Gartner Business Intelligence, Analytics & Information Management Summit 2015

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12 December
Business Intelligence,
Analytics & Information
Management Summit 2015
23 – 24 February | Sydney, Australia |
Crossing the Analytical Divide:
New Technologies, New Skills
Hot topics
Deliver game-changing predictive analytics
Modernize core IM and MDM capabilities
Advance self-service data discovery
Implement digital-age data governance
Tap the power of new skills
Crossing the Analytical Divide:
New Technologies, New Skills
From the desk of Daniel Yuen, Conference Chair
As all industries make the transition to the world of digital business, organizations can maximize value from better
information management practices through innovation, value creation, efficiency and risk mitigation. An information
strategy tuned for the challenges of digital business is the key to success.
The digital divide separated people into those who had access to the internet and those who did not. Now
businesses can be separated into those who take analytics to the next level, and those who are stuck with
management reporting; the analytical divide. Organizations that take analytics to the next level go beyond internal
management reporting. They apply their analytics to their business model.
This year’s agenda, built around the theme, Crossing the Analytical Divide: New Technologies, New Skills, offers
in-depth, practical recommendations to help you articulate the business value of information management (IM) and
analytics throughout the organization; modernize core data technologies; update skills and organizational structures
to support innovation and leverage leading-edge BI tools and methodologies.
Join us to advance your information management capabilities to deliver
a more intelligent future.
See you in Sydney in 2015!
Daniel Yuen
Research Director and Summit Chair,
“What is your plan to
increase the use of established
and emerging styles of analytics
to create business value and
competitive advantage?’’
Gartner Business Intelligence, Analytics and Information Management Summit 2015
What’s new for 2015
Expanded agenda to address the new digital age
“How does your It leader
govern and control data
and insights that are being
• Lead the Initiative — Communicate the Value
• Modernize the Core — Underpin Legacy Investments
• Evangelize the New — Deliver Business Value
• Embrace Advanced Analytics — Drive Business Optimization
• Maximize Business Assets — Increase Information Yield
Increased number of Gartner analysts with wider coverage, such as:
• B2B Marketing
• Geo-Location Intelligence
• Customer Analytics
• Real-Time Intelligence
• Data Warehouse
• Self-Service Analytics
Key benefits of attending
• Gain a comprehensive understanding of enterprise information management,
business intelligence and analytics concepts, issues and trends
• Develop a strong IM strategy with governance, MDM, data quality and integration
at its core
• Explore effective new governance mechanisms, new organizational models and
competency centers
• Assess new skills, emerging roles, career paths and strategies for becoming a more
effective IM, BI and analytics leader
• Understand how to modernize core technologies to perform multidimensional
analysis as they become more mobile, social, cloud and in-memory centric
• At the same time, capitalize on new technologies such as in-memory computing,
NoSQL databases, Hadoop, NLP and complex event processing to drive the
business forward
“ A great conference
to meet like-minded
people, understand
their thinking and
challenges and
understand where
the BI/analytics
industry is heading.”
Matthew Drayson, Practice
Manager, Information
Management, Oakton
• Get insight into available technologies and techniques such as ensemble modeling,
deep learning, simulation, and optimization that are having a profound impact on
improving business performance
Table of contents
Visit for updates and to register!
Meet the analysts
Plan your experience
Agenda at a glance
Solution Showcase
Registration and pricing
Guest keynotes
Chris Riddell
Guest Keynote: A Day in the Life of a Chief Digital Officer in the Digital Era
Whether you are a B2B or B2C business, the challenges and opportunities that digital
assets present are the same. Business analytics is no longer about sitting at a desk and
poring over reports generated by a system, it’s about moving to an algorithm that will
assist in making decisions for you. The rest of the world is working that way, so business
must do exactly the same. In this session, highly acclaimed Gen-Y technology futurist and
digital thought leader Chris Riddell will bring you practical examples of organizations who
have adopted this approach and address the importance of the new emerging role of the
Chief Digital Officer.
Adam Spencer
Guest Keynote: Big (really, really big) Numbers
Australia’s best known mathematician and author of the Christmas bestseller “The Big
Book of Numbers”, Adam will educate and amuse on the subject of mathematics. Yes
you read right, numbers have never been so funny and so mindboggling until in the
hands of one of Australia’s great media performers and public speakers. And what does
the explosion in the digital world mean for mathematics, the sciences and our world in
general? After his session, Adam will also sign copies of his book and talk mathematics
for as long as anyone wants!
Steve Sammartino
Guest Keynote: The End of The Centralized Approach?
There’s a deluge of data being created by all economic participants. But, this time buyers,
sellers and employers all participate and have access. It’s no longer top down dominant,
but horizontally driven. This shift towards decentralization changes power structures. The
new world is one in which open source, crowd dynamics and co-opetition win through
building a more abundant eco system. The business environment is changing so rapidly
we need to empower the decision authority of staff closest to the event, who now have
powerful data tools on hand. The challenge is not to fight the shift, but to embrace it
whilst managing risk. But the art is to do it in a way, which keeps the price of
experimentation and failure low as we navigate the new world. This keynote addresses
the ideas above with deep examples of autonomy without sacrificing enterprise demands.
Gartner keynotes
Frank Buytendijk
Research VP
Lisa Kart
Research Director
Andrew White
VP Distinguished Analyst
Gartner Opening Keynote: Crossing the Analytical Divide: New Skills, New Technologies
New analytics and new sources of information have transformed “business intelligence” into
“business inspiration”. Not just answering questions through dashboard and reports, but by
creating completely new business models and revenue streams. Information has become
the core of doing business, and the foundation for digital business. At the same time, new
dilemmas have emerged. Is the business really ready for these new opportunities? How
can leaders in information and analytics support a strong trend towards decentralization,
while still ensuring governance and alignment? How do these new technologies, that bring
a whole new level of architectural complexity fit in existing strategies striving for simplicity
and standardization? … And all of this without your budget and resources doubling. Come
and learn about the next practices to solve these dilemmas.
Ian Bertram
Managing VP
Gartner Closing Keynote: The Role of Information in the Digital Business
In this closing Keynote, Gartner will present a vision of digital leadership for the 21st
century. You’ll gain a new perspective on the massively changing role of information, and
its unparalleled impact on business, society, and the future of the IT profession. This
keynote re-positions the role of analytics within a broader context of the Digital Economy,
the Nexus of Forces, and the Internet of Things.
Gartner Business Intelligence, Analytics and Information Management Summit 2015
Meet the analysts
Engage with our team of Gartner analysts through track presentations, complimentary one-on-one meetings, analyst-facilitated
workshops, roundtables and more.
Todd Berkowitz
Research Director
B2B marketing; marketing, sales and channel
effectiveness; go-to-market planning
Frank Buytendijk
Research VP
Digital ethics; big data; information innovation, vision and
strategy; bi and analytics
Carlie Idoine
Research Director
Business intelligence and analytics platforms, tools and
technologies; business intelligence and analytics programs
and initiatives; business intelligence maturity; self-service
Alexander Linden
Research Director
Data science; advanced analytics; big data; data mining;
crowdsourcing; text analytics
Lakshmi Randall
Research Director
Data integration; data warehousing; data preparation;
big data
Gavin Tay
Research Director
Sharepoint and sharepoint online (O365); enterprise
content management and web content management;
collaboration and social initiatives; digital workplace;
portals (internet, intranet, extranet)
Ian Bertram
Managing VP
Mark Beyer
VP Distinguished Analyst
BI competence center; information management analytics;
strategies for business intelligence and analytics
Bill Hostman
VP Distinguished Analyst
Gareth Herschel
Research Director
Customer analytics and metrics; data mining and
predictive analytics; real-time decisions; speech and
text analytics
Advanced analytics; data mining and predictive analytics;
optimization and prescriptive analytics; big data in vertical
BI strategy; BI and analytics competency centers; geolocation intelligence
Text analytics; analytic applications; sentiment analysis;
business analytics; business intelligence
Joao Tapadinhas
Research Director
Roy Schulte
VP Distinguished Analyst
Real-time operational intelligence; business activity
monitoring; event-driven architecture; intelligent business
Business intelligence and analytics; mobile BI
Andrew White
VP Distinguished Analyst
Eric Thoo
Research Director
Data integration tools and practices; data quality practices;
enterprise information management strategy; cloud-based
data integration tools
Visit for updates and to register!
Information value and governance; big data and analytics
strategy; information management maturity
Jamie Popkin
Managing VP
Thomas Oestreich
Research Director
BI trends and strategy; BI and analytics best practices; big
data; text analytics
Business intelligence best practices; architectures for
analytic applications and processes; business intelligence
competency centers and teams
Douglas Laney
Research VP
Lisa Kart
Research Director
Daniel Yuen
Research Director
Big data; data warehouse; analytical data management;
data architecture and integration; metadata
Enterprise information management strategy; information
governance; master data management
“How do you transition IT
functions to a suitable organization
to support business analytics?”
Plan your experience
Agenda tracks
A. Lead the Initiative — Communicate the Value
The most important pillar of every BI and analytics strategy is to create the right
organizational model and then communicate the value in business terms. This track
promotes the strategy, leadership and communication approaches required to ensure
that the analytical skills as well as the right leadership are replete throughout your
organization. In this track, we’ll explore effective new governance mechanisms, new
organizational models and competency centers, new skills, emerging roles, career
paths and strategies for becoming a more effective BI and analytics leader.
B. Modernize the Core — Underpin Legacy Investments
Despite its longevity, the BI and analytics space keeps reinventing itself. New
capabilities emerge and architectural styles evolve to continuously modernize the way
organizations integrate, analyze and report data. This modernization needs to be
underpinned with investments to make sure that the IT “engine room” is ready for the
new. This track covers the modernization of the core technologies used to build
reports/dashboards and perform multidimensional analysis as they become more
mobile, social, cloud and in-memory centric. The sessions in this track will focus on
renovating existing BI and analytic technologies that already exist in most organizations.
your agenda
Gartner Events Navigator
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agenda based on:
• Date and time
• Track
• Analyst/speaker profiles
• Session descriptions
• Key initiatives
• Vertical industries
Visit and click the
“agenda” tab or download the Gartner
Events mobile app (iPhone®, iPad® and
Android™ compatible)
C. Evangelize the New — Deliver Business Value
Big data is one of the most searched terms on We’ve moved beyond
the initial pilot projects. An increasing number of organizations are delivering business
value analyzing high volume, high variety data that was previously impossible to do.
The market is growing up and will become more realistic about how big data can be
useful for organizations large and small. In this track, we will explore and highlight
successful adoptions of new technologies such as in-memory computing, NoSQL
databases, Hadoop, natural language processing and complex event processing.
D. Embrace Advanced Analytics — Drive Business Optimization
The excitement around advanced analytics is reaching a fever pitch, which is evidenced
by market growth, client interest, and a vibrant M&A scene. This track is dedicated to
help analytics leaders to understand and assess the available technologies and
techniques such as ensemble modeling, deep learning, simulation, and optimization that
are having a profound impact on improving business performance. This track is also
intended to help IT leaders understand how to better collaborate with data scientists.
E. Maximize Business Assets — Increase Information Yield
Information is the one element that is constantly exchanged between businesses,
people and things. As all sectors transition to the world of digital business,
organizations can maximize value from better information management (IM) practices
through: innovation with new information-based business models and informationbased products and services; value creation for top-line revenue growth, new product
delivery; efficiency for cost reduction, speed, agility, productivity and risk mitigation by
removing financial, regulatory and legal risk. This track focuses on developing a
strong IM strategy with governance, MDM, data quality and integration at its core.
Applied Learning — Practical
Approaches to Real Challenges
These highly interactive workshops
and roundtables provide
opportunities to engage with peers
and analysts in practical, hands-on
learning sessions that will address
real world challenges. Step out of
the theory, engage in lively debate
and arm yourself with tools for your
success. PLEASE NOTE: these
sessions are for end-user
organizations only and preregistration is required. First come
first served basis.
Gartner Business Intelligence, Analytics and Information Management Summit 2015
“’The Summit allowed me to broaden my understanding of current
and emerging industry trends and technology capabilities”
Network with
Analyst one-on-one
Complimentary consulting
with two Gartner analysts
of your choice
Analyst-user roundtables*
Moderated by Gartner
analysts for exchanging
ideas and best practices
with your peers
Ask the analyst roundtables*
Debate with the analysts
directly and learn from the
questions posed by your peers
Small-scale and interactive;
drill down on specific topics
with a how-to focus
*Space is limited and preregistration is required.
Limited to end-user organizations only.
Visit for updates and to register!
End–user case studies
Learn about recent
implementations firsthand,
with an opportunity for Q&A
with the IT and business
executives leading the initiative
Solution Showcase
Connect with peers in similar
roles who face similar
challenges, at the networking
reception on the Solution
Showcase designed to build
relationships and facilitate the
meaningful exchange of ideas
and information
Meet solution
Solution Showcase
Explore cutting-edge IT solutions
from top providers
Solution provider sessions
Exhibitors share their insights on the
latest products and services
“How do you derive
and deliver insights
to a larger number of
users across diverse,
increasingly large
and many times
streaming data?”
24 February 2015
23 February 2015
Agenda at a glance
07:30 – 18:30
Registration, Information and Refreshments
08:30 – 09:15
Tutorial: Building a Successful Business Analytics
Strategy Carlie Idoine
Tutorial: Big Data Discovery — The Next
Generation of BI Self-Service Joao Tapadinhas
Tutorial: How Does Data Science Really Work?
Alex Linden
09:30 – 10:15
Gartner Opening Keynote: Crossing the Analytical Divide — New Skills, New Technologies Frank Buytendijk, Lisa Kart and Andrew White
10:15 – 10:30
Welcome to the Gartner Business Intelligence, Analytics & Information Management Summit 2015
10:30 – 11:00
Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase
11:00 – 11:45
Guest Keynote: A Day in the Life of a Chief Digital Officer in the Digital Era Chris Riddell
11:45 – 12:15
Industry Panel Discussion Moderator: Ian Bertram
12:15 – 13:30
Lunch in the Solution Showcase
A.Lead the Initiative —
Communicate the Value
B.Modernize the Core —
Underpin Legacy Investments
C.Evangelize the New —
Deliver Business Value
13:30 – 14:00
To the Point: How to Apply Advanced Analytics
to Real Business Cases Gareth Herschel
To the Point: How New Technology Will Deliver
Real-Time Context to Digital Business Decisions
Roy Schulte
To the Point: How to Take a First Step to
Advanced Analytics Lisa Kart
14:15 – 14:45
Solution Provider Sessions
End-User Case Study
Please refer to website for updates
Applying the Big Data Ecosystem
Mark Beyer
14:45 – 15:15
Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase
15:15 – 16:00
The BICC Needs to Change with the Times
Thomas Oestreich
16:15 – 17:00
Guest Keynote: Big (really, really big) Numbers Adam Spencer
17:00 – 18:30
Networking Reception in the Solution Showcase
07:30 – 08:15
Financial Services Breakfast: Beyond Analytics — Monetizing Your Information Assets Douglas Laney
08:00 – 17:15
Registration, Information and Refreshments
08:30 – 09:00
To the Point: The 6 Styles of Customer Analytics
Gareth Herschel
09:15 – 09:45
Solution Provider Sessions
09:45 – 10:15
Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase
10:15 – 11:00
Measuring the Business Value of Analytics
Bill Hostmann
11:15 – 11:45
Solution Provider Sessions
11:45 – 13:00
Lunch in the Solution Showcase
13:00 – 13:45
Public Sector Breakfast: How to Assess the Maturi
To the Point: Location — The Next Champion in
Analytics Thomas Oestreich
To the Point: Using Real-time Analytics to
Transform Business Operations Roy Schulte
End-User Case Study
Please refer to website for updates
Moving Applications to the Cloud — A Survival
Strategy for Data Management Professionals
Jamie Popkin
We Analyze Too Much, and Synthesize Too Little
Frank Buytendijk
The DBMS Dilemma — Choosing the Right
DBMS for the Digital Business Mark Beyer
End-User Case Study
Please refer to website for updates
14:00 – 14:45
Establish an Analytic Governance Framework
Thomas Oestreich
Cloud Services — Impact on BI/Analtyics
Strategy and Solutions Bill Hostmann
Key Trends in the Advanced Analytics Market
Lisa Kart
14:45 – 15:15
Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase
15:15 – 16:00
Guest Keynote: The End of The Centralized Approach? Steve Sammartino
16:00 – 16:45
The Role of Information in the Digital Business Ian Bertram
16:45 – 17:00
Closing Remarks
Gartner Business Intelligence, Analytics and Information Management Summit 2015
Agenda as of 14 November 2014, and subject to change
Tutorial: Sentiment Analysis — Move Past
Polarity, Turn Insight Into Action! Jamie Popkin
Tutorial: The Enterprise Information Management
Framework — Building Blocks for IM Success
Eric Thoo
12:30 – 12:45 Magic Quadrant: Data Quality Tools Eric Thoo
13:00 – 13:15 Magic Quadrant: Business Intelligence and Analytics
Platforms Thomas Oestreich
D.Embrace Advanced Analytics —
Drive Business Optimization
E.Maximize Business Assets —
Increase Information Yield
To the Point: What Secrets Will Social Analytics
Reveal About Your Network? Gavin Tay
To the Point: How To Build And Sustain an EIM
Strategy Lakshmi Randall
13:30 – 15:00
Workshop: How Information
Management Professionals Can
Leverage Enterprise Information
Architecture Moderator: Jamie Popkin
Ask the Analyst Roundtable:
MDM for Beginners — What It Is
and What It Isn't
Moderator: Andrew White
Analyst-User Roundtable: Making
More Meaningful Metrics Moderator: Douglas Laney
Analyst-User Roundtable: Clever
Ways to Grow Critical Analytics Skills
Moderator: Gavin Tay
14:55 – 15:10 Magic Quadrant: Data Warehouse Database Management Systems Mark Beyer
Serving Up Self-Service Carlie Idoine
Organizing for Effective Enterprise Information
Management Andrew White
17:00 – 18:00 Learning Lab by Board International
ity of Your BI and PM Initiatives Bill Hostmann
To the Point: Data Scientists — Who? Where?
How? Alex Linden
Healthcare Breakfast: The State of Analytics in the Healthcare Industry Ian Bertram
To the Point: How To Make Information
Governance Work Andrew White
08:30 – 10:00
Workshop: Modern Guidelines
for a Digitally Enabled Information
Infrastructure Moderator: Eric Thoo
Ask the Analyst Roundtable:
The Evolution of Data Discovery
Moderator: Joao Tapadinhas
10:15 – 11:45
Workshop: Embedding Analytics
and Operational Intelligence In
Business Processes Moderator: Roy Schulte
Analyst-User Roundtable:
Business Analytics Beyond
Functional Silos Moderator: Daniel Yuen
09:55 – 10:10 Magic Quadrant: Data Integration Tools Lakshmi Randall
Using Predictive Analytics to Identify Propensity
to Buy for B2B Todd Berkowitz
Renew Your Data Integration Strategy to Get
Ready for Digital Lakshmi Randall
12:00 – 12:15 Magic Quadrant: Advanced Analytic Platforms Lisa Kart
12:30 – 12:45 Magic Quadrant: Master Data Management of Customer
Data Solutions Lakshmi Randall
Why Cloud Business Analytics Makes Sense and
How to Go About It Joao Tapadinhas
How To Make Progress on Data Quality
Improvement Andrew White and Lakshmi Randall
13:00 – 14:30
Workshop: Faciliating Self-Service
Business Analytics
Moderator: Carlie Idoine
Innovating with Analytics — 40 Real World
Examples in 40 Minutes Douglas Laney
End-User Case Study
Please refer to website for updates
Visit for updates and to register!
Analyst-User Roundtable:
Advanced Analytics for B2B
Companies Moderator: Todd Berkowitz
Analyst-User Roundtable:
How are BI Programs Evolving to
Support and Enable Governed Data
Discovery? Moderator: Joao Tapadinhas
Solution Showcase
Explore cutting-edge IT solutions from top providers; plus, participate in
solution provider sessions, networking reception and more.
Premier sponsors
Platinum sponsors
Silver sponsors
Sponsorship opportunities
Cool innovator
For further information about sponsoring
this event:
Clyde D’Cruz
Telephone: +61 401473904
Email: [email protected]
Mark Dunne
Telephone: +61 407908957
Email: [email protected]
Media partners
Gartner Business Intelligence, Analytics and Information Management Summit 2015
Registration and pricing
Early-bird discount
Early-bird offer
Save $400 before 12 December
Register before 12 December and receive a
FREE copy of Business Analytics 2020
Market Trends presentation.
Early-bird price: A$2,475 exc. GST
Standard price: A$2,875 exc. GST
Public sector price: $2,375 exc. GST
Exclusive to early-bird registrants only!
3 ways to register
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 2 8569 7622
Gartner event tickets
We accept one Gartner Summit ticket for
payment. If you are a client with questions
about tickets, please contact your sales
representative or call +61 2 8569 7622
Gartner events deliver what you need
In addition to five tracks of the latest Gartner analyst research, keynote speakers
and case studies, your Summit registration fee includes complimentary access to
these special features:
• One analyst one-on-one
• Workshops
• Analyst-user roundtables
• Solution Showcase
• Networking breakfasts, lunches and receptions
• Recorded sessions for one year, to refer to and review with your teams*
Online pre-registration is required for one-on-ones, workshops and roundtables.
Reserve your place early, as space is limited.
Group Rate Discount
Maximize learning by participating together in relevant sessions or splitting up to
cover more ground, sharing your session take-aways later.
Complimentary registrations
• 1 for every 3 paid registrations
• 2 for every 5 paid registrations
• 3 for every 7 paid registrations
Gartner hotel room rate
For more information, email [email protected] or contact your
Gartner account manager.
$299 per night at Hilton Sydney Hotel
488 George Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
Event Approval Tools
Phone: +61 2 9266 2000
For use pre-event, on-site and post-event, our Event Approval Tools make it easy
to demonstrate the substantial value of your Gartner event experience to your
manager. They include a customizable letter, cost-benefit analysis and more.
Visit for details.
Money-back guarantee
Gartner Events On Demand
If you are not completely satisfied with this
Gartner conference, please notify us in
writing within 15 days of the conference
and we will refund 100% of your
registration fee.
Online access for one year
* Provides year-round access to videotaped analyst sessions.
For details, visit
Visit for updates and to register!
Business Intelligence,
Analytics and Information
Management Summit 2015
23 – 24 February | Sydney, Australia |
Register now and save $400
Early-bird discount expires 12 December
3 ways to register
Join the conversation!
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 2 8569 7622
Gartner Business Intelligence & Information Management is on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Gartner Business Intelligence & Information
Management (Xchange)
Business Intelligence, Analytics & Information Management around the globe
Gartner Business Intelligence &
Analytics Summit 2015
9 – 10 March | London, UK
Gartner Enterprise Information & Master
Data Management Summit 2015
11 – 12 March | London, UK
Gartner Business Intelligence &
Analytics Summit 2015
30 March – 1 April | Las Vegas, USA
Gartner Enterprise Information & Master
Data Management Summit 2015
1 – 2 April | Las Vegas, USA
Gartner Business Intelligence &
Information Management Summit
9 – 10 June | Mumbai, India
Gartner Business Intelligence &
Analytics Summit 2015
19 June | Tokyo, Japan
© 2015 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Gartner is a registered trademark of
Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates. For more information, email [email protected] or visit
Gartner Business Intelligence, Analytics
& Information Management Summit
23 – 24 June | Sao Paulo, Brazil