Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute (Government of Puducherry Institution) Vazhudavur Road, Kathirkamam, Puducherry – 605 009 Telephone : 0413‐2277542 & 2277545 ‐ FAX: 0413‐2277289 Email: [email protected] No.151‐3/IGMC&RI/Estt./Rectt.‐Paramed/2014 Puducherry, dated: 19/11/2014 RECRUITMENT DETAILS Applications are invited from the eligible Indian Citizens who are Natives/Residents of Union Territory of Puducherry for Direct Recruitment to the following posts: (A) MODE OF APPLYING FOR THE FOLLOWING 5 CATEGORIES OF POSTS ARE THROUGH “ONLINE” ONLYby way of official website:, which is available from 10.00 A.M. on 20/11/2014 to 5.00 P.M. on 09/12/2014. 3 4 08 09 Physiotherapist PB-2-Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay 4200 PB-2-Rs. 930034800+ Grade Pay 4200 Pharmacist PB-2-Rs. 930034800+ Grade Pay 4200 Technician PB-1Rs.520020200+ Grade Pay 2800 10 6 16 66 Educational qualification Essential: Master's Degree in Psychology/ Sociology/Social Work from a recognized Institution Desirable: Two years experience as a MSW in a recognized hospital Essential: Bachelor Degree in Physiotherapy Desirable: One year experience in the field of rehabilitation Essential: 1. Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacyfrom a recognized institution/University or equivalent 2. Registered as Pharmacist underthe Pharmacist Act, 1948. Essential: 1. B.Sc. MLT (three years course)from a recognized institution/University 2. Computer knowledge Desirable: Two years experience in Medical Lab in a recognized Hospital. Age limit Distribution of Marks for selection Reservation Vertical Horizontal Not exceeding 35 years 03 Medical Social Worker/ Psychiatry Social Worker/ Vocational Counsellor No. of posts to be filled Basic (Degree)-50 PG-40 Desirable-experi-10 EE seniority-15 GEN-7 OBC-1 MBC-1 SC-1 ExSM-1 Not exceeding 35 years 2 01 Name of post Scale of Pay / Pay Band Basic (HSC)-50 Degree-40 Desirable-experi-10 EE seniority-15 GEN-5 MBC-1 Not exceeding 32 years 1 Post Code No. Not exceeding 35 years Sl. No Basic (HSC)-50 Degree with Regn.50 EE seniority-15 Basic (HSC)-50 Degree with Comp.know--40 Desirable-experi-10 EE seniority-15 GEN-11 SC-2 MBC-2 OBC-1 EXSM-2 MSP-1 GEN-36 OBC-7 SC-10 MBC-11 EBC-1 BCM-1 EXSM-7 DAP-2 MSP-3 1 12 PB-1Rs.520020200+ Grade Pay 2800 32 Not exceeding 32 years 5 Radiographic Technician including Dark Room Asst. Essential: Degree in Radiography from a recognized institute (or) HSC or equivalent with Diploma in Radiography with one year experience as Radiographic Technician in a recognized Hospital (or) HSC or equivalent with Certificate in Radiological Assistant course with two years experience as RadiographicTechnician in a recognized Hospital Basic (HSC/SSLC)50 Degree/HSC with Diploma &experi/HSC with Certifi-50 EE seniority-15 GEN-19 SC-5 MBC-5 OBC-3 EXSM-3 DAP-1 MSP-2 LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF“ONLINE” APPLICATIONSUNDER (A) CATEGORY: (Online application available in the website from 10.00 A.M. on 20/11/2014 to 5.00 P.M. on 09/12/2014) Online generated application should besubmittedalong with the attested photo copies of the requisite testimonials by “Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due” (or) “in person “dulysuperscribing on the cover as “APPLICATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF …………………………” (specify the name of the post), so as to reach “The Director, Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Vazhudavur Road, Kathirkamam, Puducherry-605 009” on or before 19/12/2014 at 5.00 P.M. (B) MODE OF APPLYING FOR THE FOLLOWING 13 CATEGORIES OF POSTS ARE ONLY BY POST OR IN PERSONby way of downloading the ApplicationForm available in the website: 02 Statistician PB-2-Rs. 930034800+ Grade Pay 4200 No. of posts to be filled 2 Educational qualification Age limit Distribution of Marks for selection Reservation Vertical Essential: 1. Master's Degree in Statistics 2. Familiarity with standard Electronic Statistical Software Desirable: Experience in Health statistics for two years Basic (Degree)-50 PG with stat. software-40 Desirable-experi-10 EE seniority-15 Horizo ntal GEN-2 1 Name of post Scale of Pay / Pay Band Not exceeding 35 years Sl. No Post Code No. 2 Refractionist / Optometrist PB-1Rs.520020200+ 2800 GP 3 1 Basic (HSC/SSLC)50 Degree/Diploma with experi. & Tamil Know-50 EE seniority-15 Basic (SSLC)-50 HSC/Diploma with experience--40 Desirable-Degree--10 EE seniority-15 GEN-2 GEN-2 Essential: 1. H.Sc. or equivalent 2. Diploma in Refractionistcoursewith two years experience as a Refractionist in a recognized Hospital Desirable: B.Sc. Optometry Basic (HSC)-50 Degree & Diploma with experi-40 Desirable-PG-10 EE seniority-15 GEN-3 Essential: 1. Degree in speech pathology from a recognized University (or) equivalent qualification in relevant field (or) Diploma in speech pathology withtwoyears experience in the relevant field in a recognized hospital/institution 2. Knowledge of Tamil Basic (HSC/SSLC)50 Degree/Diploma with experi-50 EE seniority-15 GEN-3 PB-2-Rs. 930034800+ Grade Pay 4200 3 Essential: 1. Bachelor Degree in Botany/ Zoology/Home Science/Nutrition/ Chemistry/Social Science/Social Anthropology (10+2+3 system) from a recognized University or its equivalent 2. Diploma in Health Education from a recognized University 3. One year experience in the relevant field Desirable: Master's Degree in any one of thesubject detailed under preitem1above from a recognized University Basic (HSC)-50 Degree-40 Desirable-experi-10 EE seniority-15 GEN-1 10 Speech Therapist/ Audiometry Technician PB-2-Rs. 930034800+ Grade Pay 4200 2 Not exceeding 35 years 6 07 Health Educator PB-2-Rs. 930034800+ Grade Pay 4200 Essential: Bachelor's Degree in Orthotics and Prosthetics from a recognizedinstitution (or) Diploma in Orthotics and Prosthetics from a recognized Institution or equivalent with two years experience in an Orthotic and Prosthetic workshop Not exceeding 35 years 5 06 Orthotic and Prosthetic Technician 2 Not exceeding 32 years 4 05 Occupational Therapist Not exceeding 35 years 3 04 Not exceeding 35 years 2 PB-2-Rs. 930034800+ Grade Pay 4200 Essential: Bachelor Degree in Occupational Therapy or its equivalent from recognized institution Desirable: One year experience in the field of rehabilitation 3 11 16 Dental Technician/ Hygienist Photographer PB-1Rs.520020200+ Grade Pay 2400 PB-1Rs.520020200+ Grade Pay 2400 4 (2+2) Essential: 1. HSC or its equivalent 2. Diploma in Health Education from a recognized University for Health Inspector post 3. Diploma in Sanitation course for Sanitary Inspector post Basic (SSLC)-50 HSC & Diploma in HE/SC-50 EE seniority-15 4 Essential: 1. HSC or equivalent 2. Diploma in Dental Mechanic course from a recognized institute 3. Diploma in Dental Hygienist course from a recognized institute Basic (SSLC)-50 HSC & DiplomaDM/DH-50 EE seniority-15 Essential: 1. HSC or its equivalent 2. Diploma in Photography of a recognized institute/University or equivalent 3. Two years experience in Medicalphotography in a recognized Hospital 4. Computer knowledge. Basic (SSLC)-50 HSC & Diploma with experi.+ comp.know50 EE seniority-15 1 GEN-2 GEN-3 Not exceeding 32 years Not exceeding 32 years Basic (SSLC-50 ITI with experi-50 EE seniority-15 GEN-4 PB-1Rs.520020200+ Grade Pay 2400 3 GEN-4 15 Health Inspector/ Sanitary Inspector PB-1Rs.520020200+ Grade Pay 2400 Essential: 1. SSLC or equivalent 2. Two years ITI Trade certificate in electronics from recognized institution 3. Two years experience in handling and maintenance of audio visual equipments. GEN-1 10 14 Audio Visual Assistantcum-Storekeeper 2 Not exceeding 32 years 9 13 Health Visitor Not exceeding 32 years 8 11 Basic (HSC)-50 Degree & Diploma with experi-50 EE seniority-15 Not exceeding 32 years 7 PB-1Rs.520020200+ Grade Pay 2800 Essential: 1. Bachelor Degree in Botany / Zoology/Home Science/Nutrition/ Chemistry/Social Science/Social Anthropology (10+2+3 system) from a recognized University or its equivalent 2. Diploma/Certificate in Public relations/Health education/Health Visitor course or equivalent from recognized institution 3. One year experience in the relevant field 4 OR Assistant 40 Basic (SSLC)-50 Diploma with Boiler Competency Certi-50 EE seniority-15 GEN-4 18 PB-1Rs.520020200+ Grade Pay 1900 Essential: 1. SSLC or equivalent 2. One year training as Operating Room Assistant from a recognized institute or equivalent Experience: one year experience as an operation theatre Assistant in a major recognized hospital. Not exceeding 32 years 13 17 4 Essential: 1. A pass in three years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (or) equivalent in the relevant field. 2. Boiler Competency Certificate from a recognized institute. Not exceeding 32 years 12 Boiler Attendants/ Gas Plant Attendant PB-1Rs.520020200+ Grade Pay 2400 SSLC with training50 Training &experi- -50 EE seniority-15 GEN23 MBC-7 SC-6 OBC-4 EXSM -4 DAP-1 MSP-2 LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS BY POST OR IN PERSON UNDER (B) CATEGORY: Filled in applications should be submitted along with the attested photo copies of the requisite testimonials by “Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due” (or) “in person” dulysuperscribing on the cover as “APPLICATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF …………………………” (specify the name of the post), so as to reach “The Director, Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Vazhudavur Road, Kathirkamam, Puducherry-605 009” on or before 19/12/2014 at 5.00 P.M. Note: 1. The number of vacancies and reservations for various categories indicated above are only provisional and subject to variation depending upon the requirementin IGMC&RI, Puducherry. 2. 50% of marks in basic educational qualification viz. SSLC/Matric/HSC/Diploma/Degree or equivalent and 50% of marks in the essential educational and technical qualifications including weightage for desirable qualifications wherever applicable, as noted against each post. 3. A deduction of 5% of marks will be made for every additional attempt either to pass the examination or to improve the results, while computing the marks for educational and technical qualifications in respect of all the above mentioned posts. Candidates who have passed the Degree/Diploma/SSLC/Matric or its equivalent within the academic year but made additional attempt/supplementary examination will also be counted as additional attempt while computing the marks. 4. Apart from the above computation, 1.5 marks will be awarded for every completed year of seniority from the date of registration of requisite educational or technical qualification, wherever applicable, in the Employment Exchange till last date for receipt of duly filled in application on online and will be added subject to a maximum of 15 marks in respect of each of the above mentioned posts. 5. The qualifying marks will be calculated as above to the total of 115 (50+50+15) marks. AGE LIMT: Age as on 19/12/2014 which is the last date of receipt of applications will be reckoned as indicated above against each post. Age limit is relaxable for OBC, MBC, BT, BCM, EBC, SC, ExSM,MSP, DPA (PH), Widows / Divorced Women /Women judicially separated applicants and In-service officials as detailed below: 5 Category OBC, MBC, BT, BCM, EBC SC Ex-Servicemen Relaxation of Upper Age Limit 3 years 5 years Length of service in Army, Navy and Air force of Indian Union plus 3 years Meritorious Sports Person Upto 5 years (10 years for SC) Differently Abled Person (DAP)/ 10 years (in respect of reserved applicants, over and above the Physically Handicapped (PH) admissible relaxation of 5 years for SC and 3 years for OBC/MBC/BT/BCM/EBC) Widows/Divorced Women/Women Upto the age of 32/35 years (upto 40 years for SC) judicially separated from their husbands and who are not re-married Relaxable for Government servants upto 40 years of age (45 In-service Officials (Departmental or other Government years for SC) in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by Central Govt. provided such Government servants are working Institutions) for not less than 3 years in posts which are in the same line or allied cadres and where a relationship can be established that the services rendered by them in the Department will be useful for efficient discharge of duties in the post for which selection is made. Note: Abbreviations: Gen-General, OBC-Other Backward Class, MBC-Most Backward Class, BT-Backward Tribe, BCM-Backward Class Muslims, EBC-Extreme Backward Classes (Meenavar Community), SC-Scheduled Caste, EXSM-ExServiceman, DAP-Differently Abled Person (PH-Physically Handicapped), MSP-Meritorious Sports Person. GENERAL INFORMATION / INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES 1. Applicants are instructed to read carefully the information and Instructions issued in this regard before filling up of the application. 2. Applicants should note the computer generated unique Application Numberfor their reference in the case of Online applications 3. Applicants are advised to have a copy of the Online generated application / the Directapplication for their reference. 4. Candidates from other States/Union Territories are not eligible to apply for all the posts. 5. The applicant should necessarily submit the attested copies of the following testimonials along with the Online generated application:(a) Birth Certificate/Transfer Certificate or Board/University Certificate indicating Date of Birth for age proof. (b) S.S.L.C./Matriculation or its equivalent and Higher Secondary or its equivalent Mark Sheets. (c) Necessary Degree / Diploma Certificate with all Marks Sheets (year-wise / semester-wise) including attempts made, if any. 6 (d) Registration as Pharmacist in Puducherry Pharmacy Council under Pharmacy Act alone will be accepted, duly renewed as on date. (e) Prescribed number of years of Experience should be fulfilled and Certificate related to concerned post should be submitted. (f) Resident /Nativity Certificate: Both Residents and Natives should have a continuous residence in the Union Territory of Puducherry for the last 5 years immediately preceding the date of notification and they are only eligible to apply for the posts. (Note: Certificate issued on or after 01/06/2014 and duly valid Permanent Integrated Certificate (PIC) and certificates already issued by the Competent Authority will only be accepted). (g) Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe / Other Backward Class for employment purpose obtained from the Competent Authority of the Department of Revenue and Disaster Management, Puducherry / Karaikal / Mahe/Yanam not below the rank of Executive Magistrate/Tahsildar/Deputy Tahsildar as the case may be issued on or after 01/06/2014 and duly valid Permanent Integrated Certificate (PIC) and certificates already issued by the Competent Authority will only be accepted. (h) Employment Exchange Identity Card duly renewed as on date, bearing NCO code Nos.for the qualifications acquired by the candidate. (i) Candidates who have to apply against the horizontal reservation provided for Ex-Servicemen, Meritorious Sports Person and Differently Abled Person (PH), should necessarily submit the relevant certificates issued by Department of Sainik Welfare, Puducherry, Office of the Deputy Director (Sports and Youth Services), Education Department, Puducherry and Department of Social Welfare / Health & Family Welfare Services/Medical Authorities, Puducherry along with related records in the prescribed format only. Certificates received from any other authority will not be accepted. Note:- Original Educational / Technical Qualification Mark Sheets/Certificates should not be attached with the application 6. (i) Applicants who have acquired the Diploma/Degree under open University Stream are not eligible for Direct Recruitment. (ii) The prescribed educational qualification and technical qualification acquired through regular course should have been completed prior to the last date for receipt of dulyfilled in Online generated application / By Direct application. (iii) If migrant certificates are submitted in respect SC/ST/OBC, their applications will be considered against General/Un-reserved category. (iv) Certificate for employment purpose obtained from the Competent Authority of the Department of Revenue and Management, Puducherry/Karaikal/Mahe/Yanam in the prescribed form alone will be accepted. 7. The applications which are not in complete shape, or without signatures both in application and checklist and without enclosing the requisite certificates/mark sheets etc. as indicated above, will be summarily rejected and further correspondence will not be entertained for any reasons therefor. The candidate shall ensure himself/herself that all the requisite attested copies of certificates are attached along with his/her Online generated application / By Post / In person application within the due date for submission and the Institution will not be responsible for any 7 lapse in this regard. Attested copies of certificates left out if any proposed to be enclosed after the due date of submission of Online generated application by the candidate will not be accepted and the requisition in this regard will not be entertained on any account. No intimation will be given for receipt of late/incorrect/ineligible applications and also the result of recruitment would not be intimated on any account to the non-selected candidates. Only the selected candidates will be issued offer of appointment. No correspondence or interim enquires from the candidates will be entertained in this regard. 8. The applications received after the prescribed date, time and applications, which are incomplete or wrongly filled in shall not be considered and such applications, will not be returned to the candidates. 9. Change of address, if any, after submission of the application should be intimated in time to the Institution or otherwise the Institution will not be responsible for any postal delay/non-delivery of letters etc. 10. Candidates should submit only one application for the post concerned. If the candidate desires to apply for more than one post, they should apply separately for each post. COMMON APPLICATION FOR TWO OR MORE POSTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 11. Advance copy should not be sent and it will not be considered. 12. The Director, Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Kathirkamam, Puducherry reserves the right to enhance/reduce the number of vacancies and also to cancel the recruitment process, if necessity arises. The decision of the Institution shall be final regarding the eligibility of candidates or otherwise. DIRECTOR 8 IND DIRA GA ANDHI MEDICAL COLLEG GE & RES SEARCH H INSTITU UTE (Governmennt of Puducheerry Institution) VazhudavurRoad,Kaathirkamam m, Puducheerry-605 0099 APPLICA ATION FOR DIRECT REC CRUITMENT TTO THE POS ST OF __________________________________ Name of o the Post Post Code Numbber Affix recentt passport size (3.5 cm m x 4.5 cm) photograph duly d attested by a Gazettted Officer Applicant’s Speecimen Signaturre : 1.Name of thee Applicant (in BLOCK lettters): H Naame: 2. Father’s / Husband’s 3. Mother’s Name: N 4. Date of Birth : 5. Age as on 20/11/2014 : D Yeear 6. Gender D Month M M Y Y Y Y Day f female): (write ‘M’ for Male / ’F’ for 7. Address: A Address for communicatio c on: ddress: Peermanent Ad PIIN PIN N mber 8. Mobile Num : 9. E-mail I.D. : 9 10. Essential Educational Qualifications required for the post (Please enter from SSLC onwards): Sl. No. Qualification Name of the Board/University/ Institution Marks Obtained Max. Marks No. of Attempts Month & year of passing Employment Exchange Registration Date No. of Attempts Month & year of passing Employment Exchange Registration Date 11. (a) Desirable Qualification required for the post: Sl. No. Qualification Name of the Board/University/ Institution Marks Obtained Max. Marks 11. (b) Desirable Experience Certificate required for the post: Sl. No. Office / Employer Address Post held 12. Nationality From Whether Regular/ Temporary : Yes 13. Is Native / Resident of U.T. of Puducherry with continuous residence for last 5 years? : 14. Religion : 15. Community / Caste (Whether belongs to UR/MBC/SC/OBC/BCM/EBC/BT) 16. Special category (Whether Ex-Serviceman / Meritorious Sports Person / Differently Abled Person (DAP / PH)/ Widowed/Divorced Woman) No. of years & months (Experience) To Caste : No Tick appropriate box Origin Migrant : 10 17. Whether employed in Central / State Govt./ Public Sector Undertaking / Autonomous Body: 18. Details of Employment Exchange Registration : (a) (b) (c) Region : Registration Number : Validity Date / Next Renewal Date: 19. Identity Certificates: Sl.No. 1 2 3 Name of I.D. Ration Card Voter ID Card Adhar Card Number of the I.D. 20. Caste/Nativity/Resident Certificates: Sl.No. 1 2 3 Name of Certificate Permanent Integrated Certificate (PIC) Nativity/Resident Certificate Certificate Number Date of issue Taluk Office/ Institution Caste Certificate DECLARATION 1. I have thoroughly gone through the recruitment details/general instructions provided in the Recruitment Details for inviting applications and clearly understood the contents of the same. 2. I further declare that I fulfill all the conditions of eligibility regarding age limit, educational qualification etc., prescribed for this post. 3. I also declare that I have never been convicted by any court of law. I also declare that no charge sheet is pending against me in any court of law. 4. I understand that in the event of any information/materials furnished in my application, if subsequently on verification found to be false or incorrect or suppressed, my candidature at any stage is liable to be cancelled. 5. I further understand that, in case, I am appointed in service in the Institute based on the false and untrue information furnished by me, my services are liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice. 6. I further understand that if my application is found incomplete/defective, the same is liable to be rejected summarily and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. 7. I also hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place: Date: SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT 11 CHECK LIST FOR THE POST OF ______________________ Please enclose copy of the testimonials as per the order mentioned below and indicate the page number invariably of all copies from 1 to the last copy of the testimonials Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Attested copies of the Certificates Whether Enclosed (‘Yes’ or ‘No’) If ‘Yes’ indicate the Page No. From To Attested copy of Birth Certificate/Transfer Certificate/Board or University Certificate indicating date of birth Attested copy of educationalqualification Certificates prescribed in the ‘General Information/Instructions to Candidates’ (SSLC, HSC etc.) Attested copy of educational/technical qualification Certificates prescribed in the ‘Information/Instructions to the Candidates’ (Essential, Desirable qualifications & others) Attested copy of Diploma/Degree Mark Sheets (yearwise/semester wise) Attested copy of Experience Certificate wherever it is necessary Attested copy of Caste Certificate for MBC/SC/OBC/BCM/EBC/BT issued on or after 01/06/2014 Attested copy of Nativity/Residence issued on or after 01/06/2014 Attested copy of Certificate for Ex-Serviceman wherever it is necessary, with related records Attested copy of Certificate issued for Meritorious Sports Person Attested copy of Certificate for Differently Abled Person/Physically Handicapped person wherever it is necessary with related records Attested copy of Employment Exchange Registration Card CHECK LIST DECLARATION I have enclosed all the copies of testimonials as per the Check List order and numbered the copies of the testimonials from page No.1 (first page of the copy of the testimonial) to _____ (last page No. of the copy of the testimonial). I further declare that no copy of the testimonials is left out without numbering and the page nos. mentioned in the check list are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I declare to ensure that all copies have been enclosed and will not approach the Department in future to enclose/remove any certificates from the application. Place: Date: Signature of the applicant - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACKNOWLEDGMENT Application No._________ Received application from ________________________ for the post of ___________________________ Place: Date: Signature with Seal 12
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