Nancy N Cho Secretarry – Carla Banfield d Treasureer – Mark Kitamura Trusteess Chair – Andrew Lew Presbyteery Rep – Cathy MacKean M Pastoral Care Chair – Helen Ellison Congreg gational Life Chair – Marilyn Thorssteinsson Commun nications Chair – Chris Burns Christian n Education Chair – George MacK Kenzie Ministry & Personnel Chaair – James Fraser Propertyy & Maintenance Chair – Mark Mu unroe Worship & Music Co‐Chairs – Clif Prowse & Gayle Ansley Outreach h Co‐chairs – MaryLou Harrigan & Katherine Paton Ministerial Staff – Steven n Chambers & Pamela Jeffery And finally, as always, the e choir will provid de music for both the 7:00pm Family Service and 10 0:00pm Candlelig ght Service on Ch hristmas Eve, De ecember 24, endin ng the year with some of the mosst glorious choral music m ever written n. Where Advent Beginss ©Jan Richardson Images 4 13 TUE ESDAYS @ SH HUC: Childre en’s Programs s 12 5 SHARING AN ND CARIN NG THIS S SEASON N SHAR RING FAIT TH faith h.food@sh huc FIRST I UNITED LUNCHES Evvery second Satuurday, members from f SHUC go to o First United to prepare and share lunch with communityy m members in the Do owntown Eastsid de. Many of us haave paarticipated in thiss special time and d we encourage you y to o think about joinning us! If you are e interested, pleaase caall the church offiice to find out mo ore information or o sp peak to Mary Louu Harrigan or Katherine Paton at ch hurch on Sundayss. Our next lunch h is Saturday, th Deecember 13 . CHRISTTMAS POINSETTTIAS Please co onsider assisting with our much appreciated a preseentation of a love ely poinsettia to each of about 50 of our mem mbers who are unnable to attend o have special ne eeds. Your financial contribution in memory of you ur church or th loved on ne(s) will be ackno owledged in the morning m service of December 7 after which the poinsettiaas will be delivereed. 6 pm Congregational Din nner ‐ A simple,, tasty dinner witth friends! We we elcome you to co ome and sharre a meal. There is a suggested do onation of $6‐8 p per person if you are able. We wo ould love to see you there! We e are able to meeet dietary needs iincluding vegetarian and gluten frree. 7 PM – 7:2 20 pm Worship – A new piece of our o every Tuesdaay night, we will be b sharing in a sh hort worship service in the hall together follow wing dinner. All aare welcome to jo oin us for Singing g, Commun nity Reflection an nd Prayer. 45 pm Youth and Adult Faith Fo ormation 7:30 – 8:4 YOUTH AND ADULT ADVENT D PROGRAM M upport this endeaavour by using th his form and leaving it with your Please su donation n on the offering plate or in the ch hurch office. The deadline is Sund day Novemb ber 30th. Thank you! ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Your Na ame ________________________________ I would like to contribute $_____ cash, OR 4:30 – 6 pm p Children’s Prrograms for ages K‐Grade 4, Graade 5‐7 The purp pose of these gro oups are to bu uild lasting friend dships in a nurturiing, faith‐inspired d community thrrough a diversity of activitiess, including art, music, m drama, gam mes, outdoor plaay, storytelling, spiritual practices and more. Come and find outt what we are about! Tuesdays,, December 2, 9,, 16 During th he advent season n, all youth, youn ng adults and aduults are welcome to participate in a variety of o advent experiences that will loo ok at the seasonss of Advent and Christmas C in a new w way. Ho ow might we emb brace the season differently? How w do the stories apply a to our lives today? What W do the caro ols say about our faith? Join us forr discussion, crea ative explorationss, multi‐meedia presentation ns and really goo od Christmas cheeer! Leadership: Pamela Jeffery and others My cheque is enclosed $__ ____ My contrribution # is ______ I would like my contribution to be in mem mory of: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Please re eturn form to the o office by November 30th 6 11 YOUNG ADULTS @ SHUC Every Advent we welcome a new year in the Christian church. This transition can prompt us to make plans for the future but also reflect on the past. As I look back over the past year I am amazed at the growth and new life among young adults in our congregation and I am particularly grateful for the work that our community has done to support this emerging ministry. A little over a year ago I was approached about shaping programming specific to Young Adults in the congregation. At the time it was not entirely clear whom this would serve and what it would look like. We started with small discussion groups and movie nights to get the ball rolling and from an initial group of three to four curious people we have grown to a network of approximately thirty young adults who regularly engage with our church in some way. While many of these young adults attended SHUC before the creation of a Young Adult group, the establishment of the formal group has offered new opportunities for the participants to meet with one another, explore their faith, and serve their church community. In addition to social activities (which are always popular!) we have been working through the Animate Faith DVD series, discussing topics such as religion versus spirituality, why we re‐read the Bible over and over, and what we mean when we talk about “Salvation”. At the end of November seven young adults attended a two‐day retreat in Point Roberts, WA. This retreat allowed the participants to rest, re‐energize, and reflect on what scripture tells us about our lives as Christians living in the Pacific Northwest. Experiences such as this would not have been possible without the generous support of the congregation. GIF FTS WITH H VISION N The United Church off Canada’s Gifts with w Vision catalogue is an a additional wayy to supp port the work for Mission and Servvice partn ners in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribb bean and even in n Canada. Mission n and Servicce funding helps create healthy places to livve, promotes justtice, and offers so ocial serrvices. For unique e gift ideas you caan pu urchase from the catalogue in‐kind. Printted catalogues arre available from the churrch office and at worship w on Sundaays. You can also shop s online at www.giftsw withvision.ca The energy that has been established over the past year is exciting and we hope to build on this energy throughout the coming year! Before we hit 2015, though, there are still two events coming up in December. On December 7 at 4:00 pm young adults are invited to experience an alternative kind of worship with Jazz Vespers at St. Andrew’s Wesley! Bramwell Tovey, conductor of the VSO, will be in attendance to lead the music on this second Sunday of Advent. On December 17 at 7:00 pm the Young Adult group will meet at Robson Square for ice skating! Following our skate we will head to a nearby pub to warm up. Skate rentals at Robson Square are $4, or you are welcome to bring your own. If you would like to attend a young adult event, or if you just want to learn more about this branch of ministry, contact Meghan Pritchard at [email protected]. 10 7 FALL FAIR ROU UND-UP For the last shortt while we have been breathing a sigh of relief no ow that t the Fall Fair is over! However before Lorna and d I say our final "hurrah" to the Fall F Fair we would d like to express ou ur personal thankks for your support.. In fact, thank you u for putting your trust t in Lorna and I to lead what m must seem to oth hers like a mini purposed the rooms of our church h revolution as we cleared and re‐p building for the annual a Fall Fair. Oveer the years Lorna and I have com me to realize that we have a great responsibilitty to deliver a meemorable event. And even n though this eve ent is the church’’s main fundraiseer, far moree importantly, we e consider it to bee a really importaant commun nity event and a real r friend raiser because b it helps uus get to kn now and build frie endships within our o church by working together. And while w Lorna’s and mine might be th he faces thaat have become synonymous s with h the Fall Fair, wee know thaat we would neve er have been succcessful without t he unwaverring support of almost the entire SHUC S communitty. SENIORS AND FRIENDS Upcom ming dates: Wedneesday, January 28th at noon, Programme: D DVD – The Edinbu urgh Tattoo Wedneesday, February 25th at noon Wedneesday, March 25tth at 1:30pm: The Daffodil Tea Rides are a always availaable. Call Coordin nators Pat Mitcheell, 604.94 48.4894 and Phyyllis Hayter, 604.7732.8442. COME! EVOLLVE 2014 9 youth, young adults an nd their leaders attended a the annual EVOLVE E conferen nce at Stillwood over o the long weekend d in November. It was an amazing weekend of learning and playing and worshippin ng together. Highlights of the weekend included time spent with Rodger Nishioka N and oth her theme leaderrs, the dance and carnival, the Hung ger Games gam me (we were a power and authority), worsship, and the talking about music. Stillwood is a be eautiful retreat centre hosted by the Mennonite M Church h – the food is go ood, the residences are comfortab ble and we alwayys feel so welco ome there! Thank you to all who supported youth h in attending thiis conference thrrough the Youtth Support and Outreach O Fund, a special fund at SHUC. 8 So it’s to o you, the dear fo olks of Shaughn nessy Heights Unnited Church that we want w to say our ssincerest thanks. Whether W you werre a tiny ant who worrked tirelessly in tthe basemen nt, sorting and caategorizing donation ns or a foot soldieer in our legion off volunteers who stepped into actio on, setting up tab bles, decorating spaces, s doing ho ome baking, polishing g silver, steaming g garments and pricing p goods lastt Thursday and Fridaay or a smartly cllad, blue‐aproned d helper (thanks to our apparel prrovided by Chuckk Lew) thaat faced the public, or advertised the t event or counnted money behind the scenes or helped clean up on fair daay, WE THANK YOU Y from the botttom of our heartts. Sincerelyy yours, Lorna an nd Helen 9
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