PERTH METHODIST CHURCH Sc016818 As Methodists we believe that God's love is for everyone, everywhere. We worship God and try to demonstrate the goodness of God in our daily lives. We seek to learn and grow together and to support both those with whom we worship and those amongst whom we live. th W e e k b e g i n n i n g 1 9 October 2014 Sunday 19 Oct. 11.00am Morning Worship Rev M Patterson Readings: Matthew 22 vv 15-22 ( page 990) Isaiah 45 vv 1-7 (page 731) I Thessalonians 1 vv 1-10 (page 1186) The flowers today are provided arranged by Pat Page 6.00pm Evening Worship B Cowling 25th October Saturday Morning coffee 10.00 – 11.30 Jeannie, Alison Martin, Gerald Sunday 26th October 11.00am Morning Worship Reverend John Butterfield Service of Holy Communion (A retiring collection will be taken at the close of Morning Worship for the Benevolent Fund) Door Stewards: Alison Garrett Rob Reid Flowers: Provided and arranged by Laura Frenz Sunday School: Elspbeth and Beryl Sound: Hannah Sunday Teas: Susie Turner and Marcia MacKenzie 6.00pm Evening Worship D Cowling A warm welcome to everyone sharing in worship here today. Visitors are invited to sign the Visitors’ Book which is in the vestibule. A hearing loop is installed. If using a hearing aid, please switch it to the T position. Large print hymn books and service books are available - please ask a door steward. Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee in the hall after the Service. ************************************** We have six small fellowship groups in this Church, which are open to all *********************************** Prayer Requests. There is a prayer tree at the front of the church. You are invited to write your request on a leaf and then hang it on the tree. Joan Stewart and the family would like to thank all members of the church for their prayers and enquiries during Dons illness and for the cards flowers and phone calls when he passed away on 11th September, also those who paid their respects at the Crematorium. £351 has been sent to Pancreatic Cancer UK. Your kind thoughts have been much appreciated by us all. Sheryll, Duncan and Alastair. Soup Lunch Many thanks to everyone who supported the October lunch in any way. The amount raised from the Coffee Morning/Soup Lunch was £105. TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More! How true this is where our ‘Top-up-a-Tenner’ fundraising project is concerned. A further £121.00 was paid in last Sunday, making the ‘profit’ to date £368.70.......and this amount will undoubtedly increase further. As last Sunday, please put brown envelopes into the collection bag today! Thank you. Christmas Fayre The Christmas fayre will be held on Saturday 29th November. There will be a short meeting on Wednesday 22nd October at 7.15 in the hall, to which anyone with an interest in the organizing of the fayre is welcome. As ever your support is always appreciated to make the fayre a success. Many thanks Sheila Frenz Youth Worker Project The type of project we have been talking about is already taking place in Aberfeldy. There is an intergenerational Youth service at Aberfeldy Parish Church, 6.30-7.30pm on Sunday 26th October to which anyone interested is invited. Please speak to Pam or Barry, soon, if you would like to go Open Circle Pam Bostock will be the speaker at the first meeting of the new programme this Monday (20th) at 2.30 in the hall.. The title is “150 cheese and pineapple tarts!” It also has a subtitle of "Looking at how we care for ourselves, care for each other, and draw closer to God". All welcome. PACT Christmas Service will be on Friday 12th December at 7pm; VENUE: St. Leonard's in the Fields; THEME: a Christingle CHRISTMAS CHOIR: rehearsals will take place at The Salvation Army at 8.15pm on four Thursdays - 13th Nov, 20th Nov, NOT 27th NOV, 4th Dec, 11th Dec. One of these will hopefully happen at St.Leonard's if it can be arranged. Everyone is welcome - new members, old members, no experience necessary! CHILDREN: we would like to involve the children again this year. Liz McKerchar is taking charge of this and will be in touch in due course with lots more detail. Rehearsals have been arranged for Sunday 23rd Nov and 7th Dec at 2pm in St. Leonard's. CHRISTINGLE MAKERS: We need volunteers for Friday 12th December at 10am to come along to St. Leonard's to help in the making of 400 Christingles! The more the merrier and also the more the quicker! A light lunch and hot drinks will be provided. Lorna Ferguson is heading up the Christingle making operation. If anyone has any good relationships with supermarkets/cash and carry suppliers etc who may be willing to help by providing a quantity of oranges either for free or at a discount then we would be pleased to hear from you. News-Sheet This sheet will be produced in October by Chris Parkin and in November by Hannah Tuner Contact details can be found in the church directory. Please send items for inclusion by noon on the previous Thursday Items may be in writing, by email, or telephone. NB! The news-sheet can always be viewed on the PMC website
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